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File 173092707750.jpg - (229.48KB , 1920x1080 , [Anime Time] Shakugan No Shana S - 01-0074.jpg )
6968 No. 6968 [Edit]
This board is littered. Post questions that don't deserve a thread and don't seem to fit anywhere else here.
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>> No. 6969 [Edit]
File 173092750141.jpg - (274.39KB , 1920x1080 , [Anime Time] Shakugan No Shana II - 02-0043.jpg )
Why I create this thread is...

Tohno, I have a problem. In my head. I can't deal with people. I can't cope with collisions. I just want to post without people harassing/attacking me for being different from what they want me to be.

/an/ is full of small threads nobody posts in and likely won't likely ever. Is it going to be a problem if I create a thread in /an/ for myself and just let my stream of consciousness into it? I just want to write out my thoughts on things I am watching somewhere.

This imageboard is mostly peaceful and it pains me to have conflicts in here. I'd rather leave than get into a fight here.
>> No. 6970 [Edit]
I do that all the time. As long as the posts are well-written in the sense that you proofread it and put effort into it, I don't think anyone would mind.
>> No. 6971 [Edit]
>well-written in the sense that you proofread it and put effort into it
So I can't just post some screenshots while I watch in real time? Is this way of posting considered bad? I don't always have much to say. I don't know if it matters. Maybe I got too used to talking to people again.
>> No. 6972 [Edit]
>Is this way of posting considered bad?
Yes, if you have nothing longer than 1 sentence to add, I would consider it bad and annoying, especially if done repeatedly. It's why I always hated because half of the anime threads there are just people attaching 3 images without any meaningful post.

If you're trying to post while watching, then you're aren't really enjoying the show either in my opinion. Watch the show (or multiple episodes), gather and compose your thoughts, then post. If you don't have anything to say that's OK, not everything needs to be continual chatter. If everyone posted every thought that came to their mind, TC would lose its tranquility: it's peaceful precisely because when someone does post, it's usually something interesting.
>> No. 6973 [Edit]
Using kakusu instead of sage still works. >>2984 has some discussion about that.
Posts to some boards like /lol/ don't show up on the recent posts list either.
>> No. 6974 [Edit]
Now there's a feature I didn't even know existed, I have been humbled. If I'm reading that thread right, the only difference between sage and kakusu is that the former still shows in the "recent posts" on frontpage, while latter doesn't?

But if you're replying to a thread that's already near the top of the catalog, it would still show (and it might be annoying to some users who don't want through a bunch of screenshots). I think if you wanted to do "live" reaction-posting, you could create a thread for that on /lol/ or something, it's not like anyone goes there expecting good discussion.
>> No. 6975 [Edit]
That is pretty much the only difference as far as I can tell from my experimentation. kakusu hides any posts and even threads you make from appearing under "Recent posts" or "Recent images" on the front page. But some boards - such as /lol/, /tat/, /fb/, and some hidden boards like /test/ - never have their posts or images appear on those lists, so on those boards it is pretty much equivalent to sage.

And kakusu does not hide your posts from RSS users:
So a flood of kakusu'd posts could quickly cause to look like

But then again, >>/an/4558 still exists, which seems to promote the low-effort screenshot posting that >>6972 disapproves of, so I'm not too sure how frowned upon it is by the admins and mods. Alternatively, perhaps the hidden/joke /a/ board might be appropriate for more /a/-style posting. Posts over there don't show up on the front page either.
>> No. 6976 [Edit]
>the low-effort screenshot posting that >>6972 disapproves of, so I'm not too sure how frowned upon it is by the admins and mods
(to be clear I'm not an admin or mod). But yeah to me the screencap thread is kind of like the "exception that proves the rule." It's fine to have a little fun, but too much of it would spoil the mood if that makes sense. It also helps that the screencap thread is slow enough anyway, and is a nice way to discover new shows.

Every board has one of those, e.g. /so/ has the "post cute girls every time..." thread. Not strictly "high effort" either but it serves as a poetic counterpoint to the rest of the board, and sets the mood.

/a/ is a good suggestion.
>> No. 6977 [Edit]
Forget it. I gave it more thought and seeing how nobody cares for my tastes anyway, I'll post elsewhere. I might come write some reviews here though.
>> No. 6978 [Edit]
Sorry it took a while to get to this. Doesn't sound too bad if it's like mini reviews, thoughts and things. It'd be hard to avoid people wanting to comment though. Like others have said, it might be a bit weird and even off putting if it's just posting a bunch of caps without context.

>the only difference between sage and kakusu is that the former still shows in the "recent posts" on frontpage, while latter doesn't?
Pretty much. It was an idea brought about by users who didn't want to stand out and be noticed.
>> No. 6982 [Edit]
Are we padoru or not
>> No. 6983 [Edit]
Add "All flavors of madness" to the text rotation on the main page, if it's not already there.
>> No. 6984 [Edit]
It's not already there (it's done client-side via JS, just view page source). Although if you're taking tagline suggestions, after seeing
>If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything
I think there should be a corollary
>If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish nothing.

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