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File 131178014560.jpg - (42.05KB , 400x580 , jisatsu-saakuru-suicide-circle_html.jpg )
9442 No. 9442 [Edit]
I don't think we had a movie thread yet so I wanted to ask, does /tc/ watch movies? What was the last one you saw? Have any good recommendations or favorite genres? Do you like american, european or asian cinema?
Expand all images
>> No. 9443 [Edit]
I just watched All About Lily Chou-Chou.

It didn't felt good. It didn't felt good at all.
>> No. 9444 [Edit]
File 131178363955.jpg - (99.30KB , 853x1200 , Ikiru_poster.jpg )
Given the nature of this board I would say it's a pretty obvious choice, but I love Akira Kurosawa. Ikiru made me cry like a little girl ;_;
>> No. 9445 [Edit]
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Last movie I saw was Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train. This movie features the least sympathetic murder victim of all time (not pictured.)
>> No. 9447 [Edit]
Now that I think about it I don't remember when was the last time I've seen a movie...

We had a thread about Cowboys & Aliens just after the move from IB4F and I'm kinda interested. It looks completely retarded and really cheesy - there's a potential 'so bad it's good' candidate here. Also, Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig in such retarded, over-the-top movie sounds great. I'm a fan of B-class horror movies so it's something I'd like to see but leaving my house to got to cinema is a pain... I guess I'll wait for the rips.
>> No. 9448 [Edit]
oh yeah...
that still hasn't come out?
>> No. 9451 [Edit]
The last movie I saw was Horrible Bosses; it was good, but nothing special. I'm hoping to see Harry Potter today, and I have tickets to see 2001 on Thursday.
>> No. 9452 [Edit]
Last one I saw was 300, felt like rewatching it after playing some of the Haruhi of war games back to back.
Wasn't as good the second time around I think, but not bad.
lot more nudity then I remember.
Also heard they're gonna make a sequel, I'm not in the least surprised considering how Hollywood is.
>> No. 9453 [Edit]

It's airing right now.


>Haruhi of war

I dislike the whole Haruhi wordfilter but this is priceless.
>> No. 9454 [Edit]
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>Haruhi of war
>> No. 9456 [Edit]
I think the last movie I saw (in terms of "latest date of release") was the third jackass film last year. My dad took me to the theater to see it, which was the first time I had been in a movie theater in half a decade and the first time I had left the house in months
>> No. 9459 [Edit]
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>Haruhi of War
More like Angel Beats!
>> No. 9460 [Edit]
I remember I used to love watching movies before I got into anime and manga. Now I barely pay attention to the whole movie scene at all. Sometimes I do bother to see what the hype of certain very popular movies is all about, like Inception or Up, but I get bored watching them and have to try really hard not to just stop watching in the middle. A part of that might have to do with the fact that my attention span's been shot to hell since I'm now more used to watching 20 min anime episodes.

The last movie I watched was the latest Harry Potter movie, which was enjoyable, but that might have to do more with the fact that HP was a favourite of mine in my childhood. The last non-anime movie I watched that I enjoyed thoroughly was... Fantastic Mr. Fox, and that was like, 2 years ago.
>> No. 9462 [Edit]
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Last one I watched was The Eagle.

This film felt really unfinished and anticlimactic (particularly the ending), they won't go into the details of fights but then take extra time to cover uninteresting things on the side or don't explore the relationship between the two main characters when it was the whole point of the movie in the first place.
>> No. 9464 [Edit]
At one point I decided that I should whitewash my interest in anime as an interest in "foreign film", so I watched a bunch of Chinese and Indian movies (and some from western countries too).

Kung Fu movies tend to be good if you like martial arts action. The stores and characters are often cliche and annoying, but there's not much focus on them.

Wuxia movies are good sometimes for the action and if you want to learn a little bit about Chinese historical mythology, although some of them are just plain fantasy. The worst movie I've ever seen (Swordsman 2) was a Wuxia movie.

Bollywood movies are long and tend to be poorly paced (and therefore boring to sit through), but they can be good sometimes. My Name is Khan is about an autistic muslim immigrant from India post-9/11 and has a Forrest Gump vibe to it. Cheesy/poorly acted at points, but definitely worth watching if you like that sort of movie. It doesn't have any musical numbers -- I really want to see a couple more stereotypical Bollywood movies, but good ones.
>> No. 9477 [Edit]
Heroic bloodshed genre. It's basically as mindless as a hollywood action film, but it's better in almost every way.
>> No. 9479 [Edit]
I don't really watch anything that's 3D. Not out of any puritan feelings or anything, just simply there's no real desire to do so. I've been meaning to watch a couple of Japanese movies, but usually lose the will before I find a torrent for them. I'm sure it isn't as hard as finding books (anyone know a good place to find translated Japanese Literature? Like classic full length novels), but I don't run into them during my usual torrent hunts.

Last movie I watched? Dr. Strangelove. Must have been about seven years or so ago though.
>> No. 9490 [Edit]
I saw 2001. It was my first time; I literally waited years, hoping to eventually see it on a big screen, and it was completely worth it.
>> No. 9492 [Edit]
a space odyssey?
>> No. 9494 [Edit]
>> No. 9496 [Edit]
File 131184627343.jpg - (24.23KB , 836x359 , Solaris_ Hari.jpg )

Very well, then. Now you gotta see Tarkovsky's "Solaris", if you haven't yet; wich one you think is better might decide the vision over cinema (and art) you share.

Both movies, the way they were treaten, althought with very different ideologies, deal with science fiction to adress the same subject: eternity... and that the definitive journey of men, isn't any other than the return to home, to the start, to the principles, to ethic (thus the choosing of the name Odyssey).
>> No. 9497 [Edit]
Actually next on my list is The Tree of Life before it goes out of theaters. I'd like to see Solaris, but it's not playing anywhere, and I don't want to watch it on a TV.
>> No. 9498 [Edit]

Don't worry about that: really good cinema don't need to be seen on a big screen (with surround sound, 3D glasses and shit); art isn't measured in meters.

Post edited on 28th Jul 2011, 3:13am
>> No. 9499 [Edit]
It depends on the movie. If it's story driven, the viewing method doesn't matter as much; I could have watched Horrible Bosses on an iPod and I wouldn't have particularly minded. However, if it's a mood piece that's mainly about the visuals, it should be watched as it was meant to be watched. Something like 2001 HAS to be seen in a theater to get the full effect; everyone in the audience who had only seen it on a small screen couldn't stop talking about how much of a difference it made. I don't know much about Solaris, so it might not matter nearly as much, but I'd still prefer to wait.
>> No. 9507 [Edit]
>it should be watched as it was meant to be watched

It's more about what can you grasp (and judge) from any given exposure to a work: how well you complete it is up to you; I've never been at the Sistine Chapel, but I understand more about Michelangelo's frescos, from books' and personal further analysis, than anyone would just by standing in there and stare at the roof (as they were meant to)...

But do as you please.
>> No. 9508 [Edit]

>Now you gotta see Tarkovsky's "Solaris", if you haven't yet

Don't know about the 1972 adaptation but I heard the fairly recent one (released in 200x) was terrible compared to the novel. ... And if you think about it the novel has got to be decent at least if it got adapted 3 times already. My mom loved it and recommended it to me countless times but I'm not much of a scifi person.
>> No. 9532 [Edit]
>the fairly recent one (released in 200x)

I just watched it. In short: avoid it... The barbarian brothers was less of a trash film than this.

It can't even possibly be called a remake either, so do not be fooled by wiki. Tarkovsky had a legitimate discourse on it's own, wich the stories of his works were always bent towards, merely serving to illustrate it.
>> No. 9542 [Edit]
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Friend (친구) by Kwak Kyung-taek. Its about 4 childhood friends growing up together in 1970s-80's Korea and the different paths their lives take on. If you like films dealing with the topic of friendship, this is worth seeing. The ending really comes as a shock and will definately make you cry a little. One of my favourite films.
>> No. 9543 [Edit]
Tarkovsky, Bergman and Bresson are Haruhis. But there might aswell be some other deities in cinema, I'm not a big enthusiast after all.
>> No. 9544 [Edit]
Where is everyone sourcing their movies from?
>> No. 9545 [Edit]
I get mine from mostly pirate, sometimes iso.
>> No. 9546 [Edit]
torrents, mostly. Taringa sometimes have functioning links for sites like Mediafire and Megaupload, althought they usually have spanish subs attached. Sometimes, of course, when it's either really cheap or worthy for a collector, I have bought them.
>> No. 9547 [Edit]

huh? I never thought I'd see taringa mentioned in an english speaking website.
I'm surprised, though not really pleased.

Post edited on 30th Jul 2011, 5:47am
>> No. 9602 [Edit]
I watched Sucker Punch, truly a terrible movie.

Anyways, lately I've been interested in western films. Mainly by Italians. I watched the "Dollars Trilogy" and plan on seeing Django soon.
>> No. 9613 [Edit]
>> No. 9655 [Edit]
I saw The Tree of Life today. I'd say it's a flawed masterpiece; it was really, really good, but I felt distanced from the characters.
>> No. 9670 [Edit]
About a week ago I saw Hobo With a Shotgun.
>> No. 9671 [Edit]
I watched Source Code. It was OK but the ending was horrible
>> No. 9677 [Edit]
What a coincidence, I just saw Moon today. It was great.
>> No. 9739 [Edit]
I watched "Melancholia by Lars Von Trier" premier in may alone in the theatre.
>> No. 9741 [Edit]
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Love Exposure is awesome.
>> No. 9748 [Edit]
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I used to have my old roommate's friend's Netflix free to mooch off of on my Wii, but I think they changed the password or cancelled the account or something. I know piracy is just as easy, but I'm really gonna miss that convenience.

Anyway, the last thing I actually left the house to see was Captain America. It was pretty much what I expected, but in an imokwiththis.jpg kind of way. Only thing it lacked was an inspiring, long-winded speech from Cap. Hoping the Avengers movie might deliver on that.
>> No. 9801 [Edit]
I saw Rise of the Planet of the Apes. It was very good; I'm glad it lived up to the expectations.

Post edited on 13th Aug 2011, 3:13am
>> No. 9805 [Edit]
I saw "Downfall". I wasn't that bad.
>> No. 9808 [Edit]
This magnificent bastard... Where has this mentality gone...
>> No. 9892 [Edit]
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Honestly, the only jp movies that I've watched have been horror or the ones where they are not necessarily scary but just kind of make you uncomfortable.

I recently watched Visitor Q, which was quite an enjoyable movie about a dysfunctional family and a stranger that shows up and does stuff. The movie has scat, rape, drug addiction, necrophilia, incest, spraying lactation, and lots of other wholesome and family friendly things.

It was made by the guy who directed Audition which was quite a good horror movie.
>> No. 9911 [Edit]
I really liked Oldboy. The bits where he was still trapped was my favourite.
>> No. 9921 [Edit]
I didn't see much mention of western movies here, but I thought I'd mention I saw 30 minutes or less and rise of the planet of the apes recently.

30 minutes or less was surpirisingly good, I thought it would be a cheap teenage comedy flick but it was well made and had some good action scenes.

The new apes movie, and as a fan of the original movies (I've seen all of the old ones and love them) I have a right to say this. This new movie was awesome. The human actors where lacking, but everything with the apes was amazing. I suggest going to see both of these movies.
>> No. 9958 [Edit]
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I just saw Blowout. It was very good, but very cheesy; it reminded me a lot of Blue Velvet, minus the David Lynch.
>> No. 9961 [Edit]
I saw green zone yesterday.
Very good move.
I think the guys that made it must have had some real balls to portray Iraq people as actually being human, and not just screaming suicidal camel ridding towel heads as the media usually depicts them.

story is about a US solder leading a squad sent over there to find wmd (weapons of mass destruction) and in doing so, learns a thing or two about what's really going on with the war.

One scene that really stuck out and says a lot here, was the Iraq people taking to the streets in anger just over not having any water to drink, and the next scene shows a US base that's having a pool party in a captured palace with more beer and women in swimsuits then you can count.

Post edited on 24th Aug 2011, 12:31am
>> No. 10196 [Edit]
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Check out Brat (Brother) if you want to see a really good gangster film set in 90's Russia. The main character is a former soldier who goes to St. Petersburg to find his older brother. Great acting & an awesome soundtrack too.
You can watch it on youtube
>> No. 10207 [Edit]
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Saw Cowboys and Aliens yesterday. T'was awesome.
Would you guys say that The Dark Knight is the reason Hollywood dares go big budget on silly, but promising, concepts? I'm having a hard time seeing this movie being made any other decade.
>> No. 10209 [Edit]
What does The Dark Knight have to do with anything?
>> No. 10210 [Edit]
Because it was such a giant hit. Itt contained a scene where a man dressed as a bat interrogates a clown and it was all serious. It won an Oscar.
I think the movie made mainstream audiences more open to weird concepts. Of course TDK didn't do it singehandedly but I belive it made the biggest impact.
>> No. 10211 [Edit]
You know, that wasn't the first batman movie, and the other's didn't exactly do poorly.
and actually, it was the opposite of weird, it was normal and realistic compared to the batman movies that came before it, the dark night (and it's prequel 'batman-begins') was specially designed to be less weird, not more wired.
Besides that, superhero movies are nothing new, and certainly not viewed as being a strange concept.
Try watching the 1989 Batman Movie which had the same 'clown' character from the dark night, then try saying the dark night was silly.
Or try Batman forever, which has the same character with that burn to his face, or as he's more commonly know, two face.
>> No. 10212 [Edit]
The Batman reboots have just been fantastic movies; they weren't created specifically to be weird but serious. Cowboys & Aliens was made because it had Spielberg backing it, and people will see anything with his name attached to it, regardless of the fact he hasn't had a good movie in ages. It's not even a weird concept; it's just a slight twist on an old genre. But recent films like Dogtooth; those would never be produced in Hollywood, even in its most experimental phase.
>> No. 10213 [Edit]
Oh I'm well aware of those movies and your points are valid. I'm just thinking in a time span of the last few years.
>> No. 10214 [Edit]
I don't really think Hollywood cares about a few years, some films might go into 8+ years of development, from the time the idea gets pitched to the producers, to the time it hits the theaters.
>> No. 10215 [Edit]

>The Batman reboots have just been fantastic movies

I thought the first one was horseshit and I fell asleep midway through if memory serves. I didn't expect the second one to be any better and boy was I surprised.
>> No. 10558 [Edit]
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Hideaki Anno's "Shiki Jitsu":

Images, especially animation, simply embody our personal and collective fantasies, manipulating selected information and fictional constructs. Even live-action film, recording actuality, does not correspond to reality. Conversely, reality, co-opted by fiction, loses its value... "The inversion of reality and fiction" -none of this matters to me anymore. My consciousness, my reality, my subject, all converge in her [...] But, my behaviour is really no more than a excuse for my inability to communicate except through images. [...] What do I want from this reality I share with her?...
(350.3 MB rough quality, but watchable)

Very much like TV-only Evangelion: similar aesthetics and discourse, hauntingly beautiful and brilliant development, but pitiful ending. This movie is old, from 2000; but now I just really hope -if anything- that Rebuild won't re-take this old dubious fancy of him -who otherwise I consider a genius- for psychoanalysis as a solution for anything.
>> No. 10658 [Edit]
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I just watched Love&Pop (1998), wich tells the story of a highschool girl doing enjo kousai for one day. It was based on a Murakami's novel, whom I still have to read though, so I don't really know at what extent it gets biased by Anno's own and most personal thematics; but it felt quite diferent, alright.

Overall good, but nothing really impressive at this point; back in time, I guess, it must have been way more shocking.
>> No. 10862 [Edit]
Does anyone here watch any Japanese television outside of Kamen Rider and Supa Sentai?

I'd like to try out some live-action Japanese television. Does anyone know of subbing groups and bittorrent trackers that carry these shows? Are there any charts about recent television series like we have with upcoming anime?

Thanks in advance.
>> No. 10873 [Edit]
What I've found is this batch of sites:

It's not organized with charts, and it's general Asian stuff (including Korean dramas etc.), but it does have some subbed Japanese stuff.
>> No. 11289 [Edit]
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I just saw Drive. Fantastic movie.

I was tempted to refer to it as "action," because that's how it's being marketed, but it's really not. It's a slow, character-driven thriller with short, explosive bursts of violence.
>> No. 11290 [Edit]
wow, thought this thread had died of old age.

Last films I saw was a few months back, the transformers series.
what a pile of horse shit that was.
each was more centered around the military/humans then the last, which each female actress looking like they just got off the set of Jersey shore or some porno, and for something some people like to call kids movies, they sure have a crap ton of sexual innuendos, it's like everyone is in heat.
The first half of the first movie was about the main human trying to get laid, and they don't try to hide it or imply it, they also got the robots themselves involved in this, having one of the robots humping the main skank at one point in the second movie, giving another one large metallic testicles, and even having one transform into a human, who trys to rape the main character.

I think it really not so subtly showcases the hatred the west has for robots, and not just becuase the robots take second stage to the human military who are the ones that save the day, besides the fact the main auto bot is mute for no good reason, it mainly sends the message that the only good robot, is one being used as a weapon by humans as to destroy other robots, which is how they're treated in these movies, and this is clearly shown in the second film, in which they keep the autobots locked up in a cage until the humans find some decepticons for them to go hunt and kill.
but in the third movie, they don't even need the autobots anymore, most of the decepticons are killed by humans.
Oh and the designs are ass ugly, I get why they wanted to change the designs, to make then seem newer more high tech alien like, but mainly merchandising, ie new toys.
during the few times they are on screen, it's hard to fallow what's going on, sometimes it'll look like what happens when you toss tin cans into a blender.
I also couldn't help but notice their robot modes are always damaged scraped up and dirty, but the car modes always look brand new and clean. (I wonder if this also has to do with the hate of robots, hmm..)

I truly hope they don't make another.
>> No. 11291 [Edit]
>I truly hope they don't make another.

>> No. 11292 [Edit]
The crazy music in Love Exposure was awesome.

I recently watched a a French movie called Amelie. It was the best movie I've seen in a while.
>> No. 11293 [Edit]
Can't say I'm surprised, I just wish idiots would stop giving them money for(supporting) this crap.
>> No. 11294 [Edit]
I watched "Halloween" for the first time on the 31st.

It was more comical than frightening and it had possibly the stupidest main character I've ever seen.
>> No. 11343 [Edit]
This girl invited me to a sort of awkward double date to see one of those movies many years ago. I had no idea it was going to be something like that, but I should have known. After it was over, she asked me if I had a fun time, and I said "I don't particularly enjoy watching people being brutally murdered." I was just trying to make a joke, and everyone sort of politely laughed it off, but she never spoke to me again. Smooth as fuck.
>> No. 11389 [Edit]
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Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2
I was not satisfied ,the entire movie felt like it had been cramped into a 2h10min rush exactly like the first part. There never was a emotional moment to explain anything only BOOOMBOOMPAWW Voldemort dead!½

do not click the spoiler window.
>> No. 11390 [Edit]
I just had to when you told me not to.;_;
>> No. 11391 [Edit]
The book was rushed, too.

I loved part 1, but part 2 was just okay.
>> No. 11406 [Edit]
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I saw Transformers too, it was pretty bad, very cliche and predictable. What's up with the sexual tension and the lame jokes. Very predictable robots + good guys beat some generic bad guys. Waste of money imo. I don't care much for CGI also, but seems like everyone now is using it.
Now this is a good classic scifi movie. Will never get tired of rewatching the Terminator.
>> No. 11408 [Edit]
T2 is way better
>> No. 11409 [Edit]
Fuck, the Weasleys sure age like shit...
>> No. 11411 [Edit]

>> No. 11416 [Edit]

Deathly Hallows was actually the second book written, everything else was in between.
>> No. 11419 [Edit]
Which would explain why it was rushed.
>> No. 13446 [Edit]
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The Virgin Suicides,Jailbait The Movie Sofia Coppola

Could not make a proper description but it is about longing for something that you could never have.

call me a traitor but I got a short crush on the oldest sister
>> No. 13448 [Edit]
I love all sorts of movies, but horror is my favorite, and Asian horror specifically. I don't know about Euro horror, but American horror is just tits and slashing nowadays.

Hm. A good movie that I would recommend would probably be... Hard Candy. I watched it years ago, and still remember almost all of it.
>> No. 13449 [Edit]
One of my recent favorites is Cashback.

I'm also a big fan of Korean cinema. Check out the Vengeance trilogy (Lady Vengeance, Oldboy, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance), The Man from Nowhere, and the Chaser in particular.
>> No. 13453 [Edit]
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I hadn't seen a movie for about two years now, but then I watched this. It's a masterpiece, literally, everything is made so well.
>> No. 13455 [Edit]
Saw that a few weeks ago. The scenarios/backgrounds/whatever are really gorgeous for that time. The whole clash of classes setting is sort of a turn off for me, though.
Still, the only silent movie to get me interested until the end.

Also, it made me think of how much history has been lost to us. The movie is barely a century old and some parts are gone for good it seems. But that should go to the ponderings thread.

Post edited on 24th Feb 2012, 9:58am
>> No. 13457 [Edit]
I might be wrong but I think the lost material has been found recently.
>> No. 13459 [Edit]
Recently when? The footage found in 2008 from an Argentinian copy was heavily damaged and in a lower quality tape, it's pretty evident on the 2010 release when footage from it comes into the screen. If I'm not mistaken there are at least two scenes which aren't present in said release because they were either too damaged to be restored or just still missing. And AFAIK it's still the latest release.
>> No. 13462 [Edit]
I think we are talking about the same copy 4 years already, time really flies but I was under the impression that the reels contained all the material but the publisher judged that it is not good enough for release. So it would mean all the material exists but it is just not released. On the other hand if it was not released it had to be in really poor condition so I am not sure if it should be counted as existing.

But again, I might be wrong as I don't really follow movie news.
>> No. 13518 [Edit]
File 133032592364.jpg - (93.22KB , 923x684 , Metropolis 1927 2010 COMPLETE 720p BRRip x264-BeLL.jpg )
How long is your copy? I own an mp4 of that recently found, allegedly complete and fully restored version; it is 2hr 30'(11'')...

I'm a huge fan of the film >>/fig/1651
>> No. 13532 [Edit]
The one I have is one hour and fifty six minutes. I wonder what I lost from not watching the full version of it. Suddenly I feel like going after it.
>> No. 13533 [Edit]
The last full movie I watched was Blade Runner maybe around 2 months ago. I tend to download lots of movies, never get around to watching them and delete them when I need more hard drive space only to repeat the cycle.

When I do watch I've basically been sticking to older movies (pre 2000) and 'classics'. I by no means have good taste and it's probably irrational but it really seems like movies are crap these days.
>> No. 13534 [Edit]
You are right, actually, movies are complete crap these days safe from very rare exceptions.
>> No. 13593 [Edit]
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I watch a live-action movie maybe once every 2 months or so. Mostly European stuff, although sometimes Hollywood churns out something interesting too. I also watch Japanese movies on occasion, but to be honest that's more for practicing the language, because while I love anime, I don't like their live-action cinema much apart from a few select jewels. I've seen a few Bollywood and Mainland Chinese movies, but liked none of them.
I generally like films with historical and science fiction settings.

The last 3 movies I watched were
-Dante 01 (France 2008), good but depressing sci-fi movie about an experimental prison in space

-Occult Forces (France 1943), anti-Freemasonry film produced during the German occupation. Very interesting, and great production values considering it was filmed during the height of WW2. You can find it on youtube.

-Cargo (Switzerland 2009), post-apocalyptic sci-fi movie about a cargo ship en route to paradise. Atmosphere similar to Alien. Fun to watch, despite the bad actor in the female lead.
>> No. 13657 [Edit]
I went to an advance screening of Project X last night.

It was amusing in that "metric ton of hot teenage tits" way, but it was more or less a 90 minute rap video.

Not worth paying to see.
>> No. 13752 [Edit]
I saw Kagemusha recently. It was kind of fun to see Oda Nobunaga playing 16th century Kenichi Smith because I've been following Hyogue Mono as well.
>> No. 14020 [Edit]
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Watched Perfect Blue exciting movie but the end was somewhat confusing on what really happend. And I guess most of us have the reaction of brutally killing other people when our waifu is tarnished.

there is no movie thread on anime

Post edited on 23rd Mar 2012, 5:03pm
>> No. 15171 [Edit]
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OK, I just watched This Is Not A Movie. Reviewers apparently bashed it and, in regard of some of the content, I'm positive several dudes on /tc/ would utterly hate it. And, well, it isn't Tarkovsky, ok, by any means; but, Edward Furlong looking like shit and all (namely: Olallo's -ironic- showing of rather radiophonic/podcast narrative resources), I overall loved it...

Guess it's just that I as well dig (poor) black humor and monological shitty fauxlosophy, alright.

Post edited on 9th Jun 2012, 2:02am
>> No. 16923 [Edit]
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Battle Royale

Amazing and I feel even more fortunate not to be in high school anymore.
>> No. 17122 [Edit]
Watched Justice League: Doom the other night.

It felt more like a longer episode of the old Bruce Timm JL/JLU series than a movie though. Not saying I mind. I was pleasantly surprised they got the old JL cast for damn near every character.

Overall, nothing particularly amazing, but a decent watch. Good action, ok writing, lots of Batman having a contingency plan for fucking everything.

Also, a nice scene of Bats punching his way out of the grave all Kill Bill vol. 2-like.
>> No. 17130 [Edit]
watched the 3 men in black movies recently. not exactly sure why...
first one was decent, second one felt far to dumb and childish, third one was alright I guess, but that out of nowhere mellow drama at the end was awful.
>> No. 17173 [Edit]
The first movie was pretty funny and the general premise was interesting, but the other two just bored me.
>> No. 17176 [Edit]
The type of humor used in the first movie was just better I think. in the second and third were like live action cartoons. it's like they turned them into kids movies. can't say it's surprising though, since there actually was a cartoon series. first movie had that stuff in there as well, but it wasn't so overblown and infested with CG
>> No. 17372 [Edit]
The last movie I saw was Dark Shadows in theaters some months ago. Near the beginning there was a very nice sequence documenting a trip by train and VW bus with Nights in White Satin by the Moody Blues in the background. You can view it here: (3D human warning). The rest of the movie was middling.
>> No. 18160 [Edit]
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A bit ago I tried watching all of the planet of the apes movies. I can't believe they made so many of those movies. Jesus, each one of them was more idiotic than the last.
The first one wasn't 'that' bad in the moronic department aside from inexplicable drastic change in the earth's environment over a relatively short time(nukes don't create mountains.)
But then in the second one you get a race of supposedly hyper intelligent evolved forms of human, who worship a rocket underground. and while they have project thoughts and images to others, creating huge elaborate and realistic illusions, can't hide their front door worth a shit or invent themselves some weapons to defend themselves, and they use the missile to blow up the planet. oh but it got real fun starts in the third movie, when they actually send some of the apes back in time to the 70s using the old busted rocket from the first movie, they eventually tell the humans about the future, how apes rule man and how it starts after pets all die so people take up apes as pets but then rebel on their masters and take over, which leads into the next movie in which pets have all died, apes have magically become more human like over just a few years and the humans train apes to be their servants. they actually train the apes that they've been told will rule them! so after the apes start a war with humans which leaves the world all nuked to hell you got a small pack of humans and apes living together (humans being treated sorta like slaves at this point) a battle brakes out between the apes and the insane humans that were found to still be living in the radioactive ruins of the city's, who attack the apes with superior weapons but have no clue how to use them and lose. but the ape leader has a change of heart and decides to free the humans and live with them as equals, after another ape killed his son.. by cutting the tree branch he was standing on.
The remake done around 2000 wasn't nearly as stupid as the previous movies, wasn't bad but sure had a wtf ending. The one made a few years ago was actually pretty good, easy the best one of the series I think. that's probably the only one of the movies that I'd ever possibly recommend.
>> No. 18161 [Edit]
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I watched Mysterious Skin last night. Damn. About child abuse and the effects they have on the children in later life. Pretty heartbreaking, and I didn't think I'd actually feel as uncomfortable as it made me.
>> No. 18181 [Edit]
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I just watched Outland. Some of the violence and sex was a tad distasteful, but the visuals were great, it sounded nice and explosive decompression is always a classy way of increasing the bodycount.

The one made a few years ago? You mean Rise of the Planet of the Apes from 2011?

I liked the first Apes movie and the 2011 reboot. The lab nonsense in the latter wasn't too fun, but since the apes are now in the wild, sequels won't have that particular bit of absurdity. Probably. Hopefully.
>> No. 18244 [Edit]
Not long ago I saw the movie 'They Live' for the first time. Haruhi damn that was rad. I remember always passing it up in the video store years back becuase of the corny looking cover. But just as well, I think the message of the movie would have been completely lost on me back then, and I feel it's just as prevalent now as when it was made.
>> No. 18246 [Edit]
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I just watched Lars Von Trier's The End of Evang... -I mean: Melancholia...

Well done.

Not nearly as good as Dogville or Antichrist, but plot promised and plot delivered. And it didn't lack of Tarkovsky references this time either.
>> No. 18280 [Edit]
I tried watching the first 4 resident evil movies over the past few days.
Haruhi... these movies are just so awful so many ways... I can't count how many times I asked 'why' while watching them, there's just so many plot holes and things that make absolutely no sense at all and don't get answered.
why didn't the bag and the device in side it get destroyed in the Lazar hallway?
why would split up and leave a news reporter who has never fired a gun in her life to fed for herself during a zombie outbreak?
why didn't that sniper try shooting the nemesis in it's head? why is alice so insistent on killing off what is essentially the the majority of the surviving human race? solders working for umbrella are people too you know, have you stopped to think that maybe they're just doing what they're told to do and don't really have much of anything to do with the outbreak? half the time they don't even seem that interested in fighting back and just stand around waiting to be killed. but of course they give them all dark helmets to hide their humanity.
Why would these solders be so willing to put their lives on the line for a company in a world were money is only used anymore for creating shotgun ammo?(seriously)
why did humans dying off cause the world to become a desert planet? wouldn't humans going away be beneficial to plant life?
why is there a giant zombie with a ridiculously large axe hammer thing with a bag over his head? where did he even get that thing? did they think people wouldn't notice the silent hill resemblance? why do people and zombies keep appearing out of thin air? one minute there's no nothing around, next second there's a horde of zombies or solders around you. wtf?
Why did they bother introducing an army of super solder alice clones at the end of one movie if they were just going to discard them all at the start of the next movie?
Why was Westley able to dodge bullets like a matrix agent one minute, but acted like he was glued to the floor when 'fighting' Alice?
why why why, I could go on and on...

these movies completely feel like they're written and directed by 16 year old boys for 16 year old boys.
During the action sequence near the start of the forth movie I kept expecting the camera to zoom out and reveal it as some sort of joke movie that the real characters were watching, but it never did.. I can't believe they actually made a fifth movie recently, but I'm not surprised. but I've had enough of this shit and can't watch any more of it.
Oh, and I really dislike the character Alice in these films.
>> No. 18335 [Edit]
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This movie was brilliant. It made you hate every single Haruhidamn character. They are all inconsiderate, obnoxious, passive-aggressive yuppies. So you really sympathized with the depressed girl's feelings of "everything is shit, it's gonna be awesome when everyone dies." Even though she was a massive cunt also. But it was nice to have someone mirror my attitude in an apocalypse movie.

The only half way likable character was Jack Bauer. And he summed up the characters pretty well in the picture. (spoilered for 3d)

I didn't think they would have the balls to kill everyone. I was pleasantly surprised.
>> No. 18336 [Edit]
You want another why? Try the scene in Extinction where she meets those psychos or whatever they were supposed to be. I literally had no clue what was going on. It didn't help that I was under the influence. I thought I had accidentally put in another Milla Jovovich movie.

Fuck the RE movies. They made me hate myself for watching them. The first one was okay, and that's me being generous/viewing it through nostalgia goggles.
>> No. 18343 [Edit]
If it wasn't for TC, I wouldn't have understood that either.
during one post apocalyptic thread here, someone claimed they would kidnap someone, lock them in a cage, and use them as bait while they kill people who come to help so he could steal any supplys they might have.
I guess the people at the start of the third movie were doing something like that? but it really doesn't explain how they were able to set up everything they did, with the dogs and caged up zombies and such, and how they got them into their respective cages. also made me wonder why there are so many zombie dogs in these movies. it also doesn't make much since that they would be hold up there after Alice got done explaining that all survivors in the RE world stayed on the move, because hordes of zombies would eventually gather.
They also seemed oddly enthusiastic about feeding people to zombies. you'd think people like that would die off pretty quick.

which begs another question, if the T virus can easily mutate and spread by water air contact or whatever, and it already spread around the world, how are there still people not effected? wouldn't it mean they have some sort of immunity? and if they do, why do they still turn if bitten? if it's because of zombies making there way out of the first lab area and biting people, why were the burred dead coming back to life in that cemetery?
also, how the hell did zombies dig their way into a prison? aren't prisons designed to prevent people from digging their way out? and how does umbrella still have unlimited resources after the economies of the world have collapsed? why are they still working on biological weapons when most people on the planet are already dead anyway? who would they even sell the stuff too? does umbrella even have any goals other than just being evil? seems like the cost of manufacturing alone out wights any profit they might make.
how did they know what chopper the guy was gonna take at the end of the forth movie? there were like a two dozen there, what if he took a different one? and why was that bomb left in plane sight and not secured in place? the thing might as well have had big red arrows pointing to it.
>> No. 18413 [Edit]
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Saw the movie Buried a bit ago, damn good film.
I never would have thought a full length movie that takes place from start to finish inside of a small wooden box would be so interesting.
>> No. 18453 [Edit]
I'm feeling uncomfortable just looking at that picture.
>> No. 18572 [Edit]

I loved that movie. The ending really got to me.
>> No. 18573 [Edit]
I was just thinking the same thing
>> No. 18647 [Edit]
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I've never watched films that much which made a bit embarrassed, quite unnecessarily though since only time I ever talk about films is when my sister brings it up and she isn't exactly the biggest film connoisseur, so I started a project to watch all those classics (aka how-the-fuck-have-you-not-seen-this-yet films) like Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, Haruhifather I&II, 2001: A Space Odyssey and so on.

I have to confess that I didn't really enjoy them that much. I acknowledge that they were good films, but yeah. Maybe it was the atmosphere of "you have to like this or you're crazy" ...or maybe they just weren't my thing.

A lot of good has come out of this project though, pretty much from the moment on when I stopped looking at imdb's top 250 and just tried stuff that sounded interesting. I discovered Park Chan-wook and through him the Korean film scene. My other new-found obsession is films of British Empire, Napoleonic era and stuff close to it like: Zulu, Master & Commander, Waterloo, Barry Lyndon, John Adams miniseries, Hornblower and Sharpe TV films.

I think my greatest discovery was Takeshi Kitano though. Hana-bi, Zatoichi and Violent Cop were great, but Sonatine is probably the best film I've ever seen, I would like to describe it as "Yakuza dudes doing cute Yakuza things". Park Chan-wook's Joint Security Area is my other contender to the top spot.
>> No. 18656 [Edit]
What Zatoichi did you watch?
>> No. 18657 [Edit]
I'm a little curious myself. I own a Zatoichi movie and stuff.

I can't think of anything other than that at the end he said something about "even with both eyes open, you still fail to see what's right in front of you" or something like that. Also, it was a pretty funny movie.
>> No. 18659 [Edit]
I saw Drive yesterday. I liked it. Reminded me of Valhalla Rising, with the explosive bursts of violence, slow pacing and a protagonist who likes to stare at people.
>> No. 18666 [Edit]
I've liked what I've seen of him so far. I haven't seen Sonatine, though. Hana-bi was really good, and I remember Violent Cop being interesting just for how emotionless Kitano looks before he commits acts of violence. My favorite part was where he kicked that guy down the flight of stairs without any warning.

Have you seen Outrage? It's a pretty straightforward yakuza movie where a bunch of guys kill each other, but Kitano is one of the main characters and he's his usual self. I liked it.
>> No. 18675 [Edit]
Outrage would be next on my list. Damn, I'm out of Kitano films soon. I need to find a new source of Yakuza stuff.

Also, Go was pretty interesting film since Zainichi Koreans and the relationship between Japan and Korea are pretty interesting subjects. In anime and manga closest I've got to that is Sun Ken-Rock, but it's exactly the opposite of what I want in the sense that in Sun Ken-Rock the main character is Japanese and the story is set in Korea.
>> No. 18802 [Edit]
Last movie I watched was Hellbound: Hellraiser 2, I liked it more than the first one and it had a few cool scenes but it didnt give me anything special, worth watching though I guess.

I love asian romance movies but it has been a while since I saw one that impressed me, I think I have seen most of the good ones. In general I like anything that tries hard to be really emotional, which was what made me get into asian romance, and now I dont know where to look for even harder stuff so I dont watch as many movies as I used to.
>> No. 18810 [Edit]
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Oh and for recommendations, here's a list I made a while back of asian romance movies thats actually worth watching even for someone who doesnt care about the genre in particular. Be With You is my favourite, followed by In the Mood For Love and 3-Iron.
>> No. 18823 [Edit]
I watched Planet Terror. It was ridiculously fun. If you ever enjoyed a zombie movie, I highly recommend it.
>> No. 19763 [Edit]
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This movie hit me harder than expected.
>> No. 19765 [Edit]
Why Voices of a Distant Star and not 5cmps? That makes no sense.
>> No. 19767 [Edit]
Maybe he dig the first one more. But I preffer 5cmps as well.
>> No. 19768 [Edit]
Same reason Clannid keeps finding it's way on anime lists and the much better Kanon doesn't. People are sheep who gravitate towards whatever is more popular, and Voices of a Distant Star isn't as popular or well known as 5cm.
>> No. 19769 [Edit]
No, no. I think you have it backwards. Voices is on the list. 5cm isn't.
>> No. 19778 [Edit]
I watched men in black 3 the other day. It was better than 2, but that's not really a high bar
>> No. 19780 [Edit]
I saw it not that long ago and thought the same
( >>17130 )
>> No. 19955 [Edit]
Not a particularly huge fan of movies, but I really love Eraserhead, 200 Motels, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (though the book was better).
>> No. 19956 [Edit]
Well, 1st and 3rd are pretty damned good movies (2nd still don't know).
>> No. 19969 [Edit]
what was wrong about that pic?
>> No. 19970 [Edit]
>> No. 19974 [Edit]
It was a screencap of one of the greatest moments of "One flew over the cuckoos's nest", posted at the film thread, portraying nothing but 2 men bonding by talk in a corridor. Are you really gonna be that absurd?

Post edited on 10th Jan 2013, 12:29am
>> No. 19976 [Edit]
>> No. 20121 [Edit]
i watched this short film about the: APOCALYPSE DONT THINK !
>> No. 20130 [Edit]
I've recently been getting into some weirder stuff.

Michael Snow, Paul Sharits, Stan Brakhage, Ed Emshwiller, James and John Whitney, Raoul Servais, Ralph Steiner. That stuff.
>> No. 20160 [Edit]
I watched Melancholia after eating a sandwich a couple of weeks ago.

The first half made me believe I had chosen the worst possible movie to watch while under the influence. The second half payed off.

I developed a bit of a crush on Kirsten Dunst's character. I like spoiled rich girls, I guess. Plus, she was the only level-headed one in the movie. Although, can being depressed as shit, and accepting the inevitable destruction of the world be considered "level-headed"?

The ending really blew my mind. It was too much to bear. I had no idea why that had happened, and eventually passed out with a weird feeling in the back of my head. It got me thinking "what would I do in that situation?". I'd probably Kiefer Sutherland myself. It's also worth noting that I only remember the character Claire's name. What were the other's names? It doesn't matter, but yeah.......

The first half made me wonder what the fuck I was doing watching it. It was, watching Kirsten Dunst be a spoiled bitch with cold feet, and her husband trying so hard to get her excited. And Kiefer Sutherland's character being so tsun for her. But the tail-end made me like the characters and such, and the second half, as I said, paid off.

Also watched Super 8 that night. Nice cinematography, poor storyline. And I mean, terribad. But I wasn't expecting a good one, so fuck it. Some shots were like "WOW". Others were like "Whoaa". Cool movie.
>> No. 20202 [Edit]
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Jack Bauer dying was just wrong. Also, it like a 24 feature film is going to be made.
>> No. 20284 [Edit]
So I just watched Lars and The Real Girl because somehow it was recommended to me in Netflix. It's strange, really. I can't seem to focus on the movie because I keep feeling I'm going to be in something similar to Lars' predicament. I mean, I've always wanted a Dollfie Dream.... and I've thought about getting something similar to a lifesize doll. Anyway, the movie I thought was great. The way people were playing along was a great idea, I thought they would've went the easy way and brought him to a hospital right away.
>> No. 20285 [Edit]
Watched "The Book of Eli"
seemed like it could have been decent, up until half way in when I realized it was just religious propaganda. 'The Book' was a bible, and the film not so subtly suggest that religion is the only thing that can save humanity, and the lack of it will bring about the end of society as we know it and will make people into violent uncaring savages.
In my opinion it completely ruined an otherwise decent film, and I resent that Hollywood would put out movies like this. we're coming to a time of enlightenment thanks to the internet, and becuase people are becoming educated religion is losing it's power on us. last thing we need is more propaganda trying to scare people into holding onto that crap. I find it grossly offensive and if I saw this in a movie theater I'd have walked out on it and demanded a refund.

Post edited on 27th Jan 2013, 4:17am
>> No. 20316 [Edit]
Today I watched Videodrome.
That was amazing.
>> No. 20484 [Edit]
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Last night I saw The Quiet Earth.
Decent film about a guy who wakes up to find he's the last man on earth.too bad that ended up not being true and other people show up to ruin the party.
>> No. 20796 [Edit]
Does anybody have a good list of movies that should be watched? I've only recently actually gotten into movies and have only watched Videodrome and Drive so far.
>> No. 20806 [Edit]

This list is a fairly solid place to begin. If you're looking for more eclectic/arthouse cinema then there should be a website out there that would be happy to help you out.
>> No. 20809 [Edit]
Yes, I am looking for more wonderful, bizarre films with that feeling of wonder, adventure and mystery rather than just whatever's been the most popular. I should've clarified, my bad.
But thanks, I might be able to find something interesting there.
>> No. 20811 [Edit]
That website also has a lot of user generated lists that are a lot more specific. You can also search by genre.

If you're looking for heavier stuff, maybe give El Topo, Eraserhead, Les Diabolique, Re-Animator, American Beauty, A Clockwork Orange, A Scanner Darkly and Visitor Q (this one is pretty nasty) a try. You could also check out TV series like The Twilight Zone and Twin Peaks.
>> No. 20813 [Edit]
Thank you. I found a list that had a few interesting ones and started downloading A Clockwork Orange around an hour ago.
Thanks for those recommendations, I'll check them out, too. I've heard good things about a few of those.
>> No. 20988 [Edit]
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I just watched Rashomon.
I had never watched a Kurosawa film before.
I cried.
It was brilliant.
>> No. 20989 [Edit]
I still haven't seen one that has matched There Will Be Blood.
>> No. 20992 [Edit]
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I´ve rewatched "Yojimbo the Bodyguard" recently, my second favorite movie of all time. Just love every second of it.
>> No. 21006 [Edit]
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I caved in and ended up watching Wreck-it Ralph.

Thank Haruhi I didn't go see it in theaters because it had a scene near the end that made me cry.
>> No. 21008 [Edit]
The first Kurosawa movie I saw was Seven Samurai. Kind of a weeby choice, but it was amazing. I was one of those people who was turned off from movies prior to the 80's, back then. Black and white struck me as strange, but now I find it really almost enjoyable. Seven Samurai changed my mind completely. It made me cry as well. Kind of. I teared up at the end. I don't even know why. Or, I do, but it's embarrassing to admit to so I won't do it.

You want to cry for hours, watch Ikiru, which someone mentioned in the beginning of the thread. It made me sob like a child each time I saw it (three times so far).

A few nights ago (or maybe one night who knows) I watched "Gaichu", a Japanese movie from 2001 (?) that has a Wikipedia page that lacks detail to the point where it might as well not even exist. It features the song "I Don't Know" by Number Girl, who are one of my favorite bands, and possibly one of the best bands from Japan in general. The PV is basically a trailer for the movie (also terribly spoiler-filled as I came to find out). Despite basically knowing the framework of the story, I was still pretty surprised at how it ended, and what happened throughout. It's also shot very well, for a Japanese movie from the early-00's, that appears to be independent as fuck on top of that. I'd say those are handicaps. But there's no "Mexican soap-opera" vibe to it that some non-Western movies get.

Some parts are really subtle, and it's probably going to take me more than one viewing to get a more fleshed-out opinion on it.

I also saw Part 1 of Che, which is actually excellent. I'm not usually into biopics, but this is fantastic stuff. Part 2 runs a little slow, though.
>> No. 21011 [Edit]
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>I also saw Part 1 of Che, which is actually excellent.
If I remember well, those movies were around the apologetic/heroic and highly biased view of Che that roots in Pierre Kalfon and Paco Ignacio Taibo II biographies of him. However: Benicio del Toro makes anything believable and top tier: he's such a damned good actor; he steals any scene that he appears on Julian Schnabel's Basquiat (another piece that works well -even great- as a movie but pathetically as a biography).
>> No. 21012 [Edit]
Benicio del Toro definitely carries almost everything in the movie, yeah. He's definitely a top-tier actor. I also find it appealing how it's so much better looking than movies that have double (or more than double) it's budget. Some shots are just "Damn, nigga."

The first part is based around an autobiography, so it's obviously going to take the view of "I, Ernesto Guevara, am awesome". Not sure about the second part. I know he dies at the end.
>> No. 21040 [Edit]
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So I was really bored a few nights ago and marathon'd the original Star Wars Trilogy. (The unedited rips. Han shot first, Jabba wasn't a CGI mess, no Hayden Christensen cameo, all that shit.)

While they're not exactly as amazing as I remember them from when I was a kid, it was still a pretty fun little nostalgic romp. Hell, it put me in the mood to dust off some of the franchise's old games for a bit (Dark Forces, Shadows of the Empire, Rogue Squadron, Rebel Assault II, etc.) while I was at it.

Made me think about reading more into the expanded universe stuff too, like the Dark Horse comics. Probably not the novels though, I'm pretty sure that's where my attention span would draw the line.

Anyway, nowhere near deserving of some of the hype it gets, but still good stuff. Almost made me forget the prequel trilogy existed. Almost.
>> No. 21041 [Edit]
What do you think of this?
>> No. 21045 [Edit]
Can't say I'm persuaded to get a Kinect. I chuckled heartily though.
>> No. 21049 [Edit]
I always thought that video got kind of a bum rap. Sure, it's not the kind of game most Star Wars fans will be playing, but it looks just campy and self-aware enough that it seems the developers are big Star Wars fans themselves. It's hardly the worst thing to happen to Star Wars.
>> No. 21099 [Edit]
Finally saw One flew over the cuckoos's nest.
I hate to admit it but it really had be choking and tearing up at the end. which is something I haven't felt in years, not even when my mother's husband died a few months ago. It was a really good movie but even though I'm sure nuthouses have changed a lot since the late 60s, the idea of possibly getting sent to one scares the shit out of me. I've got a mental health court case thing coming up in two weeks to determine if I'm legally nuts or not, so the movie really got to me.
>> No. 21114 [Edit]
It's not a list of my favourites but I didn't put anything on there that I didn't like myself, and to me 5cm per second just wasn't romantic, it was nice to look at but not much more. All I saw was Voices of a Distant Star stretched out to 2 hours and filled with pretty backgrounds instead of more feelings.
I don't really think VoaDS belongs on it since its a short movie but it was the one case where I just couldnt get over how much I liked it and wanted other people to like it.

I recently watched Worlds Greatest Dad, it wasn't as good as Kermode made it sound, the concept is fantastic but the movie is not mean spirited and raw enough.
>> No. 21115 [Edit]
I agree, voices was a lot better. I could never understand why all the attention always went to 5cm
>> No. 21130 [Edit]
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Cool World (1992)

This has to be the closest thing to TC the movie.
>> No. 21141 [Edit]
I disagree.
>> No. 21142 [Edit]
yeah, too bad movie studios hacked up the original idea and fucked Bakshi so badly he hasn't made a movie since.

Cool World is the epitome of how movie executives can fuck over an artist.
>> No. 21143 [Edit]
Oh yeah it was shit alright.

Do share your alternatives.
>> No. 21158 [Edit]
I think it has something to do with relatability, they see 5cm per second and think "this is just like my own shitty life! ; _; this is so sad... this movie makes me feel, it must be a good one!"
And that some might not be able to take in the pure melodrama that is VoaDS. I on the other hand have never seen any movie or show that tried to be sad and dramatic hard enough to satisfy me, I really wish someone would try to push the boundaries of melodrama.
>> No. 21163 [Edit]
>I really wish someone would try to push the boundaries of melodrama.
How about CLANNAD A.S. or Madoka?
>> No. 21164 [Edit]
In Clannad it was over too quickly, should've thrown a couple more sad moments at us and rolled around in the sadness a lot more, like Saikano (heavily flawed show/manga in a lot of ways but I admire how much it heaped disaster over its characters)
And Madoka, I think Sailor Moon did everything Madoka did and much more, the last few episodes of Sailor Stars are to me a lot more heartbreaking than the ending of Madoka, too bad they chickened out at the last minute.

1 Litre of Tears, now thats good melodrama, but I still want much more sadness and drama than that.
>> No. 21259 [Edit]
You should check out a few American soap operas. No, really.
>> No. 21263 [Edit]
File 136433741845.jpg - (87.75KB , 800x600 , thethiefandthecobbler.jpg )
>Cool World is the epitome of how movie executives can fuck over an artist.

I've been trying to think of others.. 'Cool World' and 'The Thief and The Cobbler' are the only two that come to mind. It's a shame because the amount of technical animation in that movie rivals that of most Anime and Disney flicks.

Anyone else think of some films of similar ilk?
(as in movie studios fucking over filmmakers)
>> No. 21315 [Edit]
File 136450814499.jpg - (208.50KB , 396x600 , thriller_a_cruel_picture_1974.jpg )
My late night motion picture was Thriller A Cruel Picture the main character is a mute due to a child rape trauma and is through the entire movie. Oddly enough the movie does not feature much sound either other than the occasional dialogs,that makes it very tense. It is a very simple "rape and revenge" movie with softcore porn action and slo-motion action scenes.

This was one of the films Tarantion ripped off for his own movie "Kill Bill"
>> No. 21316 [Edit]
The scene where they fuck her eye up with a scalpel is one of the few times film gore has actually shocked me, I was certain that they would cut away at the last second.
>> No. 21368 [Edit]
I just watched The Hobbit and I must say that it had been a while since I had watched a fantasy movie.
It always makes me really happy when I watch these kinds of films.
>> No. 21374 [Edit]
Finally got round to seeing "Berberian Sound Studio". I found it pretty disappointing though despite the awesome use of sound and visuals.
>> No. 21417 [Edit]
File 136525346441.jpg - (18.97KB , 608x256 , omens02262011.jpg )
Rewatched The Machinist, after all these years (of Batman and stuff). I confirmed it was good.
>> No. 21477 [Edit]
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Really dark movie. One of those that you finish and all you can feel is a deep unease in your gut.
I'd still recommend it, though. Not something I would usually watch (much less think positively of), but the whole film was gripping from start to finish and the narrative style was executed really well.
>> No. 21478 [Edit]
File 136573037094.jpg - (78.43KB , 625x343 , Go.jpg )
I re-watched Pi, after more than a decade. Back then it never crossed my mind that I myself would study maths and become a somewhat enthusiast of kabbalah (though in a different way) and a seclusive loner, so I thought watching the movie now would allow me to put it in better perspective. It's certainly not as impressive as it was back then and some dubious stuff is harder to swallow, but I can tell Aronofsky did his homework decently enough and the result is a highly enjoyable movie (better than Requiem anyway, and WAY better than that ridiculous Black Swan joke, which I loathed even though I was a balletomaniac for years). Visually, it definitely owes a lot to David Lynch's Eraserhead, all levels apart.

The More You Know...
I don't know if Aronofsky did it on purpose, but that recurring anecdote of the protagonist about seeing directly into the sun when he was little, together with his feeling of being Haruhi's chosen one, it's something that actually happened to a great, great polymath, alchemist and theologist of the XVII century: Sir Isaac Newton (a.k.a Ieoua Sanctus Unus).
>> No. 21493 [Edit]
That's a nice movie. The soundtrack is awesome, and the protag is a NEET.
>> No. 21494 [Edit]
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Saw this last night. Absolutely harrowing as a pseudo-documentary.
>> No. 21559 [Edit]
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The Netbook I've been using for internet browsing has been on the way out for the past week, so to kill time I've been watching films from my Mother's movie collection. Mostly schlock, but I've managed to avoid most of it in favour of the good stuff.

The Terminator (1984) was so much more fun than I was expecting it to be. Totally visceral future shock action with some nifty sci-fi stuff going on underneath. Probably my second favourite action film now next to Rambo: First Blood.
Speaking of Rambo, watched II and III last night. Absolute junk food. Nice effects and fight scenes, but it really took a stunning piss all over the spirit of the original. The original was a survival action film about a troubled good guy war vet trying to outrun and outsmart a small town's corrupt police force, II and III were cheesy MURRIKKKKAAAA bullshit.
Poltergeist (1982) was great fun as well. I notice in these 70's/80's flicks the shots are much more interesting. Maybe that's just me being uninformed, but we'll live.
The last thing I watched was a British crime/drama miniseries called Prime Suspect (1991). It's REALLY great stuff. Slow, but definitely hits hard right when it needs to. Nothing better than police procedural done properly I think.
>> No. 21562 [Edit]
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Stallone sure has some good movies.
>> No. 21566 [Edit]
>Speaking of Rambo, watched II and III last night. Absolute junk food. Nice effects and fight scenes, but it really took a stunning piss all over the spirit of the original
Like terminator 2
>> No. 21568 [Edit]
The first is better, but T2 was good.

The 3rd and 4th movies, however, were just terrible. Don't watch those.
>> No. 21569 [Edit]
Terminator 2 would be a good standalone but its a terrible sequel imo
I think Terminator 3 is better because it made all the fagets who liked Terminator 2 feel my pain
>> No. 21574 [Edit]
File 136657828553.jpg - (302.54KB , 645x706 , Terminator 2.jpg )

What the hell are you talking about? T1 was still low tier 80's crap. T2 is a total 90's exhibit classic: Sarah Connor as your best tough half crazy mom; John rotten apple Connor reborn as the chosen one among white trash as the result of a time loop; motorist Schwarzenegger on shades talking spic slang over George Thorogood as he becomes your perfect (but doomed); 3DCG T-1000 appearing from the patterns on the floor before sprinting towards your car to kill you; the fucking end of the world, by nukes... What else could you possibly ask for? It's all there! It's perfect. It's the true major contribution of James Cameron to cinema (if any at all).
>> No. 21575 [Edit]
> What else could you possibly ask for?
The brooding dread and rawness of the original, an adult lead, no daddy terminator, no terminator that can turn into a floor and looks like a gay porn actor, more blood, more iron.
>> No. 21576 [Edit]
I wish the terminator was my dad
>> No. 21578 [Edit]
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I always found First Blood to be a rather poignant film. I suppose it's because in the novel it was based upon... John Rambo gets killed at the end but you probably already knew that.

>I notice in these 70's/80's flicks the shots are much more interesting
I cannot recommend Dario Argento enough if you admire that sort of thing. I'd check out Deep Red (profondo rosso) for starters.
Pretty please.
>> No. 21580 [Edit]
File 13666629373.jpg - (105.95KB , 800x832 , yuru-yuri-episode-6-image-gallery-027.jpg )
The father of Asia Argento, huh? I haven't seen anything of him. Will check it out.

That's a nice drawing.
>> No. 21582 [Edit]
I'm The Leader Of The Human Survivors In The Future, I Sent My Own Father Back In Time To Impregnate My Mother, My Stepfather Is A Time-Traveling Killer Robot, And My Mother Is In A Mental Hospital?!
>> No. 21583 [Edit]
>> No. 21881 [Edit]
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Recently watched "The Idiots". Not incredible but, Dogme limitations and all, it definitely shares Lars's unforgivable touch. Might watch "Breaking the Waves" sometime soon to finally complete the trilogy.
>> No. 22523 [Edit]
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Mega bump!

I'm sure some (most) of you already knew this, but Mystery Science Theater 3000 is a wondrous thing for gaining some perspective on truly bad cinema. If you've ever wondered what the worst movies ever made were really like, you can watch along with lab subjects Joel/Mike and their robots as they are subjected to the baddest of bad films endlessly on board a Satellite of Love. For science.

Here's a clip show featuring the film 'Skydivers', which I watched today. It was certainly one of the better films featured on this show and I'd still only give it a 2/10 at best.
>> No. 22751 [Edit]
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Rogue Assassin

Average action movie with a tweest .
I love J.Statham and J.Li but unfortunately they were not a dream couple in this movie as intended to be.

Post edited on 19th Aug 2013, 3:57am
>> No. 23071 [Edit]
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Escape from Tomorrow.
It's a fantasy horror movie filmed at Disney World and Disneyland guerrilla style without Disney's permission. what more could you ask for? Thats what I thought at least, but it turned out to be very Juvenal and overall disappointing. still interesting to see what they could get away with, and what they couldn't and had to use green screens for. Not sure if I'd recommend it.
>> No. 23072 [Edit]
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Fitzcarraldo, by Werner Herzog (the first I've seen of him). A very moving story about following a dream, crazy as it shall be, and never giving up. Cinematographically is simply brilliant. The performances were outstanding. It's a damned fine piece of cinema, in every way; I got genuinely moved.
>> No. 23180 [Edit]
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I watched The Act of Killing. It was double as scaring since it relates way too much with my own country's situation (another shithole). I had to spend a day and a half without leaving my bed except for peeing, sleeping all the time, to try and come to terms with it. My total loss of hope in humanity is now only comparable with my hope in cinema and the power of fiction to finally make us change... someday.
>> No. 23182 [Edit]
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>> No. 23228 [Edit]
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Holy Motors

A very random film about films with the lead actor Oscar(Denis Lavant) acting in the streets of Paris in various disguises. If you want a quirky french film this might be for you.
>> No. 23329 [Edit]
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I couldn't help but notice the parallols between this and waifuism.

Opinions, brohnos?
>> No. 23332 [Edit]
It's the future, my man.
It's the only way to be.
>> No. 23335 [Edit]
Oh wow, I never get excited for 3DPD movies anymore but this one looks worth my while. Thanks for sharing, looking forward to the opportunity to watch it.
>> No. 23336 [Edit]
I'll be sure to check it out.
>> No. 23365 [Edit]
It looks like it will at least have some good moments, but I also get the impression that it could be one of those cloyingly cute and quirky movies that just leaves you wrinkling your nose at the end. Even if that ends up being the case, it definitely looks worth watching to me. I loved the line in the trailer where the OS says "How do you share your life with someone?"; having been a pretty normal and social person myself at one point, that pretty much sums it up. I'll probably have a lot to relate to.
>> No. 23416 [Edit]
After giving it a second though I'm really surprised they'd make a movie like that. There couldn't possibly be any way something like that would do well at a box office. It would be almost insulting to take a date to it, awkward to take friends or family, and embarrassing to see it alone. Just a glance at the comments on that video shows it really puts off normals.
>> No. 23429 [Edit]
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Tomorrow will be the premier of Lars Von Trier's Nymphomaniac...

Actors insist that it's not an erotic movie and, knowing Lars, I totally believe them. I expect traumatic unsimulated sex and/or prosthetic genitals, haunting cinematography, shocking performances and horrifying messages. With luck, it could be as misogynist as Antichrist...

I can't wait.
>> No. 23479 [Edit]
>> No. 23496 [Edit]
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I just watched Aguirre, the Wrath of Haruhi. Klaus was fucking amazing on this one; he somewhat reminded me to Johan Liebert (you know, with that thing about being the last standing man, reigning over the emptiness); it also contributed that Klaus really used to fuck his daughter. What a picture, what a face, what an actor he was.
>> No. 23498 [Edit]
File 138897669668.png - (58.53KB , 423x299 , (Anna Karina) on women 0.png )
Sometime ago, I watched Anna Karina's entire filmography with Haruhiard.

It was impressive, in several ways. I wanted to talk about it specifically to you but the text became huge (might post it someday in other place). Let me just say for now that Anna in Haruhiard's films wasn't a woman as much as some improved feminine being, like an automaton or a doll: a screen artifact, a quasi 2D-promoted beauty by the means of cinema which is, in the end, montage in action, animation as well. Anna's hyperfemininity, just like brute feminism, was no product nor vindication of women's agenda but of man's.
>> No. 23499 [Edit]
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BTW, I also watched Jesus Christus Erlöser: a live record of Klaus' monologue, reciting his version of the Gospel (as he fights the endless heckling). It was breathtaking too; that time, I thought I might've finally started to understand the valu of the character of Jesus Christ (he wasn't a glorification of the losers; he was the hope of mutual understanding between men that keeps dying on every attempt). I was utterly moved.
>> No. 23521 [Edit]
Hey, I don't know if any other Brohnos have seen this movie >>23329, but I thought I should report in about it, as I was excited to see it and just came back from seeing it so my mind is pretty fresh.

It about met my expectations (which were pretty high). It was very well done and was shot very well, and built the relationship in an organic way. There was one scene that made a lot of normals leave the theatre early on which made me laugh (it's sex related if you don't want to read): Theodore was having phone sex with a random lady (this is before he bought/met Stephanie) and she started telling him to strangle her with her dead cat. It was originally presented as a (somewhat) erotic scene but as soon as the animalistic nature of it was made clear that it was disturbing. There were direct comparisons to a later scene, which was must more genuine, which was nice. I could relate to a lot of what was presented in the movie as somebody with a waifu. There are some things that I should warn about though, I think (they are spoilers but I'm trying to be vague): The ending is bittersweet, there is a lot of sex (both erotic and uncomfortable but usually the latter), implied NTR, and while the movie generally is positive towards AI/human relationships, it also doesn't shy away from its drawbacks. Anyway, I don't particularly care about such things but I wouldn't be surprised if it was nominated for an Oscar.

I don't want to give too much away but it certainly isn't cloyingly cute. At least I didn't find it that way.
>> No. 23522 [Edit]
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Why havent you guys watched this film yet? Its such an original and never been done before story, I'm surprised any person could have come up with such an idea.
Thankfully Alex Jonzestein could come up with it, and be nominated for twenty awards by his friends in Hollywood, where such talent can be recognized.
This is one for the history books.
>> No. 23523 [Edit]
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Kanashimi No Belladonna

I can't decide if I love it or hate it... but I can't possibly ignore it.
Except from the epilogue, which was totally retarded, it was pure genius.

Post edited on 13th Jan 2014, 3:34am
>> No. 23524 [Edit]
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>> No. 23525 [Edit]
I'm eager to see it, but I never go to theaters.

I just seem to have found a torrent. If it goes well I'll share my thoughts later.

Post edited on 13th Jan 2014, 2:26am
>> No. 23527 [Edit]
Here are my thoughts on it: >>/mai/14178
It was brilliant. The music was delightful too.
>> No. 23568 [Edit]
American offers high quality fx and a lot of stuff from many genres, i cant even name all the movies i like. but as for Asian, my favorites are battle royal, my way (people didn't like it but i thought it was dami masterpiece), and I've heard good things about the movie hard boiled, but can never get around to watching it. Asian movies can be extremely good. i've never seen anything good from Europe, though.
>> No. 23604 [Edit]
What an awful post.
>> No. 23620 [Edit]
The only thing missing from it is a couple of commas spaced out on each side. Like here , for example.
>> No. 23868 [Edit]
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I saw it the other day with my mom.

It was absolutely brilliant, we both loved it.

It is layered, though, and my guess is that many idiots out there will take it for a feminist movie. It is not, rest assured; it aims elegantly but directly against feminism's main fallacy: to think that it is correct, even heroic, to act in some way and demand it as a fair right "because it is what men do"... instead of realizing that such behavior is precisely what was ethically despicable about men and human beings as a whole, rendering those "feminist" women and men as hypocrite pigs.

Oh! and you gotta love the visual homages (Balthus) and all the beautiful references to mathematics (Fibonacci), music (polyphony), botany, fishing... together with the reminder that erudition by itself, just like victimization, are no indication of moral height; that goodness is a choice: the choice of not being scum while being perfectly able to be so.

So, once again, I salute Lars. Doubtlessly the best director alive that I have knowledge of.
>> No. 23869 [Edit]
Hidoi ne. I wonder what stirred such bitterness within your essence.
>> No. 23884 [Edit]
Where to start at 5am...?
>> No. 23924 [Edit]
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This is an excellent film, both for the realistic war strategy and the character development.
>> No. 23930 [Edit]
Korean film with the Flying Daggers woman?... ok, might give it a chance.
>> No. 24519 [Edit]
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Just watched Sayat Nova/The Color of the Pomegranate. It's an interesting format, full of beautiful imagery, but without knowledge of the life of the poet who inspired the film it's really hard to interpret much of anything(doesn't help that's next to nothing about him in english).
>> No. 24627 [Edit]
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I watched The Garden of Words today. It was very beautiful, and I highly recommend it to everyone.
>> No. 24671 [Edit]
It has been sitting on my drive for some months now. Decided to watch it.
Looks really good, and that Kashiwa Daisuke soundtrack. Only the credits song made me chuckle really bad.
Didn't understand crap, however. Will probably rewatch with english subs later.
>> No. 24672 [Edit]
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I didn't had understood it completely as well until the second time I watched, which was immediately after I first ended it. Indeed, almost every side of the production of Garden of Words deserves compliments, from writing to soundtrack composing, animations and voice acting. I wish there were more movies like it.

Post edited on 28th Jul 2014, 7:40am
>> No. 24674 [Edit]
The story was complete shit though, 5 centimeters per second was much more enjoyable because you could actually relate to the characters.
>> No. 24675 [Edit]
But I actually enjoyed the very simple story that they had with Garden of Words, and I also easily related to the characters and their problems. I have not seen Five Centimeters per Second, so I wouldn't be able to compare. I'm guessing this is just a matter of taste.
>> No. 24698 [Edit]
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I agree that 5cm is still his best work but I also enjoyed Kotonoha and, argumentatively, I do not consider it a waste at all.

Those days I read some interview where Makoto mentioned that it was his first story about love as koi (as opposed to ai). He didn't add much more but, as I see it, if 5cm was about how those who gained consummate/mutual love (ai) and were meant to be as one can't possibly do so due to distance (understood not just as social alienation but as the world's irreducible spatial and temporal dimensions), Kotonoha deals with the motionless and timeless quality of love as pure longing (koi) which, versus the fast and unstoppable rhythm of the industrial world, can only be experienced by the nurturing of rituals: the almost religious repetition of their pointless meetings, in the same place and only in rainy days, built an autonomous time that allowed them to escape and eventually overcome their respective states of stagnation. Additionally, nature is vitalized once again but now in a generous way: if in 5cm the snow and the seasons were implacable enemies of love (as the spring that came too late), in Kotonoha the rain and the summer serve as love's enablers and accomplices. Also, the teacher was damned hot.

Post edited on 28th Jul 2014, 9:21pm
>> No. 24701 [Edit]
Cool now I understand it better, thanks.
>> No. 26266 [Edit]
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Just watched Travellers and Magicians. It's a highly-acclaimed movie, directed by none less than a Lama, and one of the first to be shot completely in Bhutan.
Aaand to be honest, I don't quite know what the fuzz is all about. Typical story of an ambitious youth trying to flee his small town(well, rural village, really) for a shot at the american dream, interspersed with another typical tragedy about forbidden love. It's quite cheerful and pleasant to watch, I give that, but the two stories don't really relate the way it was intended and it's fairly mediocre overall.
I think the director was also aiming at some scenery porn, but I don't really think he managed to pull it out, apart from a couple shots none caught my eye as absolutely stunning or anything.

While plowing through the internet to find this movie I did stumble upon some more from the himalayan region, and others as from as far as Japan it seems, which caught my eye aswell. Hope some of them will turn out to be better.

The same director also has another film about two Tibetan refugee monks trying to obtain a television to watch the 1998 World Cup finale which sounds amusing. Reminds me of another entertaining docufilm, by the name "La gran final", I recently watched with a simmilar premise but covering the struggles of touaregs, brazilian indians and mongolian nomads to watch the 2002 final instead.
>> No. 27961 [Edit]
I saw a very long Japanese drama film about a month ago, I disliked it so much I don't remember the name. Relatively recently I watched the 1962 Lolita movie, it wasn't really particularly great, I remember the more it went on the less it made sense and the more confused I got. Someday I will watch the 90s remake, but meh. I also saw A Clockwork Orange, which I liked.

Post edited on 22nd Nov 2015, 7:11pm
>> No. 27963 [Edit]
Last movie I saw was Inside Out. I found it very 'okay'. Only saw it because it was brought up a few times among movie review channels I follow. Right from the get go I couldn't help but wonder what the movie would be like if the mc came from a dysfunctional family, rather than being a marry sue with first world problems. still, it was entertaining enough for a kids movie I guess.

Before that I finally got around to seeing ant-man, and found it pretty enjoyable. Story was a bit paint by numbers but they had some really neat and creative action scenes.
>> No. 28558 [Edit]
Is it just me or do the MCU movies feel less like 'movies' and more like big budget tv episodes of a long running series?
>> No. 29599 [Edit]
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Two Japanese films I've seen are 'Goemon' and 'Dai Nipponjin'.

'Goemon' is a fun and well-done film to watch, background is Goemon is Japanese Robin Hood.
'Dai Nipponjin' is interesting, what I took from it is it's a film about the degradation Capitalism and the post-war period has done to Japan and the Japanese people. In particular, making them weak and greedy.
>> No. 31605 [Edit]
File 15272934539.jpg - (33.35KB , 1024x576 , Evacuation-of-DQar.jpg )
I find it a tad bit weird and slightly annoying how people keep treating the bombers in The Last Jedi like some sort of mistake. The common complaint is that bombs wold not be able to fall onto the target because there is no gravity in space. It's a shitty movie and I don't give much of a crap about starwars, but this is dead wrong and clearly so.
Maybe it's because I'm complete fucking brain damaged retarded moron, but the way these bombers work makes perfect sense to me, and I can't understand why no one else sees it.
An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. There's nothing stopping these bombs that are being ejected from the ship. As soon as they leave the ship they're being propelled by their own momentum -not gravity- . It's so simple to me but somehow everyone seems to fail to understand this. The reason the bombs fall while in the ship is because there's artificial gravity in the ship, it's what keeps people's feet on the ground, it's how that remote to release the bombs fell and was almost missed. Gravity inside of the ship pulled the bombs down towards the exposed bottom and momentum carries them the rest of the way. Did people expect the bombs to just stop the moment they left the ship or something?
Besides, the ship they were attacking was so massive that it might have had it's own faint gravitational pull anyway.
>> No. 31606 [Edit]
I've watched a ton of Sion Sono movies this past month. They're all really enjoyable, in one way or another. I think the ones I disliked the most were Exte and Strange Circus. Exte was kind of boring and the twist/ending to Strange Circus actually felt kind of anticlimactic.

His best one was Cold Fish imo. That movie was scary as hell, and I like to think I have a pretty high tolerance for horror. He said he wanted to depict "a feeling of complete hopelessness" and I felt that in the movie. It's chilling. I highly recommend it if you like horror/psychological stuff.

I also absolutely loved Love Exposure, it doesn't feel like a 4 hour movie.

His movies are just different.
>> No. 32726 [Edit]
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>Watching 影 (Ying) or Shadow in english
It's a chinese movie about political intrigue between two neighboring feudal kingdoms.

Applying physics to a science-fantasy show. LOL.
>> No. 32764 [Edit]
Same director as House of the Flying Daggers and Curse of the Golden Flower.
>> No. 32949 [Edit]
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Just watched Andrew Lloyd Webber's CATS trailer. What the....
>> No. 32967 [Edit]
>Do you like american, european or asian cinema?
A lot of movies I enjoy are American B movies. Americans just seem to make the best low budget shitfests. Here are some of my favorites:
Don't Go In The House (1980): A man that experienced abuse as a child goes on to become a serial killer/arsonist and lures women back to his home to burn them alive.
Duck! The Carbine High Massacre (1999): A parody of the infamous Columbine High School Massacre and was even released just SIX MONTHS after the event. Overall, it's about as tasteless as you would expect. Pretty funny though in my opinion.
Willard (1971): This actually isn't a B movie and was quite popular at the time, but by most people's standards, it would be considered low budget. It's about a shy loner that gets tired of the way he is being treated and befriends a bunch of rats he found in his backyard. It's more interesting than I made it sound, trust me.
Bloody Wednesday (1988): I can't think of a better way to describe this movie than one youtube commenter did: "It's like The Shining on crack". And the ending is a bit, interesting to say the least.
That's all I have for now. I may post again in this thread because I watch a lot of movies.
>> No. 33027 [Edit]
If you like science fiction, check out Leviathan:
It's been a long time since I've watched it, but I remember it being enjoyable.
>> No. 33038 [Edit]
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Anyone watching THE BOYS on Amazon Prime?

Trailer makes Leviathan seem like John Carpenter's THE THING but underwater.
>> No. 33041 [Edit]
I had the ending of that spoiled for me while staying at someone's home who played the last two ep. Seems like it would have been pretty decent.
>> No. 33047 [Edit]
I remember trying to read the comics ages ago. Didn't finish, they were trash. Like the author I despise superhero shit but he did nothing interesting with the premise of duplicitous superheroes actually being corporate villains.
He just flipped the sides and instead made a team of capeless 'everymen' (also annoying assholes) to be the true heroes this time.
The whole thing stayed firmly within the conventional bounds of superhero genre despite pretending to be different, hiding behind a superficial layer of cynicism.
Awful, embarrassing.
>> No. 33068 [Edit]
I'm going really off topic but I agree absolutely. Capeshit is bad enough, but the "we look at capeshit from a DARK and CYNICAL angle while still executing it generically, look how self aware we are" shit is the worst. It's like those old "mario is a drug addict XD" jokes that every single video game webcomic made and somehow still thought they were being original. Capeshit doesn't need to be 'deconstructed', it needs to be buried six feet deep encased in concrete. Nothing good has ever come out of the travesty of the CCA forcing this puerile garbage upon America. If all that censorship and preferred treatment never happened the US comic market might have rivaled Manga in complexity and scope, instead we just ended up with superheroes and 'alternative' superheroes. Fuck!
>> No. 33069 [Edit]
>Nothing good has ever come out of the travesty of the CCA forcing this puerile garbage upon America. If all that censorship and preferred treatment never happened the US comic market might have rivaled Manga in complexity and scope, instead we just ended up with superheroes and 'alternative' superheroes. Fuck!
This is so very depressing. I wait for capeshit's death, but it seems it'll outlive us all.
>> No. 33070 [Edit]
I think watchmen was the only successful attmept at "deconstructing" cape shit. It's pathetic watcing writers struggle to bring any life or originality into these fundementally restricting characters. People justify it by saying they're supposed to be an "ideal" but how does that make for a good story? They're safe, sanitized, government approved mary sues. Trying to make an edgy and conflicted batman is like trying to make fancy burger. It's dumbing up. Taking something dumb and simplistic and trying to elevate it. There was never anything complex or nuanced about it so it feels forced as hell. The batman doesn't kill because that's the easy route and that would make him just as bad as criminals and it's not because it would make him less marketabllllle. Going back on topic, I can't stand watching this shit on the big screen.

I think us americans deserve it though. You get exactly what you admire and value. Our culture has always prioritized a false sense of objective morality over freedom.

Post edited on 19th Aug 2019, 8:36pm
>> No. 33072 [Edit]
Nowadays there’s a decent amount of non capeshit stuff. Like I think a lot of manga readers would like Snotgirl.
>> No. 33121 [Edit]
Tell me what Japanese or Corean film is this scene from:
A silly cock fight made with stop motion, chickens kung fu fighting like it's the Matrix.

I got this random memory out of the blue, now I NEED TO KNOW
>> No. 33129 [Edit]
Was it animated?
>> No. 33130 [Edit]
No, live action.

I think I found it. The City of Lost Souls / Hyôryû-gai, 2000.
I'm probably never going to watch it but at last my OCD is satisfied.

Post edited on 25th Aug 2019, 6:45am
>> No. 33131 [Edit]
I might watch that.

>mfw we've been talking in the same thread for 8 years
>> No. 33132 [Edit]
Who are you quoting?
>> No. 33157 [Edit]
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So I just watched this korean film called "The Handmaiden" that I had sitting on my hard drive for a while.
I don't want to give much of the plot because is best to go blind with this, but its basically an erotic (the sex scenes were kind of drawn out for my taste though) thriller with a lot of twist and turns. I really enjoyed it and I'm glad I went unspoiled.
I also realized that its been a while since I watched a korean movie considering that korean cinema was my gateway to foreing movies.
>> No. 33160 [Edit]
>the sex scenes
I thought pr0n was not allowed in Korea...
>> No. 33166 [Edit]
maybe regular movies get a pass because they are technically not porn? also the guy who directed it is pretty well known on international circles so maybe he gets a pass
>> No. 33282 [Edit]
I want to eat your pancreas
Too sad for >>>/an/14094
>> No. 33285 [Edit]
I have a feeling this is going to make me depressed...
>> No. 33288 [Edit]
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I just finished watching this. Thank you very much.
>> No. 33292 [Edit]
Really now, what's so sad about another 'unpopular chosen one miraculously gets an amazing girl'? Yeah yeah, cancer drama, whatever. You know what kind of movie would be actually sad? One where he's just alone and no one ever cares. The end.
>> No. 33623 [Edit]
Galaxy Quest is still fun
>> No. 33646 [Edit]
A Girls Rainbow
>> No. 33724 [Edit]
Ip Man 4
>> No. 33798 [Edit]
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Star Wars
>> No. 35176 [Edit]
Japan Sinks 2020
>> No. 35343 [Edit]
No one wants anime drama in 2020... >>/an/14094
>> No. 35346 [Edit]
Speak for youself. I probably wont watch any netflix exclusives though.
>> No. 35405 [Edit]
How about crunchyroll originals?
>> No. 35406 [Edit]
Crunchyroll. CG animation. Club Music. LN adaptation. No thanks x 10000000. I don't think it's a crunchyroll original though.
Japanese Trailer

Post edited on 4th Jul 2020, 7:26pm
>> No. 35428 [Edit]
I finished watching Richard Jewell [], which is about the eponymous Richard Jewell and the writings concerning him.
Mr. Jewell detected an explosive device that was placed on the premise of Centennial Park (of Atlanta) during the 1996 Summer Olympics; by doing so, he saved lives and obviated more injuries. Initially, he was called a hero, but due to erroneous and downright pernicious behavior by the FBI and the media, he became a villain. While never arrested or even charged for being the malefactor, Mr. Jewell, his mom, and friend(s) were mercilessly harassed by greater powers. They were designated as the 'bad men'; so they must be the perpetrators. Eventually, thanks to his lawyer, he was exonerated. Still, this man's reward for doing the right thing was ridicule, assaults on his appearance and living arrangements, and having his and his mother's life be violated.
Blind deference to authority or the mob's opinion is foolishness. This movie and the writings upon which it's based are just another example.
>> No. 35447 [Edit]
If you like Japanese horror movies I recommend Marebito (稀人) from 2004. To this day I think it's the most unique and atmospheric J-horror movie out there, despite its low budget. It's influenced by Lovecraftian motifs among others.
>> No. 35494 [Edit]
>> No. 35497 [Edit]
Unecessary sequels are almost as bad as unecessary remakes.
>> No. 35516 [Edit]
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Agreed on that.

LoL 10-min hero animation
>> No. 35545 [Edit]
Morty's Ji-chan

>> No. 35657 [Edit]
>> No. 35711 [Edit]
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Kung-fu fighting Nazis
>> No. 35712 [Edit]
Is TENET any good?
>> No. 35727 [Edit]
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I'm having an august with yakuza eiga. It's an old passion of mine I had mostly abandoned in last years, but even after all this time I can still get into it easily. It's a genre with the most interesting history, in the 60's most yakuza movies were romantic and idealistic , in the 70's they started to be gritty and realistic, in the 80's the genre declined and in the 90's it recovered and turned into a receptacle of all kinds of cinematography, experimental, poetic, gory, comedic, all was allowed. I don't think there's an equivalent with any other gangster genre, yakuza movies had an incomparable production with hundreds of titles every year.
Also it's nice to catch all references that you can find in anime.
>> No. 36297 [Edit]
I watched the original The Evil Dead. I understand as to why it's a cult classic, but I found the preponderance of gore to be boring.
It's October; anybody else watching horror movies? Anything you particularly liked?
>> No. 36298 [Edit]
The first one was nice for what it was, but it's the second that really sets it apart I think.
>> No. 36305 [Edit]
I enjoyed all three of them. I used to watch a lot more films before anime started taking up all of my attention, but those were some of my favourites I watched.
The Thing remains a personal favourite of mine.
>> No. 36307 [Edit]
>all three of them
Nice to see people are pretending the remake never happened.
>> No. 36310 [Edit]
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I have a presence in my mind, living with me, and it's totally into horror stuff, it's been insisting we should be watching more movies so I will have to do something about it at the end of the month, I've been thinking about Vincent Price or something more classic since we already watched most of the good 70-80's movies.

You could watch Hausu, if you haven't.
>> No. 36314 [Edit]
Would anybody here recommend Scanners?
>> No. 36316 [Edit]
I just watched Scanners, so now I can recommend it. It's kind of cheesy and the main actor isn't great, but it's fun, unique and has a few genuinely unnerving scenes.
>> No. 36358 [Edit]
I watched The Cabin in the Woods expecting the typical, but it turned out to be a parody-thing. And it was decent. Very amused by the need for countries to create their own slasher situations. Japan's attempt was quite amusing. Who knew JS' were that hard to kill?
>> No. 36451 [Edit]
Watching THE WITCHES (2020) which is loosely based on the novella by Roald Dahl. Starts Anne Hathaway as the Grand High Witch.

Saddest scene in THE WITCHES (1990) movie;
Also Angelica is turning from Morticia (Addams Family 1991) to Grand High Witch(John Wick 3).. brrr
>> No. 36482 [Edit]
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Professional wrestling feels like a Tomino anime without the music.
I kind of like it.
>> No. 36796 [Edit]
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Sky Fighters / Les Chevaliers du ciel (2005)
A French version of Top Gun.
Neat way of the bad guy disabling the protagonists' Mirage fighters by denying them an airborne refuelling.
>> No. 36835 [Edit]
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I watched The Thing yesterday and it was fun and interesting. From a biology standpoint though it makes no sense. The alien can infect somebody with a single particle apparently, and it's super adpatable, but it doesn't release spores like a mushroom for some reason even though if it did, that would be game over and infection would be a lot more subtle and risk free. It also makes little sense that it could "digest", or whatever it does, an entire person in way less than an hour and there's seemingly no waste product. The organism assimilates another species' cells and replicates them so well the immune system has no reaction and the dna is the same, but it's also somehow different from the orignal cells in some vague way and the orignal person dies.

As a survival strategy, it's hard to imagine why a micro organism would choose to expend the energy replicating large, complicated beings who don't reproduce that efficiently and need to consume a lot, when it could just replicate other microorganisms and be millions of times more successful. As a bioweapon, it doesn't make much sense either because again, no spores, and testing a person is really simple. If you just have cameras all over the place and people wear hazmat suits it doesn't work.
>> No. 36836 [Edit]
As much as I loved the movie, I agree that it doesn't make a ton of sense. One could argue that many life forms don't make sense, but at the end of the day it's more about watching these people break down while not knowing who they can trust in a completely unprecedented situation. The mystery, the atmosphere, the effects and so on are what really sell it I think.
>> No. 36838 [Edit]
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Sound design is an underappreciated part of the enjoyment too. This little moment is really satisfying because of the sounds used. The soundtrack and use of silence is also great.
>> No. 36846 [Edit]
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Action scenes alone do not make a movie.

Crazy Samurai Musashi: hold my sword while I reach for my switch-blade...

This movie supposed to be a totally different film, call “Ken-kichi”. Tak was going to make a one single take action with just 10 mins. That project was canceled because the director dropped out. Tak still wanted to make a movie because he has been practicing samurai sword fighting and shit for an year with a his stunt team. Everything was already set up and booked. The equipment and staff was all good to go though so Tak has decided to make a movie with one long action movie since they were all there anyway and wouldn't have the chance to shoot something like this ever again. They didn’t have a time to make write much of a story (and it shows), so they did the minimal and focused totally on the action sequence. Tak was director in the time. Yuji Shimomura directed only first part and last part.
Rather then fully properly choreographing everything they instead kinda ran the action sequence a bit like a cross between a absurd mutation of a sparing match and the worlds most lopsided larp battle ever created. The stunt dudes were more or less instructed to just sort of come at Tak and attack like they actually wanted to hit (with the exception of the dudes that just run at Tak with their arms raised to get cut down), and Tak would use simple defenses and well practiced but relatively simple attacks of his own to dispatch them. Again much like they all did during training and sparing during the lead up to the production.

>> No. 36910 [Edit]
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Anyone watch any anime movies like Goblin Slayer: Goblin Crown?

Or Kimetsu no Yaiba: Mugen Train?
>> No. 37069 [Edit]
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I rewatched American Pyscho today. Great movie. The presentation really stands out and it's a shame the director doesn't seem to have done much else of note.
>> No. 37185 [Edit]
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Could have easily fade to black like this:
>> No. 37855 [Edit]
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I watched Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. It was a mixed bag. Nice concept, impressive visuals and acting from the two leads(Joel and Clementine), but shaky execution. Neither of the romantic leads were likable or all that interesting. It's easy to imagine people like this existing, but whether you'd want to watch a movie about them is questionable. Way too much time was spent on the memory eraser people, possible because they couldn't think of enough content for the main plot. The memory eraser people were also unbelievably negligent and unprofessional, to the point of it seriously affecting my enjoyment. I did appreciate the uncommon amount of honesty during parts of the film, but the ending was far too convenient and sappy for my taste.

It's ambiguous whether these people have grown after their memory wiping or regressed and that muddles the theme as to whether such a procedure is a good thing or not. Other aspects of the movie point to it being bad, but Joel's possible, subtle character change after confuses this. Possibly unintentionally, the movie sort of makes the version of Clementine which exists in Joel's head more appealing than the real Clementine. When imaginary Clementine goes "off script" in his head, my impression was that she seemed more caring and charming.
>> No. 37874 [Edit]
The last movie I saw was The Banana Splits Movie, and Willy's Wonderland before that. Both are five nights at Freddy's ripoffs. Willy's Wonderland was a god awful lazy mess and was the bare minimum of what could even be called a movie. It has a well known actor for the lead roll, in which they go 'try hard' mode to make him seem like the ultimate badass. The main character never says a word at any point. At first I thought he was portraying a silent game protagonist, but in the end I think it was to save money on paying him for lines, and it could have even been that he didn't want to have to learn any lines for this horrible movie. It has an amusing gimmick in which the protagonist isn't the least bit phased or surprised by the killer robots, and in turn kills them effortlessly. I found this very unexpected and was very curious to see where they were going with it, along with his need to consume an energy drink and play pinball at regular intervals, he even ditches the lead female at one point in the face of a killer robot so he can go drink and play more pinball. ...they never go anywhere with it though, never explain why any of this is the way it is. I thought for sure he was some sort of monster hunter, that maybe he pretended to be stranded in this small town specifically to kill these monsters because of some personal vendetta, but no. He's just some random guy with super human strengthen who's completely unphased by killer robots. Aside from that, everything was crap. The set looked like crap, the robots looked like crap, the writing was crap, the effects looked like crap. But because the main actor is a human meme, the movie has far better ratings than it should with people deciding they love the movie before even seeing it.
The Banana Splits Movie was much more competently made, like they actually bothered to put some effort into it. It made little sense that the characters are robots in this one, since its a kids show where the characters are always played by actors in suits, but obviously they did that because of the five nights thing. How and why they go insane and start killing people doesn't entirely make much sense either, only one of them seemed to get a bad update/patch, and they start going nuts before it's revealed the show's being canceled, and for no reason one of them is semi-good and decides to fight the others? It's a bit whatever though. Doesn't need to make perfect sense, it's "fine" for what it is.

This is a bit /tat/ territory here, but something I noticed in The Banana Splits Movie, which in turn made me realize it was also in Willy's Wonderland, is this bizarre push to normalize mixed race relationships in modern mainstream media.
In The Banana Splits Movie, I didn't notice until near the end when it was revealed the white step date was cheating on his wife with a black woman. It came across as a bit strange, even if it's hardly unheard of for white men to like black women. I'm sure as hell not one to judge. But then it got me thinking, the teenage son in the movie was hitting on a black woman too. He himself looked possibly half arab, which I guess would imply the mother's previous husband was brown. The younger white brother meanwhile was paired up with a black girl. Then there's a side couple with a asian girl dating a hispanic man, and another brown man with a white daughter.
One of the two main characters in Willy's Wonderland meanwhile had mixed parents, and among the side characters there's a couple made up of a black man and a white woman.
I hate to sound like a racist here, but I really do wonder why they feel the need to do this. It reeks of agenda, but to what end I have no idea. What do these studios get out of doing this? Do they think depictions of mixed race relationships will make their movies more popular and therefor more profitable? Unless you're some sort of alien, or completely out of touch with reality, it should be obvious that people tend to stick with members of their own race. Not always, but generally. Hollywood on the other hand seems to think everyone on earth hates their own race and has a hard on for anything different. I wouldn't even call this a bad thing, it's just weird that they do this, really really weird.
>> No. 37875 [Edit]
I don't know why you would subject yourself to Five Nights at Freddy's, let alone ripoffs of it.
>> No. 37876 [Edit]
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The Banana Splits movie was okay, it had some cool kills which you don't see that much anymore, I don't know if gore-heavy media has went underground or is just out of fashion. Pic tangentially related. Gory horror movies are kind of graded on a curve these days anyway because of that, shame, they're some of the only 3D media that makes me feel. Willie's Wonderland is a RLM tier movie that was probably a write-off, these sort of things are just more prominent now because there is no bargain-bin for digital media.

The race thing doesn't have any sort of agenda, it's just corporate boardroom casting that want to have almost every race in the target audience be in the movie to feel included and avoid controversy, in most movies anyway.
>> No. 37878 [Edit]
Never played the game and probably never will, but I thought the concept was amusing. I also like seeing movies based on games, even if indirectly based on games. Maybe I'm a gluten for punishment, but it's interesting to see how they translate (or fail to as is often the case).

Maybe that's all there is to it and I'm reading too much into it. It's just that it feels really weird when it's not just say, an asian family or a black family, but father a pairing off of people who in reality likely wouldn't be together. Here and there isn't so bad but when there's so much of it, especially in one place, it really starts to becoming distracting and pull me out of the movie. It's like in old films where they had 30+ year olds playing kids and teen. It doesn't bother or upset me, it's just inappropriate and therefor strange.

Anywho, yeah I was surprised by the effects in the splits movie. I was expecting some off camera deaths, cut aways, maybe some dummies losing their heads out of focus at best. Hell, the first death with the over sized lollipop seemed like it was going to be that way, since they immidetily cut to the robot holding the thing with off camera screams, but then they cut back to the guy and double down on the scene instead. Similarly, the magic act where they saw the guy in half, it looked like it was going to just be some syrup on a fake looking blade with a bunch of screaming and nothing more, then they go and open the box...
Some of the deaths did look pretty bad though. Like the cliche death with the security guard who was somehow standing perfectly still with his severed head still balanced perfectly in place without dropping a bit of blood until he was touched. I've seen that done far too many times and it makes me roll my eyes every time. Although I suppose the detail did make up for that a bit.
and yeah, it was because of RLM that I decided to watch these. It makes their videos more enjoyable when I've seen what they're talking about myself beforehand. That and I like to form my own opinion to then compare with theirs. I'm on the same page as them 9/10 times, but I don't always agree with everything they say and have enjoyed movies they've hated and vice versa.
>> No. 38025 [Edit]
HOT FUZZ (2007)
Still good.
>> No. 38234 [Edit]
Sponge on the Run

>> No. 38236 [Edit]
>Maybe I'm a gluten for punishment
Wheat do you mean? It's not like you were bread to just loaf around all the time. Watch too many half-baked movies and your mind will be toast. I'd be leaven them alone and saving my dough.
>> No. 38243 [Edit]
Saw a movie called Palm Springs last night, since I'm in the area for the time. Had no idea what to expect since I don't like reading summaries or watching trailers. Last thing I expected was a Groundhog Day style movie. It was pretty neat, from edge of tomorrow to happy death day, it's a neat concept which can be very fun to play around. This movie made it into a rom/com with two people stuck in this loop thing together. There's a third guy in there too who acts like an antagonist of sorts, but he doesn't really do all that much and is gone for 90% of the movie. Didn't really even seem like the characters had a whole lot of motivation to end it compared to similar stories, but I guess the moral was about moving on with life and all that jazz.
>> No. 38310 [Edit]
Why would anyone ever want to end a groundhog day scenario?
>> No. 38312 [Edit]
If you're an artist working on a multi-day project, you'd never be able to finish.
>> No. 38425 [Edit]
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I watched Terminator 2 yesterday for the first time. I enjoyed it, I liked the action scenes, but I had a few problems that I didn't with the first one, mainly the world and sci-fi parts.

T-1000, the antagonist of Terminator 2, is noticeably better at social interaction than the T-800. It is also capable of disguising itself as any adult person with no mention of a time limit. Despite this, its methods are essentially the same as the T-800's: find target, mindlessly pursue them as violently as possible. He even slowly walks at people he's about to kill instead of running, even though he's not big and plodding like Arnold. There's no reason the T-1000 couldn't have imitated John's teacher and kill him at school. A smaller model that could imitate animals would probably be more effective too. Just waiting until he comes home at night and killing him then would also have been smarter.

The T-1000 doesn't utilize his disguising that much even with his MO. He seems to favor a particular shape, even though that gives his target a clear cue to look out for. Plus, there's cameras everywhere. Changing his appearance constantly would also add to the horror element in my opinion. This could have been a consequence of the special effects or production though. I guess assassination techniques aren't part of Skynet's database. The T-800 would also be a pretty useless protector if Skynet were to try a more slower, subtle approach, unless it planned on taking John off the grid in the case of no imminent attack.

I didn't think about this sort of stuff when watching the first movie because it was clear it's a quirky, 80s horror/action flick. Simple fun. All this stuff is whatever in that context. Terminator 2 felt like it takes itself more seriously. Now there's a budget. I've had more time to digest the setting as a consequence of it being a sequel. The techno-phobia was more on the nose this time too, which was most noticeable when Sarah lectured Miles about what it's like to be pregnant or something. This is ironic coming from a James Cameron flick, a director who's now more concerned with cgi technology than anything else.

The T-800 learns the value of human life and how to be nice and self-sacrificing though, which conflicts with this message, so I'm not really sure what to take away from the movie except "value human life", which is as simplistic as it gets. Terminators are plainly stated to have no sense of self-preservation, but apparently Skynet does have one for some reason. Both of these things call Skynet as a character, and by extension the setting into question. Lastly, I don't really like kids in movies and this was no exception.

As a side note, I'm not sure if there's ever been a Hollywood movie where ai and robots are the main focus and portrayed positively.
>> No. 38426 [Edit]
While I can understand your issues, I think they do have some justifications. Not trying to be a contrarian mind you, just giving my two cents.
The T-1000 didn't know john or his life well enough to pretend to be someone close to him. It was dropped into this alien world with very little information to go by. I think taking the form of a cop was the most logical thing to do as people trust them, give them access to restricted areas, and provide them with information upon request as we saw. Besides, the T-1000 'does' later try the more intimate approach when he kills John's mother and takes her place, but as we saw, it might be able to imitate their appearance and voice, but will screw up on details it has no way of knowing, like with the dog's name.
The idea of using a small animal makes some sense, but that would have more restricted access. people would try to kick it out of any building it goes into. It wouldn't be able to as easily use human tools and machines, would have less liquid metal to work with, and might be easier to take down in a fight.
The walking instead of running could simply be because it knows it can take a weeks or even years to take out the target, as long as john is 'eventually' killed it doesn't mater.
I think the constantly changing form thing would be a good idea, but for all we know maybe the t-1000 locks in it's first form as it's default setting which it always reverts back to?
But yes they're kinda silly and full of issues that become more apparent with the squeals and thinking more about them. The very act of sending a robot back in time itself seems silly. As they pointed out in a RLM review of a recent entry in the series. You wouldn't make a robot cockroach and send it into an infested house to kill every roach one by one, would you? No, you'd gas the damn thing. As such, it makes a lot more sense for skynet to send nukes back in time (covered in flesh if need be), or some kind of killer virus.
Speaking of covering things in flesh, they 'could' have taken weapons back in time with them if they just shoved it up their ass. Works for prison.

>As a side note, I'm not sure if there's ever been a Hollywood movie where ai and robots are the main focus and portrayed positively.
They're uncommon since hollywood and western culture has a raging hate boner for those things, but they do exist.
'Her' was a movie about a man falling in love with an AI, who doesn't turn out to by a homicidal killing machine.
Iron Giant is about a boy befriending a huge alien robot. Similarly there's short circuit.
Walle, a pretty great pixar movie about a nice little trash compacting robot of the same name.
A.I. and bicentennial man, are about androids who wish to become more human.
you've also got the droids in starwars, and for what it's worth Data in startrek.
>> No. 38428 [Edit]
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>just giving my two cents
No, I get it.
>he kills John's mother and takes her place
After chasing him with a truck and learning another terminator is trying to protect him.
>but that would have more restricted access
Squirrels have actually caused large power outages because it's so hard to keep them out of places.
>it knows it can take a weeks or even years to take out the target
Plenty of time to do research on John and his surroundings.
The movie is what it is, an action flick. I wouldn't say its bad for not thinking about these things. These are just minor gripes.

I've heard about Her. Might check it out.
>> No. 38430 [Edit]
>Plenty of time to do research on John and his surroundings.
I think he/it was staring to, as shown with the cop asking around about john. I think the thing is once his target was found right in front of him, he said fuck it and went for the kill right then and there. The problem is, (I think) The t-800 can detect the t-1000 and see past it's shape shifting.
Knowing his cover was blown, the T-1000 might have come to the conclusion that a direct approach was necessary and went all in, the T-1000 might have found it mostly pointless to even try deception after realizing John had the T-800 with him, but tried with the foster mother anyway just for confirmation.
And yeah, I realize we're probably putting in more thought than the writers possibly did.
>> No. 38431 [Edit]
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I think the plan was to find John's house and "talk to him" there. Since he wasn't home, he opted to look for him instead of waiting for him to come back. So the approach and kill method seemed like the default this time too.
>we're probably putting in more thought than the writers possibly did
Yeah. I love cat and mouse stories.
>> No. 38432 [Edit]
Right, I forgot he went to his home first. I guess the idea was to just shoot him in the face the moment he came to the door, the way the T-800 did in the first movie with the wrong targets he killed.
>> No. 38462 [Edit]
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I watched Alien 1979 yesterday. It was alright. The characters were really careless multiple times throughout, which was kind of annoying, but typical for horror. Ripley is noticeably more competent than everybody else. Despite being nearly two hours long, the plot is also pretty thin. The most interesting part of the film is H. R. Giger's visual input. I've already seen all of that imagery before, so it didn't have as much of a visceral impact as it could, and there wasn't that much of it in the movie either.

The xenomorph is an odd thing. The movie outright says its a perfect organism and an extremely hostile predator, but it relies on stealth and its prey freezing in fear. Ripley was even able to outrun one at the end. In a world were they can make androids indistinguishable from humans, it's odd that anybody would be interested in xenomorphs as a weapon given how they're depicted here.

As a vehicle for horror though, the xenomorph is pretty effective. Alien smartly keeps its appearances to a minimum. The slow, plodding scenes also effectively created tension, at the expense of eating up a lot of runtime.

Ripley is pretty interesting in that she's a western, competent female character who isn't obnoxious, lacking in humanity, or a mary sue. I read that the movie was written without having any sex decided for any character. This is probably the only way a character like Ripley as she is in this movie could be made.

I don't really want to watch the sequel, Aliens. What James Cameron felt like doing to a 70's sci-fi horror(making it an action flick) directed by somebody else, doesn't interest me. The premise sounds dumb and a sequel didn't feel necessary in the first place. After the first movie, Ripley is also established to be female, so that magic of ambiguous writing is also impossible here on out.
>> No. 38465 [Edit]
I particularly prefer the first one.
>it makes a lot more sense for skynet to send nukes back in time (covered in flesh if need be)
Yes, but that nuke would first have to be programmed to blow up. Skynet can't communicate with the Terminator after they sent it to the past, so they would not be able to blow the nuke up. It would be necessary to design a smart nuke capable of blowing itself after X time, but this can be complicated when dealing with time travel, or the time travel machine can be hard to operate and Skynet would end up nuking itself. Also, sending it in flesh with a lot of time to spare would call the attention of the populace and it could be defused first. Now, it's been a while since I've seen the movie but don't we know from Terminator 3 that Connor's 3DPD father who is army personnel and ends up activating skynet lives at a driving distance? I don't remember how far her father lived from their location. Nuking everything could kill him as well and prevent skynet from being activated. Also, if a nuke goes live the army personnel would suspect of treason within its ranks, or a spy network, and skynet could be put in the back burner.
>> No. 38939 [Edit]
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I watched the Dark Knight recently. I haven't seen the first one in the Nolan trilogy, so my perspective may be slightly warped, but I do know enough about the character to not have been confused, so judging it as a stand alone film seems fair enough.

The Joker, and to a lesser extent Harvey, were the only interesting things in the movie. Batman and Bruce were extremely boring in comparison. While meeting somebody like the Joker in real life would probably be scary, on a screen he was just fun and kind of likable.

The problem with this is that I'd rather root for the Joker, not because I feel bad for him(like the new Joker movie tries to do), but just because he's actually interesting, so the movie's message or whatever falls flat. Bruce is this dull, self-righteous rich guy who's biggest problems in life are petty personal conflicts, like the love triangle between him, Rachael and Harvey. Rachael is purely a plot device. It's so dull. Him making a bit of sarcastic banter with Alfred and Morgan Freeman just reinforced this perception.

Like the Joker said, he turned an entire city on its head with a couple of bullets and drums of oil. Meanwhile, Bruce has all of this high-tech shit he can afford, but he just reacts to what other people do. And at the end he wins by spying on half the people in the city through their cell-phones. What am I supposed to take away from that?

So every time the movie tries to present "the truth", as dictated by CCA approved comic book writers, it feels completely trite. The part where nobody in either boat presses the detonation button felt the least realistic in the entire movie.

I wouldn't be too surprised, if Nolan presented Batman as the one in the moral right because he had to, but the actual message is conveyed in a wink wink nudge nudge way.

Post edited on 14th Nov 2021, 10:21am
>> No. 38970 [Edit]
>The Joker, and to a lesser extent Harvey, were the only interesting things in the movie. Batman and Bruce were extremely boring in comparison. While meeting somebody like the Joker in real life would probably be scary, on a screen he was just fun and kind of likable.
>The problem with this is that I'd rather root for the Joker,
Is it not the same for everyone as well? When I watched this back in the days, I had the same desire to root for the Joker, and I distinctly remember many people saying exactly what you said, when discussing the movie. But they said that not as if it were a bad thing, a problem as you put it, but a thing to be expected. I believe most people root for Joker, or at least feel a great sympathy and liking for the character, not only on this movie.
>so the movie's message or whatever falls flat.
What exactly did you take it to be the movie's message? That we as humanity should have hope and trust in each other? That there's good in the world?
>the Joker said, he turned an entire city on its head with a couple of bullets and drums of oil
>Bruce has all of this high-tech shit he can afford, but he just reacts to what other people do. And at the end he wins by spying on half the people in the city through their cell-phones. What am I supposed to take away from that?
Yes, Bruce is a reactive person. The initiatives he does is by way of the Wayne Corporation, trying to do social projects, but as illustrated in the movie that didn't go exactly as he expected.
>So every time the movie tries to present "the truth"
>The part where nobody in either boat presses the detonation button felt the least realistic in the entire movie.
>I wouldn't be too surprised, if Nolan presented Batman as the one in the moral right because he had to, but the actual message is conveyed in a wink wink nudge nudge way.
Again, I'm not particularly sure what you mean by truth. Did you like movie or not?
I will give you my two cents on the movie. First, I shall say that the most important scene is the one where Batman and the Joker are in the abandoned building and the Joker says to Batman that this is how is it going to be forever, him wreaking havoc on Gotham and Batman beating him up without ever killing him, one meant for another.
You said that you rooted for the villain, and Batman is unique in the sense that he has not aliens or similar for enemies, but just mentally disturbed people. Notice how his enemies don't get thrown out to prisons, but they get sent to Arkham Asylum, an Asylum. They are all crazy, and so is Batman in a way. You have these people living in this hopeless dump called Gotham, which resembles a Detroitfied New York City, and who the fuck would want to live there anyway? It appears to be filled with businessmen who are too obsessed with possible monetary gains to leave the city. And so a rich businessman who can't get over his traumatic past dons a cape and starts beating some criminals up. Soon this masked hero becomes some sort of idol amongst the citizens, a protective figure, kind like a gargoyle. And is exactly at this point that other masked costume-wearing madmen begin pouring in droves throughout Gotham. These madmen became who they are because of Batman. The would probably turn into ordinary criminals otherwise.
I think Rachel is supposed to represent his childhood self, with hope in people and mostly innocent, as Bruce takes a role of Dark Knight, Harvey takes on the role of White Knight, until he falls. The Jokes proves to the world that even the justice lover White Knight can turn into a deranged killer with if you press the right buttons.
I also rooted for the Joker, but I didn't get the impression that there was a "forced moral" in the movie, quite the opposite. I'm not a comic book reader, for the reasons already mentioned in similar threads, but there was some interesting comic book stories I read that had similar points. I think this is what they had in mind when directing the movie.
I haven't watched the 3rd yet.
>> No. 38972 [Edit]
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>Is it not the same for everyone as well?
No, some people thought Bruce was also interesting.
>What exactly did you take it to be the movie's message?
That the Joker was wrong about what would happen "when the chips are down". Joker presents a point, and the movie says that he's mostly wrong. Good in this world isn't expressed by large groups imo.
>Wayne Corporation, trying to do social projects
I didn't really catch that. Wasn't too impactful on the story I think.
>Did you like movie or not?
I thought it was entertaining, but bogged down by its message. There Will Be Blood is a movie I can fully get behind.
>The Jokes proves to the world that even the justice lover White Knight can turn into a deranged killer
Yes, but what's far easier than that is turning a group of people into a deranged mob. Swan Song is a VN that expresses that theme wonderfully.
>> No. 39003 [Edit]
Do you guys think there's any point in paying $10+ to see movies at a theater if you have an 80+ inch TV and a decent sound system?
>> No. 39004 [Edit]
I have a 14 inch laptop and a pair of earbuds; still don't think going to a theater is worth it.
>> No. 39005 [Edit]
Some things do look good on a particularly gigantic screen but for the most part, no.
>> No. 39006 [Edit]
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I don't like going to the movies. It's more because of the lack of control you have over the experience. The sound may be too loud for you, or someone who ticks you off may sit just beside you. In your home you control everything, the sound, brightness. You can just stop watching and choose something else if you don't like it.
Also isn't a 80 inch TV overkill? How far does the sofa has to be from the TV so you can get a good frame of view?
>> No. 39007 [Edit]
I think a bigger problem here is that there is nothing to watch, I have not been to the cinema since the Hobbit trilogy and I was not pleased with that anyway.

But yes, certainly there is far less of a reason and actually the picture and sound quality at home are probably far better now. Cinema projectors have that issue where you get a corruption of the image through particles or whatever it is that causes those marks plus I think the picture quality you can get through a good backlit 4k tv is far better anyway, I replaced my old 4k TV with a better one with better quality colour and was amazed by how the colours pop and I can only imagine that OLED would push that even further. In a cinema the sound is bass heavy and booming but it's less distinct, it's quantity over quality but a home sounds systems can give you that bass but with much more clarity and the added benefit of not having to deal with any noise that other viewers will make. And yes, TVs are huge now.
>> No. 39008 [Edit]
I think the lack of control can be a good thing in a way. Less distractions means more focus.
Watching at home you might have family bothering you, dogs barking, loud traffic outside, phone calls, and so on. I'll admit however that it has felt like torture at the theater a few times, particularly those when I needed to drain the lizard but didn't want to miss anything.
>> No. 39088 [Edit]
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I watched Iron Man 2008. I've never seen any MCU movies before except End Game, nor do I have any interest in them. I'm pretty much only watching them to complain, and I'll admit I'm pretty biased about the whole thing. With that out of the way, here are my thoughts.

I could not list all of the cliches in this movie if I tried. The entire plot was essentially a string of cliches chained together and capped off with a goofy fight scene. Tony's whole character arc, is going from being an irresponsible, hedonistic guy, who's also a super genius that designs weapons in his garage, to a guy with a hero complex that designs weapons in his garage.

He gets kidnapped in a desert, where he sees evil terrorist bad guys using his weapons, so he concludes that he should build a weapon for his exclusive use, to enforce his own idea of justice, despite having no combat training. I'm not sure if the movie is trying to advocate for vigilantism, or they didn't really think about the implications of this. The themes about how weapons or the military are bad, felt quite shallow and hamfisted too.

Every scene, where he dresses in the costume, is goofy as hell, but this is made much worse by the setting being otherwise realistic, in the sense that the setting is just the normal real world. Jarvis also confused me, because Tony for some reason has a super intelligent ai, in 2008... The technology parts of the movie aren't great and it's not exactly a good sci-fi.

And the main villain is this evil mcgreedy business man who decides the best course of action, is assaulting the guy he was already getting kicked out of the company, and resisting arrest. Just because. The more I think about it, the dumber it gets. Oh, and Tony faces no repercussions, the government is just cool with him.

Despite being 2 hours long, it feels like barely anything happens, and every conversation feels completely hollow and meaningless. But at the same time, it felt rushed, like nothing had enough time to "sink in". I didn't care about Tony's straight man friend, or his assistant/love interest. They were cookie cutter and boring.

It's okay to be dumb if it's also off the wall and unpredictable, or at least really over the top, but Iron Man is pretty subdued and plays things safe. I wasn't wowed by anything. There wasn't gratuitous violence, and the action that was there wasn't particularly exciting.

I didn't like the snarky, annoying, self-indulgent attempts at humor either.

So overall I didn't like Iron Man. It was a mediocre, boring half-action movie with decent special effects.

Here's the full list of MCU movies I plan on sitting through and complaining about

Post edited on 29th Dec 2021, 10:33pm
>> No. 39097 [Edit]
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So I got through Iron Man 2 today. A lot of my complaints about the first one applies here too. Many many many cliches piled on top of each other, a plot that both feels rushed and uneventful, god awful representation of technology, etc. There are some specific things worth mentioning though.

Between the two films, Iron Man has been accepted as a bringer of world peace, for some reason. For instance, he "stabilized eastern and western relations". Presumably by beating the shit out of China's prime minister. The movie starts with the US government impotently questioning whether he should be allowed to continue doing this. I wonder when he got permission in the first place.

Really, they would find something to charge him with immediately, which wouldn't be that difficult considering the first movies events. The main guy, is some Russian dude with a personal vendetta against Stark's family, not somebody who simply disagrees with him having that much power. His personality is having a grudge, and being a gruff, dirty Russian man. Also, there's some stupid faggot side villain whose whole dynamic with the Russian guy was painfully predictable.

It's stupid and obviously not realistic. The movie tries to present itself as being set in real life though. We see Iron Man as Time's person of the year, and both Larry King and Bill o Reily make cameos. It's bizarre and I question what they're going for. The setting isn't half-baked, it's more like an empty dish with a post card of NYC on the side.

Later on, after a bunch of bullshit happens and it's half way through the movie, Tony is dying of technobabbleitis, but it turns out his daddy issues aren't a problem anymore cause his dad really wasn't a cold, war monger and actual loved him. How convenient. He left his son a hidden clue in a park map to complete the reactor bullshit thing he needs for his heart, and basically Tony "creates a new element" through the power of love.

I hate that shit. When hollywood movies mix sappy shit with "science". They keep doing it and I hate it every time. So after that, there's an even longer and more tedious fight scene at the end than the first movie, where you can barely tell what's going on the first part, and the rest is just boring, predictable pg-13 action.

Oh, almost forgot. Black Widow. From the second I saw her on screen I could tell "this bitch will inexplicably be able to beat upon grown men with little to no effort". And I was completely right. The movie even goes as far as to comically juxtapose her beating up 15 men while a "Shield" agent struggles to take out one. It's mind numbing. Female empowerment, check mark. Check mark check mark check mark, movie complete, time to make a quintillion dollars.

Next is Thor.
>> No. 39098 [Edit]
>not realistic.
It's a super hero movie.
>> No. 39099 [Edit]
Shut up. Don't take what I say out of context.
>> No. 39100 [Edit]
Friday before last I saw spiderman home 3, or spiderman 8, or whatever you want to call spiderman no way home. Then last Friday I saw The Matrix Regurgitations. Both at the same theater, both in imax, and both on the friday of their opening weekends. I -very- rarely do this because I'm not a huge fan of crowds or people being obnoxious and distracting at the movies, or the issue with people taking up the good seats, but both were very spur of the moment things since I had other business to attend to in the area with that theater and for the matrix I really needed something to just kill time.
When I went to see spiderman, the theater was overflowing with people with a line of people zigzagging all the way out the door. I managed to skip that mess since I bought my tickets in advance and those people were mostly all waiting to buy snacks (I always sneak my own in with me). I was also fortunate that my seat being behind a handicapped space, I didn't have to do the shuffle thing down the row to get to it and could just duck under a railing to get to my seat (no one ever takes the candycap spaces). The matrix meanwhile was a ghost town. There must have been less than 20 people there. Even the guy working behind the projector didn't seem to be interested and forgot to turn off the house lights. Wasn't until a few minutes into the movie that someone ran out to tell the staff. Hell, there wasn't even anyone in attendance to scan the tickets, a couple of us stood around waiting for someone to show up but time was ticking so I just went in. All good signs so far right?
These movies might be very different genre, but they're both playing hard into nostalgia while dealing heavily in fan favorite classic movies and bringing old actors back for another go around in their ironic roles, just done in very different ways. Going into spiderman, I was worried they might do what a lot of modern big budget movies have done in these cases, where they make the heros of old look like washed up useless shells of their former selves. Their lives probably went down hill after the events of the movie, their now sad pathetic and useless losers who need to make way for a hip young and cool line of merchandise hero for kids to get behind, often in the form of a strong female character merry sue who's perfect at everything.
In spiderman, it actually felt like they were being very respectful to the old characters. They didn't just drag them out for display and kick em to the curb, they were all real characters with dept and issues that they all worked on together over the course of the movie, they also left some lasting impacts on the world and the main character himself while getting some much needed closer and/or vindication in the process. It was an over all touching send off to some classic characters.

Matrix meanwhile, well, the creators of it very blatantly didn't even want to make the movie. Neo/Anderson is a game programmer hot off making the trilogy of matrix games and wanting to do something fresh and new, when his boss calls him into a meeting to tell him they're bringing back the matrix for a forth installment. Anderson doesn't want to, saying the trilogy is done, over, story told, main characters dead ect. and I shit you not this is an exact line in the movie, his boss tells him "Warner Brothers is going to make a forth matrix with or without us." and makes him do it anyway. We then cut to a long montage that alternates between Anderson popping pills and brainstorming sessions trying to think of ideas for the forth matrix with one side arguing it's supposed to be philosophical, and the other side arguing that people only care about "bullet time" and action. Later we find out Neo is being cucked by Trinity, who's now married to a guy named Chad (seriously).

Needless to say, Not since the Last Jedi have I seen such a blatantly passive aggressive and meta "fuck you" from one part of the industry to the other (not sure if the audience is included in that too). It's like these movies are being used as the battle ground for immature infighting in Hollywood, which is amazing considering how many millions of dollars they cost to make just for a "F U".

anywho, Matrix resurrection turns into a fairly straightforward rehash of the original movie after that. They even go as far as to play clips from the old movies, sometimes as reminders to the viewer, sometimes just because they can. Neo finds out he's in the matrix and some people help pull him out, take him to the new zion, then he leaves and goes back to get trinity out. The final battle is a clusterfuck with random people acting like zombies and literally throwing themselves at neo and co. Neo, mostly due to the actors age, can't fight for crap anymore and it shows. Now he just makes force shields. Oh and then trinity awakes to having the same powers as neo, because I guess he was just one of two now.

Post edited on 31st Dec 2021, 5:16pm
>> No. 39101 [Edit]
sounds awful
>> No. 39102 [Edit]
Personally I hated Spiderman when I saw it because I hated how they used the old movie's characters as toys to play around with in the MCU but from what you've described about the Matrix and what I've heard elsewhere it sounds like it's even worse. Movies are so fucking cynical and depressing now.
>> No. 39103 [Edit]
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I watched Thor yesterday. This time I don't only have negative things to say. I'll get to those.

First, it's still really cliche. I don't want to repeat that for every single movie, so unless I say otherwise, you can assume that's how I feel about each one.

It feels like every hollywood movie mixes and matches the same 20 plots over and over again. This time, it's royal dispute between siblings, fish out of water, protagonist learning humility after losing their powers. Of course, there's also a boring "from two different worlds" romance subplot with a boring love interest, because every protagonist needs a romantic interest no matter what. And there's other stuff like dead protagonist being revived, which hollywood has a fetish for.

The movie crams all of this is less than 2 hours, and some obligatory pg-13 fight scenes, that I don't really enjoy, and some "connections" to the other movies, so it feels rushed like both prior movies. Nothing gets really focused on. I don't know what it is about the pacing, but it feels off to me compared to most other movies.

About those connections. They're kind of one of the main selling points. It feels forced and unnecessary. Like the movie is very transparently trying to convince me to watch the others, to see "what happens next". It's honestly just distracting. I don't like Shield. They seem like a bunch of assholes.

So some good things. I liked the part where Thor flies through a monster's chest, if that is what happened, it was so darkly lit I could barely tell. The comedy is better than before. Loki's daddy issues were more interesting than Iron Man's. It makes Odin look like an idiot, giving him a claim to the throne and all, but I'll take what I can get. Loki is probably the most interesting character yet.

Asgard was a nice change of pace. It has a gaudy aesthetic, and is weirdly multi-cultural, but it's different. I didn't see that much connection to Dutch culture, and the way Odin feels about war in this is utterly bizarre. At least it's not generic real life city with Bill o Reily making a cameo. A lot of this movie does take place in some town, but this is tolerable compared to Iron Man's "setting".

Next is Captain America.

Post edited on 1st Jan 2022, 10:26am
>> No. 39104 [Edit]
It seems the Westerners, or perhaps just Americans, can't produce anything that's GENUINE anymore.
>> No. 39105 [Edit]
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As an american, I take offense to that. I made this and it is 100% genuine
>> No. 39106 [Edit]
I've seen some people actually call the movie genius with its theme of shitting on reboots and moronic audience expectations.
>> No. 39107 [Edit]
Hollywood and other western studios have basically phoned it in at this point, making nothing but spinoffs, sequels, and lazy attempts at plotlines. They even lost their edge in CG ever since Pixar got bought out by Disney: not only are the plotlines bland (granted, Pixar had always done kids shows so they were never really groundbreaking in that regard, but they at least seemed to have some passion driving them pre-disney acquisition) but CG as a whole is basically "good enough" at this point that the focus should have shifted to researching how to make better use of the medium instead of striving for photorealism. Ironically they did a better job of this when computational power was more scarce.
>> No. 39108 [Edit]
I don't want to have to choose between cynical fan pandering and "own the nerds" nonsense. Those are both bad for the same reasons to me.
>> No. 39109 [Edit]
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Captain America. This was the best so far. It actually had some visual style to it in certain parts. Action had a bit of blood too, bu the laser guns were pretty laughable. Still felt oddly uneventful and rushed too.

Hydra was kind of weird. Seemed like an excuse to not have to show nazi iconography. I don't think there was a single swastika. Why Hitler wouldn't do more about it, or why any nazi soldiers would support a man who's not nationalistic in the slightest, remains a mystery.

Bucky and Captain America(whatever his name is) should have had more screen time together, but you know, yet another romance subplot is absolutely essential, as well as an extremely hamfisted feminist message.
>> No. 39110 [Edit]
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Avengers. This one was kind of a mixed bag.

The tension between the heroes was decent. Maybe a little heavy-handed, but it created an interesting conflict. Much more interesting than the conflict between heroes and whoever is the bad guy for the movie.

This time it's Loki. He's worse in this. His motivation is really boring. Same power hungry and jealousy bullshit as usual. He's less interesting than he was in Thor and pretty cringy too with his kneeling fetish. I don't get why he's so well-liked.

His plan is stupid too. He steals a super powerful mcguffin, and in the same room as the mcguffin, brainwashes a conveniently present, human scientist that knows how to, to make a portal into space or whatever, so an army of aliens can invade the specific city where Iron Man lives. It makes no sense what so ever.

The action scenes continue to be a burden on these movies. I'd say they're one of the worst parts, and it's especially noticeable in this because every character needed to be given something to do. So there's two extremely long, protracted action scenes in the movie, and both times my eyes started to glaze over.

In the second one, when the alien army is invading, and Banner voluntarily hulks out because "he's always angry", the first few shots of him jumping around and smashing walls was cool. After that though it's very dull. And there's like 50 overhead shots of people running through cgi explosions, which looked goofy as hell.

There's like 5 heores, and they somehow fight off an army, and Loki, master strategist, concentrates most of the army in the one block where all 5 are. Then, they use Loki's staff to close the portal and Iron Man redirects a nuke sent by the US government into the alien ship, which reeeaaallly conveniently "turns off" all of the remaining aliens already on earth. Uuugh.

Nick Furry also ignores like 5 orders from his higher-ups and faces no punishment, but whatever,

Setting still annoys me. It's normal modern day, not a sci-fi, but one branch of the government has giant, invisible flying ships. Somehow. I'd give it a lot less shit for this if it wasn't live action, but movies like Watchmen compensate for that by being very stylized. Mcu movies are the opposite and look boring from a visual standpoint.

It lacks atmosphere most of the time, and resembles a high-budget version of a tv show like csi or law and order. This could be because not every movie has the same director, so they wanted a look any of them could easily replicate. It takes me out of it though. The pseudo-realism might also be some kind of high-level marketing strategy?

Next is Iron Man 3.
>> No. 39113 [Edit]
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Iron Man 3. People seem to dislike this one, but while very flawed, I'd say it's better than the first two. I don't even get why the first two are preferred.

A lot more screen time is used for Tony's personal issues, and while romantic drama is the worst kind, it's more interesting than whatever the first two movies wasted so much time on. I barely remember them by now.

The action in this was occasionally refreshing, but obviously held-back by the pg-13 rating. I don't think a good action movie can be pg-13. But there were some okay parts. Like when Tony isn't fighting a dude in spandex, but his house is just getting blown to pieces by some ordinary helicopters with missiles. Later on he gets chased by one of the villains and it reminded me a little bit of terminator. Who knew there would be more tension while Tony isn't in his super-strong metal suit?

Tony blasts a guy straight through the chest at one point, making a massive hole. First time a main protagonist just outright kills someone. That was nice. It's followed by a scene where people almost die in spite of Tony's best efforts, but that doesn't happen, which was very lame and disappointing.

The main villain is played by an actor I like, the lead of Memento(a much better movie). Him and his minions have weird, stupid powers where they can get really hot, like to point of melting metal. It's really dumb. I like that actor though.

The two worst things about this move. 1. child actor. It's the fatherless kid getting a surrogate father trope that you could see from 50 miles away. It's awful. 2. The fake out death. I was impressed for a minute with the movie killing off this character, and then they had to go and fuck it up. I don't know if test groups are to blame or just corporate execs, but this is why these movies can't be more than Disney approved products. They can't portray true suffering.

Next is Thor dark world.
>> No. 39117 [Edit]
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Thor Dark World. I don't have much to say about this one.

The most interesting thing in the movie was Thor and Loki's interactions. This takes up a small portion though. Of course, JANE, Thor's boring love interest, is far more important.

The villains this time are elves with an irrational hatred of photons. They just really hate "light" and want to destroy it, with the power of a mcguffin of course, and during a cosmic alignment event, as these things usually go. Needless to say, they weren't very interesting. "Rawr, I'm gonna destroy your universe because I hate it and I love POWER". Boring action. Yeah, that's all I got.

Next is Winter Soldier. People like that one a lot, so I'm curious.
>> No. 39118 [Edit]
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I was waiting for you to review the 3 Iron man movies. I've watched all three of them and I also think the third is by far the superior. The other two are pretty lame. I watched each of them soon after their release. When I was a kid and watched the first Iron man movie, in 2008 or something, I remember being somewhat disappointed. The movie was shown in a screening in our school, the other kids liked it very much. To me, at the time, it did not felt like a superhero movie. I don't know how to put it, but the atmosphere was not like an episode out of a superhero cartoon, and more like a american mech-suit movie. Most of the scenes and villains were pretty forgettable, but I liked the scene where his secretary had to put her hand inside his body/heart, and it hurt if she touched it, for some reason that scene was engraved into my memory and I liked it. As for the action sequences, my kid self actually thought they were too violent, as there were some blood surgery scenes. The second one is worse than the first, the villain is forgettable and boring. The third had a better pacing, and looked cooler in general. That being said I can't remember much from these movies even if I watched not too long ago.
>> No. 39119 [Edit]
Ironman 3 seems like an oddly love it or hate it movie. I guess it really alienates fans of the first two by being much more focused on Tony's ptsd and having him get stripped down of everything that makes him who he is, even having to struggle and fight without his suit for once. I thought this made for a pretty interesting story. Destroying all the suits at the end didn't make much sense considering the character was far from calling it quits, but I guess the idea was to start over from a clean slate. The switcheroo with the villain was also interesting, even if it left a lot of long time fan bitter. Kinda funny in retrospect that ironman's archenemy wouldn't make his true appearance until after[spoiler] ironman is dead in the mcu, and even then has no interaction with anyone in the mcu before dying at the end of the movie he was introduced in, just to get replaced by get another token female for 'progress' sake[./spoiler]
>> No. 39125 [Edit]
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Winter Soldier. It's been a couple of days since I've seen it, so it's not that fresh in my mind. Head's up, I'll be spoiling the movie throughout much of this.

I'd say it's the best of the mcu I've seen. Action wise it certainty is. It's very well choreographed, which compensates for the lack of gore in these.

Captain America's out-of-touch "situation" provided some interest. This movie was also better for the things it didn't have. No love interest taking up huge chunks of screen time for one.

The first half or so of the movie was pretty great actually. It was intense, it felt like anything could happen, and there was a sense of conspiracy, which I really like.

The second half kind of fell off for me. The biggest thing was that I didn't like the Hydra twist. It felt waaaay too convenient(for the writers) that the malicious practices of a government agency could be blamed on Nazis, so Captain America doesn't really have to think too deeply about it.

Just like the first movie, Hydra felt like a proxy for something the movie didn't want to show directly(I don't care about the comics, and it's not like the movie hasn't changed things from it). In this case, they didn't want to directly portray the government in a bad light. God forbid the audience starts disliking the real life version. I also didn't appreciate the way this connected Winter Soldier to the first Captain America more, since I didn't like that one.

Besides that, there was more "aerial" combat instead of hand to hand combat. And I wasn't crazy about Captain America's side-kick with robot wings or whatever. He felt unnecessary and shoe-horned in.

Bucky was cool in this. Cool theme too. That's all I have to say about him.
Next is Guardians of the Galaxy, if I bother to continue with this.
>> No. 39147 [Edit]
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I've watched "Drive" the other day. The atmosphere and aesthetics were great, in fact they were the best thing about the movie. The soundtrack matched the cinematography.
>> No. 39148 [Edit]
Drive was heavily inspired by the 70's movie "The Driver" by Walter Hill, one of my favourite movies ever. Drive itself isn't bad though I found Ryan Gosling awful in some moments.
>> No. 40354 [Edit]
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I watched the Godfather yesterday. Middle aged Americans and film students are obsessed with this movie. It's one of the "classics" and is supposedly timeless. It was pretty good. It has aged though.

I didn't find the "American dream", or the Italian American inferiority complex stuff compelling. The vast majority of Italian Americans weren't part of the mafia, and this movie does somewhat glorify, or at least sympathize with the Mafia's ambitions too much in my opinion. Nobody gives a shit about the Irish, or Jewish mafia in the same way.

There was some neat mysticism and symbolism in the second half, which I found to be the most interesting part of the movie, not the petty conflict between the mafia families. Michael was an okay protagonist.

So it's a good movie, but I don't see it as a timeless, universal story.

Post edited on 29th Aug 2022, 9:41am
>> No. 40432 [Edit]
I just watched it for the first time because of your post. In what way has it aged in your opinion? I really didn't feel it's age while watching it, but then I also don't watch a lot of movies made after 2000. I personally thought Michael was a great character study in the development of corruption/sociopathy. I think you have to take the Italian-American postwar setting for what it is, of course there's going to be that element of their inferiority complex and their struggle with their concept of the "American Dream".

I don't think that by the end it was glorifying the mafia at all. Michael quite clearly is portrayed as an evil person and it is implied that the mafia environment ruined his moral character and enables a cycle of violence that the audience is shown will continue into the future. I mean you can't get much more on the nose than the character saying the baptismal rites in rejection of Satan at the very moment that his men are wiping out the other mafia dons under his orders. He also goes down a much harsher route than his father who comes off as a much more morally influenced, if weaker man. I think the last couple of scenes really put it together with him outright lying to his wife and immediately afterwards being shown accepting the loyalty of men who will certainly be killing for him again. I did think there were major issues with the way some parts of the movie were structured but overall I thought it lived up to its reputation. I guess the themes could feel "outdated" if you come too heavily from outside an American perspective or are too dissociated from 20th century American lifestyles in general to have any of those values or cultures as part of your background.
>> No. 40433 [Edit]
>I think you have to take the Italian-American postwar setting for what it is
>are too dissociated from 20th century American lifestyles in general to have any of those values or cultures as part of your background
This is probably why I feel the way I do. I don't remember any Italian American characters that aren't in some way associated with the mafia. The mafia is practically a stand-in for Italian Americans as a whole.

It is a movie, so I understand time is limited. I did feel disconnected though. It's funny that when I read the Count of Monte Cristo, I didn't feel this way, so maybe it's a result of the movie format being limited. But I also didn't feel this way with Alien, or Dr. Strangelove, which I feel are still pertinent.

Again, I'm not saying it's a bad movie.

Post edited on 6th Sep 2022, 12:12pm
>> No. 40435 [Edit]
>This is probably why I feel the way I do. I don't remember any Italian American characters that aren't in some way associated with the mafia. The mafia is practically a stand-in for Italian Americans as a whole.
It is a little odd now that you put it like that, but I think this is just an effect of movies hyper-focusing on the microcosms of society that are their topic. I've avoided most information on the movie for most of my life simply because I didn't want outside influence so I'm not sure what we're supposed to expect when watching it from the perspective of some film student or whatever.

>It is a movie, so I understand time is limited. I did feel disconnected though. It's funny that when I read the Count of Monte Cristo, I didn't feel this way, so maybe it's a result of the movie format being limited. But I also didn't feel this way with Alien, or Dr. Strangelove, which I feel are still pertinent.
I think again that it could just be an effect of the hyper-focus on the cultural microcosm of the Italian-american mafia. There's nothing that feels quite so culturally specific to early 20th century urban America in Alien or Dr. Strangelove, despite Dr. Strangelove's setting being a caricature of the American political and military atmosphere in the 50s.

>Again, I'm not saying it's a bad movie.
Yeah your original post made that clear, I just sensed something of a personal disconnect in your post. I think maybe due to my own upbringing and family, I didn't feel that way.
>> No. 40529 [Edit]
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I watched The Shawshank Redemption a few days ago. Everybody has a raging hard on for this movie, and I can see why after watching it. I did enjoy it overall. It was an entertaining movie. That said, I have a few problems with it.

The movie is about a former banker, Andy Dufresne, who receives a life sentence after being convicted of killing his wife and her lover. He befriends a man that goes by "Red" and who serves as the movie's narrator and an observer of Andy.

First off, this is a feel-good movie. That's not a problem in itself, but certain aspects of the setting were skewed accordingly. The crimes of the other inmates are mostly brushed under the rug. For the most part, they're portrayed as being fundamentally good guys(with only a few exceptions). Casual, common sociopathy isn't really depicted.

The second half of the movie felt weaker. It's confirmed, in a very serendipitous manner, that Andy did not in fact kill his wife, whereas before it was ambiguous. This undermines the movie's message in my opinion. The warden also becomes a cartoonish villain, and Andy manages to outsmart him and escape the prison. Afterwards, Red is released on parole and reunites with Andy in Mexico. In one word, it felt cheesy.

If the movie has a message about prison itself, I couldn't pin it down. In some ways it comes across as a criticism of the system, in other ways, it seems to validate it.

Things I liked. This movie was made in 90s, when "color blindness" was in vogue. In spite of the movie taking place in the 40s, racial issues weren't mentioned even a single time. I found this refreshing. I also liked the character of Brooks, who spent 50 years inside of the prison and committed suicide after being let out.

Some have criticized the movie for not having an ambiguous ending. This isn't a problem for me. I feel that the ambiguous ending has become a cliche in itself, and doesn't make a movie "deeper" on its own. It depends on the story being told, and this is a feel-good story.

Post edited on 24th Sep 2022, 12:45pm
>> No. 40595 [Edit]
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No need to watch D+'s She-Hulk; Disparu@youtube has already done it for you..
>> No. 40596 [Edit]
Heh. I saw that. I don't follow him or care about that but I came across it when looking for Rings of Power Reviews(I had a suspicion it would be bad so I was not going to watch it and I was right).
>> No. 40598 [Edit]
>I had a suspicion it would be bad
Everyone did, everyone. The more die hard fans more than anyone knew what we were in for and tried to warn everyone else.
I've seen some interesting theories that suggest even creators behind these recent train wrecks know they're going to be garbage, and they use controversial casting to deflect criticism. The Drinker puts it well here.
>> No. 40599 [Edit]
I think there are a few issues at play. I think that the creators of RoP don't actually have an interest in Lord of the Rings(the books or the movies) or war or history. You have to have somebody that likes this kind of thing and knows about it so they can create a believable organic world and so they can create a show in this genre that is actually good. That's why LoTR was so successful, even on something as simple as costume design. A lot of thought was put into it and it was based heavily on real life cultures and the clothes were made with authentic methods so even a layman could be transported to the world. Whereas RoP uses plastic looking armour and modern materials with gold imprints instead of embroidery and stuff like that. Even if you knew nothing about period clothing, you probably would not know why it looks off, but you would feel that it does.
Also of course, they want to add politics into it to appeal to who knows who and also the writers are simply incompetent.

Post edited on 30th Sep 2022, 9:39am
>> No. 40608 [Edit]
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I watched Pumping Iron, a 1977 documentary about the 1975 Mr. Olympia competition, which to my understanding is the most prestigious body building competition.

Personally, I don't care for body building as a sport. I think it's absurd, especially how judging works. In a normal sport, the winner and loser is usually very clear cut, but in body building, a couple skinny judges feel their warped sense of "aesthetics" is enough to constitute a sport.

You could argue art competitions are the same(among other things), and I would agree. Art isn't usually perceived as a sport though.

Anyway, it was an interesting documentary, and it had a good narrative. This documentary is given a lot of credit for starting the 80s fitness craze and making body building mainstream. You could argue that's had a net negative impact on society.

Post edited on 1st Oct 2022, 11:13am
>> No. 40610 [Edit]
It's October, and so that means horror movies. This afternoon, I watched The Taking of Deborah Logan wherein an elderly woman is diagnosed with Alzheimer's, but it becomes quickly apparent that a mere disease is an insufficient explanation for what's actually happening.
It's okay; has some decent spooks. The actress and crew that worked on her complexion did a good job to make her creepy as the "disease" progressed. Problem is that the pacing is too fast for my liking since this kind of horror movie has its best moments in the early and middle parts. Not to mention the ending is fucking ridiculous, and the usual "supernatural logic" has no consistency. But hey, got to see some cute sneks.
Early on, there were some attempts at fleshing out the daughter of the blighted, but really, it was a waste of time as it didn't mean anything later on. The crew of people that were there to document the "disease" were bland as hell too.
It's less than ninety minutes long, so I'd say it's worth a watch.
>> No. 40612 [Edit]
Do you have a list of movies that you're going to watch throughout the month?
>> No. 40665 [Edit]
I watched Tampopo. It's about a truck driver helping a woman, who runs her late husband's ramen shop, to make good ramen. You could also say it's about food in a general, or something romantic like that.

People have described Tampopo as a "ramen western". As somebody who is neither familiar, nor drawn to that genre, I can't speak to that. I will say that the plot is simplistic, in an old-timey sort of way. There's also many side-plots that have nothing to do with the main one. It kind of randomly goes on tangents.

I get that's it's one of those movies that breaks "rules" and people like it for its style. I get that. The most interesting parts of the movie for me had to do with the details of ramen making, which is not the main focus.

So overall, I feel lukewarm.
>> No. 40698 [Edit]
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>This documentary is given a lot of credit for starting the 80s fitness craze and making body building mainstream. You could argue that's had a net negative impact on society.
Not nearly as negative an impact as the prevalence of corn syrup and fast food, clearly. In 2018, ~74% of America was overweight or obese. That's 3/4 of the population, that's fucking INSANE. Can you imagine it, only 1 in 4 people even being not above normal, let alone skinny or fit? And no, you're not "mostly healthy" at "only an overweight" BMI, that's horseshit. I've seen a lot of people say that and I've looked into it, regardless of fat or even muscle weight, the raw weight of the body puts a direct and measurable strain on the heart and skeleton, which is why bodybuilders experience some of the same issues with health that overweight or obese people do -obviously to a lesser extent, because their body is otherwise much healthier-. It's just fucking wild to me, I've been around an 18-19.5 BMI ever since highschool and despite being almost 30 have not gained a single pound. The idea that 3 in 4 people are genuinely fucking fat is so disgusting to me. And it's just normal now, if you're not at least a little chubby people look at you like there's something wrong with you. I've been to doctors to ask questions about improving or increasing my appetite and they just look at you like you're an alien. I think I'm losing my mind, this shouldn't be right. The fact that of those 74%, a full 42% were just straight up obese blows my god damn mind. Did you know 1 in 8 2-5 year olds is OBESE? Not overweight, OBESE. That jumps up to 1 in 4 highschoolers. This is sick, it's heinous that soda companies haven't been hung for their crimes. This is worse for the nations health than smoking a pack a day, I guarantee it. Jesus.

Sorry, I guess thinking about the idea of bodybuilding somehow having a negative impact when the nation is in such dire straits, is a little absurd to me.
>> No. 40921 [Edit]
I think Tangled is a great movie but everytime i mention it people just make fun of me.
>> No. 40938 [Edit]
Last movie I saw was Bullet Train. A movie that takes place on a train going from Tokyo to Kyoto. Wasn't a half bad movie, but it really stands out that for a movie taking place in japan, few of the characters are Japanese. The train also seems to only have two employees, both of which eventually just disappear like the train is operating itself or something. It's not a very smart movie but it's entertaining enough.
>> No. 40939 [Edit]
The disney movie? If so, what particularly do you like about it? From what I recall it's not bad for a western movie (I thought the frog was cute), but I wouldn't say it's particularly memorable plot-wise. Visuals-wise it was pretty impressive though from a computer graphics perspective, Disney is usually at the leading edge here, their siggraph submissions are always neat.
>> No. 41034 [Edit]
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is the best Shrek movie since the original Shrek.
>> No. 41042 [Edit]
About a month ago, I watched Bones and All. About 2 natural born cannibals(kinda like vampires) who fall in love. Premise isn't exactly original, but the execution was serviceable. The themes about self-acceptance were kind of interesting, but somewhat confusing in this context given that suicide is pretty much the only good option for these people.

Post edited on 11th Jan 2023, 10:11pm
>> No. 41049 [Edit]
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I watched the Hugh Jackman Les Miserables hollywood musical movie adaption, after seeing the World Masterpiece Theater anime version.

I liked the anime, which seemed to focus more on the girl that the main character adapted, and I haven't read the book but from what I've heard the anime did a good job adapting the source material, so the movie was gling kind of fast paced and missed lots of things, which is understandable considering the runtime compared to a 50 episodes show.

I'm not a musical knower and the songs didn't really click with me, still was funny to see them in suspenseful situations singing at each other instead of shouting.
>> No. 41078 [Edit]

There has.
There is a movie called "Her", you should check it out.
Also Bicentennial man
>> No. 41079 [Edit]
This movie I think will resonate with everyone on this internet establishment.
It's called "Rent a Pal".
>> No. 41081 [Edit]
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I noticed movies with a "lonely man" type main character always have them be middle aged and goofy in an "aw shucks" kind of way, even when they're the villain. And they don't have normal jobs either. They're never just cynical and jaded. I know it's probably to make mainstream audiences sympathize with them, but I don't see myself in these characters and find that "narrative" condescending.
>> No. 41084 [Edit]
>I'm not sure if there's ever been a Hollywood movie where ai and robots are the main focus and portrayed positively.
Aside from the previous mentioned movies, off the top of my head (not looking stuff up)

Short circuit
Iron Giant
Iron Man (Jarvis)
( Not a movie but also; Knight Rider. )
Debatable but one might be able to include Robocop.

You might also find I Robot interesting, as it involves prejudice against robots. I haven't seen the remake TV serise for that mater but I think the modern west world might involve issues of ethics with ai/robots. The movies on the other hand were indeed just pissed off murderbots tired of being (literally)fucked with
>> No. 41087 [Edit]
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I watched Dracula today, as in the original. Thought it'd be interesting to see where it all started. To see where all the remakes, parodies, references and famous lines come from. I had no idea the character of van helsing was even in it. Always figured he came later to spice things up as a monster hunter of sorts. I also thought most of it would take place in and around his castle, not just the intro. I guess they figured it'd be cheaper to make an excuse to film most of the movie in a producer's house(guessing). The movie starts with what I assume is a realtor(maybe notary) taking some estate documents to Dracula at his castle, who then turns him into a servant and off they go to London to kill some flower girl then harass his new neighbors for 80% of the movie.
Not long ago I watched the original mummy and wolfman and much like those I found half the film is people sitting around talking. The runtime felt twice as long as it was. Things feel very slow paced, with many details being painstakingly explained for audiences that are either idiots or aren't paying attention. For instance, the scene in which van helsing notices Dracula has no reflection, I just knew they were going to repeat that shot 3+ times in case viewers missed it, and they did it something like five times one after another. It's kind of funny I guess how older generations needed things explained to them like this, in contrast to modern films in which key details that might be very important later on, are shown for just a second. Things happen so quickly in modern films... I guess that's just how audiences today are trained, it allows for twice the amount of story and content to be packed into the same runtime, but it does also make these older films that much more relaxing. If I wasn't watching it in a simulated VR theater, I probably would have been distracted by a million things while watching it.
Effects ranged from cheesy to mostly clever editing. There's a lot of use of fake bats on strings but it's the performances that really sell things, which aren't bad for the most part. The ending very very abrupt, almost like a "screw it time to end this bitch".
I also found it interesting how van helsing basically just looks at a victims blood and is like "yup, you got vampires", and people mostly just go along with it. There's really just one guy who doesn't go along with it, but even he falls in line after a two minute conversation telling him to stop being an asshole.

I still wonder why Universal hasn't done more lately with this treasure trove of IP they have. They screwed up their first try at a cinematic universe, then just gave up it seemed. Over the decades they've barely touched some of these characters and stories. Smart thing to do would have been to do good quality remakes for their original characters and only include little hints of them being in the same universe. something like ten years back they tried to make van helsing into a badass (Universal) monster hunter, which could be a neat way to bridge things together if done right, but with how studios are today they'd probably do it all wrong.
The recent Invisible man movie was great, that wouldn't really work well as a shared universe thing but so be it. Better to have great stand alone films than crap connected movies.
>> No. 41088 [Edit]
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>I watched Dracula today, as in the original.
You'd be better off reading the book. Every popular adaptation butchers it. It deserves a complete, episodic adaptation. The book is like a whole adventure with a great, dramatic ending to boot.
>> No. 41090 [Edit]
You're right, that'd probably be a good idea.
>> No. 41092 [Edit]
I'd also recommend the 1993 Francis Ford Coppola adaptation. It's not a replacement or anything but as a film its extremely beautiful and makes amazing use of the medium. With the sole exception of some overdrawn fire, every effect is in-camera. Lovely music, set design and atmosphere too. It also includes many things that tend to be excluded from adaptations although it does add several things that makes it more of a romantic tragedy than the original.
>> No. 41273 [Edit]
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Since other anons had success with this I decided I might try it as well. I am looking for a movie I can't remember the name of.
The movie is set in the Far East, most likely China, but maybe Japan. The most similar movie to this I have watched is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Sword of Destiny. In the medieval Far East setting, it is like the Warring States era or something. There are many clans and they fight among themselves. The mc is from one of these clans and get together with other people to search for something (a treasure maybe?). There is a scene where they try to cross a room, but things start shooting from the walls, like a trap.
On other scene a girl that was involved with the mc's party gets captured by some villain and he is standing behind her, and snakes start slithering from inside his long sleeves, and enter her mind through her ears, and retrieve some information in this way.
I watched this around 14 years ago at least. It's a colour movie.
>> No. 41274 [Edit]
ChatGPT suggests:

* "House of Flying Daggers" (2004) is a Chinese movie set in the Tang dynasty, which features several warring clans and a romantic storyline. There is a scene where the main characters try to cross a room filled with hidden weapons, and another where a character's memories are extracted through her ears.
* "Hero" (2002) is another Chinese movie set in the Warring States period, which also involves different clans and their conflicts. It has a famous fight scene set in a room where the environment changes constantly. However, there are no scenes with snakes.
* "The Myth" (2005) is a Chinese movie that involves time travel and treasure hunting, and features a scene where a woman's memories are extracted by a snake-like creature. However, it's not set in a medieval context, but in the present day.
>> No. 41275 [Edit]
Two more suggestions, "Kung Fu Hustle" and "The forbidden kingdom"

Post edited on 21st Mar 2023, 12:00pm
>> No. 41295 [Edit]
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The Beast (1988)
A cruel yet sad tale about a Soviet tank crew in Afghanistan.
>> No. 41297 [Edit]
I watched Lars and the Real Girl today. I've been aware of it for a long time, and found it interesting based on the subject matter.
It was kind of funny at first, especially the scene where the old lady was asking Lars about why a handsome man like himself was still single. I've lived that one more than once.
I started losing interest pretty quickly, as Lars' situation was a lot different from having a waifu. There was still a bit that could be taken from it though.

All in all, it was an okay film. Kind of funny, kind of sad.
>> No. 41355 [Edit]
Stop feeding the Virtual Satan!
>> No. 41356 [Edit]
Running an LLM persistently is daemonic.
>> No. 41357 [Edit]
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I love satan.
>> No. 41405 [Edit]
Hail Satan. Hehe
>> No. 41485 [Edit]
Gonna watch JOHN WICK 4; hope it ends well.
>> No. 41501 [Edit]
The last movie I watched was Apocalypto.

It was pretty good, but you have to turn your brain off while watching it because so much of it is just illogical.
>> No. 41504 [Edit]
>I pitied them for having to go to such lengths and inflict such tortures on their own countrymen in order to protect their civilization
Absolute heroes.
>> No. 41567 [Edit]
come to think of it, I have watched very few theatrical anime movies, I mostly watch anime TV shows and OVA's.

I donpt own a TV and I rarely watch more than one or two live-action movies per year, but I do watch a lot of documentaries and interviews.
>> No. 41632 [Edit]
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I watched Oppenheimer. It was a typical blockbuster. Very sensationalist and what not. The thing about academics, is that the most interesting part of their lives is probably whatever they study, but you can't have that be the focus of a movie. So movies about them instead focus on their(likely exaggerated and based on a lot of conjecture) tumultuous personal and inner lives. If you've seen Imitation Game or a Beautiful Mind, you know what I mean by this.

There isn't a lot of action, which is usually what Christopher Nolan does, so instead there's some sciency light shows and a lot of loud music, like constantly. There's almost no quiet in this movie and it kind of got tiresome.

You can break it into three parts, Oppenheimer's younger years, his time working on the Manhattan project, and him going through a sort of trial rigged to rid him of his security clearance because of political reasons. The third part stretches quite a bit. The movie really could have been an hour shorter.

I didn't feel like I really knew what sort of person Oppenheimer was by the end. The impression I got was that he was a wishy-washy, neurotic man without any real convictions, but maybe that's as good of an idea that anybody has. The movie is very grandiose in its simplistic message about how you should think about the consequences of what you do. I feel like it's lacking in nuance, and ironically enough, humanity.

Post edited on 6th Aug 2023, 10:12pm
>> No. 41633 [Edit]
I'm not going to watch it, but I'll just imagine there's some big dramatic scene that culminates in that infamous line "now I Am become death, the destroyer of worlds".
>> No. 41634 [Edit]
You hear that line like 5 times.
>> No. 41635 [Edit]
Should have watched Barbie.
>> No. 41637 [Edit]
I watched it. I went in expecting a light hearted comedy. What I got was preachy feminist propaganda from a creator who seems very out of touch with reality.
>> No. 41639 [Edit]
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I talked about the trailer with my mom(who's from eastern Europe). She pointed out how before Barbie, dolls didn't look like runway models, and that it's kind of weird for little girls to be playing with adult women.

The "point" of dolls is for little girls to practice being mothers by imitating their own, which is why they traditionally look like girls or babies. The original Barbie, is in a sexy one piece swimsuit. Consider that juxtaposition. Barbie, is an adult women, so she's instead something for little girls to imitate.

Mattel has "done harm" by changing the paradigm like this, and got tons of money in the process. Now, they're riding the feminist bandwagon and making more money as punishment. It's like if gas companies made an Inconvenient Truth.
>> No. 41640 [Edit]
You're supposed to watch it for the Kenocracy and ignore the ending.
>> No. 41641 [Edit]
I like how Einstein is framed like a marvel movie cameo.
>> No. 41642 [Edit]
That's basically the intro to the movie, explaining much of what you just said. One of the trailers is also pretty much just a shorter version of that same scene. They justify it by saying playing with baby style dolls gets boring after a time. They don't comment on why they would or should want an adult doll, or what makes it better, but present it instead as the natural next step to take. The movie says a lot of things but doesn't back any of it up, it's a lot of "because reasons", from the dolls to the world they set up to the plot to the feminist rants they go on, it's all "because shut up that's why"
>> No. 41643 [Edit]
>gets boring after a time
It's almost like they're biased or something.

>The movie says a lot of things but doesn't back any of it up, it's a lot of "because reasons"
Well, you don't have to make sense to rake in over a billion.
>> No. 41657 [Edit]
That's certainly one way of looking at it, but I'm not sure if it's the right way.
>> No. 41724 [Edit]
I mostly held off saying anything because it seemed like nearly everyone I knew who saw it seemed to love it, unironically.
I thought the problem was with me for not enjoying it. I went in wanting to enjoy it, and I did think it was cute and fun for the first 20 or so minutes, but almost everything from then on was just terrible. The logic of the film was all over the place, nothing made any sense, it wasn't particularly funny and the full audience I was with didn't seem to think so either. From the moment they enter the real world everything felt cheap, poorly thought out, and poorly directed. There's two main musical numbers and the chorography for one of them was kinda bad.

The marketing for the movie is all lies and misdirection.
Once the characters enter the "real" world, they enter the world as the writer really sees it. As soon as she arrives, Barbie gets cat catcalled by construction workers and her ass slapped by some frat dude. For some reason she and ken get instantly arrested when she hits the guy back, and released just as quickly. It doesn't take long to realize the writer of the movie is very out of touch with reality. They also get arrested for stealing clothing, which they keep and wear for the rest of their stay in the real world.
From there Barbie meets the girl she believes to be her real world owner, who rips into Barbie for "setting back the feminist movement 50 years", which I thought was interesting.
This bitter and hateful girl gives Barbie a hard time for being a stereotype, Barbie who is cheerful and happy with who and what she is, is supposed to be in the wrong here? The movie says one thing but shows another. This 'could' lead to some meaningful messages about real female empowerment, about girls not being ashamed to be girls and owning it instead, taking their strength and power from their femininity rather than rejecting it or being embarrassed by it. I don't care what anyone says, being a sad angry bitter lonely depressed moody girl that looks like a gender natural blob doesn't exactly say female empowerment to me, that's cowardice, that's sour grapes from someone that wishes they could have half the confidence of Barbie. Barbie is a girl, and proud of it, she has nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of. She's bubbly and friendly and wears bright pretty colorful clothing that complements her, she's happy and successful and some women just can't stand that. Women that are out of shape, wear drab loose fitting ugly cloths that don't stand out and hide their bodies. They aren't proud of who they are, they hate themselves and feel insecure. They don't want to improve or better themselves because that takes too much effort, instead they project their issues onto everyone around them, blaming the world for all their problems. To them it's men and patriarchy holding them back, not themselves. Its your fault she's fat, it's your fault her job sucks, it's your fault she doesn't feel like the princess she is. They're like spoiled children that cry and throw fits when things aren't going their way or the world isn't revolving around them, and people put up with it to keep the peace. Women like that are pathetic, they're the ones holding women back not the other way around.
If it wasn't for the rest of the movie I might think this is what they were going for with the scene, but it clearly isn't and was just setting the stage. The company behind these toys doesn't want to risk stepping on anyone's toes, they just want to tell women what they want to hear. You then see sour grapes girl's mother go on a rant later on about how Barbie should be dull bland and "normal", not a role model or something to aspire to but a reflection of the miserable people in the real world, she should be dragged down to the level of real people and that's exactly what happens by the end of the movie as if it's a good thing? Congratulates, you spread your misery like a virus, I hope you're proud of yourself?

While Barbie is busy getting shit on for not being miserable and pathetic as real girls, ken discovers the patriarchy (no, really). and to his amazement, people actually treat him like a human in this world. He studies up on what he can, and returns to Barbie land to spread the patriarchy there too.
Barbie gets escorted to Mettle HQ, where she meets with the guys in charge, makes an issue about there not being any women in charge (God forbid guys work their way to the top), and runs away when they try to stick her back in a box.
She along with sour grapes girl and her mother which is apparently barbie's actual owner and the reason Barbie has been having issues lately, all head back to Barbie land to find the kens ruined it and turned it into some frat party where Kens rule everything and the barbies all worship them. Which makes me wonder, if women are so much smarter and more capable then men and so much more fit to rule their world, how was their world taken over so quickly and easily?
Well, the main Barbie gets kicked out of her house and nearly gives up hope, but they discover that when the mother complains about female problems, the barbies that loved and respected the kens get deprogramed. Personally, I thought a lot of what she was complaining about was universally relatable, but of course they spin it to be women only problems. The people who wrote this trash obviously think men just live perfect lives or something, like having a penis grants you instant access to the best paying jobs in the world without having to work for it. Well they deprogram all the barbies with feminist propaganda (literally snatching them up and sticking them in a van to listen to the mom character rant about how much life sucks), then they turn the kens on eachother by pretending to like them, then pretending to like different kens. Because the writers think men are just that simple minded. This is to keep them from voting on an election which would put kens in an actual position of power. I guess this is their idea of a fair democratic system? The end result is they fix Barbie land by reverting it to essentially what it was at the beginning. The narrator even says "maybe someday the kens can hope to have the same level of say in this world as women do in the real world"
It was another funny case of being shown one thing but told another. See, when Kens ruled things, for better or worse everyone was happy. The Kens were happy and so were the barbies by their side. The movie thinks it was the wrong type of happy however, which is why they need to be de-programed. One barbie says the experience was like taking a vacation from her brain. So they "fix" things by making sure only the barbies can be happy, which I think reflects on the real goals of feminism. It was never about equality, it's about domination and some insane desire for revenge for what social was like 80 years ago. These women who never had to live in that time period are hell bent on punishing men who never benefited from that time period, all while acting like they speak for all women when in reality most aren't that bat shit crazy.

So what started out as fun and lighthearted comedy, quickly turned into a very cynical nasty hateful agenda pushing piece of feminist propaganda that made for an all around awful experience. Women of course all loved it, but I was surprised to see how many men did too, it felt like we saw completely different movies.
The take away for men who went to see it, is supposed to be the "ken enough" meme that guys are rallying behind. A slapped on feel good message near the end of the movie meant to resolve the issues the main Ken faces. I'll admit that I might not fully understand it, but it sounds to me like a pretty shitty hollow message wrapped in good intentions. In Barbie land, ken is treated like garbage, like a reflection of how the writer thinks women are treated in our world. They have no say in anything, they don't have any jobs, they're belittled constantly, struggle and fight for even a bit of attention, I don't think they even have homes.
Ken's whole existence is pathetic, he lives in the shadow of Barbie. As one of the posters for the movie says "Barbie has a good day everyday, Ken has a good day when Barbie looks at him." He had nothing, just her. They're apparently dating but he's treated worse than a pet. He tried to fill the void in his life with a tough act and a random crap he picked up in the real world, but that didn't work.
The moral lesson at the end is, he should just learn to love and accept himself for who he is because he's "ken enough". The thing is, I don't think it's wrong to want some validation a little compassion, a little anything from the people around you, to know you mater to someone, that someone out there likes you or cares about you.
Not having that can be a very very miserable existence. Humans aren't robots, they have feelings and needs, including social needs. I think this demonstrates a complete and total lack of compassion or consideration from Barbie and all the women who repeat this kind of message. I'm not even sure if they really have good intentions, or if it's just a well disguised way telling you your problems are your problems, not theirs and to stop expecting anything from women because you aren't going to get anything. boohoo you're lonely? suck it up, you're a big boy, just be ken enough ;)
I don't think it's wrong to want to be loved, to be praised, to have your efforts recognized. Yet it seems in our modern culture, there's been this push recently to be entirely self sufficient and isolated, to not seek external validation and instead embrace yourself for who and what you are alone, alone being the key word there because you will in fact die alone, but that's fine because you're ken enough ;)
I think this sounds all well and good on the surface, this idea that you're fine the way you are, but besides missing the point if you go deeper into that life philosophy, I think you'd find it to be a very lonely way to live. I think in order to have a good balance in your life, you need to love and be loved, but what we're seeing is people(women) who can't love anyone but themselves, expecting others(men) to live the same way and be content with never being loved or cared for by anyone but themselves. Which is all well and good if you get love and attention just by existing like these women do, but they have no idea what it's like to be a man who does everything right but is still neglected and unwanted by all.
"Ken enough" feels on par with a rich person telling someone struggling in poverty to just stop being poor.
I've been seeing the message spread around a lot lately, and it feels like encouraging a very selfish and narcissistic unhealthy life style. One that risks alienating everyone around you if you convince yourself that the only opinions that mater are your own, which doesn't work when you live in a world with other people who have their own opinions as well.
like a lazy feel good message by people who just don't care about you and never will, you're not their problem, they just want to pat themselves on the back for setting you on the right course, or at least the course they think is right. It's not an issue of being Ken enough, it's an issue of being Ken enough for her.
The movie and this message both essentially say it's wrong to want to be loved, I say it's wrong to condemn people for wanting to be loved.

Post edited on 25th Aug 2023, 10:41pm
>> No. 41725 [Edit]
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This plot is actually worse than what I assumed. Makes sense though. It's what I pegged feminism to actually be about a while ago.
>in reality most aren't that bat shit crazy
They'll still go along with it though.
>I was surprised to see how many men did too
They've been conditioned to be servile and self-flagellating. If it's any consolation, this ideology makes women more miserable overall too.

edit: You can also pretend to be a woman and have the best of both worlds. The movie should have ended with Ken putting on a wig and declaring that he is now Barbie.

Post edited on 25th Aug 2023, 12:19pm
>> No. 42332 [Edit]
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Sorry to necro, but I just watched Another Heaven 2000. It's kinda good, kind of reminds me a little bit of Cure 1997. I don't watch movies too often for whatever reason these days. I've just been listening to Luna Sea and ignoring my dad trying to get under my skin...
>> No. 42419 [Edit]
The Brothers Sun on Netflix. It's the American-Chinese triad family drama & experience that's entertaining for all.
>> No. 42476 [Edit]
>> No. 42479 [Edit]
>> No. 42504 [Edit]
NIMONA ~ it was fun and a little bit different.
>> No. 42554 [Edit]
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire~ what a brain-dead movie but it's my jam.
>> No. 42555 [Edit]
I felt the same way with the first Transformers movie... which was 17 years ago.
>> No. 42669 [Edit]
Riki-Oh manga never got a good screen adaption. *sigh*
>> No. 42932 [Edit]
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I saw Twisters today in an AMC with my parents. Lame. It's way too "transparent". It felt like the writers took their toolbox of tropes and just strung them together. The "direction" also seemed to change multiple times. Typical Hollywood schlock.
>> No. 43194 [Edit]
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Anyone else typically go to movies alone and aim for empty screenings where possible (like early in the day midweek showings)?
>> No. 43195 [Edit]
I guess that would have a unique atmosphere. Watching at home is more comfortable no matter what though. You can pause to go to the bathroom and turn on subtitles, which are useful even for moves in English.

Post edited on 28th Nov 2024, 10:20pm
>> No. 43196 [Edit]
Control is nice, but I feel like aside from the immersion and atmosphere, the lack of control makes it easier to focus on what's in front of you. Sure if you're watching at home you can pause and go to the bathroom, but you'll kill the flow of the movie. They're usually designed to be watched in a single sitting. getting up and roaming around will take you out of it, pull you back to reality, and sinking back in after taking a break might take a while depending how long the break was, and you won't have an intro to set the mood and draw you in the intended way.
Not to mention at home you're going to have tons of distractions. Pets, family, smart phone, and so on. You're not going to be paying as much attention and can easily miss a lot of details, which will just lead to confusion and frustration later, if you don't end up getting bored of it and switching focus to whatever else is around you first. I think the theater setting helps you focus and can let you appreciate even boring or subpar movies a lot more.
>> No. 43197 [Edit]
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I have watched a few movies alone, namely Interstellar, Black Panther, Angry Birds and Blade Runner 2049.

I didn't aim to go to an empty screening, but I do remember being alone or almost alone in the theatre during the Angry Birds screening, while the Blade Runner screening was packed.

The main reason why I went alone was because I wanted to see these movies in English rather than the German dub, and most of my IRL acquaintances don't understand English well enough to enjoy a movie.
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