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File 12947891254.jpg - (34.52KB , 294x380 , godzilla2012revealed.jpg )
1330 No. 1330 [Edit]
Here's mine:

>2092-Earth is hit a by a Gamma Ray burst leaving all but 400 million people dead. The only place left unscorched is Antartica and it is here that most the population scrapes by. The people who werent killed by the gamma ray burst but were too close to the blast are usually killed by cancer. One in every 350000 people however becomes a REACTOR a walking chemical laboratory. They have the power to cause chemical reactions by sheer will. Over the next few years, a faction of reactors begins to emerge called QUANTUM which wants to set up a class society with reactors at the top. One man has drifted into semi-history to the point some believe him a myth.A REACTOR of such skill that he can reverse thermodynamics some say. His real name is Louis Griffin ,but he is known across the world as CARBON.He undertakes a desperate war against QUANTUM while trying to revive the ravaged Earth. The battles would include explosions,asassinations,and more. Every fight would feature cutaways to the atomic level showing moe molecules undergoing organic reactions.
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>> No. 1331 [Edit]
>moe molecules
That alone might make it worthwhile.
>> No. 1333 [Edit]
I got a bunch of lame anime/manga ideas I came up with a while ago. There is a serious lack of decent, well written sci-fi series out there these days and I've love to see more get produced. Remember all the classics of the 80s and 90s?
>> No. 1353 [Edit]
Sorry OP, but you just described a slightly-less-ignoring-science version of Needless.

Would still be pretty nice thought. Get Shaft or Madhouse on it, right away.
>> No. 1361 [Edit]
I have a number of stories already made. I won't post them, simply because they suck. So you're shit out of luck OP.
>> No. 1363 [Edit]
A show about cute shotas eating cake and doing other cute things.
>> No. 1364 [Edit]
Sounds like a gay version of ichigo-mashimaro.
>> No. 1365 [Edit]
That is my fetish.jpg
>> No. 1503 [Edit]
A hard sci-fi story set in the near future on Mars, that the protagonists are working to terraform. A moderately optimistic mood. Lots of discussion on philosophical, ethical, economical, technological, political, etc. questions. Nobody's killed.
>> No. 1504 [Edit]
Somehow, a cute loli becomes president of the united states. Hijinks ensue
>> No. 1505 [Edit]
don't they have a vn based on that?
>> No. 1506 [Edit]
They do!?
>> No. 1507 [Edit]
Yeah, isn't it called "My Girlfriend is the President" or something?
>> No. 1508 [Edit]
Cute Soviet Tank Crew made of girls does wacky hijinks during the Eastern Front of WWII, from Stalingrad, to Kursk, to Bagration all the way to the Battle of Berlin. Badically Moeifying WW2. I remember there being a 1950s Polish TV show aired all over the USSR that was lke that only it was all guys and thy did some three-stooges esque shit.

Also, alternate history fantasy-esque universe where air battleships and zeppelins exist with air pirates. A young black guy in 1930s rural Mississippi looks up at the air, reads the news and gets radio dispatches and hears of the stories of air pirates. He also hears of the bustling conditions of northern cities like NYC and Chicago from newspapers and family members. He decides to move north to those cities to see how life is like 'up there' (really a moeified sci-fi esque anime version of my grandfather's life story and the 'great migration' in general...).

I might make the US balkanized, or something else and him go to Atlanta and have the city controlled by blacks etc etc. (I guess Crimson Skies-esque and Baccano and those sci-fi strips of that era with air pirates and shit)

Also, things like say, a hypothetical future with a balkanized world and revolutionary autistic hackers, pedophile insurgents blowing up FBI offices, gangsta weeaboos flying veritec-esque mecha, ex-soviet officers stealing mecha and riding them on th extensive russian backwater railsystem and fighting the central governmment/agigatign for secessionism in Tatarstan and the Caucauses, etc etc.

I also wanted to like do alternate history World War Wars with mecha instead of tanks, flying battleships, etc. I might incorporate that into the earlier story with 1930s missisippi though
>> No. 1510 [Edit]
LESS ignoring science version? I remember NEEDLESS but i didnt wath it (Yet) but I don't know how 'people able to make chemical reactions by sheer will due to gamma ray burst causing mutations' is better. I mean, I can understand if it's psychic abilities being used by those in the know but yeesh.....
>> No. 1871 [Edit]
I believe he meant the showing real reactions part.
>> No. 1880 [Edit]
I'd love to see the science fiction novel series Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds adapted into a show. It's a great series and feels very very dark and the imagery and setting the author has created would be so fucking amazing in an anime. Mass Effect actually kinda stole the guys story for its own video game though they completely altered it.

"The Revelation Space series includes five novels, two novellas, and eight short stories set over a span of several centuries, spanning approximately 2200 to 40 000, although the novels are all set in a 300 year period spanning from 2427 to 2727. In this universe, extraterrestrial sentience exists but is elusive, and interstellar travel is primarily undertaken by a class of vessel called a lighthugger which only approaches the speed of light (faster than light travel is possible, but it is so dangerous that no race uses it). Fermi's paradox is explained as resulting from the activities of an inorganic alien race referred to by its victims as the Inhibitors, which exterminates sentient races if they proceed above a certain level of technology. The trilogy consisting of Revelation Space, Redemption Ark and Absolution Gap deal with humanity coming to the attention of the inhibitors and the resultant war between them."
>> No. 2361 [Edit]
I think this deserves a bump
>> No. 2366 [Edit]
File 129941114465.jpg - (14.38KB , 157x254 , 8.jpg )

I think you deserve some praise for bumping inreresting threads.


>I remember there being a 1950s Polish TV show aired all over the USSR that was lke that only it was all guys and thy did some three-stooges esque shit.

If anyone is interested I'm pretty sure the show he's talking about is Czterej pancerni i pies. It even has it's own wiki page:

Can't really recommend it as it's one of those things that could be hard to understand without some knowledge about Polish history (which is a common problem with our movies in general - some are great but would make little to no sense to foreigners). Even if you do the show is still somewhat hard to recommend as it's just plain silly. It's popularity is a rather complex issue and I'm too lazy to explain something nobody gives a shit about so let's leave it at that. There's one thing that never ceases to amaze me, though: I'm not watching TV anymore so I can't tell how it looks nowadays but until recently (like 3-4 or years ago) there were late night reruns (at like ~2am) of the show.

Damn, I wrote a lot. I'm sorry, I didn't really want to brag about it. To m ake up for it I'll try to think of a nice story and if I'll come up with anythning good I'll post it here.
>> No. 2369 [Edit]
Here's mine, although awhile after coming up with it I think it's more suited to be a Fallout-style video game:

After an environmental disaster on Earth, the human population dwindles and humanity abandons industrial civilization. A Gaea/Earth-based religion becomes widespread and anything labeled as "technology" becomes viewed as sinful, although the exact definition varies by tribe/village. Some are fine with Renaissance technology, some forbid even agriculture and literacy.

The MC is raised in a very backwater town in a snowy, northern region of Europe (named Nordenxi, some relics and remnants have Chinese writing on them, implying Chinese culture replaced American culture as the international dominant culture at some point). His parents are outsiders to the village, literate, and treated poorly; they suffer an unfortunate farming accident that the other villagers blame on their blasphemy and don't seem particularly upset by.

Being taught to read by his parents, Ken is also treated with disdain no matter how hard he tries to appease the villagers, so he develops a deep hatred for the anti-technology attitude and dedicates himself to learning. He leaves the village and heads south, helping the places he meets with their problems (solved scientifically/technologically, that is).

He is fundamentally good and wants to help but he's also very quick to morally condemn people for being resistant to any of his suggestions, and will kill without hesitation if someone attacks him (though he strictly insists on being able to call it self-defense).

He eventually hears that they are trying to rebuild a technological society in Athens, so he heads there. I guess that would be the end, unless I went for an Athens vs. Gaea-barbarians war scenario.
>> No. 2401 [Edit]
File 129965988551.jpg - (52.60KB , 600x411 , 172706.jpg )
Well shit, it's much harder than I thought it'd be. Coming up with just an intersting premise is hard, not to mention coming up with actually decent plot development. None of the stuff I came up with is suitable for anime but a promise is a promise so here goes:

1) Guy has to make X people sign a Faustian bargain (I just realized English doesn't use a much more convenient word - cirograph) to achieve something. Obviously we're talking about an anti-hero type and we want the audience to symphatize with him a little but ultimately condemn him for his actions. To deepen the moral questions let's say he has got a termianlly ill imuoto and he's doing it for her sake. Oh yeah, I just had another idea. Let's say he has to make 5 people sign but after finiding the fourth one he sings it himself. So is he ultimately a good guy or a bad guy?

Obviously it wouldn't work well if he can just somehow trick complete strangers into doing it. The way people actually agree to the deal itself is somewhat problematic, too. Asking them whether they'd be willing to accept eternal damnation just for the sake of an ill person they don't even know wouldn't really work. I think making them sing organ donor cards would be a good way out. It would also prove they're good people (because making bad people suffer wouldn't be really despicable). As to why they can't just get it from a donor bank and why he's running around asking people to donate some organs let's say both his sister and the person in question have got the AB- blood type. So he'll have to get to know them, act friendly towards them and then trick them into signing it.

OR we could make the Devil himself appoint the people he has to convince. Let's say the first person the Devil appoints is actually a bad guy. A raptist, a child molestor, a murderer, you name it. Of course the organ donor thing wouldn't work anymore but let's say just getting their signature would be enough here. I think most people wouldn't really object to the idea of making a bad person the target so at this point it might still look like the protagonist is a good guy at heart. The Devil always appoints people he knows but they don't have to be close to him - a person from his school whose name he doesn't even know, his neighbour whom he hates either way, a clerk from local shop. That would make 4. By now it's pretty obvious that he's not-so-good at all. The fifth would be someone who actually means a lot to him - his best friend for example. Then he decides to sign it himself.

We could also give up on the 'eternal damnation' thing and switch it to something ... well, not as horrible (because even if it was a bad person I wouldn't exactly want them to suffer for that long - just a litle is fine). Let's say everybody who agrees to the deal dies after a week. So, the order could be: a raptist, a terminally ill person (late stage cancer - he's/she's gonna die anyway, right? Is it okay to steal 3 moths from him/her for the sake of his siter? The protagonist could start getting delusional here trying to justify his actions - 'the last month will be terrible for him/her either way, I'm just lessening his/her suffering'), a person from his school he doesn't know and again, someone who's close to him.

Different approach: the Devil appoints two people and he has to pick one. This time there's little to no doubt that the protagonist is a good person (let's give the audience some cheesy flashbacks about how he does charity work or something). First guy remains the same, second is the same, too (as in, a terminally ill person and someone else - he decides to go with the terminally ill person with the same delusional attitude) but the third decision is a though one. Both people seem to be good and he doesn't want to make ether of them die. He actually ponders whether he should quit. Then he discovers something about one of them that didn't catch his attention at first (it should be a relatively minor offense) and since he was looking for this kind of opening he goes with it after giving it a little thought. Again, at this point the audience begins to second guess his actions. The fourth case is even worse, as he doesn't even look for faults anymore. He just picks the old, bitter guy with no relatives, 'because noone will miss him either way'. For the fifth decision he will have to choose between himself and his best friend (or even the ill sister in question). After a week of being close to losing his mind (yeah, I know it doesn't work that way but it looks good in all kinds of media) he decides that he want back off now and that he'll sacrifice himself. Then, at the last moment he changes his decision ('like hell I'm gonna die'). BAD END

Or something like that. A lot of it is highly contradictionary but I came up with it as I wrote. Needs some refining but I think it has some potential.

2) Fictional modern day setting. A state suffers because corrupt politicians do whatever they fucking feel like doing. The poor citizens de from starvation while the privileged don't do anything and live in luxury. One man decides to change it and begins his election campaign. After he finally gets elected he tries to change the system but after some failures he becomes part of ht esystem, afraid to lose his privileges.

3) A doctor who lost his license works for mafia. The stuff he does is not exactly praise worthy (for example he removes organs from perfectly heatlhy people). Then, he falls in love and for the sake of his relationship he decides to cut his ties with the undergroun. But it's not exactly as easy as it seemed to be.

Overall, I'm sure you noticed I'm tired of Gary-Stu protagonists. Goddammit Japan, just adapt Akumetsu already.

Pic somewhat related.
4) A bland guy with no mentionworthy charm points suddenly gets surrounded by a crowd of grils: a tsundere, a kuudere, genki girl, seitokaichou, osanajimi... Also includes maids, aliens, robots, magicians, espers, obligatory hot springs/beach episode... Damn, I think I might really be on to something!
>> No. 2403 [Edit]

>Sounds like the movie The Sixth Sense.

Well I probably shouldn't admit it since it's a well recognized movie but I never saw it. Might watch it now that you've mentioned it, though.
>> No. 2405 [Edit]

Huh, sorry I spoiled you the end then.
It's not exactly like it, but the plot and twist are similar.
>> No. 2406 [Edit]

>Huh, sorry I spoiled you the end then.

Oh, don't worry about it. It's a two-hour long movie so getting spoiled isn't that much of a big deal. Getting spoiled when you've just began watching a long anime/reading a long manga - that hurts. And I'm getting spoiled over and over and over and over again. Of course most of the time it's my fault as I'm reading opinions about series I haven't finished yet but even now that I'm doing my best to avoid any spoilers it still happens. Got spoiled like 3-4 times this year already - at least one of them (Rainbow) was a pretty major deal, too (others - like Madoka, as it was obvious that it's gonna get ugly since Urobuchi Gen is involved - weren't nearly as bad).

Also, I didn't realize it's a Shyamalan movie. I've watched quite a few of his movies so I feel even worse about this. I might actually watch it.
>> No. 2412 [Edit]
Ex artificially born and genetically enhanced soldier tries to fit into daily life. Beginning of the series starts off with the climactic end of the conflict between country X and Y. Protagonist fights for country X which ultimately loses the war. On his last mission, he along with what remains of the genetically enhanced soldiers are grouped together for the first time with regular soldiers and are sent on a suicidal last mission. The intent of the operation is two-fold: first to rid the army of the artificial soldiers, and second, to leave a lasting impact on country Y in hopes of getting fairer bargaining rights. The mission sends them deep into enemy territory around a nuclear missile silo base in an attempt to detonate it and wipe out the neighboring city. Protagonist is a sniper, and since most of his platoon has been wiped out in a previous mission, his spotter is a regular soldier. This soldier acts as a sort of catalyst that eventually opens the protagonist’s eyes for the very first time and finally makes him ask the question of what it means to be human, and if he himself can be qualified to be one. Most participants in the mission get wiped out, aside from the protagonist and the spotter, who eventually say fuck it and desert their position. the spotter gets shot in the leg by a fellow sniper comrade who sees them deserting. He is able to limp away, but the wound eventually gets infected. The protagonist has to watch as his spotter slowly dies. Eventually he is left with the parting wish of the spotter who hands off his personal diary to the Protagonist, in hopes that he can deliver it to his mother.

shit happens and eventually country X's government finds the protagonist through a freak accident. They reward him as a hero, and compensate him by giving him a small apartment in the city along with a small monthly salary. In an effort to re-educate him (few government employees know his real identity, as most everyone related to the artificial soldier project are either in hiding, or unwilling to spill the beans. They assume he was an underage recruit who lost his parents in the war, and due to stress and abuse, he has memory problems), they send him back to school.

Only problem is, aside from knowing how to read and basic arithmetic, our protagonist is not very intellectually advanced. His only other source of information about the world besides the army is stuff he picked up from other soldiers (i.e fabricated bullshit and lies). He lacks many common universal emotions and is very quick to resort to violence to solve problems.

So now we have can have a highschool drama with a post-war feel from the point of view of an ex-soldier in a country who is trying to recover and reconcile its losses. Hunger and poverty become an ever growing issue, and some people are going to extreme lengths to secure basic necessities. Morals take a backseat, corruption on a local and government level rock the country to its very core, and our protagonist watches all this as he tries to adapt to a new alien way of life and answer the age old question of what it means to be human.

Yeah. I never got good grades in English and writing class. *cries*
>> No. 2436 [Edit]
Wait, no, I've got it now:

Cute girls... doing cute things.

How's that sound?
>> No. 2439 [Edit]
I don't think that would work, the audience would feel too alienated.

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