No. 5223
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So it finally leaked out.
OK. Please, bear with me for a while.
First of all, let me tell you OP that you're right: at first, it's an apparently conflicting (even insulting) board. I've had a waifu pretty much since /tc/ began. I do stand for /tc/'s open misogyny, having actively contributed myself to build that community identity with all my might. I honest to Eva assure you that I long ago can barely stand dealing with women at all, be it in actual life or as online forum members. Yet, from a couple years ago I fell flat for AKB and this summer I welcomed the board here with trembling but open arms...
Basically, for me at least, it works like this: (AKB) idoling is a brother practice to 2D love. It's the same spirit: the fulfilling of true love through virtualization.
Apart from fallen members, AKB idols count not as women and all about them that is troublesome for us men. They cannot possibly: with the (always polemic) love-ban rule at its core, their job has its foundation precisely on the agreement of not function as such, being corrupted by men's earthly lust and social maturity roles (as wives and mothers), in order to remain a worthy vessel to embody men's romantic (and even properly/purely erotic) ideals for as long and strongly as possible. It is, if you want, a reverse prostitution model: to be paid not to whore themselves (well, hopefully); rather than some authentic feminist move, understood as a stance for the free self-research and empowering of women, the birth of a proper idol is a denial/sacrifice of womanhood for the sake of patriarchal castrating concepts of femininity, which the girls themselves must embrace to a fair extent in order to build their own idol character or, in other words, to fictionalize themselves as far as to blurry the limits with their personal life and compromise it to the job. Conversely, the relation of a wota with their oshimen is also an openly mediatic one; most of what wota get from their beloved are just images and audio on a magazine or screen; even at theater performances and handshake events (a fundamental part of the "Idols you can meet" concept), wota are compelled not to impact their oshi at an interpersonal level cause that would once again reduce such relationship to earthbound level, say, killing the magic. As Aki-P said himself, AKB idols in particular spring from a very curious circa Cinderella trope: the plain girl who, with nothing to offer but love, becomes something greater precisely thanks to the miracle of receiving love in return, portraying an archetypical romance story; so, despite the truly voracious greed that fuels AKB's business model, the commitment between idol and wota, when taking seriously, earned me most respect: to recreate/reinvent love together, one as the beloved (which I'd normally call erómenos) and the other as the lover (or erastés), fulfilling each other's dream; a dream of love completion that apparently no actual 3D wife can fulfill, as seen on the cases of divorce driven by the husband's sudden AKB idoling. But that should not be strange at all for any of us here: we supposedly know better; we know that, where the veiled lies of 3D love conventions fail, the honest fictions of 2D/virtual love can succeed...
So, in resume, for me wota love works in a similar fashion than 2D love (or even doll love, for doll lovers): a soliloquy based on an openly fictional character, which in this case is my own take of my oshimen as a screen and stage artifact. I cannot stress this point enough: even with her remarkable features (which hooked me), I couldn't care two fucks about her if she wasn't an AKB member and I sure won't once she graduates and devolve into a woman; I invest in her as a character, not as a woman (whom I hate) and it's precisely in that sense that an oshimen is something closer to a waifu than to a 3D, idoling closer to 2D than to 3D love, and so /akb/ an overall legitimate board to exist in here (although as a secret board alright, not to bother others or get 3D posting out of control).
That said, although I let myself enjoy this experience liberally, my oshimen is still nowhere, nowhere, near my waifu. My waifu is me and everything that gives me sense (even my current idoling); she's the absolute compass that guides my entire life as well as my standard of excellence and, as of today, I've seen no other character (idolish, 2D or else) who could possibly fill her shoes and I wouldn't betray her (that is, betray myself) for any less. AKB... well, it's just an engaging and damned, damned joyful and funny experience. I do personally recommend it to those of you who might be at your limit through this grimdark life.