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28514 No. 28514 [Edit]
Nobody respects me on a basic human level. Like, I am consistently treated worse than everyone else around me, by everyone else around me.

Like, having a hobby--not even an 'easy target for normalfags' one--belittled within days of someone encountering me.
Or asking about someone's situation, wanting to help them, and getting blown up at.
Or someone literally only talking to me when they want money.
Or going out of my way to be considerate towards others and their space, and being trod on in turn.
This happens consistently and for seemingly no discernable reason other than maybe 'vibes,' but I am not good with social cues and I can think of nothing that would give this off. I do not antagonize people, almost always give the benefit of the doubt, do not express that I hate myself to others, and yet it still persists.

There is really do to change this. 'Standing up for yourself' and 'communicating' only works, paradoxically and ironically, if someone sees you as a person to begin with. If not, 'what are you going to do about it?' Nothing. You have no power. This just leads to me internalizing the enmity and disgust people plainly harbor towards me, which leads to people like my mother getting frustrated with me for 'self-loathing.'

Is anyone else in this situation, or has anyone else been? How do/did you deal with it?
>> No. 28517 [Edit]
>Is anyone else in this situation, or has anyone else been?
Most of my life yeah.
>How do/did you deal with it?
First of all I try to care less and reduce human interaction as much as possible. Second, instead of being "nice" I try to appear as serious and cold as possible. It's better to be perceived as creepy since they're gonna detect something's off anyway. Of course all of this not always works so I plan to keep reducing human interaction to something as closer to 100% to achieve complete peace.
>> No. 28518 [Edit]
Vibes are a powerful thing. A lot of normies judge other people almost exclusively based on vibes. But it's not just normies to be honest. Certain subcultures can be pretty elitist and arrogant too.
I guess the best you can do to minimize your attack surface is hide your power level and copy other people's style.
>> No. 28520 [Edit]
If youre neurodivergent, yes, this is par for the course. The only real hard counter I have found to this becoming invaluable in whatever your field of choice may be and a great deal of self-love and self-compassion. Otherwise enjoy being run out of menial jobs or destitution.
>> No. 28680 [Edit]
John 15:18
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