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File 131677879461.jpg - (35.98KB , 325x325 , scottish-terrier-fb.jpg )
1546 No. 1546 [Edit]
Should we be allowed to post pictures of real people?

I have heard some here saying that they think it's ugly and reminds them of the real world. Some have said they even fear seeing themselves in a mirror. Others like myself have huge social anxiety and are scared of even seeing images of people in the eye. Usually though I'm not self conscious of this and can just glance at such pics without it bothering me. There are already pics of real people posted around. Some I'm okay with e.g some funny Japanese guy picture I don't feel threatened by. I'm sure some others if not many are bothered by it.

Anyway just wanted to hear other's thoughts on this issue and maybe we can arrive at making a rule or unspoken rule against it or just leave things as is.

Pic unrelated, it's a Scottish terrier dog. They look like they have moustaches.
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>> No. 1547 [Edit]
The following is also discouraged (but not necessarily against the rules).

- 3D (real) images of people. (yes, seriously.)
>> No. 1548 [Edit]
No, I hate looking at other 3D people and am saddened when a picture of one is posted here.

I wonder how many threads have been made about this...
>> No. 1549 [Edit]
Situtational. Use your own judgement. I think people who mind ALL 3D pictures are very minority.
>> No. 1550 [Edit]
I think we should, as long as they aren't porn or anything. Like how we are doing now is fine by me
>> No. 1551 [Edit]
File 131680228060.gif - (2.00MB , 268x227 , pee wees big adventure.gif )
We do get a fair amount of reports on them, it's nice to see I wasn't the only one who finds them uncomfortable to see..
still, depending on the image, I don't think people would mind that much, such as this.

and yeah, self realization sucks...

hmm.. I think that might make more sense if read
"images of 3D (real) people. (yes, seriously.)"
>> No. 1552 [Edit]
i am gratutiously offended by this picture
>> No. 1553 [Edit]
same. those poor cars... ;_;
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