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3209 No. 3209 [Edit]
What's your favorite nukige?

Mine is probably Bishoujo Mangekyou 1. The game really hit the mark for me with the vampire loli, not to mention the great music and art.
I'm generally a fan of Happoubi Jin, and Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo ranks not far behind.
>> No. 3210 [Edit]
As far Happoubi Jin goes I like Classy Cranberry's.
My favorite is probably Hime to Boin though, doesn't get any more nukige than this.
>> No. 4933 [Edit]
Nukige, huh. The very word implies that you ejaculate and forget, no lasting attachment.

I will tell you about the game I'm playing right now instead, 孕神~はらかみ~ by CONCEPT. Is it a nukige? I guess, at least partially. Is it good? Seems pretty good so far. It united fast fuck with some girls and relatively more slow burning relationships with other girls, that it kinda grabbed the best of both worlds.

Why do I reply to 9 year old posts? Well, why not?
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