Iorin !aIorinM.so
No. 16650
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Replies: >>16651 >>16656
>but the thing is that he knowingly treats her in a way she would not like it
>You can't have romantic love without respect, can you?
I think it's like smoking, people smoke knowing that they harm themselves, but ultimately they feel better.
For him, I think it's his easy way out. He knows he isn't treating her right, but he continues it this way, because it makes him feel better.
It's an addiction, as with all addiction, you can't just take nicotine and instantly quit smoking. Same in this case, he has to have strong willpower and confidence to believe he is treating her right rather than committing all these actions.
>Most I see is probably people praising him, which is just as bad to me.
As I said before, they are probably a bunch of nobodies, which they shouldn't matter at the very least. And are these nobodies would just look at a glance where they see somebody posting merchandise and baking cakes think that husband is really dedicated? Most of these so-called nobodies are probably bandwagoners. Let me tell you this, do you particularly remember someone who fell in love with Hibiki roughly two years ago, who had a bunch of Hibiki merchandise, displayed his whole love for her filled with merchandise and his photos were top-notch on Christmas and everyone praised how much dedicated he is? Want to know in a little secret? Turns out, right now he left her for an actual woman, because he is sick of people insulting his waifu. That's another story to tell however. By the end of the day, you should know that the praise for some people is not worth anything but empty words.
>Why should he be praised when he himself admit he doesn't truly love her?
People are shallow enough to see that if someone were to prove their love through huge the amount of merchandise and good photo skills, that you are already dedicated to your waifu. I have seen this a couple of times in Valentines/Christmas collages on some other site you probably would all know, where idiots believe that they only way to love their waifu, is to have these requirements. It doesn't prove anything and it ruins the actual purpose of Christmas and with any praise out there, it doesn't worth anything if they praise a man with a picture of their waifu because chances are those people praising are probably jumping on a bandwagon as well.
>I know I'm also anxious, but what difference does it make?
Reducing anxiety is what I try to accomplish here. It's a bit of OCD for me and I just want to emphasize on reducing anxiety, because it will harm your health if you have it for a long time as it increases your blood pressure, etc. Basically if it makes you anxious in the long term, you will obviously not feel better at all.
>That was an example. What does giving an example have to do with me being anxious?
I thought you were actually experiencing the symptoms and again a bit of my OCD on my side.
>Should I just completely forbid myself to ever mention him or think about him?
This is probably for the best. Getting rid of him out of your mind subconsciously is the one way to do it, otherwise you would get way more anxious which could make these problems worse for you. If ever, I believe if you could install a filtering script here, every time you see his posts, clicking the hide button quickly in a second should relieve you temporarily. Also, you could consider avoiding places where he go, but that's absolutely difficult in this situation.
>but I'm afraid if I never talk about this to anyone I will only feel worse because it will get all bottled up.
If it all comes to it and these problems still happen, you might be against this but I think there are other communities or sites you could explore to make friends with and you could vent to them that way. After all,
>When I at least see people agree with me it lifts some of the anxiety.
It's something you might consider doing to find friends to talk to. Of course, you don't need to make friends straight away, but if you find someone who shares the same thoughts with you, then having someone to rely on is a good thing to have. Not only the matter is a private it also benefits as no one else other than a friend that you trust dearly knows, which could be a good thing if you feel guilty talking about someone like that. Not that I think you are actually guilty of doing this and being straight out honest than just lying in the shadows. That takes a huge amount of courage to vent like that.
It can be a double edged sword however, as there are many backstabbing idiots out there. Just be careful when you do try to make a friend out there, the internet is a harsh world itself.
>I honestly had this problem with my waifu
To be honest, I am really really pathetic for Iori and she's way too perfect for me. I knowingly accept that because 3D people like us doesn't deserve 2D perfection. That however doesn't mean you should give up trying to improve yourselves for her and not do anything, because if she was there for you, would she approve what you would have done for her? Unless your waifu have highly strict standards, if she has no certain requirements for a what man has other than loving her properly and treating her with respect, then you could definitely make her happy. It's my goal to make her happy, no matter how impossible the task is, because I know if she were to exist, I have a way to make her happy. And that I don't want to see a tear ever flowing from her eyes because I love her.
>as well as just not being as good in my escapism as many of you are
I have awfully terrible imagination, so my fantasy scenarios with her are short. But at least that should be something that lasts for a day. You just have to try imagining yourself with her. Not to the extent of tulpa shit, because that wouldn't really be her, but a gentle imagination showing your daily activities with her should be good to start with. Don't start out big, but rather start out small is what I mean.