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File 14026344551.jpg - (57.61KB , 680x667 , Take_it_Tarkus.jpg )
4830 No. 4830 [Edit]
If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. -Lao Tzu

As it is, the site seems to be a little dry on new members. Although there is no change in the running of Tohno-chan regardless of the number of users who use it, imageboards are a media which depend upon a relatively active userbase to keep things fresh. Without active posting, the imageboards have tended to devolve into mere hosted archive, where the uncertainty of new content discourages lurkers from carrying the torch.

With this in mind, we (aka me, Not-Tohno) are thinking of doing something absolutely despicable: Publicizing.

In particular, we are considering of purchasing an advert on /jp/, if it is allowed, for the sake of seeing its effect on the traffic, posting-quality, and other features of Tohno-chan. We are not considering posting in /jp/ threads, as the advertisement system on 4chan was opened up for cases like these, and spamming as advertisement is not an option.

This will be entirely from our pocket, and not be related at all to the funds for Tohno-chan proper.

What is your opinion of Tohno-chan experimenting with self-advertisement?
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>> No. 5068 [Edit]
whichever is the silly one I guess.
>> No. 5069 [Edit]
>The rules in place are to prevent females from attention whoring and other forms of misconduct, they are not meant encourage misogyny.
Yes, it seems that is the most reasonable explanation of why that rule is in place. But if you think forbidding users from explicitly identifying as female is encouraging misogyny then it seems the rule quite clearly encourage misogyny and I see no other way around it.

>If clarification for the sake of better understanding is needed they should not be lynched for doing so.
Sounds reasonable, they shouldn't be lynched, they should be reported so the mods can take care of it.

Case closed, I guess.

That would be the ideal. But I've seen so much drama over people attention whoring by claiming to be female or people harassing others over them being female on other online communities that I can't blame Tohno(or whoever wrote the rules) for outright forbiding it from being brought up. We don't seem to have many mods around anymore to deal with that much trouble.
>> No. 5070 [Edit]
>I... but...

I couldn't care less if the fact offends you, but just because YOU don't think 'misogyny' has become a textbook-definition buzzword over the past few years doesn't mean that it isn't. The widespread definition of the term misogyny has gone from "hatred of women" to "disagreement or implied disagreement with any female", and five years ago it was a word that virtually nobody used. Now it's flung around nearly as often as possessive pronouns, most often in an attempt to invalidate and censor any opinions the speaker disagrees with through an ad hominem argument. It's the new 'sexist pig'.

The problem is, I've never seen good reason to do so. I haven't seen a thread on /mai/ where mentioning your gender was necessary for discussion. Can someone point one out, if there is one? Am I just missing it?

Post edited on 4th Jul 2014, 4:00am
>> No. 5071 [Edit]
>That would be the ideal. But I've seen so much drama over people attention whoring by claiming to be female or people harassing others over them being female on other online communities that I can't blame Tohno(or whoever wrote the rules) for outright forbiding it from being brought up.

Yes. The blame lies with the users and their extreme oversensitivity, and not the mods, nor the girl herself (unless the girl is actually attentionwhoring in which case there is good cause). Usually the drama and complaints (which come form males) about the female are far worse than the female herself. I seriously believe the users should just deal with it.

In fact this as a policy works quite well. There have been a handful of users on this site which I only found out were female until much later.

>The problem is, I've never seen good reason to do so. I haven't seen a thread on /mai/ where mentioning your gender was necessary for discussion. Can someone point one out, if there is one? Am I just missing it?

There are some but its rare. But just it doesn't happen much doesn't mean it should be forbidden.
>> No. 5072 [Edit]
>Usually the drama and complaints (which come form males)
Conjecture, as they're anonymous. I'm sure most were males given the demographic here, but females can dislike attention whores too.

>I seriously believe the users should just deal with it.
No thanks. See: >>5058
>Bad enough knowing we got any on the site in the first place. They're being tolerated not welcomed.
I just don't think the culture of TC pertains to 3D women (yes yes, I'm aware of the 'exceptions to the rule'), and honestly- I'd prefer it if they weren't on this particular site. Call me what you will. And a huge part of that is because of the gender politics they always bring with them. You can't just jump to blame that on "oversensitive males", either. Just look at >>4010, and those stupid feminist/gender threads that end up getting bombed on /so/ every so often.
>> No. 5073 [Edit]
So what, you think any word used to often should just be deleted from the dictionary? That post wasn't flinging the word around like an insult, it was used in entirely proper context per it's text book definition.
maybe you should edit your post and remove words such as "The" or "I" since you clearly use them too often. Sure that would make properly conveying your thoughts and opinions challenging, but since you're so keen on censorship I'm sure you'll manage.
>> No. 5074 [Edit]
>But just it doesn't happen much doesn't mean it should be forbidden.
It's also forbidden because it stirs up so much drama so quickly. Just look at this thread and how quickly it blew up.
>> No. 5075 [Edit]
>So what, you think any word used to often should just be deleted from the dictionary?
Cool strawman argument, sis. But I guess you have nothing else to go on. Saying that post used the term misogyny correctly is questionable at best. Do you earnestly believe having a rule that says "don't announce your gender" is encouraging outright hatred of women? One could argue that it's even doing the opposite, by keeping the issue of gender out of topics where it doesn't belong, and allowing users to communicate on an anonymous, equal level. Is equal not good enough?
>> No. 5076 [Edit]
If gender drama and attention whoring are the big factors, shouldn't that be in the rules instead? The current rule looks crude and impractical. I assume there's a bigger chance a mod will delete posts on the grounds of those factors rather than a poster discretely revealing gender. It's specific enough to avoid discussions of this nature altogether, should I guess.
>> No. 5077 [Edit]
How is the rule impractical? Mentioning gender is simply not necessary to discuss anything here, and the truth is a lot of users don't much care for having 3D females around (including Tohno, like it or not). The rule does have an addendum regarding general gender drama/discussion, though.
>> No. 5078 [Edit]
>The current rule looks crude and impractical.
That's what happens when people can't agree on anything.
>> No. 5079 [Edit]
>"don't announce your gender" is encouraging outright hatred of women?
Don't play dumb, you know damn well that rule doesn't apply to men.
>> No. 5080 [Edit]
It doesn't "apply to men" because men rarely feel the need to announce their gender. Regardless of who the rule applies to, the point remains very valid. Equating a rule that states "please don't announce that you're female for no reason because it only starts drama" to dictionary definition misogyny is a gross exaggeration to say the least. This is why people call it a "buzzword", when the persecution complex crowd uses it incorrectly nigh constantly.
>> No. 5081 [Edit]
Let me get this straight. You come to TC to complain about misogyny?
>> No. 5082 [Edit]
Of course not, we don't feel the need to parade our gender around like women do.
>> No. 5083 [Edit]
>Equating a rule that states "please don't say that you're female because that bothers the men on this imageboard" to dictionary definition misogyny is a gross exaggeration to say the least.
fixed that for you. I know you're doing a direct quote but that's the original meaning of the rule.

It doesn't "apply to men" because men don't care when someone here claims to be a man. There's no 'announcing' even going on here, that is the true gross exaggeration. we're not talking about women who come here to make threads just to let people know they're female. We're talking about gross overreactions to the very mention of being female. Men refer to themselves in the male vernacular on this site constantly. Men have gone as far as to post drawn images of themselfs on /mai/ and /cr/. so don't even try to pretend men don't mention their gender.
What's the use in pretending we all don't want women here? The rules don't need to be justified you know, we can make the rules whatever we want and that's all there is to it.

almost forgot;
>strawman argument
cool buzzword, sis.
>> No. 5084 [Edit]
Man why do you even come here to fight for 3D women's rights? I seriously don't understand this.
>> No. 5085 [Edit]
why do you even come here to tripfag on an Anonymous imageboard? I seriously don't understand this.
>> No. 5086 [Edit]
You clearly have no idea how this website works. This isn't 4chan, no one cares about tripcodes.
>> No. 5087 [Edit]
Don't be like that, just answer the question.
Why don't you just leave if that issue bothers you so much? Why would the posters who have been here for years change their behaviour and the rules just because you are offended by them? Then Tohno-Chan is mostly Misogynistic, so what?. Go somewhere else.

I just the following and I really hope you're a troll.
>What's the use in pretending we all don't want women here?

Post edited on 5th Jul 2014, 10:47am
>> No. 5088 [Edit]
Of course, you have no answer so you dodge the question. You can just give up you know, you're not going to change anyone's opinion here.
>> No. 5089 [Edit]
How does debating the word "misogyny" being a buzzword equate to defending women?
>> No. 5090 [Edit]
Why did you even have to bring it up?
And in posts like >>5057 you even said that "rules shouldn't encourage mysogyny" and you say that like mysogyny is a really bad thing.
There are other things you said that (imo) definitely point to the fact you're defending women but I'm too lazy to point it all out.
>> No. 5091 [Edit]
>Tohno-Chan is mostly Misogynistic
That's what I've been saying. The other guy is trying to say we're not. That doesn't mean I'm 'defending women's rights' don't jump to conclusions.

>>What's the use in pretending we all don't want women here?
You seem to have completely misunderstood this line entirely but I can't say I blame you after re-reading it. The other anon is pretending we're not Misogynistic and to try and rephrase that sentence better I asked why pretend we're not, we don't want women here so why pretend that isn't the case?
>> No. 5092 [Edit]
Sorry, I fucked up with the reading comprehension and I thought you were same guy defending females.
>> No. 5093 [Edit]
Tip: quotation marks are used for quotes not interpretations. The line was "The rules in place are to prevent females from attention whoring and other forms of misconduct, they are not meant encourage misogyny."
the line was not "rules shouldn't encourage mysogyny"
Not that it matters after >>5058 anyway.
I just don't think mysogyny is a 'buzzword' that's all.
>> No. 5094 [Edit]
Nah I should have worded that better.
>> No. 5095 [Edit]
>There's no 'announcing' even going on here
Lol what? In the the post that was pointed out (and deleted) in >>4939, the poster very clearly said "I'm a girl" for no reason other than to say it.

>Men have gone as far as to post drawn images of themselfs on /mai/ and /cr/.
Fujoshi have also done this on /mai/, and didn't receive any backlash for it.

>What's the use in pretending we all don't want women here? The rules don't need to be justified you know, we can make the rules whatever we want and that's all there is to it.
I think the original point was that it seems like some people either don't mind or even would RATHER have them here, as opposed to the older TC users that would rather not have them here. I'm not trying to say TC isn't or should not be prejudice against females here. I'd actually rather we kept them out.

>I just don't think mysogyny is a 'buzzword' that's all.
This is where I'd disagree. Again, it's a word that nobody used some 5 years ago, and now it's one you see multiple times every day even trying to limit media exposure to the best of your abilities. The male gender equivalent is still virtually never used, and 99% of the time the word misogyny is thrown out there, it's either horrendously exaggerated or outright false. This is the rule, directly quoted from the rules page:

"Announcing you or someone else are female and/or drawing attention to it. This includes general gender discussion."

I do believe calling this misogynistic (by dictionary defition, woman-hating) is an exaggeration. But if you're not arguing for '3D women's rights' then I really don't care if you agree with me on that small point or not, because we're more or less on the same page otherwise.

Post edited on 5th Jul 2014, 1:50pm
>> No. 5096 [Edit]
File 140468442716.jpg - (43.92KB , 604x338 , 1265458356.jpg )
You guys should try to post more. I've done several posts the last few days and none of them attract an inch of attention. I'm not saying my posts are really good and deserve many replies, but if this goes on as it is the site is just a stale graveyard.
>> No. 5097 [Edit]
It's a hard fight and I commend your effort. If you manage to hold out long enough all the lazy lurkers might eventually join in to and bring some much needed life to this place.
>> No. 5098 [Edit]
Please bear with it for a while. If you want, you can can link to done of your posts, and I'll see of I can join the discussion in some way. I usually see all the posts that show up in the main page, but you never know. In my opinion, kakusu is the worst feature on this site). It happens that I see an interesting reply in kakusu much later, and it frustrates me. You can't tell people not to use it either.
>> No. 5099 [Edit]
I'm really sorry, Onodera. I participated on most boards daily and used to start and keep going on like 5 threads on /an/ per season; but I arrived to a point in my life where I had to start going out and do something or face the doom of misery, and I moved my ass out of pure terror. I hope I might be able to find a proper pace sometime soon in order to contribute regularly again.
>> No. 5100 [Edit]
I just do twice a day max when I'm not free. That's what gives me the most browsing satisfaction.
>> No. 5101 [Edit]
File 140562554195.jpg - (16.18KB , 240x106 , 12999999999999.jpg )
if you're just posting to get replies then fuck off
>> No. 5104 [Edit]
File 140581216994.jpg - (96.84KB , 640x360 , sad1.jpg )
You guys...
>> No. 5113 [Edit]
I await eagerly for your posts, guys.
>> No. 5114 [Edit]
Hey I get in 1-3 a day.
>> No. 5365 [Edit]
What Tohno-chan could do to attract attention discretely is give something to the community under our name, and people will migrate here naturally, without us having to ask them.

There are a lot of talented people here believe it or not. There are Brohnos that speak, read and write moon. There are others that code. There are some that play and make music. Some are talented writers.

With all these skills, there are plenty of options. We can translate manga or one shots using the Tohno-chan name. We can Anonymously cover our favorite anime or game songs. We can translate and release those OVA that no one wants to sub. We can creat a VN or random animu-related programs or websites and credit Tohno-chan.

We don't have to work as a team to get things done. Do something on your own, that you can do, no matter how big or small, and credit Tohno-chan.

You are Tohno-chan, Anonymous, as an individual and a collective. Ask not what your Tohno-chan can do for you. Ask what you can do for your Tohno-chan.
>> No. 5370 [Edit]
You have to get known to have an influence on people, and getting known requires going out and earning it. Most people who do cool things for Tohno-chan just do cool things for Tohno-chan.

I don't think this kind of stuff is a bad idea, I just think it's harder than you make it sound.
>> No. 5371 [Edit]

>There are a lot of talented people here believe it or not.

There are also lots of apathetic people here. It's not being able to do things that's the problem, it's finding motivation to do so.
>> No. 5373 [Edit]
File 141693616050.jpg - (97.04KB , 600x634 , NO.jpg )
B-but the 1st rule of Tohno-chan is: you do not talk about Tohno-chan...

And the 4rd rule of Tohno-chan is: you do not post in Tohno-chan...
>> No. 5374 [Edit]
File 141696357443.jpg - (43.57KB , 1280x720 , [Arienai]Yes_Pretty_Cure_5_-_05[1280x720][baec77a9.jpg )
Rules 1 & 2 nigger.

Yes we just take memes from other places and put our own watermark on them and claim we invented them.

We literally 9gag memes from 9gag, memes that were taken from 4chan which were originally posted as a reference to Fight Club.
>> No. 5376 [Edit]
Way to overkill it, man.
>> No. 5416 [Edit]
I've been on tchan since '09, and I would like it if we finally got some traffic, so I could stop going to other imageboards altogether. Honestly, I think we should just mass advertise everywhere and then deal with the rule-breaking users. Anyone that likes anime should be welcomed.

I mean, we tolerated fucking Negi for fucks sake. We can deal with some stray retards.

Fucking commadore Perry, where are you when we need you?
>> No. 5417 [Edit]
where else would we advertise? we already did 4chan.
>> No. 5418 [Edit]
Maybe we should do /a/? There are more users there than /jp/, and many more who would probably be willing to at least look at the site.

Also, I don't think we shoulf talk about how we have good mods and shit like that in the ad. That is only going to turn people off. We should just be letting people know of our existence, not trying to explain why we are better than 4chan. The people who like the place will stay on their own.

Another reason why I say we should advertise on /a/ instead of /jp/ is because it should boost /an/, which, let's face it, has always been one of the weaker boards on the website. People come to these chans to discuss anime primarily, and other otaku-related things as an afterthought. Yet, on Tohno-chan people come here to discuss other things like waifus and misery, but only anime as an afterthought. New users take one look at the anime board, which is their primary interest, and most of them leave or go somewhere else to fulfill that void.

I have a strong belief that if the anime board's traffic increased, people would be more willing to stick around, which would in turn boost the traffic on the other boards.

Also, just as an afterthought, maybe it is finally time to condense some boards down that are completely dead?
>> No. 5421 [Edit]

>I've been on tchan since '09, and I would like it if we finally got some traffic, so I could stop going to other imageboards altogether.

I don't think this is a complete pipe dream but it would require some hard work and effort from multiple people. It won't happen overnight thanks to some miracle. I'll get back to this in a bit.

>Honestly, I think we should just mass advertise everywhere and then deal with the rule-breaking users.

That's not the best way to do things in my opinion but it can be used as last resort I guess.


>Maybe we should do /a/?

I think it won't yield much of a result. People who browse /a/ are used to completely different type of discussion. On a moloch such as 4chan people just want to get their quick posting fix. They make a thread, get 10 responses within 3 minutes, spend half an hour in their thread and they're done.
I'm not saying this is actually what an average 4chan poster does but I hope it does manage to get my point across. A site where you need to wait a couple of hours to get a response (if any) won't really interest /a/'s userbase I think.

>Also, I don't think we shoulf talk about how we have good mods and shit like that in the ad. That is only going to turn people off. We should just be letting people know of our existence, not trying to explain why we are better than 4chan.

I disagree. If we are no better than the alternative chans/fora why would people stay here?
'Better' is a subjective term and several things that we consider to be better - active moderation among others - actually means 'worse' for many people. 4chan in particular like to 'funpost'.
We need a couple of selling points, though. If you'll advertise /tc/ as a 'site where people discuss anime, manga, games and others' you'll just make it sound like we are one of the 100,000,000 sites about otaku culture. What makes us any different than them?
This is a bit of digression but people really love to have a reason to do things. On a subconcious level. If you'll ask 'excuse me, could I use it ahead of you' and try to cut in the line and copy things with a photocopier you're likely to get turned down. But if you'll say 'excuse me, could I use it ahead of you because I need to copy this' the chances that people will actually comply increase drastically. You didn't even give a valid reason - of course you need to copy it, that's why you're in line, the same goes for everybody - but you gave one. I don't remember what this effect is called, though.

>Yet, on Tohno-chan people come here to discuss other things like waifus and misery, but only anime as an afterthought.

That's because /so/ and /mai/ are more or less exclusive to us while pretty much all other boards can be found on other chans. Those two are our selling points but...

>New users take one look at the anime board, which is their primary interest, and most of them leave or go somewhere else to fulfill that void.

...but this happens. I think it can actually be prevented but it's not that easy.

>I have a strong belief that if the anime board's traffic increased, people would be more willing to stick around, which would in turn boost the traffic on the other boards.

That is what I also believe.

>Also, just as an afterthought, maybe it is finally time to condense some boards down that are completely dead?

We should probably do it.


The real wall of text starts here.
There are several things that could be done to try to improve the posting rate. All of them will require time (which I think most of us do have) and will (which I think none of us have).

First I think restructuring the site would be in order. We should consider merging some boards and perhaps actually adding new ones. /so/ and /mai/ are our flagship boards because they are unique to us but maybe we could create another board or two that couldn't be found elsewhere. How /akb/ factors into this is debatable. I know people don't like it and I certainly wouldn't want to make it public but if people who come to /tc/ just for /akb/ were to start to post on /an/, /vg/, /ma/ it would benefit the site as a whole, no? In theory we could advertise /akb/ while keeping it hidden but I don't know how I feel about that myself.

Second the posting rate has to actually increase before we will start advertising. If somebody new will drop by, go to /an/ and realize we've had like 20 posts over the course of a week (not right now maybe but we're still in the first month of a new season) they will ask themselves 'why should I bother?' and I can sympathize with them. We used to have 200 viewers a day, now it's 300 with /akb/ people. It's not like the site is just Tohno replying to himself. It's just general apathy that makes people not post. But if we'd like to make /tc/ a better place for everybody - including ourselves - there's some effort that needs to be put in first as an initial investment. Even if you're a permalurker this is in your best interest as well as you will - hopefully - get more posts to read.

Third, a solution which I believe would prove to be fairly effective but extremely drastic is turning over a new slate. When we had to move from ib4f to our current server the posting rates increased quite a bit early on. It's actually a fairly normal effect. If you'll make a new board people will post a lot on it at first because it's new and exciting but it will gradually die down after a while. We could move all the threads (on all boards) to /arc/ or - for a less drastic solution - we could simply move those which weren't bumped for more than 3 months. Threads rarely get necro'd on /tc/ so even though I know everybody would be very opposed to this at first if you'll think about it a little we wouldn't really lose all that much.
I could go on but let's stop here for now.

Between our rules and userbase I think /tc/ is fairly unique. I legitmately believe we could get quite a few new users if we tried a bit. It's just a matter of effort.
>> No. 5422 [Edit]
I like the way it tc was advertised when it was still a new site: a name drop here and there and tohno posting on the ghost board with the link in the email field. Its not blatant enough to draw trolls and criticism
>> No. 5423 [Edit]
That's probably the best way to go about it.
>> No. 5424 [Edit]

The best way is probably inviting people you actually know (and trust to have some posting standards). It's kinda hard to do on a site for hikki NEETs but surely some of us do have some net buddies who could contribute to the site. And those buddies have buddies who...
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