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3658 No. 3658 [Edit]
Are they really neccesary on a slow board like this? In my opinion they create an unneccesary level of organisation, at the expense of choking out other threads and causing the board to stagnate, because they become the most bumped threads on the board and posts get less responses than threads. Then eventually, you get Bunbunmaru.

e.g: '/so/ mental health general' If you have a mental health problem wouldn't it be nicer to make your own thread so people can narrow their focus to help you?

e.g2 'daily report thread' If you had a particuarly interesting thought or event occur to you, wouldn't it be nice to make a new thread about it and breathe some activity into the board?
>> No. 3659 [Edit]
At first I thought you were just another person complaining about how many boards we have for the billionth time. But this I actually agree with, new threads generate a lot more posts, even old threads that get bumped and become new to people who haven't seen them before.
The reason TC gets more traffic than /Bun/ is becuase of the spread out boards, and I think the same holds true for threads. but of course, you'll have plenty of people who claim they like having only 20 posts a day throughout the site.
I've always thought this thread was full of posts that could have worked well as their own threads.

That said, I like the current format for /an/ with one thread per anime (even if it does lead to some fighting about how the threads are made) it would be annoying if someone made a thread on that board for every stupid thought that crossed their mind. You'd have a flood of 2 or 3 post crappy threads as decent threads get pushed off to die becuase of it. it would be like 4chan.
Other boards might benefit from more new threads more often, but /an/ has a decent front page rotation of threads in my opinion. unlike other boards, if someone wants to comment on a current anime they'll go look for the thread and post in it. No one looks past the first page very often on other boards.
>> No. 3660 [Edit]
I fucking love Maka
>> No. 3661 [Edit]
The daily report thread is one of the most popular threads we have and it's way better than having every person make a brand new thread for what happened to them each day. We have a fine system right now, which is some super-threads and occasional topics, which would fit in the super thread, but are made into their own thread.

You're just reiterating what we already have in place. Catch-all threads are nice because they allow people who don't want to make their own "ALL ABOUT ME LOL" thread to contribute to the site in a meaningful way.

It's not like we're approaching /bun/ status, anyway; we're cruising right along just fine. I don't get why you think this needs iterating.
>> No. 3662 [Edit]
Given that the users actually want to clog up the boards with selfcentered, single purpose threads, that is.

I'll use myself as an example:
I would never dream of posting anything resembling a blog post anywhere but in a general thread for everyone; that's why I made the first daily report thread. Neither would I feel like making my health the centerpiece of a thread, that's why I encouraged the making of the mental health thread - props to anon-kun for making it.

It would be pointless to strive for a given ideal in the functioning of an imageboard, when it doesn't fit the general mannerism of the userbase. Of course I'm just one user, I'm not implying that I'm typical.
>> No. 3663 [Edit]
Why do you guys assume new threads would all be blogging threads for attention?
>> No. 3664 [Edit]
I don't. I'm just running by what the OP wrote. His examples are his only arguments against general threads, aside from making a super scary comparison with Bun. Like it or not, general threads are the lifeline of any imageboard.
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