No. 39712
"Government mandated wife"
I find it a little annoying when guys (half)joke about this. It's an incredibility stupid and short sighted idea that sounds fun for a half second at best. I say half joking because I know there's a lot of lonely guys who want a 3DPD but refuse to look for one, then cry about how lonely they are. So of course nothing would make them happier than to have some cute girl dropped into their laps with no effort on the guys part. These guys are absolutely unable to even start to understand the reality of how this would work, or maybe they don't even want to?
IF something like that was to ever happen, do you really think you're going to get assigned some adorable and sweet 16 year old school girl straight out of a manga so you can live out your romcom fantasy? really? A program like this would give people a reasonable chance to find someone on their own, at worse they'd give people a deadline in their mid to late 20s to find someone if they don't want to be assigned someone by the state. The dating pool for people in their late 20s early 30s is already more reminiscent of a landfill than a "pool".
People in this hypothetical world would have a huge insensitive to find someone before their time is up. If a woman fails to find a man by that age, with that incentive in mind, do you really think such a person would be ideal marriage material? Or do you think it's more realistic that you would end up with a woman no sane man wanted? You're getting assigned the garbage no one else wanted, simple as that. (and that's how the women will view it too)
See, my big issue with this "Government mandated wife" bullshit is that I don't want to be forced into a marriage with some disgusting cunt. These lonely normalfags don't seem to understand (yet) how horrible relationships can be. When covid started and couples got locked in together, domestic abuse cases skyrocketed. This was with couples that CHOSE to be together! What do you think is going to happen when you force absolute strangers together?! She's going to make your life a living hell, that's what. You'll beg god to let you be single again.
And before the normie police start pointing fingers, no I'm not married or ever have been. I've never so much as had a 3DPD in my life. I simply pay attention and learn from the mistakes of others is all. Only idiots learn from their own mistakes, people with half a brain learn from the mistakes of others.
Look at boomer humor and comics, how they always joke about how horrible their wives are. Again, these people chose each other. They likely rushed into these relationships for short sighted reasons, but they at least picked their partners.
Imagine if you will the most horrible revolting and disgusting excuse for a human that you can, someone who have nothing in common with and don't see any appeal in, then imagine being forced not only to marry them, but to also have sex with them, repeatedly, as many times as it takes to produce children. After all, if "Government mandated wifes" became a thing, it would be for procreation if anything. Why would the state give a shit about how sad you are? You might have no sympathy for the women's side of the issue, but at least think of your own, really 'think' about it.
Post edited on 25th May 2022, 7:23pm