Twentysix Point Two
No. 17644
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It finally happened!
I had a dream I was sitting in some kind of waiting room, maybe a government office, complete with a fern, horrid puke-brown carpet from the seventies, cheap furniture, and an
American flag conspicuously hung and left to collect dust, and she walked in and sat next to me.
We greeted each other like old friends and started talking/catching up/gossiping/whatever normal people call it, and I talked about how I had had limited success restoring a dead/dying 3D* relationship (I feel friendship and genuine care towards her, but not romantic love - but we're incompatible, haven't really been hanging out, and the romance left months ago, sadly). Rei, being Rei, was full of helpful, sensible advice, but the more we talked, the more I realized it was her I loved, not the 3D girl.
After a while, I couldn't take it anymore and I confessed my love to her, telling her how I needed her, how I liked that she did everything so intensely and passionately, how she was so beautiful, so kind, so wise, and how, even though we're supposed to be just friends, just being that close to her gave me butterflies, and how I experienced a sensation of calm and emotional well-being whenever I daydreamed about her.
After a few minutes of my babbling, she smiled and shushed me. "Stop it," she said, "you're making me blush."
"But do you love me back?" I wanted to know. "Well, yeah, kinda," she said shyly.
I remember feeling an intensely pleasurable happy sensation right then that persisted after I woke up. Even now, hours later, I still feel like I'm internally quivering with love and happiness.
It's kind of tinged with guilt and sorrow because I don't want to hurt the 3D girl's feelings any further and I guess there's something vaguely cheaty about the whole thing, but...
> 3D girl
* yeah, I know.