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3234 No. 3234 [Edit]
Well I guess I should stick up for myself, but I really think I'm better off this way. I'm just a sucker with no self esteem.

I've made up my mind. I rate Tohno's taste in music 10 out of 10.

Can I get a list of all the quotes, and the sources please? I'm on a mission from God.
>> No. 3235 [Edit]
slogan[0] = ' Take it easy!! '
source: yukkuri

slogan[1] = ' A place to hide from normals and be at peace. '
source: TC's original slogan, used when the site was just a peaceful place to hide from normals shitposting in waifu threads.

slogan[2] = ' Now with more chan in every bite! '
source: knock on cereal ads

slogan[3] = ' Tohno-chan*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・゜(n\'∀\')η゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* !!!!! '

slogan[4] = ' Sugoi ne '
source: none, I think.

slogan[5] = ' Normals will be banned. Survivors will be banned again. '
source: trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.

slogan[6] = ' キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!! '

slogan[7] = ' wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww '
source: niconico vids?

slogan[8] = ' It can\'t be helped '
source: shikata ga nai

slogan[9] = ' TOHNO-CHAN! '
source: none

slogan[10] = ' Not normal! '
source: possibly Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

slogan[11] = ' Have you heard of our legend? '
source: Soul Eater

slogan[12] = ' MySQL Connection Failed '
source: website error

slogan[13] = ' Easy mode? How lame! '
source: kimoi girls キモーイガールズ

slogan[14] = ' Spreading joy and love throughout the galaxy! '
source: some song, I'll have to get back to this one latter.

slogan[15] = ' Beware: man-children at play. '
source: Beware: children at play signs.

slogan[16] = ' nyoro~n '
source: Nyoro-n Churuya-san

slogan[17] = ' NICE BOAT! '
source: school days

slogan[18] = ' Get what you pay for. '
source: none

slogan[19] = ' Rejecting the social norm. '
source: none

slogan[20] = ' True love is only a dimension away. '
source: none

slogan[21] = ' The one, the only, the... not so original. '
source: none

slogan[22] = ' ゜+.(っ\'ヮ\')っ゜+.:Tohno-chan '
source: dunno

slogan[23] = ' Everything\'s gonna be okay. '
source: none

slogan[24] = ' <i> "I\'d rather be alone than unhappy."</i>'
source: It's Not Right But It's Okay - Whitney Houston

slogan[25] = ' The sun never sets on cyberspace. '
source: X-Dream - We Interface

slogan[26] = ' moe moe kyun~ '
source: k-on

slogan[27] = ' This time the disabilities are mental. '
source: This time it's personal (I think)

slogan[28] = ' Dudes, chillax, it\'s all good. '
source: none (put into place when people on TC were getting very argumentative and pissed off)

slogan[29] = ' Welcome to The True Generation of Love! '
source: I'll have to get back to you on this one.

slogan[30] = ' There is no countdown, no warm up. It\'s now or never, here we go!'
source: I'll have to get back to you on this one.

slogan[31] = ' Our scars run deep and plenty, but are not necessarily the physical kind.'
source: none

slogan[32] = ' Stairway to nothing. '
source: Someone said they thought they 'Stairway to nothing.' on the front page.

slogan[33] = ' Equal in life, equal in love. '
source: Equal in love - East clubbers

slogan[34] = ' Harder Better Faster Stronger Alive '
source: Harder Better Faster Stronger - daft punk edit

slogan[35] = ' "What all true warriors strive for" '
source: A line from "Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon", a comically low quality game.

slogan[36] = ' It\'s not like we want you to browse this chan or anything like that, baka, don\'t get the wrong idea! '
source: Generic tsundere stereotypical catchphrase.

slogan[37] = ' <i>I am the bone of my sword.</i>'
source: fate/stay night, Unlimited Blade Works.

slogan[38] = ' <i>Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.</i>'
source: fate/stay night, Unlimited Blade Works.

slogan[39] = ' <i>I have created over a thousand blades.</i>'
source: fate/stay night, Unlimited Blade Works.

slogan[40] = ' <i>Unknown to death.</i>'
source: fate/stay night, Unlimited Blade Works.

slogan[41] = ' <i>Nor known to life.</i>'
source: fate/stay night, Unlimited Blade Works.

slogan[42] = ' <i>Have withstood pain to create many weapons.</i>'
source: fate/stay night, Unlimited Blade Works.

slogan[43] = ' <i>Yet, those hands will never hold anything.</i>'
source: fate/stay night, Unlimited Blade Works.

slogan[44] = ' <i>So as I pray, "Unlimited Blade Works."</i>'
source: fate/stay night, Unlimited Blade Works.

slogan[45] = ' We will sodomize your mind! '
source: none, I think.

slogan[46] = ' We\'re having barbeque tonight! '
source: aqua teen

slogan[47] = ' Welcome To Paradise. '
source: none, I think.

slogan[48] = ' Fear is the mind killer. '
source: DUNE

slogan[49] = ' Brace yourself, we\'re about to blow your mind right out the back of your skull. '
source: Not really sure.

slogan[50] = ' What has been seen here can never be unseen. '
source: Parody of "What has been seen, cannot be unseen." a 4chan catchphrase pertaining shocking images.

slogan[51] = ' Submitted for your approval, here is the story of a small community of outcasts, based in an alternate dimension. '
source: shitty attempt at a twilight zone thing.

slogan[52] = ' Hate your life? Join the club. '
source: none
slogan[53] = ' Yeah, we\'re still here, somehow.'
source: none
slogan[54] = ' PVC: 100% more addictive then crack cocaine and just as costly! '
source: none.

slogan[55] = ' Proud to have just 1 post a day! (Ignore the boards with thousands of posts) '
source: Dumbass's who complain about Tohno-chan having 1 post a day.

slogan[56] = ' Together, nothing can stand in our way. '
source: not sure

slogan[57] = ' It\'s alive! It\'s alive!! It\'s alive!!! '
source: frankenstein's monster

slogan[58] = ' Life without knowledge is death in disguise. '
source: Talib Kweli - K.O.S (Determination)

slogan[59] = ' Can\'t be this cute '
source: Anonymous

slogan[60] = ' Hitori bocchi '
source: Anonymous

slogan[61] = ' Ain\'t Nuthin\' Ta Fuck Wit '
source: Anonymous

slogan[62] = ' I told you, bro. I told you about Tohno-chan. '
source: Anonymous

slogan[63] = ' Here is your clue. Make all the red blue. '
source: Anonymous

slogan[64] = ' It\'s not just a tuba, it\'s a phone! '
source: Anonymous

slogan[65] = ' Misery loves company. '
source: An English proverb, look up its original meaning.

slogan[66] = ' Remember, it\'s down the stream, not across the river. '
source: Perhaps a reference to self-injury.

slogan[67] = ' No, waifus are not a joke, stop asking. '
source: none

slogan[68] = ' She\'s 3D, she just wants your money. '
source: dunno.

slogan[69] = ' What is love? '
source: Haddaway - What Is Love

slogan[70] = ' Even electronic brain pancake crystal elderly '
source: Really crappy Ghost in the shell subtitles. Not sure which group.

slogan[71] = ' Dear god, how did your life get so bad as to bring you here? '
source: None.

slogan[72] = ' We are currently overstocked with tear soaked pillows. '
source: None.

slogan[73] = ' If the power of depression could be used as a weapon, we would have the perfect army. '
source: None.

slogan[74] = ' All adventures start with a single click. '
source: Deviation of "all adventures begin with a single step"

slogan[75] = ' Self hate and depression are now in style! '
source: None

slogan[76] = ' Where the worthless are the most valuable. '
source: None

slogan[77] = ' Warning: choking hazard - not suitable for children below 18 '
source: Knock on child safety labels on toys.

slogan[78] = ' If you\'re happy and like your life... you\'re probably in the wrong place. '
source: None

slogan[79] = ' Suck it dry! '
source: aqua teen - Super Spore

slogan[80] = ' See you, space cowboy. '
source: cowboy bebop

slogan[81] = ' Nobody here but us chickens! '

slogan[82] = ' Tonight we\'re gonna party like it\'s 1949... '
source: some strike witch's thing.

slogan[83] = ' Enjoy The Silence. '
source: Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence

slogan[84] = 'Blah blah blah are you even reading this'
source: maybe a Anonymous? I can't remember.

slogan[85] = 'Names are for friends, so we don\'t need them.'
source: hitman blood money.

slogan[86] = 'Not all 2D lovers are misogynists, many of us also hate men!'
source: None

slogan[87] = 'Is there anything better than moe?'
source: Anonymous, I think.

slogan[88] = 'A still more glorious dawn awaits.'
source: Carl Sagan - 'A Glorious Dawn' ft Stephen Hawking (Symphony of Science)

slogan[89] = 'It\'s a well known fact that life isn\'t fair; good thing we don\'t have lives right?'
source: None

slogan[90] = 'I\'m loving it!'
source: Justin Timberlake - I'm Lovin' It

slogan[91] = 'Finger sucking good.'
Source: tsukihime / Finger licking good.

slogan[92] = 'Good to the very last drop.'
Source: who the fuck knows.

slogan[93] = 'Rice, all day every day.'
Source: None.

slogan[94] = 'Buckle up, we\'re gonna take you on a wild ride!'
Source: None.

slogan[95] = 'Who needs money when we have each other?'
Source: Not sure, but I'm guessing; Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer

slogan[96] = ' Pretty and pure '
Source: precure!

slogan[97] = ' You think YOU got problems? '
Source: None

slogan[98] = ' When I\'ve been masturbating for 20 minutes, I expect a better orgasm. '
source: Anonymous.

slogan[99] = ' Some things should stay broken. '
source: I'll have to get back to you on this one.

slogan[100] = ' It may be lonely up here but I sure like the view! '
source: Anonymous.

slogan[101] = ' That man resents his childhood. '
source: Anonymous.

slogan[102] = ' What\'s at the end of Satan\'s rainbow? '
source: Anonymous.

slogan[103] = ' is like heg got BROAD SIDE SCHOOL FED up the BONE BULGE '
source: Anonymous.

slogan[104] = ' Can it get any worse?'
source: None, I think.

slogan[105] = ' Welcome to the bottom of the barrel.'
source: None.

slogan[106] = ' What did you expect?'
source: None.

slogan[107] = ' Yeah, I\'ve got nothing...'
source: None.

slogan[108] = ' Congratulations, you fail!'
source: None.

slogan[109] = ' What happens here, stays here.'
source: Los vegas.

slogan[110] = ' Nothing to see here, move along.'
source: The police.

slogan[111] = ' It\'s like saying hello in Japan.'

slogan[112] = ' If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.'
source: Back to the future.

slogan[113] = ' were makin this happen.'
source: Anonymous.

slogan[114] = ' Possibly the saddest place on the net, take it how you will.'
source: None.

slogan[115] = ' In soviet Russia, waifu loves you! '
source: Yakov Smirnoff.

Source: k-on

slogan[117] = ' Life is just a long wank where you give up in the middle because you can\'t maintain an erection any more. '
source: Anonymous.

slogan[118] = ' Stop throwing your fucking sword!!'
source: assassin's creed II

slogan[119] = ' Pay attention, I could have murdered you just now.'
source: assassin's creed II

slogan[120] = ' Tet&#12540;Tet&#12540;Teh&#65374;&#12288;NandeDESUKAAA&#65374;&#9836;&#12288;(&#65507;&#8704;&#65507;)&#65417;&#9734; '
source: milky holmes

slogan[121] = ' You spend so much time trying to get from A to Z that you forget there are 24 letters in between. '
source: I'll get back to you on this one.

slogan[122] = ' God is in the TV'
source: Marilyn Manson - Rock is Dead

slogan[123] = ' Perhaps you had better start from the beginning. '
source: dunno.

slogan[124] = ' We keep reaching out, but grab nothing. '
source: Anonymous, I think.

slogan[125] = ' In this world, anything is possible.'
source: Not sure.

slogan[126] = ' Digital or analog?'
source: Dunno.

slogan[127] = ' Take a step out of your mind'
source: I'll get back to you on this.

slogan[128] = ' You will never get anywhere if you won\'t take the first step.'
source: Not sure.

slogan[129] = ' Stop smoking!'
source: family guy

slogan[130] = ' Free yourself from your mind. '
source: I'll get back to you on this.

slogan[131] = ' Presented in 2D, where available.'
source: presented in 3D, where available.

slogan[132] = ' Proud to be wizards! '
source: Anonymous, I think.

slogan[133] = ' I wish I could use THAT'
source: Anonymous.

slogan[134] = ' If it\'s for tohno onii-chan, I\'ll try my best!'
source: A generic saying of "little sister"-type characters.

slogan[135] = ' If things get worse I can always kill myself. '
source: Anonymous.

slogan[136] = ' Sage '
source: Anonymous.

slogan[137] = ' More smiles with Tohno-chan. '
source: Anonymous.

slogan[138] = ' Any time is Tohno-chan time. '
source: Anonymous.

slogan[139] = ' Tohno-chan, the real obsession. '
source: Anonymous.

slogan[140] = ' Start your day right, with Tohno-chan. '
source: Anonymous.

slogan[141] = ' Tohno-chan, the smartest thing on Earth. '
source: Anonymous.

slogan[142] = ' Follow the arrow and you follow tohno-chan.'
source: Anonymous.

slogan[143] = ' Living at the top</br>When you\'re at the fucking bottom.'
source: HORSE The Band - HORSE The Song

source: Anonymous.

slogan[145] = ' Well I guess I should stick up for myself, but I really think it\'s better this way. '
source: Self Esteem - The offspring

slogan[146] = ' Where do we go from here?'
source: None?

slogan[147] = ' Okay, now what? '
source: None?

slogan[148] = ' This is good... isn\'t it? '
source: Anonymous.

slogan[149] = ' \\|/E\'Re E|_17E '
source: 1337

slogan[150] = ' Nothing is over until we decide it is. '
source: Animal House

slogan[151] = ' Don\'t worry. Everything is gonna happy? '
source: The anime "Full Metal Panic!".

slogan[152] = ' When it rains, it pours. '
source: none, sorta (see next)

slogan[153] = ' I hate days like this. '
source: MIKA - Rain

slogan[154] = ' I feel ill now, imagining that 3d guy with vin disel having a ham sandwich. '
source: used to use 'vin disel' as codeword for porn as a child (he was most known for his lead role in XXX). 'having a ham sandwich' would be used as code for masturbating. 'that 3d guy' is in reference to this

slogan[155] = ' Daylight come and me wanna go home. '
source: Harry Belafonte - "Banana Boat Song (Day O)"

slogan[156] = ' Life\'s for living, not for working; yeah, that\'s our philosophy. '
source: (I'm guessing) Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime

slogan[157] = ' The mind is a labyrinth. '
source: Hellraiser II

slogan[158] = ' Lions came over the pyramid and gave us magic mushrooms. '
source: I'll have to get back to you on this.

slogan[159] = ' It doesn\'t matter. '
source: None.

slogan[160] = ' Why can\'t I stop crying? '
source: None.

slogan[161] = ' <i>Moe? Is this MOE?</i> '
source: Anonymous

slogan[162] = ' But in the end, I wouldn\'t want to trade my dream girl for a real one. '
source: Anonymous

slogan[163] = ' Welcome to Tohno-chan. Our main service is living. Or, more appropriately, dying. '
source: Anonymous

slogan[164] = ' Does my mum count? '
source: A possible answer to "Ever kissed a woman?"

slogan[165] = ' Our legend begins in the 12th century. '
source: soul eater

slogan[166] = ' Mind me if I\'m wrong man but I think you\'re paranoid. '
source: Hypetraxx - Paranoid

slogan[167] = ' Now with 100% fewer annoying oversized forum signatures! '
source: crappy forums with stupid enormous signatures

slogan[168] = ' we like corm. '

slogan[169] = ' spin spin sugar '
source: Sneaker Pimps - Spin Spin Sugar

slogan[170] = ' Everyone says hi. '
source: David Bowie - Everyone Says "Hi"

slogan[171] = ' Moe? Is this MOE? '
source: Anonymous

slogan[172] = ' 504 Connect to BLABLABLA.onion:80 failed: SOCKS error: host unreachable '
source: Error message.

slogan[173] = ' Our princess is in another castle. '
source: Parody of "The princess is in another castle" from some Mario game.

slogan[174] = ' I wouldn\'t know. '
source: Anonymous

slogan[175] = ' Swimming in a sea of mental disorders. '
source: Anonymous

slogan[176] = ' (╯°□°)╯︵ uɐɥɔ-ouɥoʇ '
source: Anonymous

slogan[177] = ' They say two wrongs don\'t make a right, so what about everything wrong here? '
source: None

slogan[178] = ' This be where the waifus live, getchu one! '
source: borderlands

slogan[179] = ' I\'m a HUMAN BEING, God damn it! My life has VALUE! '
source: Network

source: Network

slogan[181] = ' It don\'t get much gayer than this. '
source: None.

slogan[182] = ' This is only the start of things to come. '
source: Not sure.

slogan[183] = ' I\'m always forgeting my password, this should be a good place to keep it! name:admin pass:f5l33t247365 '
source: None.

slogan[184] = ' NEET is not a label, it\'s a way of life. '
source: kamisama no memo chou

slogan[185] = ' Travel, without moving. '
source: Dune

slogan[186] = ' The spice extends life. '
source: Dune

slogan[187] = ' The spice expands consciousness '
source: Dune

slogan[188] = ' Fun fact: scientist have recently discovered a direct correlation between the enjoyment of grimdark and homosexuality. '
source: None.

slogan[189] = ' 1-4-O . O-4-1 '
source: Anonymous

slogan[190] = ' Seems I\'m not alone at being alone. '
source: The Police - Message In A Bottle

slogan[191] = ' Fuck you, I won\'t do what you tell me! '
source: Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me - Rage Against The Machine

slogan[192] = ' choo choo with me imagine! '
source: animal tantei kiruminzoo ED2
(couldn't find a video)

slogan[193] = ' Shit! Dick in ya mouth! '
source: Ore-tachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai.

slogan[194] = ' The Revolution Will Not Be Televised '
source: Gil Scott-Heron - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

slogan[195] = ' If you really want to fly, you\'ve got to let go. '
source: Beck - My World Down

slogan[196] = ' We\'re all in Gensokyo waiting, are you coming or what? '
source: touhou

slogan[197] = ' Give me moe or give me death. '
source: Parody of "Give me liberty or give me death!", an American political catchphrase.

slogan[198] = ' Stop the life, I want to get off. '
source: Anonymous

slogan[199] = ' Well, well, ring a gong everybody, cuz it\'s TOOOHNOOO-CHAAAN '
source: Anonymous

slogan[200] = ' Lives in sente. '
source: Anonymous

slogan[201] = ' You are not the worst. '
source: Anonymous

slogan[202] = ' Failure is an illusion. '
source: "My attempt at a tagline."

slogan[203] = ' Kick logic to the curb, let the hate flow through you! '
source: Anonymous

slogan[204] = ' tohno put this line into rotation or else i will feel left out '
source: Anonymous

slogan[205] = ' Darling, this is Harry, this evening I want you to eat my beaned crabs and reform the ninja empire.'
source: OTHERSIDE OF XXXX - M-neko

slogan[206] = ' Dreaming in digital '
source: Digital Insanity - Welcome to our world

slogan[207] = ' Living in realtime '
source: Digital Insanity - Welcome to our world

slogan[208] = ' Thinking in binary '
source: Digital Insanity - Welcome to our world

slogan[209] = ' Talking in IP '
source: Digital Insanity - Welcome to our world

slogan[210] = ' Welcome to our world. '
source: Digital Insanity - Welcome to our world

slogan[211] = ' Upside down after moonlight '
source: Alstroemeria Records - Ancient

slogan[212] = ' Cool and cute '
source: Anonymous

slogan[213] = ' Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. '
source: not sure, think none.

slogan[214] = ' Do you have the courage to be a lazy bum? '
source: Anonymous

slogan[215] = ' My god, it\'s full of stars. '
source: 2001: A Space Odyssey

slogan[216] = ' Something is going to happen, I can feel it.'
source: 2010: The Year We Make Contac

slogan[217] = ' What\'s gonna happen? '
source: 2010: The Year We Make Contac

slogan[218] = ' Something wonderful. '
source: 2010: The Year We Make Contac

slogan[219] = ' Make a little birdhouse in your soul. '
source: They Might be Giants-Birdhouse In Your Soul

slogan[220] = ' That\’s one we are all searching for, to find out who I am, who\’s in there, who wants to come out and say, hey, I\'m hungry. '
source: Analyze This

slogan[221] = ' Why even bother? '
source: None.

slogan[222] = ' Scream for more. '
source: I'll get back to this one.

slogan[223] = ' Listen to your heart. '
source: DHT ft. Edmee - Listen to your heart.

slogan[224] = ' Every day, it\'sa getting closer... '
source: Buddy Holly - Everyday

slogan[225] = ' Triangle man hates person man. '
source: They Might Be Giants - Particle Man

slogan[226] = ' The way it shouldn\'t be. '
source: Anonymous

slogan[227] = ' We\'re watching you. '
source: none

source: A random mental brake down

slogan[230] = ' What\'s in your mind? '
source: not sure

slogan[231] = ' Attention newcomers: by being here and reading this, you will be ostracized by your peers. It is best not to tell them. If you have no peers, welcome and enjoy your stay! You\'ll fit right in! '

slogan[232] = ' You don\'t need eyes to see where we\'re going. '
source: event horizon

slogan[233] = ' Get out of my car, and into my dreams.'
source: Billy Ocean-Get Out Of My Dreams

slogan[234] = ' ...Stop looking at me!!'
source: Another random mental brake down.

slogan[235] = ' Tell me eveything\'s okay.'
source: I'll get back to you on this one.

slogan[236] = ' I lost my mind, can I have yours?'
source: None.

slogan[237] = 'Holy shit, I think someone just posted something!'
source: None.

slogan[238] = 'A not so long time ago in a basement far, far away... from the light of day'
source: star wars

slogan[239] = 'Everybody\'s jumping around.'
source: Sunclub - Jump

slogan[240] = 'GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!'
source: None.

slogan[241] = 'I don\'t give a damn becuase I\'m rocking super jam.'
source: Sunclub - Jump

slogan[242] = 'Around the world.'
source: daft punk - around the world

slogan[243] = 'Having the time of my fucking life right here...'
source: None.

slogan[244] = 'Fuck my life.'
source: None.

slogan[245] = 'You can\'t spell \'Tohno-chan\' without \'oh no\'.'
source: Anonymous

slogan[246] = 'Disappointment is an everyday thing.'
source: Anonymous

slogan[247] = 'Don\'t worry, I still love you.'
source: not sure

slogan[248] = 'never trust a junkie'
source: Ministry - Just One Fix

slogan[249] = 'Here comes four tons of raw techno power!'
source: Dj Balloon - Techno Rocker

slogan[250] = 'Shut up and bleed you mother fucker.'
source: Twisted Metal Black

slogan[251] = 'The help ain\'t short if you\'re digging your own grave'
source: Anonymous

slogan[252] = 'Go out with a bang!'
source: None

slogan[253] = 'Stop it! Just stop already!'
source: None

slogan[254] = 'I\'ll help you dig it'
source: Anonymous

slogan[255] = 'I scream, you scream, we all scream for tohno-chan'
source: I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

slogan[256] = 'Pull up a seat, tie up a noose and hang around for a while.'
source: None.

slogan[257] = 'The people in my head keep telling me to burn things.'
source: None.

slogan[258] = 'Make the voices stop!!!!'
source: None.

slogan[259] = 'If there is a hell, I\'ll see you there!'
source: Nine Inch Nails - Heresy

slogan[260] = 'Oh my god!, what\'s wrong with your face!?'
source: Mr. Plinkett's Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Review

slogan[261] = 'I\'m so sick of life...'
source: None.

slogan[262] = 'They\'re all laughing at me.'
source: None.

slogan[263] = 'They\'re all laughing at you!'
source: None.

slogan[264] = 'I can hear them...'
source: None.

slogan[265] = 'Make the voices stop!'
source: None.

slogan[266] = 'You\'re (never) alone.'
source: cross between eva and 'Never be alone-Justice Vs. Simian '

slogan[267] = 'There\'s nothing wrong with me, I\'m just a asshole.'
source: None.

slogan[268] = 'Don\'t have a cow man!'
source: Simpsons.

slogan[269] = 'I would be so lucky to be a prisoner in my own home, all I have is a small room.'
source: None.

slogan[270] = 'You all think it\'s so fucking funny don\'t you?! DON\'T YOU?!'
source: None.

slogan[271] = 'I would be punching my walls till my fists bleed, if they weren\'t all covered in anime posters.'
source: None.

slogan[272] = 'Maybe once I kill myself, people will take me seriously.'
source: None.

slogan[273] = 'la la la ~'
source: None.

slogan[274] = 'Pain don\'t hurt.'
source: Not sure.

slogan[275] = 'It\'s good for you to meet people like us (not really). '
source: Golden Boy with Miss Kittin - It's Good For You To Meet People Like Us

slogan[276] = 'It\'s just how things are... It\'ll never change, there\'s no hope. '
source: None.

slogan[277] = 'I\'m going mad, but everyone just thinks I\'m mad, and it\'s driving me mad!'
source: None.

slogan[278] = 'Why even bother...'
source: None.

slogan[279] = 'No one cares. '
source: None.

slogan[280] = 'we\'re just waiting to die.'
source: None.

slogan[281] = 'My mind is numb. '
source: Not sure.

slogan[282] = 'They\'re all lies.'
source: None.

slogan[283] = ' <b> WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!</b> '
source: None.

slogan[284] = 'Happy people'
source: Not sure.

slogan[285] = 'YOU DON\'T KNOW WHAT PAIN IS!!'
source: Silence of the lambs.

slogan[286] = 'What are you waiting for?'
source: Gwen Stefani - What You Waiting For?

slogan[287] = 'We\'re all just the voices in your head.'
source: None.

slogan[288] = 'I like your style. '
source: Some slot machine.

slogan[289] = 'zawa... zawa...'
source: Kaiji.

slogan[290] = 'Whoomp! There it is. '
source: Whoomp There It Is - Tag Team

slogan[291] = 'Love don\'t let me walk away.'
source: David Guetta vs. The Egg - Love Don't Let Me Go

slogan[292] = 'Fuck you, it\'s hard thinking of slogans.'
source: None.

slogan[293] = 'Why the fuck are you here?'
source: None.

slogan[294] = 'Music for your eyes. '
source: Area - Music for your eyes

slogan[295] = 'WE ARE DOOMED!'
source: Anonymous, I think.

slogan[296] = 'Heh, nah, I guess I\'m no one.'
source: Anonymous.

slogan[297] = 'Despair! The 3D world has left us in despair!'
source: Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei

slogan[298] = 'What did the real world ever do for you?'
source: None.

slogan[299] = 'I laugh to cover the pain.'
source: None.

slogan[300] = 'Somewhere over the rainbow, There\'s a land that I heard of, Where troubles melt like lemon drops, That\'s where you\'ll find me.'
source: The Wizard Of OZ

slogan[301] = 'Today could be the first day of the rest of your life ...but it won\'t be.'
source: Not sure.

slogan[302] = 'The world doesn\'t just disappear when you close your eyes, does it? '
source: Memorable

slogan[303] = 'I never meant for this.'
source: The Bravery - An Honest Mistake

slogan[304] = 'Don\'t look at me that way.'
source: The Bravery - An Honest Mistake

slogan[305] = 'wake up'
source: Not sure

slogan[306] = '死にたい'
source: 死にたい(I want to die) caption rave

slogan[307] = 'I don\'t know who you are, where you\'re from, or what you want. But if you threaten my freedom...I\'ll ban you.'
source: farscape

slogan[308] = 'Relax, take your time.'
source: dunno

slogan[309] = 'I don\'t know, We never got this far before'
source: stargate

slogan[310] = 'Religion is the root of all evil.'
source: not sure

slogan[311] = 'Life moves pretty fast. If you don\'t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.'
source: Ferris Bueller's Day Off

slogan[312] = 'To feel fully alive, is not the risk of suffering and death indispensable? '
source: Anonymous

slogan[313] = '4 : 1 : 2.5'
source: zettai ryouiki

slogan[314] = 'Don\'t look now, but your cat is dead.'
source: None

slogan[315] = '...Could be worse.'
source: Anonymous

slogan[316] = 'Remeber, no mater where you are, you\'re there.'
source: Not sure.

slogan[317] = 'Becuase who says all imageboards have to be retarded shit holes?.'
source: None.

slogan[318] = 'Even a monkey can copy others, you should do things your own way.'
source: Nitaboh

slogan[319] = 'Hop, step, jump!'
source: Shugo Chara!

slogan[320] = 'Drew, draw, drawn'
source: Shugo Chara!

slogan[321] = 'Chip, syrup, whipped'
source: Shugo Chara!

slogan[322] = 'FUCK YEAH!'
source: None

slogan[323] = 'Where pseudo intellectual anime fans call home! '
source: None

slogan[324] = 'SQL database connection error: Lost connection to MySQL server at \'reading initial communication packet\', system error: 111'
source: None

slogan[325] = 'All I want is a pepsi'
source: Suicidal Tendencies - "Institutionalized"

slogan[326] = 'How can someone inconsistent mess up so consistently?'
source: Anonymous

slogan[327] = 'Do you love the things of this world, or have they caused you pain?'
source: Anonymous

slogan[328] = 'For every dollar you spend on Tohno-Chan, we donate 5¢ to the Save the 2D Foundation'
source: Anonymous

slogan[329] = 'I know what you\'re doing.'
source: None.

slogan[330] = 'Stop that!'
source: None.

slogan[331] = 'My butt is hungry, where are the hotdogs?!'
source: None.

slogan[332] = 'It\'s not gay as long as you tell yourself it\'s not.'
source: None.

slogan[333] = 'we really have no clue how many people here have killed themselves.'
source: None.

slogan[334] = 'Get bent.'
source: The Simpsons.

slogan[335] = 'yeah we know, but at least we\'re not that other site.'
source: None.

slogan[336] = 'welcome to my webzone!'
source: None.

slogan[337] = 'some of us like to take it slow.'
source: None.

slogan[338] = 'Around here, everyday is sunday.'
source: None.

slogan[339] = 'yeah well what did you expect?'
source: None.

slogan[340] = 'See I\'m a 21st century digital boy, I don\'t know how to live but I\'ve got a lot of toys'
source: Bad Religion - 21st Century (Digital Boy)

slogan[341] = 'you do better!'
source: None.

slogan[342] = 'If you don\'t like someone, call them a Ford Driver!'
source: None.

slogan[343] = 'what the hell is this?'
source: No clue.

slogan[344] = 'I have no idea what\'s going on'
source: towely

slogan[345] = 'If you don\'t like someone, call them a Ford Driver!'
source: None.

slogan[346] = 'Leave me alone, I\'m not asking a lot, I just don\'t want to be controlled'
source: The Offspring - All I want

slogan[347] = 'free bird!'
source: Lynyrd Skynyrd-Free bird

slogan[348] = 'No fun allowed!'
source: None.

slogan[349] = 'please help'
source: None.

slogan[350] = 'our existence is pointless is every possible way.'
source: None.

slogan[351] = 'I wanna do a drug that makes my dick shrink My brain melt and my heart beat like a drum, Can I get some, can I get some?'
source: Paul T - Can I Get Some

slogan[352] = 'Infinity in your hands'
source: Infinity In Your Hands- DJ Darkzone

slogan[353] = 'how about instead of waiting for someone to post something, you do it yourself?'
source: None.

slogan[354] = 'please help'
source: None.

slogan[355] = '&#9584;(&#3232;_&#3232;)&#9583;&#9825; &#65328;&#65369;&#65359;&#65358; &#9584;(&#3232;_&#3232;)&#9583;&#9825; &#65328;&#65369;&#65359;&#65358; &#9584;(&#3232;_&#3232;)&#9583;&#9825; '
source: Shugo Chara!

slogan[356] = '&#9584;(&#3232;_&#3232;)&#12541;&#9828; &#65318;&#65365;&#65357;&#65365; &#9584;(&#3232;_&#3232;)&#12541;&#9828; &#65318;&#65365;&#65357;&#65365; &#9584;(&#3232;_&#3232;)&#12541;&#9828; '
source: Shugo Chara!

slogan[357] = '&#9584;(>&#12526;<)&#9583;&#9831; &#65337;&#65349;&#65345;&#65352; &#9584;(>&#12526;<)&#9583;&#9831; &#65337;&#65349;&#65345;&#65352; &#9584;(>&#12526;<)&#9583;&#9831; '
source: Shugo Chara!

slogan[358] = '&#20033;(&#3232;_&#3232;)&#12541;&#9671;&#9671; &#65320;&#65359;&#65367;&#65345; &#20033;(&#3232;_&#3232;)&#12541;&#9671;&#9671; &#65320;&#65359;&#65367;&#65345; &#20033;(&#3232;_&#3232;)&#12541;&#9671;&#9671; '
source: Shugo Chara!

slogan[359] = '&#9581;(&#3248;&#8255;&#3248;)&#9582;&#9497; &#65323;&#65353;&#65362;&#65345; &#9581;(&#3248;&#8255;&#3248;)&#9582;&#9497; &#65323;&#65353;&#65362;&#65345; &#9581;(&#3248;&#8255;&#3248;)&#9582;&#9497; '
source: Shugo Chara!

slogan[360] = '&#9584;(>&#12526;<)&#9583;&#9825; &#65337;&#65349;&#65345;&#65352; &#9584;(>&#12526;<)&#9583;&#9828; &#65337;&#65349;&#65345;&#65352; &#9584;(>&#12526;<)&#9583;&#9831; '
source: Shugo Chara!

slogan[361] = '&#9584;(&#3232;_&#3232;)&#9583;&#9825; &#65335;&#65352;&#65345;&#65364;&#12288;&#9584;(&#3232;_&#3232;)&#9583;&#9828; &#65347;&#65359;&#65356;&#65359;&#65362; &#9584;(&#3232;_&#3232;)&#9583;&#9831;&#12288;&#65353;&#65363; &#9584;(&#3232;_&#3232;)&#9583;&#9671;&#9671;&#12288;&#65369;&#65359;&#65365;&#65362; &#9663;&#9584;(&#3232;_&#3232;)&#9583;&#9663;&#12288;&#65349;&#65351;&#65351;&#65311; &#9662;&#9584;(&#3232;_&#3232;)&#9583;&#9662; '
source: Shugo Chara!

slogan[362] = '&#9584;(>&#12527;<)&#9583;&#9825; &#65337;&#65349;&#65345;&#65352; &#9584;(>&#12527;<)&#9583;&#9828; &#65337;&#65349;&#65345;&#65352; &#9584;(>&#12527;<)&#9583;&#9831; &#65337;&#65349;&#65345;&#65352; &#9584;(>&#12527;<)&#9583;&#9671;&#9671;'
source: Shugo Chara!

slogan[363] = 'Teach Me with Your Anus'
source: Anonymous

slogan[364] = 'it rubs the lotion on its skin'
source: silence of the lambs

slogan[365] = 'insert clever slogan here'
source: none

slogan[366] = 'Find your happy place.'
source: dunno

slogan[367] = 'I don\'t know where our story will end, but I know this is where it all begins.'
source: dunno

slogan[368] = 'Yo DJ! I aint playin son, If I gotta tell your punk ass one more time to bring my beat back, I\'m callin the cops. ...sick of this, motherfucker always gotta be stealing my shit.'
source: none

slogan[369] = 'come get wicked'
source: some sample used in a lot of remixs.

slogan[370] = 'When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful'
source: The Logical Song" from Supertramp.

slogan[371] = 'The curse of the mind is that it never forgets'
source: Fragma - Memory

slogan[372] = 'Alive but not kicking.'
source: Alive and kicking.

slogan[373] = 'Welcome back!'
source: None

slogan[374] = 'It\'s not too late to turn your life around.'
source: not sure.

slogan[375] = 'our staff members are Nazis, and that\'s how people here like it.'
source: none.

slogan[376] = 'slow and steady... but we\'re still losers.'
source: Slow and steady wins the race.

slogan[377] = 'Error 601'
source: the andromeda strain

slogan[378] = 'If there is anything you want, anything at all. Come to me. I will be your guardian angel. '
source: The Swimmer

slogan[379] = 'no one can stop us now cause we are all made of stars'
source: "We are All Made of Stars" from Moby.

slogan[380] = 'SCREW THE PLAN!'
source: Not sure

slogan[381] = 'it\'s the end of the world as we know it and i feel fine'
source: R.E.M. - It's the End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine)

slogan[382] = 'cocaine is a hell of a drug'
source: Rick james

slogan[383] = 'Ain\'t No Sunshine... in our rooms.'
source: Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine

slogan[384] = 'Who Was in My Room Last Night?'
source: Butthole Surfers - Who Was in My Room Last Night

slogan[385] = 'Mother, Tell your children not to walk my way'
source: Mother - Danzig

slogan[386] = 'Be yourself, by yourself, Stay away from me.'
source: Pantera - Walk

slogan[387] = 'Not for sale or rent or auction! <br/>support the industry and delete this imageboard when it gets licensed!'
source: fansubs

slogan[388] = 'The Cat: We\'re all mad here. I\'m mad. You\'re mad. <br/> Alice: How do you know I\'m mad? <br/> The Cat: You must be. Or you wouldn\'t have come here.'
source: Alice in wonderland.

slogan[389] = 'I\'d rather have my hands on the grands of course '
source: Obie Trice - The Setup / REDALiCE - Psychedelic Syndrome 2005 /

slogan[390] = 'Heaven ain\'t close to a place like this'
source: The Killers - Somebody Told Me

slogan[391] = 'The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage'
Panic! at the Disco - The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage

I guess that'll just about do it.

Post edited on 7th Feb 2013, 6:18pm
>> No. 3236 [Edit]
>slogan[319] = 'Hop, step, jump!'
>slogan[320] = 'Drew, draw, drawn'
>slogan[321] = 'Chip, syrup, whipped'

╰(ಠ_ಠ)╯♡ Pyon ╰(ಠ_ಠ)╯♡ Pyon ╰(ಠ_ಠ)╯♡
╰(ಠ_ಠ)ヽ♤ Fumu ╰(ಠ_ಠ)ヽ♤ Fumu ╰(ಠ_ಠ)ヽ♤
╰(>ヮ<)╯♧ Yeah ╰(>ヮ<)╯♧ Yeah ╰(>ヮ<)╯♧
乁(ಠ_ಠ)ヽ◇◇ Howa 乁(ಠ_ಠ)ヽ◇◇ Howa 乁(ಠ_ಠ)ヽ◇◇
╭(ರ‿ರ)╮┙ Kira ╭(ರ‿ರ)╮┙ Kira ╭(ರ‿ರ)╮┙
╰(>ヮ<)╯♡ Yeah ╰(>ヮ<)╯♤ Yeah ╰(>ヮ<)╯♧
╰(ಠ_ಠ)╯♡ What ╰(ಠ_ಠ)╯♤ color ╰(ಠ_ಠ)╯♧ is ╰(ಠ_ಠ)╯◇◇ your ▿╰(ಠ_ಠ)╯▿ egg? ▾╰(ಠ_ಠ)╯▾
╰(>ワ<)╯♡ Yeah ╰(>ワ<)╯♤ Yeah ╰(>ワ<)╯♧ Yeah ╰(>ワ<)╯◇◇
>> No. 3237 [Edit]
>Moe? Is this MOE?
Does it need to be in the list twice?
>> No. 3238 [Edit]
>> No. 3239 [Edit]
Didn't realize it was on there twice.
>> No. 3242 [Edit]
' tohno put this line into rotation or else i will feel left out '

Haha, thanks for putting it in Tohno
>> No. 3302 [Edit]
The source of this is the embedded song.
>> No. 3305 [Edit]
thanks, added that in.
>> No. 3307 [Edit]
268 is from The Simpsons
289 is from Kaiji/FKMT manga in general
297 is from Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei
311 is from Ferris Bueller's Day Off
325 is from Institutionalized by Suicidal Tendencies
340 is from 21st Century (Digital Boy) by Bad Religion
346 is from All I Want by The Offspring
364 is from Silence of the Lambs

I want to say 222 is from 20th Century Schizoid Man by King Crimson, but I doubt it.
I'll try and remember some more. Some of these slogans seem really familiar.
>> No. 3480 [Edit]
[35] A line from "Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon", a comically low quality game.
[50] Parody of "What has been seen, cannot be unseen." a 4chan catchphrase pertaining shocking images.
[58] Perhaps a quote from "Shake it!" from Scooter.
[65] An English proverb, look up its original meaning.
[66] Perhaps a reference to self-injury.
[134] A generic saying of "little sister"-type characters.
[151] The anime "Full Metal Panic!".
[164] A possible answer to "Ever kissed a woman?"
[172] Error message.
[173] Parody of "The princess is in another castle" from some Mario game.
[197] Parody of "Give me liberty or give me death!", an American political catchphrase.
[202] My attempt at a tagline.
[324] Error message.
[370] "The Logical Song" from Supertramp.
[379] "We are All Made of Stars" from Moby.
[385] "Mother" from Danzig.
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