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File 133121381698.jpg - (342.31KB , 1740x1109 , b79e16e9eeb5f720ca3b08adcf705f12.jpg )
2090 No. 2090 [Edit]
Post ITT if you can't stop oversuing kakusu. I kakusu ~49/50 posts, maybe more even. The thing is I don't remember using sage as much back on old /tc/ but now I feel like a self-important asshole when I post without using kakusu (sage still makes your posts appear on front page).
>> No. 2091 [Edit]
How's that feedback of any sorts? But yeah, I feel the same way.
>> No. 2092 [Edit]

I kinda feel it belongs here as it's a meta thread of sorts dealing with one of the site's functions.
>> No. 2093 [Edit]
one of the good things about tohno-chan is that you never have to justify your posts to anyone who complains about them because the moderation team deletes a lot of posts. if your post needs to be deleted then thats what is going to happen to it.
>> No. 2094 [Edit]
Is that way all the threads on /ot/ are from like 6 months ago?
>> No. 2122 [Edit]
Sometimes I am tempted to spoiler part or all of my posts as well as kakusu
>> No. 2125 [Edit]
For some reason, it sort of annoys me when I see majority of posts in a thread not using kakusu.
>> No. 3064 [Edit]
yeah dude, pretty much.
>> No. 3068 [Edit]
I usually kakusu one-liners that don't matter much.
>> No. 5836 [Edit]
>> No. 6541 [Edit]
you didn't put it in the password field
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