NEET is not a label, it's a way of life!
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File 150899961756.jpg - (18.80KB , 704x400 , satou.jpg )
23029 No. 23029 [Edit]
Why are you a hikikomori /tc/?.
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>> No. 23030 [Edit]
I did the hikikomori thing for a few years after finding myself in an argument with a sorry excuse for a woman at work. It screwed me up psychology and made me not want to leave my room. I only ever did so for food supplies after dark and to do #2, did #1 with bottles. I guess I also kind of lost sight of the point to living, working, and all that stuff. After all, I had everything I needed and was content with that. That and there wasn't much out there for me. I've not had good experiences with friends and never had a 3dpd. I dropped out of school and saw no future. Pretty much all of that still applies to this day, but being Hikki mode was really fucking with my head and I realized I had to get out of that.
>> No. 23031 [Edit]

10 years almost 11 hikki here coming from personal experience spending time alone with yourself almost 24/7 can get depressing at times there are days i literally cry myself to sleep you are lucky that you got out of the lifestyle anon.
>> No. 23034 [Edit]
File 150906058550.jpg - (343.68KB , 820x1000 , 28b90724c46e57d386cdd310b6484aebd7d062ab.jpg )
I'm nearly a hikki now but I try not to be.
I'm in school, I try to socialize even though it doesn't work out often, I try to hold down a job even though my most recent two jobs (which were my first) didn't end well, and I try to go outside.
I had plenty of time to be a hikki when I was in middle and high school and I was just that. Didn't go outside because I had nothing to do, nobody invited me, the few friends I had when I had them didn't invite me to anything (I almost wondered if maybe they didn't have anything to invite anyone to). And I had so much hate for myself in those days.
That time was fun in it's own way but I regret it and I wanted something better back then. Today I try to climb out when I can.
>> No. 23035 [Edit]
>I had plenty of time to be a hikki when I was in middle and high school and I was just that
You can't be a hikikomori, if you go out regularly. Staying at home during your free time doesn't count.

I have to go to university almost every day, never talk to anyone unless I really have to (e.g. for class), have no friends and I'm in my small apartment (I live alone) every free second. But that does not make me a hikikomori. The fact that I go outside a lot and have to see people and hear them talking excludes me from being a hikikomori.

Even if you have no courses in summer and stay inside the whole time not socializing with people at all, you are not a hikikomori during that time. It bothers me every time I read people claiming they are only because of that.

As I live now, the hikikomori lifestyle really seems desirable for me since I only feel relaxed/comfortable when I'm alone and I only enjoy that time because I know nobody will disturb me. But looking at all those posts of people who are hikikomori, it seems like the isolation gets to pretty much everyone. Those 2-3 months of isolation you can have are nothing compared to the time hikikomori spend alone.
So I think people really need to stop throwing around that term. It's inconsiderate.

Post edited on 26th Oct 2017, 5:02pm
>> No. 23037 [Edit]
File 150907518969.jpg - (52.81KB , 674x511 , hikikomori meme.jpg )
>You can't be a hikikomori, if you go out regularly. Staying at home during your free time doesn't count.

Exactly hikikomori means to withdraw from society all together and staying at home almost 24/7.
>> No. 23039 [Edit]
>Staying at home during your free time doesn't count.
Not him, but I skipped school just to stay in my room. Even went a couple months straight at one point being locked up in my room. Only started going back because of legal obligations.
>> No. 23040 [Edit]
I didn't claim that you could not be a hikikomori in the time of your life you're supposed to go to school but it seems somewhat unlikely exactly because of the obligations you have. Most pupils live with their parents and they/the state force them to go like you mentioned. (But supposedly a lot of hikis start out in that time)

>Even went a couple months straight at one point being locked up in my room.
If the couple months were at least six you were a hikikomori per definition. Less and you were not.
Putting it down to a number like that is somewhat strange but it makes sense as a reference point. Like I said one or two months (and probably not even six but where would you start) don't really provide the experience hikikomoris have with their years of social isolation (also living with one's parents does hinder the social isolation, I'd differentiate between hikikomoris living alone and those living with their parent(s), the latter sounds a lot worse since you're confronted with you failing social obligations on a daily basis). Above all if one is embedded in a system like school or university and one knows he is obliged to go back to at some point.

Post edited on 27th Oct 2017, 2:54am
>> No. 23041 [Edit]
>If the couple months were at least six you were a hikikomori per definition.

Exactly though in South Korea it's 3 months so if you lived there you would be considred a hikikomori over there it's different in other places but correct by the original definition it's 6 months or more.
>> No. 23056 [Edit]
>I'm in school, I try to socialize
You're definitely, absolutely, not a hiki. Not 50% hiki, not 25% hiki. 0% hiki. You cannot be in school or have a (non-home) job and be a hikikomori. You can't just take up a defined term and warp it to your convenience so you can pretend you belong. Stop it immediately.
>It bothers me every time I read people claiming they are only because of that.
Me too. Same when people who say they're a NEET but are not. Or even worse, people who say qualify as a hiki or a NEET only because they allegedly align with the "ideology".
>the hikikomori lifestyle really seems desirable
>it seems like the isolation gets to pretty much everyone
I'd say it's just that people to whom isolation hurts end up being the most vocal about it. I've absolutely loved being a hiki when I was one and forever envious of people who have parents who have no issue maintaining them as long as they can. UBI cannot come soon enough.
>people really need to stop throwing around that term. It's inconsiderate.
Massive understatement. Specially when people like the quoted above do it (on purpose, or unknowingly) as some sort of "credential" to fit in.
It's a defined term with defined criteria:
>1. Spending most of the day and nearly every day confined to home.
>2. Marked and persistent avoidance of social situations.
>3. Social withdrawal symptoms causing significant functional impairment.
>4. Duration of at least six months.
>5. No apparent physical etiology to account for the social withdrawal symptoms.
>> No. 23062 [Edit]
>No apparent physical etiology to account for the social withdrawal symptoms.

This is not always true.
>> No. 23063 [Edit]
It is. If you're a hikikomori because your schizophrenia makes it unbearable to go outside, it doesn't count. Hikidom has to stem from the will to be a recluse.
>> No. 23087 [Edit]
can you just be quiet already. fucking STILL have to feel above others on /so/ of all places.
>> No. 23088 [Edit]
I don't think it would be wrong to say a good chunk of TC's user base is here to feel better about themselves for not being as bad off as the next guy.
>> No. 23089 [Edit]
Not him but he just stated facts. That's how the phenomena is defined.
I don't get how you'd interpret that as trying to be above others. Hikikomori isn't really a desirable status you should or could show off with in my opinion. And we don't know, if he's a Hikikomori in the first place.

I think trying to clear up some misconceptions about the term (above all since a few people here seem to not know much about it despite it being considered part of the name of the board) is a good thing and you should not feel personally attacked as long as he isn't writing something aggressive or mean. His post looks completely neutral to me and if you disagree, I'd like to know what exactly makes it look like he's trying to feel superior. Pointing out things that are wrong is not a personal attack. Everyone makes mistakes. Pointing them out without being an ass is helpful more than anything.

I think it would. Or at least I hope this is not the case for the majority. We are like-minded people and it'd be stupid to try to push others on here down.
I never got how one could feel better about himself after seeing that others are "worse". It doesn't make you less shit, other people shouldn't influence your opinion of yourself. If you're content with yourself others being "worse" or "better" shouldn't matter.

Post edited on 12th Nov 2017, 12:08am
>> No. 23090 [Edit]
Huh. Sometimes I get the impression it's the opposite, a contest of who has been more let down by society.
>> No. 23091 [Edit]
If you want to hijack a established and medically (or "medically" if you prefer) studied terminology just so that you can pretend to fit in with a particular demographic or achieve a sense of belonging, that's your problem, not others'. This isn't your tumblr or a forum hug-box where it is not allowed to state facts that contradict any and all delusions or misconceptions you may have. If you don't like it, then inform yourself so you won't end up lashing out with a projection of your insecurity. There is leeway regarding what qualifies as a hikikomori, but that doesn't include external conditions like the one in the post you quoted.
>trying to be above others.
Some people just don't like being disagreed with.
>Hikikomori isn't really a desirable status you should or could show off
I feel it's an understandable life choice and one that shouldn't be chastised, so some people who end as a hiki and end up hating it can get the support to "reform" what they might consider bad habits that impair them from trying to live a regular lifestyle. Apart, it's tough to be a hiki unless you are being maintained by a 3rd party or you have savings for a lifetime, but this phenomenon is not something new, so that makes it something normaldry shuns (e.g. "leeching"). Recluses and hermits have existed for as long as there has been written account. Probably even before civilizations when humans banded together to survive, some odd specimen strayed from their pack to live and tackle the world on their own against all odds.
>seem to not know much about it despite it being considered part of the name of the board
A true oddity to me, which is why...
>as long as he isn't writing something aggressive or mean.'s hard not to get aggressive sometimes when one of the fundamentals of board culture (lurk before posting, e.g. at least google what an otaku and a hikikomori are before participating) is so brazenly ignored. I won't deny I could use being more diplomatic about it though.
>it'd be stupid to try to push others on here down.
I agree. If I'm discussing something, I do to clear something up, not bring others down, or to try to learn about the topic in he least biased way possible.
>how one could feel better about himself after seeing that others are "worse".
Also agree. One of the things I've never understood others share is the desire for others to suffer (unrelated example: People claiming bull-fighters should be gore and then left to die). Torture of any kind is wrong, even psychological, like manipulation, which even non-normals engage in, sadly.
Not everyone here vents their entire history, specially because (I assume/d) there is an unspoken understanding that pain is relative and competition solves nothing, at least certainly not respite from it.
>> No. 23092 [Edit]
First of all I don't give a damn about identity bullshit. Well, I do, but that can't be helped.

I'm thinking on a bigger scale here. Is this how you get your sense of purpose? Take a step back and think about why you do anything. To feel "good" about yourself in some way. To satisfy our primal insticts. Don't do it in real life? Do it in a video game. It's not real bro! We are just a bunch of hyprocrites and we know it deep down. That's the real delusion.
>> No. 23093 [Edit]
First of all I don't give a damn about identity bullshit. Well, I do, but that can't be helped.

I'm thinking on a bigger scale here. Is this how you get your sense of purpose? Take a step back and think about why you do anything. To feel "good" about yourself in some way. To satisfy our primal insticts. Don't do it in real life? Do it in a video game. It's not real bro! We are just a bunch of hyprocrites and we know it deep down. That's the real delusion.
>> No. 23104 [Edit]
I must ask: how do other hikikomori deal with having no money?
My only source of income is collecting low value coins my legal guardian doesn't need. I can't get welfare. I save penny by penny. And there are a lot of things I want, like nendos, posters, figures, some PC parts, some savings in case of an emergency, and I want to order high quality food. I would like to have something between 1 and 2k United States dollars in total. But it takes so long to save money that I start spending everything by the time I get to $100 or so on bootleg merchandise and ordering low quality food like fried chicken. It's so frustrating. If I were to work for a few months I would easily save that much money I need but that's out of the question. Being a theft is out of the question too as it implies going out. And like I said I can't get into welfare. And nobody wants to donate 1 grand to a hiki NEET. I really want money but I can't and I won't change my lifestyle. Everything would be so much better if I had money. Money is the most important thing. Arrrrgh, it's so frustrating.
>> No. 23105 [Edit]
Well, it depends a lot on your location and your education. Where are you from? Are you able to use paypal for transactions and move the money back and forth to a bank account? How many languages do you know?
>> No. 23111 [Edit]
You just deal with it. If you can't, then you can't; being a hikineet is only for the most stoic of men.

'A covetous man shall not be satisfied with money: and he that loveth riches shall reap no fruit from them: so this also is vanity.'
>> No. 23112 [Edit]

Some hikikomori work from home.
>> No. 23127 [Edit]
I've been hikkikomori for nearly 10 years, mostly because I don't care bout this crazy world fed up with bullshit consummerism, shallow people and identity politics. In Europe, nobody cares about self-preservation and it's all littered by leftist idiots that can't wait to die.

We're supposed to work to sustain refugees that get free money while European NEETs are denied welfare even after years of constant job hunting. Fuck their hypocritical bullshit. One eventually ends up quitting any attempts to get employed. What for? You know people hate you, and you hate people because of how hypocritical they are. Fuck them all.
>> No. 23128 [Edit]
>We're supposed to work to sustain refugees that get free money while European NEETs are denied welfare even after years of constant job hunting
I'd be careful talking about European NEETs in general like that since social systems of the various countries work quite different. If you live in a country that actually has no jobs, I can understand your complaints but if you live in a country that has a ton of them but still supports lazy faggots who don't want to work despite being able to, I don't.
Since you mentioned refugees I can't help to think of the latter and there I have to say that you should be glad for every year the country supports you even if you have to pretend you want to work.

I really don't have anything against people who don't want to work and live like hikikomori (I wish I could do the same) but I can't stand looking at people who complain despite being able to do it, since there are a lot of people in other countries who can't.

It sounds like you're a NEET, if you are, I wonder how you were able to keep up the NEET lifestyle for 10 years, if you don't live in a country that supports you not working (and still complain about the government as if you were dependent on it) but if you do just ignore my rambling, just try not to get upset over those things, if you don't need them.
>> No. 23129 [Edit]
>We're supposed to work to sustain refugees that get free money
Just the thought of having to pay taxes to sustain filthy, disorderly, disrespectful invaders just for the sake of a country-destructing agenda sickens me. Sadly, I don't think I will be a HikiNEET for long, since the NEETcenter is on to me.
>You know people hate you, and you hate people because of how hypocritical they are.
Not only that, but some of the more perceptive normals can feel the default disdain for them and will go out of their way to bother you, or even outright sabotage you, solely for the way you act around them.
>but still supports lazy faggots who don't want to work despite being able to,
Careful, buddy. Remember where you are. Even if I were to say I'm a tax-parasite and the current avatar of sloth itself, you should mind your words.
>you should be glad for every year the country supports you
I don't know how acquainted you are with the invasion, but refugees, specially in UK, Sweden, Germany and Austria, get more yearly money than natives on welfare. This is proven, with numbers, from the aforementioned respective migration ministries. Additionally, a lot of bigger cities already have housing issues, which become insanely aggravated due to the local governments buying or renting off buildings solely for the sake of housing refugees, at the expense of people from their actual country. This makes it even worse for the homeless, since all the shelters become occupied with foreigners. If you add that refugees basically get no pressure whatsoever to get a job (I've seen this personally, and heard it almost a hundred times now) and are in their majority a pest, then it's wholly understandable people here get upset about they living of their taxes. At least most welfare recipients here end up being crude stimulus packages.
>> No. 23130 [Edit]
Nah, I get support from nobody. Except for my parents that is. Which is what would make any sane jobless person go crazy when they see those huge benefits they give to families composed of 5 or more Muslim immigrants that will eventually murder us all.

I don't know what you talk about with differences, even in my country (where I will be honest to say immigration is lower than average like the literal caliphates you mention, that will abandon their current from in less than 20 years) the same mantras about how we have to pay for le poor rapefugee and how we're super evil apply just as much as Germany, UK or Sweden.

I don't even care anymore. Shit is going to hit the fan regardless of me having le job paying taxes and being the nicest of goyim. Actually this way at least, I'm helping the collapse which I also want it to happen. At least then, maybe there's a slim chance that Europeans in general kick them out. Just maybe.
>> No. 23131 [Edit]
>Just the thought of having to pay taxes to sustain filthy, disorderly, disrespectful invaders just for the sake of a country-destructing agenda sickens me. Sadly, I don't think I will be a HikiNEET for long, since the NEETcenter is on to me.
And I'm convinced that just the thought of having to pay taxes to sustain filthy, disorderly, disrespectful unemployed in general just for the sake of a country-destructing agenda sickens the tax payers who are actually more justified to be upset since it's their money we talk about.

>Careful, buddy. Remember where you are. Even if I were to say I'm a tax-parasite and the current avatar of sloth itself, you should mind your words.
I know where I am and you should too. Calling people out for what they are is justified and I see no reason for you to be upset because of it unless you are offended that I used faggot which leads back to remembering where you are.
I already said that I have no problem with lazy faggots and I wish I could be one too but they seriously have no reason to get upset for getting called one above all when they complain about the fucked up system that enables them (you really can't believe that the social systems of the countries you mentioned are healthy for the economy, there's no rational reason to enable parasites in general regardless of their nationality since they all live off of other people's money, the only people that are entitled to welfare, if at all, are the ones who are not able to work, and, no, depression or stupid shit like that doesn't count. Social shit like that is part of the reason why your "invaders" receive money).

>I don't know how acquainted you are with the invasion, but refugees, specially in UK, Sweden, Germany and Austria, get more yearly money than natives on welfare.
I'm very well acquainted with it and I already told you why I think that welfare for people who don't work is shit. Some refugees at least want to work, so it's fine if they get some welfare for a short (!) amount of time until they themselves pay taxes which native parasites most likely won't as long as they can leech off the state.
Stuff like child support for children who don't even live in the country they receive it from only because their father works in that country is fucked up too.

If it's only support for a short time (considering the state doesn't support your unemployment, I doubt they would do that for the refugees for an extendend amount of time) and immigration is low in your country I don't see your problem. Most of these refugees choose the best country anyways (them being able to is also fucked up)..

>I don't even care anymore.
That's good, then don't complain, don't get upset. It's wasted energy unless you actually want to change it and go into politics before they murder you all but I doubt you will.

Both of you sound really upset over this which I honestly can't really understand. Why do you care about other people in general let alone refugees when you only rarely leave your rooms? It also puzzles me how it angers you that other people also get money they don't really deserve.
Hell, I'm unfortunate enough to have to go outside almost every day and I don't really care about anyone I have the displeasure to interact with even if I only have to share the same street as them. Admittedly I'd prefer them just disappearing or me not having to see their faces at all but I don't really get upset over it.

Either way as >>23129 said we buddies should remember where we are I don't see /pol/ in the address bar and I doubt people want this shit here, even on /tat/, but if you really want to continue discussing this, feel free to make a thread there. I'll respond until either of us gets fed up.

Mod Warning: Don't link to that site. Copy and paste the text without it; I'll delete the post in 6 hours.

edit: Is this okay?

Post edited on 28th Nov 2017, 2:53pm
>> No. 23132 [Edit]
If you're either left-wing inclined or completely clueless about how this world works, you will never understand this.

In any case, he asked why people are hikki and some of us have replied. I guess that just critisizing and arguiing why this world is utter trash also makes people be racist or something.
>> No. 23133 [Edit]
>If you're either left-wing inclined or completely clueless about how this world works, you will never understand this.
Claiming that the opponent in a discussion can never understand based on some assumptions made for whatever reason isn't really a good argument. But I'm fine with ending this discussion.

>In any case, he asked why people are hikki and some of us have replied.
Yes and I replied to that reply starting a discussion that doesn't really belong here. I didn't say the first post was off-topic.

>I guess that just critisizing and arguiing why this world is utter trash also makes people be racist or something.
You guess wrong, also if you imply that I said anything like that, nice strawman.
It's pretty obvious why the posts are racist but I didn't say anything about that. The only problem I have is the thought that an action one does oneself (i.e. leeching off the government) shouldn't be allowed for other people. I don't really care about the motive for that, just calling it out for what it is.

To the mod: Couldn't you have edited it out yourself, if plain text is okay, instead of deleting the post later on? Just wondering.
>> No. 23134 [Edit]
Yeah, that's okay. Feel free to edit again and remove the mod warning as well as the question in the other post and then I'll delete this post of mine and we'll pretend this never happened.
>Couldn't you have edited it out yourself
Yes, but people are very sparky lately so I'd rather not edit myself and then get called a fascist nazi and have to lock the thread.

Post edited on 28th Nov 2017, 3:28pm
>> No. 23135 [Edit]
>Feel free to edit again and remove the mod warning as well as the question in the other post and then I'll delete this post of mine and we'll pretend this never happened.
It'd be probably better to leave it for others. It's not in the rules unless you count it as advertising and previous posts with direct links didn't get a warning as far as I know, so leaving it clears things up I think.

>Yes, but people are very sparky lately so I'd rather not edit myself and then get called a fascist nazi and have to lock the thread.
I think you can never make anything right for people who complain about something like that but I understand.
>> No. 23202 [Edit]

Then what would you call people who are still in school like high school but when they skip school or on their days off they are always isolated in their rooms like Tomoko from Watamote?? i think that's still a hikikomori just a less extreme version. When i was in middle school i started to isolate myself on my days off from school and on days i skipped school i spent all my time in my room and my dad would bring my meals up to me and leave them outside my door the only reason i still went to school sometimes was because i didn't want my parents to yell at me.
>> No. 23205 [Edit]
>what would you call people who... are always isolated in their rooms
>are always isolated in their rooms
You answered to yourself. Alternatively: Introvert, withdrawn, asocial.
>i think that's still a hikikomori just a less extreme version
I can say wine is water because you can distil it into the latter with enough time and tools, but that doesn't mean I'm right. It's objectively not water.
>like Tomoko from Watamote
She isn't a hiki by any standard, she's withdrawn because she's ugly as hell, unkempt and disorderly, socially inept, and can't get herself out of her own moronic head, but she still desperately yearns for social interaction, acceptance and acknowledgement, which hikis don't in general. She's by all standards a failed normal, which you would have realized if you had taken a long, hard look at the title of the manga she's the protagonist of.
>> No. 23206 [Edit]
File 151443247280.png - (86.12KB , 484x522 , tomoko older hikki.png )

It's clear that you didn't read my full post or read it wrong also well i guarantee you most hikikomori wish they weren't so anti-social in the first place and Tomoko isn't a failed normalfag where did you even get that idea?? and she doesn't just withdraw because shes ugly it's also because she feels casted out the wine is water analogy is stupid the fact of the natter is the term is no longer a Japanese only term and in recent years has been added to the oxford english dictionary and is now a generalized term for people who shut themselves away and the term can be used informally as well so yes Tomoko is still a hikki just a less extreme one.
>> No. 23207 [Edit]
File 151443301835.png - (52.03KB , 249x238 , 1263006725360.png )
itt: I'm more hikki than thou
>> No. 23208 [Edit]
>in recent years has been added to the oxford english dictionary and is now a generalized term for people who shut themselves away and the term can be used informally as well so yes Tomoko is still a hikki just a less extreme one.

It's called the bastardization of a term like how normalfags spout weeb without knowing it's a shortening of weeaboo which was an archaic wordfilter for wapanese that means something entirely different than those who use the term "weeb."But TC has become increasingly normalfag these past few years so I guess my post is pretty pointless, huh?
>> No. 23209 [Edit]
>TC has become increasingly normalfag these past few years

No it hasn't.
>> No. 23211 [Edit]
>i guarantee you
Based on what? Do you perform surveys? Have you acquainted yourself with most, if not all, publications regarding hikikomori? Or is this just an extrapolation of your own feelings?
>Tomoko isn't a failed normalfag where did you even get that idea?
Failed normals are people that want to and dream about being normals, but are held back by factors that are usually within their control; they all almost invariably suffer about not being able to adhere to the lifestyle and "stepping stones" of normals. Like I mentioned before, you would have realized this if you had read the title of her manga: "私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い / No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!". She literally wants to be popular on a social level.
>she doesn't just withdraw because shes ugly it's also because she feels casted out
Being ugly lowers your self-esteem, specially if it's pointed out to you a lot. This makes people insecure, which can make them withdrawn. She's additionally unkempt, disorderly, dumb and clumsy. I'll assume you watched the anime at the very least, in which case you'd know Tomoko was very outgoing and extroverted before she entered high school, but then became withdrawn afterwards. She obsesses about going out with her friend, envies the attention she gets, daydreams about social standing all the time, etc. She's proven over and over she's anything but a hikikomori. Even more so in the manga.
>the term can be used informally as well
I invite you to go to the Oxford site and read the examples it gives for both its definitions. Almost every one falls under the 5-point criteria system. If you're curious, read more about the posts/news regarding its inclusion.
>so yes Tomoko is still a hikki just a less extreme one
No, Tomoko is not a hikikomori, period. How can you argue she is when she constantly and persistently displays behaviours opposite to what hikikomori do? Are you one of those that didn't actually watch her anime or read her manga and just has an idea of her identity based on memes?
I'm surprised it took this long for someone to claim this was some form of gatekeeping. What I don't understand is how adamant some of you are about warping the meaning and context of the term to fit your own condition or your perceived notions. It happened too with the term NEET near the beginning of the thread until that snowflake had a breakdown. It's completely fine and even encouraged to discuss the term and it's boundaries within logic, but trying to hijack it so blatantly is just despicable, specially on a site like this one.
>It's called the bastardization of a term
Indeed. It's the same principle as people misappropriating terms like NEET to refer to lazing around in their free time; like Waifu to mean any and all female (even some "male" now) characters that they find likeable, regardless if 2D or 3D; like Cosplay to refer to costumes; and if you want to go that far, even Gamer for people that play videogames just as a regular pastime.
>TC has become increasingly normalfag
Can't fully disagree, but further discussion should be done in /fb/.
>> No. 23212 [Edit]
>What I don't understand is how adamant some of you are about warping the meaning and context of the term to fit your own condition or your perceived notions
Same here. If >>23202 actually had read the thread and understood what has been said, he wouldn't have made that post, the criteria are even in this thread, he doesn't need to look it up somewhere else.
It's a clearly defined term, I don't know what could be so hard to understand here.

>It happened too with the term NEET near the beginning of the thread until that snowflake had a breakdown
What are you talking about?
>> No. 23213 [Edit]
>What are you talking about?
Sorry, I meant year not thread. It was in another thread here or in /so/ where someone was talking about it and someone else replied verbal breakdown about being a NEET despite still studying.
>> No. 23214 [Edit]
That's hilarious and sad at the same time.
>> No. 23215 [Edit]
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I just got sick of trying. Felt convinced I wasn't needed. I also made some mistakes as a kid and even now I feel all too afraid to make more. I want to change because I know I can't go on forever like this. I keep telling myself I will change, but my plans never follow through. I've almost no trust in others nor any confidence and wish I could just live like this without any worries.
>> No. 23216 [Edit]
just felt like it mainly. i'm not particularly ugly and my social skills aren't that terrible, i can (give the illusion of) fit[ting] in with normies if i try my best. they have never noticed how mentally ill i am. i just don't want to.
i relate to no one, i don't even fit in with freaks much cause our philosophies and hobbies are so different, i just fell into isolation naturally kind of.
+ my mom is a pushover and is busy with my sibiling who's a complete piece of garbage. he stresses her out so much she kind of forgets i exist sometimes. never has told me to move out or anything and barely pressures me to get a job.
being hikki is also just convenient and safe. i am pretty paranoid of the outside world. niggers, feminists accusing me of rape, car accidents, police with an itchy trigger finger, disease. it is safer inside. i have only ever been hurt outside of my house, never inside.

Post edited on 28th Dec 2017, 11:16pm
>> No. 23221 [Edit]
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What about Kiri Komori from Sayonara zetsubou sensei?? she was a hikikomori who went to school.
>> No. 23223 [Edit]
If you watched the SZS anime and/or read the manga, your question would be pointless, akin to trolling. If you haven't, then why not? Moreover, why ask question about a character you know nothing about, instead of finding out for yourself? It's not that I refuse to spoon-feed you, but rather that you make such a bare minimum attempt to spark a discussion that I can't take you seriously.
>> No. 23245 [Edit]
I don't want to be a hikki, the circumstances in my life are just so shit that I'm just forced to be a hikki.

I can't go outside because the weather conditions in this country are terrible and I can't talk to the people here because I'm a foreigner and no one else speaks English here.
>> No. 23249 [Edit]

Why do people use the term introvert incorrectly??? the difference between introverts and shut ins is that introverts go into social withdrawal to recharge their battery than once it's recharged they go back to socializing someone who is a shut in/hikikomori goes into social withdrawal to escape social life life in general or society all together the whole point is escapism from reality Tomoko is the kind of shut in/hikikomori who withdraws from social life and her escape is threw visual novels and dating simulators yes she wants to be popular and be accepted by normalfags but come on anon i think we all wanted to at her age that's high school.
>> No. 23250 [Edit]
Because everyone is an introvert or an extrovert. It's one or the other and she sure as hell isn't an extrovert. An extrovert would probably go insane from also trying to be a hikikomori, but they're not mutually exclusive. One term refers to a mentally and the other is more of a lifestyle choice (or mental disorder if you really want to get into it).
As such Tomoko is an introverted hikikomori, not an introvert OR hikikomori.
>> No. 23252 [Edit]
What are you on about? Did you just google "introvert" and watched some silly youtube video about the difference with extroversion? Anyway...
>Because everyone is an introvert or an extrovert.
Pretty much.
>As such Tomoko is an introverted hikikomori
No, Tomoko is not a hikikomori. I'll give you a digest of anime to settle this for good for all you confused people:

- Ep.01: Tomoko goes to McDonald's to sit down and have food in a establishment she knows will fill with people and chatter. She didn't even need to stay there to eat the food, but she does it anyway, because she wants the attention.
- Ep.02: Tomoko meets up with her school friend from yore and they hang out for several hours in streets and places packed with pedestrians.
- Ep.04: Same as before, but she buys pantsu.
- Ep.06: She seeks people to watch fireworks with and after giving up she goes to a rooftop to do it on her own, bu then she finds some pervy youngsters and joins them for some time in their lecherous pursuits.
- Ep.07: She buys a webcam with the intention of being a popular streamer.
- Ep.08: Cousin visits and she goes to this place to impress a dozen younger kids with her card game prowess (cheating).
- Ep.09: She visits her friend who works in a cafe and fantasizes about having a related work (baker) in which she'll be able to partake in socializing and popularity-by-proxy.
- Ep.10: She tries to start her own club (high school) and gather others around her.

Tomoko is readily verifiably not a hikikomori by any stretch of the word. She's just a dumb, shallow, insecure, anxious, dull and introverted girl whose aggravating combination of issues make her life a failure by her own standards. She's a failed normal.
>> No. 23254 [Edit]
You're right, in retrospect I'm not sure why I called her one.
>> No. 23261 [Edit]
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>Tomoko meets up with her school friend from yore and they hang out for several hours in streets and places packed with pedestrians.

A Hikikomori can have friends look at Satou and Yamazaki see the thing is all hikikomori is is a social condition yes some hikikomori are agoraphobic never go outside at all and pee in piss bottles but those are the more extreme cases you hear about that get romanticised in the media someone who is shut in isolated socially but still goes out sometimes is still technically a hikikomori it means to withdraw from social life or in more extreme cases society all together.
>> No. 23262 [Edit]
>A Hikikomori can have friends
>yes some hikikomori are agoraphobic never go outside at all and pee in piss bottles
Those two don't go hand in hand. Every time you reply you make me think you take all your understanding of the condition from anime (of which apparently don't really pay much attention either). You can be a hikikomori and still be tidy, clean and healthy.
>that get romanticised in the media
Being a hikikomori is never romanticised in non-animated media, from what I've seen. It's always anime (not even manga, really) and it's the normals (and their failed variant) who hijack the term because misery has been ironically cool since the start of the decade.
>someone who is shut in isolated socially but still goes out sometimes is still technically a hikikomori
You're technically correct, because not all hikikomori live with their parents who would hypothetically buy their groceries, pay utilities, etc. but context matters, and within the context of the example you quoted, it shows Tomoko doesn't care about crowds at all, her anxiety stems from insecurity, not annoyance, and the constantly craves attention from anyone. Hikikomori reject socializing because its bothersome, exhausting and even disgusting, not because of fear of being judged or being rejected.

A hikikomori is a recluse through and through, not just a shut-in (another popularly hijacked term nowadays), which Tomoko isn't.

Point being, yes, hikikomori can and do have friends, and can and do interact with them, but no, that doesn't mean Tomoko is a hikikomori despite of having a friend and goes out with her, because the places they agree to meet at are basically the last places a hikikomori would frequent unless they absolutely have to (e.g. It's understandable if the only patsu shop in the city is in a mall, so no much of a choice VS. going to a trendy pantsu shop to buy trendy things with the bonus of people seeing Tomoko shop there, i.e. status).

Post edited on 13th Jan 2018, 6:09am
>> No. 23263 [Edit]
>look at Satou and Yamazaki
Satou is trying to get out of his lifestyle in the series though, so his character during the series is not a great reference. The years before the first episode, he had no friends at all.

>Point being, yes, hikikomori can and do have friends, and can and do interact with them
It seems very unlikely (unless you count online friends as friends).
I'd hesitate calling a person who doesn't leave their apartment but has enough of a social life to have friends coming over regularly a hikikomori (family is the only social contact that gets mentioned explicitly).
One of the main reasons for that kind of withdrawal is not feeling comfortable with other people (you even mentioned it in your post), so having friends as a hikikomori does sound a little bit strange to say the least.

>Hikikomori reject socializing because its bothersome, exhausting and even disgusting, not because of fear of being judged or being rejected.
Pretty sure quite a few do.
>> No. 23264 [Edit]
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I simply don't enjoy being around people. It always feels like a chore, and a very tiring one at that.

I'm not a full hiki at the moment because I unfortunately have to work for a living, but I don't really leave the house to do anything other than work, buy groceries and exercise.

I have a job, and I don't like interacting with my co-workers, even though most of them are friendly to me and even invite me to dinner parties and the like.

I've always disliked most of my family. Haven't seen any of them in years, and I ignore all their emails.

I went to a few parties and clubs, and always ended up simply wishing I was back home, despite the fact that there were actually girls hitting on me (I'm in fairly good physical shape because I do strength training every day, pull-ups etc.).
Alcohol doesn't help, it makes me a bit more talkative, but it still all feels like I'm just play-acting to hide my boredom behind a mask of cheerfulness, and the hangover makes me feel horrible the next day.

I tried going to a few festivals and an anime convention, but even though I did manage to strike up conversations with random people much more successfully than I had anticipated, I didn't actually enjoy my time at those events.

I've had sex a few times, and didn't like it all that much. It's physically exhausting, in addition to the mental exhaustion I already feel at that point due to having to socially interact with a female human.

I've only once had a crush on a girl, and also had the courage to actually talk to her about it, but she rejected me, so there you go, I've never had a 3DPD.

I even stopped watching anime a few years ago, because even the simulated social experiences that fictional TV shows provide don't interest me anymore. When I do watch anime or read manga, it's mostly out of a feeling of guilt because I'm letting my once-superb knowledge of the Japanese language go to waste.

Sometimes I daydream about how it would be to have kids, and put a lot of thought into how I would raise them, educate them, play with them, make their lives better than my parents made mine. But I realize I have some deep-seated psychological problems, and I'm worried I might end up abusing/traumatizing them in some way. I wouldn't put it past myself to just lose interest in them after a few years and simply discard them, or kill myself while they're still young.
>> No. 23266 [Edit]
>Working in the outside world

No you're a MGTOW buddy big difference.
>> No. 23267 [Edit]
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>I went to a few parties and clubs
What a surprise.
>Alcohol doesn't help, it makes me a bit more talkative
I truly makes you think.
>I tried going to a few festivals and an anime convention
If you went, then you didn't try.
>I'm not a full hiki
You're not a hiki at all though, not even partially. You're just an apparently switching introvert. You don't qualify for even a single criteria that defines the term.
>Working in the outside world
He didn't actually wrote that. I advise you not to misuse the quoting function (>>/r/7).
>> No. 23268 [Edit]
What I tried in all earnesty was to actually enjoy myself at those events, which is their whole purpose. I failed.

I used to be basically a hiki (i.e. 自分の部屋に長期間ひきこもって、社会的な活動に参加できない人), didn't leave the house for months at a time. Unfortunately that lifestyle is just not feasible forever. I overcame much of my anxiety out of necessity, but not without getting fired from my first job due to my inability to properly talk to customers.
By the time I ended up working in a fucking call center of all places, I was at least able to articulate myself properly, although my voice still sounded shaky, like the protagonist of Chaos;Head in the VN.

I'm not MGTOW. Those are people who have created some weird ideology to justify the fact that they've given up on 'roasties.' I don't think it's a good thing that I dislike human companionship or sex, and I don't try to justify my reclusive lifestyle as morally superior. To me, it is an unfortunate defect in my personality that I have to deal with, and have tried so hard to overcome.
Look at that family of Nazi Hippies in that video in the anti-American thread below. That's pretty close to how I think people should live. It just doesn't seem like something I could do.
>> No. 23410 [Edit]
Can you post some sources (in Japanese is fine as well) that substantiate your claims?
>> No. 23431 [Edit]

>I skipped school just to stay in my room. Even went a couple months straight at one point being locked up in my room.

That's usually the beginning of it hikkis start out as school refusals shut in school refusals are hikkis in their early years of social withdrawal.
>> No. 23432 [Edit]
>No Tomoko is not a hikikomori.

Would it be fair to say that she has hikikomori type tendencies instead?? also i don't think they use the word introvert in Japan.
>> No. 23435 [Edit]
They don't use the word introvert in Japan, therefore we can't either.... okay then.
>> No. 23436 [Edit]
>Would it be fair to say that she has hikikomori type tendencies instead?
Fair? No. Her issues come from social anxiety, not rejection of society nor desire to be alone. She's 100% not a hikikomori. Just read the manga, man.
>> No. 23437 [Edit]
>Implying a hikikomori cant have social anxiety

That's exactly the reason Satou withdrew though he thought everyone was laughing at him.
>> No. 23438 [Edit]
Where did I write that a hikikomori can't suffer from social anxiety? It seems like you're forcing that idea on to me so you can justify picturing Tomoko as a hikikomori when she's 100% assuredly not. Someone having social anxiety doesn't make them a hikikomori. Also, I assume you're a new user, in which case I'll inform you that you can't misuse the quoting function in this board (>>/r/7), probably to avoid the kind of attitude like the one in your post. I advise you to refrain in the future unless you're hoping to get banned.
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