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File 14684198062.png - (367.14KB , 648x626 , akka.png )
29221 No. 29221 [Edit]
How do I stop fapping so much?
I spend too much time sitting in front of the monitor and then it just happens
I don't think this is healthy, I need to stop
Expand all images
>> No. 29222 [Edit]
By exercising the willpower not to touch your penis. Get up and make a cup of tea when the urge arises and make sure to drink it standing in the kitchen instead of bringing it back to your computer desk. You can read a book in the meantime, too. Or maybe go for a walk. The main thing is that you stand up and get away from your computer for a bit.
>> No. 29223 [Edit]
It shouldn't be unhealthy, as long as it doesn't hurt.
>> No. 29224 [Edit]
The only thing bad that will happen from constant masturbation is you will become very unsensitized. If you already are then the solution is to simply masturbate less(as little as you can) and switch to onaholes only. A real vagina works too.
>> No. 29225 [Edit]
>How do I stop fapping so much?

quantify yourself
i bet you're below average on this site
anyway masturbation is good for you. does it feel good? yes, so do it as often as possible.
if you answered no then you're doing it wrong.
>> No. 32713 [Edit]
stop going to /ns/
>> No. 32746 [Edit]
File 156414351573.jpg - (29.83KB , 474x309 , 20190728.jpg )
E-hentai and ExHentai are shutting down. Archive whatever you want to keep.
>> No. 32747 [Edit]
ex-hentai's already down. Fuck Europe. Fuck Netherland. They're fascist fuckers and anybody who really values freedom of creative expression should take stand against their bullshit.

Post edited on 26th Jul 2019, 6:13am
>> No. 32748 [Edit]
Yeah fuck EU all the way, it's damn disgusting. How I wish I wasn't born in this thieving, hypocritical pile of shit. We the people can't do anything about it even if we tried. EU is an unreachable, untouchable, hermetic and absurd nightmare. Kafka is spinning in his grave. If the EU-fanatic german-loving doormats and traitors return to power in my country I might as well kill myself.
>> No. 32749 [Edit]
I doubt Britain will be better, even if they actually manage to separate from the EU. It's the whole mindset that the government and society as a whole exists to force people to behave "morally". Society exists to improve living standards. That's it. TellIing people what they can and can't express out some false sense of objective morality violates natural rights. There's no rational justification for these restrictions.
>> No. 32750 [Edit]
Huh, you're not kidding. That sucks. I don't fap any more these days because I can't be bothered, but exhentai was always the best site.
>> No. 32752 [Edit]
File 156416962830.png - (559.83KB , 707x1000 , __original_drawn_by_barikiosu__9208d21adb4f1ff1acc.png )
Aside from the content, the most valuable part of the site was the hard-work put into it by community. The bounty and credit system and everything else like that should be perserved. I really hope a suitable replacement comes along quickly.
>> No. 32753 [Edit]
File 156416964535.jpg - (141.45KB , 1920x1080 , kokomade.jpg )
I guess this was going to happen sooner or latter.
>> No. 32760 [Edit]
Very relatable image
>> No. 32762 [Edit]
File 156419042877.jpg - (301.70KB , 684x1000 , hqdefault.jpg )
EU's future is the big government of USA.. no wonder why so many USAians hate big govt.
>> No. 32779 [Edit]
Pardon my ignorance but what exactly is going on? Did the EU shut down ExHentai? I don't watch/read hentai that often so I guess this just slipped past me.
>> No. 32780 [Edit]
Netherland recently had a legislative change which criminalizes loli/shota on the same level as child porn. It's insane and typical of the EU. Ex-hentai was hosted in Netherland and the admin didn't feel like switching the host, so he shut it down.
>> No. 32782 [Edit]
Why am I not fucking surprised? I personally find loli/shota gross, but at the end of the day it is victim less and banning it is an attack on freedom of expression.
I would also like to mention that we have had a similar bill passed here in the good old Us of A (Google FOSTA/SESTA). So you people aren't alone. Fuck politics!
>> No. 32783 [Edit]
Politics are only part of it. The mentality most people have in the west is that everything should be governed by their subjective sense of morality. This mentality/culture goes way back. Rather than ignore, and tolerate material which goes against their sensibilities, they feel it is their duty to raise a hysteria over it. It's nothing new. Things are just getting as bad as they were before the internet existed.
>> No. 32789 [Edit]
I’m not sure this is true.
>> No. 32795 [Edit]
File 156431725887.jpg - (136.48KB , 850x850 , __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_nuqura__sample-b5.jpg )
Here's the project to archive everything possible. If you've got any files, please contribute.

I found this in a /g/ thread. Everybody who only cares about freedom of expression when it comes to things they like is a normal faggot. It's deperessing to see how many people there think like that. It's complete shit.
>> No. 32796 [Edit]
It's not limited to "the west." Resurgent eurasian wannabe empires do take governing "by their subjective sense of morality" to the deadly extremes. If anything the west is reverting to a traditionally eastern parochial hive mind.
>> No. 32798 [Edit]
The most common modern western ideologues have that aspect to them though. Christianity as a whole and especially protestantism, Communism, Facism, Feminism. It's been like that for a while. Music getting censored on the radio during the rock and roll age is just one example. How are things reverting?
>> No. 32842 [Edit]
File 156461492357.jpg - (286.79KB , 760x901 , 8e9828b2a180e0c78b6ee500a4a72a6b.jpg )
The panda's gone? What the fuck?
>> No. 32855 [Edit]
Yes, cos drawn rori is bad.
>> No. 32857 [Edit]
I'm glad somebody else sees this as well.
>> No. 32877 [Edit]
File 156489925191.gif - (281.28KB , 163x213 , 20199999.gif )
Hey.. it might be back under a new server?
>> No. 32884 [Edit]
God's in his heaven, all's right with the world.
>> No. 32895 [Edit]
File 156499638211.jpg - (5.47KB , 137x200 , 4UNIEL.jpg )
>> No. 32930 [Edit]
File 156534640967.jpg - (161.10KB , 1000x711 , mmm.jpg )
Nothing on the internet truly dies...
>> No. 33192 [Edit]
Let’s get the topic back on OP’s question. >>>/so/24599 made me wonder if nofap is a good way to become “normal” sexually again.
>> No. 33230 [Edit]
Stop watching porn. Use extensions to block all porn sites you are tempted to use, or block them at the router level.
>> No. 33234 [Edit]
It works, at least on my experience. By abstaining from masturbating for a week I managed to stop looking for weird and specific porn and go back to just normal porn again.
>> No. 33237 [Edit]
I have the opposite experience. I only began masterbating in the first place because of weird and specific porn. Now, I need to masturbate weekly to said weird and specific porn or else I think about nothing else.
>> No. 33239 [Edit]
I am thinking of only listening to H-Audio and reading smut for a while.
>> No. 33240 [Edit]
Stop believing in urban myths. This self denial does nothing to "fix" you. There is nothing unhealthy about masturbation and there is no reset button. If you're bothered by your weird porn habits then you need to examine and understand why you do what you do. Then you might take steps to change it and try doing what you want to do instead. You need to understand which aspects draw you in, study your needs, then think if vanilla shit has any elements that can fulfill these needs. Relying on magical thinking broscience to take care of your internal struggles is wrong.
>> No. 33241 [Edit]
I don’t think it’s necessarily about vanillashit fulfilling needs but if you can’t stop looking at stuff that distresses you than something needs to change. Tolerance breaks are a real thing.
>> No. 33249 [Edit]
Yeah, with drugs that physically affect the functioning of your organs. You can't extrapolate it to porn viewing habits.
>> No. 33251 [Edit]
I agree to an extent, but there is an argument to be made about the dopamine hits to your brain from porn being similar to drugs.
>> No. 33284 [Edit]
File 156915322949.jpg - (179.59KB , 850x1134 , 21.jpg )
I fap to this >>>/mp3/2360
>> No. 33416 [Edit]
File 157042725658.webm - (4.66MB , 12b24e3.webm )
I just want to cut down fapping to have time for other things. I would have nights where all I do is search for fap material.
>> No. 33478 [Edit]
File 157121172163.jpg - (274.87KB , 1084x1200 , 21.jpg )
Don't fap for a bit. Try it.
>> No. 33601 [Edit]
File 157275741738.jpg - (20.05KB , 400x359 , 0domrand.jpg )
Do it for No-Nut November
>> No. 33616 [Edit]
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Go hard!
>> No. 33697 [Edit]
File 15744786665.jpg - (55.25KB , 540x767 , rMIKA.jpg )
23 days into No Nut Nov
>> No. 33701 [Edit]
Proud of you anon.
>> No. 33702 [Edit]
File 157453017154.jpg - (76.20KB , 650x541 , 1335375391951.jpg )
How can you even do that?
My record has been four days and my balls almost exploded. I couldn't even watch anime because everything aroused me.
>> No. 33703 [Edit]
Not him but I go weeks at a time without doing it all the time. It's one part personality disorder, one part age and loss of drive.
>> No. 42579 [Edit]
There is an inherent difference between 2D porn and 3D. 2D porn is not only closer to traditional art, but there can in fact be a genuine connection between the viewer and the girl (even if she is not your waifu, it would be in the sense that one knows the characters of a manga). Such connection is wholly absent with 3D. With this, pretty much most of the traditional anti-porn arguments people present fall apart: with 2D masturbation need not be strictly limited to satisfaction of lust, but can be an expression of love as well.

[Of course there are tags like ryona which would fall outside that category and are more largely dominated by perverse lust.]
>> No. 42580 [Edit]
File 171479864484.jpg - (686.66KB , 1503x1751 , Colour_Wheel_of_Love.jpg )
>there can in fact be a genuine connection between the viewer and the [2D] girl
>Such connection is wholly absent with 3D
I'd say 2D porn is more ideal but for the converse reason - the connection is purely virtual and without the compromises of reality, and so is complementary to the delusion that is masturbation.
But that virtual nature also leads to a plasticity in the norms of the relationship as it ungoverned by the genuineness of reality; this makes maintaining a genuinely social connection with a virtual quite difficult unless one is committed.
Tulpas can be an example of trying to make that work - dedicating one's will to manifesting a virtual entity in one's personal reality.

>but can be an expression of love as well
What kind of love?
Off the top of my head I'd split hairs between eros, philia, storge, agape, and ludus†
2D porn is a stereotypically an example of eros, though with longer works that can afford a plot and characters one cares for, you can introduce the other forms in a complementary way. I feel there's a vague overlap between the better written ecchi manga series and the raunchier bishoujo works where you'll see different kinds of love in relationships that aren't just one-shot.

On the other hand, casually fapping to a character optimized to appeal to you like a cookie cutter is as genuinely sweet and pure as Diet Rite, and I feel that's where most people get off most of the time.

And I'm not knocking delusions on their own - it's an opiate of humanity - but if one doesn't put mental, physical, or combined effort into the delusion that there is a sexual act occurring around one's person, I doubt one will get much sexual satisfaction. And if one is (somehow) not seeking that lustful sexual release when masturbating, I would imagine whatever non-sexual masturbation they may have is as harmless as daydreaming.

† Not a traditional greek term, but a term for the kind of non-committal-yet-sexually-intimate love that you'd find in, say, a "friend with benefits" situation or "the town bicycle" . Was apparently coined by John Lee in "Colours of love: An exploration of the ways of loving". Pic related
>> No. 42581 [Edit]
Is pure lust in that color wheel theory supposed to be associated with ludus? Or is lust an orthogonal dimension altogether that's not covered by that?
>> No. 42583 [Edit]
Pure lust is not a complete love since there is no emotional intimacy, just physical. Neutral Milk Hotel said it well:

But one can still be in a love characterized by satiation of lust above all else, but give at least some discretion about their partner. That would lean more towards eros or ludus depending on one's needs in either flirtatious, noncommittal love (ludus) or passionate, ideal love (eros), and I would suppose matches most closely with the secondary category of mania - obsessive love.

Or in my own words, lust is a component of every healthy sexual relationship, but so are other interpersonal instincts which make that bond so special over just multiplayer masturbation. If those other instincts are relatively in the background and one is just interesting in fooling around with someone, that's pure ludus. Like the cliche scenario of two comfortable acquaintances wanting to explore another person for the first time, without any other pretense beyond openness and availability, would be a purely ludus situation.

Actually, one direct example of relatively pure ludus in otaku tangents would be the appeal of traditional romantic idols, due to the de-emphasis of eros in their portrayal. When people refer to characters or idols as moe/萌え, I think that feeling of attraction they're experiencing is a form of ludus, possibly along with storge if the character is particularly "healing." Also explains the negative stereotype it receives - most expect eros in a committed love and find a lack of it a deficit.
It shows up in the media itself. The conflict between the wholesomeness of expressing one's love openly versus the sexual promiscuity that eros implies is quite relevant to the tightrope persona IRL idols have to maintain by being essentially everyone's closest friend but no one's lover (except secretly me!).

I would assume constant ludus is a transient phase in most long-term relationships, characterized by the honeymoon phase, and that people who are hooked on ludus are more likely to desire to "cheat" in relationships, even if they as the "cheater" perceives it as a their love being lost (due to the end to end of the honeymoon phase).
>> No. 42584 [Edit]
Eh I'm not a big fan of the color wheel theory, since it's far too granular/broad of a categorization, sometimes draws distinctions where there necessarily isn't any, and tries too hard at complete descriptiveness. But perhaps more importantly, it just doesn't decompose things into orthogonal dimensions; the color wheel looks pretty, but it's functionally useless.

Browsing around a bit I found [1] which to me makes much more sense. It cleanly decouples things into orthogonal dimensions. I don't think the presentation as a triangle is good, but the actual elements identified seem to fit. (Each of the individual elements

>> No. 42585 [Edit]
File 171507792036.jpg - (36.62KB , 512x512 , 1524443415747.jpg )
Moe is a burning feeling in my chest that makes me want to scream. Whatever character induced that bittersweet feeling inside me made me want to literally die so I can hug them tightly to know what they feel like. Sadly, the most I can do is scream at the top of my lungs ¨moeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!¨. There might be other words that come close to it but moe is its own useful term with no precedents, in my opinion.

Post edited on 7th May 2024, 3:32am
>> No. 42600 [Edit]
Somewhat moe related, but I've had this on my mind for a while, and I've been thinking that My Little Pony has some of the same appeal as a moe anime.
>> No. 42601 [Edit]
Yeah I've had the same thought, and I might have even posted about this on another thread. MLP:FiM is the closest thing to CGCDCT/SoL anime that the west has to offer, and if someone didn't have any exposure to anime (which is less plausible these days but is quite likely in 2010 when the show first aired), it's easy to see how one could become a "brony".
>> No. 42603 [Edit]
>MLP:FiM is the closest thing to CGCDCT/SoL anime that the west has to offer
I used to watch a kid's cartoon called Sarah and Duck with my younger cousins thinking it could be a SoL anime with a few changes. I have to admit the character designs are cute.
>> No. 42604 [Edit]
i came to this same realization when i watched a video rebeltaxi made way back in the day about why my little pony had so many adult fans
>> No. 42606 [Edit]
Right on the money. It's why the first two seasons are considered to be its prime as well. It leaned more into silly than the cute as a CGDCT would but it gave off that cozy, almost healing wibe the same. That was one aspect, the other big one was the excellent main character who routinely called out that very nonsense and silliness that would happen around her, who was also in contact with an equally aware but far less cynical superior.

In moé anime terms: Imagine a series around a small tsundere who hates being called cute, making a vlog about how grown up she and her friends are to their fun-loving mom who still has her inner child.
>> No. 43158 [Edit]
I feel like the busier I get the more I fap. I think it's subconscious reaction to my lack of free time. It feels like a waste not to do so because I might be too tired to do it in the near future. It became more and more like a chore. Those people preaching about self restrain might be onto something
>> No. 43164 [Edit]
I am going to post something very embarrassing now so please don't get too agitated over it.

My self hatred finally ticked. I mean literally. The thing I am going to describe wasn't present (roughly saying) yesterday and is present now.

I can't fantasize about fap content anymore. My career, as any other, had begun with porn. Then at some point I stopped watching it because it fried my brain with no reward. Then I lapsed into the realm of fantasy and I was blessed. It was vivid, fulfilling and generally satisfied all my needs.

Some time ago I fell into a very bad mental state, couldn't concentrate on fantasies and revisited porn, got disappointed all over again, because most of it is just shit that only looks appealing as long as the evil libido mangles your perception. Then everything returned to normal and now...

I'll tell you the brief story of it. My fantasies begun with acts of "voluntary" coercion. That is, any given anime girl I am currently attracted to would be placed in a circumstances where she has to do it if she wants to get what she wants, but she isn't forced. She's free to tell me to fuck off and go pursue something else. Silly me thought it was a good compromise, since I don't really "rape" anyone, because it's their conscious choice.

Not so much. It quickly escalated. Mixed with my general disparaging attitude towards the world, the (rather schizophrenic, if you take my meaning) realization begun to grow in me, that in reality I would be just told to fuck off. Literally I do not posses the qualities to coerce anyone into anything. It ticked. I begun fantasizing about rape, now literally. The pretext is as obvious as it gets. The girl is kidnapped, then told to do what she's told or be put through misery. I still refused to apply any violence, coercion was purely psychological. After some time she would be released. It was good and satisfying, for some time at least.

Then moral concerns surfaced. It's not like I care about what they feel, but rather what it means for me and my mental health. I was going down a psychopathic road and was showing signs of obsession with women (doesn't matter that they're 2D, psychologically it's still the same thing). It was contrary to my values and allowing women to live rent free in my head wasn't something I was willing to put up with. I had to abandon even my fantasies.

And now, my self hatred ticked. Or backfired. Or whatever its name is. I can't fantasize at all. If it's about a voluntary act, I immediately get flooded by images of how I would be ridiculed or beaten or whatnot and it is an instant turn off. And I can't do anything about it, because it is the realistic view of what would happen in reality considering what I am and how large is the gap between what I want and what I can. If it is not voluntary, it goes against my values, because I can't allow myself to be subjected by sexual drive like some stupid animal.

The result? I can't get any satisfaction from fap. I hate porn and I have nothing to resort to. Some based anons recommend doujins, but it's essentially porn, hentai, whatever. It's all the same thing. It's not what I want. It's not how I see it. It's not how I like it.

This is an insidious trap I fell into and it just registered with me that my mental health took another visible and tangible step down. Intrusive thoughts are real, very real. I wish you never have to experience anything like this shit. I always thought of my mind as of the last safe space I can go to in case on the most grievous emergency, but not so much. My mind is just as hostile towards me as anything else. I feel like sitting on needles. It makes me go crazy
>> No. 43165 [Edit]
File 173193811652.jpg - (406.56KB , 1000x1300 , 1ad44dbd33938118620c0426913cf1fc66d6960e.jpg )
>it is the realistic view of what would happen in reality
Could it not just be a projection of your own self-hatred? Perhaps in reality you're not as worthless as you feel you are. Perhaps not all people would actually see you how you see yourself.
>> No. 43166 [Edit]
There are too many perhaps in your post and none of them reflect the objective reality, which is what it is.

Anyway I hate to measure one's worthiness in women-units, my self hatred has nothing to do with it. And it is embarrassing and a complete shame that my rant ended up centered around females. D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G

Post edited on 18th Nov 2024, 6:44am
>> No. 43167 [Edit]
But I guess it was inevitable since it was about fap and women are intrinsic to the act... Anyway if you don't understand what I were trying to say it doesn't matter.

Lust is something you must solve one way or the other I'm simply frustrated that my brain doesn't allow me to solve it without massive headaches.
>> No. 43169 [Edit]

Are you the same anon who replied in >>/mai/22050?

>Then moral concerns surfaced. It's not like I care about what they feel, but rather what it means for me and my mental health
Your story is sort of similar to mine. I used to enjoy "bullying", heavy bondage, ryona, and sometimes even guro content. Thinking about it now makes me a bit sick, because I deeply cherish characters from certain anime for the wholesome and loving qualities they represent. Of course it is all fictional, but you cannot simply draw a boundary between content: if you enjoy partaking in the warmth emanated from one character, then you are forced to contend with the fact that you are "getting off" to corrupting those same values of another character.

And of course in addition to the sadistic content I slowly realized I was slipping into masochistic content (something akin to reading NTR and inserting as the one who is cheated on), which obviously is even worse for the mental state. The moment a stray thought entered my head "am I really good enough to receive the warmth of $CHARACTER", I snapped since I recognized the extent to which I had corrupted myself and the (abstract archetypes of) the characters I love. Thus began the long and slow process of slowly introspecting to get to the root of these desires, and slowly melting away that corruption with positive warmth.

>If it's about a voluntary act, I immediately get flooded by images of how I would be ridiculed or beaten or whatnot
At least to me it seems like it's a combination of "guilt" for the fetish you engaged in the past, combined with self-hatred/a weak self-image (possibly emotional trauma?) that prevents you from enjoying even wholesome content.

In that sense I agreed with >>43165 but you seemed to reject that hypothesis so I don't know what to make of it. Keep in mind that compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love in the 2D world are within reach, even if the same might not hold in the 3D world. Whether you're not fit for the 3D world, or whether they're not a fit for your ideals is just a matter of perspective; most on TC have found solace in the 2D world instead.

>I can't allow myself to be subjected by sexual drive like some stupid animal.
To be human is to have sexual drive. Unless you want to dedicate your life to living like the buddha and neuter it entirely, the goal should be to find a good outlet for that which is rooted in love instead of lust.

>I hate porn and I have nothing to resort to
Do you have any characters from any shows/manga that you would not mind being in a relationship with (or at the very least want to cuddle, if not have intercourse with)?

>doujins, but it's essentially porn, hentai, whatever. It's all the same thing
There are lots of doujins that are essentially very wholesome romance one-shots with some sex scenes, but on the flipside it also feels "wrong" to masturbate to them because you're imposing your own lust on their relationship. At least to me the best compromise I've found is a combination of imagination and a fixed pool of ecchi images for a designated character that you love. (The fixed pool acting as a forcing function to prevent you from mindlessly chasing lust and opening a thousand images in a booru without actually engaging in any single one.)
>> No. 43170 [Edit]
8 years late but...
>A real vagina
You have to go back.
>> No. 43172 [Edit]
I'm just a commenter, not a mod who banned you. I think the ban might probably have been because the onion link tripped a spam filter. I don't know why you posted an onion link or what it is to, so I am not going to follow it. If whatever it is can only be mentioned via an onion link then I will presume it's sufficiently gray or illegal that it includes issues or actions outside the realm of emotional trauma linked with porn addiction.

Even if I don't quite understand what it is you're feeling or reacting to, I do hope that you'll be able to stumble upon something on the internet that will help you integrate & resolve it.
>> No. 43173 [Edit]
>Even if I don't quite understand what it is you're feeling or reacting to,
A spam like URL, a post that tries to avoid commonly filtered words, context that makes no sense and seems almost entirely unrelated to the one it's replying to, and a generic message trying to deter the post being banned/deleted with a claim this is bad for the "longevity of the site", when the site in question is 15 years old now.

Pretty safe to assume it's just spam, not someone reaching out for help. It's nice of you to try and help though.
>> No. 43175 [Edit]
>on the flipside it also feels "wrong" to masturbate to them because you're imposing your own lust on their relationship
It's not wrong because masturbating to it, was part of the artist's intention. You're forgetting that all of these characters and scenarios came out of a guy's head. They can draw and maybe even write decently, but they're still just a guy. If anything, you're imposing your personal hangups on their creative output. That's how I see it, although I know this perspective probably isn't shared by most of tc.
>> No. 43176 [Edit]
>It's not wrong because masturbating to it, was part of the artist's intention
I guess to me the fact that many of these one-shots (e.g. by Jorori) are more prominently focused on the romance aspect of it compared to actual sex, seems to weight the overall emotions being expressed in favor of love vs lust.

Of course your values may be different, but to me while getting aroused by it is expected, actively using it as jerk-off material feels like you're tarnishing the entire thing by reducing it to crude lust. Someone people might be able to self-insert, but to me that also feels wrong because the characters are such a perfect match for each other that taking their place just doesn't seem right.
>> No. 43178 [Edit]
>many of these one-shots (e.g. by Jorori) are more prominently focused on the romance aspect of it compared to actual sex
>actively using it as jerk-off material feels like you're tarnishing the entire thing
Given the page count of the sex scene, I wouldn't consider this focus disparity to weigh that heavily in favor of romance. Personally, I wouldn't read pornography unless I plan on using it for that purpose, but I'm much more into age-difference stuff than vanilla anyway. Agree to disagree.
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