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28355 No. 28355 [Edit]
It's so weird to think there are people who have circles of friends who they have known for long periods of time, or even gone through life's milestones together. Or even on a less longstanding level, people who are good relationships and who meet up somewhat regularly to do things like eat, drink, and associate with each other.

/so/ might be the wrong place for this, because I don't really feel loneliness that strongly; that part of me froze over a long time ago. My sentiments are more sadness and hate
>> No. 28356 [Edit]
>My sentiments are more sadness and hate
That sounds like loneliness with a different cover of paint.
>> No. 28357 [Edit]
I imagine if I felt lonely I would feel a longing for the company of others (I don't). But what I feel is more along the lines of sadness over community or a lack thereof in a more abstract sense
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