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959 No. 959 [Edit]
How do you eat hotdogs?
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>> No. 960 [Edit]
File 151415833162.jpg - (164.29KB , 700x700 , 1395726801459.jpg )
Lots of ways. Ketchup and mustard, chili cheese,spicy barbecue sauce. I'd like to try sauerkraut on a hot dog. I don't buy them much lately cause I think I bit a bone fragment in the last batch I bought.
>> No. 1537 [Edit]
Gyroscopes are delicious
>> No. 1570 [Edit]
Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs1EJlhF4gs
>> No. 1575 [Edit]
I don't eat hot dogs, but I can eat glass. It does not hurt me.
>> No. 1581 [Edit]
With your mouth
>> No. 1583 [Edit]
But you have both an upper and lower mouth!
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