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File 158386768932.jpg - (158.92KB , 980x1104 , 77ac96dd2ef86c4518ba9e61cd2485c2.jpg )
34234 No. 34234 [Edit]
What are your thoughts on it? Do you care? Has it affected you at all?

I know a lot of people are probably sick of hearing about it by now, but I thought it'd be interesting to get TC's point of view on it and see what you guy's think.
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>> No. 34238 [Edit]
I don't particularly care.

It's not that deadly to begin with, once a vaccine is found it will all be over and it still hasn't actually spread that much(we are talking of thousands in countries with populations of millions, it's not even one percent).
>> No. 34240 [Edit]
Nothing. No. A little, but in a good way.
>> No. 34241 [Edit]
I'm pissed off about the TP news. If I can't wipe my ass because of some retards hogging all the TP... well I guess I'll have to use paper towel for a while.
>> No. 34242 [Edit]
Finally the benefits of being an asocial shut-in bear their fruit.
>> No. 34243 [Edit]
It's more interesting for the implication that it was a manmade virus designed to effect Asians than it is a disease. Like >>34238 says, it effects a relatively small part of the population and people are probably just freaking out way too much about it.
>> No. 34244 [Edit]
>implication that it was a manmade virus designed to affect Asians
I don't think there's anything pointing to this other than circumstantial hearsay of the usual few tinfoilers.
>> No. 34247 [Edit]
Here is your pizza bro
that willbe 10$
>> No. 34248 [Edit]
Apparently they canceled E3
>> No. 34250 [Edit]
It doesn't seem all that serious.
>> No. 34252 [Edit]
Scientists in India took a look at it and determined it was manmade and very similar to the HIV. I also remember Chinese scientists coming out about the coronavirus claiming such as well. I couldn't find either source with a quick google search so chances are it might've been a hoax but I'd still like to think China was retarded enough to release their own man-made virus designed to kill the Japanese on themselves.
>> No. 34255 [Edit]
Air travel is really well priced at the moment because of this. I've been considering taking a trip to japan since we'll never see deals like this again.
>> No. 34256 [Edit]
If you're healthy, I don't see a lot of risk in making such a trip.
>> No. 34257 [Edit]
I get the feeling this could have been meant as another means of combating their over population problem.
>> No. 34263 [Edit]
I've seen people post links stating that it was man-made before only for the link in question actually to claim the opposite, people just assume that it must be man made because it jumped from one species to another, that's not true and it's not unique. It's happened in China before because of their wet markets and if they don't do something about that it will happen again eventually.

If it was a weapon it's a pretty terrible one. There are many viruses that would have been better to weaponise.
>> No. 34268 [Edit]
Not sick of it, I visit the thread on julay /k/ for updates all the time.

I'm the exact opposite. I feel like people shouldn't underestimate this disease at all and take neccessary precautions. I don't go outside anymore unless I need food, and even then I hate doing that. If it wasn't so serious there wouldn't be such an outcry. Scientist especially find it dangerous because they know very little about it.

Anyways, I'm currently preparing my backlog of games and other materials. Stay safe everyone.
>> No. 34269 [Edit]
This is cool.
>> No. 34270 [Edit]
My doctor said she thought it was going to be "big" back in late January. Because of the length of the incubation period -- supposedly contagious and symptomless(?) -- was her reasoning at that time. I hadn't been paying any attention to it, so I just said "we'll see."But the conversation did provoke some daydreams.
I remember thinking if I caught it I could kill myself with a barbiturate. It's considerate to my parents that way, and people aged 30ish have been known to die even if it's quite unusual. A coroner swamped by work might -- I think -- overlook it. Given that A. barbs are super rare/unusual these days and B. it is still death by respiratory failure, when it comes down to it. Being young is a blessing and a curse. A blessing in that (provided I catch it relatively late) I'd be triaged to die at home. A curse in that the coroner might examine things more closely.
But all those daydreams were bullshit anyway, because I don't have any barbiturates any more and the most reliable place to get Nembutal is from China. Why the fuck did it have to start in China of all places?
So yeah, at this stage: if/when I get sick, my sister will leave food outside my door. If/when she gets sick I'll likewise deliver food to her place. I'm holding no hope for it shortening my sentence. 0.2% at this age? Not much better than my chance of being hit by a car, or maybe dying of dysentery from wiping my ass on paper towels and putting them in the bin (they clog the toilet).
The toilet paper thing strengthened my antinatalist resolve so much, I can't even tell you. Humanity needs to fucking go extinct. I wish COVID-19 made people infertile (I did read in February about it destroying dudes' nads -- which would be fucking amazing -- but that study turned out to be BS apparently).
>> No. 34271 [Edit]
>The toilet paper thing strengthened my antinatalist resolve so much
Are you referring to people trying to stockpile toilet paper of all things.
>> No. 34272 [Edit]
>I don't have any barbiturates any more and the most reliable place to get Nembutal is from China
I've been wanting to get my hands on Nembutal as well, tell me more.
>> No. 34273 [Edit]
Yep. Dipshits here started stockpiling it over a week ago. Bougie women in particular bought multiple 24-packs, and everyone just panicked and copied each other until the shops were fucking devoid of toilet paper. I've been wiping my ass on paper towels since then. Actually now I'm seriously rationing my paper towels. I basically take a shower whenever I take a shit (paper towels sold out too right after I bought mine). But I haven't been eating much, so at least I don't shit often. People are fucking morons.

I imported some as powder from China ca. 2015. Email + wire transfer: you're straight up risking 500USD (probably somewhat more than that in 2020). But the guy I dealt with must have been honest, because he* sent it. Passed through customs without a hitch because he packaged it well. He also labeled it with good judgement as a legal precursor almost identical in appearance and (I read on Wikipedia) similar in taste/smell. Nembutal powder has a very acrid taste.
*Actually I read somewhere (forget where) that "Johnson" is/was actually female. I have no idea if he/she is still in that business, but pirate a recent copy of the Peaceful Pill Handbook to find out what's up.
>> No. 34274 [Edit]
Did that picture qualify as 3D? I just thought it was funny.
>> No. 34275 [Edit]
What did you end up using it for?
>> No. 34276 [Edit]
Sleep, pretty much. Sometimes I would try to fight the sedation and listen to music or just relax for a while. I think the closest way to describe how it feels is like drinking after you've taken benzos. It has a serious physicality to it that benzos don't have, although it doesn't seem to black you out as easily as benzos do. I think because doses that would black you out basically guarantee you're asleep at the same time.
But it was obviously intended for something else. It was comforting to have around while it lasted. Knowing I had a way out without having to perform some scary/violent act upon myself. That psychological factor actually helped me sleep better even without taking it. Just the knowledge it was there.
>> No. 34277 [Edit]
>It was comforting to have around while it lasted. Knowing I had a way out
That's exactly why I'd like to get ahold of it.
>> No. 34278 [Edit]
China did not donate masks and other medial supplies to Italy. Italy had to purchase the medical materials and equipments. Chink propagandist lied about it to improve China's shitty reputation. Disgusting yellow jews. The arsonist comes to "rescue" the victim. How wonderful!
>> No. 34279 [Edit]
Are there any english articles on this?
>> No. 34280 [Edit]
Google Translate exists... You can just paste links in and then click the link on the "translated" side and it'll translate the webpage for you.
>> No. 34286 [Edit]
I went to by ramen only to see empty shelves. Fucking retards.
>> No. 34289 [Edit]
Not as retarded as people hoarding toilet paper.
>> No. 34290 [Edit]
DeepL beats gTranslate in many cases. Although the true challenge is going to be with the eastern languages (Japanese, Arabic, etc.) where you have few similarities with European languages and training corpuses are a lot harder to find.

Post edited on 13th Mar 2020, 9:19pm
>> No. 34295 [Edit]
I never go out and I am already a germophobe so it is unlikely to effect me. And even if it did, I wouldn't die from it, at most I would be in a lot of pain from the infection.
>> No. 34302 [Edit]
File 158430918726.jpg - (68.80KB , 852x480 , [Loli-pop Subs]_Macademi_Wasshoi!_03_(DVD_x264_852.jpg )
I'm starting to really like this virus. Yesterday someone almost shook my hand but decided not to because of Corona. That's when it hit me, This is going to brute force normals to act the way I feel they should anyway. I -hate- physical contact with other people and avoid large gatherings of people. The TP shortages are making people start to adopt to bidets. Restaurant and fast food employees are wearing gloves and have started using trays to exchange money in, the way they do in japan. sick people are finally wearing face masks -as they should be- where as the locals here thought face masks were just a weird Asian thing. After this is done people should also see the importance of having a decent supply of essentials at home and not going to the store for every little thing, which makes them crowded and unbearable. Even my own mother who has a gambling problem is starting to (reluctantly) loose interest in visiting the local casino. Thank you Haruhi, for blessing us with Corona!

Post edited on 15th Mar 2020, 2:58pm
>> No. 34303 [Edit]
About time these pigs changed their ways but I'm afraid it will go back to their disgusting ways as soon as Corona doesn't pose a threat
>> No. 34304 [Edit]
>This is going to brute force normals to act the way I feel they should anyway

I wish that was the case here.
Police and even the army are in the streets, there's orders to not leave your house unless justified reason but from my window I can still see lots of people just wandering, families, kids, old people, even idiots getting drunk. Nothing has changed. After only two days lots are complaining about how they can't live if they don't socialize, do some running or whatever stupid shit they need to do in the streets all day. Of course children can't spend 24h in their homes or they could die or something. We will have this shit for months because people can't be confined for one week or even one day. It can't be helped.
>> No. 34305 [Edit]
Of course. Chinese are scum. Now maybe you understand why it was a good thing that Japan wanted to destroy them in the 20th century.

Chinese only ever want money, they are demented creatures, a step below human. I know, in my country, of this Chinese man who owns a cafe and he OLEVS China so much he searched up and down for a Chinese-brand air-conditioner. Yet, it doesn't strike him odd that he enjoys the benefits of living in OUR country, no China is still the best to him.

I'd even say never even do business with them but the big boss CEOs and shit want that sweet China money.
>> No. 34309 [Edit]
I don't care much but nothing else is happening so I've been reading news from all over the world. I have a question to the Americans.
Is it true that you're not allowed to call the virus what it is, or is it some peculiar facet of American humour that Europeans just don't get?
I've seen some very bizarre comments out of USA that seem to suggest the burger eaters enter outrage mode when someone calls this chinese disease a chinese disease.
It's not like the chingchongs aren't trying their hardest to shove the germ-ridden Huawei microdick down our throats too but I've never seen that level of prostration and goodthink here.
>> No. 34310 [Edit]
Anon from the land of the fat here. It's being encouraged we don't call it a chinese/asian virus, but it's not required. American's are over sensitive crybabies who get offended easily.
Apparently a few days ago my mother was at a store where a pissed off asian lady was tired of being treated like a leper and started spiting on random stuff and rubbing it all over. So while one can say it's an issue of over sensitive snowflakes, it's also a public safety measure to keep these Asians from loosing it and making the problem worse.
>> No. 34311 [Edit]
The ones crying out against “racialism” are always the loudest while a silent majority are thinking, “these goddamn Chinks need to get their shit together.”
>> No. 34314 [Edit]
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I'm not too concerned about the virus. I have one of those jobs that only give you seven vacation days a year and expect you there for anything short of the world ending. I wouldn't doubt that I would still be called in even if my city gave a "shelter-in-place"" order. The only effect it has had on me is that my commute is shorter and that I now have a lot of free time at work since it's at an airport.

Times like this make me wish I was NEET again.
>> No. 34320 [Edit]
File 158457033775.png - (355.45KB , 1200x1083 , ETaqaReWoAUQwWD.png )
What a weird and amazing time this is. The most social normalfags are the first ones dropping dead. Being social and attending gatherings is discouraged and those who do it anyway are being publicly shunned, while locking yourself away at home and isolating yourself is being encouraged if not demanded of people.
Sporting events, clubs, conventions, and restaurants are being canceled or closed down. This while the game and anime industry chugs along just fine.
Apparently people are even mass buying gundam model kits. Amazing, just amazing.
>> No. 34321 [Edit]
It's a mix of things. It's both out of genuine concern because it has led to racism against the Chinese in Canada but most of it is just the usual pearl-clutching Twitter crowd who want to insert social issues into everything.
I made this post. It does seem serious with deaths and such but since I spend my time holed up in my room anyway it's not like it'll affect me in any way at the moment unless something crazy happens like power going out or the internet going offline or something catastrophic like that.
>> No. 34325 [Edit]
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I keep seeing people bitch and complain about how this has effected their daily lives, but to me nothing has changed.
>> No. 34326 [Edit]
I feel it has affected me, but for the better.
>> No. 34327 [Edit]
>it has led to racism against the Chinese in Canada
Good, they've earned it. I hope it escalates.
>> No. 34329 [Edit]
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coronavirus doesn't exist, its clearly all just a massive media hoax intended to justify the panic thats been coercively created by abusing the gullibility of "smart" phone zombies. who knows why the hoax has been created or whats next, but its gonna be whatever the people who own the big media outlets decide because they hold all the cards, the politicians that play along with their pantomimes get canceled the second the break from the script and the hidden directors of the media monster have just demonstrated that they can turn civilization on and off like a light switch because of all the gullible fools who believe everything they read. if they decided to announce "we have always been at war with east asia" everyone would go along with that too.
>> No. 34330 [Edit]
What would an actual virus pandemic look like then?

Post edited on 19th Mar 2020, 2:57pm
>> No. 34331 [Edit]
So what's with the dead people then?
>> No. 34332 [Edit]
In your case, I think getting out more might actually be a good idea.
>> No. 34334 [Edit]
Some places I hang out online at have gotten worse due to people being home more. Thats it.
>> No. 34338 [Edit]
File 158468931653.jpg - (153.83KB , 636x358 , skeptical anime girl.jpg )
why would people on an anime board trust they same media cunts who willfully and knowingly lie when they say that loli is cp and when they say they video games cause shootings and when they say that imageboards cause shootings.
suddenly the same gang of sleazy liars whips out a big story about invisible magical evil bad luck dots from the world's creepiest asian restaurant and everyone believes them, seems dumb to me.
>> No. 34339 [Edit]
You should be able to tell the difference between opinion and fact... One can be of the opinion that 'loli' is cp, but whether a virus exists or not is objective. Anyway, do you actually have any evidence to support the assertion that it is a hoax and does not exist or is it yet more schizo rambling of the type that is beginning to become all too frequent here.
>> No. 34340 [Edit]
Research has been done that concludes it is natural.

>"By comparing the available genome sequence data for known coronavirus strains, we can firmly determine that SARS-CoV-2 originated through natural processes," said Kristian Andersen, PhD, an associate professor of immunology and microbiology at Scripps Research and corresponding author on the paper.
>> No. 34343 [Edit]
It's not just the media, plenty of everyday people are coming down with this. I'm seeing more and more people in my online hangouts coming down with this shit.
>> No. 34344 [Edit]
If anything, by that logic you should believe in it more because they downplayed it until it was too late to do anything else.
>> No. 34346 [Edit]
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I know of people who contracted the virus. Media isn't my only source of information. Besides that, I think there's limits to what the media can successfully lie about. If it was all fake, it would take less than a day to debunk by independent organizations like the CDC or others. Unless you think they're in cahoots.
>> No. 34347 [Edit]
Tangential: which Kirara cast would you want to be a part of to maximize your chance of {survivial, fun} in the event of an apocalypse. Gakkou gurashi is excluded for obvious reasons.
>> No. 34348 [Edit]
>> No. 34349 [Edit]
Gochiusa. You'd probably be pretty safe in a fairly isolated town with people like Rize's and Chino's dads around, plus plenty of coffee and tea.
>> No. 34350 [Edit]
Machikado Mazoku probably.
>> No. 34351 [Edit]
Isn't gochiusa set in northeast France?
>> No. 34355 [Edit]
It's inspired by there primarily, but we're never really told where it is.
>> No. 34366 [Edit]
I saw some videos of people in quarantine having EVA theme song parties, it really shows the kind of fan base that show has.
>> No. 34367 [Edit]
File 158492899420.jpg - (98.65KB , 850x470 , __ayanami_rei_neon_genesis_evangelion_and_2_more_d.jpg )
Uh huh, sure. I'm sure they're super fans who don't just know it from memes. I guess i'm a normalfag too for liking it. Whatever vindicates your opinion.
>> No. 34368 [Edit]
Well memes come about due to shared interest and experience in the first place. If nobody had seen it and nobody liked it, it would not be a meme.

> I guess i'm a normalfag too for liking it.

>> No. 34369 [Edit]
File 158493160867.jpg - (129.43KB , 850x900 , __souryuu_asuka_langley_and_shikinami_asuka_langle.jpg )
>memes come about due to shared interest and experience in the first place
No, they come about from internet osmosis spreading things out while rapidly removing their original context. The vast majority of people who know about Eva did not sit through 26 episodes and a movie of a 90s anime. I've noticed you've been taking pot shots at Eva at any contrived opportunity you can think of. Get over it already and stop being such a pig-head.
>> No. 34370 [Edit]
>The vast majority of people who know about Eva did not sit through 26 episodes and a movie of a 90s anime.

EVA is entry level anime, most people who were vaguely interested in anime at some point have seen it. It's not the obscure esoteric thing you seem to think it is.
>> No. 34371 [Edit]
>EVA is entry level anime
10+ years ago. "Most people" who watch anime now and are under 30 haven't seen Cowboy Bebop, let alone the type of young people who go to dance parties. "Most people" who know about Eva aren't even vaguely interested in anime. When will you stop being such a bitter asshole about this?

Post edited on 22nd Mar 2020, 9:06pm
>> No. 34372 [Edit]
I for one believe that in their original form, meme were indeed about shared interest and experience. They were 'in jokes' shared among communities, and much of the time they mocked something moronic or silly. If you look back at old meme, they often made fun of poorly thought out ideas, bad translations in old games/anime, people saying or doing something stupid, or gay porn because gay porn. They might even be from good memories of shared experiences and events, like trolling people who want to use the pool.

Unfortunately, yes as time went on this culture like many other subcultures was appropriated by the ford driving masses. As always with cultural appropriation they had little understanding of what they were taking and even less fucks to give. So doing as they do, they warped and twisted meme while bastardizing the concept. Meme went from making fun of fat playing with light sabers or a guy with a funny grin, to placing your condensed thoughts and opinions on generic stock images in a strict and rigid format, made easy to consume for the masses. While in between people use the term "meme" to refer to just about any half way amusing image or even video they see online. And yeah, that does include material taken from sources that people have no understanding of, They're simply out of context images they saw someone else share and are passing it on to be a part of something, even when they have no idea what that something is. It's the equivalent of a random guy walking up to a group of friends who are laughing about a joke one of them just told, and laughing along with them to try and fit in without knowing what the joke was. Of course if you asked this random person if he heard the joke, his level of maturity would lead him to getting upset at you for being an elitist cunt who thinks he owns all the jokes and who needs to chill the fuck down before you make more of a pretentious asshole of yourself. That's really what these people are like. Needless to say, I can't say I'm a fan of where things have gone.
>> No. 34373 [Edit]
It's still the case now. You are deluding yourself, it's entry level.
>> No. 34374 [Edit]
Even if it is, what does it matter? Let me guess, entry level = bad and only for normalfags. Anything to feel better. You're so transparent. Every anime director who has ever taken inspiration from Eva or referenced it in some way? Normalfags. Every doujin-group who has made something based on Eva? Normalfags. Every artist who has drawn anything Eva? Normalfags. Anyone who's played and liked NGE:3DPD of Steel? Normalfags. That guy who has Asuka as a waifu? Normalfag.

Post edited on 22nd Mar 2020, 10:06pm
>> No. 34375 [Edit]
Leave it to TC to somehow turn a thread about a pandemic, into a debate about Neon Genesis Evangelion.
>> No. 34376 [Edit]
I like how my state recently went under lock down and only essential businesses are to remain open, and from what I've seen no one's staying at home and most places (that should be closed) are still running.
>> No. 34377 [Edit]
What are some obscure esoteric anime?
>> No. 34378 [Edit]
They are going to double the welfare payment here because of all the people that will be made unemployed and in order to stimulate the economy. I'm already building funds up, I might have to invest in shares with this.
>> No. 34379 [Edit]
You're trying to show the absurd of it but it could backfire you, you know watching and liking anime is considered a normalfag trait in places like Wizardchan?

There's less and less anime that could fall unto that distinction, mostly old OVA's (stuff like Dragon's Heaven) and really old TV shows, but there's also some modern stuff that's difficult to find. Still, it's something relative, it's not the same for a japanese, for the western fan or for the general public.
>> No. 34380 [Edit]
I think getting stocks is a good idea. Due to everything going on many hit all time lows making them easily accessible, but many of these companies will undoubtedly make comebacks. The bigger Cruise lines, airlines, hotel chains ect should be safe investments. I think the numbers show that people have gotten over their initial panic and have started cautiously reinvesting in these sectors. It may take months before their share prices recover and may even take some dips along the way, but they'll get there all the same.
>> No. 34381 [Edit]
The people on Wizardchan are some of the dumbest I have ever come across, but that may be because I haven't been on 4chan in a very long time, maybe they are like that there. They are so dumb that if they say something is black, chances are it's actually white.
>> No. 34382 [Edit]
File 158501072939.png - (34.28KB , 840x534 , hist.png )
Not that anon, but I doubt anything in recent years is truly "obscure" (aside from perhaps shorts where no sub even exists). And even then many of those are still widely popular within Japan (see e.g. Hentatsu). If you limit your scope to just the anglosphere and re-define "obscure" to just mean "unlikely that anyone claiming to be an anime 'fan' has watched" then you could get a reasonable bound on this by using released MAL datasets. This should be reasonably representative of western anime fans.

MAL in particular has several different metrics:
* scored_by : number of users that scored
* rank : Rank based on score weighted by number of users
* popularity : Rank based on number of people with this anime added to their list
* Members: Raw number of people with this anime added to their list
* favorites : Raw number of people who favorited this anime

Just as a sanity check I plotted histograms of rank and popularity which are uniform as expected. I then took the raw data, filtered out ones that hadn't aired, filtered out shorts, and limited it those aired after 2001 (since otherwise this becomes trivial). The result is about 2000 shows, and if we look at a histogram of "members" we see a nice skewed-right distribution, which is probably what you would expect: there are some extremely well-known shows, but the majority of shows are not as well-known (see attachment).

If we just consider shows with more than twenty-thousand "members", these account for 72% of all shows and 98% of all members. I think it's thus fair to use twenty-thousand as a cutting point. The 500 result are the following shows (sorted from most to least members):

If you want to go one order of magnitude less restrictive (20000 <= members <= 40000, which is 3% memberwise and 13% anime wise [so a cumulative total of ~5% memberwise and ~40% anime wise up to 40000]) then the 275 results are:

Put together those two cover roughly half (40%) of the original 2000 shows, which sort of gives you a sense of scale about how truly popular the popular shows are – Just going to 40000 members encompasses nearly half of the anime set, and yet that's still barely touching the vast majority of the member pool.
>> No. 34383 [Edit]
So in conclusion, nearly all recent anime can't be considered "obscure". This is interesting, but it doesn't say anything about the number of people who have heard about something on the planet compared to the number of people who have watched it.
>> No. 34384 [Edit]
It's interesting but it has some flaws. MAL itself is made up of people who are interested enough in the topic to make an account and document what they watch in the first place. I don't know how many people have an account but the most popular anime has 1.9 million members so 20,000 is close enough to 1% of that. First of all if 1% of the population watched everything(or close to everything) that aired each season, that would be 20,000 members and it's not that hard to believe that there would be such a minority. Secondly 1% of a dedicated anime fanbase isn't that much to begin with, it could still be considered relativity obscure.
>> No. 34385 [Edit]
>anything about the number of people who have heard about something
Yes that is a fair point. Although I still think the MAL group of users is at least reasonably representative as a lower bound since if someone hears about a given anime then it's pretty likely that the anime has a decent chunk of watchers (and conversely you're unlikely to hear about an anime that nobody has watched).

>in conclusion, nearly all recent anime can't be considered "obscure"
It depends what you're defining as "obscure." In absolute terms, sure – most modern anime is not obscure since there are tens of thousands of other people who've all watched the same thing. Especially compared to some niche 90s stuff where the view count among western demographics is an order of magnitude smaller, maybe in the high-hundreds.

However on the flip-side I'd argue that in relative terms, a good chunk of modern anime is "obscure" in the sense that if you were to pick a random anime out of that 40% and show it to a random self-described anime fan, it is unlikely that anime fan would recognize that anime. (Assuming of course that members of MAL are coarsely representative of western anime fans at large, which I think is pretty plausible – at the very least it's a lower bound and an average person familiar with anime would be even less likely, since MAL users are probably more devoted since they care enough to make an account). I think this is also what (>>34384) was getting at (although I apologize if I misinterpreted your comment); even if you add in some scale factors to account for non-MAL users, the relative distribution is unlikely to change significantly (or if it did, it would skew even further right) and single-digit percentages of a selective fanbase certainly qualify as "obscure," at least in a relative sense.

Of course the analysis treats each "member" as independent when really a single person can be (and likely is) a "member" for multiple shows, so it's hasty to equate "members" and "people" but I think this too shouldn't egregiously affect the results [*].

[*] Since we want to treat "members" as "people", we need to ensure that we are not over-counting people when we look at the cumulative distribution. Each person can only be a member of a given show once, but that person can be a member of multiple different shows. However, by virtue of the fact that the number of "popular" shows are dwarfed by the number of "non-popular" shows, we're far more likely to over-count people who watch "non-popular" shows than we are to over-count people who watch popular ones.

Post edited on 23rd Mar 2020, 7:33pm
>> No. 34386 [Edit]
File 158501986891.jpg - (104.46KB , 850x752 , sample_0ef554aea0cd86758c690ede8aab3d29.jpg )
Another way of collecting data that might give insight on overall "knowing about" could be from an advanced Google search. The "allintitle:" command only gives results with specific words in the title of the page, including videos. This should filter out most erroneous results. Something something, assume source material is less popular.

"Dragon's Heaven" 1988 : 1,180 results
"Genius Party" 2007 : 7,370 results.
"Cencoroll" 2009 : 10,100 results
"Gunsmith Cats" 1995 : 21,700 results.
"Rebuild of Evangelion" 2007 : 36,300 results
"Cowboy Bebop" 1998 : 387,000 results
"Haruhi" 2006 : 401,000 results
"Steins;Gate" 2002 : 436,000 results
"Neon Genesis Evangelion" 1995 : 783,000 results
"K-On!" 2009 : 2,090,000 results
"Evangelion" 1995 : 3,260,000 results
"Sword Art Online" 2012 : 3,620,000 results
"Attack on Titan" 2013 : 4,440,000 results
"Sailor Moon" 1995 : 5,550,000 results
"Dragon Ball" 1986 : 40,900,000 results
"Naruto" 2002 : 52,600,000 results

This is from all time. Looking at only the last 10 years,
"K-On!" : 126,000 results
"Evangelion" : 259,000 results
"Sword Art Online" : 317,000 results
"Attack on Titan" : 348,000 results
"Sailor Moon" : 1,450,000 results
"Dragon Ball" : 34,900,000 results
"Naruto" : 48,100,000 results

What does this tell us? I have no clue.
>> No. 34387 [Edit]
Non-anime control

"Batman" : 34,600,000 results
Since: 2010
"Batman" : 19,100,000 results
Up until 2010
"Batman" : 118,000 results

I don't get it. Maybe some results don't have a given date?

Post edited on 23rd Mar 2020, 8:35pm
>> No. 34388 [Edit]
The date filter on Google is completely broken (see, so I would not trust that particular aspect. I think this is because they use the date last updated instead of the date first indexed.

I also would not trust the result count since if you for instance go to the last page you'll find that the reported number goes down by several factors.

I think "allintitle" is too restrictive since you may have lots of discussion on a thread or comment page but not necessarily have the show name explicitly in the title. And long-running threads that multiple people comment on would be under-represented.

But overall it's still an interesting additional glimpse.

Post edited on 23rd Mar 2020, 9:37pm
>> No. 34390 [Edit]
They are worse than in 4chan. In 4chan you could find nice threads about niche things in the sea of shit that the place is, in wizardchan you couldn't have a thread about anything without derailing and people arguing about how X (X could be literally any in existence) was for "normies".
>> No. 34392 [Edit]
>you couldn't have a thread about anything without derailing and people arguing about how X (X could be literally any in existence) was for "normies".
How ironic.
>> No. 34393 [Edit]

Whelp, the Olympics just got bumped off to next year.
>> No. 34394 [Edit]
File 158509332861.jpg - (163.24KB , 554x900 , 0.jpg )
If this kills enough people, I might be hireable.
>> No. 34395 [Edit]
File 158509540052.jpg - (1.16MB , 3000x2250 , 461323042_6090c11a54_3k.jpg )
The delay was inevitable once the virus managed to spread outside of East Asia. I had plans to travel to Japan next May to avoid the Olympic crowds. I'm unsure if I should wait until 2022 instead.
>> No. 34402 [Edit]
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It is much worse than I expected it to be, but I am rather mixed on my feelings about it. On one hand the misanthrope in me is fine with everyone dying but I also feel empathy for those affected as it is rather unfortunate. My parents have been at home more so I have been talking to them more. It's nice somewhat, so there's that.
Even though the number of deaths is scary, it is still minimal compared to the overall population.
I have gotten more into my hobbies because everyone on the internet is talking about it, so I just play something or watch or read. It's quite nice if not a little lonely.
Maybe I should post more about that instead of the virus.
>> No. 34403 [Edit]
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Hoping it attenuates the aging population problem a bit. Not just for purely economic reasons, but social as well, such as NIMBYs and overall less time and stress dealing with the elderly and so on...
Not like I want to see everyone die, nor am I one of those cool "ok boomer" kids, but am indeed tired of seeing big, regional hospitals all taken up by 70y+ and so many government resources wasted on people who will die within 3 years.

On the other hand, quite enjoying this break. Temporary at local big factory and gov made layoffs easier. Been there over a year so I can sign up for unemployment benefits. More like a jobseeker's allowance though. However with the current outbreak, it is longer required to regularly present oneself at an "employment center", nor to show concrete proof of active jobseeking. My employer told me that they'll hire me back as soon as the situation returns to normal. I have many reasons to believe them, so I can enjoy pseudo-NEETing in the meanwhile.

In the end, not worried a single bit. By contrast quite excited finally something omoshiroi happens.
>> No. 34404 [Edit]
>tired of seeing big, regional hospitals all taken up by 70y+ and so many government resources wasted on people who will die within 3 years.
This is so true. It's amazing how many resources they pour into extending these peoples lives by a small fraction. It would help if these peoples at least stayed active and took care of themselves, but far too often they refuse to do so and just complain endlessly. A lot of them don't even want to live anymore and are forced to keep going. I recall one elderly man I spoke with started crying at the thought of his mind and body falling apart. His home overflowed with medications and his life revolved around hospital visits. He was also practically being harassed by life insurance companies, health care providers, funeral service providers, and all number of charities. This wasn't the first time I've seen it happen, and it's starting to happen to my own parents. Economy wise, It doesn't help these people tend to hoard large amounts of money that they either do nothing with, or piss away at casinos. I don't feel this is great for the economy.
>> No. 34406 [Edit]
>A lot of them don't even want to live anymore and are forced to keep going
Blame the fact that physician-assisted or otherwise voluntary euthanasia is outright illegal in most places.
>> No. 34412 [Edit]
>Has it affected you at all?
honestly not really.
I was a recluse before and I'm a recluse now
>> No. 34414 [Edit]
kind of what I'm betting on.
>> No. 34427 [Edit]
I hope you muh economy types won't complain when you're denied that ventilator.
>> No. 34428 [Edit]
I hope the economy goes down the tank even more, for once cost of living might go down to affordable levels.
>> No. 34526 [Edit]
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Petrol is cheap now. If housing prices drop too, I can buy my own place and stop renting.
>> No. 34555 [Edit]
File 158656255186.jpg - (183.87KB , 525x514 , 63c9078aba0c4d2f0e6656d2719f3dbf9cd5d640.jpg )
Not too worried. I'm only slightly worried because my relative who lives with me keeps going to work and has a chance to bring it back to me. Other than that, everything is going in my favor.

I can finally live the NEET life that I always wanted too. Ever since this outbreak came out, I have also tended to more productive pursuits such as gardening, programming, learning a language, finishing my video game and anime backlogs, etc. etc. My tulips have started to bloom and I'm really happy about that. It's also really nice to not have to deal with normals. Another upside is that if we all don't die, the cost of living should decrease quite a bit and perhaps it will be easier for me to find a better job.

The downside is, I can't go to the local dock and relax to read a book or just chill, which is a thing I like to do in the spring/summer. I know that I mentioned that I hate being around normalfags, however I only visit the docks during the hours and days where it is relatively empty. Even then, there are only old people around (55+) drinking beer, fishing, and sailing around in their boats. I dislike normals, but I do not detest to getting some sun from time to time.
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