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14921 No. 14921 [Edit]
I've been thinking recently about "waifu sharing", or more specifically, the people who hate it when they find someone else who has the same waifu as them.

I don't have much experience with this personally. I know there are people out there with the same waifu as me, but I don't hate them, nor have I come across a Kagurabro who hated me.

What bugs me is that there are people who are incredibly protective of their waifu. Obviously they are well within their right to do that, understandably so, but I don't get what they're trying to achieve when they tell someone to step off their waifu.

If someone were to tell that to me, what would they have me do? Get rid of the merchandise? The anime? The manga? The pictures I have on my computer? Quit my gym membership she inspired me to start up? Stop loving her altogether? Switch to someone else? Doing either of those last two would just more than likely open me up to more ridicule.

It's a mean-spirited thing to say to another waifubro. It's just as bad as saying "you're waifu a shit" in my view. I get that some people see their waifu as a girlfriend, but as much as they may treat her as such, it's a very different kind of relationship to a "standard" one. You have to take the positives with the potential negatives.

Honestly, I feel it's a waste of time and energy to get mad over it. Would it not be more beneficial if they talked about the character to the other person? That way they both might learn more about her by reading someone else's perspective on her. It's possible that they may have two completely different reasons as to why they love her so much, especially if the character is from a long-running franchise, or if they're more open to personal interpretation.

I just felt the need to vent this out of me. Thanks for reading my rant.
68 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 16306 [Edit]
Insecurity is by no means a measure of intensity. It's a question of attitude.

You could be the most amazing basketball player in the world, yet still feel insecure if you feel the need to belittle and attack others for their lack of ability. It's a mental state, that's usually temporary until one finds peace with their emotions.
>> No. 16307 [Edit]
Ah so you're projecting. I see...
>> No. 16308 [Edit]
What? Sorry I'm not clear what you mean. I might have used that word wrong, English isn't my native language. And I'm no better than anyone, I'm just as imperfect as anyone else, I would have liked to share my views.
>> No. 16309 [Edit]
There are a hundred reasons why a person could belittle and attack someone who has the same waifu. Yet you're saying it must be because they are feeling insecure.
I say that's bullshit, I assume that you felt insecure while you had that negative impression of that other person you mentioned in >>16304 and when you talked to him your feeling of insecurity vanished and now you're projecting your experience onto others.
>> No. 16310 [Edit]
That was just speculation, it's not even my main point, please stop attacking me based on that. Of course I felt insecure too, so of course I go off by my own experiences.
>> No. 16626 [Edit]
I know this is not my blog and stuff, but I can't sleep and I really feel the need to get this out. I'm hoping that maybe someone can help me.

4 months later I don't feel any better. I don't feel cheated anymore, but the things !YUNOcchiS2 posts deeply offend me.
Why do they offend me? I don't have a problem with him having Yuno as his waifu, I don't mind people who do. If some random guy posts something disrespectful I can just brush it off. If someone also loves her I don't mind either, it doesn't bother me and I don't get jealous.

But I have a problem no one else seems to have.

What bothers me about S2 is that I don't feel like he treats her well at all, and I believe she deserves someone much better than him. He posts a LOT of very private things about her every day on the internet for everyone to see. Sometimes the things he posts are also very inappropriate I feel. (stressed nutbladder, etc) I'm certain she would not want him to post such private things about their relationship.
I contacted him multiple times over email, steam and skype and I've talked to him, hoping I would understand his position and his viewpoints and the reasons as to why he posts such things.

I feel like he uses Yuno as an avatar to hide his fears behind, he said that he suffers from social anxiety and that he pushes his boundaries by posting about her. (hence the name and avatar spamming)
He himself admitted he doesn't think Yuno would like the things he posts. He said he does not care about her feelings because she's not real anyways.
How can you say you love her when you don't care about her emotions?

What bothers me also is that I seem to be the only one who minds. I often see him praised, how cute the stuff he posts is or how nice his waifupl page is or how much he must be in love.
He does not deserve to be praised, he offends Yuno.

I hate hating him, I don't dislike him for fun. I wish I could just ignore his posts. I want to stop hating him. It's exhausting.

Posts like this also make me feel bad, because I would agree. (EDIT: Now that I think about it I don't agree, but this changes nothing.)
I feel like a huge asshole. (But then again I don't think Yuno likes him either.)
Am I insecure? I don't think I am insecure at all because usually people who have her as their waifu don't bother me and I tend to be confident, but I'd like to hear someone else's opinion on this.

Can someone help me? I don't want to hate him, but the things he posts about are so inappropraite. I know it's just opinions, and not everyone loves his waifu the same way, but the point is that Yuno would not be comfortable with the things he does.
I'm not trying to change the way he posts, that's impossible, I want to change my way of thinking somehow so I can at least be at peace.

Were those cases similiar to this?

I'm happy with my relationship with Yuno. I'm not jealous. I'm really offended and frustrated. I hope no one is going to misunderstand this.

Post edited on 17th Sep 2014, 11:39pm
>> No. 16627 [Edit]
Well, the internet is a brutal place like that. You can't really stop a strong tide of opinion. A lot of people do just see the waifu thing as a joke, more than the hardcore ones (and I feel few of the hardcore ones have the capability to stand up to this massive tide) and YunocchiS2! is there to amuse them.

As people say just try to avoid wherever he goes if you have no other option, I guess that means staying away from 4chan and waifu.pl as your two main places. I can imagine it'd suck trying to get images and seeing his comments though, maybe you'll be forced into drawing your own art that way. I think I've only seen him post once here though and that post has been buried with others I think.

Ultimately it's up to you to change your own worldview and get over it I believe -- I personally have been forced to get over a lot of things that really got me down in the past even if "justice wasn't served" or whatever, it's pretty much the best option. Didn't really have anybody to vent or cry in a piss pool either, my friend would say something like this to me except in even harsher language.
>> No. 16628 [Edit]
He also posts on here, on /mai/, regularly. Avoiding him is hard and I don't feel like that solves my problem, it's just a workaround that doesn't work very well.
In the end I think I can only get over it when I manage to change my mind, but it's difficult.
Thanks for responding.
>> No. 16629 [Edit]
I've been here for a while, and looking through catalog I can only find >>16174, >>16176, and >>16513 that can be his posts, which aren't that obnoxious. Not sure if I'd call that "regularly"...
>> No. 16630 [Edit]
Like I said, I talked to him and he told me he posts here regularly without images for the past two years. I can recognize a lot of his posts but I don't want to get into that.

If we're talking about ignoring and forgetting him it also does not matter if his post is obnoxious or not. When I see him post I am reminded that he exists and is active.

I tried ignoring him for months, it does not work well so I have to try something different.

Post edited on 17th Sep 2014, 9:30pm
>> No. 16632 [Edit]
Ehh, there are different sorts of people and different sorts of friendships. Elite is probably a pretty serious guy. (INTJ)
>> No. 16633 [Edit]
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There was once a guy who frequented this site called Yasuo who had the same waifu as me. He's stopped posting for a long time now. In all honesty I have probably alienated him the same way this yunnochiS2 guy has alienated you by 'defiling' his waifu or something. Its either that or he got sick of this lifestyle. I sorta miss him, he seemed like a decent person.
>> No. 16634 [Edit]
What do you mean by defiling?
>> No. 16635 [Edit]
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>Posts like this also make me feel bad

No, my posts were aimed at some idiot that belittled anyone who would not go start out fights with anyone that had the same partner as them, which I had to make a rant about it.

>He himself admitted he doesn't think Yuno would like the things he posts. He said he does not care about her feelings because she's not real anyways.

I have nothing against him, but if you feel that he shouldn't use her as an avatar because he's using her for attention, then by all means, act like what a husband would do and do it if it makes you feel better. But to be honest, if I was in this situation, I would not even care, for the ones that really care about his 'pseudo-devotion' and praising them are a bunch of nobodies that doesn't even actually matter at all. That and if he isn't worthy enough for Yuno because he hasn't bother to devote himself to her, then why does it matter? He would be just a speck to you if you and him were competing for her love. Eventually in a few years, if he probably realize Yuno wasn't the one for him in the first place, then he could probably move on and stop loving her, because that's the way I see it anyway. I have witnessed that even some people leave their waifu because they don't feel that it's the most appropriate lifestyle for them.

The best way to think is that you communicate to Yuno on a very frequent basis and just ignore him. Filtering it out with your thoughts is the best way to go. Paying attention to him would feed his existence and you will continue doing so if you don't shove off those anxious feelings of yours. Don't give him this victory, don't even think of lending him that easy win. You have the right to worry about how he would treat Yuno and I don't blame you, but I think the only way to get rid of these malicious thoughts is to think that Yuno would find it hilarious that some fan of hers is using those pictures in an inappropriate way and just find another topic to talk about. I know he might be constantly everywhere but if the thoughts come backs again, then you could shut off your computer, take a breath of fresh air, take a long walk with Yuno besides you and have a deep long talk about anything except anything related to those thoughts. You should worry about Yuno more, more than just focus on him and change your primary goal into making Yuno into the happiest woman alive, instead of hating on how this person the way he is actually treating Yuno. There's no way you can change the way he acts as you had mentioned before but you can change the way you act towards your precious Yuno by dedicating your life towards her. Because I think your partner is what truly matters, no one else really does.
>> No. 16636 [Edit]
I'd like to hear your reply because some of the things in your post I didn't really get. I also edited this post and I'd like to her someone's thought on the following things.

It's not like I never do anything with Yuno. I can't stop thinking about her and I interact with her on a daily basis for hours. I never stopped spending time with her because of him and I don't plan on stopping. I already do what you advice me to do. I spend more time with Yuno than hating on him.

I don't think Yuno would find it funny and just brush it off, she would probably be uncomfortable and that's why I also feel uncomfortable. Saying he's a fan oh her also feels weird, Yuno is not an idol, it feels more like he's a creepy stalker.

I don't think he doesn't devote himself to her, he just does it in a different way.
I feel like it's more that treats her like an anime charater. He does not treat her like he would treat a real person. (He even said if she were real he would change his posting behaviour.) I guess it's his way of doing things, and it should not bother me, but because of it I feel like she is lower than a human to him. She deserves someone better than that.

One of the main issues is probably that I'm not sure if he loves her or not. He told me he loves her, and I think there's the possibility that he does, but like I said his posts are so disrespectful... they truly shock and disgust me.

I mean it's only natural that you treat the person you love with respect, right? Well apparently he loves her but doesn't respect her.
Because of this I also get the vibe he could be a bandwagon jumper who just has a waifu cause it's the new cool thing to do.

>...because he's using her for attention
Not necessary for attention, he hides his fears behind her because he's a coward.

>then by all means, act like what a husband would do and do it if it makes you feel better.
What do you mean? You mean I should attack him verbally? That's useless.

>Paying attention to him would feed his existence
Do you mean that literally? I think it is unlikely he does it for attention.

>Don't give him this victory, don't even think of lending him that easy win.
This is not war. His goal isn't to offend me. I guess you're just trying to cheer me up..

>He would be just a speck to you if you and him were competing for her love.
I have no doubts about this.

Thanks for responding.

Post edited on 19th Sep 2014, 5:53pm
>> No. 16637 [Edit]
>she would probably be uncomfortable and that's why I also feel uncomfortable. Saying he's a fan oh her also feels weird, Yuno is not an idol, it feels more like he's a creepy stalker.

Thats funny because he could say the same about you. What makes it truly ironic is your actually the one obsessively stalking and harassing the guy.
>> No. 16638 [Edit]
No, I don't post private or disrespectful things about her or our relationship online. I would never do anything she'd be uncomfortable with.

I'm not stalking him, I hate reading his stuff and I don't want to see it and I don't actively look for it.
Not sure if you could say I'm harrassing him.. talking behind his back like this feels kind of wrong but he can come and tell his side of the story any time.
>> No. 16640 [Edit]
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I believe in separate copies of waifus (like that one picture with miku as an example but i don't have it on my computer) so when i see someone else who has Miia as their's than i usually like them for having good taste
>> No. 16645 [Edit]
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He seemed very devoted to her. I probably irked him a little or, as you described, gave him a feeling of being 'ntred' just by associating with her.
>> No. 16646 [Edit]
I edited this post and it sums up my thoughts pretty well I believe. It'd make me happy if someone (Iorin?) could give me a bit of input on this.
>> No. 16647 [Edit]
Alright, I will try to make my thoughts as clear as possible, although I can get a bit confusing at times.
>I already do what you advice me to do.
So you kept this for a long time, so that's pretty good so far. And from what I have seen and giving a bit of thought so far by prying a bit into the whole situation, it's not a matter of competition (as you mentioned) but rather you're shocked from the content he is posting about Yuno. I think you don't really care about him per se, but worry about Yuno. Your version of Yuno would probably give a damn about his posts or the actions he would treat Yuno, which does irritate you.

>Yuno is not an idol, it feels more like he's a creepy stalker.
Well, when I meant fan, it doesn't really fit at all. But yes, that's what I generally meant, a creepy stalker of all sorts. Apply it to a real life situation however, you would have probably call the authorities to sort out this problem, which in this scenario, that's something I can't really input my thoughts to it because I cannot execute those actions. Which is why...

>What do you mean? You mean I should attack him verbally? That's useless.
If something that bothers you, particularly with two different interpretations of how Yuno would act, I don't believe I could take part of deciding what actions you should have done, because ultimately this is your responsibility to deal with the matter. I also obviously don't know how Yuno would act because I don't truly know her that well other than watching Hidamari Sketch and observing how she acts in the show. Which is why when I said 'act like what a husband would do and do it if it makes you feel better', you could execute any actions that you might see fit particularly with the situation. Unless you don't know what to do, then I could probably think of a way to guide you out of there.

>Do you mean that literally? I think it is unlikely he does it for attention.
>This is not war. His goal isn't to offend me. I guess you're just trying to cheer me up..

I was basically basing that whole 'competition' concept on
>Why do they offend me?
>What bothers me also is that I seem to be the only one who minds. I often see him praised, how cute the stuff he posts is or how nice his waifupl page is or how much he must be in love.
He does not deserve to be praised, he offends Yuno.
>Can someone help me?
>I want to change my way of thinking somehow so I can at least be at peace.

Although the more I read the situation over and over again, the more likely you're right as not treating it as competition. But! I believe it is more that you are anxious about him. You're more anxious that out of everyone who would treat Yuno, that it's him that is treating you and your version of Yuno inappropriately. I believe it's more of an exposure of all sorts, you don't seem to mind anyone insulting Yuno because you don't have to see those foolish opinions again, but because you frequently visit the places where he frequents, then shit starts to matter, because you see those posts a lot, they tend to be annoying.

Which again, >(stressed nutbladder, etc) emphasizes your anxiety because that is a symptom of anxiety.

>One of the main issues is probably that I'm not sure if he loves her or not.
These are other examples where you're anxious about him. Is he treating her right? I don't know whether he truly loves her or not? I mean it's only natural that you treat the person you love with respect, right? Well apparently he loves her but doesn't respect her.
I can smell the signs of anxiety right there. Particularly when it's still what, 4 months?

I am probably not the one to witness those who would treat my waifu shit yet (obviously I shove off any shitty opinions of Iori like dust) and I hopefully don't experience it so far but I know there are some others that are not treating their waifu right. And tonnes and tonnes of people even, which some of them might be bandwagoning and aren't taking it seriously. To be honest, even if I do feel a bit irritated, there's no use in convincing them to treat the way you want to, as much it really disgusts you or not.

What I want to try to achieve is trying to answer this problem;
>I want to change my way of thinking somehow so I can at least be at peace
The only solution to this is what you have already taken, ignoring and taking him out of existence completely. If you see his posts again, then set your mind to auto-ignore as if the posts weren't to exist. Also, try to find ways to relieve anxiety every time you encounter him and stop thinking about him completely. This is what I do to control myself if I see any idiot trying to proclaim his love for her when he truly doesn't, because what can I say if my opinion of how to treat a waifu is wrong with some people but other people think it's right? Trying to approach him is useless and there's no way I am going to sit down there wasting my time whether he's gonna treat her right or not, because chances are they won't fit your criteria of how they should act towards their waifu. And what if they don't love her? You can't tell them to stop and ultimately you will just end up ignoring them because eventually they probably won't post anymore or leave her for someone else.

You can be right about your rant in how ridiculous on how he 'claims' to love her but not treating her right, which some others could wholeheartedly agree on, which can be quite common for people actually. But does venting about the problem change a thing? Not really, because the more you worry about it, the more likely this whole problem here will stay in the back of your mind. You might not be consciously thinking that he isn't treating Yuno right being a problem for you, but you will subconsciously think of it. And it sticks in your brain for the long term (4 months is pretty long for something to be forgotten right now as it still bothers you) to the point that even if you want to talk to your waifu, the thought of this man comes up into your head. Maybe it's best to not even write/discuss/whatever about him anymore and every time he bothers you, start writing up an event of you and your Yuno. Record the days you been together in a diary (with the permission of Yuno of course) and heck start doing it now if you like. You are already getting it there, just keep up the pace with being with your waifu and you could get this done and over with. But don't expect to be in peace in just a flick of a finger, I believe it's going to take up a long time to stop worrying about him completely.
>> No. 16648 [Edit]
Thanks a lot for the reply. The first paragraph is spot on.

>chances are they won't fit your criteria of how they should act towards their waifu

Yeah, that's how it is but the thing is that he knowingly treats her in a way she would not like it.
Why would he do something he knows she won't want?
I don't understand it in the least and that's why it makes me want to go crazy. Normally I don't have a problem with people loving their waifu in whatever ways they want, but seriously... You can't have romantic love without respect, can you?

I don't see his posts very often at all because I avoid them best I can, it just keeps popping up into my mind. Most I see is probably people praising him, which is just as bad to me.

I know I'm also anxious, but what difference does it make? I knew that already.

I've been thinking about never mentioning him before, but I'm afraid if I never talk about this to anyone I will only feel worse because it will get all bottled up. When I at least see people agree with me it lifts some of the anxiety. Should I just completely forbid myself to ever mention him or think about him?

>Which again, >(stressed nutbladder, etc) emphasizes your anxiety because that is a symptom of anxiety.
That was an example. What does giving an example have to do with me being anxious? (I'm not trying to deny that I'm anxious)
>> No. 16649 [Edit]
>Yeah, that's how it is but the thing is that he knowingly treats her in a way she would not like it.
>Why would he do something he knows she won't want?
Eh, there are other threads about this I think. A lot of people already feel too pathetic for their waifus and feel that they're never even have a chance to actually make her happy so they just allow whatever in their escapism. In this case his relationship is knowingly with a pretend Yuno, not the one he gets from the show.

I honestly had this problem with my waifu, as well as just not being as good in my escapism as many of you are.
>> No. 16650 [Edit]
>but the thing is that he knowingly treats her in a way she would not like it
>You can't have romantic love without respect, can you?

I think it's like smoking, people smoke knowing that they harm themselves, but ultimately they feel better.
For him, I think it's his easy way out. He knows he isn't treating her right, but he continues it this way, because it makes him feel better.
It's an addiction, as with all addiction, you can't just take nicotine and instantly quit smoking. Same in this case, he has to have strong willpower and confidence to believe he is treating her right rather than committing all these actions.

>Most I see is probably people praising him, which is just as bad to me.

As I said before, they are probably a bunch of nobodies, which they shouldn't matter at the very least. And are these nobodies would just look at a glance where they see somebody posting merchandise and baking cakes think that husband is really dedicated? Most of these so-called nobodies are probably bandwagoners. Let me tell you this, do you particularly remember someone who fell in love with Hibiki roughly two years ago, who had a bunch of Hibiki merchandise, displayed his whole love for her filled with merchandise and his photos were top-notch on Christmas and everyone praised how much dedicated he is? Want to know in a little secret? Turns out, right now he left her for an actual woman, because he is sick of people insulting his waifu. That's another story to tell however. By the end of the day, you should know that the praise for some people is not worth anything but empty words.

>Why should he be praised when he himself admit he doesn't truly love her?
People are shallow enough to see that if someone were to prove their love through huge the amount of merchandise and good photo skills, that you are already dedicated to your waifu. I have seen this a couple of times in Valentines/Christmas collages on some other site you probably would all know, where idiots believe that they only way to love their waifu, is to have these requirements. It doesn't prove anything and it ruins the actual purpose of Christmas and with any praise out there, it doesn't worth anything if they praise a man with a picture of their waifu because chances are those people praising are probably jumping on a bandwagon as well.

>I know I'm also anxious, but what difference does it make?
Reducing anxiety is what I try to accomplish here. It's a bit of OCD for me and I just want to emphasize on reducing anxiety, because it will harm your health if you have it for a long time as it increases your blood pressure, etc. Basically if it makes you anxious in the long term, you will obviously not feel better at all.

>That was an example. What does giving an example have to do with me being anxious?
I thought you were actually experiencing the symptoms and again a bit of my OCD on my side.

>Should I just completely forbid myself to ever mention him or think about him?
This is probably for the best. Getting rid of him out of your mind subconsciously is the one way to do it, otherwise you would get way more anxious which could make these problems worse for you. If ever, I believe if you could install a filtering script here, every time you see his posts, clicking the hide button quickly in a second should relieve you temporarily. Also, you could consider avoiding places where he go, but that's absolutely difficult in this situation.

>but I'm afraid if I never talk about this to anyone I will only feel worse because it will get all bottled up.
If it all comes to it and these problems still happen, you might be against this but I think there are other communities or sites you could explore to make friends with and you could vent to them that way. After all,
>When I at least see people agree with me it lifts some of the anxiety.
It's something you might consider doing to find friends to talk to. Of course, you don't need to make friends straight away, but if you find someone who shares the same thoughts with you, then having someone to rely on is a good thing to have. Not only the matter is a private it also benefits as no one else other than a friend that you trust dearly knows, which could be a good thing if you feel guilty talking about someone like that. Not that I think you are actually guilty of doing this and being straight out honest than just lying in the shadows. That takes a huge amount of courage to vent like that.
It can be a double edged sword however, as there are many backstabbing idiots out there. Just be careful when you do try to make a friend out there, the internet is a harsh world itself.

>I honestly had this problem with my waifu
To be honest, I am really really pathetic for Iori and she's way too perfect for me. I knowingly accept that because 3D people like us doesn't deserve 2D perfection. That however doesn't mean you should give up trying to improve yourselves for her and not do anything, because if she was there for you, would she approve what you would have done for her? Unless your waifu have highly strict standards, if she has no certain requirements for a what man has other than loving her properly and treating her with respect, then you could definitely make her happy. It's my goal to make her happy, no matter how impossible the task is, because I know if she were to exist, I have a way to make her happy. And that I don't want to see a tear ever flowing from her eyes because I love her.

>as well as just not being as good in my escapism as many of you are
I have awfully terrible imagination, so my fantasy scenarios with her are short. But at least that should be something that lasts for a day. You just have to try imagining yourself with her. Not to the extent of tulpa shit, because that wouldn't really be her, but a gentle imagination showing your daily activities with her should be good to start with. Don't start out big, but rather start out small is what I mean.
>> No. 16651 [Edit]
Thanks for the help. I already have friends I talk to about this issue, but they don't have so many good tips.

Some of the people who praise him I know, they're not all bandwagon jumpers.

Don't you have any tips on how I could be more open minded or something? Like I said in the first place, I tried ignoring him for 4 months now and I had no success whatsoever so I was hoping to resolve this in a different manner by changing my way of thinking.

>Not to the extent of tulpa shit, because that wouldn't really be her
Now that's a ridiculous claim.
>> No. 16652 [Edit]
>Some of the people who praise him I know, they're not all bandwagon jumpers.
Are they your friends? Because in that case that's going to end up in a dilemma. However, like I mentioned before, even if they might not seem to be bandwagon jumpers, they might not take the entire thing seriously (remember the Hibiki dude?) or they haven't bothered enough to see how much he would treat his waifu and instead focusing on just praising how he baked a cake for her or whatever.

>Don't you have any tips on how I could be more open minded or something?
It's not that you are not open minded because you already explored the options of negotiating and talking to the other guy already. That's as much open-minded as you get. The only way to be more open-minded is to not take him ever seriously and just be friends with him, but that would do more harm than good, unless you both manage to solve the problems together and resolve it entirely.

>Now that's a ridiculous claim.
Sorry, but personally for me, I just hate anything that is involved with getting a tulpa. Not that I could stop someone from making one themselves, by all means they could go right ahead. I could be entirely wrong about my claim, but my imagination with her is all I need, not creating another malicious entity that is born within myself.
>> No. 16653 [Edit]
They were not my friends, but still.. I don't think it's fair to say he is a badnwagon jumper only because his opinion differs from mine.

I will just go ahead and try what you suggested and stop thinking and talking to him. Thanks a lot for your help again.

>Sorry, but personally for me, I just hate anything that is involved with getting a tulpa. Not that I could stop someone from making one themselves, by all means they could go right ahead. I could be entirely wrong about my claim, but my imagination with her is all I need, not creating another malicious entity that is born within myself.

Hey man I don't like tulpa stuff either.
Thing is I felt like you basically said "If you only use your imagination a little bit it's her, but if you use your imagination a lot it's not her and you should feel bad."
To be honest that offended me because I use my imagination a lot. I hope you didn't mean it that way. Okay?
>> No. 16654 [Edit]
You're welcome. I hope everything works out for you eventually and you get this all sorted.

>Thing is I felt like you basically said "If you only use your imagination a little bit it's her, but if you use your imagination a lot it's not her and you should feel bad."
To be honest that offended me because I use my imagination a lot. I hope you didn't mean it that way. Okay?

That is not what I meant.
Having lots of imagination =/= tulpa shit
What I meant is you can imagine as much as you want (I mean what harm could you get from having tonnes and tonnes of imagination?) and obviously build your way up from starting small, but when I mean going into tulpa territory, that's when you should stop there. And having tulpa is not imaginative territory, it's hallucinating territory and that's when I think if someone is going into tulpa stage then they need to seek help.
>> No. 16655 [Edit]
All good, thanks.
>> No. 16656 [Edit]
Hey, I don't know the guy or the full situation so forgitve me if I'm wrong, but isn't it quite rude and unfair to call Hibiki dude a bandwagoner and say he wasn't serious? I'm sure he really did love her, but shit happens and people change. That doesn't make what he felt for Hibiki at the time any less valid. Plus, I'd rather not name names, but there's much worse offenders out there, anyway.
>> No. 16657 [Edit]
That is true, but I am trying to attack those who try to praise someone entirely based on efforts but not knowing their true emotions or intentions are because they don't know them well enough. I am fully aware what has happened for months and besides whether he is serious or not back then doesn't matter, because he's over the whole ordeal. I don't think he would find it rude, much less would give a shit about it because he doesn't care about Hibiki anymore. He's too much busy being engaged with his actual partner or whatever. What's in the past is left in the past.

Although, if there's a better way to show that praises are nothing but empty words, without offending anyone, I would probably follow that approach though. It's hard enough when I am very blunt person myself.
>> No. 16658 [Edit]
I just wanted to tell you, as a former "tulpamancer", that your claims are absolutely correct. To everyone: DON'T EVEN TRY.
>> No. 16695 [Edit]
Here are my two cents.
>>people who hate it when they find someone else who has the same waifu as them.

There are about 0% chances that I will meet such person in the real life because I am very closeted about this. If I will meet this person online I won't certainly call him bro.

>>Would it not be more beneficial if they talked about the character to the other person? That way they both might learn more about her by reading someone else's perspective on her. It's possible that they may have two completely different reasons as to why they love her so much

I've had very bad experience with this. I was visiting a board exclusively dedicated to the waifus (now I undestand that it had nothing to do with waifus) from a single franchise. The only perspective I've got on her from there was a "slutty bi-sexual bimbo". Even now remembering what I saw and read there makes my heart bleed. Maybe it was a wrong board, maybe it were wrong people there, maybe both. Maybe it's that the whole fandom is doomed. I admit it was just my own bad experience, but you can't deny that such people exist and visit boards. Now I can't get rid of the prejudice that any person who has the same character as me as his waifu just stores gigabytes of r34 with her for his jerking off sessions. Maybe those over-protective guys have had similar experiences. I can't say for them. My main point is below.

Maybe, there is a guy just like me in his mental closet who threats her just like me or even better. But the thing is, I don't care. It is his perspective and his story not mine, and I am not interested in it. I have my own story and I am interested in it's natural development, without any interferences.
>> No. 16712 [Edit]
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It doesn't bother me at all. Specially as a western character, Alice is immensely popular as a waifu. Hell, there's at least a brohno whose waifu is Alice, I've seen him post around, I think there might be two. I often don't feel like posting, so having them represent my waifu is actually kind of exciting, as we get to celebrate our waifu a lot more. To my Alicebros: keep it up. I'll be working on the shrine. Together we can do some serious work here!

However, part of this feeling might be because I believe I love her more than anybody could. Truly, I have this firm conviction that I'm somehow totally meant for her. A form of megalomania perhaps. Therefore, I don't feel threatened or jealous of other people. High on my own convinction, I don't get into conflict. Then again, I might be reading into it too much. But yes, I'm fine with waifu sharing.
>> No. 16714 [Edit]
She's popular? I've never seen her posted in any waifu discussions beyond myself and you and there's not exactly very much fanart.
>> No. 16715 [Edit]
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I think so, she's popular on western sites. Deviantart, Facebook, etc. There's a lot of fanart out there. Granted, this is the only place I've seen people refer to her as "waifu", but judging from the hundreds of thousands of fans on other sites, even if they're not familiar with the word we use, chances are some love her to this degree.

Also, in the artbook, American McGee said that the team used fanart as an inspiration while making Madness Returns, so she was already a "thing" back then.

Granted, your idea of popular might be different from mine, but this is what I meant.

Post edited on 3rd Oct 2014, 5:18pm
>> No. 16717 [Edit]
Ah, that explains it. I don't have any accounts on social networking sites and I can't stand wading through the huge amounts of edgemaster teenagers that post their crappy drawings of her on dA. I guess I haven't seen her discussed much on imageboard sites, which is my sole indicator of popularity.
>> No. 16729 [Edit]
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I like her too, very much. I've wanted to do some fanart myself, but she and the entire game's art are so beautiful that I just don't dare. Maybe after Otherlands, who knows.
>> No. 16774 [Edit]
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Same. I've been meaning to arrange Marshall Crutcher's tracks in Madness Returns for a while, but then I end up channelling this motivation into something else. Gotta count my blessings though.
>> No. 17019 [Edit]
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For the most part, Waifu sharing doesn't bother me.

When I see somebody else talk about Rukia in a positive manner I'm always sure to comment on their great taste, especially if they've adopted her as their Waifu, it always makes me happy to see other people appreciate her.

I'm not too keen on 'Waifu Claimers' and if I see anyone outright claiming Rukia as theirs and theirs alone I'll just ignore them, it doesn't phase me, because as you say, just because somebody else loves her doesn't mean anything is going to affect me in anyway.

That said I do express concern for those who've been pushed under the rug in place of a recognized member with a recognized Waifu.
What I'm trying to say is that it's usually tripfags who become associated with a character and everybody else recognizes the two and any other poor anon who is in love with the same character is outshadowed by the Tripfag who gains all the attention for their love of that character.

I won't lie, I've had fears in the past of somebody else jumping aboard the threads with a tripcode posting all over the place about their love for Rukia and everybody appropriates them together while I'm just left in the shadows.

That all said, I have pretty much affirmed a main stay as the frequent 'Rukiaanon' in /a/'s threads and I unbeknown to me I might be pushing another Rukiaanon into the shadows which seems rather sad.
>> No. 17021 [Edit]
Well, I don't claim Hanako or feel jealous of other people who have her as their waifu, but I do feel like most of them don't really understand her as a person. Most seem to feel pity for her due to her trauma/lack of friends and confuse that feeling for love. It seems that a lot of people didn't pay attention to the final chapters where the "moral of the story" was that she didn't want to be coddled or pitied. She just allowed her friends to do so so they wouldn't abandon her. Because of this, I feel that people who have her as their waifu for the sole purpose "protecting her" or "saving her" are really just furthering her sense of worthlesness and keeping her from truly expressing herself.
>> No. 18126 [Edit]
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Hey, did you ever happen to post on 4chan's /v/ about making a Shrine dedicated to Alice? I vividly remember a poster there claiming to desire to build a shrine for her. He even posted a picture of it's current state and while he's done something, there's still more to do.

This was around Summer last year, mind you.
>> No. 18127 [Edit]
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It wasn't me since I don't go to 4chan. I made an online shrine though.
>> No. 19757 [Edit]
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It wouldn't bother me, if someone had the same waifu as me (I have not met anyone who has yet), I would be nice to them.
>> No. 19782 [Edit]
As someone who's "won" a waifu shitposting war that I didn't even want, I'd suggest that you don't do that. I have enough experience with dealing with other people who also like my darling to say that it's usually very easy to ignore them, if you somehow think that it's somehow too beta to try to get along with them.

Then again I'm not even sure if the guy I argued with even loved her, since he sure "fell out of love with her" fast when I started defending my love (read: got us both banned from 4chan). And that was after months of him telling me that I wasn't allowed to love her whenever I posted her in the threads for her series, so ignoring him didn't really work that time.

Internet drama is stupid and it won't make your waifu real, so just hope that you won't run into a shitposter who has decided to use her as an avatar or something.
>> No. 19812 [Edit]
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I see it as insecurity when someone get's upset when they see someone else with the same waifu and has a problem with it. I personally think I'm a better husband than most regardless of my more serious flaws. If someone else has the same waifu I ain't going to get jealous or throw a tantrum because I know I'm the better one fit in the end. This might sound like I'm kissing my own ass here but my life experiences make me feel she prefers me over the rest but I'd not mind being friends even with someone with Rachel as their waifu I see it as a opportunity to talk with someone about her better.

I've known a few waifufags in the past that get really upset about seeing someone with the same waifu, I'd rather not be like them if I can't be confident in myself that I'm best for her than she deserves better.

Post edited on 17th Apr 2016, 6:47am
>> No. 20195 [Edit]
Seth dat you?
>> No. 20197 [Edit]
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I've never actually gotten into any arguments with other Chara bros. It's rare enough just to find someone else who has an even remotely positive opinion of her, let alone someone who actually has her as their waifu.
We seem to have this sort of unspoken agreement not to fight amongst ourselves, and I'd say there's some probably good reasons for that. The source material tends to be rather cryptic and ambiguous regarding Chara, and as a result, people can have some substantially different interpretations of her character. I like her because I think she's a genuinely good person who tried to do what was right, and didn't deserve all of the horrible things that happened to her. A lot of people hate her, because they think she's evil and always had some sort of malicious intent behind everything she did. Some people actually like her for that exact same reason, which I suppose does make me a little bit uncomfortable sometimes, but I don't make a big deal out of it, and neither do they.
I think most Chara bros probably agree on some level that part of liking Chara is being able to accept that one's "ideal" of her is largely just an interpretation, and that most of those interpretations are equally valid, considering what little information there actually is about her in the source material.
>> No. 20904 [Edit]
its just a fantasy. some embrace it more than others.
>> No. 21031 [Edit]
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I haven't seen it happen to my waifu, but anyone who would be like that would be incredibly stupid. She's by far the most popular girl, as just about anyone who plays the game can tell you, and I'm but one out of many, many players who have her as our waifu, and we're all generally very chill with one another about it. If some guy comes over and tells me to "stop waifuing her because she's mine", what is he going to do to everyone else who also has her as their waifu? Track down all of them and tell the same thing to them? Tell a good chunk of the playerbase to stop loving her and drop the game because he wants them to?

Besides, what has he done for her? I've actually gotten 1st place ranking for her before, and the others I know who have done that are all Japanese, and two of them are still active hardcore whales. If he wants to be like that, two can play that game.
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