For discussion regarding the Tohno-House project.
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File 130881343256.jpg - (156.68KB , 702x394 , 1258526722078.jpg )
1 No. 1 [Edit]
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>> No. 2 [Edit]
>> No. 3 [Edit]
File 13088135916.jpg - (112.69KB , 660x440 , st_obsessed_robot_f.jpg )
>> No. 7 [Edit]
File 130881551091.jpg - (41.50KB , 644x486 , 1268028197167.jpg )
...Why is there an entire board over this idea that will obviously fail?
>> No. 11 [Edit]
Why do you care
>> No. 67 [Edit]
As many times as I have come here and looked at this picture I never did notice the ceiling in great detail.
It looks like a bunch of Styrofoam coolers taped together. We often dismiss ourselves as lazy, but this is the kind of resourcefulness that motivates me.
Don't know what this guy had to start off with, but its still the kind of story that says maybe /th could work at some scale.
>> No. 68 [Edit]
Styrofoam might be a little too fragile.
>> No. 81 [Edit]
I am imagining it is just for insulation, and there is a legitimate roof over it.
>> No. 101 [Edit]
Yep, its an old metal airplane hangar and he glued styrofoam boxes to insulate the inside. Thats because he lives in Vermont, which gets very cold in winter. He also built that robot hes sitting on himself, out of scrap metal. If you can handle the 3D, search on youtube 'JMEMantzel', thats the guy who built that. I find him very inspirational, just ignore some of the nutjob videos he puts up.

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