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File 151428263939.png - (102.63KB , 260x59 , 128964516750s.png )
6720 No. 6720 [Edit]
>> 6680
the mods here consistently stalk users across boards, across ip addresses and who knows how else. its offensive to call yourselves an anonymous site and then consistently abuse your endusers like this. you people are so fucking stupid that your software thinks that i'm posting a new image even though the pixels i'm posting have been sticked on this board for most of the decade. how you got the idea that your opinions about other people's posts carry any weight is unfathomable especially considering how constantly humdrum your own material is.
the users that post here anonymously wish to remain anonymous, you already have a dearth of posters here, why are you driving people away by forcing them to carry a persistent identity from board to board or in unrelated threads? is it because you're childish, vindictive assholes? one has to assume so, for one's own safety. gosh wow and tohno-chan never really became very popular, even years later your website isn't popular. who know how many decent otakus you've driven off with your creepy stalking.
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>> No. 6721 [Edit]
File 151428398050.jpg - (15.83KB , 285x279 , 138885481022.jpg )
Got any examples?
>> No. 6722 [Edit]
File 151430272050.jpg - (234.10KB , 800x1000 , lalilulelo.jpg )
I, for one, welcome our new hikineet overlords.
>> No. 6726 [Edit]
see >>6680
>> No. 6727 [Edit]
you fucks on the staff are always trying to find ways to get more content on the site, how about starting by not harassing, stalking and driving off the people who do contribute?
this site eventually drives off all of the posters who aren't part of the insider IRC circlejerk.
thats the type of normie-money behavior anthropologist write about when studying primitive civilizations
>> No. 6728 [Edit]
What are you talking about? This has never once happened in my time here.
>> No. 6732 [Edit]
Whelp, this is insane and makes very little sense, but from what I can gather banning problematic users who start trouble is harassing them, and reviewing a trouble maker's post history to determine if this a reoccurring problem is stalking? Yeah good luck finding a website that wont do anything like that. you think 4chan doesn't log user IPs or something? You could always go to the kinds of sites where they force you to make an account, automate everything, and ban you once any of your posts gets 30 downvotes, those are becoming the norm now.
Our practices are nothing compared to the vast majority of websites on the net. I give users a massive amount of freedom on a site that has no ads, no accounts required, is free to use, and doesn't sell or collect user data. We don't even use capcha or post time limits here because I know how annoying that is, even if it means more work for me and the mods. I've tried my best to accommodate the desires of said users, even when their requests contradiction those of others users. There's no money to be made on this site, which is completely a passion project in the face of a dying community/format. Yet because we do the -absolute- bare minimum to keep things civilized you shit all over us and treat me like a tyrant. I've never made poster IPs public and I don't give two shits about who you are or what you do as long as you can't causing trouble here. I've tried to respect people's freedom of speech to the extent that it doesn't get too much into normie shit and have never been nearly as strict as any of our mods. I hate hive mind websites where independent thought isn't allowed, where unpopular opinions get downvoted into obscurity while essentially acting as a form of censorship. All I've ever wanted here is an image board where people post about and discuss weeb shit, more so now that all other sources for this are dead, dying, or mutating into hipster dens.
Make no mistake however, I'm not begging you (OP) to stay. I have no interest in your paranoid delusional bullshit and in spite of this reply I know full well you've made up your rather insane mind about me and the site and nothing anyone will say will change that. I've been at this long enough to learn that sadly some people just can't be reasoned with are are incapable of rational thought. I know a certain level of mental issues come with the majority of anime fans, hikkimori, and NEETs, But this is a bit much. As such all I ask is that you please leave. I have no intention of tracking you down, following you, or harassing you or whatever, just please leave this site and never come back. You clearly don't like it here and I'm not going to change anything, because what you ask for is unreasonable, crazy, and impossible. So please just leave and go look for whatever it is you want somewhere else.

>who know how many decent otakus you've driven off
Yeah, totally doesn't have anything to do with people like OP here.
>> No. 6733 [Edit]
I do agree with the sentiment about IRC. Things seem to change with no evidence of any discussion about said change, yet changed in a manner that leads one to postulate that discussion did take place.

And they're pretty stupid changes.
>> No. 6735 [Edit]
>Things seem to change with no evidence of any discussion about said change
Such as?
>> No. 6737 [Edit]
yeah accuse someone of insanity when they point out reality to you. you didn't even delete the evidence that was pointed out. looks like you allow admins to have the option to post anonymously but not anyone else, typical of your type. image control is priority one, hope you updated you fb status to reflect the undeniable fact that anyone who accuses you of dishonesty is insane even if the evidence is right on the page in front of them.
and you keep on wondering why your site isn't more popular while your retarded behavior drives off potential posters.
>> No. 6738 [Edit]
Cool story bro.
>> No. 6740 [Edit]
>such as
Changing the /tat/ sub-title. Nobody asked for it, yet evidently somebody convinced somebody to.
>> No. 6741 [Edit]
I could have sworn I saw it here, so I checked, and lo and behold...
>Maybe just completely remove the mention of /pol/? Something like "For discussion of politics, religion, and other content not fitting the rest of the site". Subtitles don't need to be quippy or friendly to be effective and concise.
>> No. 6745 [Edit]
Right, but why was that particular 'anon' heeded?

It doesn't even make any sense because nobody but one guy, in a single sentence, suggested changing something, just because, what?
>> No. 6746 [Edit]
Since the day I founded this site countless people have been telling me to nuke the feedback board. One after another they'd tell me it was nothing but trouble, a stressful to deal with den of bitterness and anger, of endless arguments and complaints where no one will ever be happy no matter how much you try to appease them.
>>6745 This is a perfect example of why I should have just listened to them and deleted the /fb/ board years ago.
On most sites out there the owners/admins don't really care what people say about the site. They might have forums or a hotline for users to vent on but they'll go mostly ignore while changes get put in place no one asked for. Remember when youtube let people vote on weather or not to implement the five star ratting to thumbs up and down? or when firefox quantum was rolled out and they asked firefox users if they were okay with all their extensions being broken? or when moot asked 4chan's opinion on pretty much any change to the site during his reign. I certainly don't. Facebook went on for years ignoring people's pleads to simply be able to delete their accounts, and even now it seems to have to message someone and wait 90 days for something as simple as that. I wanted users to have a voice, to know their opinions mattered and that I was listing and had their best interests in mind, only to get shit on for doing it.
Here I am making changes people directly asked for within days or hours of them asking for it, changes no one opposed. Then I get complaints about the format used to request those changes. The fuck difference does it make if someone requests something here or on our irc channel? That channel exists as a means for instant direct communication. If you don't like the IRC channel that's your own problem, not ours. It's not some exclusive club when you're invited and tell us to shove that invitation up our ass. Maybe you haven't noticed this board here? . Do you also complain about not being allowed to vote on political issues because it means getting off your ass and going to a voting booth? We're not plotting the future of the site in some dark locked basement guarded by a tiger, we're discussing things in a chat room you've been invited too but are too stubborn to join. But because our users are as unreasonable as they are I try to bring up important changes here all the same, even if it means people debate about it back and forth endlessly, nitpick the living hell out of every aspect, and never come to an agreement. Yet even when I make changes based on unopposed requests made here on /fb/ I still get shit for it. It's never good enough for you is it?
You can't be bothered to even pay attention to the things you complain about, and when it turns out to meet your criteria you invent yet another reason to complain about it. I'm getting pretty damn tired of having people here bite my hands I'm trying to feed them with, people who contribute nothing to the site in the first place. You and other anons here have taken advantage of my good will for long enough. So now I'm locking this board until further notice. Probably just gonna delete it if this is the kind of crap I can expect to get.

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