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File 168313108823.jpg - (36.57KB , 500x375 , 106303.jpg )
28183 No. 28183 [Edit]
why this website is so slow, can't you post more? I feel so ronery
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>> No. 28184 [Edit]
There's a reason no one posts more, it's because we try to avoid low quality posts with nothing of substance said.
>> No. 28185 [Edit]
lmao at you thinking there's high quality post RIGHT NOW

You're certainly not helping.
>> No. 28186 [Edit]
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The cool kids post to /lol/.
>> No. 28187 [Edit]
There's plenty of people here, you just won't find many that will make short quick posts (outside of /lol/ ).
>> No. 28214 [Edit]
Slow-moving icebergs of threads discourage active posting.
>> No. 28250 [Edit]
Well, I typed out 3 rather long replies today.
I did not post any of them because in the process of writing I realized they were just whiny blog posts and in reality I had nothing of value to say.
I wonder how many posts meet the same fate every day.
>> No. 28251 [Edit]
There's still 'value' in those. People can see the stories of other people and relate, compare, and contrast to their own lives. Maybe even learn a thing or two.
Besides, I think you're over thinking it
>> No. 28252 [Edit]
I do the same thing with a good chunk of my posts. In part because I find holes in my thoughts while I think about the best way to word them and thus they become totally worthless. Other times, yeah, I just think it's just obnoxious crying over nothing.
It's probably fine though. Isn't that what /so/ is for? Containing these posts? I think it's fine to make imperfect posts.
>> No. 28256 [Edit]
Same, i dislike whining in general be it from me or other individual so sometimes when im reading my post before posting im like "this is just me bitching isnt it?" and proceed to delete it, a lot of posts must meet this fate.
>> No. 28284 [Edit]

Still worth posting those, anon. I often feel the same way when I write a wall of text and don't post it, but when I do it's alright to get some interaction as long as it's pleasant.
>> No. 28620 [Edit]
i'm always really anxious posting to imagebaords. i always feel like i'm being obnoxious or not adding anything of value.
doesn't help that whenever i post to other imageboards, there's like a 50/50 chance of someone getting weirdly passive aggressive or angry for no particular reason.
it makes me feel a bit less ronery that other people in the thread have this same dilemma, though.
>> No. 28622 [Edit]
Every post you make has value, don't tell yourself otherwise.
>> No. 28623 [Edit]
If your post is longer than 8 words, it probably has sufficient value. Liberal use of sage can also help, if you want to reply on a post but don't feel like you have adding anything substantial enough.

(But I guess the implicit flipside of this is that a 4 word response and an unrelated image probably doesn't contribute much, so might be worth thinking twice before posting (unless the thread is explicitly an image-dump thread). Doub;y so if you're also bumping a years-old post.)
>> No. 28640 [Edit]
Chances are that on faster imageboards, your post will mostly be lost in the crowd, and chances are that on slower ones, your post will be appreciated, because it's something new to read.

Consider that before you think twice about not posting.
>> No. 29310 [Edit]
Don't worry, I'm here.. But it won't make any promises, aren't ya?

I'm here at 4 in the morning (UTC time). You know for what I'm here? Ofc yelling to people if you can't yell irl.

Do what you do. I can't understand them, so have a nice day!
>> No. 29311 [Edit]
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I still check in multiple times everyday, even if I rarely post.
Not much point in posting if most of it would be posts I already made and would have continued making over a year ago or even several years ago, and everything else, I'm content keeping to myself. It's not a good life, but at least I have things I can personally enjoy.
I think it's a good way to be for the average user here. Not necessarily happy, but also at peace to an extent. At least things are not getting worse for the time being.
>> No. 29312 [Edit]
Its been slow ever since it was created, people have been complaining about it being slow ever since it was created, it will always be slow
>> No. 29315 [Edit]
Slow doesn't mean bad, just need to relax a bit to get into it.
>> No. 29597 [Edit]
I don't even remember which posts are mine, which is a blessing and a curse. I ctrl-f keywords that I know I've used in posts to see if I replied in a thread or not, but then I think maybe I posted those words in a different thread and I may be mixing them up. So usually I make inane posts or only post in new threads so I can be assured I don't repeat myself. I type out a lot of replies that never get sent because I can't be sure I didn't say it already.
>> No. 29598 [Edit]
Sometimes I mistake others' posts for my own.
>> No. 29614 [Edit]
I do this as well and it scares me when I think I wrote something that I can't remember.
>> No. 29701 [Edit]
Wake up OP, an imageboard, even such as Tohno, can only do so much. It doesn't matter what you do, the roneriness is going to keep torturing you till the end. On the bright side, no wall is formidable if you bang it hard enough, eh? At the very least you'll make yourself a way to the next iteration of existence.
>> No. 29705 [Edit]
Fuck this fucking shit, I'm gonna rant now, I dunno any other way to cope.

You ever watch watamoto? Me no, because... nevermind why, just personal tastes and preferences. But I saw some people I don't quite respect posting pictures of it and you know, once you see it you can't help but remember it. There was a picture or webm or manga page or whatever, but the import was that "gather a bunch of loners and they're still be lonely". The picture (or whatever it was) itself had "romantic" and smug attitude to it which I utterly hated, because this bullshit is nothing nearly as fucking enjoyable as the picture (or whatever it was) tried to convey.

But throwing aside this shit that's meant to appeal to mainstream degeneracy (I'm sorry if I offended you, I only mean half of it; yeah I know exactly what it sounds like), that's simply true. But I am only now beginning to understand why. And that's exactly why no matter how many mentally broken weirdos visit tohno chan, it's never going to stop feeling lonely.

This is stems from the very attitude to life. Even without thinking deeply, if you're solitary, there's one fuck of a reason, alright? It is this broken, dead inside mentality that makes you lonely, not anything else. "Normal" people make themselves company even when there simply are not enough people for company just because of how they are, but people such as us are way too fucking different.

Why? Because emotional pain is highly subjective. Oh, that anon suffers right now? He made a soul wrenching post about how he wants to be heard? Well fuck him, I'm about to hang myself as well. And then, when I suffer, others think exactly the same about me. And there isn't anyone at fault at all, it is just what it's like to be fucking broken. When one is acutely pained, others are just so fucking beaten by depression they can't give a fuck.

How does it end up? You know it so fucking well. Some will resonate and answer with likewise soul wrenching posts, others will throw in some one-liners about "yeah relatable", but there isn't going to be any talk, not anything nearly close to what could ease the solitude and pain. Because nobody has energy left to give a fuck. Everyone is consumed by his own misery and so we just end up wandering aimlessly around each other, some sobbing, some openly crying, some yelling, some screaming, some silently sulking, but we do not have enough mental energy to actually interact in a way that would help out.

It is so fucking sickening, being torn apart alive by your own brain, and running to each place you can bring up from your memory, trying to reach out to at least somebody only to hit the wall. But you know, it's still better in here. At least the brain rotten psychopaths do not frequent here, so you won't have to deal with people purposefully abusing your weakness to get "some fun". It's a wall either way. There just isn't a fucking way out. It is truly a doom.

I wish you knew how fucking sick of it I feel right now
>> No. 29706 [Edit]
File 173024040823.png - (39.43KB , 732x530 , tomoko loner philosophy.png )
I don't know what to say, I guess it is what it is, but I think I have the image you were referring to.
>> No. 29707 [Edit]
>Solitude is a certain condition of a helpless man
The truth behind this simple statement hits right through my skull. I feel so fucking helpless against it. Ma iiya. I'm going numb. It's just a downward spiral. I just have to endure it until I'm finally in hell.

Post edited on 29th Oct 2024, 3:39pm
>> No. 29708 [Edit]
Hm I'm not really sure I understood the gist of the post, but while I think I agree with the overall symptoms the cause seems quite distinct to me

>You ever watch watamoto
[Assuming you mean watatmote] - I thought it was better than Welcome to NHK & Oregairu (which seem to be some trio of "woe is me" shows) in not really glossing over suffering. I'm always annoyed when people comment that it's too "cringy", because that is in fact the sad reality sometimes. But I don't remember too much details about the show itself. It really didn't felt like it romanticized loneliness in any way (something that I explicitly remember Oregairu seemed to do), but it wouldn't surprise me if people co-opted it in this sense anyhow.

>When one is acutely pained, others are just so fucking beaten by depression they can't give a fuck.
>there isn't going to be any talk, not anything nearly close to what could ease the solitude and pain
>do not have enough mental energy to actually interact in a way that would help out.
This is where I disagree. There isn't going to be anything to ease the solitude because it can't be provided. Hypothetically what are you imagining some form of solace could look like: giving internet hugs? That's a pointless gesture at best for people who don't know each other. Forming some form of community? TC effectively already is that community, if people wanted something more "real-time" they'd go to IRC or Discord or something, but it's been commented before that people on TC would probably hate each other if they had to interact with them in a non-anonymous context.

Fundamentally the issue is likely that people here probably just feel disconnected from the world around them: not even that they _want_ to connect but feel excluded, but that they don't envision such connection would offer them anything meaningful. The ideals of wanting emotional warmth and some bond probably still exist of course, but if you think the real-world cannot offer it in the form of capacity you want then you can either compromise on your ideals or reject that reality (and substitute your own, as it were). Maybe some better medium could possibly exist (VR-chat or something?), but at least to me TC feels like some local optimum for now.

Post edited on 29th Oct 2024, 3:58pm
>> No. 29709 [Edit]
>giving internet hugs?
Nope. All I meant is getting a response when you really want to get it. Back in the day when anime wasn't dominated by degenerates yet, when even social media were still decent and usable, I frequented an anime chat and it was the only time in my life ever when I felt like I really could discuss things. You could watch whatever, drop a post and immediately have two or three people on whom you could unload all your feelings and impressions. There were at best 20 people in the chat, but it never felt lonely. Then they all started to normie up and get lives and it ended. I haven't get in touch with any of them for many, many years. I tried once, but none gave a fuck anymore, some disappeared completely, without a trace. But I still cherish the memory because after that my life has turned into an echo chamber where I only seem to be able to talk with the walls in my room.

The anonymous nature of imageboards, where connections are inherently impossible, didn't help at all. There's no way I'm using the social media again, considering what they've become, so I guess those good memories were given to me just as a leverage for the world to torment me.
>> No. 29713 [Edit]
>I meant is getting a response when you really want to get it
How is that different from what TC provides, aside from the immediacy of it? People here take time of their day to draft well-written, detailed replies all the time, something that has become a rarity in the modern web.

>drop a post and immediately have two or three people on whom you could unload all your feelings and impressions
I find it hard to belief that you can have meaningful in-depth conversations in a chat room. The structure simply does not permit it, it can take dozens of minutes to draft and revise a well-thought out post. In fact I've never seen anything meaningful come out of real-life conversations either, since there is no time to reflect upon anything. But maybe some people (extroverts?) can think in this way.

>There were at best 20 people in the chat, but it never felt lonely
This seems like a superficial non-loneliness. Those 20 people really did not know anything about you or care for you in a meaningful way, yet the immediacy provides the illusion of a close-interaction. The fact that they all left without "giving a fuck" is evidence of that.

>The anonymous nature of imageboards, where connections are inherently impossible, didn't help at all
Meaningful persistent connections (in the sense of idealized friendship) are just as impossible on chat groups (e.g. Discord in modern day). The only difference is with anonymous imageboards you strip that facade and are left not with the pretense of connection but a kernel of actual connection – people exchanging ideas with each other, taking time out of their day to reply to posts. Nothing more, nothing less: it is indeed only an ephemeral sense of caring, but that's the only thing that could ever be provided on the internet to strangers. Any medium that promises more only sets up false hope.
>> No. 29714 [Edit]
>I thought it was better than Welcome to NHK & Oregairu
I prefer Welcome to the NHK. I found Watamote's main character genuinely unpleasant and undeserving of happiness. It was also more focused on comedy than anything else. Haven't seen Oregairu, but my impression is that its excessively pandering, while Welcome to the NHK didn't try to make Satou look cool.
>> No. 29715 [Edit]
>undeserving of happiness
I viewed it more as that the unpleasantness and cynicism was a product of the loneliness. But again I watched it quite a while back and don't remember much concrete.

>I prefer Welcome to the NHK
Conversely to me this was more a show focused on agoraphobia and a dumb main character (falling for random scams all the time) rather than one about loneliness and isolation from an inability to connect. I think there's some other thread on TC which explains this view better.
>> No. 29716 [Edit]
You'd probably prefer the novel to the anime, I think. It's drastically different and more narratively cohesive.

As far as Oregairu goes, it's very different from those in that it's a harem romance mainly, although one that happens to have a protagonist who is cynical about social relationships and normalfags.
>> No. 29717 [Edit]
>I watched it quite a while back and don't remember much concrete.
The way I remember Watamote, it was mostly Tomoko embarrassing herself, doing something incredibly petty, or thinking something nasty about people she barely knows. My assessment of her was based on a comparison to myself, who had(has) even less of a social life.

>this was more a show focused on agoraphobia and a dumb main character (falling for random scams all the time) rather than one about loneliness and isolation from an inability to connect
Maybe that's why I like it so much. I'd say Welcome to the NHK explores the disappointments in life and the depressing way things can change, like no other story I know of. The alienation, frustration and dissatisfaction of the main character are things I can easily relate to. Loneliness is in there, but I guess it's tangential to the main focus.
>> No. 29718 [Edit]
Your post is a rant. Mine was a rant as well. We wrote many letters but they all go into null. I find your post to be missing the point so much I barely hold off from exploding with another rant directed at you. And I don't even mean any offense, nor am I offended. It's just how things are.

Your entire post doesn't make sense simply because it targets reason where it isn't applicable. If I could hold onto my reason you'd never hear me rant about anything ever.
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