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5473 No. 5473 [Edit]
Time for some feedback.

Recently I noticed a change in the general vibe of /tc/. Overall I feel the style of posting started to drift away from the 'wall of text' route at a much faster pace than in the last couple of years (the change itself is hardly new I'd argue, it's just that it got a whole lot worse lately). Generally I think 'post stuff other people might like to see' is a good guideline to follow and one that most people seem to either forget about or ignore period nowadays. I think we have an influx of low effort posts that don't really contribute to the site in any way or form. Not every post can be a wall of text and even if it could I feel it wouldn't actually benefit the site - you've got to find the right balance. Some threads on /an/ will inevitably consist of nothing but 'cute things are cute' posts but that in it's own right is not wrong. What bothers me is the way it's conveyed.

While trying to figure out how to put this in words the term 'trigger happy' came to my mind. I don't really want to bring normie websites into this because I feel it'd discredit people sololy because I'd associate them with the wrong crowd but it reminds me of twitter. The general attitude seems to be shifting from 'post stuff other people might like to see' to 'post whatever you want to post [even if others either won't give a damn or will actually dislike the content]'. It's fast food style posting.

What imageboards become is generally decided by their end users and the content they post. If /tc/'s userbase is okay with what's happening lately then so be it I guess. I'm not really proposing adding any new rules or being stricter about moderation. If anything I'd like everybody to think this through for themselves and maybe practice some moderation. Perhaps most importantly of all though I wanted to voice my discontent to let some people who might feel the same way know that they aren't alone.
>> No. 5474 [Edit]
please link us to some of your best posts so we can see how you want us to post. plus as a good poster myself, i'd just like to read some nice high quality posts
>> No. 5475 [Edit]
As a former wot poster, I'll say that I stopped because I didn't get much feedback. And when I did get a reply it was usually just a few words. Having said that I never felt like I was maintaining any sort of "quality of post". Posting long-winded posts usually ended up with me feeling shitty for sharing so much of my personal self and generally wasting space. I don't browse tc much anymore (for unrelated reasons) so it doesn't really matter.
>> No. 5476 [Edit]

>I stopped because I didn't get much feedback.

I think it's the key factor that makes WoT posters give up at (and most likely leave) at some point. If the content you post affects the amount of people that will be willing to engage in some sort of discussion/conversation with you that it probably affects it negatively. You're likely to get better results by doing the opposite. WoT posters probably notice that and ask themselves 'why bother?'.

>Having said that I never felt like I was maintaining any sort of "quality of post".

Well yeah, you don't really think about it when you're typing out responses. It's more of a hindsight thing and something you notice by following discussions you didn't actively participate in.
>> No. 6909 [Edit]
You're not alone in your dislike of "fire and forget" posts. In fact the reason why I'm bumping this thread is because I've noticed recently that there is a particular uptick of short, vacuous posts (esp. on /ot/), and particularly egregious is that these end up bumping old threads.

Now I don't mind having old threads bumped, but bumping a several year old post with a less than 10-word reply is just low effort. This was not so much an issue in years past since the rate of such things was only on the order of once a month, but the recent distinct uptick has essentially flooded the frontpage of /ot/ with these vacuous posts, effecitvely burying any substantive content.

Like you, I won't be so presumptuous so as to suggest there should be a rule added about bumping year old posts with trivial replies, but I'd like to maybe resurface/reopen the thread for discussion to see what others think.

My opinion is that given the slow pace of TC, I think its SNR can be disrupted easily; even just a few extra vacuous posts likely end up dropping the SNR by orders of magnitude (compared to say the marginal SNR decrease of vacuous posts on a more active imageboard like 4chan).

Post edited on 1st Feb 2024, 10:43pm
>> No. 6912 [Edit]
I can only say that I personally agree with the sentiment. But it seems that there is some sort of precedent (>>/ot/36989).
>> No. 6913 [Edit]
Yeah, but it's been a few years since then. Maybe tohno is amendable on this issue, especially since it's been raised on the proper board this time.
>> No. 6944 [Edit]
We need a /fbi/ board. Don't ask me to explain.
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