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File 128964516750.png - (93.77KB , 452x102 , prettychan.png )
104 No. 104 [Edit]
Here's a thread for posting any banners you've made and would like to see used on the site.

All banners already on the site can be seen here:
Expand all images
>> No. 131 [Edit]
File 128979161093.png - (89.20KB , 452x102 , yosuga ban 0000.png )
>> No. 169 [Edit]
File 129050404485.gif - (29.33KB , 452x102 , ShanaAlastor.gif )
Dunno if you can do anything with this.
>> No. 170 [Edit]
File 129050463361.jpg - (39.64KB , 452x102 , aoihana.jpg )
>> No. 171 [Edit]
Thanks, I can work with it.
feel free to post other stuff that might work as banners.
>> No. 172 [Edit]
File 129050539976.jpg - (86.52KB , 452x102 , RFbanner.jpg )
>> No. 174 [Edit]
File 12905073288.jpg - (71.84KB , 452x102 , RAINBOW.jpg )
One more because RAINBOW
>> No. 175 [Edit]
good, broh. we need more Aoi Hana in here.
>> No. 176 [Edit]
File 129066708817.gif - (138.05KB , 800x180 , kon2.gif )
>> No. 177 [Edit]
File 129066711039.gif - (110.09KB , 452x102 , k-on!!.gif )
>> No. 178 [Edit]
Maybe a better idea would be to chop off some of the black space to make the size requirements.
>> No. 179 [Edit]
The "blackspace" was made for the space requirements. You have to account for the height and width.
>> No. 190 [Edit]
File 129133190463.jpg - (57.12KB , 452x102 , Tohno chan banner 2.jpg )
>> No. 191 [Edit]
File 129133933756.jpg - (22.06KB , 452x102 , ban.jpg )
>> No. 192 [Edit]
File 129140427757.jpg - (44.63KB , 452x102 , ban_02.jpg )
>> No. 193 [Edit]
File 129140432931.jpg - (44.72KB , 452x102 , ban_01.jpg )
>> No. 194 [Edit]
Oi, fix her aspect ratio.
>> No. 197 [Edit]
File 129141276824.jpg - (29.83KB , 452x102 , tobo_ban.jpg )
>> No. 198 [Edit]
Oi, fix her aspect ratio.
>> No. 199 [Edit]
File 129142311715.jpg - (349.34KB , 1820x1024 , 1258318364256.jpg )
>> No. 247 [Edit]
Is there a way to actually make decent banners without Photoshop or any other expensive image editing program?
>> No. 248 [Edit]
I normally use (freeware):
>> No. 249 [Edit]
you could also try with photoshop portable (pirated) versions; they're also much smaller, in datasize (less than 100MB). what's your OS?
>> No. 250 [Edit]
Windows 7 Professional x64
>> No. 483 [Edit]
we need a banner based on GLORIOUS BRITANNIA
>> No. 488 [Edit]
File 129513866178.png - (63.90KB , 452x102 , thechan.png )
I was bored for a minute.
>> No. 503 [Edit]

Try GIMP. It's basically a Photoshop clone, but it's entirely free and open source. It's extremely functional and fun to use.
>> No. 504 [Edit]
>implying anyone pays for photoshop.
>> No. 516 [Edit]
Oh thanks, I didn't even know there was a Tenshi banner. I've never actually seen it appear.
>> No. 517 [Edit]
File 129654354512.jpg - (36.70KB , 452x102 , hape.jpg )
decided to make the shittiest banner possible no need to thank me
>> No. 518 [Edit]
This is great.
>> No. 519 [Edit]
File 129655619045.gif - (233.93KB , 452x102 , KHZD.gif )
>> No. 520 [Edit]
Best banner yet. I love it.
>> No. 521 [Edit]
File 129660734891.jpg - (13.13KB , 452x102 , banner.jpg )
>> No. 523 [Edit]
File 129679250240.gif - (2.60MB , 640x262 , khzdd.gif )
fixed animation loop
>> No. 558 [Edit]
File 129825242135.jpg - (96.15KB , 788x670 , anon and me.jpg )
Someone could probably make a good one using this image but I'm not great with editing
>> No. 560 [Edit]
File 129828738027.png - (42.24KB , 452x102 , different.png )
How's this?
>> No. 566 [Edit]
>> No. 575 [Edit]
It looks better with the girl slightly to the right.
>> No. 604 [Edit]
File 129958353050.png - (99.38KB , 510x231 , wwhaaaat.png )
not a banner but could be used as one
>> No. 611 [Edit]
File 130005632888.jpg - (39.61KB , 452x102 , chinas_phallus.jpg )
>> No. 613 [Edit]
File 130005746289.jpg - (46.41KB , 452x102 , remilia_chan.jpg )
In the same style. I don't think either are banner worthy though.
>> No. 790 [Edit]
File 130393721899.jpg - (84.72KB , 301x166 , Sabrina 63.jpg )
Here you go Tohno.
>> No. 791 [Edit]
You don't just give Tohno a banner of your waifu! You gotta earn it!
>> No. 792 [Edit]
Actually he asked me to do it in privet, and I've been meaning to get back to banner making anyway, been way to long since I last made some.
>> No. 795 [Edit]
File 130401906289.png - (45.28KB , 452x102 , banner.png )
>> No. 798 [Edit]
It'd be better in my opinion if it were a gif.
>> No. 799 [Edit]
I think so too, but that's beyond my area of expertise
>> No. 1028 [Edit]
File 130595773017.png - (90.68KB , 452x102 , T_C.png )
Animation is not outside of my extensive imageboard related skillset, however I am not familiar with that show, so don't know what they should be doing. Upload the frames you want animated or give me a link to a video of the scene that is from and maybe I can help complete the quest.
My own banner idea is somewhat controversial and maybe obscure to some of the viewers here, nevertheless, I feel it is a good banner and am will to give a long winded explanation if anyone would like.
>> No. 1037 [Edit]
That doesn't seem very, anime, manga, VN, or otaku life style related.
>> No. 1039 [Edit]
File 130600494493.gif - (1.77MB , 640x360 , 日常.gif )
Here's a gif. This is the thread on /an/ about the show:
>> No. 1040 [Edit]
Nothing to do with the subject at hand but did you know cross-linking is possible here too?
>> No. 1041 [Edit]
You have keenly detected that banner's hidden secret. My reasoning is that the denizens of this internet web site need to be able to reference something seemingly unrelated to Tohno Chan when we meet each other on different parts of the internet so that we can be identified to each other without publicizing TC in places where it shouldn't be mentioned. For this purpose, I feel Thomas Calvin from Magnum P.I. is the perfect ruse, not only because of his initials, but also because he has a really cool helicopter and Hawaii sits halfway between the western world and delicious Japan.
>> No. 1042 [Edit]
I appreciate the time you spent making that banner and writing your story.

Ultimately though, considering a lot of our personalities, a tc meetup would probably not go down too well. And also many of us dislike seeing 3D people.
>> No. 1043 [Edit]

Or it's just a funny coincidence he was pointing out.
>> No. 1044 [Edit]
File 130609799223.gif - (134.72KB , 452x102 , quiz.gif )
This is too cute!
>> No. 1045 [Edit]
Heh, that's not such a bad idea.
Although any real meet up is extremely unlikely, as many of our users rarely leave their homes and have little to no interest in leaving for even work.
So the odds of a random encounter with a member of TC is astronomical.
as for other sites however, not as unlikely, but I can't think of any other sites where we might possibly meet other people from TC.
At first I thought you might have been someone that didn't know anything at all about the site from that banner, but it's a clever idea, all be it not very umm.. practical.
I'll keep it in mind though if I should ever happen to find myself somewhere and wonder if another person there is from TC.
>> No. 1046 [Edit]
>At first I thought you might have been someone that didn't know anything at all about the site from that banner
I still think that.

Post edited on 22nd May 2011, 7:38pm
>> No. 1047 [Edit]
we've had many normals show up a few weeks back, and in case you haven't noticed, we don't like 3D much around here, we have no board for western tv/movies, and never will.
>> No. 1048 [Edit]
The thing is, some people here (including me) dislike seeing real people images, its just an offensive thing.
>> No. 1049 [Edit]
I think it's well more then "some".
I don't even like that 3D rozen maiden banner much.
I think 'offensive' is a very good word for it, it doesn't piss me off to see 3D, it's just very, bothersome, an eyesore if you will.
>> No. 1050 [Edit]
in tohno-chan, you are the normals
>> No. 1071 [Edit]
File 130666133680.jpg - (72.13KB , 452x102 , bloodbath.jpg )

Post edited on 29th May 2011, 2:42am
>> No. 1072 [Edit]
File 130666224234.jpg - (81.25KB , 452x102 , teary.jpg )
>> No. 1084 [Edit]
File 130673143984.gif - (1.54MB , 452x102 , KodomoNoTohno.gif )
>> No. 1085 [Edit]
File 13067316477.gif - (128.58KB , 452x102 , justarms.gif )
>> No. 1086 [Edit]
File 130673183147.gif - (704.87KB , 452x102 , haled.gif )
>> No. 1097 [Edit]
File 130682310081.jpg - (50.21KB , 452x102 , g4banner.jpg )
>> No. 1101 [Edit]
File 130682746113.png - (81.45KB , 452x102 , baritsu.png )
>> No. 1104 [Edit]
File 130682991149.gif - (123.98KB , 452x102 , chandedesukaaaa.gif )
>> No. 1118 [Edit]
File 130690821578.jpg - (35.10KB , 452x102 , nerowa.jpg )
>> No. 1119 [Edit]
File 130691305164.gif - (869.51KB , 452x102 , fallingtobos.gif )
>> No. 1167 [Edit]
I hate myself for posting something like this, but could anyone tell me the source of this banner?

Sadly it was too obscure for iqdb and the likes to figure out.. My first guess was オオカミうお(ookamiuo), but it doesn't look like it's right. The style seems familiar, though..
>> No. 1168 [Edit]
That's fanart of Precure Splash Star.
>> No. 1176 [Edit]
File 130738565140.jpg - (132.67KB , 750x500 , e-034puri_ss.jpg )
>> No. 1177 [Edit]
Thanks, but I have to ask: where the hell did you find it? I searched through boorus and pixiv using the tags provided by >>1168 and what else I could make out of it. Nothing, so my only guess is either deviantart or some independent artist blog.
>> No. 1179 [Edit]
File 130738819371.jpg - (135.53KB , 800x644 , 4b2383140f115e027f9815183f2caa92.jpg )
Yeah I got it off the artist's own site, he does some really nice yuri.

Artist/tag is hijikata_kotoyo
his site:
>> No. 1180 [Edit]
Nice, pixiv independent artists are rare these days.
>> No. 1181 [Edit]
I'm curious, are pics like that considered NSFW even though the only thing that's revealed is her vagina and that's censored?
>> No. 1182 [Edit]
You'd probably get fired if you were caught looking at it at work. So yeah, it's NSFW in that regard, but I don't think anyone on /tc/ is going to care.
>> No. 1183 [Edit]
That's too lewd!
>> No. 1186 [Edit]
Strawberry Panic! haven't watched it in years ;_;
>> No. 1187 [Edit]

You will never be fired for viewing lewd pictures at work ;_;
>> No. 1309 [Edit]
File 130945309489.jpg - (11.50KB , 452x102 , tohnochanbanner4.jpg )

made this in paint, if anyone have the proper shoop skills feel free to edit if you like.
>> No. 1314 [Edit]
No offense but thats not really a great banner..
>> No. 1315 [Edit]
Yeah I don't really get what it means
>> No. 1341 [Edit]
File 13107633524.jpg - (28.53KB , 452x102 , n0uosnsz.jpg )
I felt bad for the OP so I tried to salvage this.
>> No. 1342 [Edit]
File 131076336249.jpg - (28.38KB , 452x102 , n0uosnsz2.jpg )
>> No. 1347 [Edit]
File 131103463695.png - (148.14KB , 555x345 , more like this please.png )
"Ok, let's see what's on Tohn- Ooh Lalá! Bonsoir, monsieur le banner~"
>> No. 1353 [Edit]
File 131137799292.png - (70.38KB , 452x102 , Tohnochanawesome2.png )
I like this banner here.

Also I didn't know Minagi had red eyes. She should get more sleep!
>> No. 1354 [Edit]
red to purple, just as with her hair color going anywhere between brown to black, it varies from artiest to artiest.
Few try to draw her in a official art style.
>> No. 1382 [Edit]
File 131218384822.gif - (373.77KB , 452x102 , zoo.gif )
Is there a way to remove the "Tohno Chan" from this image? I'd love to use it as a signature for another website but I fear bringing unwanted attention to this site.
>> No. 1383 [Edit]
File 131218618490.gif - (357.58KB , 452x102 , tcremoved.gif )
fan of the show?
>> No. 1384 [Edit]

Very much so! Thank you!
>> No. 1452 [Edit]
File 131406593430.gif - (31.09KB , 452x102 , tohnichi.gif )
made this for you <3
>> No. 1453 [Edit]
That's cute
>> No. 1474 [Edit]
I have to admit, tc banners are the sexiest banners around. Would it be possible to have an archive of all banners pre-tc logo?
>> No. 1476 [Edit]
File 131518818855.gif - (527.75KB , 452x102 , べる.gif )
I just finished this. Is it acceptable?
>> No. 1477 [Edit]
What do you mean by "pre-tc logo"?

Do you mean the original unedited images used for the banners?

Post edited on 4th Sep 2011, 8:49pm
>> No. 1478 [Edit]

Aspect ratio is somewhat of an issue, but I guess it's ok.
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