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File 148647071695.jpg - (25.37KB , 640x480 , Aishiteruze Baby - 21 [AonE]_avi_snapshot_09_51_[2.jpg )
27860 No. 27860 [Edit]
Why are these things almost always censored?
Expand all images
>> No. 27863 [Edit]
Easier to animate and makes it look like it would be more disgusting than it actually is.
>> No. 27864 [Edit]
I don't think they would be difficult to animate because they move so fast you would either have them "teleport" across the cel or just draw animation smears for their entire movement with no walk cycle.
>> No. 27867 [Edit]
Who gets to profit from seeing cockroaches uncensored in anime? I'd prefer not to be reminded of their existence myself.
>> No. 27868 [Edit]
File 148659559377.jpg - (20.63KB , 640x480 , Aishiteruze Baby - 21 [AonE]_avi_snapshot_10_01_[2.jpg )
The Funny thing is this particular roach was animated in cgi.
I really don't see why it would be hard to animate however. All you need is to draw the main body, have the legs drawn in two different frames, then alternate them while sliding the whole thing across the screen.
>> No. 27873 [Edit]
That's more effort than is deserving for a literal cockroach.
>> No. 27874 [Edit]
What do you have against cockroaches? What did they ever do to you?
>> No. 27910 [Edit]
They are big and scary for that matter. They are associated with dirt and rubbish and don't fit in bright and clean anime aesthetics.

It's like when you bring up hemorrhoids as a topic at the kitchen table, feels bad for many people.
>> No. 27911 [Edit]
File 148701758011.jpg - (71.92KB , 534x474 , cuban cockroach.jpg )
>They are big and scary
The most common "pest" species are the German & American cockroaches, who can only grow up to about 1.5cm and 4cm long, respectively (and the American cockroach is the largest species that will enter and live in a human home, which VERY few cockroaches ever do). They're not very big at all.

>They are associated with dirt and rubbish
If they're living in dirt and rubbish, it's our dirt and rubbish. It's not like they evolved specifically to live in filth or something, they just like warm confined spaces to hide in.

>don't fit in bright and clean anime aesthetics
Because every anime has the same aesthetic, and every cockroach looks the same. Sure, okay.
>> No. 27912 [Edit]
File 148702126638.png - (182.72KB , 284x347 , Retreat.png )
Nice try, shill. Here's an article about Japan and insects and bugs:
>> No. 27913 [Edit]
Are insect shills even a thing? Do you think I'm on some kind of cockroach internet defence league? And just because lots of people hate an animal doesn't automatically make it bad, if that's the point you were trying to make by showing that article.
>> No. 27914 [Edit]
File 148704862164.jpg - (28.10KB , 320x320 , grossloli.jpg )
I was teasing you for defending the most disgusting-looking living creature know to man... but since you seemed to ask seriously: No, I don't think you are a paid employee tasked with defending cockroaches online.
>> No. 27915 [Edit]
>I was teasing you for defending the most disgusting-looking living creature know to man.
Did I miss something here? The guy was clearly defending cockroaches, not American women.
>> No. 27916 [Edit]
File 14870643044.jpg - (143.36KB , 714x750 , 22.jpg )
Please don't bully insects.
>> No. 27917 [Edit]
>Are insect shills even a thing? Do you think I'm on some kind of cockroach internet defence league?
I didn't but now I'm not so sure.
>> No. 27918 [Edit]
>I was teasing you for defending the most disgusting-looking living creature know to man...

Honestly there are more disgusting creatures around, parasitic bugs and worms make roaches look cute in comparison.
>> No. 27919 [Edit]
I was wondering when somebody was going to post Gokicha-chan.
>> No. 27920 [Edit]
File 148711225381.jpg - (363.30KB , 1024x768 , Cute_CUTE.jpg )
I wrote "disgusting-looking" not "disgusting-behaving". The cutest 3DPD will look very cute; the cutest coackroach will still look gross.
You can't bully an insect, not even if you anthropomorphize it. Also not all insects are gross; I let a trio of ladybugs live in my room so they feast on dust mites or any miscreant aphid that dares enter.
Oh really?
>> No. 27921 [Edit]
>The cutest 3DPD will look very cute

lol, good one buddy
>> No. 27922 [Edit]
>The cutest 3DPD will look very cute

>Oh really?
Yes, actually. I'm not the same guy you're responding to, but parasitic worms, maggots, etc are far more disgusting than cockroaches IMO.
>> No. 27923 [Edit]
File 148712388085.gif - (859.04KB , 467x373 , Spoiler Picture.gif )
Disgust warning for pic related. Sorry for not adding spoiler to last image, I forgot.
>lol, good one buddy
Nice cherry-picking, you two, but I was comparing a human female versus a cockroach. If you're telling me you think the cutest woman (of any age) you have ever seen in your lives is more repulsive than the cutest cockroach (actual insect, not an anime-anthropomorphized drawing) then I know you're both either lying or are some lost children in a deserted island with satellite internet.
>parasitic worms, maggots, etc
Parasitic worm look like Chinese fried noodles, so I disagree. Maggots are so small you can't see their actual gross power level. If I were starving and had to choose between eating around a pizza with maggots or pic related, the former will be no doubt my choice.

>> No. 27925 [Edit]
You know where you are right?
>> No. 27926 [Edit]
File 148714990232.jpg - (78.58KB , 835x957 , domino_cockroach_by_rosel_d-d90zz55_png.jpg )
>I let a trio of ladybugs live in my room
Ladybugs are cool, but they aren't as cute and harmless as you may think they are. That sticky yellow stuff they leak on your hands is their equivalent of blood, and it seeps out of the openings in their exoskeleton and is toxic. The curved outer shell that covers most of their body basically functions as organic tank armor and protects them when they're slaughtering large groups of ants & other animals that could normally defend themselves. They also will eat other ladybugs, preferring older ladybugs, eegs, and their own young.
>The cutest 3DPD will look very cute; the cutest coackroach will still look gross.
Wriggle Nightbug would have your head.

Actually, some parasites are quite cute-looking, contrary to their behavior. The adult form of a botfly is fuzzy and looks like a cross between a moth and a bumblebee.

>If I were starving and had to choose between eating around a pizza with maggots or pic related, the former will be no doubt my choice.
Hygiene-wise, your best bet is the cockroaches. That weird grease they have is difficult for dirt to stick to, and also functions as lubricant to help them slide under doors and between cracks, as opposed to the kind of soft skin that a maggot has. The surface area of their feet is also so small compared to a maggot's weird little wormy body, so even if they were dirty and transferred that dirt onto your food it would be in such a small amount as to be completely inconsequential.
>> No. 27931 [Edit]
>I was comparing a human female versus a cockroach.
Yeah. I know. One is a mindless grotesque pest, and the other is a cockroach. At least cockroaches are small, MUCH less common, and generally only offensive to the eyes (sometimes nose if you get an infestation). Human females are everywhere, and are offensive to the eyes, ears, and nose consistently.

Look, I don't even like cockroaches, but I stand by my statement both maggots and 3D women are far more disgusting- and yes, I would eat cockroaches before maggots. That's just me. It's kind of an irrelevant point though, since I don't think we'll be on Fear Factor anytime soon.
>> No. 27938 [Edit]
>>27915 here. I was mostly kidding. Mostly...
>> No. 27942 [Edit]
File 148720319023.jpg - (38.13KB , 726x248 , alien-animea.jpg )
As a newcomer to this thread, I just want to say I am happy we are finally addressing the bug censorship. It has always confused the shit out of me when I watch my Yuru Yuri.

This is a critical issue.

Hahahaha I fucking love the amount of animosity so many anime fans harbor for human women. Come on, if some sweet little teen thing adored you, threw herself into your arms, and, while rubbing her face against your chest told you she would do anything for you, your heart would melt in a second, regardless of her status as "3d pig disgusting". 2d or 3d, moe is fucking moe my friend. You shouldn't deny yourself jollies from any source.

I'll try and find Ellen Ripley to give you a hug.

>> No. 27944 [Edit]
You know where you are right?
>> No. 27945 [Edit]
>Come on, if some sweet little teen thing adored you, threw herself into your arms, and, while rubbing her face against your chest told you she would do anything for you, your heart would melt in a second, regardless of her status as "3d pig disgusting".
I get what you're trying to say here but I'd actually be extremely concerned about why they're doing these things, this is not normal behavior by a long shot. More than likely if someone does this it's because they're toying with you as a joke/prank, or plan to use/manipulate you. Teens aren't sweet outside of anime anyway. Real world teenage girls are crazy, emotionally unstable, huge sluts, and bitchy as all hell. Teenage girls in anime are idealistic and unrealistic portrayals that don't carry any of that garbage real ones do. Not unless you watch some dark and twitted anime aimed specifically at teens anyway.
I can't speak for everyone, but I for one like my personal space and wouldn't appreciate some random girl forcing herself on me. I also don't much like physical contact with other people, so some space would be much preferred.
>> No. 27948 [Edit]
Hahahaha fucking awesome! I knew voicing something other than loathing for living women would piss off some bitter user here on this site, but the mods banned me!? WOW! What is this!? Wizardchan?!

I literally didn't break a single site rule with that post (just double checked). Banning me because you don't like what I say? Was this a joke, or are you banning me over your insecurities?

Care to explain this one too?
>> No. 27949 [Edit]
Yes friend, yes I do. But you see, I'm an advocate of pursing happiness to the best of my ability, and encourage others to do so because I want the best for my compatriots. If all you listened to was death metal, and thought there was nothing else in the world that could fill your heart, I would introduce you to new genres of music.

I love moe, and believe you should find it where ever you can. Moe should be a way of life, not just something you indulge in only through anime. Moe is everything, fucking everything to me!


I love you and want you to be happy.
>> No. 27950 [Edit]
I guess you could say this thread is starting to bug me.
>> No. 27951 [Edit]
File 148721446762.gif - (495.73KB , 500x300 , Spoiler Picture.gif )
Nuke it. A cockroach thread deserves nothing less.
>> No. 27952 [Edit]
What good would nuking it be? Just like if we nuked a thread about Twinkies it'd still survive.
>> No. 27953 [Edit]
Bitter female detected. And you wonder how you could possibly be seen as insufferable...

Post edited on 15th Feb 2017, 8:19pm
>> No. 27954 [Edit]
Dropping all jest: While I'm partially to blame, this thread is becoming a hotspot of hostility and despite the visible banning of a couple of posts, the degree of animosity from both sides of the discussion has not waned. I assumed your visible tripcode would deter any more antagonism, but the post above me proves me wrong.
>> No. 27955 [Edit]
The rules ban mentioning your a female, not being one. By the by, I'm a dude. Well I'm a man trapped in a woman's body, but that doesn't make me any less of a man.

I'm sorry for derailing the thread, but as the site admin I'd ask you look into some of your mode behavior. Some of these bans are excessive and inappropriate.
>> No. 27956 [Edit]
meant to say the mod's behavior
>> No. 27958 [Edit]
You do realize you just broke a rule, right?
>> No. 27959 [Edit]
File 148722430580.jpg - (118.31KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
>I literally didn't break a single site rule with that post (just double checked). Banning me because you don't like what I say? Was this a joke, or are you banning me over your insecurities?

Whelp, I haven't spoken to the mod that carried it out about this issue, but the logs say the reason was.
>Reason: ex 8 ) Meta, and Complaining about the community's views/opinions. - If you've got a problem with TC or it's userbase, take it to /fb/ ("2d or 3d, moe is moe, my friend")

In other words, your post was likely seen as taking issue with the site's opinions on 3DPD, which does seem to be the case from what I can see as well. I mean, weather or not women are more disgusting than cockroaches is debatable since one side might think it's an overly exaggerated and silly claim to make while the other might harbor enough resentment and disgust for 3dpd to honestly believe it. Personally I'm a bit in the middle ground on that, but this however isn't really the best place for this subject. Which is why I'm sure you got that temp ban. Far as I can tell though, that ban was meant to be till the 16th so technically you're ban evading now. Although that might be a bit long for a warning anyways so I'll let it slide for now. That said, This is still an anime board and this debate has nothing to do with that. So drop it or I'll lock the thread.
>> No. 27962 [Edit]
dont ax the thread on my account, i've already been disruptive enough.

i'll move
>> No. 27963 [Edit]
That was the entire point. It's called a joke.
>> No. 27964 [Edit]
Is there a cockroach fairilu?
>> No. 27965 [Edit]
File 148722775718.jpg - (125.31KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
Might have been but I can't remember. Would you settle for a ladybug?
>> No. 27966 [Edit]
File 148723002950.jpg - (83.88KB , 1164x1250 , 61VNWj2PEsL__SL1250_.jpg )
>Would you settle for a ladybug?
>> No. 27968 [Edit]
There's probably one of them out there somewhere. I mean the rest of the insect/arachnid fairilus aren't restricted to just "socially acceptable" insects. Or it could be one of the handsome fairilus.
>> No. 27970 [Edit]
>I love you and want you to be happy.

Happiness is different for everyone. Stop forcing your views on people and fuck off.
>> No. 31637 [Edit]
Cockroaches are icky; see Terra Formars テラフォーマーズ
>> No. 31644 [Edit]
its a cock joke
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