No. 28170
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Any form of motor skills and physical exertion beyond walking at a leisurely pace or picking up moderately heavy objects.
Often, I bite my tongue when eating. Slam against furniture (I fainted thrice because of it). Hit door handles instead of grabbing them. Trip over steps and rugs/carpets. Drop items. Unable to grab things properly like picking up a box or execute finer movements such as properly opening up a bottle, undo cardboard containers or rip open plastic containers. Thankfully my writing, albeit irregularly shaped and lacking harmony, is quite legible.
As for walking, although my gait is awkward, I don't have a problem with tripping over myself and can walk on dirt paths and such. I am aware of my limitations and do it at a speed that is comfortable for me. I do have a bit of anxiety when using escalators, stairways, or stepping in or out of trains, buses, and such. I feel like I don't have good control over my body movements and that I can fall at any time. Fortunately, my lack of coordination is due to clumsiness rather than generalized weakness, so I am still able to tightly grasp handrails and move my arms and legs freely to achieve the best body position I can manage.
As for physical exertion, I simply deal very poorly with heat. It makes me feel lightheaded, and consequently, lacking balance. It may even cause shortness of breath under certain circumstances. Usually, reducing my walking speed suffices and it doesn’t warrant the use of a walking cane. This also makes me agitated and unable to think calmly. During summertime I am confined to the indoors, and to entertain myself by reading books all day and doing the other otaku activities. Not that I dislike, but do not appreciate the lack of democracy. This heat intolerance rather lowers my physical exertions limits.
To be fair, because I've never been at all keen on sports and physical activities (as far as I can remember these have always evoked feelings of dreadfulness), and I have a history of general good health, this matter doesn't substantially lower my perceived quality of life. Put simply, I am clumsy at something I don't necessarily care about. However, the threat of bodily injury is quite real, and so these limitations are ever so present in my mind.
Post edited on 25th Apr 2023, 3:43am