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File 129246481436.png - (161.40KB , 600x540 , Kurokona and cocacola.png )
564 No. 564 [Edit]
Post ITT when you find a new image of your waifu.

For those with a waifu that's popular or gets tons of fanart daily/weekly, post your favorite of the new stuff.

I love this one i found today, she's even holding a can of cocacola which is my favorite soda.
1172 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 17610 [Edit]
File 142395918461.png - (207.28KB , 1024x1695 , 7_commission.png )
I liked the sketch better I think
>> No. 17616 [Edit]
File 142407397069.jpg - (145.90KB , 600x848 , 36518946.jpg )
I love this one, its my favorite
i love tomoko so so so so so much
she so cute and imaginative and wonderful and lewd and sexy :3
>> No. 17656 [Edit]
File 142514182549.jpg - (494.87KB , 1000x1000 , 1424931273514.jpg )
>> No. 17679 [Edit]
File 142539391749.jpg - (296.79KB , 719x959 , sketch1_by_mylovelydevil-d8jt7s1.jpg )
Well, this is a sketch of the commission I got someone to do of her. I'll post the full colored version when my Internet isn't being horrible, will try now.

I was amazed when I saw it. It's just... beautiful.
>> No. 17680 [Edit]
File 142539416164.png - (453.19KB , 719x959 , 5e981466edeb8ab80e417d3f5303017a-d8k45up[1].png )
Well, here it is. Turns out I can use the dA link to upload it, heh.
I have a much larger version which is 2700x3600 pixels, the artist published this one on their page. A lot of people like it, and I think it's amazing; I think she would feel very flattered. It turned out a bit different from the sketch, but it's still just... wow.
>> No. 17681 [Edit]
That is really cute! Mind if I ask what artist?
>> No. 17684 [Edit]

Not at all! Here's the link to her dA: http://mylovelydevil.deviantart.com/
>> No. 17688 [Edit]
Much obliged. I'm going to commission something as well now!

Post edited on 4th Mar 2015, 1:51pm
>> No. 17711 [Edit]
File 142591672576.jpg - (162.57KB , 730x1095 , commission__maxxorvuur_by_fushimikurohane-d8l0qau.jpg )
>> No. 17716 [Edit]
File 142597706938.png - (236.50KB , 838x1114 , 1425166513475.png )
A kind anon on /a/ drew Osaka as a Scottish Highlander.

I would SO unpleat her kilt!
>> No. 17718 [Edit]
That's a cute drawing!
>> No. 17721 [Edit]
File 142614336720.jpg - (89.24KB , 1024x768 , 49179237_p0.jpg )
There's always a nice surprise on pixiv every once in a while.
>> No. 17816 [Edit]
File 142710245915.jpg - (779.23KB , 1200x1500 , 19148394.jpg )
Not necessarily new, but I was able to find the image in a proper resolution. I'm quite fond of it, so I was quite happy to run across it on Pixiv.
>> No. 17819 [Edit]
so beautiful
>> No. 17932 [Edit]
File 142866992539.png - (67.82KB , 540x748 , 1428669630970.png )
The guy that does Dr. Hitomi's Infirmary posted this on twitter
>> No. 17955 [Edit]
File 142879877876.jpg - (54.63KB , 972x636 , 49690852_p0.jpg )
That she is! She appreciates the compliment. My wife is simply gorgeous.

And this new picture is just adorable.
>> No. 18054 [Edit]
File 143062014815.png - (232.96KB , 853x477 , hsg.png )
I just saw the new Lego Jurassic World game and it's full of gold like this. Look at him overacting. my heart is bursting.
>> No. 18108 [Edit]
File 143175112931.jpg - (156.73KB , 900x652 , abathur.jpg )
I don't often get to show off my abathur because he isn't what most people would consider attractive. I doubt even the accepting mindset of tohno-chan would normally see him anything like I do. So I'm happy to be able to share for once. This makes me want to post more.
>> No. 18122 [Edit]
I looked into him after seeing your thread (I haven't played any StarCraft games) because I thought his design was super cool and he seems like a very fascinating character! His speech pattern is very cute. I do hope you post more, because I'd love to hear and see more from you two!
>> No. 18134 [Edit]
File 14320228952.jpg - (72.93KB , 473x900 , 43b49e87af488c1c07e35d664ac34f66.jpg )
>> No. 18361 [Edit]
File 143399905821.jpg - (362.89KB , 600x800 , 0123871.jpg )
One of a few I picked up in my last scans of various places.
>> No. 18367 [Edit]
File 143410787471.jpg - (135.20KB , 535x731 , 29039265_p4.jpg )
>> No. 18370 [Edit]
>> No. 18372 [Edit]
No, it's Kikuhime from the anime Medarot.
>> No. 18776 [Edit]
File 144010110381.jpg - (1.79MB , 1400x1866 , 52027400_p0.jpg )
Pretty nice pic that popped up on pixiv recently.
>> No. 18777 [Edit]
Very pretty!
>> No. 18783 [Edit]
File 14402589541.jpg - (960.90KB , 983x1431 , mvav.jpg )
I found this one in danbooru a couple of days ago
>> No. 20158 [Edit]
File 14829205756.png - (1.28MB , 1000x1200 , C0f6f9hUAAAzf8D.png )
Hard to find good content of her, to be honest. The sites that have any at all are mostly garbage.
>> No. 20184 [Edit]
File 148323322730.png - (514.38KB , 656x850 , 1483105190.png )
>>20158 here.
Had to dig through a lot of Korean garbage for it, but I found this one today.
>> No. 20191 [Edit]
File 148362603935.jpg - (210.45KB , 460x640 , 50763486_p6.jpg )
I skipped over an artist's pixiv log and found a few.
>> No. 20192 [Edit]
File 148366335529.png - (1.05MB , 870x919 , king_of_fighters_98_um_ol_mai_shiranui_kimono_ver_.png )
I find it really hard to find pictures of mai in different cloths other than her erm... the piece of cloth she ties around herself with.
>> No. 20193 [Edit]
File 148376726515.png - (921.06KB , 725x1227 , 1483595192.png )
Another good one.
>> No. 20210 [Edit]
File 148470696321.png - (329.78KB , 529x753 , __charlotte_and_tomoe_mami_mahou_shoujo_madoka_mag.png )
I will always love my Wife, Mami Tomoe
>> No. 20221 [Edit]
File 148513839099.jpg - (33.23KB , 441x530 , 0100.jpg )
I wasn't expecting to find this in a CG gallery in sadpanda. There wasn't porn of her though.
>> No. 20223 [Edit]
File 148532216132.png - (1.13MB , 1771x1417 , 59883474_p1.png )
>> No. 20228 [Edit]
File 148552493045.jpg - (243.79KB , 676x742 , Yukino.jpg )
Don't have many images of her in casual get up, so this was nice to see.
>> No. 20232 [Edit]
File 148641610137.png - (1.06MB , 1200x1000 , 61161262_p0.png )
>> No. 20343 [Edit]
Make sure you make backups of your waifu pictures particualrly if they are requests or obscure/hard to find. I nearly lost this picture >>17610 and I also lost the original sketch for it which I liked better.
>> No. 20599 [Edit]
File 150120932518.png - (811.40KB , 900x932 , 220c7bc768089fa0cd5d0ad1f5a3d5d9.png )
>> No. 21067 [Edit]
File 154667668791.jpg - (26.61KB , 640x480 , Kanako_PS2.jpg )
I found this on the wikia page for Kanako Urashima. This must mean that there are character sprites for Kanako in the game "Love Hina: Gojasu Chirato happening" but no actual 'scenes' for her, which is why I missed out on these pics of her. A long time ago I was looking through a bunch of artist cgs for the game and they had all the other girls but not Kanako so I just assumed she wasn't in there. Those cgs must not have included character sprites which is how I missed her. I think you would need to know japanese and do an actual playthrough of the game to get the rest of her pics. Perhaps that a project for the far future.

Anyway I put this out there just in case Yasuo (the other guy who likes Kanako) decides to come back one day. Let me know if you're still out there, friend.
>> No. 21068 [Edit]
File 154667688415.png - (1.27MB , 1784x3960 , AdultKanako.png )
Also got this early concept art of her off the wiki.
>> No. 21070 [Edit]
File 154672034557.png - (3.68MB , 2682x2662 , Prinz Eugen (ruu).png )
I find the amateurish quality of this one very charming.
>> No. 21071 [Edit]
File 154704490219.jpg - (173.74KB , 808x979 , 3219332_p0.jpg )
>> No. 21169 [Edit]
File 15537786287.png - (267.78KB , 496x700 , China Prinz (u yuz xx).png )
Prinz in a China dress is a very rare sight to behold, but what a sight it is. I love the qipao, so it's great to see my angel in one rather than in a bikini yet again.
>> No. 21181 [Edit]
File 155546712919.jpg - (192.36KB , 1000x1000 , D3kBkGuUEAgTPT7.jpg )
Found this one about a week ago. There's a lot of newer art but I really like this one.
>> No. 21227 [Edit]
File 156228915959.jpg - (743.29KB , 2480x3507 , ComKiri1.jpg )
A small commission from a friend.
>> No. 21228 [Edit]
File 15622891893.png - (1.55MB , 2480x3507 , ComKiri2.png )
>> No. 21230 [Edit]
File 156287755896.jpg - (180.95KB , 1024x768 , mio.jpg )
I like the lighting on this one. It's quite rare that I get to see her in her stage attire.
>> No. 21503 [Edit]
File 159231934628.png - (0.99MB , 1024x867 , EaJf1kfUMAAf5G_.png )
>> No. 21592 [Edit]
File 161101950547.jpg - (718.49KB , 2022x1500 , 20210117_163231.jpg )
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