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File 14026344551.jpg - (57.61KB , 680x667 , Take_it_Tarkus.jpg )
4830 No. 4830 [Edit]
If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. -Lao Tzu

As it is, the site seems to be a little dry on new members. Although there is no change in the running of Tohno-chan regardless of the number of users who use it, imageboards are a media which depend upon a relatively active userbase to keep things fresh. Without active posting, the imageboards have tended to devolve into mere hosted archive, where the uncertainty of new content discourages lurkers from carrying the torch.

With this in mind, we (aka me, Not-Tohno) are thinking of doing something absolutely despicable: Publicizing.

In particular, we are considering of purchasing an advert on /jp/, if it is allowed, for the sake of seeing its effect on the traffic, posting-quality, and other features of Tohno-chan. We are not considering posting in /jp/ threads, as the advertisement system on 4chan was opened up for cases like these, and spamming as advertisement is not an option.

This will be entirely from our pocket, and not be related at all to the funds for Tohno-chan proper.

What is your opinion of Tohno-chan experimenting with self-advertisement?
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>> No. 4833 [Edit]
Though not particularly thrilled, I'd rather see it done on /jp/ rather than /a/ (or some other off-the-wall *chan). And it looks like you realize annoying advertising-thread-spam won't work, at least.

I'll trust in your decision here, if you want to give it a shot. I just hope the moderation is ready to keep up with any extra shitposting that crops up.
>> No. 4835 [Edit]
I like this idea. At the moment we're heading for a sort of slow, strangling death. With this we can either make a change for the better or go out in a glorious blaze of fire. I prefer the latter.
>> No. 4841 [Edit]
You got my interest with the ELP Yukkuri.

>What is your opinion
If Tohno himself approves, I'm ok with it and glad to see that /tc/ is showing initiative and attempting to move in different ways.

However, something that should be remember is that, with more traffic and more diverse people coming, a more present moderation will be needed so the site won't loose its spirit, or even to make work the necessary adjustments if the time for them ever comes. By all means, I still think this should never become a mere /jp/a/v/ clone or repository; we might change a bit but we should remain ourselves at the core (that discussion belong to other threads).
>> No. 4842 [Edit]
File 140298489014.jpg - (67.75KB , 728x90 , tc ad 1.jpg )
Finally got around to working on some potential ads.
Feel free to rate, comment, leave suggestions, or whatever.

you're welcome to submit something of your own of course.
>> No. 4843 [Edit]
File 140298647041.jpg - (69.26KB , 728x90 , tc ad 2.jpg )
Yeah not exactly overflowing with creativity here. I've never been much of a salesmen.
>> No. 4844 [Edit]
I like the top one better. Im a bit iffy on the whole 'floor shitting neets' thing and other stuff, im not too keen on putting out the image that we're a low quality site with a hostile atmosphere where we insult other users the time etc.
>> No. 4845 [Edit]
File 140298940965.jpg - (48.26KB , 600x440 , 1370245292916.jpg )
advertising on /jp/ might be a good idea but the majority of /jp/ is still touhou shitposting. There's always doll, idol, and nukige/vn threads but they keep to themselves though.

There used to be a lot of kancolle and valkyrie crusade threads. Maybe make a board for browser/phone games or just get them to post in /vg/ if they decide they want to join.

Post edited on 17th Jun 2014, 12:18am
>> No. 4846 [Edit]
File 140299008474.jpg - (72.07KB , 728x90 , tc ad 3.jpg )
Thanks for the input. How would you rather word it?
>> No. 4847 [Edit]
A place to be away from normals and be at peace (is that the original wording? I forget)

Keep the first things on the list but for the last two write:
- COmmunity for otaku, NEETs and hikikomori
- Active moderation team

I think this gives off the right kind of atmosphere. I think if you let people know what kind of standard of posting we expect, then they'll change their behaviour to that standard and wo't bring the shitposting here (unless they're deliberately trying to troll)
>> No. 4848 [Edit]
File 140299364849.jpg - (69.61KB , 728x90 , tc ad 1 v2.jpg )
Not sure if we should be lying to people with the "- Active moderation team" thing, but regardless here yah go.
>> No. 4849 [Edit]

>dedicated boards for touhou, visual novels, and more

Why would you actually advertise dead boards? /foe/ and /vn/ combined: not a single post over the course of last 57 days.

>floor shitting angsty teens

Both the 'teens' part and the 'angtsy' part would be a negative, though. And I don't really feel it's true. There's some angst on /so/ sometimes but it's usually depression/apathy instead of that and while we have some people who are in their teens they are a minority and the average age is definitely above 20.
I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with teens per se but it's a keyword that has a rather pejorative connotation in this particular case.

>staff memebers aren't stupid lazy normalfags

That's great but actually talking about staff in an advert comes off as extremely circlejerky. /jp/ has deludled themselves into believing /tc/ is nothing but tripfags, even though they have infinitely more tripfags than us, both %-wise as well as sheer number-wise.


This one is a tad better. The word you're looking for is 'hikikomori', though.


This is much better. I'm not sure how I feel about trying to cut ourselves off from normalfags (it comes off as pretty try hard), though. Cut 'team' and leave 'active moderation'. 'Team' puts the emphasis on the people involved instead of putting the emphasis on the actual process. 'Otaku' also sounds try-hard. I'd use 'for people with otaku interests' instead. Instead of using a 'status symbol' label you can point out they are interested in the subject matter.


Damn, I should drop my habit of responding while I read threads. Hurts real bad whenever I realized somebody already voiced my opinion.

Anyway. Cut/replace the first line, cut 'team', try 'people with otaku interests' instead of 'otaku'. No idea what to do about the 'normals' thing.

Should we include 'serious discussion' somewhere in there? Poitning out we have no post/delete timers makes it sound like we're a shitposting central kinda.

... I don't really feel this will help, though. But if somebody is willing to actually spend money on that might as well do it right I guess.
>> No. 4850 [Edit]
looks pretty good to me
>> No. 4851 [Edit]
Maybe it's just my eyes have gone to the shitter, but I find this hard to read. All the more with the stars all around the text.
And I don't know, but I have the impression the muted colours wouldn't quite grab people's attention.
>> No. 4853 [Edit]
File 140302935317.jpg - (73.82KB , 728x90 , tc ad 1 v3.jpg )
Why would we bother advertizing active boards? besides touhou and vn are on there becuase those are things that appeal to /jp/. It says NEETs not teens, I didn't think it was that hard to read. I only added the bit about staff becuase my understanding is boards like /jp/ are poorly moderated and have real problems with spam and shit posting.

hope this is a bit easier to read.
>> No. 4854 [Edit]

>Why would we bother advertizing active boards?

We have those?

>besides touhou and vn are on there becuase those are things that appeal to /jp/.

Precisely the problem I have with adverts on /jp/. What's the point, really? Unless the point it trying to actually boost the post rates on /vn/, /foe/ and /so/.

>It says NEETs not teens, I didn't think it was that hard to read.

It wasn't, my brain just malfunctioned it seems.

>I only added the bit about staff becuase my understanding is boards like /jp/ are poorly moderated and have real problems with spam and shit posting.

The way it was phrased was the problem, not mentioning moderation at all.

Anyway the third line in >>4853 doesn't sound like proper English to me. It pretty much says 'a place for (...) hikikomori with active moderation'. 'With active moderation' has to come first, otherwise it's nonsense kinda.

As for the shitposting bit change it to memespouting maybe. It'll be more clear that way I think.
>> No. 4855 [Edit]
File 140304438856.jpg - (74.22KB , 728x90 , tc ad 1 v4.jpg )
>Unless the point it trying to actually boost the post rates on /vn/, /foe/ and /so/
Well, yeah. why else would we be doing this? you think there's no point in letting /jp/ know we have some boards that they might be interested in checking out and posting on?
also, Some boards are more active than others. and it just so happens some of the least active boards are the ones that would appeal to /jp/. I believe the inactive boards need traffic more than the more active boards. sure it might put some people off when they show up on the dead boards and find them dead, but putting on the banner that we have an anime board for instance would just reinforce the idea that we're some /a/ spin off. that being someone that keeps a lot of them from giving us a change.

fyi, you're welcome to make some banner ads if you're interested in doing so.
>> No. 4857 [Edit]
Why not openly promoting /mai/ or /so/? Those are our true trademark, I think, and stand for us as a place of unusual "nerd" tolerance and a true hiki foundation (it was true at the beginning, at least). Or do you think it'd be bad publicity?

I think it's pretty good you advertise things like categorization (neat, well ordered place), no captcha and the edit function but I wouldn't encourage youtube embed from the beginning (you know what it did to /mp3/).

Overall it's fair, I guess. It's kinds hard to advertise a place so 'my pace' like us without sounding bland. Maybe the "Be at ease" welcoming motto should be emphasized more.
>> No. 4859 [Edit]
File 140304747638.png - (72.69KB , 452x102 , were not interested in 3d.png )
I think some of our banners are pretty funny and self explanatory as is. You could profit from them as well.
>> No. 4860 [Edit]
That's actually a good idea. I just don't know how one would go around asking the makers for permission to use them for that purpose.
>> No. 4861 [Edit]
Problem with that is I think they only allow one image. not sure though...

/mai/ or /so/ may be the flagship boards on the site but I get the impression /jp/ isn't big on waifus. I just figure the mentioned boards would attract their attention more. /so/ feels a bit harder to advertize anyways. A board for waifus is obviously for waifus, but a ronery board might require some explaining. still for the /so/ crowd there's this kind of banner ad >>4846
>> No. 4862 [Edit]

>Well, yeah. why else would we be doing this?

/vn/ and /foe/ combined: <3500 posts combined over course of 4 years. I think the obvious conclusion would be that people don't care that much about them to begin with.

>you think there's no point in letting /jp/ know we have some boards that they might be interested in checking out and posting on?

You could as well create a hidden /jp/ board and tell them 'hey, you can post here now'. And let's say it'd even work. What would that actually achieve, though?

>reinforce the idea that we're some /a/ spin off.

Well purely technically we actually are. Doesn't mean we're anything like /a/, if you look at the ad you made it says 'moderation', 'serious discussion' and 'no shitposting'. If you consider that saying we're anything like is like saying ice and steam are the same thing.

>fyi, you're welcome to make some banner ads if you're interested in doing so.

As it is I'm more or less participating in the process anyway.


>or /so/?

/so/ is more of a necessary evil than anything else. If there was no /so/ the ranting would probably end elsewhere. It's good to have a place to let off steam to reinforce the 'don't shit where you eat' rule. Advertising it would be akin to advertising /ot/ (which is technically our biggest board).


>I just don't know how one would go around asking the makers for permission to use them for that purpose.

I doubt they'd care one way or another. I think the material you post on anonymous imageboards is something that should be spread freely as long as you nobody tries to take credit for it. The second you post something you made on an anonymous imageboard you pretty much forfeit your right to go full 'nonono, -I- made that!'.
>> No. 4863 [Edit]
The vast majority of the banners were made by Tohno

I think it will be best to advertise how we have boards specialised for discussing anime/manga, VNs, touhou, figs as well as waifus, but don't mention /so/ or /ot/ (/ot/ isn't special, /so/ brings the wrong crowd).

Even if the VN, figs and touhou boards doesn't have much activity, it tells the users what we're about, and it might boom in activity with the advertisement.

Also the community of /a/ and /jp/ aren't separate. /jp/ users probably take their waifu discussion to /a/. So it seems like /jp/ users aren't hot on waifus when thats not true.
>> No. 4864 [Edit]
I know that it's been slow and there has been a small amount of traffic, but this is a terrible idea.

There are not many people willing to tolerate or share our opinions on the things that this site cares about, which can be seen even now with the small amount of people that come here, which is why this has the potential to not only bring terrible people here, but people that are able to hold long grudges that will undoubtedly occur due to our differences and will bring about a terrible time for us all with the constant shit posting (that'll be worse than usual), 3DPD, proxy using people like Tokiko that we can't get rid of besides letting them get bored and finally leaving (as we hope they die before coming back).

Aside from attracting shitty people, we should also learn to accept that stagnation is something part of the hikki life. I mean, sure we're not all hikki, but we might as well be when it comes to the rest of the internet, because that is where we are on the internet and changing for the false hope that something good can come out of it can bring about disaster for us all.

Trust me, I've read so much manga that I know what I'm talking about.
>> No. 4868 [Edit]
I know change is scary but something has to be done. It's not so much stagnation we're looking at as much as death. stagnation would imply consistency, something unchanging. we're like a ship with a tiny impossible to fix leak and what we're seeing here is a very slow but steady decline as more people jump ship every day. the majority of boards on the site have gone months without a single post. I've tried encouraging people to post more and people respond to it with the equivalent of telling me to fuck myself while convincing themselves the site is fine moving at a turtle's pace ...a turtle with broke legs. /mai/ and /so/ is damn near all we have left at this point. /vg/ only has e3 to thank for it's miniscule traffic as of late just as other boards only have few and far between bursts of -6 posts like /ns/ the other day or /mt/ today. If things were left as is this place would be a complete ghost town by the end of the year. Doing nothing and watching the ship sink is the terrible idea. Doing nothing and hoping someone else will do something or that the problem will fix itself is an equally terrible idea.
>> No. 4872 [Edit]
So where will these ads be put at, exactly? not over /jp/ threads, I guess, or we will be treated as spammers. I'm wondering if they'll even be seen at all, given most fair people use Adblock.
>> No. 4873 [Edit]
I just want to say: even if the site someday comes to a full stop and you get sick of it, please do not hesitate in using this board to ask for donations to keep it going a bit more. Despite the highs and lows, this place is much too important for me to just let it disappear like that.
>> No. 4874 [Edit]
well if you were to check on 4chan without an adblocker you could see where (I'm guessing) the ad would be placed.

I doubt it'll happen any time soon but I'll keep that in mind.
>> No. 4875 [Edit]
You do have a point. I guess that I just don't want the regulars that come here to lose what they already have.

I also think that you should do this. I've donated once before and I wouldn't mind doing it again since I like this place.
>> No. 4877 [Edit]
I would love to see more traffic on /foe/ and /fig/, maybe even /ns/ and /mp3/ (doujin related). I want to post more on those boards, but every time I do it just feels pointless. I remember there being some very likable people at /jp/ in between the shit. If we attract even just a few of those, it would be worthwhile. I'd love to see more of the source sharing mentality in here, that's maybe the biggest thing I miss.

Post edited on 19th Jun 2014, 5:54am
>> No. 4879 [Edit]
File 140319986223.jpg - (66.56KB , 953x395 , ad.jpg )
It's up now
>> No. 4893 [Edit]
>/mai/ and /so/ is damn near all we have left at this point. /vg/ only has e3 to thank for it's miniscule traffic as of late just as other boards only have few and far between bursts of -6 posts like /ns/ the other day or /mt/ today.
What about /an/? That board still gets a few posts here and there right?
>> No. 4894 [Edit]
I think it's going well, so allow me to thank OP et al and Tohno for making this happen. Thanks, guys.
>> No. 4895 [Edit]
yes, finally /foe/ has some posts. It's a christmas miracle!
>> No. 4896 [Edit]
It has so many posts I'm getting dizzy...

Nah, seriously: it's great. Good work, guys.
>> No. 4898 [Edit]
Can you add a message that says something like "Please read the rules" and maybe "they're a bit different here" to the top of the page on every board?
>> No. 4913 [Edit]
I'm against keeping the ad. Like most of the rest of 4chan, /jp/ has gotten increasingly worse over the years and the posters that could actually be valuable for tc are a tiny minority. It's just not worth having to deal with all the cool hip otakus and pseudo-hikis we're inviting here.
>> No. 4914 [Edit]
>all the cool hip otakus and pseudo-hikis
mind pointing some out?
>> No. 4916 [Edit]
I tried doing that with a site wide announcement, but they don't seem to be working.
>> No. 4917 [Edit]
I paid for the lowest package (80,000 views for $20), thinking it would last a day or two. I sorely overestimated the amount of people browsing /jp/ and sorely underestimated the number of people using adblock. There is not intention of keeping it up, it is just taking forever to run out.
>> No. 4926 [Edit]
I was sorta hoping that it wouldnt get marked on adblock. Does that kind of thing ever happen?
>> No. 4927 [Edit]
Generally it only happens if the website integrates the ad directly into the source, instead of as a dynamic ad space. I most often see smaller web sites do this.
>> No. 4928 [Edit]
Just checked and it looks like the ad is gone from /jp/.
>> No. 4929 [Edit]
Are you sure?
>> No. 4930 [Edit]
Yeah. I refreshed quite a bit and went to check again just to be sure after I saw your post.
>> No. 4931 [Edit]
In conclusion, an ad can last around 5 days, and it had a small, net positive effect on the site.

IMHO, maybe its something to consider again in the distant future.
>> No. 4932 [Edit]
I was hoping it would have a bigger effect, but it garnered a lot of criticism from the old guard, so Im not optimistic about it happening again.
>> No. 4933 [Edit]
Those people should just be ignored. They're people who couldn't give less of a shit if the site dies. It's bad enough they do nothing to help (probably only post when it's to complain about other people's posts) but when they stand in the way of people trying to help they can go fuck themselfs.
>> No. 4934 [Edit]

Yeah, we sure don't give a shit about the site because we're concerned what kind of kiddos such an ad could attract.
>> No. 4935 [Edit]
It's not like the quality of the site was exactly pristine before the ad went up. I would say that popular boards like /mai/ have been in decline for months now.

Not to mention, posts that would once be reported and deleted within hours just lay untouched for weeks or months. I'm not sure if this is the community being more tolerant of normals/3DPD announcements/etc and not reporting said posts, or if the issue is on the moderation side.
>> No. 4936 [Edit]
>I'm not sure if this is the community being more tolerant of normals/3DPD announcements/etc and not reporting said posts, or if the issue is on the moderation side.
You forgot the third possibility, that you became more cynical.
>> No. 4937 [Edit]

You're both forgetting the fourth possibility - apathy.

I remember getting my thread deleted on /so/ a couple years back because it was too bloggy. I did rant about some stuff but I actually tried pretty hard to make it... well, non-bloggy. It's funny when you look at current state of /so/ and /ot/.
So yeah, people got tired of reporting stuff I'd say. I'm one of them. Since there are no clear guidelines as to what is acceptable and what isn't (or they aren't really followed) I gave up. In the end it was always up to the mods. It's a slippery slide.
>> No. 4938 [Edit]
It's no wonder no one wants to post anything when they're worried it might get deleted anyway.
>> No. 4939 [Edit]
I'm no more "cynical" than I was when I first came to TC. Some posts like >>/mai/14901 that violate the rules in a pretty cut-and-dry way just really aren't touched anymore, yet on the other hand sometimes you see others that are vaguely against the community's guidelines of an acceptable post (ie: bloggy, like >>4937's) are deleted. There was a point in time where saying "I'm a girl irl lol", unprovoked at that, was actually frowned upon and resulted in rather swift deletions or maybe even bans. This is to say nothing of the increasing amount of bickering between people with different waifu "philosophies" lately, or the seemingly slow shift towards more Ford Drivery topics on other boards (why so many job threads?).

I know I'm being somewhat picky here, but the point is really less to bitch and more to point out that we don't even have the 'pure anti-normal NEET/hikikomori' community the old guard wants to keep alive. Some of the normals that might come along from the /jp/ ad have already been among us for quite some time.
>> No. 4940 [Edit]
man I hate women as much as the next guy but I think you're being unreasonable with that example. It's not like she made a thread with a photo of herself inviting guys to worship her smelly cunt. She can't inject her waifu with semen like OP said that's all. If I made a thread asking if people here ever drank their own titty milk. would you get pissed off when someone responds with 'I'm a guy I don't produce titty milk.' ?
>> No. 4941 [Edit]
>If I made a thread asking if people here ever drank their own titty milk. would you get pissed off when someone responds with 'I'm a guy I don't produce titty milk'
A very poor analogy. The topic of the thread had nothing to do with semen. That was a silly spoiler joke tacked onto the end. Moreover, you seem to forget where you are- announcing that you're a female is still (supposed to be) against the rules. It seems many no longer support this rule, but it IS still on the rules page. As such I doubt a thread saying "Do any other girls drink their own breast milk" would last very long, even now.

The point was that there was absolutely no reason to bring up gender at all in that post. In case you missed it, the actual thread topic was "what are you giving your waifu for white day?". If the joke semen suggestion doesn't apply to you, why even bring it up? I don't even see any guys responding to the joke saying "oh yeah I'm gonna be giving her semen lol". What she's doing would be akin to the people with husbandos correcting every OP question that said 'waifu' by saying "I don't have a waifu, I have a husbando instead". But I don't see that, because they know that those questions aren't about gender, and realize making those comments would be histrionic behavior that contributes nothing to the thread.
>> No. 5022 [Edit]
>There was a point in time where saying "I'm a girl irl lol", unprovoked at that, was actually frowned upon and resulted in rather swift deletions or maybe even bans.
Exactly that happened just a week ago. Someone on /mai/ mentioned they are female and the post got deleted because it clearly violated the rules.

I think >>4936 is right.

Post edited on 26th Jun 2014, 9:39am
>> No. 5023 [Edit]
Maybe you're forgetting it's /mai/ we're talking about? As many have pointed out it's a board you can't really be anonymous on. It's a very personal board and your going to get women with husbandos showing up from time to time so one way or another women are going to get exposed for being women. It's one thing when someone mention's they're female on the anime board, it's another on the board for talking about your 2d relationships. Besides if a women was going to attention whore a waifu board would be the last place on the internet to do that.
>> No. 5025 [Edit]
There's a pretty big difference between just being a female that has a waifu/husbando, and blatantly saying "I'm a girl" for no reason other than to broadcast it (by the way, not everyone with a husbando on /mai/ is a female). It's pretty disheartening that this even needs to be explained on Tohno-chan of all places.
>> No. 5026 [Edit]
>one way or another women are going to get exposed for being women.
And it's still against the rules, doesn't matter who exposes who as being female. Don't see how the fact that it's /mai/ conflicts with the don't ask don't tell policy we seemed to be following.
>> No. 5037 [Edit]
No one has been banned on this ground under the circumstances in discussion (to my knowledge). I'm sorry.
>> No. 5038 [Edit]
And that makes it okay? It's still clear on the rules page, and plenty of posts breaking the rule get deleted. As it is, few people actually get banned here for anything period. I'm sure if you kept bringing it up repeatedly in your posts you'd wind up getting banned.
>> No. 5039 [Edit]
trolls spammers and the like get banned. just sayin
>> No. 5040 [Edit]
They aren't exactly common though.
>> No. 5049 [Edit]
Maybe the mods intentionally ignores that rule under these circumstances, maybe they don't care, maybe they think your way of thinking is stupid; it's just speculation. The fact is that the mods probably aren't going to change this behaviour, and I think it's reasonable. The posters who use the word 'husbando' are harmless - the opposite has yet to be proved. Are we even talking about the same thing?
>> No. 5050 [Edit]
It's more reasonable to assume someone with a husbando is female than it is too assume they're gay. Even on Tohno-chan of all places.

>Don't see how the fact that it's /mai/ conflicts with the don't ask don't tell policy we seemed to be following.
It's a very personal board that can and does deal with very personal issues. Those issues may involve the practice of 2D love from the perspective of a female along with what can drive a cum guzzler to abandon her gender privilege of man-servants in favor of fictional characters.
>> No. 5051 [Edit]
>It's more reasonable to assume someone with a husbando is female than it is too assume they're gay.
I don't think so. I think there are more gays here than females.
>> No. 5052 [Edit]
I liked the new catalog system.
>> No. 5053 [Edit]
>Those issues may involve the practice of 2D love from the perspective of a female along with what can drive a cum guzzler to abandon her gender privilege of man-servants in favor of fictional characters.
A quite qualified may if we are playing by the rules. Those issues may involve the experience of a female user, as long as everything is worded in a way that leaves enough doubt(I don't believe how much is "enough doubt" is usually a problem, but it will probably become one if/when the /fb/ guy reads this. Be as it may "I'm a girl" of course doesn't qualify as enough) about the user's "femaleness".
>> No. 5054 [Edit]
Of course simply stating "I'm a girl" in and of itself is pointless and obnoxious without the proper context to justify such a claim. >>5051 and >>5025 are serving quite well to legitimize a reason one would need to clarify their gender at times, less they wrongfully be deemed a homosexual male.
>> No. 5056 [Edit]
As I see it, being unable to distinguish a straight female from a gay male is a feature of the system rather than a bug.
And the rules don't seem to indicate that there is a context where it is acceptable for a user to explicitly identify as a female.
>> No. 5057 [Edit]
As already stated repeatedly the perception of an individual's views and opinions may very depending on it's source. The social ramifications a homosexual would have to contend with should they take on a 2D partner would not necessarily equate to a female's experiences. These experiences would effect the persons involved in difference ways and is not something that should be censored on a board meant for the understanding and support of a topic that is of a highly personal nature and generally misunderstood & unaccepted among the outside world.
The rules in place are to prevent females from attention whoring and other forms of misconduct, they are not meant encourage misogyny. If clarification for the sake of better understanding is needed they should not be lynched for doing so. Obviously this need only apply to /mai/ and possibly /so/. I agree that on any other board there is no reason why one should need to mention their gender.
>> No. 5058 [Edit]
>they are not meant encourage misogyny.
pff, says you. Bad enough knowing we got any on the site in the first place. if they're gonna stick there head out, they best to expect to get wacked like moles. They're being tolerated not welcomed.
>> No. 5060 [Edit]
Where do you think you are?
>> No. 5061 [Edit]
You haven't been here very long, have you?

>Maybe the mods intentionally ignores that rule under these circumstances, maybe they don't care, maybe they think your way of thinking is stupid
TC's community nor its admins/mods have never been gung-ho for gender equality or tolerant of attention whoring, regardless of how 'stupid' you may find it.

>The posters who use the word 'husbando' are harmless - the opposite has yet to be proved.
What are you even talking about here?

>The rules in place are to prevent females from attention whoring and other forms of misconduct, they are not meant encourage misogyny. If clarification for the sake of better understanding is needed they should not be lynched for doing so.
Quite frankly, I don't care if I'm labeled by your silly buzzwords. TC wasn't made to be accomodating to females. Moreover, there is virtually no circumstance in which gender ever NEEDS to be brought up, even on /mai/. Talking about personal life things such as ones sex life or ex-3D-lovers is also against the rules regardless of gender. I can't think of a single thread in which mentioning your gender would be an absolute necessity in order to participate in discussion.
>> No. 5062 [Edit]
Good one.
>> No. 5064 [Edit]
I couldn't care less about this argument but I will say this; It's not a "buzzword" just becuase you don't like when people using it against you.
>> No. 5065 [Edit]
>You haven't been here very long, have you?
Untrue, and I know very well what you're implying.

>(...) regardless of how 'stupid' you may find it.
I don't think it's stupid.

>What are you even talking about here?
Subtle, context sensitive insinuation of gender for the purpose of communicating cleanly (without code speaking like a suspect in court). Sorry about being unclear.

>Moreover, there is virtually no circumstance in which gender ever NEEDS to be brought up, even on /mai/ (...) I can't think of a single thread in which mentioning your gender would be an absolute necessity in order to participate in discussion.
Since you're the authority on how this site works, I'm just going to take your word for it and call it a day.
>> No. 5066 [Edit]
What's the buzzword? Misconduct, misogyny, lynching? They all seem pretty basic to me.
>> No. 5067 [Edit]
I'm okay with females being on the site, I'm even okay with females saying they are female. But any form of attention whoring should be immeadiately extinguished. Like the guy above me said, its context sensitive. You should only make reference to your gender if theres good reason to.
>> No. 5068 [Edit]
whichever is the silly one I guess.
>> No. 5069 [Edit]
>The rules in place are to prevent females from attention whoring and other forms of misconduct, they are not meant encourage misogyny.
Yes, it seems that is the most reasonable explanation of why that rule is in place. But if you think forbidding users from explicitly identifying as female is encouraging misogyny then it seems the rule quite clearly encourage misogyny and I see no other way around it.

>If clarification for the sake of better understanding is needed they should not be lynched for doing so.
Sounds reasonable, they shouldn't be lynched, they should be reported so the mods can take care of it.

Case closed, I guess.

That would be the ideal. But I've seen so much drama over people attention whoring by claiming to be female or people harassing others over them being female on other online communities that I can't blame Tohno(or whoever wrote the rules) for outright forbiding it from being brought up. We don't seem to have many mods around anymore to deal with that much trouble.
>> No. 5070 [Edit]
>I... but...

I couldn't care less if the fact offends you, but just because YOU don't think 'misogyny' has become a textbook-definition buzzword over the past few years doesn't mean that it isn't. The widespread definition of the term misogyny has gone from "hatred of women" to "disagreement or implied disagreement with any female", and five years ago it was a word that virtually nobody used. Now it's flung around nearly as often as possessive pronouns, most often in an attempt to invalidate and censor any opinions the speaker disagrees with through an ad hominem argument. It's the new 'sexist pig'.

The problem is, I've never seen good reason to do so. I haven't seen a thread on /mai/ where mentioning your gender was necessary for discussion. Can someone point one out, if there is one? Am I just missing it?

Post edited on 4th Jul 2014, 4:00am
>> No. 5071 [Edit]
>That would be the ideal. But I've seen so much drama over people attention whoring by claiming to be female or people harassing others over them being female on other online communities that I can't blame Tohno(or whoever wrote the rules) for outright forbiding it from being brought up.

Yes. The blame lies with the users and their extreme oversensitivity, and not the mods, nor the girl herself (unless the girl is actually attentionwhoring in which case there is good cause). Usually the drama and complaints (which come form males) about the female are far worse than the female herself. I seriously believe the users should just deal with it.

In fact this as a policy works quite well. There have been a handful of users on this site which I only found out were female until much later.

>The problem is, I've never seen good reason to do so. I haven't seen a thread on /mai/ where mentioning your gender was necessary for discussion. Can someone point one out, if there is one? Am I just missing it?

There are some but its rare. But just it doesn't happen much doesn't mean it should be forbidden.
>> No. 5072 [Edit]
>Usually the drama and complaints (which come form males)
Conjecture, as they're anonymous. I'm sure most were males given the demographic here, but females can dislike attention whores too.

>I seriously believe the users should just deal with it.
No thanks. See: >>5058
>Bad enough knowing we got any on the site in the first place. They're being tolerated not welcomed.
I just don't think the culture of TC pertains to 3D women (yes yes, I'm aware of the 'exceptions to the rule'), and honestly- I'd prefer it if they weren't on this particular site. Call me what you will. And a huge part of that is because of the gender politics they always bring with them. You can't just jump to blame that on "oversensitive males", either. Just look at >>4010, and those stupid feminist/gender threads that end up getting bombed on /so/ every so often.
>> No. 5073 [Edit]
So what, you think any word used to often should just be deleted from the dictionary? That post wasn't flinging the word around like an insult, it was used in entirely proper context per it's text book definition.
maybe you should edit your post and remove words such as "The" or "I" since you clearly use them too often. Sure that would make properly conveying your thoughts and opinions challenging, but since you're so keen on censorship I'm sure you'll manage.
>> No. 5074 [Edit]
>But just it doesn't happen much doesn't mean it should be forbidden.
It's also forbidden because it stirs up so much drama so quickly. Just look at this thread and how quickly it blew up.
>> No. 5075 [Edit]
>So what, you think any word used to often should just be deleted from the dictionary?
Cool strawman argument, sis. But I guess you have nothing else to go on. Saying that post used the term misogyny correctly is questionable at best. Do you earnestly believe having a rule that says "don't announce your gender" is encouraging outright hatred of women? One could argue that it's even doing the opposite, by keeping the issue of gender out of topics where it doesn't belong, and allowing users to communicate on an anonymous, equal level. Is equal not good enough?
>> No. 5076 [Edit]
If gender drama and attention whoring are the big factors, shouldn't that be in the rules instead? The current rule looks crude and impractical. I assume there's a bigger chance a mod will delete posts on the grounds of those factors rather than a poster discretely revealing gender. It's specific enough to avoid discussions of this nature altogether, should I guess.
>> No. 5077 [Edit]
How is the rule impractical? Mentioning gender is simply not necessary to discuss anything here, and the truth is a lot of users don't much care for having 3D females around (including Tohno, like it or not). The rule does have an addendum regarding general gender drama/discussion, though.
>> No. 5078 [Edit]
>The current rule looks crude and impractical.
That's what happens when people can't agree on anything.
>> No. 5079 [Edit]
>"don't announce your gender" is encouraging outright hatred of women?
Don't play dumb, you know damn well that rule doesn't apply to men.
>> No. 5080 [Edit]
It doesn't "apply to men" because men rarely feel the need to announce their gender. Regardless of who the rule applies to, the point remains very valid. Equating a rule that states "please don't announce that you're female for no reason because it only starts drama" to dictionary definition misogyny is a gross exaggeration to say the least. This is why people call it a "buzzword", when the persecution complex crowd uses it incorrectly nigh constantly.
>> No. 5081 [Edit]
Let me get this straight. You come to TC to complain about misogyny?
>> No. 5082 [Edit]
Of course not, we don't feel the need to parade our gender around like women do.
>> No. 5083 [Edit]
>Equating a rule that states "please don't say that you're female because that bothers the men on this imageboard" to dictionary definition misogyny is a gross exaggeration to say the least.
fixed that for you. I know you're doing a direct quote but that's the original meaning of the rule.

It doesn't "apply to men" because men don't care when someone here claims to be a man. There's no 'announcing' even going on here, that is the true gross exaggeration. we're not talking about women who come here to make threads just to let people know they're female. We're talking about gross overreactions to the very mention of being female. Men refer to themselves in the male vernacular on this site constantly. Men have gone as far as to post drawn images of themselfs on /mai/ and /cr/. so don't even try to pretend men don't mention their gender.
What's the use in pretending we all don't want women here? The rules don't need to be justified you know, we can make the rules whatever we want and that's all there is to it.

almost forgot;
>strawman argument
cool buzzword, sis.
>> No. 5084 [Edit]
Man why do you even come here to fight for 3D women's rights? I seriously don't understand this.
>> No. 5085 [Edit]
why do you even come here to tripfag on an Anonymous imageboard? I seriously don't understand this.
>> No. 5086 [Edit]
You clearly have no idea how this website works. This isn't 4chan, no one cares about tripcodes.
>> No. 5087 [Edit]
Don't be like that, just answer the question.
Why don't you just leave if that issue bothers you so much? Why would the posters who have been here for years change their behaviour and the rules just because you are offended by them? Then Tohno-Chan is mostly Misogynistic, so what?. Go somewhere else.

I just the following and I really hope you're a troll.
>What's the use in pretending we all don't want women here?

Post edited on 5th Jul 2014, 10:47am
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