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29560 No. 29560 [Edit]
it makes me feel sick to my stomach that one day this site might go down or just slowly dwindle to nothing, and then ill have a gaping hole in my chest because i have some sort of deep emotional attachment to this site even though i barely visit it any more, like a childhood home being knocked down and never being able to visit it again
>> No. 29570 [Edit]
I'm also emotionally attached to this site. It feels like home and I don't know what I would do without it, but perhaps such is life...things come and go. On the other hand, this site has survived for very long already compared to other imageboards, so there is a good chance it will survive for a few years to come (or maybe not, for the same reason). I just wish TC could survive for ever.
>> No. 29572 [Edit]
The only reason image boards die is because their corresponding owners fail to care to pass the admin permissions on, so others can maintain it. Which might be understandable, of course, but still.
>> No. 29573 [Edit]
A common problem is those who want control/power over any given site or community probably shouldn't have it, and those who should have it usually don't want it. TC is no exemption, but that said I guess it'd be better to hand it off to someone who wants it than no one taking it up at all, should things get to that point.

That said, as long as I'm around I'll do my best to keep this place running. We have some great people helping us maintain the place too. (really they do most of the work, I mostly just flip the bills and manage things a bit here and there). Costs are a non-issue, it's really really cheap to host this site. I also don't have much of a life outside of TC. As someone who also likes to call it home I'm not going to sell it to some company who would ruin it, that'd be like shooting myself in the foot. Our only real concerns would be the struggling to keep something this old running in the face of forced updates from the host, and things of that nature.

Post edited on 29th Sep 2024, 2:27pm
>> No. 29574 [Edit]
I sort of fear the way this forum will end is either through attrition of members (less likely) or it will get overrun by low-quality posts or spam (possibly more likely) and have to go into read-only mode.
>> No. 29576 [Edit]
im happy youre the owner, youre like us
>> No. 29577 [Edit]
Yes, the current owner (and the people he mentions) are good men in their dedication. I wish I could be like them. I am completely out of the loop. I just sort of exist. My footprint in life is zero. I understand it's my purpose, but it's a bit too hard to bear so they better not complain. Why do they need me to see life from this angle anyway? FWIW I might as well just have never been born. Well, at least I'm not an illegal slave in some obscure shithole.
>> No. 29624 [Edit]
Funny you say that, I was visiting tohno-chan after an extended break and almost got a heart attack seeing the domain on sale! I cant replicate how this happened but TC is still alive! Thank you Tohno and crew!
>> No. 29625 [Edit]
It happens if you try to access the site like https:// as opposed to http:// . For a while I thought that he site was dead too and only when I mentioned it to someone else did they say that it's still alive and I realized that it was a problem on my side.
>> No. 29632 [Edit]
every cope has an end
>> No. 29634 [Edit]
And exactly one.
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