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File 14333096077.jpg - (36.71KB , 600x48 , paypal are jews.jpg )
5514 No. 5514 [Edit]
What is this and why did it load when I opened up the front page, I don't see this image anywhere
It's on images/paypal are jews.JPG
>> No. 5515 [Edit]
Isn't that on the FAQ page where the donations sectiton is, Is it loading somewhere else? If it is try clearing your browser cache and refreshing.
>> No. 5516 [Edit]
>> No. 5520 [Edit]

The original filename of this was Gunslinger Girl ~IL TEATRINO~ Ep 09 'Clever Snake, Simple Pigeon' [Blu-Ray 720p].mkv_snapshot_13.51_[2015.06.19_05.09.13].png
but it wouldn't let me upload it, said I needed to select only one image
It posted only after I remaned it to -.png so I guess there is a problem with long filenames?
>> No. 5521 [Edit]
I think it's the " ' " in the file name. conflicts with the code on the site I believe.
>> No. 5522 [Edit]
Then how did that guy just above post a filename with a " ' "?
>> No. 5523 [Edit]
Maybe the problem is when there's two or more? I dunno.
>> No. 5524 [Edit]
The problem is actually the "," in your file name.
>> No. 5525 [Edit]
>uploading operating system control characters affect server side operations
*injects sql*
>> No. 5526 [Edit]
Ain't kusaba a wonderful thing?
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