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File 165750073513.png - (572.45KB , 668x720 , culprits.png )
1485 No. 1485 [Edit]
This is a PSA: Please be aware of loli roaming the night, looking for older men to assault. At least one has expressed her intent to engage in chemical attacks, and another is inclined to kick the shins.
Thank you, and be safe!
>> No. 1486 [Edit]
ok, thanks for the warning
>> No. 1487 [Edit]
It was years ago, I was just walking along, minding my business while on my way home from work. Suddenly, a dark, nondescript van with "free beer" scrawled on the side slowly creeps up from behind me. The window rolls down and staring at me is a young blue-haired girl with pigtails, maybe about 9 years old, eyeing me up suspiciously. She calls out in a slightly hushed voice:
-"Hey... Hey buddy. You want some classic rock cd's? I've got a ton in the back."
I was told never to speak to little girls I didn't know, but the offer was so enticing I foolishly replied
"R-really? D-do you have The Beatles? O-or maybe Bob Seger?"
She chuckled darkly, "Oh yeah, I've got everything. The Who, Floyd, Tom Petty, you name it. But you'll have to hop in the back here if you want me to give them to you."
I knew I should have ran, but part of me was too scared of what she might do if I said no, as I walked to the back I could swear I saw her licking her lips out of the corner of my eye.
As I reached for the handle the doors suddenly flung open and about five lolis reached out and grabbed me.
I screamed as loud as I could, but one of them gagged me with her panties and they pulled me in with their mighty loli strength.
They pinned me down, as I struggled I heard one of them say "Sit on the bitch's face, Sanae. Shut him the fuck up".
Suddenly my vision was then completely obscured and my screams muffled by pink softness, with what looked like a cartoon bear's face on the back.
As tears rolled down my cheeks they laughed at my pointless struggle. It was at that point I realized there really was no rock.
>> No. 1488 [Edit]
I hope the guy who wrote this goes to loli heaven. Never fails to bring a smile to my face.

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