No. 29705
Fuck this fucking shit, I'm gonna rant now, I dunno any other way to cope.
You ever watch watamoto? Me no, because... nevermind why, just personal tastes and preferences. But I saw some people I don't quite respect posting pictures of it and you know, once you see it you can't help but remember it. There was a picture or webm or manga page or whatever, but the import was that "gather a bunch of loners and they're still be lonely". The picture (or whatever it was) itself had "romantic" and smug attitude to it which I utterly hated, because this bullshit is nothing nearly as fucking enjoyable as the picture (or whatever it was) tried to convey.
But throwing aside this shit that's meant to appeal to mainstream degeneracy (I'm sorry if I offended you, I only mean half of it; yeah I know exactly what it sounds like), that's simply true. But I am only now beginning to understand why. And that's exactly why no matter how many mentally broken weirdos visit tohno chan, it's never going to stop feeling lonely.
This is stems from the very attitude to life. Even without thinking deeply, if you're solitary, there's one fuck of a reason, alright? It is this broken, dead inside mentality that makes you lonely, not anything else. "Normal" people make themselves company even when there simply are not enough people for company just because of how they are, but people such as us are way too fucking different.
Why? Because emotional pain is highly subjective. Oh, that anon suffers right now? He made a soul wrenching post about how he wants to be heard? Well fuck him, I'm about to hang myself as well. And then, when I suffer, others think exactly the same about me. And there isn't anyone at fault at all, it is just what it's like to be fucking broken. When one is acutely pained, others are just so fucking beaten by depression they can't give a fuck.
How does it end up? You know it so fucking well. Some will resonate and answer with likewise soul wrenching posts, others will throw in some one-liners about "yeah relatable", but there isn't going to be any talk, not anything nearly close to what could ease the solitude and pain. Because nobody has energy left to give a fuck. Everyone is consumed by his own misery and so we just end up wandering aimlessly around each other, some sobbing, some openly crying, some yelling, some screaming, some silently sulking, but we do not have enough mental energy to actually interact in a way that would help out.
It is so fucking sickening, being torn apart alive by your own brain, and running to each place you can bring up from your memory, trying to reach out to at least somebody only to hit the wall. But you know, it's still better in here. At least the brain rotten psychopaths do not frequent here, so you won't have to deal with people purposefully abusing your weakness to get "some fun". It's a wall either way. There just isn't a fucking way out. It is truly a doom.
I wish you knew how fucking sick of it I feel right now