No. 295
>I'm not really a racist. Though that being said I don't go into any black part of town in the rare occasion that I have to go outside
You're most definitely a racist, buddy. It's just that racism is simply common sense.
Look up racial crime statistics in the US (or whatever country you live in), avoiding Blacks is perfectly logical if you want to avoid becoming victim of a crime.
It's called inductive reasoning, a philosophy professor I know made a good video about it:
>I don't care about them 'stealing jobs' because they do the shit no one wants to anyway
You should care about it. Mass-immigration messes up the distribution of wealth in society.
The laws of the market dictate that if a job needs to get done but nobody wants to do it, employers need to raise wages and improve working conditions until they attract enough workers who are willing to take the job.
But instead of doing that, employers simply lobby the government to flood our country's labor market with unskilled immigrants so that companies can get away with paying their employees the same shitty low wages.
Look up the Gastarbeiter program that flooded West Germany with cheap unskilled labor imported directly from the Balkans and from Turkey. Before that program was started, doing "the shit no one wants to do" was a good way of making money, back then garbage collectors made almost as much money as doctors or engineers.
Back in the day when leftists like W.E.B. Du Bois still actually cared about workers, they were against mass-immigration:
Today all they care about is destroying Western civilization.
>Who here is racist?
I'm a racist and a nationalist. I'm not offended if you call me a Nazi.
I believe that every ethnic group should have its own nation-state. Making different kinds of people live together in the same country creates tons of problems (we wouldn't be having this conversation if I wasn't right about this point). Just take a look at Syria, that's multiculturalism at work right there.
Also learning 日本語 helped turning me into a nationalist, because the more I became immersed in Japanese culture, the more envious I grew of the fact that they actually have a country of their own where they don't have to spend all day dealing with fucking immigrants who hate their nation and don't even speak their language.
>Against which race(s)
Mainly against Jews and Turks.
With Turks it was mostly a gut reaction that stems from living around them (in my school, there were more Turkish immigrants than native Germans). I simply thought their behavior and culture were absolutely disgusting, not to mention the horrible stench many of them give off as the result of their diet and poor hygiene.
I'd be perfectly fine with Turks if they'd simply stay in their own country. I don't think much about them anymore now that I live in a city that has very few of them, although the recent Muslim Rapefugee invasion has made it impossible not to think about immigrantion in general.
On an intellectual level, I try not to hate Turks and other immigrants too much, because the individual immigrant isn't at fault for my country's immigration policy.
As for Jews, I used to think positively of them, but then I read the Torah/Tanakh (i.e. the Old Testament) which made me realize how wicked their religion and subsequently much of their culture is.
Just take Isaiah 60 for example, which promises to the Jews a Jewish world government under which all nations of the earth will have to either bow down and serve Israel as slaves or be destroyed, and serves as an inspiration for today's religious Zionists:
None of this would matter if they weren't so powerful in our society. I mean just look at the big six media conglomerates that control 90% of American media and check out the ethnic background of the CEOs:
The Jews control virtually everything you see, hear and read in the mass media, thus unless you are aware of their power and their agenda, they practically own your mind.