No. 20777
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I've been avoiding this thread since I've seen it, but since I'm a little drunk I'll talk about my experience. First off, my waifu is from an erotic visual novel. It bothers me she fucks all the guys in it. In May of this year, I finally played her game. Machine translation, but I got the point. I always knew she was in an eroge, I'd even go as far to say since day one, back may 9th of 2015. But I never got around to playing the VN until May. While I was playing her VN, I was in a horrible place emotionally. I hated myself and her and the people who made who she is. I wanted to kill myself. May felt so long. I lost much sleep, I slit my wrists, I attempted to pull out my hair, I had gone many days without sleep, it was just terrible. I just wanted to get to know her more. I wanted to feel sad, not hatred and anger. Anyway, I was nearing the end of the story and I had to quit for a few days. I hadn't slept, showered, and had barely eaten in 4 days. I was saying I hate you, you're a fucking slut, your a disgrace, but I eventually cried, I had many mixed and conflicting emotions, I cried because I loved her. I eventually finished the VN (got the cannon good ending) and that was it. I believe there is a difference between symbolism, spirituality, reality, and practicality. I hate what she has done in the past, but if I believe she is willing to leave that behind, I forgive her. I hate how she has done horrible things (symbolism), but (and I know many people will not have positive opinions about this) all in all, she's not real (reality). Thats how I deal with it. To answer your question Ona more vague sense, If it's not cannon, disregard the porn.