No. 5309
>When the topic of this thread is a meta discussion about the very thing you're discussing and trying to dispute the existence of, logic would dictate people are going to discuss "outsiders" here even if they wouldn't normally. I don't know how to simplify it further.
I still fail to see how that matters. My point is people randomly accuse those 'outsiders' for all sorts of stuff with absolutely no proof whatsoever. I don't understand the importance of those accusations being made here. Where else should they be made?
>>No, I don't remember saying that.
So, where exactly have I said they are 'everywhere on TC'? It's mostly visible on /fb/ because it's the freaking meta board.
>But it's hardly what I'd call a "witch hunt"- there are no accusations of being a normalfag
What's the difference between saying 'you're not from here and you don't belong here' or 'how did you even find this site?' and 'you're a normalfag'? It's basically the same message rephrased.
>That's another assumption (and severe exaggeration) on your part.
How else would you interpret it then? Since that guy 'doesn't belong on /tc/' he obviously comes here to either annoy them or push some kind of secret agenda (or both). What else could it be? I legitimately can't come up with any other reason.
>People here view outsiders as a negative thing, sure, but I highly doubt anyone conjures up a view in their mind this ridiculous.
Oh, but judging on what happened there I think that's precisely the case. One poster was pointlessly polite despite getting attacked (the same thing happened here with >>5223 by the way; the second someone throws insults your way you get a free pass to stop taking them seriously), the others were seemingly convinced he must be trying to get on their nerves, it's not like he could simply have a different opinion.
>Take it for what it is- something thrown at their argumentive opponent as a petty insult.
Sure, it is an insult but I don't feel like it's random. It's not like saying 'fuck off you faggot'. What they say is 'since you don't think that [x] you are obviously not from here and you need to get out'. At that point many people like to attach some additional conjecture to complete the portrait of a 'dangerous distruptive element'.
>But again, I'm not seeing the exaggerated witch-hunt style normalfag ousting I've come to expect from reading what you think of the anti-3D people.
What example do you even want me to bring up, really? People getting literally burned at stakes?
The point is there are some people here who believe there are some opinions which cannot be expressed even though expressing those opinions is not forbbiden by the rules. Because of some 'intent behind creating the site' or something. Like you can't like 3D because that's the entire intent of the site despite the fact that all anti-3D rules were made years after the site was created and 3D used to be discussed on pre ib4f /tc/.
>What I get is "how did you even find this site?" with a very large amount of conjecture from yourself as evidence for his intent behind the sentence.
Again, how else could you interpret that? I paraphrase that's being said but this time around I'll throw in three literal quotes:
>I wonder how you even found this website.
>You might as well leave then. You know? I don't think you actually watch anime in any case.
>Man, I didn't come here to talk to the same kind of hypocrites back there.
How else can you interpret 'you might as well leave'?
If 'here' and there' are different then 'there' is obviously an undersired outside element.
I didn't really notice before but Jews get brought up a lot in that topic. I guess it's Jews who are targetting /tc/?
>Did you completely ignore that thread I just pointed out to you?
If you mean the /so/ topic then I must admit I haven't read it. I didn't really see them talking about how they should be allowed to talk about 3D on /tc/. If I'm wrong then, well, I'm wrong. It's a long thread and /so/ is neither interesting nor fun to read.
>Before that, there was a guy that posted a picture of himself on /mai/ (which is obviously deleted now), and even now still posts around /mai/ hanging around with people describing their bodies or hinting at their 3D sex lives.
That's obviously no cool and should be dealt with accordingly. Including bans for repeat offenders.
I stand by what I said, though. No, they have no right to discuss it and no, I haven't really seen them claiming they do have such a right.