No. 6790
>That's your personal opinion, nothing more.
Very funny line. It's also the opinion of this person >>/so/26180 and this person >>/so/26181 I can't link to every instance of it, but I think it's also the opinion of a sizable number of other people here. Of course you like to paint it as just people from wizardchan or "crabs", etc. My way of expressing this opinion is just more direct. Really it's up to tohno to decide which attitude fits tc better. TC is for a specific demographic after all. What is your attitude again? You've been very coy and indirect about it.
>considers objectors to their imaginary rules "fucking brainless cattle"
I wasn't referring to any anon when I made that comment and you seem to have misconstrued it. Yes I do look down on normal people and their mindset, another typical opinion on tc. To quote tohno himself >>/ot/32508
>When this anon went to the irc to ask what we consider to be normalfags, I said that I consider it a state of mind, a way of thinking, not a checklist of accomplishments or lack there of. That to be a normalfag is to mindlessly conform to the standards and way of life of your peers, regardless of who those peers might be. Be it a gang member or a suburban house wife, to follow the herd like some zombie incapable of individuality let alone independent thought is what makes one a normalfag. For these people it's about finding a herd to fit in with, that they might identify with, not to be confused with trying to find people who might think the way you do.
Herd, mindless, incapable of independent thought. Hmm, sounds a lot like "fucking brainless cattle". I've had the same opinions I do now since before I started posting here.
>Judging by the posts you linked you have a problem with no one wanting to interact with you even outside of TC.
Wow, it's almost like tohno-chan is a site for social outcasts or something. Thanks for calling me a loser in a roundabout way. I'm sure your social status is far higher than an unempathetic, toxic person like myself.
Post edited on 28th Nov 2020, 9:01am