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File 170226931115.jpg - (352.90KB , 1675x2078 , e5556c17a3bf465b8a610d4578801c24.jpg )
28564 No. 28564 [Edit]
For those that aren't so socially gifted, Do you think you could get along with other members of TC if you met them offline? Or do you think you would have the same problems with each other as you do with anyone else you interact with day to day?
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>> No. 28565 [Edit]
I don't think I could. For one TC is small/slow enough that I already recognize some posters by their style (or their discussion of certain topics) and I find I'm annoyed by some of them. I think even if I were to meet someone that had exactly the same interests as I do though, there is a question of what exactly we would do if we met: none of my interests are really conducive to in-person discussion. And putting that aside I am also not good at conversing in person, so that rules that out. I'm also not exactly comfortable interacting in person at all.
>> No. 28566 [Edit]
File 170227339474.gif - (51.03KB , 320x240 , 1702048383598489.gif )
IRL me feels so different from online me. IRL me is awkward even when he talks about things he likes or whatever comes to his mind. Online me feels more authentic. I only feel like myself when I'm behind a screen. I know for a fact we wouldn't get along IRL, even if we do online.
>> No. 28567 [Edit]
I can "get along" with whoever I have to, but I'm very quiet and bad at conversation. I don't think it'd be any better if I were to meet anyone from TC. Some people just prefer to be left alone.
>> No. 28568 [Edit]
File 170229180839.png - (1.80MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Kaijin Kaihatsu-bu no Kuroitsu-san - .png )
Alas, my mutuals would tremble in my awesome presence.
It's a lonely path on which I walk.
>> No. 28569 [Edit]
No. I think I would see them as the same normal people I interact everyday. The internet kinda makes possible the illusion of talking with similar creatures as yourself (only sometimes, not even that often) but that fantasy would disappear IRL. In the end, if normal people finds you disgusting it's very probable the not-so normal people will find you disgusting too.
>> No. 28570 [Edit]
File 17023291156.jpg - (232.33KB , 1920x1080 , [Tsundere] K-On! - 03 [BDRip h264 1920x1080 FLAC][.jpg )
I've always been too weird for normal people and too normal for weird people. I think I'd seem too normal if I were to meet people from here, even though we might be in the same predicament in real life.
>> No. 28633 [Edit]
Probably, but I figure there will be an underlying sense of mental illness keeping me from becoming truly close with someone.
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