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File 132780391933.jpg - (135.68KB , 630x940 , YT0NH.jpg )
1955 No. 1955 [Edit]
How do you guys feel about the idea of deleting any and all images of 3D people outright, no questions asked, and making it a rule?
As is, it's sort of done on a case by case basses, but some people report every instance of it.
are we to lenient with 3dpd?

Post edited on 28th Jan 2012, 6:26pm
>> No. 1956 [Edit]
Replies: >>1957 >>1959
There's a lot of funny pictures of 3D people though.
>> No. 1957 [Edit]
Replies: >>1958
and I'll add that I think the current way of doing things is fine (can't edit my post, password must not have saved)
>> No. 1958 [Edit]
yeah, the password system really sucks, or is broken or something.
It's best to input your own password, since default ones reset at random.
>> No. 1959 [Edit]
I agree.


That makes it difficult to draw a line, whether someone considers it funny or not shouldn't be a deciding factor.
>> No. 1960 [Edit]
Replies: >>1966
Yes, you are being too lenient. They should all be deleted. If I wanted to see images of 3d people then I would just go to the rest of the internet. tc is a place where I don’t have to see that. It’s particularly egregious when 3d images are posted in /mai/.
>> No. 1961 [Edit]
Replies: >>1962
great idea. why not ban 3DPD people from posting as well? actually lets just wipe them off the face of the Earth
>> No. 1962 [Edit]
Replies: >>1963
Jokes on you, I'm already 2D.
>> No. 1963 [Edit]
>> No. 1964 [Edit]
Not all of them bother me; but seeing horrible cosplay pictures of my waifu really annoy me, and I would rather not see them here again. So if you want to delete all pictures of 3d people I wouldn't care.
>> No. 1965 [Edit]
Replies: >>1975
It depends on context. 3D pics have no place in /mai/ or /an/, but if someone wants to post a pic of Einstein or something in an /ot/ or /mt/ thread talking about him then that should be fine in my opinion
>> No. 1966 [Edit]
I wouldn't really mind if they are gone, mostly because as >>1960 said, there's a whole internet out there for that.
>> No. 1968 [Edit]
I'd still like to be able to post pics of, say, some japanese hikikomori at their rooms or science/technology/news related stuff...

But I'd be perfectly OK with all pics portraying 3D FEMALES being deleted; althought if they appear only incidentally, at larger pictures about some other stuff, I'd be satisfied with women being heavily pixelated or somehow censored.

Post edited on 28th Jan 2012, 8:25pm
>> No. 1969 [Edit]
I can understand why people wouldn't want ugly 3D cosplay pics and such, but I don't see the problem with things like this

>> No. 1970 [Edit]
Replies: >>1971 >>1973 >>1974 >>1975
I thought we already talked about this issue: http://tohno-chan.com/fb/res/1546.html

Personally, I'm okay with certain examples of 3D, mainly those which aren't disgusting, threatening/confrontational or show the face clearly. For example:

-Picture of funny Japanese guy doing funny things: Okay
-Picture of some muscular gangster: Not okay
-Picture of fat guy: not okay
-Close up of someone's face: not okay
-Picture of someone from a far distance, such as in a crowd: okay
-Picture of a woman in what is 'supposed' to be a sexually titallating position: not okay
-Picture of a woman in a non sexual context just minding her own business, e.g walking her dog: okay
-Picture of a hikikomori in a trash strewn apartment shot from behind: okay

This wouldn't be absolute though, like for example I'm cool with seeing a picture of Hard Gay or Albert Einstein, cause I'm familiar with them and they're cool guys. I think its just a matter of using your own judgement to figure out what kind of 3D pictures are in good taste and what aren't. Deleting every single 3D picture is sort of ridiculous, but I understand that some would prefer not to see them because it makes them feel uncomfortable. When making rules its impossible to accomadate every person's needs and some people must be leftout. If someone has a phobia of seeing another human in a photo from a far away distance such that their face isn't even clear, then they ought to just roll with it unless theres enough of them to warrant that rule change.
>> No. 1971 [Edit]
completely forgot about that...
>> No. 1972 [Edit]
I welcome banning all pictures of female 3DPD.
>> No. 1973 [Edit]
I agree with this guy 100%
>> No. 1974 [Edit]
I totally agree with this, but it's hard to make that a concise global rule...
>> No. 1975 [Edit]

Both are right but that basically means you should just keep judging them case by case, really. Banning all 3D pics would really be stupid.
>> No. 1976 [Edit]
dammit, there goes my hope of getting a muscular gangster sub-board
>> No. 1977 [Edit]
Please continue a case-by-case policy.
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