No. 595
Classy. But you know what, if not being "a faggot" means mindlessly ignoring all the problems around us, being a good wage slave consumer who drinks away their petty problems after a 9-5 job when they're not being zombified in front of a tv that helps them do as little free independent thinking as possible, while only occasionally calling the president a dumbass with coworkers around the water cooler, then a "faggot" I'll be. I don't care if you don't like what I said. If I was worried about that I never would have made this thread. In other communities just hinting at not liking the united states is enough to get a person lynched, but that didn't stop me from speaking my mind there and it wont stop me from doing the same here.
Likewise yeah as people have said I'm a loser, I'm a loser by this socialites standards. I've never had a ticket or been to jail, never touched drugs or alcohol, I'm physically fit without so much as an allergy, I have more money in savings than 75% of Americans do with my only debt being a half paid off mortgage. I have a job I don't hate and I avoid steeling, lying, and cheating as best I can. But, I'm a fucking loser! Why is that? Because I don't like the environment I was forced to grow up in? Speaking my mind about it? That I stopped trying to keep offline friends after the ones I had repeatedly robbed and took advantage of me? Because I haven't had sex a dozen random loose women? or I have have no "team" and have no idea who won the last Superbowl? That I don't own the latest phone or drive a car with oversized rims? I don't give a shit about vbloggers, or whatever degenerate skank is the hottest trending """artist""" at the moment? Because I don't go out drinking or blaze up with the bros? Or is it that I like Chinese porn cartoons? If these things make me a loser, than I'll just be both a loser and a faggot in the eyes of people who's opinions mean absolutely nothing to me.
I think the reason you don't see people bring those things up more often is probably because so many are guilty of those things themselves. Which you could say holds true for materialism as well, but in that particular case maybe people are tired of the rat race and constantly trying to keep up with the jones? Where as someone who's an ugly cheating fat ass ect isn't going to complain about people being ugly cheating fat asses. What I mean is, It's easy to hate a part of culture that places demands and expectations on you, where people judge you by what you own. People who can't afford the latest iphone or whatever and are brainwashed into thinking they need it will resent a system that says they need it. Where as people who keep shoving burgers in their face aren't being forced to do so but are choosing to do it, their obesity is on them and like anti materialism they're agent the idea of demands/expectations being placed on them, in this case being fit. Meeting those expectations is hard, people here don't like doing things that are hard, so they instead take no responsibility for the damage they've done to themselves try to normalize obesity among other defacement they've caused themselves and this among other things leads into the anti-beuity movements we're seeing here.