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File 135320309973.jpg - (188.23KB , 680x680 , rachel quite ill.jpg )
3202 No. 3202 [Edit]
After perusing the archives a bit, I was reminded that TC used to allow quite a bit of 3D to be posted.
Here is an example:
I was wondering if you might be willing to go through the archive and either expunge the 3D in accordance with TC sensibilities - or if you wish maintain the archive in a more historically accurate form - to spoiler the 3D with this image or one like it.
Expand all images
>> No. 3203 [Edit]
Looks like Tohno-chan is ready for another step in QUALITY.
Thank you for your contributions, friend. There is nothing I want more to talk with my brohnos than Idols and the latest Cameron Diaz film.
>> No. 3204 [Edit]
A separate spoiler cover image for 3DPD and maybe also gore and other gross stuff might not be such a bad idea....
>> No. 3205 [Edit]
Quit making stupid threads please
>> No. 3206 [Edit]
I agree with OP though, there are so many times that I think it would be good if we had a thread to post our genitals, but there is nowhere too!
PLEASE give me a brake and let me post my penis.
>> No. 3207 [Edit]
Jesus, it's like people posting in this thread only read the first line before deciding to bitch and complain.
>> No. 3208 [Edit]
>> No. 3209 [Edit]
If you pay me 15 dollars an hour I'll gladly purge them for you. Otherwise...
>> No. 3210 [Edit]
An archive is an archive is an archive. Leave it alone and forget about it like it should be. The past is dead.
>> No. 3211 [Edit]
OP pic is pretty disgusting too, though.
>> No. 3212 [Edit]
Old rules used to have pictures of 3D people were forbidden. Dunno why it was changed.
>> No. 3213 [Edit]
mods that came and went didn't like the old rules and made revisions.
>> No. 3215 [Edit]
Here's a better idea why not ban all mentions of 3d from the site, we have too many 3d loving heretics here
>> No. 3230 [Edit]
Guys. Don't try to change history. Ya damned cultural marxists
Focus on the present instead
>> No. 3340 [Edit]
Can we have this rule back please? I use this place so I don't have to watch real people. Now I see pictures of real people all the time.
>> No. 3345 [Edit]

Just wondering though, how do you guys feel about 3D pics used in threads like this or

Should they be spoiled or what?
>> No. 3346 [Edit]
File 135726728693.jpg - (61.48KB , 637x479 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
For the last pic thread, I care not. For the (only one) cinema thread, I think it's ridiculous. Coming to this, better put to vote indeed, or just decide it together with the mods, if we must put spoilers on every single 3D in /tc/, or either forbid them at all (I'd vote no to both, but let some majority or your authority decide).
>> No. 3347 [Edit]
I don't see anything wrong with them in the film thread. Very old thread anyway; I think if anyone cared it would have been removed 2 years ago.
>> No. 3348 [Edit]
I don't think so, no
>> No. 3349 [Edit]
Makes me think of how 4chan boards had shitty topics that permeated the board, so somehow people saw them as part of the board after a few weeks or months.
Does it really matter now anyways? /so/ is filled to the brim with fake stories and ford problems. Just waiting till the day someone posts "my 3D dumped me and I had to dance at the night club alone yesterday "

You can also rename /an/ to shoujo anime central.
>> No. 3350 [Edit]
>/so/ is filled to the brim with fake stories and ford problems
I've been a regular there for over 2 years and I sincerely don't know what are you talking about.

>You can also rename /an/ to shoujo anime central
That is just plain false. And even if it was true, there would be no fault on it. People start and participate on threads of the series they like, that's what the board is about; if you don't like a series, you don't take part on the thread; if you want a thread for another series that you do like, you can always start it. I can't understand on what basis you see this as something going wrong.

Post edited on 4th Jan 2013, 12:07am
>> No. 3351 [Edit]
What is it with you and shoujo anime?
>> No. 3353 [Edit]
File 135728888591.png - (19.71KB , 453x131 , bueno.png )
see what you provoke?
>> No. 3354 [Edit]
shoujo isn't an anime genre.
kind of sucks that this site is run by an /a/-tier neophyte otaku
>> No. 3355 [Edit]
and what exactly is required of me in order to become a true otaku?
>> No. 3356 [Edit]
Where did you read that shoujo was a genre?
>> No. 3359 [Edit]
You have to pay money for me so I can give you the legit TrueOtaku® license and reap all of its benefits
>> No. 3377 [Edit]
It's been two months now, Jerry. When are you going to send me my certification card?
>> No. 3386 [Edit]
Damn it, this is like Daddycool and VIP QUALITY all over again.
>> No. 3390 [Edit]
I'm not Jerry, Jerry is a loser. I guarantee you all I'll send your certification in no time. You'll have to pay again, though.
>> No. 3437 [Edit]
So when is that 3D coming? You can't stop it tohno, we need that hardcore pornography board!
>> No. 3443 [Edit]
OK, I'd really like to know: is posting pics of real people in general going to be forbidden everywhere or not? I ask because I'm getting sick already of your senseless deleting of movies, history, literature or news related images (on /ot/ and /mt/) under the absolutely idiotic complain that they are 3DPD (they're not even women or sexual in nature, ffs).

What about you stop being an asshole.

Post edited on 13th Jan 2013, 5:22pm
>> No. 3444 [Edit]

I mostly go off reports, someone reported the post, and didn't give a reason so I assumed it was related to the image. I apologize if this has bothered you, which it would seem it clearly has. It could have been about the reddit thing, I dunno... I'm not trying to pass the blame though, I guess I just used poor judgment and am sorry for it.
>> No. 3445 [Edit]
OK, thank you. However, I'd expect that mods would take a moment to check the legitimacy of the reports, at least.
>> No. 3446 [Edit]
What mods? almost all of them got sick of this site and quit. there's only one left that still signs on, and it's only a matter of time before he gives up too.
>> No. 3448 [Edit]

You should make the site textboard-only, like VIP is now. That'd make things way easier to moderate and cut down on some of the things that make people mad
>> No. 3449 [Edit]
Really? well that's sad...
And how's your wallet doing with funding the site? (need help on that?)
>> No. 3451 [Edit]
There was a thread discussing this exact issue a while back on /fb/ (cant be bothered to find it). We all concluded that some 3D would be allowed so long as it was within acceptable levels or in good taste. So a funny picture of Hard Gay or a long distance shot of some guy was okay, but a picture of a fat slob or muscle man wasn't. Theres a fine line between 3DPD and just plain 3D.
>> No. 3452 [Edit]
I think it's a rather bold line, in fact
>> No. 3453 [Edit]
We (some of us) do not want to see pictures of people at all. I know that you're new here, but now you know.

Anyway, your shitty post is still there, so stop giving Tohno a hard time.
>> No. 3455 [Edit]

Main reason I started using this site was because we had that rule when I came here first time.
>> No. 3456 [Edit]
It's not like we're overrun with cp spam or something. The only thing that makes the site hard to moderate is the indecisiveness of it's user base along with users who give mods a hard time for doing what other users wanted.

Yes, and as it says on the FAQ tab:
As of 10/3/2012, the hosting costs of the site are paid up for the next two years.
As for the next bill, we're currently at $10.39 of the $224.80 goal (but hey, two years is a long time, so don't worry about it)
>> No. 3459 [Edit]
>I know that you're new here, but now you know.
lol wut

OK. Might help you soon, at least with that, since you keep seemingly running out of help.

Post edited on 14th Jan 2013, 1:47am
>> No. 3460 [Edit]
>lol wut
This says enough.
>> No. 3462 [Edit]
Yeah, keep believing that. It's all you need to feel that you belong.
>> No. 3463 [Edit]

>lol wut

Sorry but you totally blew your cover there. Nothing wrong with being new, though, it's not like users who have been around for years are actually any better, as long as you don't break the rules you should be fine.
>> No. 3464 [Edit]
And the first thing you do is spout a meme? Wow.

You've lost this argument. Now go shove things in your butt to calm yourself down while you scream about how much you dislike me.

I'm sure that you'll eventually come to love me.♥
>> No. 3465 [Edit]
File 135817942917.jpg - (82.22KB , 368x386 , NOT ME.jpg )
I've never broken a rule and that's why I wanted some update on this 3D posting matter, as it seems that things have gotten displeasantly blurry enough.

That was, indeed, the most moronic answer I can recall getting in here since... I don't know, quite a while. You just topped giascle. I honestly don't think such level of senseless rudeness was present until quite recently. However it's the way things are now, I guess. And I might be on to blame as well. Sorry.

Post edited on 14th Jan 2013, 8:18am
>> No. 3466 [Edit]
Please do not insult others' fetishes.
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