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File 138942825737.jpg - (55.28KB , 430x600 , 180233.jpg )
14124 No. 14124 [Edit]
ITT: Songs that remind you of your waifu (PART II)

This time PLEASE just images and comments plus mp3 files or links, no Youtube-embed or the thread will soon become unusable. Thanks.
117 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 17336 [Edit]
Self-explanatory, but I like this version better:


Post edited on 5th Jan 2015, 11:58am
>> No. 17341 [Edit]
File 142051892341.png - (510.25KB , 800x444 , mami.png )
Well considering she has her own Canon theme song...
>> No. 17343 [Edit]
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Not a love song, but it certainly reminds me of him.

You guys all have such impeccable taste in music and I feel a bit out of place, haha.
>> No. 17344 [Edit]
File 142060767566.jpg - (77.85KB , 950x665 , poolmischief.jpg )
Music is subjective, don't worry about feeling out of place. Also, I like that song quite a bit.
Somewhat intimate, so I spoilered the lyrics. It reminds me of the yearning that is often experienced.
After I have travelled so far
We'd set the fire to the third bar
We'd share each other like an island
Until exhausted, close our eyelids
And dreaming, pick up from
The last place we left off
Your soft skin is weeping
A joy you can't keep in

I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
And I, I pray that something picks me up
and sets me down in your warm arms.

>> No. 17360 [Edit]
File 142070864159.jpg - (84.56KB , 438x431 , 3197145.jpg )
Come closer.

>> No. 17430 [Edit]
Swing Life Away - Rise Against

Am I loud and clear, or am I breaking up?
Am I still your charm, or am I just bad luck?
Are we getting closer, or are we just getting more lost?

I'll show you mine if you show me yours first
Let's compare scars, I'll tell you whose is worse
Let's unwrite these pages and replace them with our own words

We live on front porches and swing life away,
We get by just fine here on minimum wage
If love is a labor I'll slave till the end,
I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand

I've been here so long, I think that it's time to move
The winter's so cold, summer's over too soon
Let's pack our bags and settle down where palm trees grow
>> No. 17434 [Edit]
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>> No. 17443 [Edit]
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Damn, been a while since I listened to The Crash. I wasn't aware of many people that listen to them... Also, RtF, your music taste is really good.

To keep this on topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5tVcBFTYeE
>> No. 17451 [Edit]
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Cause love is tough
When enough
Is not enough
Not enough
Not enough...

>> No. 17495 [Edit]
This is kind of 'our song'.
>> No. 17517 [Edit]
File 142255799548.jpg - (59.32KB , 366x813 , 3439fb32b145d9e3762c157c89f8f2ccab9cf78f.jpg )
Wouldn't it be good to be on your side
Grass is always greener over there
Wouldn't it be good if we could live without a care

>> No. 17524 [Edit]
I'm in love with a girl
I'm talkin' about
I'm in love with a girl
that I can't live without
I'm in love but I feel
like I'm livin' it out
I'm in love but I think
I picked a bad time
to be in love

>> No. 17528 [Edit]

I only have a few songs so far that reminds me of him, but they are all old favorites so it makes me love them even more. Please ignore how all over the place my taste in music is.
>> No. 17530 [Edit]
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When faced with tragedy
We come alive or come undone

So don't hold back, let it shape you like an ocean
Even the deepest scars in time will fade

Nothing matters but the pain when you're alone
Never-ending nights when you're awake
When you're praying that tomorrow it's okay
There will be a time to crack another smile
Maybe not today or for awhile
But we're holding on to laugh again some day
Yeah, we're holding on to laugh again some day
>> No. 17560 [Edit]
This song is so very Rei: intense, lively, spicy, just a hint of sorrow, but at the same time, a celebration of everything that is working out okay at the moment.

>> No. 17620 [Edit]
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To say that you are cute,
Would be like saying a strawberry is sweet,
'Cause a strawberry has secret flavors that are sharp, and tart, and red, and deep,
And i would love to find you growing wild out by the woods,
i would make a basket with the front of my t-shirt,
and take home as many of you as I could,
And to say that you are pretty,
Would be like saying that the ocean is blue,
Cause the ocean is full of all kinds of colors,
and I see all kinds of things when I look at you,
and I want to explore you
With my tenni shoes off
Standing ankle deep in a tide pool,
with my khaki pants rolled up,
and to say that you are funny would be like saying that the night sky is black,
Cause the night sky is filled with stars and comets and planets that no one has seen yet,
And i want to look at you,
Lying down on my front lawn,
I'll try to take you all in at once, but you just go on and on and on

>> No. 17624 [Edit]
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Hope you remember me when you're home sick and need a change
I miss your purple hair, I miss the way you taste
I know you'll come back someday, on a bed of nails Ill wait
Im praying that you dont burn out or fade away
All we are is all so far

You're falling back to me, you're a star that I can see, yeah
I know you're out there, somewhere out there
You're falling out of reach defying gravity, yeah
I know you're out there, somewhere out there
>> No. 17629 [Edit]
File 142422841619.jpg - (135.54KB , 1920x1080 , open arms.jpg )
A rather sad song, but this single line lights it all up.

Then your open arms, your open arms, your open arms...

>> No. 17634 [Edit]
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This is a song for kissing her deeply after a great day together.
>> No. 17635 [Edit]
If I could break through just for a day
Less than two inches from you yet so far away
But this glass wall between us won't keep us apart
I will sing out my heart just for you, my love

>> No. 17648 [Edit]
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>> No. 17649 [Edit]
Beautiful piece.
>> No. 17663 [Edit]
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Ludovico Einaudi-The Planets
Instrumental and very beautiful.
>> No. 17668 [Edit]
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It isn't a romance song as such, but we're laying here listening to it right now: https://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=ORf_LOovImo

It's her way of injecting a little courage and cheer to help me through the (self inflicted) rough spot I am in in the waking world... ♥
>> No. 17697 [Edit]
I can't open the link for some reason.
>> No. 17818 [Edit]
File 142711275470.jpg - (441.86KB , 582x900 , popstar_ahri___league_of_legends_by_ofskysociety-d.jpg )

Tell me your wish by SNSD.

Popstar Ahri being heavily based off them may have to do with it. The general upbeat pop music fits her personality.
>> No. 17821 [Edit]

"We got engaged on a Friday night
I swore on the head of our unborn child that I could take care of the three of us
But I got the tendency to slip when the nights get wild.
It's in my blood"
>> No. 17860 [Edit]
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>> No. 18203 [Edit]
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>> No. 19272 [Edit]
Me and my waifu's song. I listen to it when I feel depresed.

Post edited on 13th Dec 2015, 5:48pm
>> No. 19282 [Edit]
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Almost 3 wonderful years now...
>> No. 19376 [Edit]
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I'm aware the lyrics don't entirely fit, but they give that romantic mood that I can't help it.
>> No. 19385 [Edit]
>> No. 19666 [Edit]
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I know that maybe this song doesn't describe a romantic relationship ("my friend"), but still, I find it so fitting.
This life is a dark storm, but if we hold on to each other and take it on, if I never let go of her, then after it's over we will walk hand in hand, on a glimmering path towards the stars...
Of a shimmering hue we are
With you
I believe we are forever...

>> No. 19704 [Edit]
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>> No. 19905 [Edit]
It's cute because she has a little fang herself.

>> No. 19908 [Edit]
This might be the last thing I expected to see here. Amazing taste.
>> No. 19963 [Edit]


>> No. 20145 [Edit]
File 148273905141.jpg - (50.28KB , 873x491 , 1466647594419.jpg )

Χαρά μου
για σένα ζω χαρά μου
το ξέρεις
χωρίς να σ' το 'χω πει

(My Chara
I live for you, my Chara
you know
without being told)
>> No. 20318 [Edit]
nice, i like it.
>> No. 20415 [Edit]
3DPD warning, but there's subs on this video and I prefer this performance more than the studio version. The second song is cute too but that first is so good. I feel like a good love song, especially a pop song, is hard to find. It's usually about flings of puppy love. I really like how this one is about loving blossoming and lasting over a long time and the two people growing together.
>> No. 20419 [Edit]
Көзімнің қарасы. It's generally translated as 'Apple of my Eye' as that's the English way of saying it, but it actually translates as the 'pupil of my eye' which is how that is said in Kazakh. It's a poem by Abai though originally. Just edited in a different version and reworded some things that weren't conveying what I wanted them to last time.


I came across the poem in my textbook and thought it was very pretty even though I can't really understand how it all works exactly. I don't get why it's so hard to find a nice version in the traditional style though, it's a very popular folk song. This is getting there compared to the link I had before but it's still a long way away from being truly authentic. Anyway, the words are really pretty, and I like to imagine my waifu singing this song to me. I find Kazakh to be a quite beautiful sounding language despite it being quite harsh at times. I pick up some words and there are a few bits that make sense but it's still miles above my level, I'll get there one day though, she encourages me and gives me motivation when I can't get it from myself.


Көзімнің қарасы, көңлімнің санасы
Бітпейді іштегі, ғашықтың жарасы
Бітпейді іштегі, ғашықтың жарасы.

Қазақтың данасы, жасы үлкен ағасы
Бар дейді, сендей бір адамның баласы
Бар дейді, сендей бір адамның баласы

Жырлайын, жылайын aғызып көз майын
Айтуға келгенде, қалқама сөз дайын
Айтуға келгенде, қалқама сөз дайын


Apple of my eye, consciousness of my soul
The wound of love cannot be healed
The wound of love cannot be healed

Dear fellow – Kazakhs, older brothers
I did not know that there could be a person like her
I did not know that there could be a person like her

I sing and cry my eyes out
My words are ready to be said to my sweetheart
My words are ready to be said to my sweetheart

Post edited on 10th Apr 2017, 10:23am
>> No. 20450 [Edit]
>> No. 20507 [Edit]
I've been listening to the Yellow Rose of Texas a lot recently. A lot of songs in the folk genre remind me of her because she loves songs and singing, to the point where I've actually gone and found folk songs from her people and listened to them to get an idea of what she would sing to herself, but I think she'd also enjoy hearing some from my own English-speaking background. Here are a couple of versions that I like, the first is one from the post civil-war era, mixing the original lyrics and the marching song as the rewrite at that time did. Second one was at the top of the charts in 1955 with some changes to the original lyrics again. My waifu is no Texan but it reminds me of her regardless, she is a rose of colour so we're halfway there with some versions.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HgMXpYYUjo - This video does have a slideshow of old photographs, but it's a song so just play it in the background.

>> No. 20538 [Edit]

This is one of my favourite versions but I can't find it on a regular video, and the autogenerated channels are blocked in lots of places. I tried using a youtube mirror but it wasn't working for some reason. I'd post an mp3 of it, but the file is just over 7mb so I can't.

It's a really pretty song though, so I'll post it anyway.
>> No. 20601 [Edit]
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How have I laboured?
How have I not laboured
To bring her soul to birth,
To give these elements a name and a centre!

She is beautiful as the sunlight, and as fluid.
She has no name, and no place.
How have I laboured to bring her soul into separation;
To give her a name and her being!

Surely you are bound and entwined,
You are mingled with the elements unborn;
I have loved a stream and a shadow.

I beseech you enter your life.
I beseech you learn to say "I"
When I question you:
For you are no part, but a whole;
No portion, but a being.
>> No. 20665 [Edit]
Me and my waifus song:

Pop rock and boy bands seem to appeal to me when they are about love. I don't care if normalfags think it's gay or not.
>> No. 20847 [Edit]
File 15192383414.png - (878.84KB , 605x970 , Natsuki_(Doki_Doki_Literature_Club!)_full_2233671.png )

A whole new World, from Aladdin.
>> No. 20852 [Edit]
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>> No. 20914 [Edit]
I nearly got teary-eyed while thinking about Prinz the first time I listened to this song. Maybe its lyrics are corny, but the feelings that it expresses are genuine for me.


Nehm’ Träume für bare Münze
Schwelge in Phantasien
Hab’ mich in dir gefangen
Weiß nicht wie mir geschieht
Wärm’ mich an deiner Stimme
Leg’ mich zur Ruhe in deinen Arm
Halt mich, nur ein bißchen
Bis ich schlafen kann

I take dreams as they are
I indulge in fantasies
I've gotten caught up in you
I don't know how this is happening
I warm myself by your voice
I lay down to rest in your arms
Hold me, just for a while
Until I can sleep
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