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4729 No. 4729 [Edit]
Hello. This is a meta thread but rather than being about the site itself it's related to /tc/'s userbase. I hope this is okay. I'd like to note that it's very likely that this will serve no purpose besides satisfying my own curiosity so feel free to ignore me if you feel that responding will be a waste of time.

And the question I wanted to ask you is as follows: how much interest do you have in talking about anime? I'm not asking about your interest in anime itself but how often you feel like talking about things. For example do you ever want to chat about things from your backlog or do you only care about expressing your thoughts on ongoing series? When you watch a series would you like to talk about specific developments, episodes or the show as a whole? Do you ever feel like discussing some aspects of an anime rather than the series itself? OST, characters, art style, you name it. Would you like to discuss animation studios? Directors? Scriptwriters? Ever wish to converse about how anime changed over course of last 50 years? Want to exchange views on how specific events influenced the industry as a whole?

I came up with these questions on the go and they are meant as a guideline first and foremost. I didn't really write them in hopes that somebody will respond to them one by one but if you feel like doing that then be my guest. Aside from topics I'd love to hear a word or two about how often do you crave for some discussion and the like. Basically I'd like you to be as thorough as you can but if you're not in the mood to type more than two sentences then those two will do just fine, too.
So, /tc/, how much interest do you have in talking about anime?
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>> No. 4732 [Edit]
as you can see by our anime board, no one here likes talking about anime in any capacity
>> No. 4733 [Edit]

I don't believe this to be true, if only because I care about both anime and discussions related to the medium. I'm curious how many people feel the same way but don't initiate/participate in any discussions on /an/ for one reason or another. Not to mention they don't need to talk about it on /an/, it's not only possibly but also probably that they are getting their fix elswhere. /an/ being this dead isn't exactly something that started yesterday but 2-3 years ago it was kinda active (by /tc/ standards of course).

You have a bad habit of oversimplyfying things and trying to put the blame on elements that are outside of anybody's control, Tohno.
>> No. 4734 [Edit]
Our userbase is so small there's little hope of many people being watching the same show at the same time if it's not something currently airing. Makes it quite difficult to get something going other than a couple of posts in the "old shows you're watching" thread.
>> No. 4736 [Edit]
this is incorrect.
i like discussing anime, but i just kind of hate the /tc/ endusers so i don't want to discuss anime with them
>> No. 4737 [Edit]
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It's a shame. Not the fact that you feel that way but the fact that you don't do as you preach and you end up shitting up /an/ with your threads on regular basis. If you hate the site that much it would be kinda cool if you could finally leave, we'd all appreciate it.


The point of this thread was to gauge the interest in talking about anime, not explaining why /an/ looks the way it does. I'm genuinely curious whether people don't care period or if they get their fix elsewhere.
>> No. 4738 [Edit]
I don't get my fix anywhere else. I just don't have much to say after watching something.
>> No. 4739 [Edit]
If I feel like it, I'll post in the threads with a picture or with some comment, but lately I've been finding myself just not wanting to post as much or finding that somebody had already posted the a frame of an interesting scene that would make my post redundant and a waste of space.

Aside from that, I don't talk about anime anywhere else and if I don't talk about it here, I sort of just keep it to myself since I don't really go to many websites to talk to people.
>> No. 4740 [Edit]

Which is perfectly fine. If you don't feel like talking about anime it's okay, too. That's precisely what I want to find out, how many people don't have any interest in anime discussions vs how many would like to participate in some. Thanks for the input.
>> No. 4741 [Edit]
I too don't really like talking about anime all that much as I mostly think it speaks for itself. Also I'm more of a visual novel sort of guy but the discussion here is completely dead; I'd definitely talk about visual novels if there were people to talk to here, but I mostly like being on a website with likeminded individuals more than anything.
>> No. 4742 [Edit]
These more or less sum up how I feel about it too. Even if I'm not the most active participant on /an/, though, the board is helpful in finding both new and old anime to consider watching based on the community's discussion on them.
>> No. 4746 [Edit]
I've always been a regular on /an/. I've started lots of threads and I post whenever I think I have something interesting to comment about some current series, either a joke, a praise, a critique or anything, but I most of the times keep it short. I always enjoy others responding and getting a little something going on, but if they don't I'm ok with it too; I'm satisfied enough with having a smooth place to vent my thoughts about the anime I'm watching. If someone enjoys them, ok; if not, well that's life.
>> No. 4923 [Edit]
It's actually funny that OP should mention this topic, since I have thought on more than one occasion that I would like to talk about anime more, and that I might get more out of my internet experience if I made more of an effort to engage in discussions about the things I enjoy, rather than just reading and absorbing information.

However, a major impediment for me is that I tend to feel a little intimidated getting into an anime discussion with anyone on the internet. Part of it is that the user base of anime discussion forums / *chan boards / what have you always seem to be made up of hyperweebs who always seem to be up to date on whatever the latest, hottest thing in anime is, whose current playlists usually consist of stuff that's currently airing in Japan. I am sort of an oddity in otakudom in that I would rather buy a series on DVD than download/stream it, which means that I am usually not even aware of the existence of a series until it has been acquired by an American distribution company, subbed or dubbed into English, and released on DVD. I also have a job and other hobbies besides otaku stuff, and I don't always have that much time to just sit and watch anime. So sometimes I will buy a series (usually a few months to a few years after US release) but not get around to watching it until several months later. I also like a lot of older anime, which is frustrating because it seems like a lot of anime fans have major ADD and can't focus on anything except whatever the biggest thing in anime is RIGHT NOW.

The end result is that I always feel like I am way behind the times anime-wise, and every time I step onto a board it's full of threads on shows I know nothing about. Furthermore, if I try to start a thread that goes like "hey, I just started watching Chobits for the first time, and it's pretty good and blah blah etc..." it always gets flooded by abusive bullshit from super-otaku posting slowpokes and comments like "how the hell have you never seen that show before?" and calling me a normie or a poser or whatever.;dr, those are my thoughts. another wall of text for
to bitch about.
>> No. 4924 [Edit]
may wanna check out this thread. seems right up your ally.
>> No. 4925 [Edit]

Frankly I rarely watch any new anime. The only on-going shows I watch are episodic series like cute girls doing cute things, magical girls doing magical things and idol girls doing idol things. ~80% of the time I spend on anime is used on old stuff ('old' is kinda vague I guess but it means everything made between 70-something and ~2005).

>a lot of anime fans have major ADD and can't focus on anything except whatever the biggest thing in anime is RIGHT NOW.

Kinda unfair to anime fans. It's true for humans period. People talk about new games, new movies, new albums, new books. Not old ones. Of course old ones are discussed to some extent but they can't compete with with stuff that's hip, cool, 'in' - basically with what's new.

>Furthermore, if I try to start a thread that goes like "hey, I just started watching Chobits for the first time, and it's pretty good and blah blah etc..." it always gets flooded by abusive bullshit from super-otaku posting slowpokes and comments like "how the hell have you never seen that show before?" and calling me a normie or a poser or whatever.

That's unfortunate. Can't be helped I guess. It's mostly everybody trying to be a cool anime-expert elitist. The best advice I have is to stop posting on /a/, heh.

If you ignore the 'what's lincensed in the USA' part I'm more or less the same I guess. But I always feel like I miss out on discussions so I thought about making something like to connect best of both of worlds so to speak.
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