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File 138942825737.jpg - (55.28KB , 430x600 , 180233.jpg )
14124 No. 14124 [Edit]
ITT: Songs that remind you of your waifu (PART II)

This time PLEASE just images and comments plus mp3 files or links, no Youtube-embed or the thread will soon become unusable. Thanks.
Expand all images
>> No. 14125 [Edit]
I'll start off the thread with some god-tier music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDg8ZFSkJOY
>> No. 14134 [Edit]
File 138950946434.jpg - (336.82KB , 808x774 , 21484067.jpg )

And if a double-decker bus crashes into us, to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten ton truck kills the both of us, to die by your side, well the pleasure, the privilege is mine

>> No. 14135 [Edit]

smooooooth operator
>> No. 14139 [Edit]
I used to utterly love the original. Shit happened those days (I really was kicked out of my house and stuff). It's a sad but powerful memory.
>> No. 14140 [Edit]
File 138952166897.jpg - (13.18KB , 480x360 , kiss me please.jpg )
Close your eyes
And think of someone you physically admire
And let me kiss you...

>> No. 14142 [Edit]
File 138953549266.jpg - (122.38KB , 647x800 , 3017b9fe778628ca3b7115acfc8377e1.jpg )

Let 'em say we're crazy
I don't care about that
Put your hand in my hand baby
Don't ever look back
Let the world around us
Just fall apart
Baby we can make it if we're heart to heart

Yes, I've been known to listen to 80's pop on occasion.
>> No. 14160 [Edit]
File 138955971873.jpg - (264.10KB , 686x768 , 9419043.jpg )
I know what you mean. I have a lot of songs that I personally associate with old, very close friends I've lost. Not as dire as your situation was, but it still feels like a big mess of sad and nostalgic.
If I go there again, no I won't be sane. Not a calling guest, just a ghost in the rain.

Great song!
>> No. 14188 [Edit]
File 138976176391.jpg - (373.55KB , 607x771 , 26d73a9e9e42c49ac9e20054ff09374e.jpg )

Oh, you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it, there's nothin' I want more
Yeah, I'd fight for you, I'd lie for you.
Walk the wire for you. Yeah, I'd die for you.
You know it's true: Everything I do, oh, I do it for you.

>> No. 14192 [Edit]
I think anyone that knows me or that is into this kind of music saw this coming, but: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9vMS0DWxnY

>When I look at you, oh, I don't know what's real.

I know a guy, who said interestingly enough he believes that album "ties into serotonin, lsd and dxm and mdma, and actually being in love"
Interestingly enough as I pointed out in the last thread this has always been "my waifu the album" for me because like that guy pointed out it feels like being in love, makes me think of her, like some psychedelic dreamy trip with her. Most albums in this genre do that kind of thing for me.
>> No. 14194 [Edit]
File 138977853446.jpg - (46.20KB , 783x437 , all by myself.jpg )
That reminded me of this one:
>> No. 14215 [Edit]
File 138996190394.jpg - (652.36KB , 1153x1189 , Earthly_Delights.jpg )
It's bad, I know, but it was a hit when I was mai waifu's (original) age:

Listen and feel young again.
>> No. 14237 [Edit]
File 139013159557.png - (472.77KB , 600x510 , a8686a8679bf4581bb4c2589826af599.png )

I think this song really just fits. Really.

It's her hair and her eyes today that just simply take me away
And the feeling that I'm falling further in love
makes me shiver but in a good way
'Cause I love her with all that I am
and my voice shakes along with my hands
'Cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea
but I'd rather be here than on land
'Cause she’s all that I see and she’s all that I need
and I'm out of my league once again.

>> No. 14264 [Edit]
File 13903721943.jpg - (650.07KB , 705x1000 , 12843468.jpg )

Here's another. The entire album is amazing but this particular track reminds me of us.
>> No. 14271 [Edit]
That's very good, I didn't know them.
>> No. 14272 [Edit]
File 139041690865.jpg - (167.93KB , 803x1200 , 17835526_p10.jpg )

I could imagine either of us singing this. I actually have sung it to him a few times. Maybe someday I can sing well enough and fumble my way around a piano/guitar so I can properly cover it for him.
>> No. 14305 [Edit]
File 139054149733.jpg - (81.55KB , 1535x767 , 40015161_p0.jpg )

When I hold to you
It's like letting go of a balloon...

>> No. 14311 [Edit]
File 139055274768.jpg - (131.34KB , 1000x704 , 30631454.jpg )
Beautiful stuff.

Yup, so many great artists that really deserve more love.

I love this one so much. It brings to mind thoughts of cuddling up together and comforting each other.
>> No. 14317 [Edit]
This spanish band is a guilty pleasure rooted in my childhood...

Don't tell anyone.
>> No. 14349 [Edit]

Let me take you far beyond the stars...

Corny, but it was one of my favourite songs as a kid and the song that first came to my mind the second I met mai waifu.
>> No. 14353 [Edit]
Audio Rome - Odessa - (5.84MB - 176 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 4:37

From the tender ax of springtime, defying the snows
To the streaming summer’s hatchet she rose

Now all covered with lime, under an indifferent sky,
We smother everything in kisses

Jerome Reuter is my favorite songwriter, and this is one of my favorite songs of his.
I've had many daydreams of living out a life with my waifu while listening to this album. For me, the imagery describes her perfectly.
>> No. 14364 [Edit]
File 139093902538.png - (452.66KB , 700x700 , 18716768.png )

I always thought this song was extremely romantic, but in reading the translated lyrics, I found it to be more related to (how I experience) waifuism than I'd expected.
>> No. 14366 [Edit]
Meh. Lyrics are overrated...

No, seriously: doubtlessly one their best songs,indeed; absolutely brilliant. Have you checked out Jonsi's solo stuff? it's much more frenetic but it's really good too.
>> No. 14376 [Edit]
File 139106077837.gif - (46.62KB , 300x300 , 15079545_p7.gif )
Nice song.

>Meh. Lyrics are overrated...
I agree for the most part; I usually am more interested in textures and general moods. I just thought it was neat when I actually read the lyrics.

>Have you checked out Jonsi's solo stuff?
I haven't, but I will! I've been listening to at least a whole album (that I haven't listened to previously) every day for this entire month and have the intention to do so for the whole year, so it'll happen sooner or later (probably sooner, as I love Sigur Ros).

Anyway, to stay on topic, have some Breathless: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h9QwN9nblY
>> No. 14392 [Edit]
Here's a taste of it:

You wished silence, released noise in tremors.
You wish, I know, surrender to summer.
We should always know that we can do everything...

Go do.
>> No. 14517 [Edit]
Another one from my teens...
I no longer do drugs or swing left but this memory didn't age half bad.

"What time is it, my heart?...
Not everything that is gold shines."

Post edited on 14th Feb 2014, 4:53pm
>> No. 14520 [Edit]
File 139243437895.jpg - (47.40KB , 400x400 , artworks-000012573895-5hzwj4-crop.jpg )
...while on it:
>> No. 14529 [Edit]
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>> No. 14530 [Edit]
File 139267094974.png - (374.57KB , 500x653 , 1391236380916.png )
Also, this track from the OST really brings back a lot of feels from her route
>> No. 14560 [Edit]
File 13929759492.png - (234.30KB , 512x643 , 26305694.png )

Father, grant thy weary one rest forevermore.
>> No. 14576 [Edit]
I ended up listening to the whole album, really liked it! I love the woozy horns.

I end up liking everything you post in these threads, and it's all stuff I've never heard of. Have you posted a chart on /mp3/? >>1756
>> No. 14580 [Edit]
When I read 'burial' I couldn't help remembering this one:

>> No. 14584 [Edit]
File 139340322812.jpg - (721.67KB , 900x1200 , 41446198.jpg )
It's really nice, isn't it? I think I found it either in a /mu/ sharethread or from trying to raise compatibility with a friend on last.fm. I really love the lyrics and stomping/clapping.

Also give this a listen since you liked that, it has similar vibes and is relatively unknown, I found it through RYM. It's a little less upbeat though, the whole album is kind of desolate and sad. The lyrics are a little quiet, but amazing. So do give them a read as you listen.


Also, ridiculously long track names! I hope the link doesn't break again.

I haven't made a chart, I'm no good at choosing favorites.

Damn, I haven't seen that name for a long time. Gotta give them another listen.
>> No. 14604 [Edit]

Thought I oughta bare my naked feelings,
Thought I oughta tear the curtain down.
I held the blade in trembling hands,
Prepared to make it but
Just then the phone rang,
I never had the nerve to make the final cut.

>> No. 14609 [Edit]

I still prefer The Wall, though; it hit me first and so much more intensely, pulling all my strings together (heck: it was the story I identified myself with the most until watching Eva).
>> No. 14612 [Edit]

I was actually worried it might be too "mainstream" for /mai/'s tastes.
>> No. 14613 [Edit]
That doesn't matter, it's about you and your waifu (and these threads have had lots of pop music too).
>> No. 14619 [Edit]
File 139400979558.jpg - (42.51KB , 390x520 , 11073988.jpg )
I think I already posted Worrytrain's Holding it and loving it as the world passes by, so here's this which has a similar effect on me.
>> No. 14630 [Edit]
File 139416250752.jpg - (37.40KB , 550x529 , 20080701_462278.jpg )
There's a story that goes along with this, but it's kind of embarrassing so I'm just going to post this and leave.

>> No. 14759 [Edit]
File 139519108825.jpg - (15.46KB , 325x328 , Hospicecover.jpg )

This whole album makes me think of her a lot, actually
>> No. 14762 [Edit]
File 139525772737.png - (168.05KB , 550x412 , 86fa420714142ab68e6364e37b63b88e.png )

We enjoy playing video games together and really connected to this track one evening.

If we had a "plight" of some kind, it reflects the quiet, calm confidence that would see us through anything.
>> No. 14764 [Edit]
Speaking of GTAV:

Heaven helps the man who fights his fear
Love's the only thing that keeps me here
You're the reason that I'm hanging on
My heart's staying where my heart belongs

>> No. 14766 [Edit]
File 139539295742.png - (479.67KB , 500x800 , 36426651.png )
I feel the same way about another one of their albums. Especially this song.


And suddenly I saw that I was
Upstairs and outside and freezing on the roof
Finally it had found me
The answer, the feeling, and the truth:

That I'm small
That I'm small
That I'm small
I'm smaller than the smallest fireball

I can't listen to the album too often, it always makes me cry.
>> No. 14771 [Edit]
File 139546744231.gif - (961.38KB , 250x250 , 1390425609966.gif )
Please, allow me a moment of absolute nostalgia spiced with unofficial lyrics:

We... We...
We belong together...

>> No. 14775 [Edit]
File 139556802269.jpg - (336.61KB , 768x1024 , 41934381.jpg )
One more, sorry for posting so much in such a short time.

She'll always be what I can't find
She'll always be where I break down
She'll always hide behind a star
I'll always dream she can't be far

Some of our best dreams together are in space ships/stations.
>> No. 14804 [Edit]
File 139596673713.jpg - (448.65KB , 2980x2894 , 42499119.jpg )
Oh man, I really love that song. It was the first Failure song I heard, and even though I was never able to get into them all that much this is still one of my favorite nineties songs.
I don't think you're posting too much, but then again I also end up really enjoying most of the songs you share. Which reminds me that I forgot to tell you how much I like that Sad Bastard Book Club album you linked to; I've never heard anyone blend that kind of ramshackle folk with heavier textures in the same way.
I really love this latest Marissa Nadler album, especially this song. Having read the lyrics and connected the phrases I couldn't understand initially, I now think it's more of a breakup song, but the tingles from when I first heard it are still there.

It's true that I lost a year
Stumbling from room to room
Hoping that I'd wake up
Somehow next to you

>> No. 14808 [Edit]
Suddenly every line made sense:

Slit my throat is all I ever...
>> No. 14809 [Edit]
File 139599520787.jpg - (356.08KB , 600x372 , 42354763_p1.jpg )
Oh, glad you liked it! I love the overall feeling of desolation and despair throughout the album. My favorite track is probably After 20 Years of Pouring Gasoline Into the Soil, it's Time to Collect the Harvest

That song you linked is really nice. It reminds of Grouper, a little.


In dreams
I'm moving through heavy water
the love is enormous
its lifting me up
I'd rather be sleeping
I'd rather fall in to tidal waves
and go where the deepest currents go

>> No. 14815 [Edit]
File 13960718743.jpg - (185.44KB , 1500x1500 , 12854822.jpg )
I was listening to a few old favorites recently, and came across this one again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp6tAcjq0N0

I always get a lump in my throat when she starts singing "I love him" over and over again. There's a lot about the song that I really love, but the mixture of resignation and anticipation at the end really gets me. (Resignation might not be exactly the right word, but it's the best I can think of right now.)
>> No. 14821 [Edit]
File 139616245173.jpg - (107.73KB , 748x750 , DEM FEELS.jpg )
The COURAGE of dedicating this song to your waifu (and mean it)...

>> No. 14825 [Edit]
Funny enough, I commissioned a Devart artist to draw my waifu and I reenacting scenes from the Titanic, including the bow holding scene and the nude drawing scene.

I feel like the king of the world when my waifu is by my side.
>> No. 14828 [Edit]

Pretty self-explanatory, this one.
>> No. 14842 [Edit]
As a draughtsman I can tell: you wouldn't believe how deeply that movie and that scene in particular is inserted in the psyche of people ever since. Basically all females want, at some point, to be drawn wearing only this... Even I have thought about drawing my waifu like that, but I haven't dared.
>> No. 14865 [Edit]

I didn't know I was lonely until I saw your face
I didn't know I was broken until I wanted to change

This is kind of one of those morbid happy songs, but there's a lot of words that ring so true to my life. Plus it's a great sounding song.
>> No. 14866 [Edit]
File 139650040818.jpg - (1.07MB , 1674x1983 , 41741282.jpg )

I always love it when I go back to listen to a song I listened to when I was younger and I feel more connected to it now than I used to.
>> No. 14881 [Edit]

And God, it's weird
to be the only one to talk to...
God, its strange
to be the only one to dance with...

Consider >>13580
>> No. 14904 [Edit]
File 139674285348.jpg - (57.17KB , 750x566 , 39838645_p10.jpg )

I just discovered this album, and really the whole album reminds me of him, but this song in particular makes me feel really close.
>> No. 14962 [Edit]
File 139720334852.jpg - (370.44KB , 768x1024 , 31885403_p3.jpg )
From the new Timber Timbre album, this track stands out to me the most.


I wanna wake
I wanna wake
I wanna wake
From hot dreams, hot dreams of you

The black woman part not so much...
>> No. 14964 [Edit]

This song reminds me of my self resoning to my waifu experience as a whole. As well as my tohno-chan experience. I feel like, you guys have nit been as negative experience overall overall, in fact you guys have been enlightening to an experience. I feel I am much wiser than I was when I broke off all social contact at the age of 17-18. Thank you guys for in a sick twisted way, propelling me forward. I still have not had a girlfriend or romantic relationship, however nowadays I believe I value platonic friendships more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRzKUVjHkGk This is another son I feel I value with much of by being.
>> No. 14965 [Edit]

This song reminds me of my self resoning to my waifu experience as a whole. As well as my tohno-chan experience. I feel like, you guys have nit been as negative experience overall overall, in fact you guys have been enlightening to an experience. I feel I am much wiser than I was when I broke off all social contact at the age of 17-18. Thank you guys for in a sick twisted way, propelling me forward. I still have not had a girlfriend or romantic relationship, however nowadays I believe I value platonic friendships more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRzKUVjHkGk This is another son I feel I value with much of by being.
>> No. 14981 [Edit]
>> No. 14990 [Edit]
File 139737662133.jpg - (117.22KB , 414x622 , 2cb3a06681ee19bc8d25308b32f16a2d.jpg )

Please, talk to me again, my dear Marisa. I miss you.
>> No. 15045 [Edit]
File 139762459492.png - (450.27KB , 800x600 , tracklist.png )
Sorry if this isn't 100% on topic (I figured this was the best thread and I didn't want to start a new one)... I spent a long time making a mixtape about/for Keisuke and I'm quite proud of it and wanted to share. It's 13 tracks long, 45 minutes, and has a mix of genres but is predominately punk/emo revival/indie rock. I surprised him with it (a bit of a difficult feat, because I spent a few weeks perfecting it) and he was overjoyed with the results too. It was pretty awesome feeling how happy he was; I think it's his favorite thing I've done for him so far. Don't tell him, but I'm making him a more romantic mix for his birthday next month.

Tracklist is the pic attached, mix is in email field if you want it.
>> No. 15047 [Edit]
File 139764319492.jpg - (364.07KB , 569x700 , 27391211_p5.jpg )
Reminds us of each other. Being blue so often seems to be in our nature.

Some days are too bright
And they just go on
But in the moonlight
I see everything

That's a neat idea. I haven't really listened to any of those artists so I might give it a download.
>> No. 15083 [Edit]
File 139797401677.jpg - (151.32KB , 487x561 , PIANO.jpg )
Because Evangelion is about the lives of fucked up existentialist freaks over some noctambulant jazz background...

>> No. 15101 [Edit]
Audio Descendents - Good Good Things - (5.43MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Good Good Things.mp3 ) Length: 2:22

So come on down and walk with me, and tell me I'm your man
I only want to know a couple of things about you
Where were you when I was in so much trouble with myself?
And do you still believe in me like I believe?

I really, really like this song. I'm probably just seeing it through a lens but it describes my feelings with her right now perfectly.
>> No. 15107 [Edit]
File 139842010058.jpg - (278.39KB , 500x500 , 15903601.jpg )

So dreamlike
>> No. 15139 [Edit]
File 139861946233.jpg - (64.51KB , 800x600 , azumanga_daioh_kagura_vector_white_23474.jpg )
I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter now I met you
And honey you should know
That I could never go on without you


Yeah, I know her eyes aren't actually green. Details schmetails.
>> No. 15209 [Edit]
File 139904853386.png - (30.06KB , 209x480 , 1394706832354.png )

When I'm weak I draw strength from you
And when you're lost I know how to change your mood
And when I'm down you breathe life over me
Even though we're miles apart we are each other's destiny

>> No. 15266 [Edit]
File 139950973815.jpg - (18.93KB , 100x100 , asuka prof0.jpg )

I'll make the effort
Love can last forever

Tomorrow's just an excuse
And you could make it last
Forever you.

I'm turning 30 soon.
>> No. 15272 [Edit]

I doubt this wasnt postet before, but i just found that song again and after having a waifu this song has a complete new meaning for me. Really nice.
>> No. 15289 [Edit]
File 139987877563.jpg - (101.28KB , 800x987 , kiryuuin_satsuki_by_raikoh_illust-d6z3ozl.jpg )

"From this moment on from dusk till dawn,
'till the end of time, I'll be with you,
you'll be with me, forever in my mind"
>> No. 15314 [Edit]
File 140017300747.png - (295.87KB , 640x480 , kagurajog.png )

Only because of Azumanga Daioh The Lost Episodes.
>> No. 15328 [Edit]
I swear to god, before I clicked that link i knew exactly what song it was.
>> No. 15335 [Edit]
Heh, what gave it away? Or did you somehow just know?
>> No. 15365 [Edit]
Kagura + that particular picture + you always talk about how you jog because of her
>> No. 15391 [Edit]
File 140039591843.jpg - (1.16MB , 1172x1736 , 601010.jpg )

Baby, I've done all I could
It's up to you, girl...
You'll be a woman soon.

>> No. 15415 [Edit]
File 140046005123.jpg - (791.81KB , 1777x1260 , Konachan_com%20-%20147181%20clannad%20okazaki_tomo.jpg )

There, there. Everything will be alright. I promise.
>> No. 15420 [Edit]
Never heard of him. It's beautiful.
>> No. 15428 [Edit]
File 140049229079.png - (1.16MB , 875x1000 , 35789922.png )

She was surrounded by forests, rivers and beauty
Until that glacier froze over the land
And so she blamed herself, hated her wealth
She was born at too young of an age
And every night her dreams were touched by witches fingers
Until her heart was caged

That's really nice.
>> No. 15609 [Edit]
File 140105043789.png - (67.33KB , 463x463 , Marco Neko 265.png )
>> No. 15614 [Edit]
File 140107623475.png - (32.00KB , 400x400 , 76.png )
I want to feel you breathe.

>> No. 15623 [Edit]
he is really cute! what is he from?
>> No. 15625 [Edit]
File 140113052450.png - (10.87KB , 250x330 , marco pixel.png )
oh!! uh- thanks bro
he's from code of princess.
>> No. 15720 [Edit]
Audio the end of genesis ayaka* turbo type〆 - LOVE SIGN - (5.71MB - 160 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 09 LOVE SIGN 1.mp3 ) Length: 4:59

La lalala-lala x2
La lalala-lala la la la la
Ai luv yu, luv yu luv yu
Luvu luvu LOVE♥SIGN

Eh, I like to keep it simple.
>> No. 15864 [Edit]
File 140365316238.jpg - (203.01KB , 800x640 , 32305579_p3.jpg )

Know my name, no, I mean it
It’s not as bad as it seems
And I’ll try, in our own way, to get better
Even if we’re alone

New Strand of Oaks album today. Just as amazing and emotional as always.
>> No. 15865 [Edit]
Madotsuki sure gets great fanart.
>> No. 15869 [Edit]
File 140367363899.jpg - (175.52KB , 750x600 , 32305579_p1.jpg )
>> No. 15982 [Edit]
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>> No. 15985 [Edit]
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>> No. 15994 [Edit]
File 140472347252.jpg - (690.58KB , 1280x960 , 44276013.jpg )

Once we lived and tore the world from its sleep
Once we lived and we planted the seed
And you will find we are not done
For some still burn with impossible dreams
Some still burn, some hearts still bleed
And you will find we can't be governed

>> No. 15996 [Edit]
File 140472768934.jpg - (47.29KB , 573x519 , 1391201140022.jpg )
It's funny how you can find a song almost anywhere that resonates with your feelings so well. Or it might just be my own strange interpretation.


Will my thoughts reach you? Please do, somehow, someday.
>> No. 16006 [Edit]
File 140483016186.jpg - (159.76KB , 1600x1200 , Kawapaper_Azumanga_Daioh_0000150_1600x1200 (1).jpg )
Discovered this just the other day, it reminded me a lot of when I first fell for her.

I can't stop the feeling,
I've been this way before,
But with you I've found the key,
To open any door

>> No. 16015 [Edit]
File 140494016826.png - (172.09KB , 339x437 , mai.png )
>> No. 16087 [Edit]
File 140521845969.png - (582.25KB , 1203x1262 , de6daf6818719677ae1aa7261fae8425.png )

I found this when my dad asked me to burn a CD for him. This was the only track on it that I liked.
>> No. 16099 [Edit]
Lately, I've been going back to my roots a lot...


Hopefully at least death takes me
so I don't see you so much
so I don't see you always
in every second
in every vision...

>> No. 16109 [Edit]
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>> No. 16469 [Edit]
File 140823574417.jpg - (567.84KB , 1024x1513 , p5o1_1280.jpg )
Yes, and only if my own true love was waitin’
If I could only hear her heart a-softly poundin’
Yes and only if she was lyin’ by me
Then I’d lie in my bed once again.

>> No. 16502 [Edit]
File 140899194077.jpg - (334.99KB , 705x1000 , 302935ebf53dba7687b66e916c4ff6ae.jpg )

Had this song on my computer forever. Never liked it until just now when I heard it. The last time I listened to it was before I met my waifu, so that's probably why I like it now.
>> No. 16529 [Edit]
File 14095950415.jpg - (184.58KB , 512x512 , 381278.jpg )

Even though I think she's more of a Rock kind of girl, I always associate motivational Dance music with her.
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