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5336 No. 5336 [Edit]
Did any of you tell your parents/friends about your Waifu?
How did they react to it?
But in a little perspective tell us what kind of person you are.
The reason I'm asking is I want to get things for and of my Waifu but fear the judgement my father will bring down on me
We are both very Gruff Conservative men and to have such a thing as a waifu might desroy our relationship and his view of me
I think however, it only goes with our beliefs that (3D) women are inherently evil and don't want to be corrupted by them, but I think he can't look beyond, or rather tell the difference between, having a Waifu and such faux-logic things as being a furry
Would it be better if I kept my love a secret?
90 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 12346 [Edit]
I don't make any indication that I'm an otaku in real life except when dealing with other otaku. However if anyone were to find my deviantart account they could probably infer it from all the crappy pictures of her that i've faved.
>> No. 12348 [Edit]
It wasn't a "mom, we need to talk" moment, if that's what you're thinking. I've just conversed with her, over the years, about my thoughts and expectations -or lack them of- on relationships, reproduction and love and the role of fiction in those, while my fixation with anime and a certain character has been rather obvious (with my collectibles and everything). Another casual chat:

MOM: btw I talked with your cousin. She's worrried because she's about to graduate and wants to apply for a scholarship far away; she's got almost everything figured out but she'll still have to separate from her boyfriend...
>Me: Well, what did she expect? that's how it works: they separate to study, they break. It's no a big deal, anyway: they find new pals to fool around ridiculously soon.
At least I'm glad she's not thinking about giving up and following him, as some women still do and are expected to. Apparently, they have been together for 3 years.
>3 years? that's the time I've been with Asuka, lol. But it's really not that much, not at all, so tell my cousin not to exaggerate. Her boyfriend's not a bad guy, though; he has endured for her some things I'd never, ever have...
Yeah, starting with his asshole father-in-law.

My mom doesn't really share my parameters of thought and her life was very different from mines. But I guess we do are similar in the sense that we've been pretty demanding on relationships and thus ended up rather lonely, disenchanted by the entire thing. She does regret not having grandchildren but, well, that's another business and it can't be helped.
>> No. 12680 [Edit]
Last I heard, he killed himself
>> No. 12681 [Edit]
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Nah, I saw him post on /a/ a few days ago.
I was really bored, shut up!

I knew it was him because he mentioned writing letters and he stopped posting after I did.
>> No. 12682 [Edit]
Well, he doesn't trip so it could be any Chris but he was talking about doing it, I distinctly remember it and of course 4kanker encouraged him to do it but I never saw the conclusion, if any occurred
>> No. 12684 [Edit]
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We all have those moments, don't we? If it was him. Wonder if he's in a situation where it's easy to act on? Living at a height, with a gun or with some very specific chemicals... I don't think I'd still be alive if any of the above were true for me. A shame we were never friends. Even if he didn't do the deed, I think he has something against me.

This is getting awfully off-topic. Sorry.
>> No. 12693 [Edit]
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We're in the awkward phase of our relationship where I don't have a daki yet and I just hug a regular old pillow and pretend it's her. It's easy to hide it this way thankfully.

My parents have walked in on this, though they assume the pillow has simply been moved around in my sleep. I'll save up for an actual daki when I move out.

My brother and a few close friends know. They were actually surprisingly accepting, considering how normal they are. But hey, homosexuality was once viewed as a degeneracy on par with rape, and look at society's view now(Not justifying homosexuality at all, I'm kind of conservative as well. Just saying society accepts it now).

One of these normie friends who wants to take me out to a stripclub when I turn 21. For Lilly's sake, I want to turn this offer down, but not sound like a dick.

Maybe I'll just say I have something to do.
>> No. 12694 [Edit]
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Just say you have food poisoning or something.
>> No. 12715 [Edit]
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>I think he has something against me
Well you sort of have the same wife, if I had to compete I don't think we'd be friends either
>> No. 12716 [Edit]
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Yes, maybe he sees it that way.
But I don't, the girl I love and the girl he loves are completely different.
>> No. 12728 [Edit]
I believe everyone should be homosexual for this to be a better world.
>> No. 12729 [Edit]
I believe all homosexuals should be eradicated for this to be a better world.
>> No. 12733 [Edit]
Yes, a world where everyone has AIDS sounds amazing.
>> No. 12745 [Edit]
Back on topic, I think a waifu is something we should keep private.

Because to put things simply, people will find it weird. Actually no, it is weird and I wholeheartedly admit that. While everyone is weird in their own way, they keep it hidden usually.

Look at furries, bronies, and other groups of people who parade their faggotry out in public, completely disregarding the stares they get and making their parents cry themselves to sleep. Do you want us to be grouped in with those types? Keep your waifu private.

I'm not saying you should be embarrassed by her, if anyone asks, you can tell them about your waifu, that's okay. But don't act like she's something the world needs to know about.
>> No. 12760 [Edit]
I told my sibling about it maybe about a year ago and though we don't talk about it, I can tell her opinion of it is that it is a fake love or some sort of inferior love, even though my heart burns passionately for my waifu.

Do as this guy said if you still can. Not necessarily because it's weird, but because people just can't easily wrap their heads around things they don't know.
>> No. 12796 [Edit]
I agree with all of this. I also think of it as a matter of respect, as most people, even those close to you, would probably rather not know about your waifu.
As an aside, I also can't help but be a bit suspicious of those who parade their interests about so openly. Like, what are they trying to prove to themselves or others, or if they're desperately trying to mask a deep insecurity or identity crisis, stuff of that sort. It's hard to believe that their passion is that intense, and way likelier that they're simply trying on a lifestyle and flying the colors.
>> No. 12811 [Edit]
I feel that waifus are something that should be kept private. Very few people know that I have a waifu, and those are people that I've met whom I know have waifus and told them who my waifu is.
>> No. 13536 [Edit]
I've told my best friend about my waifu. She was incredibly supportive and understanding, and she could even relate to my feelings. It's great having someone close that I can talk to about things like this. I'd go crazy if I didn't.

I'm a NEET and I would never tell my parents about such a thing. I'm very afraid of my parents judgement, so I often keep personal things secret from them. I'm also afraid that they would think I've been alone too long and that I've gone crazy so they would force me to get a job or kick me out or something.
>> No. 13666 [Edit]
While I didn't tell my sister, I asked her what her opinion of relationships that didn't consist of two 3D people was. She said she doesn't care as long as the relationship is healthy and is making the 3D person happy.

Some people have asked about why my cellphone background is always her and I keep on saying "she's my favorite character" or whatever. I think I'm going to keep it that way. People don't really need to know about us, it's not like people knowing about us makes our relationship better.
>> No. 16439 [Edit]
This is still an interesting topic.

Lately my mother has been rather harsh about this. It's weird because when I originally told her she was fine with it and seemed to understand. Seeing as we're rather close I thought it was important and safe to let her in on my lifestyle choices, but I guess not. I can tell she's concerned about my future and mental health, though, so I'm not overly upset about it.

The friends I have told are fine with it and accept as just a simple relationship. They've all had 2D crushes at some point, so I suppose that's why.
>> No. 16443 [Edit]
I live alone and I have no friends, so there's no danger of anyone finding out. The only people who I told are all online, and also in similar relationships.

I don't see what's there to gain by telling it to people who might not even understand it, unless you know that they are really willing to hear you out.
>> No. 16446 [Edit]
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My closest friends knew about waifuism beforehand, and they probably suspected that I had feelings for Kagura, so I told them about it. I didn't want to hide anything from them, plus I thought they'd be understanding.

Most of them were, at least.

I wouldn't want to ever tell my parents about it; I don't think they'd ever approve of it. There's some pressure on me to get married and have kids, from my extended family as well as my parents, so having a waifu kinda goes against that.
>> No. 17309 [Edit]
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I decided to tell people I knew where gonna figure it out eventually (if they're gonna find out anyway might as well let them know, right?). Oh before I go any further you said to tell you what type of person I am?
Well on the surface I would seem like any other what you guys call "normal fags" with anime as a healthy hobby. I don't really strike you as the type to have a waifu. It definitely would surprise anybody who didn't know me. My mother sees me as just a fanboy so I didn't really pursue the topic any further because it works as my aluby for all the mammies in my room. Haven't talked to my father in ages. I let my younger brother, who's 16 now, and my closest friends know they were pretty understanding since they've had anime crushes before but they didn't think I was serious. There's only two friends that know how serious I am for Mami. One lives in Canada (I always barrage him with adorable pictures of her and annoy him on hour rants on why she's the perfect waifu) and the other is my ex/best friend (that's because I turned her down for Mami and the only way to do that was to thoroughly explain to her what waifuism is.(I know I'm not suppose to mention 3DPD but it was to make a point ). She took it better then expected. Since we've been close for years she respected my decision.

There's one person who found out on accident when he opened my laptop and found my private shrine dedicated to her (which I will not post on here because it's too damn embarrassing(/-\)) He was a pretty intelligent guy so he quickly put 2 and 2 together. I gotta say I didn't expect his first guess to be "You're in love with this girl aren't you?" (I thought he would have saw me as just another fanboy just like my mother did. _.) That guess caught me by surprise, so my reaction quickly gave it away.
That's everyone that knows.

Post edited on 3rd Jan 2015, 12:58pm
>> No. 17314 [Edit]
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There's only one friend I could ever see telling, but even then only if he asked.
>> No. 17315 [Edit]
Only my brother and my best friend know. No one in my family knows anything about 2d, let alone waifuism. No one I know in real life would try to understand since most of my relatives are close-minded bigots.

My brother found out on his own, he's also into 2d so it's okay. My best friend always knew I was into 2d but I never really bothered going into details until I felt that I shouldn't lie to him about my waifu, he thought I was still pointlessly looking for a concept to adore.

I'm an extreme introvert and don't have much social interactions, I've been going through social withdrawal in the last few months but the amount of people who know I have a waifu has always been kept to a minimum. No one has to know, they wouldn't understand.
>> No. 17319 [Edit]
As far as my immediate family thinks of her she's always just been "That girl you have things of"

I told my best friend 3 years ago as an /a/ style joke, I asked him who his "waifu" was and he said he didn't have one but later admitted he liked Asuka alot when I mentioned Daki's later that night. Since then I've referred to her seriously on certain occasions, told him I stopped looking at porn and hentai for her, ad showed him a heart shaped ornament on my wallet I bought recently.
So far he hasn't been too weirded out because he's a channer and has heard of it, but I think he's becoming more normalfag over time and I worry about how it'll affect how he thinks of me as he degenerates.

I told an old childhood friend I met at random and we went out for drinks. He was trying to get me to flirt with chicks and I certainly don't want anyone to think I'm gay, so being drunk and persecuted I showed him my necklace I wear at all times and explained how I sort of "married" god.
We parted on good terms but I met him again and I'm pretty much sure he thinks I'm completely psychotic. Which is fucked up because he's the one that writes emo poetry and does shitty drugs.

For everyone else, It either never comes up, I just say "I'm already in a relationship", or "I'm looking for a lifetime relationship"
>> No. 17348 [Edit]
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>Did any of you tell your parents/friends about your Waifu?
>How did they react to it?
My sister is the only one who knows. She's very accepting. I have a friend who I know would be accepting but I still haven't told him. I don't think my father would really care, but I think my brother would flip out and think I was a freak.

>But in a little perspective tell us what kind of person you are.
Very very introverted. I /can/ socialize with people if I have to, but I rarely have the drive to.
>> No. 17418 [Edit]
I told my best friend about her, but he thinks it's just a joke. I guess it's better that he sees it that way, as sadly I don't think he would take it too well if he knew how serious I am about it.
However he did end up making extremely hurtful jokes about her and something that's been making me utterly depressed, but of course all I could do is pretend to laugh about it.
>> No. 17424 [Edit]
That's my fear too, though I really doubt it would surprise him that much. There's a 90% chance he'd believe me.
>> No. 19444 [Edit]
>>However he did end up making extremely hurtful jokes about her and something that's been making me utterly depressed, but of course all I could do is pretend to laugh about it.

I would cease to be friends with such person. If I would confess to a friend with such an intimate secret, it means that I infinitely trust him. If he'd react as you described, than he would betrayed my trust and there is no point to be friends anymore.
>> No. 19463 [Edit]
I've never understood the impulse to tell family or friends that you're in love with a fictional character. Why do you feel they need to know? Why would they even want to know?
>> No. 19467 [Edit]
Maybe because they feel the need to share how much of a special snowflake they are. Like people who post pictures of their daki on Twitter showing off how crazy and nerdy they are.
>> No. 19468 [Edit]
Or maybe because it is normal to feel like sharing your joy of being in relationship with someone, whether a real or imaginary, with your friends and family.And keeping it inside like some sort of a shameful secret, feeling like a total freak is not good for one's mental health.

Not everyone who has a waifu is an asocial, misanthropic, reclusive hermit. And not everyone who is open about it is a pretentious otaku poser (though most of such people are).

I also do not approve of tweeting about one's waifu, as I am not approve of people who talk about their SOs all the time. But I see no wrongs in a desire to share it with a few people and be able to talk about it.
>> No. 19469 [Edit]
Sure, but why can't they get that sort of fulfillment posting in places like this, or sticking to other online hangouts to talk about having a waifu?

It has nothing to do with (a)sociability. You don't have to be a recluse to want to keep certain aspects of your life private. You say it shouldn't be a shameful secret, but for most of society, this is shameful, freakish behavior. That's the reality of having a waifu. Why unload something so heavy onto your loved ones, just for your own sake, when there are other outlets?
>> No. 19471 [Edit]
It's pretty shitty being married to someone and having to hide it from your friends and family.
>> No. 19472 [Edit]
Honorable people don't bother others with their shame, and will not speak of their pride. No reason to confess for the sake of confessing, but if you think it makes others happy or leads to a fruitful conversation, go ahead and tell them.
>> No. 19474 [Edit]
>>Sure, but why can't they get that sort of fulfillment posting in places like this, or sticking to other online hangouts to talk about having a waifu?

The thing is, I don't know you guys. Neither you know me. Anything I'd post here, that is somehow personal would be terribly out of context. Even if we know something about each others waifus, each of us has, I believe, a different view of their characters.

I noticed that people rarely post here about their mundane affairs with their waifus, but rather about their personal problems that other waifuists can relate to. I have no illusions that people care how I celebrated our anniversary or her birthday, because, honestly, no one cares. That is totally fine. I also don't feel like sharing my daily waifu experience with random strangers because you can't relate and to me it feels like an act of exhibitionism.

>> You say it shouldn't be a shameful secret, but for most of society, this is shameful, freakish behavior. That's the reality of having a waifu. Why unload something so heavy onto your loved ones, just for your own sake, when there are other outlets?

For me there is a difference between coming out with having a waifu to "the society" and coming out to your friends and family. With my closest friends and mom (dad would never...) there is 50/50 chance they would understand. But other 50% outweigh the desire to ease my burden because if my friends would turn out to be intolerant bigots, I can live without them. But not without my family. It is not me who would suffer, but she because I am a black sheep of my family. And I would never hurt her. That is why I keep it a secret. But generally I wish that my friends and family asked me "How are you two doing?" not "How are you doing?"

I am also tired of lying. When people ask me if I have a gf, I would like to say "I do. In fact I am married", not coming up with some lame excuses. When people ask me "Are you going to stay bachelor forever? How about kids?" I'd rather say that I am married and would like to have kids instead of saying that I am a child-free asexual or something. Pretending to be not who you really are is hard.

>>Honorable people don't bother others with their shame, and will not speak of their pride.
I don't feel either ashamed of having a waifu nor prideful of this fact. I just wish that I wouldn't have to hide something from close people and so that they know that I am more or less happy with my choice. I do not seek approval like "thumbs up son, you rock". I probably wouldn't even tell them who she is. Just so that they know.

OK, enough. My drivel can't go on forever.
>> No. 19491 [Edit]
>The thing is, I don't know you guys. Neither you know me. Anything I'd post here, that is somehow personal would be terribly out of context.

Good point. I guess the solution could be making waifu-having friends online, but that's not easily done, I realize.

>I noticed that people rarely post here about their mundane affairs with their waifus, but rather about their personal problems that other waifuists can relate to. I have no illusions that people care how I celebrated our anniversary or her birthday, because, honestly, no one cares

I can't speak for anyone else, obviously, but I do enjoy seeing how people celebrate and live with their waifus. It's nice seeing people's passions. We do have threads like the "daily waifu experience" thread, so there's at least some audience for mundane affairs.
Plus, people may not post as many mundane things as they do problems or questions because it's harder for others to know how to respond. When someone gets no responses, they may feel ignored and not want to bother posting things like that in future. I'm not really sure what could be done about it.

>I also don't feel like sharing my daily waifu experience with random strangers because you can't relate and to me it feels like an act of exhibitionism.

Do you feel you could relate better to family and friends in this regard? They may not be able to understand this kind of thing well, either, if they're not familiar with it. I'm with you on the exhibitionist part, I often feel the same way.

>For me there is a difference between coming out with having a waifu to "the society" and coming out to your friends and family.

Maybe I didn't phrase it well. I wasn't talking about "coming out to society," but your friends and family are part of society, and in probably most cases, will hold similar views. If you're sure you'll get a positive response, and that telling them will be fruitful for everyone involved (as >>19472 said), then it's not really an issue. Most people won't have such luck, I think.

>I am also tired of lying. When people ask me if I have a gf, I would like to say "I do. In fact I am married", not coming up with some lame excuses. When people ask me "Are you going to stay bachelor forever? How about kids?" I'd rather say that I am married and would like to have kids instead of saying that I am a child-free asexual or something. Pretending to be not who you really are is hard.

Thing is, telling them you're in love with a fictional character is likely to cause more problems here than it would solve. People aren't going to take it seriously, and you'll still get the same questions, just from an angle of, "You're gonna give up this creepy shit and get a real girl, right?"

>My drivel can't go on forever.

It's not drivel. You made good points and I was happy to read them. I've wondered about all of this before, but never really found any in-depth answers.
>> No. 19499 [Edit]
>>Good point
>>It's not drivel. You made good points and I was happy to read them.

Thank you. Kind words that one rarely sees on imageboards.

>>I guess the solution could be making waifu-having friends online, but that's not easily done, I realize.

That is hard, yes. Besides why make new friends when I already have few who have proven to be quite open-minded and deviant-tolerating people. Besides, when you hang on imageboards, it is unwise to fully trust someone and go outside of the anonymity mode. It is really hard to develop a trust with someone on the internet, with tripcode/nickname or without. It's just not like with the real people that you have known for years and talked to almost daily.

For me it helps that she nudged me to "interact" with other characters from her source (not in a sexual fashion). With my now developed imagination, it's becoming quite beneficial and easier to sustain those relationships. I don't know, maybe other people do this as well, but for me waifuism always looked quite waifu-centered

>> I can't speak for anyone else, obviously, but I do enjoy seeing how people celebrate and live with their waifus. It's nice seeing people's passions. We do have threads like the "daily waifu experience" thread, so there's at least some audience for mundane affairs.

Oddly, I am here to read some "problem threads", because I might be able to help, knowing first hand the hardships of waifu-lifestyle. With personal things like you've mentioned, I just don't know how to react and honestly don't think people expect to react you somehow. I always felt that such posts are not addressing to anyone in particular, just people seeking for an outlet for their feelings. Being able to post it here is better than to just keep it to yourself. Anything better than nothing.

As for your other points. I'am keeping silent for now because the pros (lifting the burden) outweigh the cons (having my life and my most close social relationships ruined). I guess, in my situation best case scenario would be that my friends and family would accept it as a some sort of a quirk/phase but won't really accept it. I guess it is just my wishful thinking that coming out will change anything much.

I just realized that for me, the problem is not hiding something form my family. It is just that there are some things that you can't discuss with your partner. When the partner is real, you can discuss such matters with friends and family. But if you are in the relationships in an imaginary girl? I guess, I've just answered my own question above. You make imaginary friend to discuss something that you can't discuss with your imaginary wife. And I though it can't get more messed up.
>> No. 19500 [Edit]
I did.
I think it's kinda childish to hide it.
I mean to put it in perspective, theres people with much more abnormal circumstances.

To the people I tell, i'm just like a kid with an imaginary friend, it's harmless.

But of course, in my case, I have a very supportive family, and friends they don't mind, but if your family is a bunch of you know whats, then it's probably best you don't tell them, unless they inquire about it.
>> No. 19503 [Edit]
Do they really understand it, or they just think you will grow out of it, and it will be sooner if they just don't argue with you about it?

It is cool that you have such family and friends. Also what do you mean by "more abnormal circumstances"? I guess, it would be more understandable to normals if waifuism is coupled with some physical disabilities or deformities. In my case it would look even creepier, that more or less normal grown ass man decided to bound his life with cartoon girl. It is like spitting them in a face and rejecting the foundation of their society - sex and carnal lust. And making it a choice, not because of some circumstances.

I don't think that my family would digest the fact that their grandchildren are imaginary and they can see them only on a commissioned portrait.
>> No. 19504 [Edit]
They just don't mind, think of it like a guy that came out as gay to their parents, they really don't care as long as I'm not hurting myself, or wasting my money, I don't even buy products related to my girl because I don't like things of her that I didn't make myself.

And by more abnormal circumstances, I'm talking about people that give themselves Schizophrenia or "Tuplas", and guys that buy those silicone dolls like in pic related.
With Tulpas, it's just not good for your actual health, and I've seen the negative side effects of people that fail to control it.
And for the dolls, I mean, it's cool because some people actually take care of them, and clean them and stuff, but then theres people that don't, because from what I hear because it is a huge undertaking, and it's expensive.

My parents already have 4 grandchildren between my two sisters so I'm sure they don't mind me not really doing much of anything in that regard.
>> No. 19505 [Edit]
I've never really understood where waifu ends and tulpa begins.
>> No. 19506 [Edit]
>Besides why make new friends when I already have few who have proven to be quite open-minded and deviant-tolerating people. Besides, when you hang on imageboards, it is unwise to fully trust someone and go outside of the anonymity mode. It is really hard to develop a trust with someone on the internet, with tripcode/nickname or without. It's just not like with the real people that you have known for years and talked to almost daily.

I guess it depends on how much you'd have to share for them to understand your more personal experiences or issues. Honestly, it's almost easier opening up to strangers, just briefly explaining the context without sacrificing anonymity. Not as fulfilling, but if you can't risk anything closer, it's the best in-between you're likely to find.

>Oddly, I am here to read some "problem threads", because I might be able to help, knowing first hand the hardships of waifu-lifestyle.

I am too, don't get me wrong, but the everyday posts are also nice.

>With personal things like you've mentioned, I just don't know how to react and honestly don't think people expect to react you somehow. I always felt that such posts are not addressing to anyone in particular, just people seeking for an outlet for their feelings. Being able to post it here is better than to just keep it to yourself. Anything better than nothing.

It's kind of hard for me to tell whether or not people actually want responses, or if they're just venting. I stick to venting myself, but maybe others want a more directly supportive atmosphere or some such. Definitely better than nothing, either way.

>As for your other points. I'am keeping silent for now because the pros (lifting the burden) outweigh the cons (having my life and my most close social relationships ruined). I guess, in my situation best case scenario would be that my friends and family would accept it as a some sort of a quirk/phase but won't really accept it. I guess it is just my wishful thinking that coming out will change anything much.

I didn't really mean to address your situation specifically, but to explain my own doubts about whether or not confessing in general would be worth it, considering the downsides. I just have a hard time believing anyone would react well to hearing about something like this.
If you do end up telling them, I wish you the best. Maybe you'll end up an exception to the rule.

With regards to interacting with other characters - I've seen others take on daughters and siblings and even friends, so it's not unprecedented. I mean, if you're already interacting with a fictional wife, fictional friends aren't exactly a stretch.
>> No. 19507 [Edit]
Why do you think it's childish to hide it?
>> No. 19508 [Edit]
I'm sorry, that was kinda rude, I didn't really mean it for everyone.

In my case, being with my girl gave me a noticeably big turnaround in my behavior, my confidence and in my life in general.
I felt like I wasn't giving her proper thank you by saying "I" "me" etc. etc. to my family, that's why I thought I was being childish, not giving credit where it should be due.

So one day I just told my mom and dad while we were talking about me again, "Yeah it's because of her, this character", they were a little shocked at first, but they were ultimately understanding.

Post edited on 4th Feb 2016, 2:23am
>> No. 19512 [Edit]
I wish I could blur the line between the two more in regards to my waifu.
>> No. 19575 [Edit]
Okay... Thanks to this guy (>>19508), I figured it out.

I will continue keeping her a secret, until later, when and if I achieve all my current goals and could say to my family: "It would never happen without her". I mean, there are higher chances that they will take it seriously and accept her (maybe reluctantly) when I will have more solid argument than "She made me a better person and helps me not to give up on myself and life".

Or until I am really cornered by them and I feel that they kind of figured this out and just want to confirm.
>> No. 21274 [Edit]
File 156738933161.png - (694.95KB , 789x867 , ブウブウですわ.png )
Being a healthy japanophile, and having learned the language (because you cannot learn a language fluently without ingraining a piece of the culture), I've always taken japanese collectivist mentality a bit more to heart. I realize it would be very akward for others around me, so I'd rather not share this outside of the more appropriate online communities.

Work colleagues don't know anything about it and I just dodge the inquiry saying I'm a "very tender and slow relationship" (which isn't far off tbh).

As for my parents it's a bit more complex. I've always shrugged off 3D women and dating. When questioned about my interests in "cartoons", comfy apparel, cats and videogames, I answer that I enjoy "cute stuff" and computers. I do not lie, but as a result, as years go by they think I have some sort of childish side to my personality, and it's those childish tendencies which hinder my interest in 'real women'. They legitimately think I'm assexual like an infant, comparatively speaking.

Ultimately, I think one should try to keep this stuff to him/herself, and their 2D loved ones. It can become bothersome to both parties.
>> No. 21275 [Edit]
You're right about that, I think. I hate to admit it but I get something of a high from social conflict. Being able to make people angry tends to make me feel somewhat pleasured. Have I ever done so with my Waifu? No, because I feel it would be unfair to her. But if I ever did get confronted about it I would probably switch into brutal honesty mode by instinct and run my mouth about a lot of shit until I made people either too pissed off to continue interacting with me at that time or people were on the verge of violence. I don't know what's wrong with me, but even though I'm almost 30 I'm still vigorously anti-social in the true sense of the word.
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