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4311 No. 4311 [Edit]
MTX. Can't stand this stuff, every year it feels like eventually the whole industry is going to follow the gacha/lootbox route on even single player games.

Post edited on 16th Oct 2023, 8:23am
334 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 11901 [Edit]
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Necromancers always have bones as a costume theme.
>> No. 11918 [Edit]
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I'm so tired of realism...
In games.
>> No. 11941 [Edit]
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Infinte Combos
Stop it already...
>> No. 12002 [Edit]
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Incomplete games at launch and nickel&dime DLC really infruriates me...
>> No. 12010 [Edit]
Games that are still using isometric camera views. It was nostalgic 10 years ago. Now it just serves no purpose but to restrict your view of the gameplay in the worst possible way. If the player's vision NEEDS to be restricted for gameplay reasons, there are much more elegant and sensible ways to do so.

The only real exception to this are turn-based RPG/strategy games wherein it doesn't really matter if the camera (or your inability to properly move it) hinders the action, as it won't affect your efficiency anyway.

Post edited on 23rd Mar 2016, 11:36pm
>> No. 12012 [Edit]
Funny, earlier this week I was talking with a friend of mine how I'm glad some games still use isometric view nowadays and how the RPG genere basically died for me the second it moved away from it.
To each his own I guess.
>> No. 12082 [Edit]
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How does isometric view restrict vision? I always thought that level design restricts vision more than the field of vision?
>> No. 12090 [Edit]
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>> No. 12113 [Edit]
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>> No. 12351 [Edit]
It's not a big deal, but it bugs me a bit when games ask me to input a first -and- last name. I don't much like using my real name, and I'm not the type to play a Lenthly game as "Drew Peacock". I'd rather just use my online nick, since it feels more accurate than my 'real' name anyways. Last time I played a game like this I ended up going with <real first name> <online nick>, assuming characters in game might call me one or the other. Instead it ended up being both together much of the time.
>> No. 12353 [Edit]
Anyone who plays TF2 think that the competitive update ruined the feel of the game?

I don't like competitive multilayer, I just want to play a fun game. They just added it to pander to the CS GO children, and it has fragmented the community, because the only unranked games are community servers, and they are all either weird gamemodes, modded, or just empty.
>> No. 12356 [Edit]
I played one game in the competitive update, didn't understand the system and didn't touch it since.
>> No. 12725 [Edit]
I just wish more games let you quit to desktop/windows without dealing with a labyrinth of menus and loading screens to get there. sure I can alt tab out, but would it kill them to just put a button somewhere in the pause screen?
>> No. 12816 [Edit]
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I agree with that. UI seems to be a lost art unless you're Apple.
>> No. 12819 [Edit]
Apple products have terrible UI though.
>> No. 12820 [Edit]
My thoughts exactly.
>> No. 13471 [Edit]
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Old games repackaged with minimal effort like SF30th anniversary edition.
>> No. 13588 [Edit]
Why Remake/Sequel/Reboot?
Easy money for studios

>> No. 13619 [Edit]
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Gaming machines with sensible naming schemes. *looks at Xbox*
At least, Playstation and Apple phones go this right. Yes, I play on my iPhone7.
>> No. 13648 [Edit]
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Still a problem years later in 2019

Delayed is fine as long as it's allowed to be polished better before release.
>> No. 13669 [Edit]
>Delayed is fine
You're part of the problem.
>> No. 13672 [Edit]
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Hardware upgrades annoy me...

PSV time in 2020?
>> No. 13675 [Edit]
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The wii had a nice, classic controller. It didn't come with it though.
>> No. 13682 [Edit]
What's the next gen Xbox going to be called? Placed your bets.
>> No. 13684 [Edit]
xbox y
>> No. 13762 [Edit]
Close. It's Xbox X. Mmmm.. Triple X.

Playstation is just going to be PS5.
>> No. 13838 [Edit]
Microsoft can not logically name anything. This is the company that skipped from Windows 8 to Windows 10 because of Windows95. *sigh*
>> No. 13839 [Edit]
I think 8.1 was technically 9.
>> No. 14104 [Edit]
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>Xbox Series S
>Xbox Series X
No Xbox Series E... *sigh* You had one job...
>> No. 14108 [Edit]
That's the next one, like Tesla.
>> No. 14121 [Edit]
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Tesla Model 3 isn't the same as Xbox Series E.. Hehe.
>> No. 14708 [Edit]
I hate that a full priced base-game comes with mtx as well. Used to be that mtx was only for f2p games and big studio games have everything in the game. Now? You gotta research how much is the price and what's in the game as well as what got cut for paid dlc. Ugh. Elden Ring and PoE are fine while Acti-Blizzard games fail for double-dipping.
>> No. 14788 [Edit]
Play Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian studios
>> No. 14810 [Edit]
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Empire of the Ants

When the cinematic trailer and the gameplay trailer look nothing alike...
>> No. 14830 [Edit]
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Now a full price game can have mtx like DiabloIV or StreetFighterVI.
>> No. 14882 [Edit]
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Capcom is adding DRM Enigma Protector to their back catalog of games. Prevents modding, cheat engine, and reduces performance by up to 10-15 fps with stutters.
*it never ends...*
>> No. 14883 [Edit]
Good things never last. Capcom had a 'comeback' in the last few years with games such as DMC V, Resident Evil 7, 2 Remake, 8, and I heard that people liked the Remake of 4 but I did not play it.
Then they squander all of that good faith again and ruin their back catalogue of games. Very cool!
>> No. 14982 [Edit]
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Game developers getting fired for reasons. Blizzard, Riot, Twitch jobs getting axed; not a good start for anno domini 2024....
>> No. 15074 [Edit]
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Where are big game studios gonna return to 2d sprites? I miss them...
>> No. 15088 [Edit]
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Easy executions? Make strict execution to gatekeep the newbies!

Why is it so hard to reversal in Street Fighter Alpha 2?
>> No. 15116 [Edit]
This doesn't seem to make much sense to me, because the actual DRM itself is very sophisticated these days. The DRM itself doesn't prevent billy and his friends from copying, it's weeks of hard work for expert reverse engineers to make sense of it. Once a game is cracked though, it just needs to be downloaded from somewhere. Even this step is sometimes too much for normans, but that has nothing to do with the DRM itself or anything the game company can do. How and where the cracked game copy is distributed, is completely out of the control from the hands of the game developers/publishers.
>> No. 15117 [Edit]
That gets me thinking, even if a game is entirely on a disc, it still has DRM. Can you really say you own a file if you can't make a copy of it?
>> No. 15118 [Edit]
Arguably more so, than just having it on Steam or from the Playstation Store, but it really depends on the type of DRM. If it's just regular copy protection, I'd say you own it regardless, but as soon as it requires some external software or requires an online service to play, it's not yours anymore, because it's out of your control, what happens to the game. If the servers for the DRM get shut down, it'll be rendered unplayable or if the external software isn't available, it would render your game useless too.

For example a PS1 game, might have DRM, but always playable as long as you have the hardware and the game itself. There is nothing preventing you to play it in any case. It's yours. It applies to a lesser extent to old Windows games without online DRM or, because those require Windows itself, which is an ever-updating behemoth, but theoretically you can still use Windows XP in 20 years (it's just not as easy as putting the disk into your PS1 and start playing).
>> No. 15119 [Edit]
>It applies to a lesser extent to old Windows games without online DRM or, because those require Windows itself, which is an ever-updating behemoth, but theoretically you can still use Windows XP in 20 years (it's just not as easy as putting the disk into your PS1 and start playing).
Assuming you have a working PS1, which aren't being produced anymore. Running XP in a vm is a lot easier than getting a fpga PS1 clone to run your physical discs.
>> No. 15127 [Edit]
It just hit me it's been 13 years. How do you feel about MTX nowadays, Tohno?
>> No. 15130 [Edit]
Honestly the OP post was about weapon limits, and how at some point it became the norm in games to only be allowed to carry 3 at a time. which is why the image has a heavily modded version of CJ from GTASA including a mod that displays all the weapons you have on your character
That much is something I've kinda gotten used to (not all games can be Ratchet and clank I guess)
At some point not long ago the post got edited and I never got around to fixing it.

As for gacha/lootbox, I really really hated seeing looboxes incorporated into single player games (I don't do multi much), but yeah I still hate the concept. For one thing, I tend to hate multiplayer games, that level of human interaction is more stressful and less fun for me, and this stuff just reminds me of some of the worst elements of multiplayer games in general. I mean the whole point of lootboxes is essentially gambling anyway, if you're not paying directly for rolls, you're still spending your time, it feels like a stalling tactic to keep you grinding for a small chance of getting items you need. Imagine going to work everyday just for a random chance of getting a paycheck at the end of the week.
When gaming made the shift from arcades to home consoles, they carried over a lot of the insane difficulty traits that were designed to suck up your quarters, but eventually devs realized there was no point in making home games with those elements, they already got your money. I feel like the same logic should apply to lootboxes in single player games. For that mater, I think it usually just makes no sense in the game world logic. When you're ancient ruins, you're finding treasure and items left behind, often those items can tell a story on their own about an adventurer who didn't make it and dropped his sword there. Instead I'm to believe they dropped their single use slot machine?

As for gacha, I suppose it's pretty similar, in some ways it's even worse, and I'll admit I've played my fair share of gacha games. It'd be a little hypocritical to defend it, but I will say gacha games feel like a much more long term investment so I guess that's why I find it 'less' annoying. I know I'm 'eventually' going to get that super rare moe.png. It feels like an inevitability if I keep playing the game, and those rolls feel like a separate thing anyway. I can play a gacha game without doing any rolling, and that's often exactly what I do until a moe.png comes along I want.
>> No. 15131 [Edit]
>When gaming made the shift from arcades to home consoles, they carried over a lot of the insane difficulty traits that were designed to suck up your quarters, but eventually devs realized there was no point in making home games with those elements, they already got your money
I don't think that was a good thing though. Arcadey design, at least in Japanese games, was not about just fucking you over unfairly but to get you to seriously engage with the game's mechanics and master them.
>> No. 15132 [Edit]
Sure if you're only looking at the best games. If you're not...
>> No. 15134 [Edit]
Well, no matter what principles games are being made with, some games are just bad. Arcadey games are still sometimes made today so it's not like they're completely gone either, although it's far from the norm.
>> No. 15178 [Edit]
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People always complain about mascot horror but honestly, I'm getting even more sick of this quote-unquote "yandere" genre where it's just the thinnest layer of moe aesthetics which is then "subverted" by an equally as shallow killer girl who "glitches the game" or "breaks the 4th wall" or something.
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