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File 134462727919.jpg - (1.59MB , 1750x1441 , welcome to report world.jpg )
7066 No. 7066 [Edit]
Thread for random video game-related news, so we don't have a bunch of small dead threads
Expand all images
>> No. 7067 [Edit]
Blizzard Hacked: http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/260696/blizzard_entertainment_warns_of_password_breach.html?tk=rel_news
>> No. 7069 [Edit]
Maybe they would take the time to fix up Diablo III as an apology.
>> No. 7105 [Edit]
Replies: >>7106
File 134505808940.jpg - (89.50KB , 640x344 , PSN-Down.jpg )
PSN got breached again the villain says he have 50 gigabytes of raw data in possession or just trolling ten million people to change their passwords.


the old thread 404
>> No. 7106 [Edit]
Yeah I posted this earlier, but it turned out to not be real

>> No. 7111 [Edit]
EA possibly going up for sale: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/mad_for_madden_3lyqSl04ZEpZeO9Zmh81GI
>> No. 7114 [Edit]
Onlive closing: http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/08/17/onlive-possibly-being-closed-by-end-of-day

I didn't even know it still existed
>> No. 7120 [Edit]
Replies: >>7122
For all the time EA spends shitting on its customers, sooner or later they'd file for bankruptcy. And it's not because of EA, more and more gamers are becoming educated about their spending habits and spend less money on games. EA could get away with shit earlier because their customers were idiots who would gobble their shit day one, complete with day-one DLC that involved the main storyline.

I used to remember that during college I used to spend hours on Dragon Age. When the Awakening DLC came out, I was disappointed because I finished it in less than a day and the story was absolute shit. Talk about a huge waste of my time.
>> No. 7121 [Edit]
I think a large part of EA's current problems come from the fact that SWtoR was a massive flop
>> No. 7122 [Edit]
the people who are outraged about things like day 1 DLC are a vocal minority.
>> No. 7123 [Edit]
I think EA's problem is treating the video game industry like a monopoly board.
All they do is buy up as many game developers as they can, and force them to produce by the numbers video games on a regular bases with nothing but profit in mind.
That sort of pig headed greedy approach while completely ignoring customers and only feeding them what they believe they'll buy (not 'want') based off the words of researchers out of touch with the gaming community and stereotypes, that gamers are all dumb and will pay for just about anything as long as they first pay off review sites and magazines for goods reviews to their mediocre games.
It just can't end well down the line.
>> No. 7127 [Edit]
Replies: >>7137 >>14112
>> No. 7137 [Edit]
Fucking SE. TWEWY doesn't need a sequel, it was fine how it is.

I'm mad now.
>> No. 7149 [Edit]
Replies: >>7163
Nintendo Power ending: http://www.examiner.com/article/nintendo-power-magazine-is-coming-to-an-end-after-twenty-four-years

This kind of sucks. I was a subscriber for over a decade and remember being a kid and really looking forward to each issue
>> No. 7163 [Edit]

Ah, what a shame.

>Nintendo is apparently "difficult to work with"

No shit. They always were. It's just that other companies learned not to take their example and everyone in the business got fed up with N.
>> No. 7199 [Edit]
Replies: >>7200
The World Ends With You set for iOS


I guess this really show that Nintendo is soon irrelevant for their market.
But telefon mobile-gaming has always been popular in Japan no big surprise though disappointing if true.
>> No. 7200 [Edit]
>> No. 7201 [Edit]
Replies: >>7202 >>7204 >>7206 >>7208 >>7211
File 13458496314.jpg - (34.35KB , 519x400 , sonyadverpatentjtjtedut-1345811442.jpg )
what the fuck

>> No. 7202 [Edit]
>say 'mcdonald's' to end commercial.
Holy fucking ass rape on a stick of shit fucking corn molesting monkey dicksgrefgrftegftrt
FUCK! I can't even... just FUCKL@E!Q
>> No. 7203 [Edit]
we're through the looking glass people
>> No. 7204 [Edit]
Replies: >>7207 >>7210
File 13458520615.jpg - (43.50KB , 500x384 , JaBRz.jpg )
>> No. 7205 [Edit]
Dear god sony...
>> No. 7206 [Edit]
File 134585262091.jpg - (16.71KB , 500x281 , 3523463535.jpg )

Everyday until you like it.
>> No. 7207 [Edit]
Joke's on them, I have autism and thus my emotions are undetectable. Your move Sony
>> No. 7208 [Edit]
Replies: >>7209
>Say McDonalds

So...if you don't say it does the commercial just repeat?
>> No. 7209 [Edit]

It records your face and sends it to all the ones near you, with the label "SPIT IN THIS MAN'S FOOD"
>> No. 7210 [Edit]
Oh god, I just got the idea that the future might look exactly like it does in Idiocracy.

We'll soon have a president named Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho and all of the plants will die because they keep on giving it some weird version of gatorade.
>> No. 7211 [Edit]

Am I the only one who thinks this is pretty funny? Like, I actually laughed when I saw it. Then again that might be because I don't give a shit about Sony (or console gaming period I guess).

Burger-kun banzai!
>> No. 7212 [Edit]
Replies: >>7213 >>7215
there has been a very rapid increase in games slightly modified to contain RAT viruses, that gain access to everything you do. make sure to be careful with your downloads!
>> No. 7213 [Edit]
Replies: >>7252
Do you have any examples?
>> No. 7215 [Edit]
Replies: >>7217
Huh. I torrented Dark Souls yesterday and it would fail to install (media3.cab missing or something). Hopefully I'm safe.
>> No. 7217 [Edit]
Replies: >>7223
I got the FLT version uploaded to thepiratebay by extremezone. It works perfectly, even with the resolution fix patch.
>> No. 7223 [Edit]
Same as I got and it wouldn't work, weird.
>> No. 7252 [Edit]
Replies: >>7253
It's actually happening to a lot of games, but it started with someone taking already existing indie games that aren't too well known to begin with like "The hunt" or some of those horror games that have been coming out, infecting them with the remote administration tool and using their accounts to post the infected file in even more places.
Though, it only seems to be happening with lesser known games, so if you're torrenting popular games such as dark souls, you should be fine
>> No. 7253 [Edit]
I actually know a guy who gets paid to do that to games.
>> No. 7260 [Edit]
Replies: >>7263 >>7267 >>7268

>wake up Gordon
>> No. 7263 [Edit]
Replies: >>7265 >>7268
Oh wow, this is actually coming out? I had just assumed they gave up a long time ago.
>> No. 7265 [Edit]
Replies: >>7268

Same here...it's been years so it started to feel like "vaporware".
>> No. 7266 [Edit]
It's not gonna have the Xen levels. They sucked ass so that's cool, but I have to wonder why they left them out.
>> No. 7267 [Edit]
I am stunned. I too thought this was long dead.

The first Half Life still is my favorite fps even after all these years.
>> No. 7268 [Edit]
This is the oldest trick in the book, they had the same exact page for half life 3, and nothing happened when it hit 0.
>> No. 7281 [Edit]
Replies: >>7282
Steam Greenlight will require a 100$ fee to post games on it now: http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/09/05/steam-greenlight-submission-fee/

It really needed some sort of filter, considering all the ridiculous garbage that flooded it. They probably could have picked a better charity than Child's Play to donate the money to though
>> No. 7282 [Edit]
Replies: >>7283
would you rather they keep it?
>> No. 7283 [Edit]
I would rather them donate to the red cross or something.
>> No. 7294 [Edit]
Replies: >>7296
File 134716006274.jpg - (87.29KB , 600x526 , azwhy.jpg )
Piracy for profit!
>> No. 7296 [Edit]

>"I think that if people who torrent the game are aware that there is a live person behind the game, and makes the game for a living, they are more willing to provide support than to a giant lifeless studio," he said.

Yeah, because games made by big studios are made by robots who don't need no pay or any of that shit.
Then again the ones who are really to blame for this state of things are the studios themselves as they fail to establish such link with any of their customers. 'Sure, we want you to buy our game but we care about enjoyment, too.' Literally two devs come to mind when I write this, I might be forgetting about some, though.
>> No. 7299 [Edit]
Andriasang is closing down.


I really liked this site since it gave a ton of interesting video game related news. I also liked to read the user comments.

>> No. 7303 [Edit]
will Sony announce their new model of the ps3 on TGS?
>> No. 7312 [Edit]
Replies: >>7313
File 134754776387.png - (160.39KB , 405x451 , 1347546713215.png )
WiiU price: 299 basic-349 premium usd/euro
Release date: us 18th november eu 30th november

Bayonetta 2 exclusive
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

that is it.
>> No. 7313 [Edit]
Replies: >>7315
Pretty expensive...
>> No. 7315 [Edit]
Replies: >>7318

Isn't that about normal for a newly released console?
>> No. 7318 [Edit]
Replies: >>7320
for a console with new hardware yes but the controller is the actual greater price.
What I am more concerned about is the low memory of 8 gb on the standard model how will dlc,buggy games be fixed compared to ps3/360 with 250 gb harddrives,the wii did not have support for updates broken games stayed broken(i am not buying a external harddrive for a console)

Post edited on 13th Sep 2012, 1:22pm
>> No. 7319 [Edit]
Replies: >>7321
File 134756732369.gif - (2.92MB , 300x168 , 1347562830015.gif )
Published by Nintendo
>> No. 7320 [Edit]
they'll probably re-release newer versions of the system every few years with more and memory, like how the ps3 started with 60gb and now they're up to 320 GB
>> No. 7321 [Edit]
I wonder if Nintendo is finally going to stop exclusively pandering to (man)children and the elderly.
>> No. 7322 [Edit]
Replies: >>7324
I am still interested in the Wii U.

A bit more than I hoped, but not surprising considering the controller.

I still applaud them for bringing something new to the table. Most of their detractors keep saying they only release the same old shit, only then to be excited about the same old shit with the same old controller over and over again.

Online FPS were hot back even in the late 90's when many a gamer was still a baby.

I would think that would be what the younger crowd would be tired of, instead of other genres. But it isn't for whatever reason.
>> No. 7324 [Edit]
I've got to say that I'm also slightly interested in this thing.
>> No. 7325 [Edit]
Replies: >>7326 >>7328 >>7340
Black Mesa Source is out. The torrent is 3GB and will take me 2 hours
>> No. 7326 [Edit]
Replies: >>7327

I was excited for this, too, until I learned it's not even complete yet. 8+ years and they've only finished half of it.
>> No. 7327 [Edit]

I think it's just the Xen levels that are cut. But yeah it's weird they would work so long only to have an unfinished project, might as well go all the way
>> No. 7328 [Edit]
I've played it a bit, just got up to the cascade. It's really well done so far, I'm pleasantly surprised
>> No. 7340 [Edit]
Replies: >>7341
File 134775015361.jpg - (155.25KB , 1600x900 , 2012-09-15_00013.jpg )
played up to Apprehension and I think there's a bug with the physics puzzle that raises a platform from out of the water, which doesn't raise high enough to move on.

I tried stacking up boxes and other stuff on the end to jump off, didn't work, tried placing everything I could in the gap and jumping off them didn't work, tried removing and replacing the buoys to see of that would do anything, did nothing, and of course I tried running and jumping the gap countless times.
>> No. 7341 [Edit]
Replies: >>7342
I remember having a little trouble with that part as well. Keep adding buoys/wooden things until the end is out of the water, then do the jump + crouch thing to catch the other ledge. Some of the buoys are in rather awkward places; check you haven't missed any.
>> No. 7342 [Edit]
Had all the buoys, just needed to work on my crouch jump skills it seems.
>> No. 7344 [Edit]
Replies: >>7347
Bayonetta 2 being a wiiu exclusive is completely fucking retarded, and I don't care what anyone says. the first game wasn't even on the wii. all they're doing is giving a kick in the balls to the people that played the first game.
>> No. 7347 [Edit]
Replies: >>7353 >>7359
I don't want to sound mean, but I find all the Bayonetta 2 hate absolutely hilarious as a 3rd party that has nothing to do with it.

I mean like, no one even wanted to fund Bayonetta 2, its not like you would have been able to play it on the PS3 or 360 anyway right?
>> No. 7349 [Edit]
There are rumors and stuff flying around that they're due to unveil Half Life 3 soon.
>> No. 7352 [Edit]
Replies: >>7364
File 134796967039.jpg - (35.87KB , 620x349 , wR1Gx.jpg )
>Polish Retailer Teases ‘New PS3′ Design.jpg

I think it will be alot thinner and new harddware support for gaikai.
>> No. 7353 [Edit]
Replies: >>7359
I, too, found it hilarious.
>> No. 7359 [Edit]
When did I say I wanted to play it? It's just retarded. and you seem to have missed the part about the first game not being on wii. it's retarded that you'd have to own two different systems to play the two games. this is just like mass effect 2 and 3 being available on ps3 but not part one. I don't know about you, but I don't like to get down with sequels unless I've experienced the prequel. hilarious right? fuck you.
>> No. 7364 [Edit]
Replies: >>7366
Sony is a premium brand and they release this shit that will break in matter of months,oh wait
this is the 21st century.
>> No. 7366 [Edit]
Replies: >>7368
What do you expect when they make a lighter and smaller version of an already slim version?
Did you think it would be made of solid titanium?
yeah sure, the top sliding panel thing looks like crap, but the slim ps2 also had something similar to that and I don't remember people complaining much about it.

Post edited on 19th Sep 2012, 2:46pm
>> No. 7368 [Edit]
Replies: >>7369

I actually like the sliding thing.
Reminds of old consoles, with the cartridge on top.
>> No. 7369 [Edit]
I don't get where you get that.

Really why not a pop top like the original playstation, dreamcast and late model ps2s. The slide away door seems cheaper than that for some reason.
>> No. 7370 [Edit]
Replies: >>7371
Dead Island: Riptide announced: http://deadisland.deepsilver.com/content/first-details
>> No. 7371 [Edit]
Replies: >>7372
Wow, another overly dramatic prerendered trainer that shows no game play at all and probably has nothing to do with the game itself.
They have some real balls to try that shit again.
>> No. 7372 [Edit]
Replies: >>7444
Well the gameplay is going to be exactly like the first one. Even the characters are the same.
>> No. 7420 [Edit]
>> No. 7443 [Edit]
File 13496966453.png - (274.99KB , 739x1748 , 1349686538334.png )
thanks americants appreciate your adhd among normals.

>Americans know who Steve-O is but not Stalin


Post edited on 8th Oct 2012, 4:51am
>> No. 7444 [Edit]
you're missing the point.
>> No. 7447 [Edit]
File 134995618323.jpg - (125.77KB , 1024x576 , cEWjI.jpg )
Dark as my soul makes me edgy and modern

>> No. 7461 [Edit]
We bakka evelywhele now

>> No. 7470 [Edit]
Valve teaches counterstrike
>> No. 7488 [Edit]
Replies: >>7512
Left 4 Dead 2 free weekend this weekend.
>The servers are too busy. Please try again in a few hours.
It seems some of Steam's servers are still located in some kid's back yard. Never change, Steam, never change.
>> No. 7489 [Edit]
File 135115278257.jpg - (164.80KB , 560x350 , acc.jpg )

>> No. 7512 [Edit]
Replies: >>7513 >>7514 >>7515
I installed it, but after asking in the irc channle a few dozen times, I can safely say no one there wants to play it even if it is free.
>> No. 7513 [Edit]
Id love to play it but my computer is too crappy.
>> No. 7514 [Edit]

Asking people on the IRC channel if they are interested in playing anything that isn't DotA/LoL is a fool's errand.
>> No. 7515 [Edit]
Sorry. I would have said yes if I were in the IRC channel when you asked. Playing with random teammates in that game gets old very fast.
>> No. 7537 [Edit]
Replies: >>7538 >>7539
File 135198841736.jpg - (77.75KB , 750x422 , aFemalePikachu-2.jpg )
I guess her crossover will have one of two effects on the Ninja Gaiden franchise..
Dead or Alive.
>> No. 7538 [Edit]
I'm getting that game along with my Wii U.

I hope that it's worth the $48 that I'm planning on spending for it. Also, why is the file name labeled as "FemalePikachu"?
>> No. 7539 [Edit]
Replies: >>7562
There's a new trailer.

>> No. 7542 [Edit]
Replies: >>7543 >>7546 >>7563
PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale
Princess Cake?
>> No. 7543 [Edit]
They needed more characters that would appeal to the western female audience. what better than a fatass princess?
>> No. 7545 [Edit]
File 135237330084.jpg - (113.05KB , 1092x732 , aD3.jpg )
>> No. 7546 [Edit]
Replies: >>7555

Such legendary and beloved sony characters, like, uh...an enemy from bioshock? Sure
>> No. 7555 [Edit]
or that one guy from the new devil may cry game?
>> No. 7558 [Edit]
Replies: >>7559 >>7560

Here's news for anybody with a 360.
>> No. 7559 [Edit]
>The patent lists a number of options for determining the validity of the possible viewers, including counting their number (as in, making sure only three people were able to see a movie), or actually identifying specific users (to make sure Julie isn't watching a movie that Mark was only licensed to see).

if they ever tried this the amount of blowback would be immense.

what is the rationale behind it supposed to be? I think it would only be useful to stop people from sharing accounts.
>> No. 7560 [Edit]
Replies: >>7561

Just because they patent something doesn't mean they are gonna use it. That said, I wish they would, since it would kill them
>> No. 7561 [Edit]

Rather than that I expect it would go through and other companies would adapt the same business model.
>> No. 7562 [Edit]
File 135245726550.jpg - (137.22KB , 1600x900 , aNinja_Gaiden_3__Razor_s_Edge_13475046997461.jpg )
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLdy44OT7GI (Japanese version)
>> No. 7563 [Edit]
Replies: >>7566
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Attract Trailer

Nice light trail effects.
>> No. 7566 [Edit]
that actually looks pretty decent compared to everything else shown so far, almost makes me think the game might have been a bit better as a traditional 1v1 fighter.
>> No. 7572 [Edit]
>> No. 7573 [Edit]
Replies: >>7574
File 13533527832.png - (10.88KB , 595x50 , shitman.png )
>> No. 7574 [Edit]
can't wait to beat up some slutty nuns!
>> No. 7575 [Edit]
Replies: >>7576
>> No. 7576 [Edit]
Replies: >>7589
I heard that it was only happening to retards who would unplug the console during the (long) update.
>> No. 7589 [Edit]
Replies: >>7603
It doesn't have to be done on purpose. A quick power drop or a person/pet tripping over the cable would fuck it up just as easily
>> No. 7603 [Edit]
Bad design is bad...
>> No. 7604 [Edit]
File 135373793898.jpg - (120.56KB , 600x350 , aawarface-screenshot-01.jpg )
Show me your WARFACE
>> No. 7618 [Edit]
File 135380551152.jpg - (19.46KB , 160x120 , aPS2_gameplay_Screenshot_111412_020.jpg )
Free to Play MMO FPS?
What sorcery is this!?!
>> No. 7658 [Edit]
Replies: >>7659 >>7660
Kickstarter finally has a project worth donating to!

>> No. 7659 [Edit]
I'll kill myself if this doesn't out-fund the Occulus Rift.
>> No. 7660 [Edit]
It's only been up a day and it's already going to hit it's goal within the next few hours. For once the internet hasn't disgusted me
>> No. 7691 [Edit]
Replies: >>7692
File 135470652220.png - (68.93KB , 586x409 , image20.png )
Is The Idolmaster Going International?
>None of the Idolmaster games made it overseas, but Namco Bandai might be localizing the Idolmaster: Shiny Festa series. Namco Bandai filed trademarks for The Idol Master and Shiny Festa in Europe.

>These could be protective trademarks, but the Idolmaster series is seven years old. It would be odd for Namco Bandai to suddenly care about the Idolmaster games and a spinoff series all of the sudden.

>If (and this is still an if) Namco Bandai wants to the Idolmaster to go international, Shiny Festa is their best bet since these are regular music/rhythm games, which have a larger audience than say an idol training simulation.

>> No. 7692 [Edit]
File 135473565072.jpg - (70.91KB , 802x601 , exclamation.jpg )

so it's like Cartagra suddenly being C&D'd so inogrey could potentially have a MG localization, only for im@s.

call me pessimistic, but I'll wait until something actually happens aside from this "well, it's possible that they might..." bullshit.
>> No. 7697 [Edit]
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - PS3 - Inside LEVEL-5 Behind the Scene #1
>> No. 7700 [Edit]
Replies: >>7701
File 135495168992.jpg - (28.65KB , 530x223 , darksouls22530.jpg )

>> No. 7701 [Edit]
Interesting that its a direct sequel to Dark Souls. I wonder if its back to Lordran.
>> No. 7702 [Edit]
Replies: >>7715
File 135496081386.jpg - (14.18KB , 250x305 , 250px-Quake2box.jpg )
hapee birfdey Quake 2 on yer fiftenen year !
>> No. 7712 [Edit]
Replies: >>7713 >>7719
File 135523069535.png - (96.39KB , 256x256 , 127b71b2b0a70ca0005fb2e49dbbed47.png )
Joakim N. Mogren




Luke Plunkett: How much does it cost, on average, every time you go to the hairdresser? That hair + moustache combo look luxuriously expensive.

Joakim Mogren: It is actually very interesting that you ask that. I do not go to a hairdresser, actually. I do it all myself. It is a daunting task, however. I probably take about 1.5 American hours just fixing my hair. The moustache is another story. I'd say that takes two hours on average.

LP: What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use?

JM: I use a custom shampoo known as "Avföring Från Fisk" [LP's note: translation = fish shit]. The shampoo leaves my hair very voluminous and skön.

LP: I have to ask, what's the deal with this account? Is it more marketing, a joke account, a hoax? The world needs to know.

JM: This account is very real, and my personal Twitter. I am not a person that you would say has a sense of humor. Ask my former employee Sven. He wrote on our official site that all Twitter accounts aren't associated, as a joke. He is now homeless. I do not take jokes lightly.

I still need to remove that off the site, however.

LP: What is Phantom Pain, exactly?

JM: I hope it will b e a new gaming experience. Think a combination of Half Life, Borderlands 2, Angry Birds, and Faerie Solitaire. I expect it will be the bestselling game of 2013.

Thanks you much for your questions Luke. I very much enjoyed your article about me, though the comment about the photo of me was somewhat offensive. Have a good night, or day as it is in America.
>> No. 7713 [Edit]
he's the coolest
>> No. 7715 [Edit]
Ah, that reminds me, Doom's 19th birthday was yesterday.

I didn't celebrate by playing loads of Doom that day, mostly because I've been doing that for a month prior.
>> No. 7719 [Edit]
I adore Kojima.
>> No. 7748 [Edit]
File 135609181361.jpg - (16.61KB , 160x153 , afight.jpg )
>> No. 7771 [Edit]
File 135696350457.jpg - (46.49KB , 600x375 , achess.jpg )
Reviews count as news?
>> No. 7783 [Edit]
Replies: >>7788
Good night sweet prince ;_;

2006 - 2012

We've reached the end of the ride. bitGAMER has been an amazingly fun ride, but all rides must come to an end.

For those who don't know, bitGAMER began as a small sister-site of Underground Gamer. What started as a side-project of several UG staff members quickly grew into a 65,000 member behemoth with an identity all its own. Our small hobby project turned into something that went well beyond all of our dreams.

Of course, you all know that the legal climate has changed over the years, so we won't bore you with that stuff. More importantly, the founders are simply ready to move on with their lives. Running an immensely popular gaming tracker is rewarding, but it's also a very stressful, and often thankless, task. We hope that closing this door will open other doors in our lives, and that we can take all of the lessons we've learned from bitGAMER into the next phase of our lives.

The bitGAMER community has been incredible since the beginning. We want to take this moment to thank each and every member of the community who contributed in any way and allowed this community to thrive for so long.

Thank you,

// bG Staff

>> No. 7784 [Edit]
Replies: >>7785
blackcats-games and gazelle games are having free registrations if you're interested.
>> No. 7785 [Edit]
Replies: >>7791
how long was https://www.blackcats-games.net/signup.php open? because it is not
>> No. 7788 [Edit]
File 135710734930.gif - (106.40KB , 640x345 , Big Boss salute.gif )
>> No. 7791 [Edit]
Replies: >>7793
It was closed for a while but it's open again at this moment.
>> No. 7793 [Edit]
Yea, just signed up. Let's see if all this talk about private trackers is true.

Now game-related: The GOW: Ascension beta should start 8 jan., right?
>> No. 7804 [Edit]
While we're on the topic of torrent trackers, Underground Gamer is currently open for registration.
>> No. 7832 [Edit]
File 135806447616.jpg - (485.02KB , 1280x800 , awhite.jpg )
Crysis 3!
>> No. 7864 [Edit]
File 135893965036.jpg - (108.64KB , 603x1000 , aLurker_SC1_Art1.jpg )
Heart of the Swarm
>> No. 7888 [Edit]
JAPAN 2012;

>> No. 7903 [Edit]
Replies: >>7921
File 135978752276.jpg - (21.83KB , 600x300 , 01_jps4.jpg )
>> No. 7909 [Edit]
Replies: >>7910
File 136006076097.jpg - (20.01KB , 600x390 , 1k.jpg )
Ouya updates. June 2013?
>> No. 7910 [Edit]
Replies: >>7913
I had no idea that people cared enough to play Android games on their T.V.

I guess that those Angry Birds must really be the bee's knees.
>> No. 7913 [Edit]
Replies: >>7918

The ouya is the dumbest thing ever and I hope it crashes spectacularly
>> No. 7918 [Edit]
I didn't really have much of an opinion on it until I read the comments of the people that wanted to buy it only to stream Netflix/Hulu, play android games on their TV, and play the NES Super Mario Bros on an emulator.

I hope that it fails as well seeing as it's a waste of plastic when you can buy a cheap laptop that does all that and more.
>> No. 7919 [Edit]
Replies: >>7920 >>7921 >>7933

>always online
>no used games

next xbox will be a killer!
>> No. 7920 [Edit]

I'm glad I stopped caring about video games for the most part, so I can look at things like this and laugh instead of getting upset about it.
>> No. 7921 [Edit]
Replies: >>7931
File 136023611733.jpg - (233.23KB , 800x533 , 3pulse.jpg )
Will the PS4 be as restrictive? I hope not...
>> No. 7930 [Edit]
File 136049041624.jpg - (150.48KB , 640x921 , 2013yukifig.jpg )
Steins;Gate game Phenogram of Linear Restraint heading to the PlayStation 3/XBox 360 in spring!
>> No. 7931 [Edit]
Replies: >>7932 >>7933
>> No. 7932 [Edit]
Replies: >>7936 >>7946
Fuck that shit. PC gaming here I come.
>> No. 7933 [Edit]
Replies: >>7934
microsoft and sony sure do hate used games. I wonder what this will mean for gamestop.
>> No. 7934 [Edit]
They hate everyone and everything.
>> No. 7936 [Edit]
Replies: >>7937
"Said the straight man to the late man: where have you been?..."
Welcome, son.
>> No. 7937 [Edit]
I've been wanting to for a while. The stupid shit Sony and Microsoft keep doing has finally sent me over the edge. I'll still keep my ps3 for the classics though.
>> No. 7938 [Edit]
Replies: >>7940 >>7942
I can safely say for sure no used games means there's no way in hell I'd buy the next gen systems. and I'm sure they know many people feel the same way, so I'm willing to bet they wont incorporate it initially, but instead add it latter with a patch/update and pull the rug out from people who buy the systems.
>> No. 7940 [Edit]
Replies: >>7941
I still can't understand how they can make such asinine decisions like this and think it's okay. The shit they come up with is just absurd.
>> No. 7941 [Edit]
Replies: >>7943
They don't care if gamers like it or not, they just want to maximise profits.
>> No. 7942 [Edit]
Replies: >>7943

People are going to buy this garbage no matter what, the PS4 and next Xbox launches will probably be the most successful console launches ever. It's just how the world works
>> No. 7943 [Edit]
Replies: >>7944
I know. I just can't understand such stupid logic. It hurts to try and think the way they do.
>> No. 7944 [Edit]
>It hurts to try and think the way they do.
That's how you know you still have a soul.
>> No. 7946 [Edit]
Replies: >>7947
but you generally cant sell used games on PC either
>> No. 7947 [Edit]
That's not really the point
>> No. 7976 [Edit]
Replies: >>7977
File 136138641635.gif - (1.08MB , 304x168 , ps4.gif )
Today's the day
>> No. 7977 [Edit]
Replies: >>7978
Like, hey, man. Why aren't you following the rules on the 3D stuff?

Also, why is Kaz grabbing a picture of an Uragaan like that? Did it kill his favorite childhood goat?
>> No. 7978 [Edit]
funny stuff
>> No. 7981 [Edit]
Replies: >>7982 >>7985
The PS4 is gonna be based around social networking and advertising even more than I thought. The controller even has a "share" button on it
>> No. 7982 [Edit]
I was certain this was a joke.
>> No. 7983 [Edit]
Replies: >>7984
This PS4 event is basically cementing my belief that my time playing video games is over
>> No. 7984 [Edit]
Just play games from previous generations and pc ports. That's what I'm gonna do.
>> No. 7985 [Edit]
Replies: >>7986
What's the problem with the share button? It'll be nice to be able to take screenshots without having to buy some expensive capture card.
>> No. 7986 [Edit]

It's not just for saving screenshots, it is geared towards facebook/twitter functionality. Almost everything "new" about the PS4 is, it's ridiculous
>> No. 7987 [Edit]
Replies: >>7988 >>7989 >>7990

>a lightbar for simpler, more friendly identification of players. A second peripheral, meanwhile, is a stereo camera that can sense the depth of objects in front of it.
I don't understand? Why does it need a camera? Why does it need a lightbar to identify people?

>if you're stuck on a level or need assistance, a friend can actually take over your controller and guide you through a level.
Fucking casuals.

>While aliases will still be available for "when anonymity is important," most of the interactions of the PS4 will be done with friends using real names and profile pictures. PS4 is designed to be "seamlessly interconnected" with your social life.
No. Just no.

Video games are dead aren't they?
>> No. 7988 [Edit]
So that's where they're at, where alias=anonymity? Great.
>> No. 7989 [Edit]
>I don't understand? Why does it need a camera? Why does it need a lightbar to identify people?

To keep people who didn't pay for the console, games, or movies from using them.

>Video games are dead aren't they?

>> No. 7990 [Edit]
Replies: >>7993 >>8020
>if you're stuck on a level or need assistance, a friend can actually take over your controller and guide you through a level.
My Atari 2600 has that, all you have to do is pass the friend your controller and presto!
>> No. 7993 [Edit]
Replies: >>8000
But what if that person hasn't paid for the game!
>> No. 8000 [Edit]
Sharing is a horrible thing to do. Especially between friends.
>> No. 8003 [Edit]
Replies: >>8004 >>8010
File 136144126548.jpg - (198.97KB , 1020x680 , dualshock_4_controller_verge_super_wide.jpg )
if anyone was worried missing the ps4 conforenece yesterday you did not miss anything particualar.

x86 architechture
8 gig ram
game handles will be replaced with real names.
social media bullshit
killzone 4 looking like the original crysis from 2007.
no shown console.
streaming games and crossplay/connecting to the vita.
another demo of watchdogs.
controller looks kinda slick.
and lots of cgi and techdemos.
>> No. 8004 [Edit]
Replies: >>8005 >>8014
>game handles will be replaced with real names.

Guess I'll have to legally change my name to my online handle. It can't be helped.
>> No. 8005 [Edit]
He forgot to mention that it's optional
>> No. 8006 [Edit]
How would they force people to use their real names anyway? what would stop someone from using a fake name?
>> No. 8007 [Edit]
>another demo of watchdogs.

I can't be the only one to dislike this game. The game itself seems like a huge hock of shit.

I mean, sure, normals don't mind playing as some with some 1337 h2ck3r faggot with some 'super iphone', but this is getting beyond disgusting with how it's praised so much and how everybody loves it. I absolutely despise it. It absolutely reeks of the same shit hollywood movies are made out of.
>> No. 8010 [Edit]
Replies: >>8013
What's the point of that big pad where the start and select buttons should be?
>> No. 8011 [Edit]
Replies: >>8012
File 136146847233.jpg - (83.48KB , 640x480 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )

Post edited on 21st Feb 2013, 10:04am
>> No. 8012 [Edit]
>> No. 8013 [Edit]
Replies: >>8018
Touch screen
>> No. 8014 [Edit]

It's gonna be hard explaining to my parents why I changed my name to Toholiker420
>> No. 8018 [Edit]
Oh, like a trackpad?
>> No. 8020 [Edit]
Obviously it's not meant for real friends.
>> No. 8071 [Edit]
Replies: >>8075
File 136213601723.jpg - (79.09KB , 500x414 , 2assassinscreed4art-500.jpg )
>> No. 8075 [Edit]
when i saw the picture I thought first it was written "Black Fag"
>> No. 8087 [Edit]
File 136226947535.jpg - (88.39KB , 1024x707 , 2Fate_Love-500x250.jpg )
Kinect + Skyrim = http://sgcafe.com/2013/03/watch-skyrim-running-virtual-reality-treadmill/
>> No. 8106 [Edit]
Age of Empires 2 HD!!!
The actual hd looks silly, but I think the main selling point will be the online multiplayer with steam integration.
Is it worth 20$ though? I played online once. Got rushed by cavalry. Not worth 20 bucks, I'd say.
>> No. 8110 [Edit]
File 136288665313.jpg - (103.54KB , 260x392 , 3mario_costume_mod_by_dsforest-d5v02ok.jpg )
Deadpool got game!
>> No. 8116 [Edit]

I couldn't be happier right now. I'm currently playing Drakengard and Nier is one of my favorite games of all time, this has the potential to be fucking great.

I just hope they disregard Drakengard 2's plot.
>> No. 8127 [Edit]
Replies: >>8128
File 136341286747.gif - (17.07KB , 146x146 , 3c76f230b28bc9ca04721b378c55c540.gif )
Zombie Crossover!
>> No. 8128 [Edit]
Not a fan of RE6 but still, so happy to see PC getting cool stuff, and with Valve of all people.
More cool crossovers would be welcomed.
>> No. 8140 [Edit]
Replies: >>8141 >>8143
File 136377178417.jpg - (18.08KB , 200x197 , 1Aya.jpg )
"Dragon's Crown" Swoops into Japan on July 25 for PS3 and Vita.
>> No. 8141 [Edit]
Great news that i dont need to buy a psvita
>> No. 8143 [Edit]
Replies: >>8407
File 136394859731.jpg - (15.88KB , 200x196 , DC.jpg )
Dragon's Crown has a Video Update;
Fighter Amazon Dwarf
Elf Wizard Sorceress
>> No. 8146 [Edit]
Replies: >>8149
DuckTales HD

>> No. 8149 [Edit]
I wonder if this will lead to them re-opening the servers for Chip n Dale's MMORPG
>> No. 8161 [Edit]
Replies: >>8235

Why does every series I love die? Fucking Christ, the one series I thought to be incorruptible has been turned into a shitty, generic JRPG.
>> No. 8162 [Edit]
Square Enix CEO is gone.

Will things improve? Or will they just put out the FF7 remake everyone wants. Sounds risky. That is their ace in the hole. Might give them some badly needed money, but then they will have to, you know, make new games. At least it would buy them some time if things really get that dire.
>> No. 8163 [Edit]
A possible new game in the APB saga


I'm assuming it's a kickstarter because no human being on earth thought another APB game would be a good idea.
>> No. 8170 [Edit]
File 136462957033.jpg - (1.56MB , 3500x1969 , 2YAIBA_NGZ_07.jpg )
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z
Shaka Ninja!
>> No. 8201 [Edit]
Replies: >>8202
File 136522036925.jpg - (19.67KB , 160x120 , 2White_Queen_by_Anime_Projects.jpg )
What the-?!?
I want BRS!
>> No. 8202 [Edit]
Taken them long enough.
>> No. 8235 [Edit]
Replies: >>8240
Halt those tears, fair maiden!



Surely this news is to repel your worries, yes?
>> No. 8239 [Edit]
Replies: >>8240
File 136643509283.jpg - (20.31KB , 160x120 , images.jpg )
Indie doesn't mean bad...

>> No. 8240 [Edit]
It doesn't, but most indie games are bad.

Hopefully it isn't shit
>> No. 8254 [Edit]
File 136732586287.jpg - (13.07KB , 279x180 , 297257_full.jpg )
>> No. 8263 [Edit]
Ratchet and Clank Is hitting the big screen.

I'm pretty damn excited about this one, videogame adaptated into Hollywood movies usually suck but this is actually going to keep the same character models, voice actors, and even have the game's creators heavily involved in writing and overseeing the project. Also heard they'd be using the same plot from the first game.
2015 can not come soon enough.
>> No. 8277 [Edit]
What time is it?

>> No. 8278 [Edit]
Replies: >>8279
Shadow of the Eternals


The spiritual successor to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Reqiuem.
>> No. 8279 [Edit]
Replies: >>8280
I heard some bad things about the guy in charge of it, in that he would take all of the money and put it into other projects just to fund them and let the game suffer from it. The guy's name is Dyack or some shit like that.
>> No. 8280 [Edit]
Sounds like the guy who created minecraft
>> No. 8302 [Edit]
Replies: >>8303
File 13694580526.jpg - (3.58MB , 3500x2334 , grid2.jpg )
Game comes with free car! http://www.ausgamers.com/news/read/3309951/grid-2-offers-most-expensive-collectors-edition-at-125-000
>> No. 8303 [Edit]
>only one copy of the edition available. Oddly enough the website actually says that the copy is now out of stock
cool story
>> No. 8315 [Edit]
Replies: >>8316 >>8317
Molyneux's Curiosity is over! What was inside the cube? A talking Minyneux, of course!
>> No. 8316 [Edit]
I was wondering whatever became of that.
>> No. 8317 [Edit]
File 136984532187.jpg - (128.59KB , 660x402 , godus_bryan.jpg )
Bryan Henderson is a God! We need to unite and destroy him in order to create a democratic anarchy capitalistic republic of kingdoms!


>Bryan Henderson is going to have to watch his back.

>Earlier this week, the 18-year-old incoming university freshman from Scotland became the lucky winner of game designer Peter Molyneux’s Curiosity cube contest. Henderson’s reward: He’ll be a god ruling over all other players of the upcoming “god simulation” game called Godus.

>But Molyneux says there’s a catch. “His reign will last a certain period of time … and then he can be overthrown,” he told Wired via phone.

>When he announced that Henderson was the player who clicked the final cube in his Curiosity game over the weekend, Molyneux said that as a reward for playing a virtual deity in Godus, Henderson will receive a “significant” percentage of the game’s profits. But, the game designer told Wired, other players will be able to usurp Henderson’s heavenly throne — and his salary.

>Will the fear of being overthrown make Bryan Henderson a just and benevolent ruler?

>Since winning the Curiosity contest, Henderson has become something of an internet celebrity. He’s already doled out high-profile interviews. His Twitter account has gained well over a thousand followers — and a parody account modeled after “Peter Molydeux.”

>At least one person has sent a gift to the 22Cans offices to be delivered to Henderson. Yes: The faithful are already giving him offerings in an effort to win his favor.

>Although 22Cans isn’t yet revealing exactly what in-game powers Godus’ god(s) will have, it assures concerned fans that there will be limits.

>“He can’t kick everyone in the world,” Molyneux says. “He can’t suddenly decide that everyone’s games get deleted. These [powers] are within the confines of game balancing. Some of them are moral decisions, some may be territorial decisions.”

>Molyneux, a man with an infamous reputation for big promises and under-delivery, seems to be trying to keep his excitement under control this time.

>“Godus is definitely, by a long, long way, the…” Molyneux began, then caught himself, trailing off.

>“Well,” he continued, “I’m not going to say it’s the best game I’ve worked on … but it feels like the most complete game I’ve worked on. I love playing it, and maybe other people will love playing it.”

>Mostly, Molyneux is relieved that Henderson is the person that won the Curiosity contest.

>“He could have turned out to be someone who couldn’t speak English,” Molyneux says. “He could have turned out to be 12 years old. That would’ve been philosophically interesting, I think.”

>Bryan Henderson told Wired via email that any potential heretics conspiring against him will have to come prepared.

>“If anyone tries to overthrow me,” he says, “they’ll have to give me everything they’ve got.”
>> No. 8321 [Edit]
File 137009110456.png - (301.51KB , 640x360 , swapper1-640x360.png )
>> No. 8332 [Edit]
Replies: >>8333 >>8334 >>8493
File 137050592745.png - (637.77KB , 1074x881 , down.png )
Gazellegames and underground-gamer are now gone fuck this world.
>> No. 8333 [Edit]
Well fuck.
Back to JDownloader and DDLs.
>> No. 8334 [Edit]
Goodnight, sweet prince.
>> No. 8374 [Edit]
>SuperDAE, the super hacker behind the biggest hack in gaming history, has released his “insurance torrent”. Clocking in at 1.7 TB (yes, terabytes), it promises to hold everything from Unreal Engine source code to documents pertaining to unreleased Xbox One and PlayStation 4 information. If you have an internet subscription that has no caps and enough hard drive space capable of holding an extra 1.7 terabytes, go ahead and download it.



Magnet Link:

Post edited on 17th Jun 2013, 5:43am
>> No. 8378 [Edit]
File 137164510913.jpg - (11.45KB , 160x120 , tumblr_lzno6fd6gl1qequos.jpg )
No Auction House?

>> No. 8396 [Edit]
Replies: >>8397
File 137248072646.jpg - (214.91KB , 450x560 , 4150c649c87318f160e85d66f3766490.jpg )
>> No. 8397 [Edit]
Replies: >>8398
Gonna take a lot more than that to remove the $ from micro$oft.
>> No. 8398 [Edit]
Replies: >>8400
because other companies dont care about making money at all, right? its not like they have fiduciary responsibility or anything
>> No. 8400 [Edit]
There's running a business, then there's being massive greedy jews.
>> No. 8404 [Edit]
File 137276628365.jpg - (86.17KB , 600x900 , hb.jpg )
>> No. 8407 [Edit]
Replies: >>8448
File 137292712520.jpg - (187.74KB , 350x699 , elf.jpg )
Playing Mystara Chronicles over Steam in prepartion for this.
>> No. 8423 [Edit]
I want an invite to this!
>> No. 8434 [Edit]
File 137379449052.jpg - (132.84KB , 624x690 , w.jpg )
Sorry, I'm late but have some E3 photos.
>> No. 8442 [Edit]
File 13739780218.jpg - (11.25KB , 200x182 , Fire.jpg )
>> No. 8448 [Edit]
Replies: >>8449 >>8450
File 137405852342.gif - (341.52KB , 500x268 , walk.gif )
Very soon...
>> No. 8449 [Edit]
File 137405942315.jpg - (160.64KB , 2370x570 , 557843.jpg )
The elf is so cute, I'm definently going to main black elf.
>> No. 8450 [Edit]
Replies: >>8451
File 137413569348.jpg - (853.26KB , 885x4230 , DC.jpg )
Why the soceress is so protective of the hat- a doujin comic
>> No. 8451 [Edit]
Replies: >>8452
File 137413609010.jpg - (901.87KB , 885x4308 , DC2.jpg )
>> No. 8452 [Edit]
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>> No. 8458 [Edit]
File 137422115715.jpg - (5.45KB , 160x120 , zlogo610.jpg )
DoTA 2!
>> No. 8463 [Edit]
Replies: >>8464 >>8472
File 137428940168.jpg - (8.02KB , 200x179 , 2bd66f067f77667b1fbc56b699d6d7fa.jpg )
Ace Combat!
>> No. 8464 [Edit]
Replies: >>8465
Oh god I hope it's better than their last game and they avoid all that real world call of duty shit.
>> No. 8465 [Edit]
Replies: >>8466
>45 second trailer show literally less than 0.2 seconds of actual game footage

yes, i'm certain this is an excellent product.
>> No. 8466 [Edit]
There certainly isn't much there to go off of, but the meter thing makes it seem as if they aren't going to be doing the same old boring US vs sandpeople bull crap and hopefully go back to doing more large scale scifi type stuff like before. ...unless Iraqi rebels have figured out how to drop meters on us citys. But yeah it's not much to go off of at all. all I can do is just hope they learned their lesson after their call of duty clone bombed.
>> No. 8472 [Edit]
File 137466911266.jpg - (54.96KB , 704x528 , horraaa.jpg )
Please be good.
>> No. 8480 [Edit]
File 137496522125.jpg - (190.24KB , 1000x563 , BI7KeajCEAE2vHg-500x288.jpg )
New Guilty Gear.
<- That is 3D and not sprites?!?
>> No. 8493 [Edit]
Gazellegames is re-opening!



Dear GGn members,

We're extremely happy to be here and able to welcome you back to your favorite games tracker! No doubt you have some burning questions on how this can be possible and the events leading up to our return; so let's start:

Why'd you close, only to come back?
Two months ago we were in a position where we could not guarantee the ongoing safety of the staffers or members of the site. Rather than risk making that data accessible to some legal organization, we decided to shut down and fully give the impression we would never be returning (ha!). We've spent our downtime moving servers around and buffing up our security, as well as fixing lots of bugs and usability issues. The site and all your great work in terms of game descriptions and user contributions are 100% intact.

Really? All our stats?
All accounts are active again. You'll of course not be subject to any hit n runs or inactivity disables that would have otherwise come into effect for not logging in/seeding whilst the tracker was offline. No torrents have been deleted for inactivity. Now what is important is we get back to seeding the existing torrents so all your hard work in the past doesn't go to waste. To accommodate for the fact some users will have removed content, torrent inactivity deletions is disabled for the next month. There have been plenty of game releases in the last month that we need to catch up on, so there're plenty of upload bytes opportunities - get uploading!

What about my stats? And didn't you say you wiped the data?
All your stats, including torrents, seeding, forums, achievements, etc. have been fully restored. The plan was to wipe the data shortly after taking the site down, but the sysops immediately began talking about re-opening and decided to hold on to it for a little while should that happen. Rest assured, the data was handled with the respect your privacy deserves, fully encrypted and stored offline until a trustworthy host was established.

I've deleted files and now have/will get HnRs?
None of your current downloads will be processed as hit-n-runs for the next month. Re-download anything that will be classed as a hit-n-run due to lack of seedtime and resolve this before the month-long grace period expires. Anything you download from here on out though is subject to the rules.

Anything else change?
While we were down, we took the time to make a few fixes/improvements to the site. Most were around security, but some other back-end changes were also made to improve the site experience. If you look at the staff page you'll notice that it more clearly shows which staffers cover which responsibilities, and who is in charge of each aspect of the site.

As a welcome back gift, everything is free leech for the next week. Enjoy!

P.S. If you can start reseeding your old stuff we'd be extremely grateful!

>> No. 8506 [Edit]
Replies: >>8507
File 137544462263.jpg - (660.87KB , 944x1238 , sm.jpg )
SF x Capcom
>> No. 8507 [Edit]
Replies: >>8508
File 137544497394.jpg - (369.79KB , 1111x602 , mark42.jpg )
>> No. 8508 [Edit]
I'm guessing its going to be pay-to-win, like all mobile games
>> No. 8511 [Edit]
Neil Gaiman!?!
>> No. 8559 [Edit]
File 137694351532.jpg - (1.17MB , 2304x768 , 1376938994-mother-4.jpg )
Mother 4 teaser Fanmade coming 2014

>> No. 8562 [Edit]
Replies: >>8667
File 137708123285.jpg - (27.03KB , 535x300 , games-for-windows-live1.jpg )
More like GFWDead
RIP July 2014?
>> No. 8572 [Edit]
File 137777354897.jpg - (109.09KB , 640x360 , sushitank.jpg )
Video Game update; JP version
>> No. 8576 [Edit]
Warning 3DPD
HydraDeck Humans - Infinite Realities demo for the Oculus Rift


Say goodbye to reality for good
>> No. 8577 [Edit]
Replies: >>8578 >>8582
File 137873798131.jpg - (36.51KB , 660x495 , psvitatv-660x495.jpg )
this is huge news

Sony will release PlayStation Vita TV, a small, inexpensive television game console, at the end of the year in Japan, it said Monday.

The new console is, roughly speaking, identical to the hardware from Sony’s handheld PlayStation Vita game machine, but in a tiny (6.4cm x 10.5cm) white box that connects to your television. Players use the PlayStation 3′s Dual Shock 3 controller to play games.

PS Vita TV will launch in Japan on November 14; Sony did not say on Monday when it would make it available in other regions.

At 9,954 yen — about $100 — it’s a very affordable option, about one-quarter the price of Sony’s upcoming PlayStation 4. Then again, the price conceals the fact that a Dual Shock 3 controller, required to use the system, is not included in the basic package. A more expensive package including the controller will also be available on launch day.

Sony points out that the device will play, at launch, about 1,300 games. That’s because it can play all of the PSP and PSone games that are currently available to download via the PlayStation Network digital games service, plus many of the games that have been released so far for the PlayStation Vita platform. Sony said in a press release that the PS Vita TV cannot play all PS Vita games, since many of them use the touchscreen, motion sensors, camera and other inputs that are only available on the handheld unit.

Sony is positioning Vita TV as a great device for video streaming; at the Tokyo media briefing it stressed that you would be able to use the device to stream video content a wide variety of services.

Additionally, a “future system update” will allow you to use Vita TV to stream PlayStation 4 games — if you have a PlayStation 4 console in another room of your house, you will be able to hook a PS Vita TV up to another television in a different room and play the PlayStation 4 on that television, via streaming. (Although the press release did note that PS Vita TV only supports 480p, 720p and 1080i output

>> No. 8578 [Edit]
Replies: >>8579 >>8586
This is worse than the 2DS.
>> No. 8579 [Edit]
yeah it seems really redundant, kinda defeats the whole purpose of a portable game system.
>> No. 8580 [Edit]
File 137875639496.png - (216.48KB , 860x264 , PSVita_hardwareTOP_main.png )
PS Vita 2000


>Called the PS Vita 2000, it will be 20 percent lighter and 15 percent thinner than the current console and comes with 1GB of onboard storage. Sony says the new Vita will launch in Japan on October 10 at a retail price of 18,980 yen (US$190)

>> No. 8582 [Edit]
Replies: >>8597
I played the demo to gravity rush, and in it I never had to use the touchscreen, or rather I was comfortable with just the dual sticks. Due to this I'm wondering, can I play gravity rush on this? Or are there gimmicky sections in the game that require the touchscreen to pass?
>> No. 8586 [Edit]
But better than XBone...
>> No. 8588 [Edit]
File 137914145547.jpg - (16.36KB , 160x120 , zFade.jpg )
Turn-based espionage game?
>> No. 8597 [Edit]
here is the compatibility list

>> No. 8605 [Edit]
Fatman speaking at Gnu /Linux con about his plans for world domination in video games,pop tart hills and exploitation of mountain dews rivers.

>> No. 8620 [Edit]
Replies: >>8621 >>8622 >>8625 >>8635
File 13803054483.jpg - (100.11KB , 1065x820 , 1380302178094.jpg )
this happend
>> No. 8621 [Edit]
looks like a daruma
>> No. 8622 [Edit]
I'm unsure of whether the touchpad looking things meant to replace analog sticks is a good idea. I'm also not sure if the thing in the middle is supposed to be a screen or a touchpad.

Having the buttons all jammed in the middle like that seems very awkward, but I guess that the controller will be pretty small to ensure that people can reach those buttons. Also it looks like there might be a button on the back part of the handle on the right. On the left you can kinda see something poking out, which could either be a shoulder button or just a part of the controller so that it can 'stand' itself on flat surfaces.

It's pretty weird and could be interesting, but I don't like the button placement.
>> No. 8625 [Edit]
I don't even know what to say about this shit. And I thought the Wii U controller was bad...
>> No. 8626 [Edit]
File 138041849345.jpg - (8.55KB , 200x133 , usa.jpg )
Qanba Q2 Glow fightstick
>> No. 8634 [Edit]
File 138131562057.jpg - (593.60KB , 1055x1500 , ww.jpg )
Who wants?
>> No. 8635 [Edit]
Replies: >>8637
File 138155624640.gif - (363.71KB , 383x400 , icry.gif )
>> No. 8637 [Edit]
Replies: >>8638
File 138156710654.jpg - (22.72KB , 430x430 , 1316569403127.jpg )

I'm actually rather impressed with the controller at this point.

a position based method of using the pad as an alternative to the velocity based joystick is a gigantic step forward in terms of making the controller useful and allowing the player a greater range of control over what they are doing with the damned thing. He tries to point out just how much of an improvement that is, but he doesn't really do it justice.

And with the amount of detail he went into about how he split the right pad into up/down/left/right tells me that there is a massive amount of room for customization available for using the controller to do various things, from emulate a d-pad to the 6 buttons on a sega saturn controller.
>> No. 8638 [Edit]
Replies: >>8640 >>8641
File 138158981495.jpg - (29.91KB , 400x314 , jaguar controller.jpg )
>a massive amount of room for customization
You mean like this? I pass.
>> No. 8640 [Edit]
If you are going to use that, you might as well use a keyboard...
>> No. 8641 [Edit]
customization on the software side.
>> No. 8643 [Edit]
File 138216080377.jpg - (156.66KB , 800x450 , ztopr.jpg )
Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax

>> No. 8649 [Edit]
Replies: >>8653
File 138277482866.jpg - (292.19KB , 724x1000 , z4f8c628aa5875b90fe4d6327ea0854b31382562407_full.jpg )
*Double-U(ltra) option
*Red Fous
>> No. 8653 [Edit]
File 138279904568.jpg - (254.16KB , 819x1157 , startover.jpg )
Another expansion?
>> No. 8655 [Edit]
Replies: >>8656
File 138297249619.jpg - (484.76KB , 600x1875 , 1382968968964.jpg )
the true story
>> No. 8656 [Edit]
File 138303436219.jpg - (142.21KB , 703x1000 , ztime.jpg )
Gekijouban Madoka Magica Battle Pentagrams;

Old news.
>> No. 8660 [Edit]
File 138304594997.jpg - (1.61MB , 1500x2000 , 1383011936-ys-memories-of-celceta.jpg )
Ys: Memories Of Celceta PS Vita release Europe early 2014
>> No. 8662 [Edit]
Replies: >>8665
File 138320884869.jpg - (611.90KB , 1000x854 , yoni.jpg )
>> No. 8665 [Edit]
that image was not related at all. Post the name of the video

PS4 Hardware Sizzle Video
>> No. 8666 [Edit]
File 138329713434.jpg - (111.04KB , 640x360 , yaiba_ninja_gaiden.jpg )
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z
F**kin' sugar t*ts
>> No. 8667 [Edit]
File 138329767135.jpg - (29.87KB , 480x270 , z131028b.jpg )
Spend those Microsoft Points ASAP.(August 15, 2013)

Finally! ( 2013.10.18 )
>> No. 8670 [Edit]
Replies: >>10388
File 138333629752.png - (345.82KB , 473x283 , 1383335635455.png )


Nintendo just shut down SpotPass delivery of Swapnotes worldwide, after determining that some users were exchanging “offensive material.”

We are very sorry for any inconvenience to the many consumers who have been using this service responsibly; however this decision was made considering the point that many minors also use this feature of Swapnote. Thank you for your understanding.


Notice about service for Nintendo 3DS software Swapnote


Thank you for your support.

Nintendo has learned that some consumers, including minors, have been exchanging their friend codes on Internet bulletin boards and then using Swapnote (known as Nintendo Letter Box in other regions) to exchange offensive material. Nintendo has been investigating ways of preventing this and determined it is best to stop the SpotPass feature of Swapnote because it allows direct exchange of photos and was actively misused.

Nintendo always wants to provide a positive experience for all consumers and limit the risk of any inappropriate activity or misuse of a service. We feel it is important on this occasion to take this action.

We are very sorry for any inconvenience to the many consumers who have been using this service responsibly; however this decision was made considering the point that many minors also use this feature of Swapnote. Thank you for your understanding.

Nintendo will continue to work to ensure more consumers are aware of our Parental Control features, which allow parents to manage their children’s experience on our systems. For more information, please click here.

Service stop date: Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013, 7 p.m. PT
Service being stopped: Nintendo 3DS software Swapnote – Sending and receiving notes using SpotPass
Affected regions: All regions where the service was offered

Special Notes services are also stopped

good thread


Post edited on 1st Nov 2013, 1:08pm
>> No. 10358 [Edit]
File 138404384932.jpg - (54.02KB , 281x350 , Zzard.jpg )
Heroes of the Storm?
>> No. 10374 [Edit]
File 138516567048.jpg - (30.44KB , 292x136 , z1365938460297.jpg )
Kingdoms Rise


Looks and moves good!
>> No. 10376 [Edit]
Replies: >>10708
File 138517274866.jpg - (69.84KB , 640x482 , uMIGHTY_-mainart0826_fix_0.jpg )
Not Megaman
>> No. 10388 [Edit]
File 138598281533.jpg - (8.91KB , 160x120 , ezlogicartist.jpg )
Next up, Xbone bans you for sharing videos with profanity...

<- Co-op stealth
>> No. 10396 [Edit]
Replies: >>10397 >>10402
File 138668008017.jpg - (966.71KB , 1920x812 , 1386609117-girls-und-panzer-master-the-tankery.jpg )
girls und panzer screens psvita
>> No. 10397 [Edit]
I'm curious how it'll stack up next to world of tanks.
>> No. 10398 [Edit]
>> No. 10402 [Edit]
It's a shame they didn't go the PS3/Vita route a lot of Japanese devs seems to do these days. Would've loved to import it for my PS3.
>> No. 10403 [Edit]
File 138747836978.png - (588.33KB , 850x467 , 1387388410284.png )
Hyrule Warriors for Wii U (spin-off, not Zelda U)


Also the MGR:Revegeance release date for PC is Jan 9th.
>> No. 10417 [Edit]
File 138909789090.jpg - (34.59KB , 744x177 , calendar.jpg )
Coinciding with CES2014, Deadbreed is announced;
>> No. 10418 [Edit]
Replies: >>10436
File 138910389827.png - (422.20KB , 1852x647 , Machines.png )
>> No. 10436 [Edit]
It just dawned on me that Valve is nothing more than a sack of stupid that has only done nothing but help the devaluation of video games.

The stagnation of these shitty "triple A" titles only worsens the situation, especially when you take in consideration that some of them don't even take gameplay as a focus and try to sugarcoat it with a ton of flashy shit to cover up the terrible gameplay (it could also be counted as terrible gameplay ideas as they are only second to whatever the 'game' is trying to show off) or lack thereof.
>> No. 10444 [Edit]
Wargame Red Dragon, RTS coming in 2014.
>> No. 10458 [Edit]
File 13910007824.jpg - (186.76KB , 1898x1172 , 1390849001-l4d3.jpg )
First images of the Source 2.0 engine.

l4d3? (Source 2 reveal)

jU$st fel acros myd esk, mbight b a thin.g
-crazy buttocks on a train

>> No. 10474 [Edit]
File 139237809194.jpg - (200.57KB , 695x390 , z2014.jpg )
>> No. 10475 [Edit]
File 139244125661.jpg - (618.38KB , 1600x689 , z2014.jpg )
Rebel FIGHT!
>> No. 10476 [Edit]
File 139244158684.jpg - (121.99KB , 768x1041 , z2014.jpg )
Anime Brawler
>> No. 10480 [Edit]
File 139253262169.jpg - (372.08KB , 1920x1080 , z314.jpg )
World of Speed
>> No. 10482 [Edit]
File 139283664644.jpg - (48.47KB , 965x524 , image_315279_full.jpg )
Pre-order Wolfenstein The New Order and get the DOOM beta..

An insert will be included inside your boxed copy of Wolfenstein: The New Order," it reads. "This insert will include a key code along with code redemption instructions. Once the key code is redeemed, you'll be registered to participate in the DOOM beta once it begins. Check back at wolfenstein.com/doom for updated information



>> No. 10496 [Edit]
File 139410663228.jpg - (36.42KB , 620x332 , abyss_logo.jpg )
Abyss Odyssey by ACE
>> No. 10509 [Edit]
>> No. 10510 [Edit]
Replies: >>10517 >>10521
Occulus Rift to be a reality soon?
>> No. 10515 [Edit]
State of the Video Games
>> No. 10517 [Edit]
Replies: >>10518 >>10523
... And now Oculus is officially dead. It really was going to be too good to be true.
>> No. 10518 [Edit]
Replies: >>10519 >>10521
I hope that Project Morpheus isn't the only reason that you're saying that because in my eyes it's nothing but the next Eye Toy.
>> No. 10519 [Edit]
Replies: >>10520
a Eye Toy wouldn't let you shut out the world around you and engulf yourself into your media. I can't understand why people keep comparing this to motion controllers and other stupid shit like that. It's a means by which to enhance your viewing experience, like getting a HD TV and surround sound system when all you have now is a small CTR.
>> No. 10520 [Edit]
Replies: >>10522
Don't over-hype yourself too much as you might find yourself disappointed with the end result. Just take it with a grain of salt and expect at least a moderately decent product and not an end-all-be-all product.
>> No. 10521 [Edit]
Replies: >>10529
What's the stage beyond death?

Isn't there a third one apart from Oculus and Morpheus? Not that I expect anything good.
>> No. 10522 [Edit]
yeah you're right.
>> No. 10523 [Edit]
Replies: >>10524 >>10525
For $2,000,000,000 Fuckerberg sure got ripped off hard. I can only laugh at the filthy kike as he watches his investment fail miserably.

My expectations of what comes out of the rift are right on the level of what Microsoft is doing with their garage and kinect.
A couple nifty capabilities demonstrated via tech demo, but no application for it, and absolutely no support for GAEM DEVELOPERS to lean on if they wanted to do anything new and innovative with it (that fine print in the garage for the IP copyrights makes things doubly impossible).

And even on that end, Japan's miku lap dance + tenga attachment is beyond the cutting edge of any other Oc.Rift application; it's a proof of concept feasibility demonstration at best and still is by far the most advanced practical use for the damn thing -- as in there is a market that is lucrative.

The best part: it turns the rift into a hot potato with the temperature of the sun that will incinerate the hands and reputation of the person or business who owns it once Japan gets it's hardware package shipped out and available through retail. Not only will the kikebook logo be on the headpiece, that logo will turn around bite Fuckerburg right in the ass when fox news does a soccer mom rally to ban them; two billion dollars worth of beartrap clamping onto Fuckerburg's ass.
I'm hoping for some rather spectacular MSNBC fireworks as well.
>> No. 10524 [Edit]
he didn't even get $2,000,000,000, most of it was paid in shitbookstock shares.
>> No. 10525 [Edit]
Replies: >>10526
>Japan's miku lap dance + tenga attachment
What? My google-fu seems to be too weak to find out what you are talking about.
>> No. 10526 [Edit]
File 139591768815.gif - (2.47MB , 620x650 , 1394999001734.gif )
There's a youtube video that demonstrates it in more believable manner, but this .gif made from a 1 second interval from that video should suffice to get the point across.

Post edited on 27th Mar 2014, 3:56am
>> No. 10529 [Edit]
>> No. 10534 [Edit]
Caffeine (SciFi Horror)
>> No. 10549 [Edit]
File 13972715826.jpg - (8.22KB , 160x120 , yjen.jpg )
Star Citizen update
>> No. 10555 [Edit]
File 139756167876.jpg - (12.40KB , 160x120 , ypay.jpg )
Grave (survival horror) by Broken Window Studios
>> No. 10567 [Edit]
File 139790239974.jpg - (19.90KB , 160x120 , ywave.jpg )
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Aquarium time!
>> No. 10568 [Edit]
File 139790508894.jpg - (8.72KB , 150x212 , ywave.jpg )
Wolfenstein: The New Order
>> No. 10586 [Edit]
Replies: >>10588
File 139951595388.jpg - (262.42KB , 800x731 , PAS.jpg )
Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire


Hopefully this time there'll be some post-game content.
>> No. 10588 [Edit]
Replies: >>10589
The new formes or w/e for Kyogre and Groudon look really cool. I wonder if they're megas.
>> No. 10589 [Edit]
That would seem likely. Mega forms for Latias and Latios were also confirmed IIRC, so we'll be probably be seeing those in the remakes as well. Hoping for Battle Frontier, too.
>> No. 10590 [Edit]
File 139977792514.jpg - (34.18KB , 292x136 , yElf.jpg )
Dungeon of the Endless
>> No. 10600 [Edit]
File 140039572665.jpg - (19.93KB , 160x120 , ySF.jpg )
Time to learn DoTA2?
>> No. 10601 [Edit]
File 140058724092.jpg - (27.27KB , 580x300 , y50.jpg )
Games Hardware News
>> No. 10608 [Edit]
File 140127716467.jpg - (186.61KB , 580x300 , borderlands_the_pre-sequel.jpg )
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel explained in detail in new walkthrough trailer
>> No. 10611 [Edit]
File 140135559743.jpg - (105.68KB , 580x300 , aw.jpg )
Armored Warfare’s latest trailer shows tanks
>> No. 10612 [Edit]
File 140150183752.gif - (2.81MB , 425x229 , Spoiler Picture.gif )
Mario x Mercedes ?!?
>> No. 10619 [Edit]
Mighty no.9
Work in progress
2015 release
>> No. 10621 [Edit]
That's kinda funny.
>> No. 10623 [Edit]
File 140195910462.jpg - (16.19KB , 160x120 , zMadocar.jpg )
Gauntlet trying to be like Diablo?
>> No. 10625 [Edit]
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
>> No. 10627 [Edit]
File 140226857593.jpg - (418.50KB , 1024x768 , ys9FbSZob.jpg )
Tech Update
>> No. 10646 [Edit]
File 140273141157.jpg - (50.31KB , 831x435 , yinh.jpg )
Kingdom Under Fire II
>> No. 10656 [Edit]
File 140317733312.jpg - (11.38KB , 160x120 , yNot.jpg )
>> No. 10670 [Edit]
Replies: >>10671
File 140340250449.jpg - (216.22KB , 1200x675 , yNot.jpg )
Cartoony super-violence
>> No. 10671 [Edit]
Kind of neat that they didn't tout player customisation from the get-go. At this point it's a cliche to see developers promise great customisation and then give you 15 sliders that transforms your character from ugly to more ugly. I see it as a reason to be optimistic.
>> No. 10674 [Edit]
GFWL still not dead?
>> No. 10677 [Edit]
File 140369844538.png - (214.38KB , 360x526 , 1317.png )
>> No. 10680 [Edit]
>15 sliders that transforms your character from ugly to more ugly
I laughed.
>> No. 10693 [Edit]
File 140429214610.jpg - (18.89KB , 160x120 , WS_2013-11_Warrior_Class_Drop_08.jpg )
>> No. 10708 [Edit]
$3.8 million wasn't enough. They want $100,000 for voice acting (because Elijah Wood needs to go somewhere).

Also they're making a still CGI show aimed at children for 2016.

>> No. 10716 [Edit]
File 140489708814.jpg - (12.47KB , 160x120 , yNot.jpg )
>> No. 10730 [Edit]
File 140522987940.jpg - (149.57KB , 620x280 , abyss.jpg )
Abyss Odyssey
>> No. 10738 [Edit]
File 140558971848.gif - (43.24KB , 250x200 , zRoseReflect.gif )
Gigantic MOBA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJCAKJ9fz4I

Heroes of the Storm MOBA master skins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPjCPgcgiJg


>> No. 10739 [Edit]
Square Enix sent a not-cease and desist to the people who made the Type-0 fan translation patch so they took it down (even though it's up everywhere else already).


While the IGN url says it was a C&D they corrected themselves later.
>> No. 10748 [Edit]
Replies: >>10749
>> No. 10749 [Edit]
That's awesome
>> No. 10751 [Edit]
File 140627799258.png - (214.39KB , 394x525 , zbart.png )
>> No. 10754 [Edit]
File 140633240819.jpg - (19.47KB , 160x120 , ydrift.jpg )
>> No. 10755 [Edit]
File 140633312086.jpg - (261.77KB , 1024x768 , yyy.jpg )
Legend of Korra by the studio that brought you Bayonetta & Metal Gear Revengeance...
>> No. 10757 [Edit]
Replies: >>10758 >>10759 >>10763 >>10811
File 140635299861.png - (148.75KB , 622x215 , xTwitch.png )
Googles buys Twitch for 1 billion dollars?
>> No. 10758 [Edit]
Replies: >>10759
Google wont rest until they've owned every inch of the internet.
>> No. 10759 [Edit]
I'd heard about this yesterday. Although, I do remember some article a while back stating that they were looking to take Twitch.

It really sucks, doesn't it? I just got used to Twitch and have grown to like it within the small amount of time that I've actually used it.
>> No. 10761 [Edit]
THE SIM(pson)S 4
>> No. 10763 [Edit]
Replies: >>10778
I wonder how badly they can mess it up like they've done with YouTube. Maybe Twitch chat won't be nearly as horrible.

I want to say you can't make the layout any worse but I'm sure they'll manage, but I never watch anything live so I guess it won't affect me all that much.
>> No. 10768 [Edit]
File 140703474780.jpg - (19.79KB , 160x120 , ySection.jpg )
Path of Exile expansion
>> No. 10772 [Edit]
File 140714043776.jpg - (1.34MB , 1420x3593 , ydestiny_beta_infographic_full.jpg )
Destiny beta: the numbers
>> No. 10777 [Edit]
File 140731715619.jpg - (163.81KB , 580x300 , yCOM.jpg )
Bad guys wear black.
>> No. 10778 [Edit]
>I wonder how badly they can mess it up like they've done with YouTube.

well they just started by muting all archives with music picked up by their Content ID system, which can include game soundtracks. so they've messed up quite a bit (although they probably didn't have a choice)
>> No. 10779 [Edit]
File 140740309995.jpg - (31.58KB , 580x300 , yCrawl.jpg )
>> No. 10785 [Edit]
File 140774913343.jpg - (19.38KB , 160x120 , Beatit.jpg )
Metro 2033 Redux
Metro: Last Light Redux
>> No. 10797 [Edit]
File 140814635643.jpg - (133.74KB , 580x300 , Yvisible.jpg )
Invisible Inc
"Good luck, operator."
>> No. 10811 [Edit]
Replies: >>10813

Amazon Buying Twitch for Nearly $1 Billion

>> No. 10813 [Edit]
File 140913028180.jpg - (54.42KB , 600x300 , yRainbow.jpg )
That's a lot of cash...
Pokemon Fighter
>> No. 10816 [Edit]
Replies: >>10820
File 140922563239.jpg - (5.01KB , 160x120 , yClipboard02.jpg )
Interstellar Marines
>> No. 10820 [Edit]
>> No. 10821 [Edit]
File 14093064886.jpg - (74.78KB , 640x360 , yRain.jpg )
Biohazarding Resident Evil
>> No. 10828 [Edit]
Planetary Annihilation due for release on September 5
That's no moon....
>> No. 10838 [Edit]
File 140956714282.jpg - (24.96KB , 488x274 , y56CDybY.jpg )
GoD Factory: Wingmen
Space fighter combat!
>> No. 10859 [Edit]
File 140982068572.jpg - (20.91KB , 160x120 , y777777.jpg )
Ray's the Dead
Looks like fun

LAYOFFS.. yeah?
>> No. 10871 [Edit]
Replies: >>11044
File 140991226941.jpg - (153.53KB , 580x300 , yScion.jpg )

Destiny 9/9
>> No. 10886 [Edit]
File 141025381655.jpg - (40.25KB , 580x300 , y6.jpg )
Good Old Games celebrates its sixth anniversary with 80% discounts
>> No. 10903 [Edit]
File 141034767495.jpg - (3.80KB , 150x146 , y6.jpg )
>> No. 10928 [Edit]
File 141065962018.jpg - (38.70KB , 580x300 , yDuals.jpg )
Elite: Dangerous (PC)
>> No. 10949 [Edit]
Replies: >>10952
Microsoft buys Minecraft, Majong

>> No. 10952 [Edit]
This has been rumored for a while, but it still somehow gets a ton of attention. I don't really get it as vanilla Minecraft is shite, but it somehow gains so much popularity that it is almost baffling.
>> No. 10963 [Edit]
Replies: >>10969
>> No. 10969 [Edit]

Well I'll be damned, it actually doesn't look irredeemably awful. Proceeding with cautious optimism.
>> No. 10974 [Edit]
File 141138841291.jpg - (109.00KB , 580x300 , y136699.jpg )
Wasteland 2
>> No. 10978 [Edit]
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain introduces DD;

Grand Theft Auto V rumoured to have FPS mode on next-gen and PC
>> No. 10988 [Edit]
Replies: >>10998
Ancient Space RTS
>> No. 10992 [Edit]
Replies: >>10993 >>10994 >>10995
File 141161323266.png - (33.57KB , 711x485 , justify my piracy.png )
Ubisoft is shit.
I bought Child of Light in Steam, and now this.
I swear to god I am going to fucking kill someone.
>> No. 10993 [Edit]
Replies: >>10994
Be sure whoever you kill is in the top brass at ubisoft.
>> No. 10994 [Edit]
Was able to make an account on the website. The issue might have been the profanity in the username, as the website rejected the username I chose as a reflection of my twue sewf. Correct error messages would help. Maybe I should kill them for the bad error messages? As good a reason as any. But...effort.

So, crisis averted.
>> No. 10995 [Edit]
Replies: >>11009
If it is any consolation, it is an amazing game.

How Ubisoft made it is beyond me.

I got the ps3 version because of the PC nonsense. Still was annoying getting it going.

Just want to say that is worth the hassle man. It is a beautiful game. Great piano soundtrack too.
>> No. 10998 [Edit]
About space RTS, still waiting on that Homeworld HD remake.
>> No. 10999 [Edit]
Evil Within
>> No. 11001 [Edit]
Replies: >>11004 >>11006
lol xbox is selling like horse shit in japan. They know whats up.

>> No. 11004 [Edit]
Replies: >>11005
I highly recommend not using Kotaku. They are a shite tier joke site that isn't worth following or reading.

Also, a far better and superior site reported on that a long while ago: http://www.p4rgaming.com/microsoft-japan-says-xbox-one-sales-slow-due-to-the-console-not-being-released-yet/

I'm sure that the comments are the same in both sites as well.
>> No. 11005 [Edit]
I guess that I should've clarified that I was kinda joking on the whole thing. Even though I personally don't really care much for Kotaku, I for some reason thought that it might make someone laugh. Which is strange since even I find it unfunny and a kind of jerk way to go about something.

Um, sorry.
>> No. 11006 [Edit]
File 141181985753.jpg - (232.83KB , 1222x1220 , Xbox.jpg )
>> No. 11008 [Edit]
New information on the coming update for Terraria has been released. The developers don't want to give away too much, so they only mentioned relatively small changes and teased some of the larger events that are coming.

>> No. 11009 [Edit]
File 141186770559.png - (1.99MB , 1600x900 , that got dark fast.png )
Just finished it. There were some feels in there. Also, Aurora's animations are cute, notably her flinch animation where her crown gets knocked off and she puts it back on.
I also liked how you meet a brohno, that was pretty rad.
>> No. 11017 [Edit]
File 141234523865.gif - (245.56KB , 500x245 , zEiken.gif )
Lots of games;
>> No. 11028 [Edit]
File 141246212111.jpg - (91.67KB , 580x300 , XBONE.jpg )
Bloodborne by the makers of Dark/Demon Souls
>> No. 11030 [Edit]
Replies: >>11031
Rune Factory 4 will probably get released in Europe afterall. I thought some of you might want to know.

>> No. 11031 [Edit]
Good to hear. It's my favorite 3DS game, more people deserve to play it.
>> No. 11037 [Edit]
Ubisoft: "30fps Is Better Than 60fps...Because We Said So"

>> No. 11039 [Edit]
Replies: >>11040
Hollywood is Making a Tetris Movie apparently.
How in the fuck do you make a movie out of Tetris?!
>> No. 11040 [Edit]
The same way you make a movie about Battleship. Badly.
>> No. 11044 [Edit]
File 14130865529.jpg - (5.73KB , 200x200 , tg.jpg )
This is how I umbra-witch too;

>> No. 11052 [Edit]
File 141328209781.jpg - (21.47KB , 700x320 , [TEW].jpg )
>> No. 11060 [Edit]
Replies: >>11062
yay isometric shooter with destructible environment ^-^
>> No. 11062 [Edit]
I looked at the wikipedia page for that game.

Developer goals stated to be:
>In this way, they also sought to make a game that recalled the industry's history as "a rebellious medium" and surface-level entertainment with no insertion of "any fake philosophy".

Then they use a philosophy they don't believe to rationalize the protagonist's actions...

All right then...
>> No. 11094 [Edit]
File 141380234753.jpg - (70.48KB , 580x300 , 9.jpg )
More Megama..Might no.9!
>> No. 11120 [Edit]
>> No. 11137 [Edit]
Bloodborne for Halloween!
>> No. 11141 [Edit]
shit man, being poor is suffering.
>> No. 11154 [Edit]
Star Wars Battlefront
>> No. 11157 [Edit]
File 141500024285.jpg - (41.35KB , 580x300 , 141121458063s.jpg )
FPS in my Star Citizen game?
>> No. 11159 [Edit]
>> No. 11160 [Edit]
Replies: >>11161 >>11162
Video of the official FPS mode in GTA 5 released, exclusive to the next gen and pc versions of the game. I like this game a lot but this first person thing looks pretty poor in my opinion.

>> No. 11161 [Edit]
I thought it looked pretty nice, especially the motorcycle sequence around 2 minutes in. Add some of those graphics/immersion mods from GTA4 and it looks pretty exciting.

Now I just gotta upgrade from my toaster.
>> No. 11162 [Edit]
The past is the new future
>> No. 11168 [Edit]
Indie-ana Jones
>> No. 11175 [Edit]
StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void - Oblivion

Overwatch~ FPS by Blizzard.
>> No. 11176 [Edit]

>> No. 11182 [Edit]
Still kicking
World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
>> No. 11203 [Edit]
http://store.steampowered.com/app/259470/?snr=1_7_15 13
>> No. 11210 [Edit]
Replies: >>11212
File 141695558126.jpg - (8.33KB , 150x150 , zAASSSS.jpg )
Do updates count to news?
If so,
>> No. 11212 [Edit]
Would be pretty dull if everyone posted about patches for games of their personal interest.
>> No. 11213 [Edit]
Hollow Knight
Looks fun; may kickstart it.
>> No. 11231 [Edit]
Replies: >>11232 >>11234
20 years of Playstation (Dec 3 1994 to today)
>> No. 11232 [Edit]
I want one, bad.
>> No. 11234 [Edit]
Damn that really looks great, but I'm sure you'd have to clean it very constantly to keep it that way
>> No. 11239 [Edit]

Square Enix trolling FF fans.
>> No. 11248 [Edit]
File 141914009079.jpg - (414.30KB , 766x992 , withc.jpg )
Legend of Dungeon Trailer

Hammerwatch Official Site
>> No. 11259 [Edit]
Replies: >>11260
So basically, instead of Giving FVII a remake (let's face it, the graphics haven't exactly aged well, it's begging for a remake), they basically just port it to the PS4 with no alterations

God dammit square

Post edited on 25th Dec 2014, 6:45pm
>> No. 11260 [Edit]
Replies: >>11261
well it's not 'no alterations' it's the remastered version that was released for pc. which I think is mostly just an increase in resolution.

They know everyone wants a remake, and they know it would make lots of money. the problem is they see it like admitting defeat. I've heard they refuse to make a remake of FF7 until they make a FF game that does better than FF7 did.
>> No. 11261 [Edit]
Replies: >>11262
You'd think that would motivate them to make better games...
>> No. 11262 [Edit]
You'd think...
>> No. 11265 [Edit]
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4) announced (last week) and a trailer/PV. Tag-team fighter game. Had seven playable characters in the demo at Jump Fiesta.
>> No. 11270 [Edit]
Replies: >>11272 >>11273
Hate DDoSers.
>> No. 11272 [Edit]
Elite hackers doing what they do best: being the scum of the earth.
>> No. 11273 [Edit]
Replies: >>11274
I thought lizard squad was gonna do this on Christmas not new years?
>> No. 11274 [Edit]
Replies: >>11275
It started on Dec 24th, if you read the article.
>> No. 11275 [Edit]
huh, my mistake.

So what happened with that other group that claimed to take lizsquad down just before xmas?
>> No. 11279 [Edit]
Replies: >>11285
The Banner Saga 2
>> No. 11285 [Edit]
File 142060041054.jpg - (116.82KB , 580x300 , z20150107.jpg )
Coming 2015? Sweet.

Oh wow, 144Hz gaming monitor.
>> No. 11288 [Edit]
Replies: >>11290 >>11292
File 142060929655.jpg - (32.85KB , 646x300 , z20150107.jpg )
"Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness"
Kinect is compulsory.
>> No. 11290 [Edit]
Replies: >>11292
The game will probably be cool but I doubt they are able to get fans of Japanese games and VN's to buy the console anyway. There just won't be enough games to justify buying xbone, or even either one of PS4 and xbone. Nerdier casuals seem to have moved on to f2p PC games like assfaggots and only the sports games fans are left with their consoles.

I will be waiting for the eventual PC port even if they claim it's an xbone exclusive.
>> No. 11292 [Edit]
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires delayed until late February


I guess they're upping their game for the niche Japanese game fans because D4 was a kinect exclusive as well. Let's see how long it lasts.
>> No. 11305 [Edit]
Replies: >>11306
Puzzle & Dragons: Super Marios Bros Edition announced for 3DS


Post edited on 8th Jan 2015, 2:19pm
>> No. 11306 [Edit]
Also it's getting localised.

Messed up on the video.
>> No. 11313 [Edit]
File 142099259514.png - (361.07KB , 849x315 , xseed-games-01-09-15-1.png )
XSEED posted this to tease their up-coming releases. The four silhouettes have been guessed so far: Forbidden Magna (3DS JRPG), Corpse Party Blood Drive (Vita Horror), Onechanbara Z: Kagura With NoNoNo! (PS3 Action) and Ys: The Ark of Napishtim (PC JRPG).

The Corpse Party one might not true since the silhouette is vague and the Ys one, if true, is the PC version of the game. The other two are pretty obvious.
>> No. 11319 [Edit]
Nintedo Direct was today.
New Rhythm Heaven game.
New Girl's Mode game. Style Savvy/Boutique.
New Hatsune Miku game.
New Fire Emblem game.
>> No. 11332 [Edit]
Replies: >>11333 >>11337
File 142192045541.jpg - (93.40KB , 580x300 , z20150121.jpg )
DirectX 12!
>> No. 11333 [Edit]

They've finally gotten a version of direct X to out perform OpenGL?
>> No. 11337 [Edit]
Replies: >>11338
File 142216850594.jpg - (69.28KB , 625x351 , z20150125.jpg )
Considering that Microsoft owns Win10 (where's Windows 9) and Xbox, I'm always surprised at the lack of Windows port of Xbox games...
>> No. 11338 [Edit]
Gotta give people an incentive to buy an xbone.
>> No. 11341 [Edit]
Homeworld remastered collection getting released on steam 25 february.


I always loved space stuff and homeworld is definitely among the best space RTS
>> No. 11342 [Edit]
File 14224115379.jpg - (143.17KB , 600x338 , Dragons-Dogma-Online-01-27-15-1.jpg )

First Deep Down and now this.
What are you doing, Capcom?
>> No. 11368 [Edit]
Replies: >>11370
Be "good and moral"
>> No. 11370 [Edit]
The translation is kind of botched. He's talking about people using mods to pirate the DLC. Not puritan 'moral' that the idiots in the comments seem to assume.
>> No. 11379 [Edit]
Replies: >>11383
File 142407782619.jpg - (43.27KB , 580x300 , 2015.jpg )
Russian developers Snowforged Entertainment have a new Free-to-Play RTS coming out at some point in the near future, and like most other things built in the Unreal Engine 4 called " Starfall Tactics "
>> No. 11380 [Edit]
Replies: >>11383
File 142407788381.jpg - (48.99KB , 580x300 , 2015.jpg )
Russian developers Snowforged Entertainment have a new Free-to-Play RTS coming out at some point in the near future called " Starfall Tactics "
>> No. 11383 [Edit]

Sounds like a quick cash-in toward the Eve Online stranglehold on RUS MMOs.

While as much as I would like the RUS to go away, it sure is fun to murder them in Eve Online
>> No. 11384 [Edit]
Replies: >>11388
File 142432845984.jpg - (305.21KB , 1920x1080 , z20150220.jpg )
Rise of Tomb Raider
Xbone exclusive
>> No. 11388 [Edit]
File 142437656889.png - (444.58KB , 959x720 , Screen Shot 2013-10-20 at 12_25_35 AM.png )
just temporary bro
>> No. 11392 [Edit]
NightCry's PC port got funded on kickstarter

It's Clock Tower on a cruise ship made by the creator of the series, Hifumi Kono. PC/Vita/iOS
>> No. 11397 [Edit]
SEGA is dying?
>> No. 11405 [Edit]
File 142508974450.jpg - (32.83KB , 580x300 , z20150227.jpg )
Far Cry 4 Valley of the Yetis DLC due on March 10
>> No. 11410 [Edit]
File 142518243470.jpg - (70.56KB , 580x300 , z20150301.jpg )
Space Sluggers
>> No. 11417 [Edit]
Replies: >>11419
File 142546428051.png - (536.42KB , 1440x900 , unreal-engine-4.png )
>> No. 11419 [Edit]
File 142570009188.png - (18.31KB , 653x200 , xSource_engine_logo_and_wordmark_svg.png )
>> No. 11433 [Edit]
Replies: >>11437 >>11440
Seems Nintendo Announced Their Next Gen System Code-Named NX. Also seems they're working on mobile games now?
>> No. 11437 [Edit]
Replies: >>11440
>mobile games
I thought it was more of a system that allowed people to play Nintendo games legally on their mobiles.
>> No. 11440 [Edit]
Nah, they hired a company to make shitty phone games with their IPs to get the shittier casuals to buy their main stuff.

No, they want you to buy their shit. Fuck your phone and buy their shit.
>> No. 11452 [Edit]
File 142744740081.jpg - (155.07KB , 580x300 , z20150326.jpg )
Pillars of Eternity
>> No. 11468 [Edit]
The Witcher 3 will have two expansions adding 30 more hours of gameplay
>> No. 11476 [Edit]
File 142961158591.jpg - (17.04KB , 290x150 , zCharacterSheet.jpg )
Crypt of the NecroDancer
Move it to the beat!
>> No. 11486 [Edit]
File 143056312543.jpg - (705.46KB , 2943x1846 , paladamn.jpg )
Direct X 12!
>> No. 11501 [Edit]
Malware spotted among the first GTA V mods

The angry planes one was especially very popular
>> No. 11503 [Edit]
File 143226819964.jpg - (14.74KB , 290x150 , aVEGA.jpg )
Overwatch’s cowboy McCree
>> No. 11513 [Edit]
File 143315567947.jpg - (321.75KB , 1280x1730 , z20150601.jpg )
>> No. 11515 [Edit]
File 143424621887.jpg - (201.20KB , 580x300 , aDevs.jpg )
>> No. 11521 [Edit]
This week's Famitsu


It has info on the recently announced Atelier Sophie.
>> No. 11529 [Edit]
Replies: >>11530
>> No. 11530 [Edit]
R.I.P Iwata
>> No. 11554 [Edit]
Snaaaaaakkkeee http://games.on.net/2015/08/metal-gear-solid-5-the-phantom-pain-gamescom/

Dark Souls III http://games.on.net/2015/08/dark-souls-3-gameplay-footage/
>> No. 11558 [Edit]
File 143937924218.jpg - (27.80KB , 200x186 , z20150813.jpg )
Extreme Dimension Tag Blanc + Neptune VS Zombie Army
>> No. 11562 [Edit]

>Since there’s a possibility that the command battle system of the old days might not work today, we’re thinking hard about what kind of direction we can take it.

I don't see how it wouldn't work. Shorten the animations and make general improvements; turn-based isn't archaic, it still works and people still like it. It'll sell regardless but I just think they're being retarded.
>> No. 11567 [Edit]
Playism has localised Pixel's new game, Pink Heaven, and it's free

>> No. 11573 [Edit]
Tatsumi Kimishima is the New President of Nintendo
>> No. 11591 [Edit]
File 144300058071.jpg - (56.80KB , 715x1000 , z20150924.jpg )
SFV PC specs
>> No. 11600 [Edit]
File 144401516599.jpg - (9.48KB , 290x150 , z20151006.jpg )
>> No. 11603 [Edit]
Replies: >>11604
File 144407968949.jpg - (79.16KB , 500x309 , megaten4-final_151006-1.jpg )
SMT IV: FINAL announced for the 3DS. Release date in Japan: 10th of Feb 2016
>> No. 11604 [Edit]
Thanks, man. I haven't visited SMTG or /v/ for a long time.
I'm surprised that it's coming out this fast, hope it doesn't get delayed. Really looking forward to Feb.
>> No. 11615 [Edit]
Trails in the sky SC is coming out on October 29.
>> No. 11617 [Edit]
File 144564600612.jpg - (81.56KB , 640x480 , 1303796809_67561156.jpg )
Playing Tales of Zestria.

So far, the story is dragon quest blandstraight forward.

I want to go for the Grade achievement, but it requires me to fight a boss monster that is powerful enough to 1-shot my guy. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem, but in order to not have the AI walk right into the boss and die, I need to control player 1 with my gamepad and player 2 with keyboard/mouse, in addition, I need to have both players in fusion mode, and the one with aggro needs to be running in circles around the boss while the other attacks......

also, it would take about 35 mins, because the only way I could do it would be to use basic attack hit and run.

I wish the AI wasn't fucking useless.
>> No. 11633 [Edit]
>> No. 11650 [Edit]
File 144688428891.jpg - (84.40KB , 580x300 , z20151108.jpg )
>> No. 11660 [Edit]
File 144713846127.jpg - (259.73KB , 695x390 , z20160412.jpg )
>> No. 11675 [Edit]
Nintendo Direct
Cloud is in Smash
Twilight Princess HD (looks the same as when it was on GC)
Loads of amiibo and DLC
New Hyrule Warriors Legend character called Linkle. Looks like the elf from Dragon's Crown but with two bows
Some f2p games
>> No. 11717 [Edit]
File 144896957410.jpg - (65.34KB , 640x262 , z20151204.jpg )
PS4 7-cores

AMD hot
>> No. 11727 [Edit]
Replies: >>11728
Ace Combat 7 announced. PS VR exclusive.
Ni no Kuni II announced. PS4 exclusive.
Yakuza 5 (out on Tuesday) and Yakuza 0 are being localised.
Ni-Oh getting localised.
>> No. 11728 [Edit]
Replies: >>11730
>Ace Combat 7
If it's anything like pile of crap Ace Combat assault then they can keep that shit.
>> No. 11730 [Edit]
The announcement trailer was all cinematic so it's impossible to tell. VR exclusive doesn't sound too good to me because it makes me think they're just doing it to sell the gimmick using a known IP.
>> No. 11733 [Edit]
Bunch of games listed to be on Steam

I'm not sure if it means the Japanese version of Stranger in Sword City will be easier to get.
>> No. 11756 [Edit]
>> No. 11788 [Edit]
File 145147156923.jpg - (909.79KB , 1280x720 , a20151231.jpg )
Lara Croft Can Starve To Death In Rise Of The Tomb Raider's Newest Mode
Why would you do that?
>> No. 11792 [Edit]
File 145157413110.jpg - (305.30KB , 800x1032 , 0.jpg )
Do not support this.
>> No. 11793 [Edit]
Replies: >>11794
Final Fantasy IX Coming to PC & Smartphones

I hope the PC port is okay. I haven't played FFIX yet.
>> No. 11794 [Edit]
Replies: >>11795
Oh no.
Do not touch FFIX.
Stay with VII.
Enough of ruining good games.
>> No. 11795 [Edit]
Replies: >>11799
It's just a port (or were there issues with their PC ports?) and they don't ruin the 3D ones the same way they do the 2D ones and those filters.
>> No. 11799 [Edit]
Replies: >>11808
I do not know since i have not played the ports but seems unchanged from what i have seen and heard.
The changes were only cosmetic and discreet. This i can bear.
But i see more than the eye. I am talking about implications.
FFVII is a cult game, always was but it got to the point of naruto and DBZ level of fanclubism. This is not healthy in my eyes. Alienation.
This is exactly how many good franchises got mercilessly run to the ground. I do not like it.
Sure FFIX may be beautiful to look at on the PC and will also pay some more well deserved money to those who have made it.
But we know very well greed does not stop there. This is my concern.
>> No. 11808 [Edit]
File 145225135893.jpg - (555.04KB , 1280x720 , final-fantasy-ix-01-06-16-1.jpg )
The Oculus Rift is Priced at $599

I completely agree with you on the long term effects of basically selling out.

In regards to the FFIX port it seems they used HD models but original quality backgrounds and I've heard some of the other ones were locked to a low FPS. So I'll just emulate it or buy a copy (doesn't seem too expensive).
>> No. 11830 [Edit]
File 145275280425.jpg - (91.97KB , 600x338 , a20160116.jpg )
Assassin's Creed Chronicles~ India
>> No. 11866 [Edit]
File 145345079463.png - (377.38KB , 1000x593 , BrooksAccesory.png )
The Universal Fighting Board is a collaboration between Brook, Jasen's Customs, Arcade Shock and Paradise Arcade Shop. The companies wanted to have a board that can work on not only the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but also the Xbox One and PS4;
>> No. 11938 [Edit]
Nippon Ichi will be releasing htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary (march) and Criminal Girls: Invite Only (april) for PC on steam.
>> No. 11940 [Edit]
File 145639671282.jpg - (125.25KB , 768x512 , c20160227.jpg )
AoT arcade game
>> No. 11966 [Edit]
File 145733326093.jpg - (21.04KB , 200x201 , c20160313.jpg )
Sega Shows More "KanColle" Arcade Game in New Trailers
>> No. 11974 [Edit]
Replies: >>11975
>> No. 11975 [Edit]
Replies: >>11977
>Forza Motorsport 6: Apex was announced on March 1, 2016 for Microsoft Windows. It is a free-to-play racing game that features optional micro-transactions. This version of the game is set to be released in mid 2016.

>free-to-play racing game that features optional micro-transactions

>> No. 11977 [Edit]
Core game is free but some extra dlc cost money.
>> No. 11981 [Edit]

Tron-like graphics.
>> No. 12003 [Edit]
File 14586296312.jpg - (292.38KB , 850x1192 , c20160403.jpg )
>> No. 12017 [Edit]
File 145897806085.jpg - (1.19MB , 1920x1080 , c20160410.jpg )
Containing cast-offs from Blizzard, Valve, and Turbine (among others), Industry Games feels they have a good idea about what core gamers want and are ready to test that theory with their newly announced game, Kings and Heroes.
>> No. 12033 [Edit]
File 145968043382.jpg - (36.95KB , 600x337 , g20160423.jpg )
>> No. 12037 [Edit]
>> No. 12041 [Edit]
File 145984820549.jpg - (41.31KB , 600x378 , g20160427.jpg )
The Pokemon 20th Anniversary celebrations continue, with this months free Pokemon being the original Ruby and Sapphire secret Legendary Jirachi! Jirachi will come at level 100 and is available to download until the 24th of April.
>> No. 12045 [Edit]
File 146024943543.gif - (48.33KB , 248x555 , gchess.gif )
>> No. 12072 [Edit]
File 146176461430.jpg - (285.85KB , 1024x576 , g20160520.jpg )
Uncharted 4 - One Last Trailer Ahead of the May 10 PS4 Exclusive Launch
>> No. 12107 [Edit]
Replies: >>12109
File 146320364043.jpg - (78.17KB , 640x480 , g20160616.jpg )
Monster Hunter Generationsspecial themed New Nintendo 3DS XL systems
>> No. 12109 [Edit]
I dig the design, looks cooler than the Japanese N3DSLL equivalent.
>> No. 12123 [Edit]
File 146344569654.jpg - (335.82KB , 1920x1080 , c4c81b45f2a11bc9bd36c068fce400facd69434f.jpg )
Final Fantasy X HD Remaster out on PC and currently 20% off on Steam
>> No. 12167 [Edit]
File 146877979219.jpg - (23.77KB , 930x542 , NESMini-930x542.jpg )
Nintendo is releasing a miniature NES with 30 built-in games

>> No. 12199 [Edit]
File 147194968474.jpg - (20.76KB , 200x191 , g20160920.jpg )
"Disgaea 2 PC" Makes Its Steam Debut on January 30, 2017
>> No. 12238 [Edit]
File 147537390863.jpg - (42.84KB , 600x630 , 20161002.jpg )
>> No. 12255 [Edit]
"Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls" Screens Explore the Environments
PS Vita game launches in North America and Europe on October 18 and 21
>> No. 12270 [Edit]
Replies: >>12271
File 147730064974.jpg - (47.34KB , 695x390 , 20161029.jpg )
Nintendo Switch, Formely Known as the Nintendo NX
>> No. 12271 [Edit]
Replies: >>12273
I'm surprised it took this long for it to be mentioned here.
>> No. 12273 [Edit]

it's a hand-held console with a plug that lets you connect it to a TV.

It is certainly better than a WII-U, I guess; but, I don't think many of us are in the market for a portable game tablet that has the 3-DS's novelty wire-less auto-detect multiplayer when two of them are within 20 ft.
>> No. 12294 [Edit]
PSX 2016
>> No. 12315 [Edit]
File 148343957665.jpg - (26.04KB , 585x300 , 20170106.jpg )
Past Cure looks good
>> No. 12321 [Edit]
Replies: >>12322
File 148430349685.jpg - (93.12KB , 1366x768 , zelda face.jpg )
God awful piggy face.
English voice acting.
I'm not paying for this.

Will later catch up on CEMU.
>> No. 12322 [Edit]
Replies: >>12323
That shot is awful. She's at least a little cute from what I've seen. Although, I'm going to assume that the English VA is shit because that's the norm. I don't blame you for wanting to emulate it, though. The whole event wasn't that good.
>> No. 12323 [Edit]
Nah, she's definitely bloated, eyebrows included. Like a Moogi done wrong...

I wonder why would they do such a thing. My best shots are:

1) Appeal to the importantly fat western market.
2) Convey a 'healthy' image as in touch with nature of sorts.
3) Part of 'revolutionizing' the Zelda franchise, making her a systematic opposite of how she's looked before (from elf to dwarf).

I just don't know, man. Aside from that the game looks damned good. I can live with the voice acting as long as I can use japanese dubs, but I really wish they rememberd Ganon was the pig one character.
>> No. 12339 [Edit]
"Monster Hunter XX" Goes Magical Girl with "Sailor Moon" Crossover
>> No. 12348 [Edit]
Replies: >>12373 >>13706
File 148611561087.jpg - (12.86KB , 200x189 , 20170202.jpg )
Tekken 7's console and PC release has been set for June 2 worldwide (June 1 in Japan).
>> No. 12373 [Edit]
File 149252033260.jpg - (80.67KB , 940x605 , 20170420.jpg )
Will T7 on PC have DRM?
>> No. 12534 [Edit]
File 150365970252.jpg - (259.26KB , 1600x1200 , half-life-2.jpg )
Half-Life 2: Episode 3 is dead, so that a DOTA card game could live.

Half-Life died on a Thursday night while most were asleep, with barely a few hundred souls around to attend a funeral ten years in the making.


"My website's down for now. I guess fanfic is popular, even a genderswapped snapshot of a dream I had many years ago."
>> No. 12539 [Edit]
Secret of Mana remake announced.

With gust-style 3d characters, and really shitty english voices.

...hopefully they don't butcher the OST.
>> No. 12558 [Edit]
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Next "Dissidia Final Fantasy" Character Reveal Set for September 5
>> No. 12775 [Edit]
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>> No. 12825 [Edit]
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Darksiders III

Forged Battalion
Real Time Strategy gameplay!
>> No. 12855 [Edit]

Kojima, you marvelous bastard.
>> No. 12980 [Edit]
Replies: >>12981
File 151648321894.jpg - (54.56KB , 640x430 , labo.jpg )
After noticing diehard Nintendo fans will buy just about anything with the nintendo name on it, the company has announced they're going to start selling cardboard to go with the Switch. Literal cardboard. It's up to the buyer to shape this cardboard into something useful. pricetag is set at $80 supposedly for this Nintendo brand cardboard.
>> No. 12981 [Edit]
Damn, this is how you make money.
>> No. 13074 [Edit]
Replies: >>13076
File 151772240425.jpg - (199.86KB , 1024x637 , catherine-12-20-17-2.jpg )
And so, since ATLUS keeps being so anal towards PC, I'll start supporting Vita emulation.

Post edited on 3rd Feb 2018, 10:02pm
>> No. 13076 [Edit]
Replies: >>13077
>I'll start supporting Vita emulation.
You mean like donating money to the people developing the emulator?
>> No. 13077 [Edit]
Yes. Nekotekina is starting it as a side project.
>> No. 13238 [Edit]
Just Shapes & Beats was released.

It's a bullet hell game with a rythm/mustic focus (similar concept as Thumper), and with a chiptune and drum & bass music score. Unlike most bullet hell games like Ikaruga and Touhou, the hell comes from every direction.

>> No. 13248 [Edit]
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>> No. 13268 [Edit]
Replies: >>13270
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Is this a joke? Overwatch's new hero is a hamster?
>> No. 13270 [Edit]
So? I don't see the issue.
>> No. 13284 [Edit]
Replies: >>13293
File 153412757143.png - (308.11KB , 460x600 , 1428353867773.png )
monster hunter: world came out on the PC.

as would be expected, the net code is shit and will take a month for Capcom to get it unfucked.
>> No. 13293 [Edit]
File 153601791053.jpg - (604.28KB , 1193x1593 , 1536016548118.jpg )
>a month for Capcom to get it unfucked

I take that back, Capcom's plan to unscrew the server issues are to wait for the player base to shrink such that their servers can handle it.
>> No. 13314 [Edit]
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Adventure Mode ‘World of Light’
RPG in my fighting game?
>> No. 13331 [Edit]
Replies: >>13332
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Warframe on Nintendo Switch? Not sure if F2P.
>> No. 13332 [Edit]
it is free to play, and for anyone wondering if it runs well on switch cetus runs poorly but the rest of it was ported so well it caused performance improvements in other versions of the game
>> No. 13346 [Edit]
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Another Switch game I want to try!
In Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes, protagonist Travis Touchdown will fight his way through a bunch of different in-universe video games. One of the latest on display in a new trailer is Coffee & Doughnuts, an action-packed side-scroller. Check out a sample ahead of the game's January 18, 2019 launch on Switch below.
>> No. 13362 [Edit]
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Mortal Kombat 11 is coming soon... I would prefer Injustice3.
>> No. 13365 [Edit]
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Catherine: Full Body Opens Its Heart to the West on September 3
Atlus announces a launch date for North America and Europe
>> No. 13379 [Edit]
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>> No. 13386 [Edit]
Replies: >>13387 >>13396
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Fans Have Spent More Than $3 Billion on Fate/GO Worldwide

Mobile game Fate/Grand Order has pulled in more than $3 billion in microtransactions worldwide.

The game, while free to play, offers in-game currency and occasional increased chances at rolling higher-class Servants for real money. While not every player throws down real cash, the sales aren't insignificant: last month alone, microtransactions totaled $84.3 million worldwide, making Fate/GO the second highest grossing game of the month worldwide.

Unsurprisingly, the majority of the game's total earnings come from close to home — $2.6 billion (approximately 86% of the total) was paid up by Japanese users. Chinese players contributed about $360 million, with US players coming in third at about $90 million, or 3% of the total. Despite the small percentage by comparison, Sensor Tower pointed out that this is a fairly significant amount of revenue, considering the Fate series is not as well known in North American markets as in Asian.
>> No. 13387 [Edit]
Replies: >>13425
That's scary.
>> No. 13396 [Edit]
Replies: >>13425
I still don't get why people like that so much, let alone how the hell it's making so much money.
Game mechanics suck, plot sucks, sprites and their animations are lazy, content is lacking, gacha odds are infamously terrible. Outside of grinding in combat there's nothing to do. Last I played it there was no customizable play room/area like many other games have. It also runs like shit and can't be played on rooted phones, older phones, or emulators.
Being a meme shouldn't account for this much success for so long.
>> No. 13425 [Edit]
Replies: >>13448
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I guess Japs love grindy mobile games...
>> No. 13436 [Edit]
How do you keep up with vg news?
I used to get all the information I'd ever need just by reading people's opinions on fast imageboards, but due to getting fed up with ford driver bullshit I've been avoiding all popular sites for a couple of years now. I never read any of that scummy paid "journalism" either.
It's like I'm living under a rock, and I miss games and stuff.
Is there any way to stay up to date and in the loop while avoiding normals?
I know it's weird but seriously, I'm such a fucking loser I feel so alien I can't even passively read their opinions and conversations without becoming a sobbing wreck.
>> No. 13448 [Edit]
Replies: >>13449
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>> No. 13449 [Edit]
Slot machine disguised as shovelware. I will never understand the appeal of gambling.
>> No. 13459 [Edit]
Sekiro is proving to be too hard for gaming "journalists". Haha.
>> No. 13466 [Edit]
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AI KIZUNA guest-stars in Azure Lane?
>> No. 13565 [Edit]
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Best VR system today~
Is VR going to changing gaming forever?

Back to FF14...
>> No. 13580 [Edit]
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Streets or Rage 4
>> No. 13609 [Edit]
Replies: >>13610 >>13611 >>13649
File 156596223235.gif - (1.16MB , 500x700 , z1522873.gif )
Fate/Grand Order is now 4 years old! And four years on, the game has proven to be one of the most successful Japanese mobile games out there.

In its four-year run, Fate/Grand Order has become the No. 2 ranked mobile game for global revenue at US$84.3 million. It has also become an international success, being one of Japan’s highest selling apps in terms of revenue. It even defeated Fortnite as the most tweeted game of 2018!
>> No. 13610 [Edit]
Eww. It's like I'm watching cancer olympics.
>> No. 13611 [Edit]
I'm filled with mixed feelings. While not everything FGO has brought has been negative, I do sincerely hope it ends sometime soon. Not that I think it will, since it prints money, but oh well.
>> No. 13649 [Edit]
Anime for FGO just came out. I doubt its popularity is going to wane anytime soon.
>> No. 13655 [Edit]
Replies: >>13656 >>13657
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So, DQ11 got released on Switch. I think it was worth the wait. Has a delightful kind of anaesthetic/escapist quality I don't find in enough games. Battle system is kind of anachronistic or 'boring' as usual, but I like that. Besides, you know what you're in for.
>> No. 13656 [Edit]
I've really been enjoying it. DQ games have such a wonderful feeling of adventure to me, and the anachronistic battle system combined with the detailed, yet highly stylish modern visuals really draws me in.
>> No. 13657 [Edit]
Replies: >>13658
I want to play it but I've been stuck in DQIX for the last months. I don't really like it when the stronger monsters become to easy, the grinding slow but the boss still kicks your ass.
>> No. 13658 [Edit]
Yeah, I'm in kind of that part on 11 postgame now. There is an "easy" way to grind to 99 but it involves getting lots of casino tokens which I find I don't have the patience for. Alternatively waiting for three characters to get pepped up which takes ages.
>> No. 13668 [Edit]
The Surge 2 came out a bit ago.

It's pretty damn good, they made some significant improvements to the combat system, the directional parry system was done very well and the way the city ties back into itself with unlockable shortcuts makes things very much like dark souls but on a size that is large enough for you to get lost in.
>> No. 13683 [Edit]
Diablo4 and Overwatch2 were announced. Activision-Blizzard not getting my money though.
>> No. 13698 [Edit]
Replies: >>13699
The asswipes at Valve are about to shart out some bullshit nu-Half Life, this time it's going to be used to peddle currentyear's most garbage gimmick: VR.
LEL just LEL fuck this gay earth.
>> No. 13699 [Edit]
Valve is shit, but VR is great!
>> No. 13706 [Edit]
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Tekken 7 presents Leroy, Ganryu and Fahkumram.
>> No. 13714 [Edit]
A new Total War Three Kingdoms DLC was announced today, the last one rated horribly as it really didn't introduce anything but a few reskins. It looks like they have not learnt from this as so far they have said there will be 40 new units but the units they have listed look to be reskins as well.
>> No. 13722 [Edit]
Replies: >>13723
Tate No Yuusha now has what looks like an awful RPG maker game. I didn't think it would be official but it looks like it is.

>> No. 13723 [Edit]
It's embarrassing for kadokawa, but I've had fun playing rpg maker games before.

Post edited on 27th Dec 2019, 4:41pm
>> No. 13763 [Edit]
Replies: >>13764
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Animal Crossing x Doom fan crossover
>> No. 13764 [Edit]
Replies: >>13765 >>13766 >>13767
I'm sick of this gag.
>> No. 13765 [Edit]
I'm sick of seeing this crap everywhere (like in that video's comments):

Entity #1: entity #1's thoughts, interpretation
Entity #2: entity #2's thoughts, interpretation

People have to use a template for everything instead of putting some fucking effort into one's posts.
>> No. 13766 [Edit]
It really got driven into the ground, didn't it?
>> No. 13767 [Edit]
Replies: >>13768
Right? Didn't Mount and blade 2 also come out on the same day?
>> No. 13768 [Edit]
A new Half Life game also got released in the same timeframe, but nobody mentions that because it's VR.
>> No. 13769 [Edit]
Replies: >>13770
The rape of X-COM continues.

Firaxis is shitting out a "spinoff" which visually looks like a shitty mod, reusing nuXCOM assets with some absolutely hideous new models thrown in.
It pushes the dumbing down of tactics even further. For context, the design of XCOM2 was skewed towards providing cheap 'awesome' moments. The enemies were spawned in small squads to be conveniently flanked and ambushed by the player, rinse repeat. It was mildly amusing at first but in the end more of a puzzle game than real turn based tactics.
Apparently even that was too complex for the average consumer retard so now every mission will begin with an automatic ambush or "breaching" as they market it. Just place your units in one of the available starting locations and watch as the game practically plays itself in front of your very eyes. Try not to drool on your expensive rainbow LED pro gayming keyboard while awesome things happen on your monitor.
Squad is still 5 units only. And guess what, your units can't die anymore. Seriously. It's game over try again on soldier death now. At most a downed unit will get a temporary injury malus. And there's no recruiting, only a roster of ready made characters.
The cherry on top is the game is being directed by someone possessing the mentality equivalent of a YA fiction writer. The setting is retconned into one where people and aliens live in HAAAAARMONYYYY and must fight together against anti-diversity terrorists. Because it's 2020 and you need amerikan pseudoleftist ideology promoted in video games.
>> No. 13770 [Edit]
That story aspect of it feels so artificial that I feel like it has to be a bait and switch. They have ex-ADVENT propaganda people on your team? And a Viper? It feels so wrong that I have to hope it's a trick somehow.
>> No. 13785 [Edit]
Replies: >>13787
The last update for Terraria, Journey‘s End released.
It is massive, the changelog is 40 pages. Modding will also be supported officially.
All in all a great end.
>> No. 13787 [Edit]
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Nice update.
>> No. 13837 [Edit]
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Diablo 4 update

Sorc gameplay
>> No. 13856 [Edit]
Replies: >>13857
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Don't know if anyone on Tohno is familiar with the suikoden series but a spiritual successor is under development, it's funded through KS unfortunately.
>> No. 13857 [Edit]
>spiritual successor is under development, it's funded through KS
Uh god. No, don't give them money. "Spiritual successors" have a terrible track record.
>> No. 13863 [Edit]
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「ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN」25th Anniversary DLC - Original Aircraft Series
>> No. 13890 [Edit]
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Xbox Series S
>> No. 13897 [Edit]
Replies: >>13898 >>13943
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>> No. 13898 [Edit]
That's very nice indeed.
>> No. 13901 [Edit]
Replies: >>13902 >>13925

Microsoft to buy ZeniMax Media and game publisher Bethesda for $7.5b
>> No. 13902 [Edit]
Replies: >>13904 >>13928
I was never a huge fan of Bethesda, but this makes me really sad. The monopolization of the videogame industry is in my opinion the biggest contributing factor to its downfall. When one company consumes another, they clean house and kill off all but the most productive series. They then rush out a new entry in popular series X that inevitably turns out to be garbage because of all the new changes the new owners have imposed. They then just assume the series has run it's course after the bad reviews flood in and give up on it and assign what's left of the team to produce shovel wear tier garbage. This process destroys the studio, kills their ip, and reduces the amount of overall content available to consumers, all to make a few bucks. I wish corporations would stop getting away with this.
>> No. 13904 [Edit]
Replies: >>13909
First of all, ZeniMax was already a poor steward, and there's a reason they sold. MS couldn't make it worse. Second, the indie scene is thriving, and it's never been easier to create a game and make money. I wouldn't worry about it.
>> No. 13907 [Edit]
Replies: >>13908
Disgaea 6 is apparently going to have 3d graphics. I don't know why anybody thinks replacing sprites, especially ones hi-res enough to look like 2d drawings, with n64 level models is an upgrade. I cannot understand it.
>> No. 13908 [Edit]
It's cheaper, I'd imagine.
>> No. 13909 [Edit]
Replies: >>13910 >>13912
The indie scene is a endless garbage dump of low quality low effort gimmicky half broken copy cat incomplete shovel wear.
To you ease of access for aspiring indie devs is a good thing, one that probably means more content to choose from. To me the lower barrier of entry just means more trash and outright scams from people trying to make a quick buck. RPG maker for example has made it incredibly easy for anyone to make a game, but of the hundreds of games made with it, less than a dozen are any good. Less we forget, the lack of quality control was what crashed the industry the first time around. I don't think it will outright crash again, but instead have a slow prolonged decline to the point of stagnation.

The way things are heading, and I don't expect anyone to agree with me on this, but I believe all these big studios consuming each other while monopolizing the industry and releasing less and less content as they do so, This will be in part due to an increasing focus on A: bigger, better looking, grander scale "epic" console selling games that cost a fortune to produce, and B: "life style" games that are designed to be played regularly by consumers day in day out (see fortnight pugb overwatch ect). mid size studios that are willing and able to take risks on new ideas with a decent enough budget to realize those ideas, will be gone, consumed and destroyed by larger companies who have no interest in anything that isn't part of or at least similar to already proven financially successful. In the face of this, The indie scene will likely become vastly more vibrate and populated. So much so it will be something of the wild west of gaming, where anything worthwhile will likely be lost in floods of poorly written VNs, generic unity and rpg games full of stock materials, and countless variations of whatever is trending (as seen now with the countless minecraft clones on the market for example). Occasionally people who rummage around in this trash (such as reviewers and vtubers) will find half way decent games which will then have a short lived explosion of popularity before people return to their "life style" games as they wait for the next big hit game that they can't be bothered to find themselves, as these games will likely not be very long anyway. My vision of the gaming landscape in the years to come is one of a bleak landfill that the masses rummage through, until occasionally someone yells "I found one!" and everyone rushes over to "get it while it's hot". This as dump trucks routinely show up to pour out fresh heaps of indie games onto the mountains of trash to continue the cycle. The industry wont die though, the masses are too desperate for entertainment to distract themselves from their miserable poverty stricken lives in a world where the likes of amazon and walmart have done to jobs what EA and Microsoft have done to games.
>> No. 13910 [Edit]
Replies: >>13911 >>13912 >>13917
In the west it's called "indie" in the Japan they're called doujin. I don't get how you can hate one and not the other. From a purely production standpoint, there's no fundamental difference between the two. I couldn't name them, but I'm sure there more than a dozen rpg maker games that at least have an intriguing story. Maybe It's because I don't actually like "vidya" for the most part, but your wild west dystopia actually sounds pretty good to me. Since when have you wanted everything spoon fed to you? Isn't an ocean of obscure titles to look through more in the spirit of early internet exploration? Maybe the closed, restrictive console enviroment has predisposed you to feeling this way.
>> No. 13911 [Edit]
>In the west it's called "indie" in the Japan they're called doujin. I don't get how you can hate one and not the other
I don't hate all indie western games but obviously the fundamental difference in the culture surrounding doujin games vs the hipster clique of western indie titles means there's more to it than just "independent works" in general. They're steeped in the culture surrounding the primary group of producers and fans.
>> No. 13912 [Edit]
>In the west it's called "indie" in the Japan they're called doujin.
That's how I see it too but apparently there is a distinction and there is an "indie" scene in Japan as well.

I think we are past that point now, many of these big companies are slowly coming to the realization that games on an "epic" scale aren't economically viable. I think companies that have previously put all their eggs in one basket (square enix and FF) are now rebooting old franchises and then you have companies like Konami that have basically abandoned console/pc games altogether in favor of mobile gaming.
>> No. 13917 [Edit]
Replies: >>13918 >>13919
>I don't get how you can hate one and not the other.
I'm not a huge fan of doujin games. I got into them for a while but it became quickly apparent most of them are dime a dozen bullet hells, 2D platformers, and megaman clones. I couldn't comment on doujin VN as they pretty much never get translated, but I wouldn't expect much out of them. Also, I don't "hate" Indie games, I just think the majority aren't any good. I can respect that all devs have to start somewhere, that these games are cheap anyway and expectations should be low, but that doesn't mean I have to play and enjoy them. If you have fun with random indie games, more power to you, I'm glad you like them. I've played some nice ones too, and maybe I really am spoiled but I just don't want to go dumpster diving to find those diamonds in the rough.
>> No. 13918 [Edit]
File 160078897696.png - (20.13KB , 400x300 , 5b16702f25ae54c30dcca0f7034937d8.png )
Another part of it that doujin games don't need to go through an "approval process". I seriously can't stomach that concept. Those talented/skilled people still exist, and I doubt they're all happy to produce derivative mobile shit forever considering that game making isn't considered a profession for "normal people". The faster the game industry dies and becomes noxious to anybody with a creative drive, the sooner the death of the "approval process" will come. Then those creative people are bound to produce good things without the need to restrain their ideas. Resource restriction would also force them to work around their technical limitations once more.

Post edited on 22nd Sep 2020, 9:06am
>> No. 13919 [Edit]
>I couldn't comment on doujin VN as they pretty much never get translated, but I wouldn't expect much out of them.
The ones I have played, translated as part of those festivals, are quite nice, actually.
>> No. 13925 [Edit]
I don't care about whatever happens in the western game industry but I'll be pissed if they try to lay their hands on any japanese game companies.
>> No. 13928 [Edit]
Replies: >>13929 >>13931
>all to make a few bucks
That's literally the only purpose of a business.
They aren't a non-profit organisation nor a charity.
>> No. 13929 [Edit]
I wish they'd at least stop pretending like developers care about what you and the so-called community wants, and that games are art.
>> No. 13931 [Edit]
Replies: >>13978
Keeping customers happy and maintaining a positive image (whether you care or not) Is generally good for any business. The greedy businesses that forget this and screw over customers typically shoot themselves in the foot by doing so. It's just an unfortunately reality that the rule doesn't apply once a company gets big enough, once they hit a certain point they can be rated the worst company in the world two years in a row and people will still line up to buy their shit.

It's not about being a charity. It's about keeping good customer relationships and maintaining a healthy ecosystem in your industry for a sustainable long term business model with practices that don't sacrifice future harvests for a boost in short term profits. This should be common sense.
>> No. 13943 [Edit]
File 160139360138.jpg - (121.68KB , 700x550 , __kirisame_marisa_marion_fumiko_odette_vanstein_co.jpg )
I'm liking the reboot and remake trends in recent times. Not sure about the use of 3D assets though, at least it's not as bad as the Monster World IV remake. Can't expect everything to be like >>13897 I suppose. Apparently there is also going to be an announcement on the Live A Live anniversary stream.
>> No. 13974 [Edit]
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Mihoyo's Genshin Impact F2P game has made upwards of $100 million US in 12 days.
>> No. 13978 [Edit]
>It's just an unfortunately reality that the rule doesn't apply once a company gets big enough, once they hit a certain point they can be rated the worst company in the world two years in a row and people will still line up to buy their shit.
In the case of EA (to whom I assume you're referring), this rule didn't apply because the majority of consumers didn't truly believe they were screwing a sufficiently large amount of their customers. EA caters to the mainstream with most of their titles, and it seems the target audience has a low threshold for satisfaction.
>> No. 13979 [Edit]
>> No. 13985 [Edit]
Replies: >>13986 >>13987 >>13995
why are new games so shit and the faggots that eat them up so insufferable?
>> No. 13986 [Edit]
Because mainstream.
>> No. 13987 [Edit]
because you grew up. Im sure what you liked was seen as trash by the older generation.
>> No. 13995 [Edit]
Stop playing garbage.
>> No. 14009 [Edit]
Replies: >>14010 >>14015 >>14019
Age of Empires III DE was recently released; however, some things had to be changed. After all, 2005 was a year of ignorance and Western supremacy; thus the original was obviously problematic. I hope all of you disgusting apostates give Microsoft your fucking money as atonement for your implicit rape of the Americas and its indigenous peoples. (Fuck you MS.)
>> No. 14010 [Edit]
Replies: >>14014
The changes they made are more accurate though. Natives didn't mine. That seems like a down-grade in their "representation" to me.
>> No. 14014 [Edit]
After thinking it over, I agree with you with regards to the indigenous peoples' representations. Still, I think changes like renaming "Discovering Age", "Colonial Age", and "Plantations", etc to be rather lame. (I'll stop here because this isn't /tat/.)
More egregiously, the release version of the game is supposedly quite buggy.
>> No. 14015 [Edit]
Replies: >>14022
The Historic battles are a joke as well, not sure if you know of the Expedition of Christopher de Gama or not but he went to Ethiopia with 400 men to save the empire from the Adal Sultanate and the Ottomans. They fought heroically against massive odds on frequent occasions, de Gama himself losing his life after a battle where his meagre force was up against over 10,000 Ottoman and Adal troops. Anyway, the historic battle makes it look like the Portuguese are pathetic and broken and that the Ethiopians are the heroes with the Ethiopian queen calling the portugese cowards and constantly talking up the Ethiopians and her rhetoric frequently being about Ethiopia bravely and ferociously taking back their land and such.
>> No. 14019 [Edit]
Replies: >>14021
The best players still play on the original. Do that and get good!
>> No. 14021 [Edit]
Please no. A few months ago, I tried playing some online AoE2DE after thinking I did pretty well against the new AI + trying build orders. That was a poor assumption as my teammate had to carry me throughout; we lost regardless of his heroic efforts. I felt so bad for the guy, and understandably, he was pissed at me. In short, I will never be playing any AoE online, even though I'd probably do better at III since it's the one I played the most.
>> No. 14022 [Edit]
Now this is bad.
>> No. 14046 [Edit]
Replies: >>14047
Latest Story of Seasons was announced. Cannot say I enjoy the graphics all that much, and there being no character portraits makes me sad. The gameplay reminds of A New Beginning (3DS) in that one has decent amount of leeway in designing their farm. However, it doesn't look like you'll be doing any customization to the town. Regardless, I'm pretty excited. (How long until SDV fans call SoS a knock-off?)

>> No. 14047 [Edit]
Replies: >>14048
Didn't expect anyone on here to be interested in the SoS series. I read about it earlier and my reaction are pretty much the same as yours. I'm not too fussed about graphics generally and I can tolerate graphics like the FoMT remake but this just looks bad. I'm still hoping that they would remake Magical Melody, considering the success of the Friends of Mineral Town remake.
>> No. 14048 [Edit]
Replies: >>14049
>Didn't expect anyone on here to be interested in the SoS series.
But why? I have always imagined that SoS are games TC-users should enjoy: they're relaxing, cute, and addicting.

>I'm still hoping that they would remake Magical Melody
FoMT is a fan-favorite. Is MM even close to that?
>> No. 14049 [Edit]
No specific reason, I just don't see it being spoken of before. If I'm not mistaken MM and/or A Wonderful Life is the second and third most popular in the series after FoMT. Also I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that Marvelous are actively looking to remake more of their games following FoMT. That aside I've also been waiting for a long time for them to reboot the Kawa no Nushi Tsuri/River King series. Considering the relative popularity of Houkago Teibou Nisshi, I'm sure there's a market for it. They could possibly even make a collab in the vein of the Doraemon SoS.

Post edited on 28th Oct 2020, 12:28pm
>> No. 14050 [Edit]
Replies: >>14051
>If I'm not mistaken MM and/or A Wonderful Life is the second and third most popular in the series after FoMT.
AWL isn't a surprise, but it's nice to learn that MM is well-liked.

>Also I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that Marvelous are actively looking to remake more of their games following FoMT.
I'd kill for a re-imagining of Innocent Life.

>They could possibly even make a collab in the vein of the Doraemon SoS.
While I've played very little of that series, I'd very much enjoy this. Great idea.

By the way, even though I might know the answer, what's your favorite HM/SoS game?
>> No. 14051 [Edit]
Replies: >>14052
I haven't played much of the newer games after MM so it's probably very biased but it'll probably have to be MM. Isn't Rune Factory basically the spiritual successor of Innocent Life?
>> No. 14052 [Edit]
Replies: >>14069
Many consider the earlier games to be the best, so maybe not as biased as you think. Though, while I haven't played it yet, I hear that the Trio of Towns (the latest released SoS) is pretty good.

>Isn't Rune Factory basically the spiritual successor of Innocent Life?
To my knowledge, yes, but I still think a futuristic SoS set in the edgelands of an advanced society is a good idea.
>> No. 14069 [Edit]
Replies: >>14070
>> No. 14070 [Edit]
Replies: >>14071
They must've brought back the same artist from ANB who did the characters' artworks. Hell, there's a Neil (a shit) clone, and one of the girls looks like ANB's Witch Princess.
I'm somewhat warming up to the graphics; however, I still hate how the tilled fields look, the items' sprites (e.g. chopped wood) remind me of kusoge, and I'm worried about lag. I know Animal Parade was on the Wii, but that game did not perform well, and Marvelous still shipped it.
Looks like this game will allow the most farm customization to date; that's nice.
The dog racing festival instills some optimism regarding interactive festivals.
I do hope that the characters, interactions with them, and married life will be good. I don't expect the level of Rune Factory 4 or even 3, but a man can dream.
>> No. 14071 [Edit]
Replies: >>14072
I'm not too fond of the character design personally but it isn't terrible. Agree with you on the graphics and the field/sprites as well as the lag. Yeah, there seems to be a lot of building customization which reminds me of MM and that's great. The aesthetics of it looks somewhat off though and I do hope there are more to the different buildings/structures than just mere decorations.
>> No. 14072 [Edit]
>I'm not too fond of the character design personally but it isn't terrible.
Yeah, it's serviceable. I think the artwork's style is catering to the majority female demographic of SoS.

>I do hope there are more to the different buildings/structures than just mere decorations.
You should probably bury that hope right now.
>> No. 14094 [Edit]
Replies: >>14095
You can always delete it and go post it there
Too bad. The password field is so useful though! Too often ignored.

Post edited on 16th Nov 2020, 5:15pm
>> No. 14095 [Edit]
Replies: >>14094
Alas, I cannot.
>> No. 14101 [Edit]
Replies: >>14107
A small trailer for another bachelorette from the new Story of Seasons: https://twitter.com/bokumono_PR/status/1326811974727065600. The character animations are giving me some hope. Also, that minidress--my God!
>> No. 14107 [Edit]
Replies: >>14109
The event animations are certainly better than the gameplay trailers so far, feels more like a SoS game. Seems like they are going for a more real and contemporary design for the characters, not sure how I feel about that. Something about it makes me feel that they are really pushing the dating aspect. But I suppose I already feel this way even with the newer SoS and Rune Factory series. The designs themselves are good however.
>> No. 14109 [Edit]
Replies: >>14113
Yes, I prefer the more antiquated world that we've had as I perceive it to be more cozy and unique.
With regards to the dating angle, I encourage any improvement to it as it will hopefully make the applicable characters feel more alive. (And it's one of the reasons why I play the game.) That said, I always worry how the other villagers will fare. After all, this is a farming and life simulation game: all characters must be sufficiently believable to immerse the player. Also, where's my Witch Princess? The loli-version doesn't count.
In the end, the farming is this game's bedrock, and it must be good.
>> No. 14112 [Edit]
Shin Subarashiki Kono Sekai / NEO: The World Ends with You announced for Nintendo Switch and PS4
Japanese trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thvqIawz5lc
English trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bUU_58xrtc

Unlike >>7127, it's actually a sequel this time.
>> No. 14113 [Edit]
I do hope that the new creative direction would retain the coziness of the past games. I agree with you in general, I think the farming/life simulation should be the primary focus and the dating aspect secondary.
>> No. 14118 [Edit]
>> No. 14120 [Edit]
Welp, the "premium" edition of SOS: Pioneers of Olive Town's retail offering is pretty shit. The European version is better, but it's still not compelling.
>> No. 14125 [Edit]
And so, another trailer for the latest Story of Seasons arrives: https://youtu.be/ujsgRQ_F8F0
I continue to dislike the tilled fields' appearance.
You may now domesticate wild animals--just like in Rune Factory! I think Animal Parade was the last game where you could tame creatures, but any animal you obtained only became a pet. I don't know how well this will work; it'll certainly be interesting.
As hinted in previous trailers, you'll be able to take picture. I think the last game to feature this was, also, Animal Parade. Can't say I'm too interested in it, though.
Some more scenes of courting and interacting with love interests. More than anything, I hope Marvelous improves upon Trio of Towns' variety of dialogue--for marriage candidates and normal villagers alike. (I began playing the Trio of Towns, and I'm pleased with it as it's a sizable step up from previous SoS/HM titles.)
Finally, actual mining returns! I hope an upcoming trailer focuses on it as it was merely shown at the end in this one. I hated the "mining points" in previous games. So this is welcome news indeed.
What I really need is some information on farming, however. I assume it's going to continue the system laid in place by the two previous Story of Seasons games, but Marvelous is prone to shaking things up in this regard.
>> No. 14150 [Edit]
File 160904825334.jpg - (12.81KB , 474x248 , xDNF.jpg )
Dungeon & Fighter DUEL
Dungeon Fighter Online spin-off game
>> No. 14155 [Edit]
Replies: >>14156

>Squadron 42, the stand-alone single-player campaign for Star Citizen, has missed its 2020 beta release date with no new date in sight.
>> No. 14156 [Edit]
Surprised it's still going.
>> No. 14165 [Edit]
Replies: >>14166
Another trailer for the latest Story of Seasons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UetNOvLif70
Nothing new, really, but I do have to say that I'm not a fan of XSeed dubbing over the MCs' vocalizations. Was is it really necessary to change the original (a bit minimal) VA work so that one can use whatever inferior "talent" they have on hand? Just asinine.
>> No. 14166 [Edit]
Did they really do that? Seems absolutely redundant. Hoping it would get a PC release though.
>> No. 14167 [Edit]
Replies: >>14168 >>14170 >>14173
File 161314439851.png - (859.42KB , 1100x1100 , __nier_and_yonah_nier_and_1_more_drawn_by_kuromu_k.png )
Why does Nier sound and look like a cunt? I don't see any news indicating a change in VA but I don't remember him sounding like this much of a whiny cunt. Also what's with Yoko Taro's recent choice of male MC design, they look like underaged russian homosexuals. The old design was better.
>> No. 14168 [Edit]
Replies: >>14169
>they look like underaged russian homosexuals
I literally lol'd anon, thanks. Imo it's alright, though they do look like that, huh? That's how I always felt with a lot of Final Fantasy characters design but never quite thought it that way. In my head I always thought this style as the "perfect skin BL dolls".
>> No. 14169 [Edit]
Replies: >>14171
I stopped paying attention to the FF series ever since Nomura took over the designs from Amano.

>"perfect skin BL dolls"
That's sort of how I see the bishonen trope at first too but recently with the improvements in 3D graphics, photorealism is becoming a trend which isn't something positive in my view. I think otaku media should still remain in the realm of the impossible but nowadays characters are modeled in a way that makes them resemble real people and/or belonging to specific ethnicity. In my view, asian aesthetics have always been counter to western ideals that seek out realism in the arts.
>> No. 14170 [Edit]
Replies: >>14172
File 161317224911.png - (4.99MB , 1280x1911 , __zero_nier_mikhail_caim_angel_and_3_more_nier_and.png )
I hate to be mean on here but not knowing about NieR Replicant and spouting off like younger Nier is a new design and not the original vision for the character is incredibly ignorant. Nier Gestalt and the older version of Nier within is specifically made to appeal to western audiences which is why he appears in the Xbox 360 exclusive version that forms the basis of both international releases.
>> No. 14171 [Edit]
Replies: >>14183
File 161317278927.jpg - (116.48KB , 1023x710 , vxIwQYc.jpg )
>I stopped paying attention to the FF series ever since Nomura took over the designs from Amano.
Since Final Fantasy VI? Even before then he has been working on monster and overall graphical design since at least IV. In any case, that's a shame since he has a rather refined style when it comes to his drawings.
>> No. 14172 [Edit]
Replies: >>14174
I'm talking about Replicant though, not the older Gestalt. I specifically posted an image of the "older" Replicant Nier for comparative purpose and I also mentioned that "there is no change in VA". If you look at clips from the old version of the game you'd realize that he sounded different.
>> No. 14173 [Edit]
You sound like a cunt, posting about something you didn't do the most minimal research on. Brother Nier is the original design.
>> No. 14174 [Edit]
Replies: >>14175
I'm aware that the lines are rerecorded, but that makes even less sense with regards to the design. It's the same design.
>> No. 14175 [Edit]
Replies: >>14176
The face obviously.
>> No. 14176 [Edit]
Replies: >>14177
That's like saying Xenoblade DE is a "redesign". It isn't. 7th gen just had awful faces.
>> No. 14177 [Edit]
Replies: >>14179 >>14180
Well I never said anything about a "redesign". I used the word "design" because I was also alluding to 9s' design.

I got my generations mixed up. I don't think the old faces are bad, I don't think it looked as feminine as the new one did. Not that feminine faces are bad by itself but as I've mentioned in the other post, that combined with the pursuit for photo realism makes it unpleasant in my view. Uncanny valley if you will.

Post edited on 12th Feb 2021, 4:27pm
>> No. 14179 [Edit]
Replies: >>14180 >>14182 >>14183
File 161319509852.png - (919.98KB , 1000x1590 , NierYoung.png )
Young brother Nier was also meant to look young and androgynous.
>> No. 14180 [Edit]
Replies: >>14181
File 161319517994.png - (267.43KB , 640x347 , 4-stupidfuckinghaircut.png )
Also, it's an alternate costume that was in the original. Here's his default look.
>> No. 14181 [Edit]
File 161319520613.png - (703.32KB , 1024x576 , 787558.png )
And here's the costume.
>> No. 14182 [Edit]
Fuckk, I meant "always" not "also"
>> No. 14183 [Edit]
File 161322582540.jpg - (20.56KB , 400x400 , 4c6b53aabe6a0e28889972d8fab3a773[1].jpg )
I know that. I don't have a problem with pretty/androgynous looks like Emil for example (at least because we have yet to see his new face). The pictures you have posted proved my point, the previous Nier's face looked more like an effeminate Caim from Drakengard. The new one looks more like 9s. Maybe it's just a personal pet peeve, whatever. It's probably because they are adapting to Akihiko Yoshida's style which is ironic because he is one of my favorite artist. I suppose his style always has this European flair about it but I guess transferring it into 3D just makes it a little too much for me. Thinking about it I never liked Vaan's design from FFXII either.

I'm more of a DQ person but yeah, never got into VII and VIII although I did play IX. The best FF in my opinion is FFT which probably says it all.
>> No. 14184 [Edit]

Reminds me of FFT but reworked with Octopath graphics.
>> No. 14185 [Edit]
Also, it seems that both Legend of Mana and Saga Frontier are getting remastered.
>> No. 14186 [Edit]

Far-fetched but I hope this gets a western release. Another Eden is also finally coming to PC this spring, looking forward to playing a Masato Kato game although I'm not sure about it being a mobage port. Another game I'm hoping for a PC is release is Void Terrarium.
>> No. 14198 [Edit]
Replies: >>14199

>The Japanese release of Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town came and went at the end of last month, and now
>Japanese players are vocally complaining the game is riddled with issues.

>Chief among the complaints are long load times, glitches, and various system bugs. Marvelous staff and game producer
>Dai Takemura has responded to complaints with an apology, and a promise they’ll release an update sometime in
>“mid-March” to address the issues.

- https://nichegamer.com/2021/03/03/story-of-seasons-pioneers-of-olive-town-japanese-launch-has-issues-dev-apologizes-and-plans-update-to-resolve-them/

>The game has 10 save slots

>The in-game voice can be disabled by turning the voice volume setting down to zero.

>Other players' camera pictures will appear in the loading screens when moving between areas, which results in some pretty hilarious in-game pictures. On
>the downside, loading the pictures from the internet seems to cause uncomfortably long load times when moving from area to area. Turning off the Switch's
>internet connectivity (so it can't load pictures) helps to speed up the loading times, but then you can't see other player's photographs.

>The villagers have been described as boring or non-existent. They're around, but their dialog doesn't vary much. This is the JP text, so perhaps the XSeed
>EN localization will be a bit livelier.

>While the reason for the lack of conversation portraits was that the Switch can better handle the display of character emotions, JP players are having
>problems with seeing said emotions. While talking to villagers, the townsfolk will face away from the protagonist, or the in-game camera angle is placed so
>that players can't see the villagers' faces.

>Clearing the farm and building it from scratch appears to be a positive aspect of the game.

>The museum seems to be the long-term goal for players to complete. The building needs to be filled with hundreds of artifacts, fish, and oddities.

>The maker machines can only process ONE group at a time and not multiple stacks like in Trio of Towns, hence why early screenshots of the game highlighted so
>many maker machines out on the player's farm. There are about 44 types of maker machines for processing goods that, in past games, did not need individual
>makers to produce (e.g., there is a separate Seed Maker, a Mushroom Seed Maker, and a Tree Seedling Maker. Butter, Cheese, Yogurt, and Mayo are also separate
>makers. Why?). Using higher star-rank ingredients may result in additional goods being produced (up to +3 extra).

>There truly are a limited number of festivals in the game, none of which are related to farming. No cow festival, crop festival, etc. Just either a mini-game
>(like the pet race) or a romantic festival (like fireworks).

>There are 10 romance levels for each marriage candidate, and a love event happens at each level. A pendant needs to be handed over at level 6 to go-steady
>with a candidate and unlock the later romantic events. So 10 candidates x 10 events equals 100 romance events. With Marv promoting the game with having over
>200 events, it's probably safe to assume about half of those are love events.

>Each villager also has two events based on your friendship level, so 26 x 2 = 52 of the 200 promoted events.

>The cute mini-eggs that chase after the Earth Sprites are called Followers (at least in the Japanese version). The Earth Sprite village unlocks after
>players discover 25 Followers, which can be found by doing tasks like cutting weeds or breaking stones on the farmland. Finding more Followers will unlock
>more special areas (like the sky garden) and additional benefits.

- https://fogu.com/hm/

PoOT seems like a step back from the previous game, Trio of Towns. While farming is the most important component of a good SoS/HM game, the festivals, villagers, and events are also important. Combine that with the performance issues and bugs, this simply does not bode well, and considering the existence of DLC for the game, Marvelous is seemingly shitting the bed.
>> No. 14199 [Edit]
Replies: >>14200
Only just realized I posted >>14195 in the wrong thread. Sorry about that.

I guess that's disappointing considering this is their first console release in a long time and there were much expectations from long time players. Hopefully the aforementioned update will improve the game, seems like the silver lining is building the farm from scratch which sounds a lot like MM. MM was often criticized for its lack of dialogue too. Suppose it will be a long time before there will be a PC release.
>> No. 14200 [Edit]
Replies: >>14201
>seems like the silver lining is building the farm from scratch which sounds a lot like MM. MM was often criticized for its lack of dialogue too
I have no doubt that, once the performance and loading issues are addressed, that the farming gameplay will be fun, but as you mentioned, there were expectations considering the circumstances, and if this game ends up having inferior non-farming mechanics compared to the last 3DS game, then Marvelous doesn't deserve any money. With that said, I do remember there being meaningful patches to Trio of Towns regarding the content that is being reported as insufficient in PoOt. However, the extent to which Marvelous needs to work on PoOT's situation seems to be more significant.
I have a feeling that the developers focused more on farming-side of things in response to Stardew Valley, a game that I was never able to get into.
>> No. 14201 [Edit]
Replies: >>14202
I personally think that Marvelous is still one of the more decent publishers out there and they are just about the only one that make games like these. There are probably many others developed by non-japanese devs but those tend to rub me off the wrong way and lacks the characteristics that draws me to the SoS series. I'm still hoping that they would reboot the River King series. Considering they did an SoS with Doraemon and with the Crayon Shin-chan Boku no Natsuyasumi game being announced recently, there is so much potential for collaborations.

>I have a feeling that the developers focused more on farming-side of things in response to Stardew Valley, a game that I was never able to get into.
Me neither, not that I've ever tried it. I find it unfortunate that they have to acknowledge that game, I think it's harder to innovate the SoS series because there is less freedom to work with than SV. I'd say that it's probably fairer to compare SV to Rune Factory than to SoS.
>> No. 14202 [Edit]
Replies: >>14204
There's truth in what you say, and if they fix the aforementioned issues with free patches, then it's fine; however, I just find it distasteful that there's a bunch of DLC when the game obviously needs a day-one patch. (I can understand the necessity of such since there are deadlines.)

>I'm still hoping that they would reboot the River King series.
Haven't given any entry a try, but I'm a tad surprised they haven't tried to do at least a remake. After all, fishing is a big thing in Japan for obvious reasons, and it's often a minigame or activity in games. The RK games seem to also possess the similar aesthetics as the SoS games--which is nice.

>Me neither, not that I've ever tried it. I find it unfortunate that they have to acknowledge that game
You mentioned that non-Western alternatives to SoS are often and personally off-putting, and I think SV is an example of that. It takes inspiration from SoS' early entries with its graphics, premise, and a few motifs like magical characters in a modern setting; however, these are inferred from a Western viewpoint; there's a sort of corrupted and disparate feeling. Combine that with 3DPD-esque characters, an unnatural feeling world and setting, and a sort of bland sheen, SV's farming then becomes its best attribute. It seems, though, that many like this. And so that's what makes me feel Marvelous is trying to ape of SV's success with a massively increased focus on the homestead. This would an awesome development if, and only if, the other aspects weren't diminished (i.e. the reason I play SoS).

>I think it's harder to innovate the SoS series because there is less freedom to work with than SV.
I agree; that's one of the benefits of being an indie developer or just a small developer in general. Funnily enough, though, outside of the farming, SV didn't really do much as I explained in my previous spiel of a paragraph.

>I'd say that it's probably fairer to compare SV to Rune Factory than to SoS.
I wouldn't say that: RF is very much a jRPG with SoS' farming, activities, and some other characteristics. Stardew Valley, on the other hand, is farming-first. There is cave-exploring where you can simplistically wave around a weapon, but its combat and dungeon complexity never exceeds that of even the first Rune Factory game.

(I should note that I haven't played Stardew Valley since its release.)

Post edited on 12th Mar 2021, 10:37pm
>> No. 14203 [Edit]
Replies: >>14204
Sorry for all the text, by the way. Really should consider hiring someone to edit my retardation before posting it.
>> No. 14204 [Edit]
Replies: >>14211
I agree, I don't like the idea of DLCs but it seems to be a necessity for devs/publishers these days. My guess is that the RV games are quite small in itself and perhaps the devs don't have any real idea on how to expand it, furthermore as you've said fishing is already a minigame in many other games. The other thing is that they also own the Reel Fishing/Fish Eyes IP which is still seeing new releases so they might see that as being more marketable. I like the aesthetics better than the more realistic Reel Fishing however, as you have also mentioned and I will be fine if they present it in the same way as the Doraemon SoS.

With regards to what you've said about SV and other farming games, I couldn't have put it any better. To be fair, we are probably a different target audience than the people who plays SV and I'm fine with leaving it at that but it's annoying to have their fanboys constantly denigrating the SoS series every chance they get. The worst part is that Marvelous is taking it to heart and trying to accommodate to their criticisms. Japan is usually good at protecting themselves from outside influence but sadly the video game industry seems to be particularly vulnerable.
>> No. 14205 [Edit]
File 161581365645.png - (13.76KB , 300x300 , __ps3_tan_and_kutaragi_ken_sony__99188db3649fd8389.png )
>> No. 14211 [Edit]
Replies: >>14212 >>14213
So, have decided to get the latest SoS, or are you waiting for more patches to role out? Apparently there are two (known) nasty bugs that haven't been patched yet.

>The other thing is that they also own the Reel Fishing/Fish Eyes IP which is still seeing new releases so they might see that as being more marketable.
I didn't know they published that. Makes sense now.

>I will be fine if they present it in the same way as the Doraemon SoS.
Interesting idea, but I also haven't played that game.

>With regards to what you've said about SV and other farming games, I couldn't have put it any better. To be fair, we are probably a different target audience than the people who plays SV and I'm fine with leaving it at that but it's annoying to have their fanboys constantly denigrating the SoS series every chance they get.
I've seen comparisons made between SDV and Factorio, and that's enough for me agree with you that the overlap between the games' respective audiences is smaller than what it initially appears to be. But yeah, I've seen some ignorance on display that manifests itself in assertions that SDV is the first game, or one of the first games, to pioneer the genre, or that SDV is remarkable step forward in the genre's evolution.

>The worst part is that Marvelous is taking it to heart and trying to accommodate to their criticisms.
I'd have no problem with Marvelous strengthening SoS' farming mechanics to compete; it's a marketplace after all. However, as we've seen, the result is the life simulation part being neglected. And what's really annoying is that they already have a template to improve upon: Rune Factory 4 and Trio of Towns provided decent-to-good town life and characters. I'd be interested in hearing from Japanese fans whether they care about SDV and more farming at the expense of the game's other aspects.

>Japan is usually good at protecting themselves from outside influence but sadly the video game industry seems to be particularly vulnerable.
The worldwide demand for games, and thus the potential money to be made, is too alluring. I wish Japan's domestic market were bigger and stronger.
>> No. 14212 [Edit]
Replies: >>14215
I don't have a switch so I'm waiting and hoping for a PC release. I had considered getting a Switch last year but decided against it since there were rumours of a new Switch coming in the near future and there were problems with them running out of stock which pushed up the prices. Strangely enough the market for farming games are actually relatively large, probably because it also attracts a lot of casual gamers. More dedicated fans of series like SoS are probably small as you've said however. The gaming landscape in Japan have also changed a lot recently, with a lot of Japanese games from both big and small devs releasing on Steam, more Japanese people are owning a PC nowadays and turning to PC gaming and thus naturally western games. That's the unfortunate truth, everyone wants a slice of the big pie and it doesn't help that the Japanese economy have been stagnating since the 90s. Sony have practically rebranded themselves as an international company and is relatively successful, Japan Studio recently saw a huge upheaval and saw a lot of industry veterans losing their job which is in contrast to Sony's western first party devs. It's an inevitable development but for me part of what defines Japanese video games in the past were its relative insularity but nowadays that seems to be no longer the case. A lot of the more successful Japanese devs nowadays are western influenced, even the traditional balance between the popularity of DQ and FF feels like it has been altered after the significant public attention garnered by the FF VII remake.
>> No. 14213 [Edit]
Replies: >>14215
Speaking of which, I don't know if you're interested but there was an eroge that was made as an homage to the River King series.
>> No. 14215 [Edit]
Replies: >>14216 >>14217
>I don't have a switch so I'm waiting and hoping for a PC release.
I think you implied that in a previous post, so apologies for the stupid question. It's unfortunate how expensive they and other electronics have become since the demand has sky-rocketed during COVID.

>The gaming landscape in Japan have also changed a lot recently, with a lot of Japanese games from both big and small devs releasing on Steam, more Japanese people are owning a PC nowadays and turning to PC gaming and thus naturally western games.
>A lot of the more successful Japanese devs nowadays are western influenced
Don't disagree with anything you've said; however one relatively interesting thing that I'd like to see happen out of this rather sobering situation is Japanese developers creating games that are a mix of genres traditionally enjoyed by their home market and more "foreign" ones. RTS games outside of StarCraft, for example, has even less of a presence in Japan than it does in the rest of the world. (I think there's a 2hu doujin RTS, maybe.) I'd like to see how a VN-RTS hybrid would pan out, but that's just wishful thinking. A more lucrative idea would be a FPS-hybrid.

Do tell.
>> No. 14216 [Edit]
Replies: >>14218 >>14222
>I'd like to see how a VN-RTS hybrid would pan out
The original version of Tears to Tiara was like this. It didn't go over well, the sequels and the remake are strategy RPGs.
>> No. 14217 [Edit]
Replies: >>14222 >>15061
Don't worry, it's nothing to apologize for. Certainly, turn-based games seems to be more popular in Japan than real-time. Personally I also prefer turn-based tactics/strategy games. My guess is that it probably has to do with consoles being more dominant than personal computers. The RTS genre seems to work better with a mouse and keyboard than a controller. I haven't really played much VN in a long time but I could've sworn there has to have been a VN/RTS. Real-time strategy/tactics in Japan don't really play out like StarCraft though, they tend to be hybrids. Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen and Dragon Force comes to mind.

>> No. 14218 [Edit]
Replies: >>14222
I remember it being highly anticipated and playing it for a bit but unfortunately it didn't work out well as you've said. Never played the sequels or remakes however.
>> No. 14222 [Edit]
Replies: >>14224
From fogu:

>Marvelous JP also [posted a follow-up article](https://news-bokumono.marv.jp/article/11325) written by Producer Takemura, where he outlined the upcoming changes to the game planned for patch 1.0.5. The latest updates were emergency patches to make corrections and adjustments to the game. Future updates will be for more bug fixes and content updates. Producer Takemura plans for the following to be included in the 1.0.5 update:

>* Additional conversation text for villagers and marriage candidates. Producer Takemura noted that a new scenario writer has been brought in to expand the in game dialog.
>* Improve the maker machines, allowing the farm factories to produce more than 1 item at a time.
>* Change the meal eating scenes that play at the bistro and cafe, so the protagonist's eating scene is no longer the same meal of a drink, vegetable salad, grilled fish, roll, and tea when ordering any edible item.
>* Add the ability to move the farmer in a straight line, as this will help ensure the blue target-box moves more efficiently when watering, harvesting, and so on.
>* Adjust the 30-minutes of time that passes when cooking in the farmhouse kitchen.
>* Remove the A-button prompt when exiting a building; you'll still have to press A to confirm entering a building.

>The content changes patch is planned to be released at the end of May.

Do you have any details as to why it didn't turn out well?

Well, if more Japanese are picking of PC gaming, then I hope genres that are best played on such systems, or peripherals commonly associated with them, like RTS as you mentioned, will gain traction.

Don't know when I'll get around to playing it, but thanks!
>> No. 14224 [Edit]
Replies: >>14229
Seems like they are at least willing to listen to the consumers. I tried emulating it with Yuzu and it surprisingly ran on my toaster although the frame rate was expectedly miserable. Didn't play for too long but it certainly didn't draw me in from what little I've played. The game's dialog was very bad though, so I'm glad they are looking to change it up. And you've mentioned it before but it's really annoying and baffling that they'd do an english dub for such minimal sound effects. At a glance there are probably more I could scrutinize but ultimately a lot of it will be little more than repetition of what has been said before.

>Do you have any details as to why it didn't turn out well?
From what little I remember the gameplay was just plainly bad.

>Well, if more Japanese are picking of PC gaming, then I hope genres that are best played on such systems, or peripherals commonly associated with them, like RTS as you mentioned, will gain traction.
I may be old-fashioned for saying this but I wouldn't really like that, although it will probably be headed that way. In fact it's probably already been happening for a while, now that I think about it Vanillaware/NIS did make an RTS for the PS2 that was directly inspired by Star Craft. GrimGrimoire I think it was.
>> No. 14228 [Edit]
I like PS1 era pre-rendered background and art like this. I dream of making my own game with aesthetics in such vein.

>> No. 14229 [Edit]
Replies: >>14230
>I tried emulating it with Yuzu and it surprisingly ran on my toaster although the frame rate was expectedly miserable.
That's impressive: Yuzu's development is this far along.

>Didn't play for too long but it certainly didn't draw me in from what little I've played. The game's dialog was very bad though, so I'm glad they are looking to change it up.
In your opinion, is the dialogue simply too bland? My biggest concern here is not the amount of prose; however desirable an abundance thereof would be; but whether discussions with characters reflect their personality well. Trio of Towns didn't have all that much dialogue variety (though it did boast the most compared to every title that preceded it), but I thought it did well with regards to livening up characters.

>And you've mentioned it before but it's really annoying and baffling that they'd do an english dub for such minimal sound effects.
Sometimes, I believe it's just to spite people like us. Frankly, it's impressive, for how little VA there is, that the dub is noticeably bad. Regardless, appreciate you trying it out! If you do end up playing some more despite the latency and/or disinterest, please continue to share your thoughts.

>I may be old-fashioned for saying this but I wouldn't really like that, although it will probably be headed that way. In fact it's probably already been happening for a while
Ideally, the traditional Japanese game genres would still be made--VN's in particular are something I hope that will continue to be produced--but if this trend is to continue, then at least some experimentation with traditionally Western genres is at least something of a consolation prize.

>now that I think about it Vanillaware/NIS did make an RTS for the PS2 that was directly inspired by Star Craft. GrimGrimoire I think it was.
Never been able to get enjoy Vanillaware's output, but it's certainly an interesting take by them.
>> No. 14230 [Edit]
Replies: >>14248 >>14263
It really is, the last time I tried using Yuzu was a little less than a year ago and nothing worked then.

>In your opinion, is the dialogue simply too bland?
Yeah, I can't quite put my finger on it but it's really bland and felt off. I understand that dialogue in the SoS series have never really been exceptional but I really don't know if it's down to poor localization or simply bad writing. This also applies to the design in general, it lacks the cozy and unique charm that older SoS games exhibits that we've talked about before. To be honest if I didn't know better I would've thought it was a western game or even a HM entry. Don't know if these are exclusive to PoOT or are the previous SoS games also the same, design-wise? I might wait for the latest update to become available before trying it again and speaking of which it seems like there was an announcement about a new DLC. One other thing that really bugs me is the lack of character portraits. The camera doesn't really change or focus onto the characters you are speaking to either, this makes it difficult to recognize the characters in my opinion.

Personally I would like to see more "Japanese" video games being developed like Sakuna. In my opinion Japanese video game industry have always been influenced by the west more so than it hasn't. A lot of "Japanese" genres are basically Japanese reinterpretation of western games anyway, for example early JRPGs like DQ and FF are influenced by games like Wizardry and Ultima. Outside of genres, even design choices have a higher tendency to reflect the west such as the prevalence of western fantasy. Then there are obviously games like Resident Evil and you could argue even games like SoS are fundamentally "western" in its setting.
>> No. 14248 [Edit]
>I really don't know if it's down to poor localization or simply bad writing.
Localization probably didn't help, but considering the feedback from the Japanese audience, it's probably more of the latter, maybe.

>This also applies to the design in general, it lacks the cozy and unique charm that older SoS games exhibits that we've talked about before.
From the screenshots and videos I've seen, the game appears to be "slicker" and more "futuristic", for the lack of better words. So at least graphics-wise, this could have an affect on one's perception. Further, possibly because there's no character portraits, there's a less personable and immersive feeling present.

>Don't know if these are exclusive to PoOT or are the previous SoS games also the same, design-wise?
I've only played Trio of Towns, and while it looked like ass color-wise, I believe it still had that cozy atmosphere. So this is a little disturbing to learn.

>One other thing that really bugs me is the lack of character portraits. The camera doesn't really change or focus onto the characters you are speaking to either, this makes it difficult to recognize the characters in my opinion.
It's funny you mentioned that issue because, and I could be mistaken, the 3D models' expressions were a reason for not including portraits. Even assuming this gets fixed, the absence of portraits will still be felt since they will almost certainly better convey a character's emotions.

>Personally I would like to see more "Japanese" video games being developed like Sakuna.
I was strictly speaking in the realm of genres, but more games that are influenced by aspects of Japanese culture would be appreciated.
>> No. 14253 [Edit]
Replies: >>14254
File 162017957349.jpg - (116.27KB , 1000x563 , Made-in-Abyss-Binary-Star-Falling-into-Darkness_20.jpg )

I wonder how much of the gore and dark elements will they be able to maintain. At least it's Spike Chunsoft and officially supervised by Akihito, I've always thought that the series might make for an interesting game although I have no idea how it should play out. Playing as a new and unnamed character will be interesting.

Post edited on 4th May 2021, 6:57pm
>> No. 14254 [Edit]
>I have no idea how it should play out
Dungeon crawler seems like a natural pick.
>> No. 14261 [Edit]
Replies: >>14262
Still waiting for the supposedly substantive 1.0.5 patch, but in the meantime, here's a video showing off some of new content that is to be included in said patch: https://twitter.com/bokumono_PR/status/1394850299261505541 . More than anything, I realize that you could have the MC ignore farming in favor of stalking the town's residents with one's camera.
>> No. 14262 [Edit]
Replies: >>14263
Do you own a Switch? Are you planning on getting it? A while back I read a news about a new mobile spin-off of the series. Seems like the Chinese conglomerate Tencent are the ones responsible for it and part of the reason they invested in Marvelous, I only hope that it doesn't affect Marvelous Inc and any of their future developments.
>> No. 14263 [Edit]
Replies: >>14264
>Do you own a Switch? Are you planning on getting it?
Yes and yes. After May's patch is released, I'll probably buy it. Can't say I'm too excited after reading more into the game. For example, outside of the bugs and glitches, the fact that villagers still have a static schedule is ridiculous. It's been more than a decade since Rune Factory 3; Why can't Marvelous give SoS' characters the gift of randomized schedules? It's little things like this that are vital to the life simulation side of things. Besides that, quite worried about how Westernized this title will be compared to previous releases. (See >>14230.) Regardless, I'll probably start a new thread to post about my experience with the game instead of flooding other threads. Hopefully others will join in it.

[As an aside, I'd prefer some characters to be strictly gay than every bachelor(ette) be bisexual. Feels lazy.]

>A while back I read a news about a new mobile spin-off of the series.
This spin-off is indeed a thing, and it's being developed as I type this post. It looks to be a Chinese-exclusive, but it has a good chance coming West-side, unfortunately.

>Seems like the Chinese conglomerate Tencent are the ones responsible for it and part of the reason they invested in Marvelous, I only hope that it doesn't affect Marvelous Inc and any of their future developments.
I have the same worries, but if it makes you feel any better, the mobile game at least is being developed by a different company. So Tencent is only using Marvelous' IP.

Post edited on 25th May 2021, 11:30pm
>> No. 14264 [Edit]
Replies: >>14265
I don't hold any opinion about randomized schedule, do you have examples of games that implements it? Personally I would say that having more events late game are a higher priority. Common criticisms I've seen about the SoS series is that late game feels boring and lacks challenge but I don't personally play the series for a challenge. I have yet to delve too much into PooT but unless I'm mistaken I've read a review that lauds its implementation of features that are in SV, including having enemies in mines. If it's true then I have to say that I'm not too fond of it nor the idea of having hundreds of levels in the mine. Maybe I simply derive a different enjoyment out of video games from the general target audience but I don't enjoy things like these as well as the idea of post game dungeons in RPGs. One feature I liked from MM was the possibility of buying new plot of lands in the village, maybe they could expand upon the idea and allow you to build new facilities beyond simple farming/ranching. I'm not really bothered about the sexuality, are you saying its lazy because it would've been better implemented as part of the character's personality?

Not sure if there is anyone else interested in the series besides the two of us but I'll be looking forward to hearing about your playthrough of the series. Maybe you could even do a private youtube stream.
>> No. 14265 [Edit]
Replies: >>14267
>I don't hold any opinion about randomized schedule, do you have examples of games that implements it?
As I implied in my post, Rune Factory 3 has randomized schedules where outside of one's core routine (e.g.a shopkeeper at work), characters will wander about doing various activities (e.g. shopping; fishing; eating; bathing; etc). It gives the world some dynamism. Rune Factory 4 also has this feature.

>Personally I would say that having more events late game are a higher priority. Common criticisms I've seen about the SoS series is that late game feels boring and lacks challenge but I don't personally play the series for a challenge
In terms of priority, I agree. Expanding the game's content such that a player feels incentivized to play longer than a year and a half is challenging, and previous games made attempts to solve this; however, such solutions usually meant tedious and arbitrary item hoarding. More events would certainly be welcome, though.

>I have yet to delve too much into PooT but unless I'm mistaken I've read a review that lauds its implementation of features that are in SV, including having enemies in mines. If it's true then I have to say that I'm not too fond of it nor the idea of having hundreds of levels in the mine.
In general, and as we've discussed before, Marvelous is looking towards SV for ideas, and they're being influenced by the wrong ones to appease a different but seemingly larger audience. It's a damn shame. With that said, Harvest Moon DS's mines did have (avian) enemies, and the number floors could be expressed as 2^16. So there's a sort of precedence here.

>Maybe I simply derive a different enjoyment out of video games from the general target audience but I don't enjoy things like these as well as the idea of post game dungeons in RPGs.
Having a lot of mine floors isn't much of a problem for me as long most them are optional, but having hostile mobs inhabit the mine is ridiculous. The Rune Factory series is great, but I'd rather such things be kept separate from SoS.

>One feature I liked from MM was the possibility of buying new plot of lands in the village, maybe they could expand upon the idea and allow you to build new facilities beyond simple farming/ranching.
Yes! Property management, however basic, was a good idea in MM, and its return would be welcome. With regards to more activities, moving up the supply chain would be a natural expansion. Makers are an implementation of this, but dedicated buildings would be more interesting. And considering that PoOT seems to be in a more futuristic setting than previous titles, it would also be fitting. In addition, being able to operate a store to directly sell to customers (In addition to the original method of throwing your crap into a shipping bin.) could be another avenue to explore.

>I'm not really bothered about the sexuality, are you saying its lazy because it would've been better implemented as part of the character's personality?
In a way, yes. It isn't all that important, and I'm just nitpicking.

>Not sure if there is anyone else interested in the series besides the two of us but I'll be looking forward to hearing about your playthrough of the series. Maybe you could even do a private youtube stream.
If anything, maybe it'll interest some other people. It'll at least make TC look more active! With regards to the stream idea, it's not something that I'd be interested in doing, for a few reasons including technical ones. Also, if you ever get the chance, you should post about your experiences with any of the SoS (or RF) games should you ever feel the want to do so.
>> No. 14266 [Edit]
File 162210875658.jpg - (6.38MB , 2285x2000 , __veronica_and_senya_dragon_quest_and_1_more_drawn.jpg )

Yuji Horii have been busy.

Post edited on 27th May 2021, 2:47am
>> No. 14267 [Edit]
Replies: >>14269
I see what you mean now, that would certainly be nice to have. I've never played HM64 but I've heard that it, alongside the earlier SoS games were a little darker and there are events involving couples divorcing and characters dying of old age. I'm partial towards the more SoL and lighthearted end of the series but it would be interesting to have events that reflects the passage of time without being necessarily morbid. SoL genres tend to have a timeless quality to them that might make it difficult to disrupt its "tranquility", this reminds me of the conversation in the NNB thread. I agree, having battle mechanics in SoS breaks the suspension of disbelief for me and is better kept separate in Rune Factory. I can appreciate them constantly innovating with the series but I don't really buy into the more plot driven and "mature" entries like Save the Homeland and a Wonderful Life. My ideal would probably play out like MM with social interactions in the level of the Mineral Town games. The doraemon spinoff actually feels pretty good with a number of innovations like beekeeping and catching insects. In essence late game SoS generally plays out like an open world game not unlike minecraft(?) where the players simply expand their farm further, this is something that I never understood and caught on. In my opinions, they should expand the property management in MM into something akin to a village management/community building sim but tie it in more naturally into the villagers. Another interesting system in MM was that depending on the items you ship, certain villagers would come in and start new business or leave the village. This, coupled with the fact that there has been many characters throughout the series that are unemployed, could make it so you could work with them to open a new store as you've mentioned. Are you familiar with the game Azure Dreams? There are elements in that game that is similar to what I've said and might work well with SoS. Frankly, I would try my hands in making my own game but unfortunately I'm illiterate when it comes to programming.

Speaking of which, did you use to post in Samachan? The SoS series aren't often talked about in imageboards, let alone smaller ones and the last time I remember it being talked about was in Samachan.

Post edited on 27th May 2021, 5:55am
>> No. 14269 [Edit]
Replies: >>14270
>but it would be interesting to have events that reflects the passage of time without being necessarily morbid. SoL genres tend to have a timeless quality to them that might make it difficult to disrupt its "tranquility", this reminds me of the conversation in the NNB thread.
Well stated. To add to this, there's some anime and visual novels that have an air of yearning, wistfulness, and an undercurrent of gentle melancholy. So while it's mostly pleasant, these attributes add depth to the world and attachment to the characters in it.

>The doraemon spinoff actually feels pretty good with a number of innovations like beekeeping and catching insects.
Still need to play that. Nonetheless, the former activity has been in the series since at least A New Beginning, and the latter made its debut in Grand Bazaar or earlier.

>In my opinions, they should expand the property management in MM into something akin to a village management/community building sim but tie it in more naturally into the villagers.
That's a natural path to take, and indeed, there was some implementation of it in A New Beginning where one would acquire blueprints and materials to build up the initially dilapidated town; one could freely arrange the town's buildings and decorations. Something more in-depth would be neat, however.

>Another interesting system in MM was that depending on the items you ship, certain villagers would come in and start new business or leave the village.
That's really cool! Such dynamism makes the player feel their presence in the world has an effect, and similar features would be very welcome.

>Are you familiar with the game Azure Dreams? There are elements in that game that is similar to what I've said and might work well with SoS.
Had to look it up, but I recognized its cover's artwork. From what I've read, some SoS games had, more or less, a system like this where the player is involved with the development of the nearby town(s). The previous entry, Trio of Towns, had the player ship their products to the adjacent communities whereby ingratiating oneself with their respective denizens. Throughout this process the player is tasked to provide money, materials, products, and time to improving those places. Azure Dreams seems to be more free-form, however, and I think that's more interesting.

>Frankly, I would try my hands in making my own game but unfortunately I'm illiterate when it comes to programming.
Programming is integral, but the production of good assets (e.g. music, sfx, graphics) would probably be the most challenging. After all, there's a wealth of resources for learning to make games with existing engines.

>Speaking of which, did you use to post in Samachan? The SoS series aren't often talked about in imageboards, let alone smaller ones and the last time I remember it being talked about was in Samachan.
Negative. Occasionally lurked there but never posted.
>> No. 14270 [Edit]
Replies: >>14304
In terms of direction, I think the Doraemon SoS is the one that I really took a liking to since MM although that isn't really saying much since I've practically skipped all the handheld series. It's unfortunate that it comes with two big flaws that comes with it being a tie-in and a spin-off: it is very heavily plot-driven and it's severely lacking in the social aspect; there is no romance option and relationships are generally just triggers to advance plotlines. That makes it an antithesis to the series' charm in my opinion. Besides that, it actually has a very strong iyashikei vibe, the bgm is good and the town layout and map is the best in recent memory. To be honest, I'm not fond of the town in PoOT. Seems like they are adding new communities with the new patches but it only makes it even more disjointed to me.

>That's a natural path to take, and indeed, there was some implementation of it in A New Beginning
Indeed, it would have been better if they were to expand in that direction. A New Beginning sounds interesting but I did read up on it and unfortunately it seems that it's riddled with a lot of issues as well and the aforementioned system aren't very well implemented.
>> No. 14271 [Edit]
File 162224507950.jpg - (216.65KB , 930x660 , __hakurei_reimu_futatsuiwa_mamizou_sayo_and_manuke.jpg )

It's looking good, wonder if it's possible to ever have a collab between the two series.
>> No. 14272 [Edit]
Replies: >>14280
File 162265778533.png - (39.06KB , 1088x960 , __reiuji_utsuho_yagokoro_eirin_and_yagokoro_touhou.png )

Seems interesting, the SMT/Persona series are still doing well but perhaps this will hark back to the darker atmosphere of the earlier games. Would be a pleasant surprise if Kouji Okada were somehow involved with the project.

Post edited on 2nd Jun 2021, 11:20am
>> No. 14273 [Edit]
File 162281743721.jpg - (2.32MB , 4211x3060 , __maya_shin_megami_tensei_and_1_more_drawn_by_kazu.jpg )

The (old) trailer has me excited as the series is finally coming back to console after SMT IV. I understand that Persona have essentially taken over SMT as the "mainline" series and the primary project of Atlus. It's unfortunate but it seems that Kazuma Kaneko won't really have as much contribution as he did in the past, at least not in terms of design. He's among my favorite artists and what really defines the SMT universe. Soejima and Doi are good artists and possibly better than Kaneko in terms of skill but they lack his idiosyncratic approach to design. Their style are more in line with mainstream anime and I would argue to be boring in comparison to their mentor's.
>> No. 14280 [Edit]
Replies: >>14283
File 162331925459.jpg - (290.38KB , 2168x1616 , world_img_002_pc.jpg )
I like the few designs they showed and the idea of a system around the deadly sins. No PC version for now though.
>> No. 14281 [Edit]
Replies: >>14282
File 162332152826.jpg - (39.35KB , 656x382 , 2021VEGA.jpg )
Battlefield 2042: Macross Frontier edition https://youtu.be/yY877xAE9Jg?t=177 :cloud_lightning:
KOF Luong time no see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opNubV7j1Tc :stuck_out_tongue:
>> No. 14282 [Edit]
That looks so dumb. I'm disappointed but I don't know why I should expect better. I am surprised by the comments people were making though, there seemed to be a huge backlash against BFV for adding ridiculous things but they all seem to love that man jumping out of an F-35 with a rocket launcher and shooting another jet and then jumping back in his own jet...

Guess I won't buy this one either.
>> No. 14283 [Edit]
Replies: >>14290 >>14291
File 162338030567.jpg - (4.61MB , 3840x2160 , Elden-Ring_2021_06-10-21_014[1].jpg )

Still not too enthusiastic about the collab with George R. R. Martin but at least visually and atmospherically everything is congruent with From Software's past titles albeit there might be a little more fantastical elements than usual.

It's ironic how it bears so much resemblance to the Persona series, considering Persona was conceived as a spin-off of Shin Megami Tensei if.. which the big names involved in Monark was the creator of. It has all come full circle. The deadly sins system might be interesting but I'm not as keen on the designs.

Post edited on 10th Jun 2021, 8:34pm
>> No. 14290 [Edit]
Replies: >>14292
File 162347083472.jpg - (415.01KB , 1542x3045 , MTGTLB.jpg )
At least, GRRM isn't writing a story and he has others to hopefully keep this tardiness in line.
>> No. 14291 [Edit]
Replies: >>14292
It's just Darksouls 4 but with horses.
>> No. 14292 [Edit]
Replies: >>14293
I hope so. I could be wrong but I seem to remember it being mentioned when it was first announced that the game will be different from the Souls series in that there will be predetermined player character/s, which would make it more similar to Sekiro and possibly more plot driven than the Souls series. Never read GRRM's works but it seems very much like tolkienesque high fantasy, not my cup of tea. There are certainly influences of it in Elden Ring but fortunately it still looks very much like a Souls game. Off the top of my head, DS2 is probably the closest to Elden Ring in terms of aesthetic.
>> No. 14293 [Edit]
Replies: >>14294
That's annoying, I like being able to pick my own character.

It's not high fantasy, it's more mid to low. GRR is not a very good writer and I don't think he has the ability to actually create a Darksouls type world and story, it's far too subtle and nuanced for him, so he may not contribute much if anything to the project anyway(and it would be for the best).
>> No. 14294 [Edit]
Replies: >>14295 >>14298

Never mind, seems like I was very much off the mark and as another poster said, he's only really involved in the world building and mythos of the game.

>I don't think he has the ability to actually create a Darksouls type world and story, it's far too subtle and nuanced for him
I agree, I would say that the subtle approach that the Souls series adopt is its main charm and an aspect I find is unique and ingrained to the Japanese design philosophy.
>> No. 14295 [Edit]
Replies: >>14296
File 162350779985.gif - (1.68MB , 400x225 , 1400381408306.gif )
>ingrained to the Japanese design philosophy

You just made me remember how much I hate people that calls Dark Souls a western RPG.
>> No. 14296 [Edit]
Replies: >>14297 >>14299
Why people are saying that? I don't want to look this shit up. If having a medieval europe setting or having characters wearing western school uniforms or western white collar suits make Japanese games Western games then holy shit, I'm afraid Japanese games don't exist.
>> No. 14297 [Edit]
It's a medieval Europe setting AND the characters don't look like they're from an anime.
>> No. 14298 [Edit]
Replies: >>14300
Dark Souls is about as subtle as a jackhammer.
>> No. 14299 [Edit]
Because what you said and because they hate JRPG's but like Dark Souls, therefore Dark Souls has to be a WRPG.
>> No. 14300 [Edit]
If he's talking about the visuals yes, but I think he means the inconspicuous way the story is told by being silently dropped here and there through item description and small, loose conversations that you have to piece together instead of railroading and hitting you with a loud cutscene loaded with exposition, which is something I also like it a lot. Given how on the nose GoT is with its flamboyant and sometimes obnoxiously loud characters, I understand the concern of connecting GRRM to this project, though It's probably unfair to say that writing something with more restraint is beyond him. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

If that's the case, I do think calling that Japanese design philosophy is rather odd though. That approach to storytelling is pretty much how locked-room mystery fiction works, which is not something Japanese originally. Gamewise, many D&D stories work the same way (grimdark, unobtrusive characters and plot, finding pieces of information you have to put together like a puzzle), and some of those supplements came out in the 70s. Well, I don't expect anyone to be as sick and addicted to consuming massive amounts fiction as I am to even know that stuff exists anymore, but still.

That said, I still agree with that anon in the sense that the way the Japanese understand dark fantasy and grimdark, at least in the soul games, is very attractive. It has a very special type of silence and the whole thing has this self-effacing approach to it that is hard to explain. I know it might not look like if you're just paying attention to some of the more gaudy weapons and armor designs you find in the series but it's there, and it's certainly very different of how GRRM usually understands it, or approaches it at least. I feel the same way with how some Japanese developers understand post-apoc and distopias, I'm thinking about games such as Panzer Dragoon Saga. I would probably have to write an essay to explain exactly what I mean but I'm sure most of you already know what I'm talking about.
>> No. 14303 [Edit]
File 162377721663.jpg - (358.37KB , 1920x1250 , E38EuyFWEA89vlo[1].jpg )

For some reason the protag's design looks like a sentai character and feels a little out of place for me. The color scheme feels off as well. Still excited nonetheless. Also looking forward to the new Super Robot Wars and Fatal Frame.
>> No. 14304 [Edit]
Replies: >>14305
The English trailer for Rune Factory 5 was recently released. It's pretty sad to see that the style of the graphics looks poorer than Frontier, but perhaps that's just me. Thankfully, visuals aren't high on my list outside of the character portraits, but I will miss the 2D artwork of the previous games; they were quite pleasing. Also, since the Rune Factory 4 Special included Japanese voices, while the original English release of RF4 didn't, I remain hopeful 5 will also have them.

>there is no romance option and relationships are generally just triggers to advance plotlines.
This is why it's low on my backlog, but then again, I'd probably would have already finished it if I played games more often.

>the bgm is good
Speaking of, it kills me that SoS and Rune Factory games possess such mediocre (or even sub-mediocre) BGM. This is one of the easiest things to fix, and yet it's still a problem. The fact that a spin-off has better music than the mainline games is both good to hear but also kind of saddening.

>Seems like they are adding new communities with the new patches but it only makes it even more disjointed to me.
Tree of Tranquility and Animal Parade had something similar where there were districts scattered across the world: shops, industry, and farmlands. They looked pretty nice, actually, but it also meant the player needed to travel more--kind of a hassle.

>A New Beginning sounds interesting but I did read up on it and unfortunately it seems that it's riddled with a lot of issues as well and the aforementioned system aren't very well implemented.
Biggest problems with the town-building is that it's tedious. If future games improved upon it, I think such a feature would be a great asset to the series. But the worst part of ANB is that the first month was an absolute slog, and it's one of those games that require one to collect and horde items to complete story objectives. As I mentioned in previous posts, I'm pretty sure this is done to artificially inflate playtime. With that said, ANB also had the Witch Princess, and she's best girl even if her evilness was significantly reduced.
>> No. 14305 [Edit]
Yeah, I suppose the bgm for the series were never its strongest suit. That said the mineral town series probably have the most memorable ones in the series in my opinion and the ones made for the sixth generation consoles were decent as well.
>> No. 14326 [Edit]
>> No. 14338 [Edit]
Replies: >>14339

After many many years, Nintendo finally caved and added Bluetooth audio support to all switches via a new update.
>> No. 14339 [Edit]
Replies: >>14340
I hate bluetooth headphones. I assumed this already worked though, strange.
>> No. 14340 [Edit]
I think there were technical limitations because the controllers work off Bluetooth too. So far I've heard using BT audio limits the amount of controllers you can use to 2, and some people can't connect their headsets anyway.
>> No. 14341 [Edit]
Replies: >>14342
File 163221044047.png - (153.80KB , 400x240 , maiden in love.png )
Well, Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town is available on Steam. Still haven't played despite being excited for it, and posting about it in this thread, but it just looks so God damn disappointing and bland.
At least you'll be able to play it now without the overhead of the emulator, only-other-anon-who-plays-hm.
>> No. 14342 [Edit]
Replies: >>14343
I've actually been playing for the past days, been meaning to post about it but I thought it'd be better to wait until I've played it further and post it in another thread. They've certainly fixed a lot of the things we've criticized about in the past. I suppose playing it with very low framerate in an emulator didn't really help my initial experience as well. Overall I think it's a decent game. I still agree to an extent that the design is bland and even now I struggle to remember the name of the villagers. The gameplay is probably the best part about it but I still have some peeves with some of the game design choices. I find that the game progression are less natural as older games are but this is not a problem with SoS alone but rather modern games in general. If you have the chance to pirate it I'd encourage you to give it a try yourself and see if you like it before making a purchase.
>> No. 14343 [Edit]
Certainly curious after reading your post, and I kind of want to play it so at least you're not the only one posting about it in the prospective thread.
>> No. 14344 [Edit]
Replies: >>14345
I haven't followed Rune Factory 5 all that much, but the Western release will be coming in March. Sadly, it seems the performance is complete garbage, and the game looks worse than the Wii ones. And, supposedly, the reason for the delayed release for the Western world is because the devs were told to implement fagshit since it wasn't in the Japanese version. I wouldn't be upset, really, about such a system being in place, but it's probably going to be implemented poorly since it wasn't in the original scope of the game.
Rune Factory died with 4, arguably 3.

Post edited on 23rd Sep 2021, 6:19pm
>> No. 14345 [Edit]
My opinions in this post were hyperbolic in retrospect. Really, I'm disappointed that the game runs like complete shit (and looks bad too), and that it takes cues from 4 rather than 3.
>> No. 14347 [Edit]
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Looks like Saber is going to be in the new Melty Blood.
>> No. 14349 [Edit]
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Sora in SMASH
>> No. 14350 [Edit]
File 163359089936.jpg - (770.14KB , 2032x1668 , FBE93c_UUAA8ZhL[1].jpg )
Rest in peace.
>> No. 14351 [Edit]
Some brief snippets:
-Sakura Taisen is finally going to be featured in a Super Robot Taisen series.
-Following the 20 year rule, the PS2 is finally allowed on GCCX and the first game featured is Earth Defence Force.
>> No. 14353 [Edit]
>> No. 14354 [Edit]
Replies: >>14355
The Advance Wars remake's new artwork looks fucking terrible, and the "upgrade" to 3D completes the removal of the originals' charms. Who the hell is the target audience for this cheap crap?
>> No. 14355 [Edit]
Replies: >>14386
Westerners. It's not releasing in Japan which is insanely funny to me.
>> No. 14365 [Edit]
Replies: >>14386
File 163552610540.png - (228.72KB , 600x600 , 1594065338213.png )
Damn, that looks bad. Much worse than I thought it would look like by reading your post. This reminds me of the girl art, Nell, she was actually "localized" as well, even on the original game. In the japanese original version her light-purple jacket had no sleeves, showing some armpits, and the US version had sleeves. This one actually makes me feel conflicted. I like her armpits, but at the same time the sleeveless version seems unprofessional and doesn't leave as serious a impression as the other one, which is more serious and war-like.

Post edited on 29th Oct 2021, 9:48am
>> No. 14386 [Edit]
>It's not releasing in Japan which is insanely funny to me.
I did not know this, but that explains a lot. Hope this shit bombs.

Yeah, I wasn't upset all that much about the changes done to Nell for the reasons you stated. Still, however, disappointed that they felt the need to censor in the first place. Perhaps they were afraid that Nell's armpits would make too many fetishists?
>> No. 14387 [Edit]
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>> No. 14411 [Edit]
Replies: >>14413
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Sony continues to implode.
>> No. 14413 [Edit]
I really, really don't understand the appeal of AAA games.
>> No. 14430 [Edit]
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Netflix has announced a Bioshock movie adaptation

- https://twitter.com/nichegamer/status/1493635133361983490
>> No. 14437 [Edit]
Rune Factory 5's English version was leaked. Though I'm waiting until after it's officially released as it'll probably need a patch or two (even though it shouldn't.)
>> No. 14438 [Edit]
Never mind: it's already officially out.
>> No. 14449 [Edit]
Replies: >>14450 >>14452 >>14454 >>14456 >>14474
File 165023764852.png - (733.03KB , 900x441 , top[1].png )
Just a few more days.
>> No. 14450 [Edit]
I could 1cc the first snes one and go through all but the last stage with no damage. My computer can't emulate neither of those consoles though, that's a pity.
>> No. 14452 [Edit]
File 165031262537.jpg - (133.99KB , 420x307 , Pocky+&+Rocky+(USA)-image.jpg )
What the fuck was wrong with Americans?
>> No. 14454 [Edit]
Replies: >>14455
File 165054896158.png - (2.89MB , 1920x1080 , lol.png )
I was watching the videos for this release on Natsumeatari's site and then checked the teasers for the western release as well. How hilarious, they actually went ahead and mutilated one of the character's design, not only on the promo material but in game as well. Feels good not having to depend at all on localized garbage. On the brighter side, at least you don't need to know Japanese to enjoy this particular game.
>> No. 14455 [Edit]
Funny how the motivations have changed but the outcomes haven't
Reminds me of back in the 90s when any localization was obsessed with Christians being upset about whatever nonsense and now things are no different for totally different reasons
>> No. 14456 [Edit]
That's impressive, I'm not very good with shmups but reshrined is very forgiving and I've managed to complete it on normal in a relatively short time. It's a fun game overall and the pixel art is gorgeous. The Switch emulators Ryujinx and Yuzu have come a long way and the game itself is not very demanding, perhaps you could give them a try. My PC isn't very powerful and is more than 5 years old but it's able to run it decently enough.
>> No. 14474 [Edit]
Well I just finished. It's adorable. I'll post a review.
>> No. 14549 [Edit]
Replies: >>14550
A couple of titles that caught my eye from today's mini direct.

Monster Farm X Kaijuu(Ultraman) crossover

Farming/life simulation rpg from Square Enix that is reminiscent of Rune Factory

A new entry in the Doraemon SoS series
>> No. 14550 [Edit]
>Farming/life simulation rpg from Square Enix that is reminiscent of Rune Factory
Finally, some competition in this niche genre.

>A new entry in the Doraemon SoS series
Still haven't played the first, but excited nonetheless.

Appreciate your post!
>> No. 14568 [Edit]
File 165897635077.jpg - (107.66KB , 673x402 , fuga-melody-of-steel-2-famitsu.jpg )
Fuga 2 is coming out next year and details have started being revealed:
>> No. 14569 [Edit]
File 165911594990.jpg - (63.66KB , 750x430 , cygames-acquires-metal-max-ip-from-kadokawa-games-.jpg )
Cygames has officially acquired the Metal Max franchise. Hopefully they treat it better than Kadokawa did.
>> No. 14572 [Edit]
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Cuphead Delicious Last Course is difficult
>> No. 14602 [Edit]
Replies: >>14603
File 166328703125.jpg - (231.05KB , 530x530 , 2d9fa68d57b3af60b1e4332cbf9187e3.jpg )
Rune Factory 3 will be receiving a "Special Edition" in the vein of Rune Factory 4. Hopefully it'll be dual-audio like the latter too.
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life will also be receiving a new edition, though under the Story of Seasons name.
And finally, another Rune Factory project is in the works. (Still haven't played 5.) I can only hope it will be Frontier 2.
>> No. 14603 [Edit]
Replies: >>14605
I've never played A Wonderful Life but have heard good things about it, hopefully this would mean that Magical Melody might be in their plans for a remake in the future.

With regards to farming sims, seems like Success Corp, known for their Cotton and Umihara Kawase series, is also remastering one of their old farming series. I am not actually familiar with this series but it looks somewhat interesting, it reminds me somewhat of Marvelous' River King series which I'm still hoping they would reboot someday. On a slightly related tangent, the sequel to the eroge parody of the River King series is actually very good.

The latest trailer for the Ultra Kaijuu Monster Farm also has me really excited, the fact that they are bringing back Holly from the original MF brings back so much nostalgia.
>> No. 14604 [Edit]
What really had me awestruck from this year's TGS was the announcement of the Suikoden 1 & 2 HD remaster, it completely came out of the blue and might also be a sign that Konami is diving back into the video game industry. As a matter of fact, I've heard that they were making significant changes to the company structure not too long ago, I'm still skeptical of them as a whole however. In addition to the remaster, the latest Eiyuden trailer actually looks good and is strongly reminiscent of the Suikoden series. The original artist for the original Suikoden (who is also currently involved in the development of Eiyuden) is also seemingly involved in re-drawing the characters for the remaster, hopefully this would mean that Konami is leaving the door open for the original team to go back and work on the Suikoden series again.
>> No. 14605 [Edit]
I've never played AWL since it's supposedly more linear than the other entries, but the remake would be a nice opportunity to remedy this. And it seems they're using the same artist as ANB and the previous game. Mixed feelings about it since the original art has more charm.

>hopefully this would mean that Magical Melody might be in their plans for a remake in the future
You never know!

>seems like Success Corp, known for their Cotton and Umihara Kawase series, is also remastering one of their old farming series.
I read that too. Excited to see that an English translation is planned. The biggest issues I have with non-PC releases is that I can't use a texthooker.

>On a slightly related tangent, the sequel to the eroge parody of the River King series is actually very good.
Oh man, I forgot about that. Good to hear that it's satisfactory.

>The latest trailer for the Ultra Kaijuu Monster Farm also has me really excited
So many games, so little time.
>> No. 14633 [Edit]
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Warpath: Showdown 2 trailer
>> No. 14636 [Edit]
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Street Fighter 6 out in 2023-06
There's a beta if you want to try it
>> No. 14647 [Edit]
I'm going to wait for Tekken 8. It's the series that I prefer.

I hope that Tifa from Final Fantasy 7 appears as a guest character!
>> No. 14664 [Edit]
Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising will add new elements into the mix, including fresh mechanics, more playable characters and new modes. It will also utilize rollback netcode for a smoother online experience while supporting crossplay between PS4, PS5 and Steam.
>> No. 14682 [Edit]
Replies: >>14694
I know this has been mentioned before, but the revamped Advance Wars' art murders my soul.
>> No. 14690 [Edit]
File 168371407376.gif - (1.06MB , 480x340 , 2023.gif )
Blasphemous 2 is coming...
>> No. 14694 [Edit]
How bad is it?
>> No. 14697 [Edit]
Rune Factory 6 and another Rune Factory game were announced. The latter is the mainline game's Eastern counterpart, taking place in not-Japan. You can only hope the studio leverages their experience from 5 so as to make a true comeback title.
>> No. 14705 [Edit]
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Remembering mocking the idea that people would use real-world money to unlock some gaudy-looking horse armor ?

It was the year of Akatosh, 433 (aka April 2006), when the now-infamous Horse Armor Pack for The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion was released upon the world. Oh how we laughed. $2.50 for a pair of crappy horse armours (and that gold one looked really crappy—like a child had just swallowed a yellow highlighter pen then vomited it up over the horse’s back)? Who did Bethesda take us for?

Of course, the joke would turn out to be on us, as the Horse Armor Pack is now widely regarded as Ground Zero for in-game microtransactions. And while we’ve been living all these years in a kind of daze where we’ve come to accept the idea of paying real-world money for virtual clothing as a norm, it feels like the pricing of Diablo 4’s horse armor really punctuates that, for all the scorn it suffered, Oblivion’s Horse Armor Pack was right all along: people will pay increasingly silly amounts of money for silly things.

In this case, Diablo 4’s various horse armours are split into three or four items that come in a bundle, so the armour itself, and a couple of trophies usually, with the price amounting to Blizzard’s premium currency equivalent of between $8 and $15. Sure, you're technically getting a few items in each bundle, but a) you don't have the option to buy the bits individually and b) they're all just horse armour broken down into different pieces, and clearly designed to go together as a set, so let's not kid ourselves here. If one day Blizzard starts breaking down horse armour into horse helmets, saddles, butt armour, flank armour, and individual hoof boots, then don't let them fool you into thinking you're somehow getting better value here just because they're giving you 10 things.

For perspective, Oblivion’s Horse Armor Pack (consisting of two armours) amounts to $3.76 when adjusted for today’s inflation, so that’s just $1.88 per armour. Bargain! It’s wild to think that at the time this was seen as such bad value that Todd Howard came out to address the horse armour fiasco years later, and actually pinned the blame for its pricing on Microsoft, claiming that he wanted to price it lower than $2.50 but Microsoft insisted otherwise.

It’s ironic that through the lens of 2007 (and for years after that considering the Horse Armor Pack basically turned into a meme mocking the absurdity of microtransactions), the Horse Armor Pack looks like a ridiculous waste of money, but from a 2023 perspective it’s actually very good value for in-game cosmetics (you can still buy the Horse Armor Pack today funnily enough, so what are you waiting for?).

All this is a nice counterpoint to my recent look at game prices in the 90s, when I suggested that the recent price hikes of triple-A games to $70 still doesn’t compare to what games used to cost back in the day. Back then however, we didn’t have microtransactions to contend with, which don’t really affect single-player games, but can realistically bring the price of a game like Diablo 4 up to hundreds of dollars.

Then again, it’s all optional content, as Diablo 4 doesn’t lock any content or features off behind paywalls, so if you want to splash the cash on some horse armour, then who am I to care or judge? As someone who almost never spends money on cosmetics—other than occasionally buying a Hunt: Showdown skin to show my support for a game that cost me $20 and I’ve spent hundreds of hours in)---I should probably be thanking those cosmetic big-spenders who ultimately help finance the game to run over the long run.

Whatever way you look at it, the tables have turned since 2007, as the legacy of Oblivion’s Horse Armor Pack comes full circle and we arrive at a time where people by the thousands will be paying for horse armour in Diablo 4 that costs several times more than that. On the other hand, I’m yet to find a horse armour in Diablo 4 that looks so impressively awful as the sickly-swishy Elven horse armour of Oblivion.
>> No. 14709 [Edit]
Replies: >>14710
There's never a bad time to learn moon.

>By carrying out localization concurrently with development,
>rather than following completion of the Japanese language
>version as had been done in the past, Capcom is able to
>launch games simultaneously around the globe. What is more,
>depending on the country, simply translating games developed
>under Japanese norms can end up hurting users unexpectedly
>due to historical, religious, or cultural differences.
>As such, we focus on employing staff from around the world
>to culturize the games so that they can be enjoyed by all,
>regardless of locale.

- https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/csr/social/customers.html
>> No. 14710 [Edit]
Are you being ironic? Because if everybody had this policy, there would be no good time to learn moon, since there would be no point.
>> No. 14727 [Edit]
A Wonderful Life's remake was released recently, and while I haven't played it in earnest, I'm pleased to say one can opt for Japanese voices this time around. After Olive Town, I learned that dubs can even ruin mere brief vocalizations. It's impressive, really.
Also I read that the PC version has issues right now, so if you have a Switch, it might be best to use the latter's release if possible.
>> No. 14740 [Edit]
File 168985461612.jpg - (31.56KB , 474x266 , 20230724.jpg )
Upcoming games ~
01 Project E
02 Wolverine
03 Last Expedition
04 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
05 Earth: Revival
06 Mortal Kombat 1
07 Shrapnel
08 Project Windless
09 Star Wars Eclipse
10 Unknown 9: Awakening
11 Transformers: Reactivate
12 Paragon: The Overprime
13 Behemoth
14 Death Stranding 2
15 Aliens: Dark Descent
16 Outcast 2: A New Beginning
17 Midnight Ghost Hunt
18 Hell is Us
>> No. 14783 [Edit]
Warpath Showdown II : Centenary | Official Live-Action Film
Pin-Up in the Navy: World of Warships
This is why I only look at gameplay videos...
>> No. 14806 [Edit]
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When is Marvel's Spider-Man 2 coming to Xbox?
>> No. 14841 [Edit]
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>> No. 14845 [Edit]
Replies: >>14846
Anyone for Path of Exile 2?
>> No. 14846 [Edit]
File 170277872599.jpg - (74.23KB , 751x1063 , pathfinder.jpg )
I haven't looked into it that much but it seems like it could be cool. The main thing I'm worried about is the endgame following a similar trend to the first game, where there is an absurd amount of mob density, visual clutter, and fast-paced gameplay where you're often not sure if you're about to be ass-blasted into oblivion by some mechanic that you couldn't see coming. That aside, I like that they have the balls to change core mechanics that everyone is familiar with and accustomed to. I really hope that it will be a vastly different experience than the first game.
>> No. 14850 [Edit]
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Tencent and netease stocks are plummeting.
>> No. 14877 [Edit]
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Tekken 8
>> No. 14884 [Edit]
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Capcom decided to add drm not just to it's new games but many of their old games as well, which aside from killing cheat engine and performance, is also causing them to no longer work on the steam deck.
>> No. 14896 [Edit]
Replies: >>14911
File 170547254582.jpg - (98.79KB , 944x531 , GD3XhXnawAAaVzI.jpg )
pyon pyon
>> No. 14911 [Edit]
File 170573112895.jpg - (50.62KB , 620x483 , 002024.jpg )
Year of the Rabbit is over. It's all about DRAGONS now.
>> No. 14914 [Edit]
Replies: >>14919 >>14921
File 170580899766.jpg - (156.31KB , 1184x1200 , GEQmMDWW0AAxuml.jpg )
Palworld has now crossed Half a Million Concurrent Players on Steam. It passes the All-Time Peaks of Call of Duty, Valheim, and more to become the #12 Highest Peak for a Game in Steam History
>> No. 14918 [Edit]
Replies: >>14919 >>14921
File 170587064482.jpg - (93.84KB , 984x477 , GEUvSfybQAEY_iP.jpg )
It hit #1 now.
>> No. 14919 [Edit]
Replies: >>14922
Who here has played it, and what's your verdict thus far?
>> No. 14921 [Edit]
Replies: >>14969 >>14972
Everything about and surrounding this game pisses me off. On one hand you have this genuine slop for pigs that doesn't even both to hide it making millions and millions of dollars from the dumbest retards on the planet, and on the other you have the people genuinely mad about "stealing designs" as if pokemon deserves to have their honour defended.

The normalfaggotry infecting video games has reached its apex. There's nothing left of the medium I used to care about, even Japanese games are becoming shit. What a horrible fucking world.
>> No. 14922 [Edit]
File 170591208856.jpg - (478.35KB , 1920x1080 , ss_22508261f9d361c8dda95e8adc54292ad085e8e1_1920x1.jpg )
I played a little. It's a bit clunky and janky, but it's an early access(or as we used to call it, open beta) game after all.
I found it very annoying I couldn't assign my mouse buttons in the binding options. Character creation is a bit limited but not terrible.
It's very much a "wake up on an island and gather materials to build a base" type of game, but with not-pokemon included to act as slaves in your sweat shop mass producing weapons of war.
Far as I can tell there's not any plot to it. It just seems to be a case of following a tutorial like guide/checklist of things to do, but I'm still very early into it.
>> No. 14969 [Edit]
Replies: >>14970
I'm glad to see not only I feel this way. It's a bit embarrassing how many people hopped on the train and dumped their money on this just because streamers or whoever popularized it. At least most other FotM trash has at least one redeeming quality... like actual effort having been put into the game.

Regarding people being upset about the "stolen models" or whatever, I think that's less due to defending Pokémon and more due to it demonstrating how uninspired and dogshit the game is. Maybe some just genuinely like defending corporate copyright though, I haven't checked conversation surrounding it much.
>> No. 14970 [Edit]
Replies: >>14971
>just because streamers or whoever popularized it.
I hate steamers. I don't follow any. I bought it because it's Pokemon with guns. Besides, I've seen real people talk about how fun it is.
>> No. 14971 [Edit]
>real people
Guys, should we tell him?
>> No. 14972 [Edit]
Replies: >>14973 >>14975
It's horribly obnoxious how people will act like you're white knighting pokemon when you point out it's a shameless knockoff, even though most of the stuff the blatantly ripped comes from ARK or Genshin. What shocks me is that this is a Japanese studio, it feels like a cheap Chinese game.
>> No. 14973 [Edit]
Replies: >>14975
For a while I wished there was a wider selection of monster collection games outside of pokemon, so the two wouldn't inextricable. Stuff like digimon(and this current fad) don't appeal to me though. Pokemon is incredibly popular, yet insists on catering to a single age bracket in nearly all its media. It makes sense something like this would blow-up.

Post edited on 28th Jan 2024, 3:32pm
>> No. 14974 [Edit]
Fun things are fun.
>> No. 14975 [Edit]
Replies: >>14977
File 170648593510.jpg - (261.13KB , 850x1170 , efdd43bf0d7fee3fc4a9600059acfe95.jpg )
>It's horribly obnoxious how people will act like you're white knighting pokemon
i agree, though admittedly to a much more general degree; i feel like spite/hatred for corporations has hit an absurd hysteria recently (admittedly, it's not entirely undeserved, but still). it's to the point where i've personally had a number of experiences where people get antagonistic towards me and the way i prefer playing games...by buying them physically and playing them on console and not pirating/emulating. it's very exhausting...
>What shocks me is that this is a Japanese studio
this actually shocked me, too. i would've never guessed it was a group of japanese guys working on this, had i literally not been told. that said, the developers do seem to be genuinely passionate, going off of what's said in interviews.
>For a while I wished there was a wider selection of monster collection games outside of pokemon, so the two wouldn't inextricable. Stuff like digimon(and this current fad) don't appeal to me though. Pokemon is incredibly popular, yet insists on catering to a single age bracket in nearly all its media.
when you say this, what specifically do you mean? i don't mean this to be rude, but rather, what appeal does pokemon have that's not present in other monster-collecting series? there're a lot of other monster-collecting series (digimon was already mentioned, but there's also yo-kai watch, and shin megami tensei if you're looking for something more mature); it feels like someone super into these games could recommend different series until the cows come home, yet people will ignore these and continue playing only pokemon (and the occasional fad game) yet complain about not being satisfied by it.
>> No. 14976 [Edit]
You guys know there's a palworld thread right?
>> No. 14977 [Edit]
File 170650337851.png - (4.20MB , 2500x1600 , fd590f0085ea2509943272d8344c1a48.png )
>i don't mean this to be rude, but rather, what appeal does pokemon have that's not present in other monster-collecting series?
No offense taken. After thinking about it, it comes down to two factor: fantasy and coziness. The game should be set in its own, distinct, full-feeling world that's been in part shaped by the ubiquitous of monsters and their relationship to humans. The second factor is harder to explain, but I guess it's a combination of aesthetics and narrative that makes a fun atmosphere. The creature designs should be on the cute, simplistic side, but still eye-catching and distinct from each other.

I have actually enjoyed Monster Girl Quest Paradox. Besides Pokemon, that's probably the closest to the mark I've played funnily enough.
>> No. 14988 [Edit]
This guy basically remade Smash Ultimate in unreal, just to put monster hunter in it as a playable character
>> No. 15011 [Edit]
Replies: >>15012 >>15013
The company developing Yuzu, a Switch emulator, was bodied by Nintendo. People are angry, but I'm laughing.
>> No. 15012 [Edit]
There's still Ryujinx. Yuzu got too popular I guess. Same thing happened to z-lib. When normalfags start talking about it, you know it's only a matter of time.

Post edited on 4th Mar 2024, 7:49pm
>> No. 15013 [Edit]
Replies: >>15014 >>15015
I disliked their practices and this proves me right in saying they shouldn't have charged for access.
>> No. 15014 [Edit]
Replies: >>15015
One thing I dislike is those people, acting like midwits, talking as if the vast majority of Yuzu's users extracted device keys from their Switches and didn't pirate the games they emulated. Not a fan of IP law, but it's better for everybody involved to be honest about what's going on, and operate accordingly. Given from what I've seen from their Patreon and Discord channels, the group deserved this outcome.

Yup. They were really tempting fate with their conduct, and as another anon mentioned, there's another project, so it's whatever. Plus, it's all OSS.
>> No. 15015 [Edit]
Replies: >>15016
I'm not familiar with the switch modding/emulation scene, can you provide context. I am slightly more familiar with Dolphin and they go to great lengths to do things "by the book" (so that even if end-users might end up using it for piracy, the developers themselves are completely in the clear). Did the yuzu devs not maintain that strict level of separation?
>> No. 15016 [Edit]
Replies: >>15022
you could look it up and get a better/more accurate summary than what any anon here could give you the yuzu devs locked a build of the emulator behind their patreon, which was presumably what drove nintendo to pursue legal action.
insult to injury was the statement the devs made on the discord, where they say that they "never intended for piracy" and that they were "disappointed in the userbase" for using the emulator in that way.
>> No. 15022 [Edit]
Well the sources are still available so it'll be back in some form. E.g. https://suyu.dev/ (best name since Sosumi?)
>> No. 15052 [Edit]
File 171412868898.jpg - (19.51KB , 213x250 , Groundpounder.jpg )
Nintendo forces Garry's Mod to delete 20 years of content
>> No. 15061 [Edit]
Replies: >>15062
File 171576685898.jpg - (384.33KB , 1920x1080 , ss_30264be5e2926bf2ccff9b8c9d101c2049f05504.jpg )
This will be officially localized. Although more and more doujin eroge are being translated and released on Steam, I'm still surprised. Bad news is this publisher takes its sweet time, and might or might not contract this out to a guy who'll give it an edited MTL.
(Hope you're alive and well, anon.)
>> No. 15062 [Edit]
Addendum: The Japanese seems easy enough, actually. Though at the time, I couldn't say that.
>> No. 15063 [Edit]
Replies: >>15064
File 171592230828.png - (116.44KB , 1080x708 , Screenshot_20240515-095615.png )
This was bound to happen sooner or later.
>> No. 15064 [Edit]
Replies: >>15073
This is very sad, I liked using that site.
>> No. 15065 [Edit]
Replies: >>15073
Copyright is evil
>> No. 15073 [Edit]
File 171736699161.png - (211.16KB , 722x559 , __yajuu_senpai_manatsu_no_yo_no_inmu_drawn_by_bow_.png )
Both of you faggots should consider this website: myrient.erista.me
Never seen a ROM site with 30MB/s download speeds before. Sleek and efficient.
>> No. 15098 [Edit]
File 171970558229.jpg - (107.69KB , 850x1200 , 20240630.jpg )
I just found out "How Parry ACTUALLY Works - Elden Ring"
I'm such a dumbass
>> No. 15133 [Edit]
Replies: >>15141
File 172551589913.png - (2.23MB , 2438x3508 , 371e189ad21712057411e5db05a72593.png )
A writer along with an artist who both worked on Blue Archive have teamed up to work on a new project. Between the style shown, girls all having weapons, and the halos, there might be some implications about it being set in the same world. It's also been suggested this 'might' be a eroge.

www.projectkv. co. kr
>> No. 15141 [Edit]
Replies: >>15142
File 172579055774.jpg - (133.65KB , 1200x1072 , GW8jIrLb0AAmws_.jpg )
Rest in peace.
>> No. 15142 [Edit]
File 172585141669.png - (1.43MB , 1440x1080 , image0.png )
Well that sure didn't take long.
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