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No. 29332 [Edit]
if so, did you ever move past that feeling? i know this sounds pathetic but i've been dealing with online stalking and harassment and i genuinely have never felt more mentally confused in my life. when i was younger, things and people made more sense. i felt more confident in my thoughts and my progression in the world.
after the whole stalking incident, i just feel paranoid all the time. i am constantly aware of how mentally unstable i come across to others when i have meltdowns after incidents, i just feel confused all the time. i didn't know people like this existed. i feel lost as to how anyone can function knowing there are people who are completely ruthless with their cruelty. the confusion is the part i don't like. i used to feel confident and safe when i did anything but the paranoia is driving me crazy and the feeling that they're out there, and often i am right, is what makes me feel insane. i need to start using other forms of social media because i no longer trust online security. i feel like im going insane after going through online harassment and i don't know how to deal with anything anymore without breaking down immediately from paranoia or insecurity.
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>> No. 29333 [Edit]
You can hide from them by using capitalization.
>> No. 29334 [Edit]
i don't understand if that's a serious response.
>> No. 29335 [Edit]
is there something i am doing specifically that's leading them to treat me this way?
>> No. 29336 [Edit]
He has a point. If you want to avoid this harassment and online stalking, fixing your typing quirks will make you hard to ID.
>> No. 29337 [Edit]
I didn't notice it till you pointed it out, but now that you mention it it does seem kind of weird to write such a lengthy post and not use any capitalization. Your post is unironically very accurate. Like other anons have said, this really makes the post stand out. Standing out is a sure fire way to draw the attention of bullies, both online and offline. You know what they say, the nail the sticks out gets hammered down. I've always found the best way to avoid issues with people, is to not give them anything to feed off or give them a reason to focus on you.
>> No. 29338 [Edit]
File 171998316059.jpg - (111.20KB , 500x500 , rch.jpg )
To answer your question quite literally, yeah in elementary school. Then came the chuuni phase, then depression at 13, then all types of mental illnesses that led me to being your average neet. In some ways everything loops back around. Also this post reads like someone getting harassed on d*scord, in that case quit using it (duh...)
>> No. 29339 [Edit]
leave me alone. i dont know how else to word this but my mental health is seriously fucking declining whenever you interact with me. please stop interacting with me. you're hurting my feelings and just really fucking with my mental health. just leave me alone.
>> No. 29340 [Edit]
I recommend you take some time off from the Internet.
>> No. 29342 [Edit]
Please leave this board. You’re making people uncomfortable.
>> No. 29343 [Edit]
If we are already on the topic of telling people to go away, then I would like to point out the spamming crossposter.
>> No. 29344 [Edit]
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i am really willing to believe that it's a random anon but they've had a history of dogwhistling about my online activity to indicate the ability to view my online traffic. they've done this thing where they mention phrases and events i've mentioned in text messages and online journals, albeit, more specific than that, and i know it could just be paranoia and im sorry if this is making people uncomfortable.
i just want to know how they would be able to view my online traffic and if they could just stop? i cannot take the paranoia. i use a vpn, i use private browsing, and i know perhaps that's not "enough" opsec but i really am just becoming unstable that they will not leave me alone.
>> No. 29345 [Edit]
and again, maybe this is just paranoia that occurs after online stalking to where you think everyone is dogwhistling, but they've literally hacked into my personal email in the past and i would not be surprised if they were tracking my online traffic somehow. i dont know how to get rid of these people and the likely do these kinds of things to other random people as well
>> No. 29346 [Edit]
What the hell is "dogwhistling"?
>> No. 29348 [Edit]
literally what the fuck is this thread? if you're being stalked I'm not sure how this site can help you
>spamming crossposter
>> No. 29349 [Edit]
that's just using an in-group's language and inside jokes outside of it to signal that you're part of said in-group
>> No. 29350 [Edit]
File 172002745743.png - (490.03KB , 1280x720 , flawless.png )
This thread looks to have become less about the topic and more about the posters.
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