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File 173269275075.jpg - (60.40KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo.jpg )
29760 No. 29760 [Edit]
Do you think it's possible to become so accustomed to being miserable, that things like joy and pleasure become so alien to you it's unbearable, uncomfortable, and practically painful?

Sometimes I find myself being unable to handle it when things go well, like I want something bad to happen just so things can go back to what I'm used to.
It's scary when good things happen, it feels like life is getting my hopes up to set me up for an even bigger fail, like I'm going to have to pay double as compensation. At best, things just won't work out and I'll return to the status quo.
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>> No. 29761 [Edit]
Before longposters arrive – it's a normal reaction. You obsess over your failures so much you unlearn the opposite. Unless somebody or some divine happenstance shows how to handle positive things you're going to suffer.
>> No. 29762 [Edit]
File 173281067246.jpg - (36.42KB , 828x800 , 9b76a5935f558cb2af66dcdd70b68f75.jpg )
Yes I freak out, it feels like I'm unconciously manipulating myself to crash the bike as soon as I manage to speed up without training wheels so I'm afraid of taking them off at all. Too many failures and too little positive feedback do that I guess, that's maybe also the reason why I've become so lazy.
Like I'm not able to perfect a song in a rythm game, because the further I get without a mistake, the more I'll screw up the easiest parts.
>> No. 29764 [Edit]
>Like I'm not able to perfect a song in a rythm game, because the further I get without a mistake, the more I'll screw up the easiest parts.
I know that feeling all too well. If I have some full combo going and I mess up half way in, rather than be annoyed it's almost like a feeling of relief now that there's not this pressure to be perfect. I guess life isn't really that different is it?
>> No. 29769 [Edit]
A lot of happiness is unearned. Like, just picture you're born into a bad situation. Your entire perception of self and the world is going to be fundamentally altered such that your brain is slowly trained to look for and expect the negative. More than that negative emotion becomes baked into your personality such that to be happy is to be met with a strange disconnect from the self.

Maybe it's just age mellowing me out but once I started accepting that my problems are probably just baked in on a neurological level, that there's minimal I can do about them they lost a lot of power over me. Don't get me wrong; it's no get out of jail free card but it became easier to quit caring.
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