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31969 No. 31969 [Edit]
Are there any weeaboos who post here? Seen any neat jap stuff lately?
The emperor is retiring in a few months, that seems pretty exciting.
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>> No. 31970 [Edit]
It will be the end of the Heisei era.
>> No. 32728 [Edit]
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It's Reiwa age time!
>> No. 32773 [Edit]
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Jap summer is gonna be hot
>> No. 32775 [Edit]
Are you learning the language like a proper weeaboo should? I want to try, but I don't know where to start.
>> No. 32776 [Edit]
Memorize the radicals first. Memorize grades 1-3 kanji meanngs, as in school grades. Write them properly, but ignore pronunciation. Then learn Jlpt n5 vocab. Use Tae Kim's guide for grammar. That's how i'm doing it at least. Once i'm done with n5 in like a week, i'll use the genki practice books.
>> No. 32777 [Edit]
1) Memorize kana
2) Go through a grammar guide (Tae Kim for example) and just get it over with, don't get stuck there forever
3) a. Start reading Japanese text with browser add-on like rikaichamp and reference grammar guide when there's something going on in the text that you don't get
b. Go through vocabulary here: and get the anki deck for it here: (there's a lot of good stuff on this website, look around)
c. Practice writing kanji contained in the words if you wish or if it helps with memorization
d. If you're feeling lazy, put audio that has spoken Japanese on the background

Do 3 a-d alongside each other.

I wouldn't go about learning kanji individually, but as parts of words instead. Learning all the ways different kanji can be read is overkill too, just focus on learning how they're read in the relevant words as they come up.
>> No. 32778 [Edit]
I meant to link this page instead:
>> No. 32786 [Edit]
Dominant performance by yokuzuna Kakuryu at the first sumo tournament of the new era.
>> No. 32943 [Edit]
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Japan cars go on the left side of the road. How curious...
>> No. 32947 [Edit]
India, australia, and Britain also drive on the left don't they?
>> No. 32948 [Edit]
As does Ireland. Interestingly, in many parts of the world, whether the country is left-hand or right-hand driving depends on whether they were colonized by France or England.
>> No. 32951 [Edit]
Not just France, it seems everybody but the British Empire drives on the right. I think Japan only does because Britain helped with development.
>> No. 32953 [Edit]
Indonesia and Thailand are two other exceptions. I always hear repeated this idea that most people are right-handed and by driving (riding) on the left your sword hand is better positioned. Of course this isn't really explanatory when continental Europe had swords too and they drive on the right.
>> No. 32954 [Edit]
I am thinking of getting a bonsai tree for my bedroom.
>> No. 32961 [Edit]
Get a bonsai square watermelon
>> No. 33039 [Edit]
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Who has been to JAPAN?

The right (not left) side should be the right (not wrong) side. Heh.
>> No. 33151 [Edit]
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What are some good online dictionaries?
>> No. 33177 [Edit]
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Ai vs Luna.
That's funny.
>> No. 33206 [Edit]
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Typhoon Faxai traveling directly up the length of Tokyo Bay was so perfectly catastrophic that it seems more like something out of a godzilla movie than IRL
>> No. 33207 [Edit]
Are people here actually completely ignorant of the meaning of weeaboo? It's not a synonym for otaku, anime fan, or japanophile.
>> No. 33208 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure it's a joke, anon.
>> No. 33212 [Edit]
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When Junichi Takayasu was 3 years old, a picture book about ninjas changed his life forever. What fascinated him most, however, wasn’t the assassins’ stealthy skills or secret gadgets but their usage of a very special plant.

“The book showed how ninjas trained by jumping over cannabis plants,” Takayasu says. “Every day they had to leap higher and higher because cannabis grows very quickly. I was so amazed that I told my mom I wanted to grow cannabis when I was older.”

Understandably, Takayasu’s mother was rather distressed by her son’s aspiration. Japan’s anti-cannabis laws are among the strictest in the world, with possession of even small amounts punished by five-year prison sentences and illicit cultivation earning growers seven years behind bars.

However, Takayasu refused to let this put a damper on his dreams. Today, more than 40 years later, he is one of Japan’s leading experts on cannabis and the curator of Taima Hakubutsukan — the nation’s only museum dedicated to the much-maligned weed. Opened in 2001 in the town of Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture, approximately 160 km north of Tokyo, the museum’s mission is to teach people about the history of cannabis in Japan — a past that, Takayasu believes, has been denigrated and forgotten for far too long.

“Most Japanese people see cannabis as a subculture of Japan but they’re wrong,” Takayasu says. “Cannabis has been at the very heart of Japanese culture for thousands of years.”

According to Takayasu, the earliest evidence of cannabis in Japan dates back to the Jomon Period (10,000-200 B.C.), with pottery relics recovered in Fukui Prefecture containing seeds and scraps of woven cannabis fibers. “Cannabis was the most important substance for prehistoric people in Japan,” he says. “They wore clothes made from its fibers and they used it for bow strings and fishing lines.”

It is likely that the variety of cannabis from which these Jomon Period fibers originated was cannabis sativa. Tall-growing and valued for its strong stems, it is from sativa strains that today’s specially bred industrial hemp is derived.

In the following centuries, cannabis continued to play a key role in Japan — particularly in Shintoism, the country’s indigenous religion. Cannabis was revered for its cleansing abilities so priests used to wave bundles of its leaves to bless believers and exorcise evil spirits. This significance survives today with the thick ceremonial ropes woven from cannabis fibers that are displayed at shrines. Shinto priests are also known to decorate their wands with strips of the gold-colored rind of cannabis stalks.

Cannabis was also important in the lives of ordinary people. According to early 20th-century historian George Foot Moore, Japanese travelers historically used to present small offerings of cannabis leaves at roadside shrines to ensure safe journeys. He also noted how, during the summer Bon festival, families burned bundles of cannabis in their doorways to welcome back the spirits of the dead.

Until the mid-20th century, cannabis was cultivated all over Japan, particularly in Tohoku and Hokkaido, and it frequently cropped up in literature. As well as references to cannabis plants in ninja training, they also feature in the “Manyoshu” — Japan’s oldest collection of poems — and the Edo Period (1603-1868) book of woodblock prints, “Wakoku Hyakujo.” In haiku poetry, too, key words describing the stages of cannabis cultivation denoted the season when the poem is set.

“Cannabis farming used to be a year-round cycle,” Takayasu says. “The seeds were planted in spring then harvested in the summer. Following this, the stalks were dried then soaked and turned into fiber. Throughout the winter, these were then woven into cloth and made into clothes ready to wear for the next planting season.”

With cannabis playing such an important material and spiritual role in the lives of Japanese people, one obvious question arises: Did people smoke it?

Takayasu, along with other Japanese cannabis experts, isn’t sure. Although historical records make no mention of the practice, some historians have speculated that cannabis may have been the drug of choice for commoners. Whereas rice — and the sake brewed from it — was monopolized by the upper classes, cannabis was grown widely and was freely available.

Some scientific studies also suggest high levels of psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in cannabis plants in Japan. According to one survey published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in 1973, cannabis plants from Tochigi and Hokkaido clocked THC levels of 3.9 percent and 3.4 percent, respectively. As a comparison, the University of Mississippi’s Marijuana Potency Monitoring Project revealed that average THC levels in marijuana seized by U.S. police in the 1970s were only around 1.5 percent.

Nor are Japanese people averse to taking advantage of the medicinal benefits of cannabis. Long an ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine, cannabis-based cures were available from Japanese drug stores to treat insomnia and relieve pain in the early 20th century.

However, the 1940s — in particular, World War II — marked a major turning point in the story of Japanese cannabis production.

At first, the decade started well for farmers. “During World War II, there was a saying among the military that without cannabis, the war couldn’t be waged,” Takayasu says. “Cannabis was classified as a war material, used by the navy for ropes and the air force for parachute cords. Here in Tochigi Prefecture, for example, half of the cannabis crop was set aside for the military.”

Following the country’s defeat in 1945, however, the U.S. authorities occupying Japan brought with them American attitudes toward cannabis. Washington had effectively outlawed cannabis in the United States in 1937 and now it moved to ban it in Japan. In July 1948, with the nation still under U.S. occupation, it passed the Cannabis Control Act — the law that remains the basis of anti-cannabis policy in Japan today.

There are a number of different theories as to why the U.S. outlawed cannabis in Japan. Some believe it was based upon a genuine desire to protect Japanese people from the evils of narcotics, while others point out that the U.S. allowed the sale of over-the-counter amphetamines to continue until 1951. Several cannabis experts argue that the ban was instigated by U.S. petrochemical interests in a bid to shut down the Japanese cannabis fiber industry, opening the market to man-made materials such as polyester and nylon.

Takayasu locates the cannabis ban within the wider context of U.S. attempts to reduce the power of the Japanese military.

“In the same way that U.S. authorities discouraged kendo and judo, the 1948 Cannabis Control Act was a way to undermine militarism in Japan,” he says. “The wartime cannabis industry had been so dominated by the military that the Cannabis Control Act was designed to strip away its power.”

Whatever the motivation, the U.S. decision to prohibit cannabis created panic among Japanese farmers. In an effort to calm their fears, Emperor Hirohito visited Tochigi Prefecture in the months prior to the ban to reassure farmers they would be able to continue to grow in defiance of the new law — a surprisingly subversive statement.

For several years, the Emperor’s reassurances proved true and cannabis cultivation continued unabated. In 1950, for example, there were approximately 25,000 cannabis farms nationwide. In the following decades, however, this number plummeted. Takayasu attributes this to a slump in demand caused by the popularity of artificial fibers and the costs of the new licenses cannabis farmers were required to possess under the 1948 act.

Nowadays, Takayasu said, there are fewer than 60 licensed cannabis farms in Japan — all of which are required to grow strains of cannabis containing minimal levels of THC. With the number of farmers so low, Takayasu fears for the future of cannabis in the country. As far as he knows, there is only one person left in the nation versed in the full cycle of seed-to-loom. That person is 84 years old and when she dies, Takayasu fears, her wisdom will disappear with her.

Faced with this danger of extinction, Takayasu is determined to preserve Japanese cannabis culture. He organizes annual tours to the legal farms near his museum to show visitors how space-intensive cannabis cultivation is and how it requires few — if any — agricultural chemicals. Additionally, Takayasu runs monthly workshops to teach people about weaving cannabis fibers. On display in the museum are a variety of clothes made from cannabis; the soft cream-colored material is warm in winter and cool in summer — perfectly suited to the Japanese climate.

Among the museum’s fans are members of the local police department, who praise his efforts to revitalize the rural economy and sometimes visit to learn more about the outlawed weed.

All of this is testament to Takayasu’s ongoing enthusiasm for the special plant he first encountered as a 3-year-old boy.

“Japanese people have a negative view of cannabis but I want them to understand the truth and I want to protect its history,” he said. “The more we learn about the past, the more hints we might be able to get about how to live better in the future.”
>> No. 33220 [Edit]
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I wanna learn enough japanese to watch anime movies at the premier screening.
>> No. 35479 [Edit]
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I got a small furoshiki to use as a bandana. It's in red karakusa pattern which looks rather generic so I don't think anyone will notice it's a weeaboo thing. Still, if someone recognizes the cloth maybe I'll look like an idiot to them, with head wrapped like a lunch. I don't know.
Furoshiki and tenugui come in many much prettier prints depicting all sorts of Japanese motifs: cranes, koi, cherry blossoms, landscapes and what have you, but I decided on these simple swirlies to keep as low key as possible.
I don't really need it, I was just looking for an excuse to carry some cute item from the Best Islands™ with me. I thought maybe it would cheer me up a little or something. I'm an embarrassing dumbfuck, just kill me already.
>> No. 35778 [Edit]
Abe stepping down
>> No. 35780 [Edit]
So you could say it's Abe's Exodus.
>> No. 35783 [Edit]
And will the New guy be Tasty?
>> No. 37176 [Edit]
Japan is closing its borders to all countries. Good luck getting in now.
>> No. 37178 [Edit]
I thought they already did?
>> No. 37180 [Edit]
>> No. 37189 [Edit]
Assuming you think this is good because of some corruptive influence by outsiders, closing their boarders isn't going to do anything about all the "woke" kids already living there thanks to IT jobs. All this does is hurt tourism dependent sectors. This could easily be the final nail in the coffin of businesses related to otaku culture such as maid cafes and arcades.
>> No. 37190 [Edit]
The local populace can't sufficiently patronize those businesses? Were arcades and maid cafes actually popular with tourists?

The problem with foreigners isn't just about especially "woke people", nearly all foreigners have destructive ideas and standards.
>> No. 37191 [Edit]
Good I hate maid cafes.
>> No. 37192 [Edit]
I doubt it's enough, even if covid wasn't an issue. Before japan opened it's doors to the rest of the world, weren't they in economic turmoil?
>> No. 37195 [Edit]
>> No. 37268 [Edit]
Tokyo Olympics 2021 time yet?
>> No. 37293 [Edit]
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Maybe. Japan's covid-19 cases are rising fast.
>> No. 37440 [Edit]
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I like surviving relics from a different period of Japan like kissaten and such. There is a channel about retro vending machines that I follow. I also hope I'd have the chance to try cart ramen at least once in my life.
>> No. 37444 [Edit]
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Same here, but I'll add even older stuff to that - temples, traditional woodworking, wabi-sabi, tea ceremony, etc.
All of these show a similar spirit, one of time being not all that important. Remnants of less hectic ages, when people could genuinely just go out and get by nicely. It's genuinely amazing and great that Japan actually makes at least some effort to conserve such things.
>> No. 37447 [Edit]
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Indeed, I think it's an inherent part of their culture and identity and I do hope that it would remain that way. Compared to other countries that are so eager to shed their history in favor of progress. I am concerned however that this may change in the future as japan is becoming increasingly integrated into the globalized world. Even now a lot of the things you've mentioned have been reduced into an exotic and expensive tourist attraction.
>> No. 38042 [Edit]
Vaccinate now!
>> No. 38379 [Edit]
I wonder if I can go to Japan now; was planning to go after the 2020 Olympics. Now it's all so uncertain.
>> No. 38389 [Edit]
Do it before it's too late. There's a new pandemic coming from China and it's worse than corona.
I hate China so much, holy shit...
>> No. 38652 [Edit]
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Does anyone on Tohno have experience with this? Seems like a virtual version of Comiket?
>> No. 38653 [Edit]
virtual comiket or vket has been a thing since the start of kungflu. It was born out of necessity with creators selling their works in worlds made in VR Chat. You'd scan QR codes from virtual booths to get links to product pages where you can buy copies of thinbooks or what have you. It has some huge drawbacks though, with amount of players per room being a big one. I don't do MMO stuff so I only explored some empty maps myself (and left when others showed up). The map layouts kinda sucked, but the whole concept has a lot of potential and can be great with some work.
>> No. 38656 [Edit]
Reminds me of Google Maps in a way, I remember reading a few years ago that they had maps for inside stores in Akihabara that you could explore. Sadly VR isn't my thing and makes me nauseous so I doubt I could enjoy it, but I'm sure there's others who would really enjoy this as a way to experience it without actually spending money on tickets (current day events aside).
I tried Comic Vket on the last day and it was really interesting, I think there were links to actually open to store pages via browser but I might be misremembering. On paper it sounds great for artists who want to sell works and still feel like they're partaking at a convention without being in person, they don't have to hire someone else to stand for them at the booth, etc.
>> No. 38663 [Edit]
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I gave it a try, it was my first time using VRChat. I had previously thought that you needed a VR equipment to use it, somewhat reminds me of PS home on the PS3. My pc is quite old so it was quite laggy at times but overall it was an interesting experience and I can certainly see the potential. Some of the maps leaves much to be desired but I particularly enjoyed the recreation of Akiba station and the Summer Festival. Seems like there is also going to be a comic vket in November.

Post edited on 27th Aug 2021, 11:44am
>> No. 38665 [Edit]
>somewhat reminds me of PS home on the PS3
I was going to say that too but I thought it was just me.
PS home had those virtual demo/promo booths for new and upcoming games, some of which being pretty detailed with most opting to use a retextured default room.
I can only assume most third party devs saw making those booths as too much of a bother. Was a nice concept, but far too ahead of it's time. They really should have held off on it and launched it with the ps4, rather than half way into the ps3's life cycle.
>> No. 38671 [Edit]
>Was a nice concept, but far too ahead of it's time
I agree, I'm not generally interested in MMO related stuff but I had a good impression of PS home.
>> No. 38913 [Edit]
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I had no idea that were was going to be a new Shinkansen line opening up in 2022. Only today I read about a commemoration in Isahaya.

Apparently it's called the West Kyushu Shinkansen and it will retain the nickname "Kamome" from the existing limited express from Hakata to Nagasaki. It will run between Takaeoonsen and Nagasaki and is scheduled to begin operations by the autumn of next year.

I knew about the Hokkaido Shinkansen expansion to Sapporo, the Hokuriku Shinkansen expansion to Tsuruga and the all new Linear Chuou Shinkansen but this one went completely under the radar and now I feel stupid.

Either way it made my day as I'm planning a trip to Japan probably in 2023.
>> No. 38914 [Edit]
They are very secretive about those things. I remember watching a TV program about trains the other day, they do trains in every nation. The Japan episode had the host going to the facility for train research or something, an immense facility apparently devoid of workers. He asks on of the few staff members who are there to talk to him "Where's everyone?". The worker says "That's secret." Then the host asks what are they doing on the east and west wings along with basic stuff that they are developing they guy says "All that is secret."
There's also the maglev thing. But it should take more time I think.
The program ended with the host going on a simulator of the shinkansen.
>> No. 39978 [Edit]
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Test runs began last month and the line is scheduled to come into operation no later than the 23rd of September. Max operating speed will be 260 km/h.
This color scheme on the N700S really does look gorgeous. The white pantograph noise insulation plates in particular, caught my eye. They look much more vivid when compared to the grey ones on other shinkansen.
Can't wait to try it whenever possible.

Train spotting:
>> No. 40044 [Edit]
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>Are there any weeaboos who post here?
>> No. 40307 [Edit]
I like japanese but am not japanese; is that weaboo?
>> No. 40317 [Edit]
If you're not on the level of ken-sama you're probably fine.
>> No. 40318 [Edit]
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>I like japanese but am not japanese
That's a paddlin'
>> No. 40325 [Edit]
as a weeaboo I don't like normalfags going to japan but it's the way it is
>> No. 40530 [Edit]
Fukushima presents Samurai school
>> No. 40549 [Edit]
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Flick that katana.
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