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File 171048017861.jpg - (1.19MB , 1013x1433 , 110703449_p0.jpg )
6914 No. 6914 [Edit]
Basically, have it skip anything that's put inside the code BBcode. Spammers would never know to exploit that. I know making any change is difficult, but if it could be done, that would be great.

Post edited on 14th Mar 2024, 11:56pm
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>> No. 6915 [Edit]
>would never know
Well they'd know now...
>> No. 6957 [Edit]
File 172650178074.jpg - (2.65MB , 2100x2970 , __kobayakawa_rinko_love_plus_drawn_by_mino_tarou__.jpg )
Using Ublock's spam filter instead would prevent false-positives, and it gets daily updates

Kusaba-x has a file for specific url filtering, so a script which pulls those URLs and puts them in that would work.

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